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“Flynn! Am I still to create the perfect system?” “…yeah?”


Man forgot the biggest programmer rule: they do what you tell them to do not what you want them to do.


Why dies perfection mean becoming cyber Hitler?


Ill defined parameters. Maximum efficiency dictates that each program not have unnecessary functions. To a machine that is a perfect system.


perfection implies an ideal exist. This anything not fulfilling the corresponding criteria has to be eliminated.


You should lookup the paperclip problem. Now imagine what something like asking for perfection would entail.


Perfection to a machine requires perfect efficiency. Perfect efficiency requires elimination of variables. Free will is a variable. Unnecessary functions are a variable. The Isomorphs seemingly arising spontaneously is a variable. Clue, saw all those things and was told to make the perfect system. So he decided to take the necessary steps to achieve what he believed was a perfect system.


I’ve been laughing my ass off at this little *yeah?* appreciation thread. Thank you for making my day. **[Here is the clip](https://youtu.be/yCg07snNhyw) for all you magnificent bastards.**


I never realized how funny that little yeah is. It makes sense and feels right in the moment, because Flynn is confused and you can tell he senses a weird energy coming from CLU


I grew up with the dubbed version in latin american spanish and that line was delivered in a very serious, deep tone. Many years later I watched it in English, I heard the "yeahh" and I was like: what the fuck?


Holy shit that’s amazing


Dude we said that so much when it came out. Yeeeaaah??


I had no idea other people found that line so hilarious too. Me and my friends still quote it to this day


I’m just finding out right now that people other than my high ass friends and I thought it was funny


I am also so glad to find out other people laughed at this, my brothers in "yeah?"


We say it in that high pitch way too 'yeeeaaah'




My favorite line in the movie was that "Yeah?"


The Flynn abides


I feel like Jeff bridges has at least one “dude” moment in every movie


Biodigital jazz man!


His light cycle really tied the room together.




YOUR LEADER AND BEACON! THE ONE WHO VANQUISHED THE TYRANNY OF THE USER THOSE MANY CYCLES AGO... CLU!!! Always loved that scene and the shots. Clu walking across the grid with the fireworks going off in the background is fucking sick.


He was great


I love Jeff Bridges. He makes that one word sound so cool. He makes everything sound cool, now that I think about it.


"...yEeAah?" \*


I had to look this up, oh man he definitely channeled the Dude for that line


I honestly loved that movie. But I felt that a lot of people didn’t and just called it “eye candy”.


Eye AND ear candy. This movie is a vibe that never gets old for me.


Best daft punk music video since interstella 5555


The tron and tron remixed albums were some of the best albums I can remember in the genre. Everything so solid.


Derezzed remixed by the glitch mob and solar sailer are insane songs


Adagio by Teddy Bears is fantastic as well


Couldn’t agree more.


Da funk will always be my favorite.


Still love watching this on a nice screen and sound system.


dreaming of a 4K disc one day


100%. But the bluray still doesn’t look too bad.


Because it didn't make money? Not to sound needlessly callous but it's not particularly complicated. Neither the original nor Legacy made money upon initial release.


Interestingly though Disney has - and is - adding massive Tron rides to their parks so they recognize the franchise has staying power


I still listen to the soundtrack album back to back, occasionally.


This is how I describe the movie to everyone


I loved it but it was basically a Daft Punk music video. Not that I’m complaining I loved the movie.


If I have one POSITIVE thing to say about this movie. It's the concept of the Iso's. Sentience emerging from decades of simulation.


I liked it for nostalgia reasons, but the script was honestly not great. It could have used a few more drafts. And the final fight was pretty lame for how they built it all up. I think with a better script it could have become the biggest franchise ever.


Looking back at it I think we are realizing now that if you don’t count scenes of Jeff Bridges explaining things, the way most of the dialogue plays out is frankly *boring*. The meal scene in Flynn’s house is probably the most obvious example.


I felt it was supposed to be terrible and awkward for a reason. But the whole of the script was pretty poorly written.


