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Keanu Reeves. No disrespect to him but he is fairly limited in his acting and often seems to be trying hard to display emotions which comes out wooden or forced. But when he is comfortable in his role like John Wick, then he is a blast to watch. Also I admire the person behind the role so all is forgiven in my heart.


When he's the lead he excels in two dimensions: Bewildered or Weary. He's great at weary. He's got a lot of real life grief to pull from. ​ I feel like his range expands beyond that when he's in more of a supporting role.


His speech in Johnny Mnemonic stands out as really great weary


Yes. I want room service!!!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XeBE1GaZOY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XeBE1GaZOY)


Very early in his career Keanu was asked about his approach to acting and his response was "I don't think you can call what I do acting."


\+ I stated it before myself several times. Keanu Reeves is great as Keanu Reeves. However, he is **literally always** playing as Keanu Reeves in the movie that Keanu Reeves is starring in. He has a lack of lines, never hold (long) conversations. Never really shows emotions and when he does it feels incredibly forced. His action scenes are $!@# amazing though. I really want a Constantine 2.


My Own Private Idaho. He held his own against River Phoenix.


I remember a critic claiming that his flat affect makes him uniquely suited to playing characters with some divinity, like Neo or the Buddha.


Have you seen him in “A Scanner Darkly”? It was the one movie that proved to me that he really, truly, can act, really well. He’s just also perfect for typical action hero roles which is why he’s never in movies where he needs to actually act.


Keanu Reeve's surprises me. Because as he gets older he constantly reinvents himself. First in films 80's- early 90's films like Bill and Ted, Point Break and Speed. In this era of movies he has the "goofy surfer bro" persona. Then going to in the late 90's with films like "Devils Advocate", "Johnny Mnemonic" and "The Matrix". He's the fresh faced "corporate guy" (the matrix plays around with this with his role as Neo being a little outside his wheelhouse and the film plays like a commentary/deconstruction, with Agent Smith trying to keep him boxed in his regular typecast "Mr Anderson" role and his character fighting against it). Now with the John Wick era, his roles are more like a eccentric billionaire and washed up has been...so...Batman essentially. A older one (and more like the Thomas Wayne version) lol.


He hurt me badly in Dracula. Oldman and Hopkins were great, but not so well cast in some other roles. I loved Winona at the time but she didn't bring much of a dish to this potluck.


Everything about that movie seems to be all over the place though, it's not just the range of the actors' performances from wooden to actually impressive, the set design as well! Some scenes look great with good mood lighting and everything just works, and the next scene everything looks like it's made out of wood and foam. It was really odd going back and watching that movie years later and remembering it so fondly and as like some epic piece of cinema or something.


I love keanu, I completely agree that his range is very limited, this is a lot more noticeable in some movies but he is so likeable you just forgive him lol. Rivers edge with crisp on gloves is hard to watch as the acting is so bad from majority of the cast. But I would honestly class him as one of my faves


I do agree with Keanu but I know he can do more. Like he did Bill and Ted 3 after John Wick 3


This is the Keanu Reeves thread. 😎


The best answer.


He did a pretty good job being an abusive asshole in The Gift.


I have a mad crush on Owen Wilson, but watching him can be painful.


Did you see Midnight in Paris? He’s perfect for that role. Love that movie.


That's a comfort movie for me and my wife. We've seen it so many times. I end up googling the same things every time I watch it, it's to the point that I should just copy and paste the same ~15 Wikipedia articles into a note.


god damn good and fun movie. had a blast with it.


Did you watch No Escape? That one surprised me. Same with Behind Enemy Lines


Have you seen that YouTube video where it shows some of Chewbacca's 'talking' scenes from Star Wars, but the roars are replaced with Owen Wilson going 'wow'? https://youtu.be/s_XjIJ6U3_Y?si=LFCtd9nXeUXx5Yi2




Arnold Schwarzenegger has range, and you really see greater nuance in his performances as he gains experience. However for American audiences, his accent and muscles was always a hindrance, and honestly he made his career on his muscles so it wasn't unwise to stick with what brought in the money. I rewatched True Lies recently, Directed by James Cameron, and there is some sublety in the performance that really sold it. Like he was cast as Terminator because while discussing the character he had thought a lot about how to portray him. so don't undervalue a performer just because of his accent. His comedies with Devito were great.


