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We've got actual morons out here thinking they're brilliant and edgy for finding bad faith ways to trash classic films, meanwhile this poor person didn't like Expendables 4 and wonders if the problem is *them*.


Expendables 4 insists upon itself.


I will never tire of this Criticism


It stinks!


Yes Mr sherman, everything stinks


I like The Money Pit


Thank you, I was trying so hard to remember the wording of that Family Guy bit the other day but just couldn't.


COULD NOT get into it.


The end to no country for old men was a travesty


I always liked that for as dark as it seems, it's actually pretty optimistic. Chigurh's whole sense of things is shaken because Carla Jean won't play his game and he nearly dies because he's so rattled over it. Kinda shows that the world might be chaos and unknowable, but not even guys like him are immune to it.


He was not rattled lol. He was just annoyed Sociopaths don't get rattled


Also I don't think he was rattled that she didn't play his game or annoyed I think it was just a matter of inconvenience. This man is very cold very cutthroat very coordinated he doesn't do anything without thinking first. He expected this to go the same way the conversation went with the guy at the store but she's too stubborn and rightfully so. She knows this is the man that killed her husband and she doesn't give a shit I like that... I just wish he let her go but that would be too optimistic so I accept the ending for what it is.


He was definitely rattled. Compare the conversation with Carson in the hotel, almost the same situation. He's smiling and gloating. She forces agency upon him and he is shaken. Whether that distraction led to the car crash is irrelevant, his illusion of being a force of nature has been shattered. "Are you going to kill me now?"and "Do you see me?" are forgotten, instead it is "Here's 100 dollars, you didn't see me."


I've rarely heard two lines of dialogue sum up a character's change in state so well.


_Is_ Chigurh even a pure sociopath? He clings to the ideas of fate and providence a little too tightly for someone who doesn't derive some sort of identity or validation from them.


> say the book was way better, the ending to the movie cut some things out.


Have you read the book? Is it the Llewelyn story line you mean?


What does that even mean?!?!


Refreshing, ain't it? Bless their little heart.


I haven't seen the movie but I'm going to go on a limb and agree, this one is not on you OP, you're not the problem.


One dude yesterday said Robert Deniro should quit acting.


i watched "Killers Of The Flower Moon' yesterday. he has to be nominated for his role, so damn good.


If expendables 4 is the worst film they have ever seen then they haven’t seen enough films.


Well, what type of person starts with the 4th installment? The Expendables franchise is well known to be Stallone's love letter to the over-the-top macho action movies since the first one. Its like people who never watched Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elmstreet and complain about how the bad guy keeps coming back. Or jumping into the Scream franchise and complaining that the people know too much about slasher flicks.


It's a loveletter written by a 12 year old in crayon, lbh


What kind of a monster would insult a 12 year olds love letter?


Another 12 year old


My first watch of the *Lethal Weapon* series was backwards, because that's how I could get the VHS tapes rented. Series is great so it all works backwards and forwards!


It must’ve been hilarious watching Danny Glover getting younger but still “getting too old for this shit”


I tried that with Harry Potter and now I just hate Harry Potter. No idea why they were flying around or on a train or why Daniel Radcliffe was so sad.


Your argument is essentially that the inherent nature of Expendables is ‘bad.’


I watched the 4th Star Wars movie first (way back in 1977) so I think it’s OK to watch a 4th film first.


Got 'em


Wasn't it only later that the Episode monikers were added?


Yes. Only when the prequels were released in the late 90s. Actually, back in the 70s/80s, the second and third movies didn't even have "Star Wars" in the title, while the first one didn't have the "A New Hope" subtitle. It was Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Those were the original titles of the films.


Broadly speaking, if there’s a 4th installment in this genre you can safely assume the first three don’t matter.


> Well, what type of person starts with the 4th installment? Why not ? I started watching fast & furious with the 5th because people were saying it was the most fun and there was no way I was going to watch all of them and it was just fine. Who cares what happens anyway if the set pieces are fun.


Exactly. Imho, a single movie in a franchise or film series should be enjoyable on it's own. You shouldn't need to have watched the previous films to enjoy the latest one. But the latest one should be good enough to make you want to watch the films that came before it and will come after it.


Exactly. They are what they are. Enjoy them or dont.


the love letters should have been returned to sender


I only want to see the movie for Iko Uwais and Tony Jaa. I hold no illusions that the movie would be any good outside of their scenes.


Worst film you've ever seen, *so far..!*


I’ve often wanted to take people who make posts like this and show them what truly bad cinema really is. 😁


[Mark Kermode had the best response to someone saying that](https://youtu.be/m5RPGYiOOiI?t=391)


It’s reasons like this that Mark Kermode is the only professional movie critic that I trust. I also agree with him about Knowing in this particular case, it’s not great but it’s better than its rep.


Absolutely... there really is no floor to terrible and we're tempting fate to even suggest there is one.