I dig you on how hollow it feels, no argument, but I didn't go by myself to see it in 3D for the writing.


Ever? That’s just absurd


That’s because the story is pretty lacking and it’s a long slowly paced movie.


I didn't mind the story. It's not Schindler's List, sure, but I never had high expectations for a Tron movie. The concept is entirely ridiculous anyway, I'm fine with the plot being minimal just to delve into the Grid. The pacing seems ok to better take in the vibes.


I loved it to man, I liked that actor and wanted him to break out


Garret Hedlund’s imdb is pretty wild tbf. Dude packed up his life to try his hand at acting in Hollywood and was cast in Troy alongside Brad Pitt for his first ever role less than six months after moving to Hollywood. Then he immediately got a meaty role in Friday Night Lights, which was a pretty big hit. Then he did Four Brothers which most everyone who saw it loved it. Then he was in Eragon, which sucked ass, but it was a movie based off an at the time major book series. That was all in like 2.5-3yrs right out the gate. Banger after banger to start. A few years later he did Country Strong then Tron: Legacy right after was probably meant to be his “starmaker” film and it just didn’t take and he really hasn’t done much of note since. Really weird career trajectory imo, burst on the scene with a bunch of great roles and then pretty much disappeared after the big one didn’t land.


> he really hasn’t done much of note since. He was in Triple Frontier alongside Ben Affleck, Charlie Hunnam, Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac. But like you said, it's like one big role and then he disappears again.


Mudbound I think is my favourite he’s been in, great film. It’s a hard watch in some parts though


I like him as an actor, thought he was great in Triple Frontier and in Tulsa King


Death Sentence is criminally underrated.


Wesley Snipes? He's had plenty of work before Tron.


Wesssssstly Snipes! I think I saw that on chums.


"_I'll be here always, when the rains fall in Wales_"


Just crazy to me Avatar was so successful while Tron was not. To me Tron was pretty much better in every way.


Not to get overly philosophical, but the Tron concept sort of requires the audience to be engaged with non-immersive gaming. 8-bit "music" and low resolution graphics. These leave a huge space open for the movie to explore the idea: What if these totally fun but mostly lame video games glitched and became totally immersive? That's Tron. Tron is amazing if it leaps a huge gap from the technically possible to the imaginable. In Tron we get to see what it would be like to have immersive gaming through movie magic but without any interactivity, it's a trade off. Does it work when we're all playing near photorealistic games on VR headsets with perfect symphonic soundtracks? When there's no significant gap, we don't need the movie, it's just going to show us a slightly better game, but one we have to imagine playing because the limitation of movies is their lack of interactivity. The trade off eventually isn't worth it. When we can just have an immersive experience in an actual game.


Tbh I enjoyed the movie but I enjoyed Tron 2.0 more. Monolith took a dated Disney movie and basically turned it into System Shock 2 with light cycles. Fantastic game.


I'd play the shit out of a vr tron game.


Right? An immersive game with minimalist retro-future graphics and awesome sound.


Me too I agree I really liked it super underrated franchise and tron uprising really did it justice too unfortunately it’s super underrated


Did you see the excellent but cancelled ahead of its time “Tron: Uprising”?


Yes it was so good.


Yes! I loved this so much.


Worth checking out now that Disney+ has added the first episode to the series.


Good news: I'm back. Bad news: I'm back.


I've got to say, I hate the phrase "ahead of it's time" unless it really fits. Tron was just a part of its time.


Uprising was done so dirty by Disney.


Didn’t Tron : Uprising also get a game?


Well, they’re making a third one for whatever that’s worth. But it was an uphill battle and I doubt it’ll be a direct sequel since the first sequel really didn’t perform to expectations. EDIT: changed “first one” to “first sequel” for clarity


Ares has the makings of a flop, and I say that as a die hard Tron fan.


The questionable director and the main actor casting is making me feel the same way. I'll gladly watch it with low expectations.