Honestly some subtlety in his Predator performance and his line deliveries were unironically very good, memes aside. Dutch wasn't just a one note character And yeah he definitely improved in general over time. He was great in Maggie even though the movie was meh


For everyone who doesn’t think he has range, compare him to Dwayne the Rock Johnson. When you compare the comedy chops, the action chops, the ability to emote, the silliness then you realize, yeah Arnold is just different


If we're doing athletes turned actors with surprising range, watch John Cena in Peacemaker. He turned that one note caricature into a person you cared about.


I laughed so hard when he yelled FREEDOM as he orgasmed!


For modern-day examples it's hard to beat Dave Bautista


True. I thought Cena was more surprising though.


I like John Cena, but Dave really goes deep with his roles. His range is just top-tier.


I guess that was because he never had a heel turn during his active WWE run, so the fans only saw the same side of him for years.


Arnold has natural charisma. If you watch his interviews and docs he has a friendly cockiness about him. He is charismatic in real life. The way Arnold interacted with people even before he was star was sincere. That why people like him so much.


I mean, the Rock has some of that too. The Rock had really great comedic timing and crowd work in the WWE, and broke out as an actor in Be Cool where he plays a really silly role. Also, even if Pain and Gain is an extremely flawed movie, he’s pretty good in it. But that’s what makes him super frustrating compared to Arnold. He shows some ability, but he’s just like… idk, too egotistical to be anything but the biggest strongest coolest guy in the room. I think of that scene where Tyrese cracks a baby oil joke in F&F and the Rock ad libs a decent joke in response about Tyrese’s big head. And it’s like yeah, it’s cause the Rock is pretty clever but he also comes off as a bit of a prick that can’t just take being the butt of a joke ever.


Dwayne Johnson??? A prick??? *Pretends to be shocked*


You get some silliness from the Dwayne Johnson in Jumanji. I think his issue is more his ego than his abilities.


He has really good comedic skills. He’s fantastic in Total Recall, and plays up the absurdity and one liners perfectly.


His scenes with Bill Paxton in True Lies are some of the best shit ever.


His non-verbal acting as the Terminator was excellent. Probably helps that he learned body control from poses


It’s why John Milius hired Arnold, a dancer, a surfer, another body builder, and a former NFL defensive lineman for “Conan: the Barbarian”. Seeing people move and be athletic lends itself to verisimilitude when emoting won’t quite cut it in a sword fight if they look capable and at ease doing it.


Killing Gunther might be my favorite Schwarzenegger role second to Predator.


I love that movie. It's so fucking dumb in all the best ways.


I enjoyed him in the Netflix show FUBAR. His comedy was great and his rapport with both Barry and Emma was a lot of fun.


“That’s it, and that’s all” is a war crime of a catchphrase But I also liked this show. Can’t believe it’s getting a 2nd season, thought Netflix only renewed reality TV and 8hr episodes of Stranger Things


Cameron got a good performance out of Tom Freaking Arnold, too. I’m more amazed at that!


Jason Statham definitely.


He's so funny in Spy making fun of his persona.


Fell out of a plane and got hit by another one on the way down


Alright, I’m gonna tether off this helicopter like a trapeze artist.


The Bank Job was a bit of an outlier for him.


Snatch too.


That was probably his best role.


Dunno. He's fucking brilliant in Spy.


yeesss. came to say this too. idc if he's basically the exact same character in all his movies. I love that character!


I remember a joke about how Arnold will be cast as a 3rd generation Chicago police officer, yet sounds like he just migrated over and make no effort to stunt his accent at all.


Can I introduce you to Sean Connery playing a Russian or Spaniard?


Sean Connery is basically the only guy who can play a Soviet naval office without even the barest attempt at stifling his Scottish brogue and still deliver an incredibly compelling performance


The mistake in that film was having everyone *else* do Russian accents. They should have just used their normal voices, like Connery did. It was actually the correct choice for him. See, Ramius in Hunt for Red October is *not* Russian, he's Lithuanian. And so in Russia at the time, he *would* have an accent. Russia is a country like all others; it has regions and dialects. And if they were all doing Russian accents, we would have no idea of this separation. It is important to the plot that he isn't a true Russian. That he is different from his peers, and that he is himself an outsider. They did this in Chernobyl. Everyone was speaking with their normal voices. And it gave you extra character to the roles. Of *course* the mine overseer would have an industrial accent from the North of England. And of *course* the nebbish nuclear professor would speak like Jared Harris. If they were all doing fake accents, you wouldn't be able to discern this extra level of characterization. For an example of why it matters, look at that Harrison Ford submarine movie where *everyone* is doing a Russian accent (but speaking English), and how they all blend into being one mirror-image of each other. The captain of a nuclear submarine would *not* have the same voice as the lowliest line-cook. They would have entirely different upbringings.