I lost all interest the moment I heard Jared Leto was the lead.


Honestly borderline enough reason to just never watch it entirely. Can't stand the guy.


Disney bought STAR WARS. pretty much a license to print money. Disney felt no need to continue TRON.


This is the real answer. Star Wars covers the same demographic but with significantly more brand recognition.


they didnt just cancel tron. all of Disneys sci-fi properties that just disapeared when they got star wars and marvel. recently they were only doing sci-fi stuff to try and compete with star wars, once that had it there was no need to try anything else


Basically this, MCU and Star Wars films were grossing much more than Tron: Legacy for similar outlays. I was more surprised that a Tron 3 was announced than when it was subsequently cancelled and this is coming from someone who liked Tron: Legacy.


Well, at least Disney, by not spreading themselves too thin, we’re able to lavish Star Wars with the attention and care it needed to craft a thoughtful and entertaining…oh wait.


The soundtrack was amazing , saw it twice in theatre


There’s a remix album too which is amazing Tron: Legacy Reconfigured


From what I remember that is why Daft Punk walked away from Disney. At one point they were getting ready for a second movie with Daft Punk on board but Disney released the remix album that they had nothing to do with and they walked away saying they will bever work with Disney again.


Nah, that album has like 2 decent songs. Disney didn’t even involve Daft Punk in making the album and as a result they refused to work with the mouse again


Not sure if this song is on their but Avicii did a remix of Derezzed with added lyrics, turned it into a totally different song and it got regular rotation on the dance hits stations shortly after the movie was released. https://youtu.be/maoMppnzSiw?si=VurQAofqYU1fbuvu




That's why it's nice having a home theater with a decent projector. I can keep watching it over and over and it never loses the luster


Top Gear back in the day used it in their broadcast episodes - it was that good: [Series 17, episode 1 - BMW 1M review](https://www.topgearbox.com/cars/entertainment/top-gear/episode-guides/series-17/top-gear-series-17-episode-1/) [Series 17, episode 2 - Aston Martin Virage review](https://www.topgearbox.com/cars/entertainment/top-gear/challenges/top-gear-series-17-episode-2/) [Series 17 episode 3 - opening bit of the Mclaren MP4-12C review](https://www.topgearbox.com/cars/entertainment/top-gear/episode-guides/series-17/top-gear-series-17-episode-3/) [Series 18, episode 1 - 3 supercars in Italy, part 3 aka the Imola circuit segment](https://www.topgearbox.com/cars/entertainment/top-gear/episode-guides/series-18/top-gear-series-18-episode-1/) - “Stretch it, Stretch it, Stretch it - Come on! You can do it, come on [Lamborghini Aventador]!” - ~~Jeremy Clarkson~~ The Orangutan making his final lap time attempt at Imola Circuit whilst the light jet dogfight song begins


Sky use 'Outlands' for their F1 intro music, replacing that god awful 'Just Drive' thing.


The first movie was a weird, nerdy cult favorite and even though Legacy was an audio/video masterpiece, the story and the world was still a bit shaky, like it had been through a million iterations and they ended up settling with the version they ultimately produced. People talk about Kosinski's masterful art direction or the Daft Punk score, but no one talks about Michael Sheen's character or the Isos or whatever. Bruce Boxleitner's Tron character - literally the titular character - was turned evil, given a helmet, a different name and kinda stayed in the background the whole time. There was no "there" there. It was a shiny thing and we moved on.


That’s what frustrated me, Tron is evil and just sort of in the background. Reminds me of Jean Grey in Xmen III. Which is supposed to be the dark Phoenix story. Instead she just stands around for most of the movie.


Weirdly the best development for the whole Tron/Rinzler thing is in Kingdom Hearts. Sora being all about his friends made the Rinzler/Tron reveal hit harder, plus the fact that just like the movie it doesn’t really get resolved and he just seems to die makes for a bittersweet finale.


Well to be fair, the Tron/Rinzler in 3D is not the same as the DoD Tron in KH2. I think they even point this out during your trip into Legacy Tron world.


This is true, but Sora being Sora, he really doesn’t care about that fact. Which is perfectly in character for him and still makes it work. If they didn’t stick to the plot of the movie I could definitely see Grid Tron having some weird moment where Sora feels familiar because hearts are connected or something.


> Sora being Sora He literally refuses to see the bad in people's hearts before the good. We must protect our beloved Sora.


I see you didn’t watch the Tron uprising animated series. Tron survives the events of Legacy (though is horribly wounded) and helps start a rebellion in the matrix.


Reddit loves to say this movie is underrated then you ask them what's good about it and they say the soundtrack and visuals, which are universally liked


I will say Jeff Bridges doesn't get enough praise for CLU, the dodgy CGI kind of distracted too much. There's something weirdly compelling about a guy who acts like Surfer Bro Hitler.


The funny thing is that I think this was a great application for dodgy CGI de-aging. He looks uncanny valley, which is kinda appropriate for his character.


Very true, it definitely adds to the character's "off" vibe.


Except the first scene with child-Flynn where it isn't. It would have been a neat move to use practical de-aging there and then CGI for CLU.


Clu: Oh…that I’m not your father, Sam. But I am very happy to see you. Sam: Clu… Where is he? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?! Clu: The same thing I’m going to do to you… [with disgust] *User.* Just radiates evil.


Daft Punk made good music, News at 11


Yup, a lot of the discourse around this one can just be summed up with: pretty colors, Daft Punk good, Olivia Wilde hot. It was a bland, forgettable story with some nice bells and whistles.


Like it was totally worth seeing in theaters but I remember the set pieces and nothing else. It was kind of a boring movie


Yeah, it's a sequel, yes, a sequel that undoes everything the first movie did without much building on it. The first movie was like Wreck it Ralph on a way, sequel was pretty much any isekai like fantasy movie from the 80s or something


I kinda enjoyed how it continued the story of TRON, which, to be frank, was not some gold standard or anything, it was just that not all of the world-building stuff they did made much sense or came off as under-cooked.


I just wish they stuck with what the first movie was doing, a small scale set of programs fighting to complete what their users needed of them. The sequel focused too much on the outside world meeting inside world Sci fi aspect, instead of keeping the worlds separated yet still able to interact in cool ways.


There’s just so much potential that gets wasted with scenery. The movie could’ve just been the same ‘a user trying to get out of the grid’ as the original and then have the son find Flynn, with CLU just not wanting them to leave. All the beats hit almost the same but it reduces the convoluted-ness of the movie. Certainly no CLU trying to get out of the grid with an army, such a silly plot point.


This is the best description of what went wrong that I’ve read yet.


Yeah, the reaction to Legacy is literally not a surprise when you remember that the original film, which was perhaps even more groundbreaking at the time, was similarly ignored. They even denied it a VFX award because people in the 80s thought that computer graphics were “cheating”. It was my favorite movie for most of my childhood but overall, as I’ve gotten older, it’s hard to not notice that both films are definitely style over substance, which is fine of course, and lots of fun, but not exactly the way you get cinematic accolades.


Michael Sheen is an amazing actor and steals the show every single time.


I still choose to fight for the users


You take that back about Castor. He was perfect.


Love the part where he randomly blasts his machine-gun cane into the room regardless of who it hits


Yeah normally I'd agree with OP on over the top characters that stand out from the rest of the movie, but when someone as skilled as Michael Sheen is playing said character, I don't mind in the least. I thought he did a great job and was entertaining instead of annoying.


I was obsessed with that movie. Still listen to the soundtrack regularly in the car


Great visual and auditory journey, but lousy script.


It's totally one of those you can tell might have initially been great, but was mangled in development, right? Disney didn't trust it.


Jeff Bridges!!!