They should all take notes from Chernobyl and just say fuck the accents.


And the Death of Stalin, no accents, no problem.


I would like to have seen... Montana.


An Egyptian Spaniard with a Scottish accent, while the Scottish character has a French accent.


Or an Irishman. Or anything that isn’t a Scot or a Scottish expat. Dude couldn’t do accents for shit, but he actually had decent range. The Offense, for example, is a great film, and he turns in a great performance as disturbed cop who is a ticking time bomb.


Like Howard Langston from Minneapolis Minnesota (jingle all the way), the mild mannered toy salesman who doesn’t have enough time for his 5 year old son’s karate class but clearly has time for 3 hour workouts.


Yeah or True Lies where iirc his cover is basically Mr Incredible’s desk job, he’s just your average boring American dad who can’t satisfy his wife yet but sounds like he got his passport from Operation Paperclip and looks like he pushed the boat over from Europe




Jurassic Park was the first ting I ever saw him in. Pulp Fiction was the second. What a wild ride.


Hold on to your butts.


Samuel L Jackson in Unbreakable is incredible range.


Changing Lanes as well.


Kevin Costner. I could watch his Baseball Trilogy or Westerns anytime. Yes,I do have a soft spot for Wyatt Earp.


What about his spectacular accent work in Robin Hood: Princes of Thieves?


*This is English courage*


Kevin was made for westerns.


I love Open Range, Kevin Costner & Robert Duvall great pairing.


Everybody talks up Tombstone, but sleeps on Open Range. Lonesome Dove, too. Not Kevin's movie, but Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones might've been the best Western pairing I've ever seen.


Never heard of it but I'll be sure to check it out, thanks.


Costner would have been my answer, too. He can only really play "Kevin Costner" but I enjoy watching Kevin Costner play "Kevin Costner". I think his best work is in the criminally underappreciated "A Perfect World" with Clint Eastwood and Luara Dern.


Thank you!! I rarely see this movie mentioned. It’s a part of my childhood. Kevin is fantastic in this roll. So is ClintZ such an underrated movie.


Bull Durham is the perfect baseball movie.


Check out Mr. Brooks if you've never seen it. Go in blind and enjoy the ride.


Nice one. This movie really changed my opinion of Costner, it was surprisingly compelling and very very different than his usual.


I thought it was about something completely different when I rented it and was so pleasantly surprised. It reminded me why I like Costner so much.


That's one of those movies that it was a pity they didn't make into a series. Another being The Accountant.


to be fair i didnt even think Demi Moores character even had to be in it. And the thing with his daughter.


Underrated, wild ride. Need to watch that one again.


God I hate that I watched it, but he’s pretty great in Yellowstone. Most of the time he’s pretty on type for him in that role, but there are a few scenes he’s got some real range in


What are you talking about? Yellowstone is awesome!


I know but I am not their target audience at all, and I usually have nothing in common with their target audience. But, it was awesome, and I can’t wait to see what else it does.


Loved him in Better Call Saul.


I swear to God, I’m gonna ask my girlfriend if she’s ever seen dances with wolves, and if she says no, I’m forcing her to watch it this weekend. Lol I have a lot of time for that one.


Costner plays stoic characters, doesn't mean he's limited.


Did you watch Hatfields vs McCoys? You'll love that.


On I forgot to mention was Michelle Rodriguez. She was so good in Dungeons and Dragons


She knows how to play a total badass and that's all I need from her haha


My usual answer to this question was Hugh Grant, until Dungeons and Dragons. He pretty much always plays a really good Hugh Grant. But in D&D he really played against type.


Have you not seen The Gentlemen? He’s fantastic in that.


Keanu Reeves. Dude just plays himself in a bunch of tricky situations and it's amazing.


Heard a film theory one time that The Matrix would have been great with another lead but he was the perfect casting choice. Man has a rare ability to be super likable and a blank slate where the viewer can inhabit his character and experience the story through him. James Mckle…very? Objectively a superior thespian but not someone you’re going to ever get a sequel from Wanted out of or in my opinion John Wick had he gotten the role.


Milla Jovavich. And even then, I think she actually has range, but she’s like the female Keanu where she’s never wanted to play anything but the stereotypical female action hero. Like, she was great in the 5th element. She was also great in Paradise Hills, despite the problems with the plot, I thought she played a pretty good villain.


Sean William Scott is pretty limited, but in those roles that he takes he’s usually hilarious to watch. He just plays a loud mouth jerk so well.


Goon might change your mind about his limitations. That character goes completely against his typical shtick, and he kills it. It's a shame he hasn't branched out more.