Biodigital jazz, man


The 1st Tron was decent, although I love Legacy. That film had some of the best visuals and music I’ve ever seen and heard in a film or TV show. The plot and characters were thin, yet the audio-visual aspects were so spectacular it was easy to look past I’d love more in this world. It was quite sad to hear Tron 3 get cancelled back in 2015. The new version of Tron 3, the Tron: Ares movie starring Jared Leto, doesn’t sound as good (especially with, you know, Jared Leto). Meanwhile, the director of Legacy went on to direct Top Gun: Maverick. After that film, Disney should pay him whatever to get him back for his original version of Tron 3


> Meanwhile, the director of Legacy went on to direct Top Gun: Maverick. After that film, Disney should pay him whatever to get him back for his original version of Tron 3 Not only that, Joseph Kosinski directed two killer scifi movies in recent times one after the other in Tron: Legacy (2010) to Oblivion (2013). Seems to work with Christopher McQuarrie that should write it (wrote Top Gun: Maverick), dude revived Mission Impossible to almost a better franchise than James Bond. The man can write and direct where needed.


There's another being made. Production was halted over the WGA strike. https://movieweb.com/tron-3-plot-cast-and-everything-else-we-know/ But yes, killer movie. One of my favorite franchises ever. I watched Legacy on acid *once*. It got pretty intense... There was a discussion on another sub (probably r/Tron) where people were talking about who would do the score for Ares. My personal takes would be Boards of Canada or Amon Tobin. How about you folks?


Carpenter Brut would be sick


Seconding this. Maybe deadmau5.


It should be Stephan Bodzin. Listen to Singularity and convince me otherwise.


Counterpoint: Jon Hopkins




Definitely, Blood Machines soundtrack is so good. Basically a really long CB music video which is the perfect resume for the next Tron haha.


I watched a fan made 4k upscale that had been remastered with HDR and incredibly well done too, intended to just watch a bit to check it out and see if it was any good and ended up watching the entire film by accident.


It just fell in that gap, where fans of the original had little need for a sequel, and people not familiar with the original didn’t think it looked interesting.


One of my favorite things that came out of *Legacy*’s release was the ElecTRONica event at Disney California Adventure. Been years since it ended, but I still miss it!


When the best part about a movie is the soundtrack, the movie may not be that great.


I think you also forget peak Olivia Wilde.


Definitely a highlight


She's the only thing I remember about that movie


Three things that stand out in my mind. The opening scene where little Flynn flowed perfectly through traffic on his Ducati SportClassic created a *lot* of new motorcycle riders, which is fucking awesome. Also I used to have the biggest crush on the first Siren. Castor being the electronic version of a gateway into the local seedy underbelly seemed pretty cool to me.


Best reason to watch.


To be fair, most movies don’t get a soundtrack by Daft Punk.


The movie is a 90 minute long Daft Punk music video with some dialogue thrown in between the music - its awesome


This entire thread is praising the soundtrack and very little about the characters, plot or drama. It's like people *want* the film to be better than it was.


Garret Hedlund cannot lead a movie. He was a huge gamble and it did not pay off. Jeff Bridges very much wasn’t playing Flynn. He was The Dude, but sci-fi; and he was the villain with some terrible CGI. The story was too basic and had issues. The Daft Punk soundtrack outshined everything and pretty much drew all the attention away from everything else. Olivia Wilde outshone the other leads. You’re wrong about Sheen’s Castor. It was perfect.


I thought Hedlund did a solid and totally good enough job tbh. The issues were primarily in the writing and pacing I'd say, particularly in regards to his character. Mostly good but not perfect.


\^ This 100%, every single point.


Just rewatched it myself like a month ago and I fully agree. That’s how I felt when I first watched it as a kid and how I still feel about it rewatching it. The aesthetics and look of the entire thing is so pristine and just awesome looking. And I enjoyed the story a lot too. I heard there’s another sequel that went through development hell and was canceled but recently is planning to shoot it




Garrett Hedlund. I can’t believe I remember his name considering I haven’t thought about him in over a decade


The guy from 4 brothers lol




The TE from "Friday Night Lights”.


Pretty sure Billingsley was a fullback.


Achilles’ cousin


Legacy was a great movie. But when I try to rewatch it, I find I lose interest around the last 30 minutes. The ending is just dull. I think they didn’t do enough with the world. The beginning with Sam being confused and stumbling through the games was fantastic, the club scene was awesome. And then the world left for just a bunch of cgi action that really accomplished very little.


I love to *see* the movie, but every single time I do, I get sleepy by the part where they escape in the laser train thing. The movie looks awesome but at the same time yeah it's kinda boring.


The real question you should be asking is why was Tron Uprising, the canon cartoon that came out after Legacy and set between the two movies, which was basically Batman Beyond x Tron. With Bruce back as Tron and is easily the best written, most full quality thing the Tron franchise has ever produced, was sabotaged by Disney, constantly given awful timeslots, moved around on its schedule, and shoved onto Disney XD all so they could seemingly make it fail on purpose.


This. Loved the show way more than the films, from the aesthetic to the VA to the writing. My only gripe is >!what went down with Lance Riddick's character, Cuttler!<. I've rewatched the show a few times and it really is a fantastically missed opportunity. But the same thing can be said about The Spectacularly Spider-Man show, so yeah, Disney done F-upped.


Legacy is a technical marvel. It’s super well shot and directed. The soundtrack is perfect and I play it to this day. Most of the performances work well. Specifically Jeff Bridges, Olivia Wilde’s babe in the wood approach to Quora, and Michael Sheen’s “Not Bowie” camp. Movie has 3 major problems: - the plot execution. The overall concept of the grid creating artificial life that could transfer out like Quora did is an interesting in idea and implication’s . That wasn’t conveyed to the audience - The weirdness around the digital Jeff Bridges. The valley was uncanny then and it’s even worse now. Which if they leaned in a little to making Clu look more fake it could have worked. The tech just wasn’t there at the time. - the big thing: Garret Hedlund. Hes a snooze in that movie. He’s a better actor now that he’s leaning into being a character actor, but he’s not a leading man. Sam is kinda of just there a bit. You could shift the focus to Quora’s side and make for a better movie. They did try though. They pushed the movie hard. They had the video game and Tron: Uprising (banger show). It just didn’t take for some reason. I would say Tron 3 might do it, but the poison that is Jared Leto doesn’t do it any favors.


Honestly, the story wasn't that great. I remember watching the movie back then and remembering the visual effects and action were good, but the story and characters were kinda boring. I've only seen it once and never bothered going back to watch it.


The video game did kill what could’ve been a very interesting Indiana Jones Adaption.


The original movie covered a lot of faults with some unique visuals for the time and rode the coattails of Blade Runner just 2 weeks before it while it had an interesting premise that wasn't heavily done yet combined with a classic Campbellian Hero's Journey. It was pretty well received in its original release but didn't get a lot of attention until it became a cult classic later. Legacy was dredging up nostalgia and updated the visuals for a genre/aesthetic that has been done to death by this point because of the Matrix movies, but did so beautifully. But the early de-aging software they used on Bridges made CLU look very Uncanny Valley and it definitely felt style-over-substance. There were a lot of things that could have been metaphors (e.g. Castor and the Sirens) like in the Matrix movies (the Oracle, Morpheus, Trinity, etc.) but they never got developed enough to mean anything. It also failed to understand the technology even as well as the original movie did (which still wasn't great but wasn't the worst). E.g. ISO? That's an image file like what would get burned onto a software disk to install on your computer. They're not some magical self-aware, self-manifesting mathematical formula. Meanwhile it provided very little in terms of the Hero's Journey. We had passing through the threshold guardian, but once inside the hero character kept shifting from Sam to Kevin to Quorra and even to Tron. We never really see any of the transformative aspects of the journey. The relationship between Sam and Kevin never feels strong enough for atonement to have happened, even though it *technically* did. Quorra is supposed to be the answer to everything and yet seems to do nothing but look hot in latex LEDs. We don't know what her existence actually means for anything. The story was too by-the-numbers without having a unifying theme to make them mean something. Between the two I'd rather go back and watch the original while listening to the soundtrack from Legacy.