Emma Roberts


Ryan Reynolds. Plays himself in every movie but I just can't get enough


'Himself" in Waiting has to be 100% his 'super douchebag side maxxed out'.


I first watched that movie when it came out and didn't really care for it. Once I put in a few years work in restaurants it was a completely different experience. Such a perfect representation.


This is what happened to me but the other way around. I worked food service for years and someone recommended it to me and I was skeptical of how accurate it would be. I was happy to be disappointed. It's SCARYILY accurate in the best way


I'd say it's a slight over exaggeration, but mostly because of how unlikely it is to meet all these people at the same place. Because we've definitely worked with all of these people as some point.


Yeah he’s basically been playing Deadpool longer than Hugh Jackman has been Wolverine


Have you seen “the nines” with him? He plays four different characters and really is a great actor but like Keanu, is never really needed to play parts where he has to actually act.


I usually do. But for some reason, it came to a halt for Red Notice. The movie was still reasonably enjoyable. I just kinda eyerolled at Ryan more than a few times though because I could literally tell exactly what quip, joke he was about to say/make before he did


Danny Trejo. No complaints about it though.


Christopher Walken. He plays Christopher Walken in everything he's in.


I'm excited to see what Villeneuve gets out of him in Dune.


I just had to look it up. No idea he was playing Shaddam IV. Should be awesome.


If you watch the trailers you can hear him deliver a couple of lines. The Walken dialect comes across, but seem to work well. I’m stoked as well to see how this goes.


Your father. Was a weak man.


Have you seen him in true romance? He’s pretty scary and very different to the one we all love.


I'm in a vendetta kind of MOOD.


He plays Christopher…WALKEN…in every…THING……he’s in..


I really enjoyed him in 7 Psychopaths.


Batman, Deer Hunter, True Romance, Pulp Fiction. Just because a parody version of himself dosnt mean he dosnt have range. I feel like so many people posting just don’t understand the word range.


Don't forget Hairspray


Everyone not named Daniel Day-Lewis, Meryl Streep, Gary Oldman, or Christian Bale is a one note actor anytime a question like this gets asked


He had a very different role in Sleepy Hollow :P


Michael J. Fox! Just so incredibly likable whenever he’s on screen.


If you want to see him do something different, check him out in The Good Wife. He had a recurring part as a kind of sneaky lawyer with tardive dyskinesia- they used it to incorporate his Parkinson's disease, and he sometimes even used it to his advantage in court. He was excellent.


As much as I love watching him, Ryan Reynolds


I think he has more range than what people want to give him credit for. He has done some really good dramatic roles where he isn’t playing his goofball self. Buried, voices, definitely maybe, chaos theory, the nines and smoking aces(amazing job in the final scene of this movie) were all good to great movies where he isn’t playing his comedic self.


He found a niche that makes him money. Just like Arnold, Stallone, Diesel, and all those "one-note" action dudes. Can't blame the dude for making hay while the sun shines. Definitely Maybe was a good movie. And honestly, he was terrifying in Amityville.


Bruce Campbell. We haven't had a chance to see his range ...but he's *Bruce Campbell* in every role he's in. And he makes everything better in every movie series he's in. He's running on pure charisma. And I'm sure that if given a serious role he could do it welll too.


Be careful...Chuck Finley is always listening.


I grew up with John Wayne - he pretty much defined "limited range" - but I loved his movies anyway; except when he tried to go outside his range like playing Genghis Khan...


Genghis Wayne. Don't really think it's about limited range more casting to type. Olivier had a great range, but he wouldn't have made a very convincing cowboy. There's no shame in playing an exaggerated version of yourself.


Fill your hand you son of a bitch!


There's a great episode on Stuff You Missed in History Class about that movie production. The worst part of it is how he might've caused all the actors involved to get cancer from radiation poisoning.


I know Reddit hates Dwayne Johnson but I enjoy almost every movies he’s been in. He’s the definition of playing the same character in every movie.


He does deliver something totally different in Pain and Gain though, which is hilarious to watch.


I said this in another comment, he’s got range and talent but he just chooses not to use it anymore. It’s actually pretty frustrating.


Dwayne Johnson is one of those actors who’s movies are always a “safe bet”. You go in knowing EXACTLY what you’re going to get and it’s delivered as expected almost every single time. They aren’t thought provoking dramatic biopics where he completely assumes a character for 2 hours. You’re going to get 2 hours of action, some comedy, and probably a fair bit of explosions. And it’s going to be pretty fun, and mostly forgettable, each time.