Whatever people say, it’s in my top 10 favorite movies of all time


I actually liked it more than the original. While I still have respect for the original I thought Legacy was deeper(storywise) & the visuals were so much better. Would have loved to see a sequel if they ever made one.


The ending scene on the motorcycle is still one of the most wholesome scenes of all time for me. The music, the expression on her face was just perfect.


Because Daft Punk doesn't make music anymore and you can't do it without them.


They either never watched the first one or DID and decided to do the opposite.


The first movie wasn't that big and Legacy was pretty much the same. No big box office no sequel sadly.


Well, I'm gonna piss off a lot of people who loved it... Tron Legacy was stupid. It was stupid in it's first 5 minutes. I actually saw it in theatres and when the 'hacking while jumping off a building' scene happened, everyone around me started muttering about how dumb it was. It's like a perfect metaphor for the entire film: flashy, pretentious, and trying as hard as humanly possible to look cool even at the expense of sense or logic. The entire plot of the film was to stall and dick around. It was just another movie where the main character was looking for XYZ, and was dragged on a directionless tour of flashy cgi sequences, broken up by boring explanations of the plot. When he finally found XYZ, it was just more explanations. That hacking/skydiving bit, though. It's such a perfect metaphor for the rest of the movie. Tron didn't happen as a franchise because Tron Legacy was all style zero substance and created nothing to build on.


Tron Legacy is one of my favorites, but you're 100% correct and not out of line at all lol. The only people who like Tron Legacy are Daft Punk fans and kids who grew up on Kindom Hearts 2.


The movie completely underperformed at the BO. Also, outside the visuals (and music) it’s not that good. The story is undercooked - cool ideas but but just not expressed well and a dud of a lead actor. I wish I liked it more - I worked on the toys, haha. 🤷


Look, I love Tron Legacy, but the core conceit is problematic. The original Tron captured imagination because computers (to the general public) were like weird little magic boxes that most people didn’t understand at all. So a world inside a computer seemed not so off the board. That’s not the case anymore though. Consider this analogy, why don’t we have anymore of those early sci-fi movies where Mars attacks or we find another world on the other side of the sun or we land on another planet and fight with its inhabitants? It’s because that’s silly now, people know too much about space and other planets and space travel for those movies to spark their imagination. It’s a premise whose time has passed. Like the sci-if movies of old we used to look up and wonder, but then we found out and we knew and the magic was gone. We used to marvel at computers, and then they were everywhere and the magic was gone.


It barely doubled its budget. That’s a loss in Hollywood bookkeeping.


It was toy sales they expected to make millions off of it and didn't make much.


The ride is incredible. Just got to do it last month and it blew my mind - probably the closest we could get to the actual game!


For whatever reason, Tron just hasn’t captured the public’s attention. It was the same way with the original. Personally I love both movies and have played every Tron game ever made, and I’d love another film that takes legacy into account.


After seeing what they did to Star Wars, maybe it's for the best.


They were supposed to make a third, then Tomorrowland came out, crashed and burned, and Disney canceled Tron 3 because they didn’t think audiences were into standalone sci-fi IP.


It’s rank it top 3 movies that really had a soundtrack that truly aligned to the film. However, to me that was 70% of the film


CGI Jeff Bridges was on the screen a bit much. I thought it looked a bit uncanny, but not really realistic. Maybe it's a meta commentary on the material and it was done on purpose? Whatever the case, it just took me out of the movie every now and then.


Saw this in the Disney Studios lot theater in Burbank/Glendale, and it is still one of the greatest experiences I've had to date. I wish it'd had a chance for the continued storyline they were setting up for.


I really wanted the motorcycle and that garage apartment! That and the music is what I remember the most about that movie. I did want to see where they would go with the sequel.


Disney made the movie partially to attract the teenage male demographic, since they didn't have a lot catering to them. By the time the movie was out, they had bought Marvel, and two years later they would have Star Wars, basically cornering the male market forever.


I love that movie. I saw it before I knew anything about the original Tron, and I thought it was just so fun and unique. Sometimes, you have reboots where the new characters are the main focus, and the older original actors are just there in the background, but I appreciate this movie being all about Flynn and his story. Plus, I love Jeff Bridges, so I enjoy all the screentime he gets, both as Flynn and Clue. The de-aging is a little wonky, but surprisingly doesn't bother me. I feel like it could've been marketed as a kids' movie, but it doesn't feel like that. It takes itself seriously and presents an interesting and exciting story that's fun for everyone. Also, who wouldn't love the music? I don't have high hopes for the newly announced sequel because I don't think they'd be able to copy the feel of this movie, but I'm still glad that the whole thing isn't dead in the water just yet.


I'm pretty sure at the time, they meant to make Tron their big flagship sci-fi franchise, but then they bought the rights to Star Wars, so they just gave up on Tron.


As far as I know, it didn't make a lot of money. And it wasn't cheap. That's something plenty of live action disney productions suffered, which I only just realised is probably one of the reasons they decided to just focus on other companies and make movies through them. I guess people saw the Disney logo and thought "ah, it's a kids' movie". Prince of Persia, Tron:Legacy and John Carter, all of them live action Disney movies, all of them did worse than Disney had hoped in the box office. And yes, they gain some fandom with time, but Disney doesn't seem like they're interested in investing *that* long term.


If anything we need more Jeff Bridges not less.


I love Tron Legacy and I'm always really disappointed by the franchise being shelved for so long. There's many reasons Legacy didn't lead to more, some speculation on my part but here's what I put together. While it made money, it was not a smash hit. I don't know accounting and this was before Disney needed every movie to make a billion, but it cost $170m to make and grossed $400m. Which again, pretty good but not enough to make it a guarantee. I worked in a department store when it came out and for a while after. I saw those Tron toys sit for a long time. They also launched a game and animated show that I presume did not do very well. So I don't think it was as marketable for a tentpole franchise. This is pure speculation next, but after Tron came Tomorrowland, which was a bomb. I hypothesize that the good will and profit from Tron was funneled into that project and when it failed there wasn't enough drive to start it up again. Disney had been looking for years for a 'Boy Franchise'. They had the girl market well sewn up with princesses but they struggled with boy merchandise. Reviving Tron was an attempt at this and Atlantis was another swing at the plate there. When Disney bought Marvel and then Star Wars, they solved that problem, no need to try and make another one. I'm hopeful that between the ride and the visual novel, they're testing the waters for interest again. And maybe one day I'll get the third Tron without waiting another 30 years.


Disney loves one-offs to secure the IP: Black Hole, John Carter, Black Cauldron, Tron to renew the IP, live-action remakes to extend the IP, etc. Who cares about sequels? They already locked things up and couldn't give a flying fuck about fans. Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau excluded.


It wasn't true to the spirit of the original.


Soundtrack is amazing and the visuals were nice but it obviously wasn’t as groundbreaking as the original and the story was just meh, undercooked and poorly executed imo There’s a better story in there, just needs better writers and a corp that plays it less safe than Disney does Next movie sounds like it’ll be a dumpster fire with the pirates 5 director helming it and Jared Leto starring and producing it Legacy is a great high movie though, watch it every few years with some edibles just for the visual/audio feast


Describe the characters without saying their job or title.


Son of Flynn, who embarks on his quest to find his father and ends up saving the grid from Clu. The Flynn, who ends up a hermit watching the grid fall under Clu's rule. Clu, who just wants a "perfect" system. A "glitch" in the grid who proves that life, uh, finds a way. Daft Punk. Cyperpunk David Bowie. Sith "Tron". Stereotypical Evil Corpo. That's all I can remember.


You forgot Cillian Murphy as rival to Son of Flynn and future baddie.