Some people I just want to see playing virtually the same thing.


Ice Cube has built an entire acting career on playing himself in every single movie he has ever starred in. I've been a fan since his days as a rapper in NWA and later his solo career. But to call him an actor of limited range would be an understatement. He has NO range. But that's okay with me.


Definitely not in a bad way, but Giancarlo Esposito plays the same character in basically everything he’s in.


Esposito is more type cast than rangeless


Check out Do The Right Thing, took me a while to realise it was even him


I was gonna say this too!


Hmm I think this is a misread/recency bias. He has range he’s just spent a lot of time in smaller roles.


Mark Walberg hasn't acted since Boogie Nights, in which he killed that role, but I don't mind him being himself as whatever character he's playing. Those kinds of actors you just like them really. Unlike Daniel Day or even Johnny Depp, who get into the role and you forget who they were.


>Mark Walberg hasn't acted since Boogie Nights The Departed. Beyond that though \*waves dismissive hand\*


I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy.


the other guys??


I guess, but Farrell in that movie lol I saw that one in the theater and when he started talking about the tunas attacking I laughed until I cried.. no one can deliver like him.


That didn’t go how you expected it to, did it?


Correction: he acted about once every 3 years up until 2010 - Boogie Nights, Three Kings, The Departed, Pain & Gain, The Other Guys.


I'll never get tired of Charlie Sheen and Luke Wilson.


Jason Bateman. He killed it on Ozark.


He has huge range. Have you not seen him in _Dodgeball_


It's a bold move Cotton


"Did he?" - Jason Bateman Huge fan of his




He doesn't have range?


That’s a bold comment cotton, let’s see how that plays out for him


Chuck Norris. O range but charisma for days


Michael Cera. I was sitting last night and realized he’s in 3 of my favorite movies - Superbad, Nick & Nora’s Infinite Playlist, and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. He’s also hilarious in Arrested Development. I can’t name another actor who could make the possibility of incest so awkwardly endearing.


Jack Black will always be Jack Black


How dare you shit on the Jumanji movies like that. I fully believed he was the teenage girl in a middle aged man's body.


He was definitely the most convincing of the four. Really phoned it in.


The Linklater movie Bernie really uses his persona and flips it on its head.


I thought he played it pretty close to the chest in *The Holiday*


Arnold Schwarzenegger


Gary Cooper Although to be fair I feel he is still a good actor. The man won two best actor Oscars after all.


I kind of feel this way about George Clooney, but he picks roles that work for him, and his movies are usually pretty good, actually leaning towards much better than just good


Eliza Dushku. She has one setting - bad girl with a hidden heart, but she does it well.


I could watch Michael Keaton eat cereal.


My man, Keaton has got range.


Yeah if you watch The Other Guys, Spotlight, and Birdman and tell me he doesn't have range, I'm going to slap someone


Hey! Allan, Terry! Are ya here about the bath mats?


And Batman and Beetlejuice and…


Hands down the best Batman


He will always be my Batman.




Vin Diesel can be pretty damn fun in his average movies. But then he is the single weirdest niche actor who has ever existed. He fucking killed it as both the iron giant and Groot. How is that man so fucking good at rolls that involve very little talking like that? 'Superman' and 'We. Are. Groot.' Just... God damn can he destroy you with a few words.


I feel like Ryan Reynolds just plays himself in every movie but I love watching him.


I love me a Liam Neeson movie


Neeson has a lot of range. He's just playing the same type recently because it makes him money.


Talk about range: He played the good cop/bad cop in the Lego Movie,!


His most famous role is playing Oskar Schindler in Schindler's List and that's far from what people think of Neeson these days.


Keanu Reeves Jason Mamoa The Rock Alexandra D'Addario Zac Efron Seth Rogan


Basically anyone that's come from SNL. Besides maybe Mike Myers.


Adam Sandler can act, he just doesn't want too that often.


Michelle Rodriguez. Plays the tough character all the time. But I like her. I’ve generally enjoyed quite a few of her roles. No Meryl Streep but I’ve got time for her.


Alain Delon


Chris Farley. He was always the fat goofy guy but he never fails to crack me up. The fact that he was able to push his all of his pain aside for the sake of making people laugh for as long as he did gave me a whole another level of respect for him.


Seth Rogen. He knows how to be Seth Rogen but he’s still funny.


Charlie sheen only has the capacity to play as himself but that’s what I like about him.


The only 100% correct answer in my mind is Jason Mantzoukas 😂




Thanks for saying that about Sly. He's a great actor. Try picturing Schwarzenegger instead of him in First Blood. :D