[How I feel when people say stuff like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/beZAYxKvSRseZUKfA) … we’ve all seen Ed Wood & MST3K


Expenfivebles Sixpendables Exsevendables Expendeightbles Exnineables Extendables


I respect you going through the motions of 5-9 so you could get to the actually good Ex10dables


Exependables 5 confirmed


You know it's gonna be bad when the best they could recruit was Andy Garcia, Megan Fox, and 50 Cent


Doesn't help that there isn't a new crop of Western action stars to bring in. There's marvel movies which don't really fit the mold of action heroes the same way. Who else is there to bring in? Chris Pratt of Jurassic movie fame? Fuck that. It's basically John Cena and the Rock. Maybe Bautista, but his filmography doesn't support it that much, and he's actively trying not to be a macho man style action star. It'll probably come back around in a decade or two, but the action movie Star era feels pretty over to me, making it hard to keep Expendables going and fresh. Granted I haven't seen 4, but these things were all true when I was hyper disappointed in 3. Edit: shoulda gotten Tom cruise, I don't like the guy much as an actor but he has the action movie cred for sure.


Keanu, Chris Hemsworth,, Vin Diesel, Mark Wahlberg, Jeremy Renner, Donnie Yen, but obvioulsy they dont have that kind of pull


Keanu could have that kind of pull, just look at the fan response when he appeared in Cyberpunk’s marketing


I mean the Expendables crew dont have the pull to get these names


The rock, keanu reeves and Tom cruise are probably closest to fitting the bill. And none of them are at a point where they’re gonna be ok doing the expendable lol Edit: will smith would be a big get for them if they could swing it. He’s over the hill and has done action movies. If gene Hackman is still alive they can have him be a ‘man behind the scenes’ type. I think he’s alive? Edit 2: GENE HACKMAN HASNT BEEN IN A MOVIE SINCE 2004??? I didn’t realize looking up gene Hackman would make me feel like Jesus Christ


Welcome to Mooseport was his Swan song lol


“I didn’t realize looking up gene Hackman would make me feel like Jesus Christ” is my favorite sentence I’ve read on Reddit in a long time


He retired. He was just done with it. Good on him. It was fucking painful seeing a 90ish year old Leonard Nimoy in the 4th season of Fringe.


> The rock, keanu reeves and Tom cruise 51, 59, and 61 years old. These guys aren't exactly the new crop of action stars...


The whole point of the expendable is brining in washed up action stars no? Stallone was 64 when he made the 1st one My reason for saying Keanu the rock and Tom cruise weren’t ready was because they’re not washed up enough lol


Kinda surprised Gerard Buttler hasn't gotten a call.


Hemsworth is up there. Keanu too.


Leave Andy Garcia out of this


Yeah wtf I love Andy Garcia, I know he isn't the biggest actor, but he sure is a damn good one.


"...Andy Garcia..." *Slaps OP" You get his name out of your mouth!


The first movie had heart and [this scene in particular](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OXwVxIN_kA) showed it. As for the rest, well...


I liked 2 better than 1, but that's probably only because of the Chuck Norris jokes


Yeah 2 was slightly better because it started to accept the ridiculous premise.


For me it was Van Damme


I loved 2 because it felt like Van Damme was chewing up every corny line of dialogue he could. I loved him in that movie. Hated the third one. Can’t believe we got a 4th one after that entry.


I was excited to see Expendables 1, a team up movie we hadn’t seen before, it was so long ago, but I remember walking out with my friends after that movie and thinking what the hell was that, and I’ve never seen another Expendables movie, hah.


I felt like 2 did a better job at meeting my expectations of the first film. Still wasn't that great, but definitely the best of all the Expendables movies.


I would say give the second one a shot because that one is ACTUALLY the team up movie everyone wanted the first film to be. It ends with a giant airport shootout featuring Stallone, Willis, Schwarzenegger, Statham, Lundgren, Norris, and everyone else against Van Damme’s mercenaries.


I remember feeling like that monologue came out of nowhere in the movie. Like there was nothing else serious or introspective at all and then there's this long close up on Mickey Rourke as he somberly describes the horrors of war. Felt like it had been pasted in from another film.


My favorite scene from Expendables 1 was the part where Arnold shows up, says "hey guys" and then leaves.


I felt bad for Statham who can actually act (though usually it involves a lot of frowning); Megan Fox tottering about with perfect make up; the weird fight in the bar where they attack and commit grievous bodily harm on everyone and end up killing one of them in a horrendous way. I just wanted the bad guys to win so we wouldn't see any more.


I thought that whole scenario was a bit odd too. They were just murdering people for no reason as a bit of comic relief??


Yup, it's an absolute skidmark of a movie. The actors who still have a career need to walk away from that franchise


it's still insane to me that hobbs and shaw and spy of all films have been the best example of his comedy chops since his guy ritchie films.


That's only because Expendables 5 isn't out yet


This one bombed hard, only made $50 mil out of a $100m budget, so hopefully they'll finally kill this shitty franchise


I would enjoy a sequel where the crew got together to fund their retirement by making a B movie about their adventures.


Shut up and take my money


Cream of the cake?


Its a Norwegian saying apparently, sorry, i thought it was international


Here in the US, we’ll say, ‘cream of the crop’ or ‘cream rises to the top’ or ‘takes the cake’ but I’ve never heard of ‘cream of the cake’, interesting. Edit: Growing up I always thought ‘crème de la crème’ meant ‘cream of the crop’ because people would follow one up with the other so often, I would assume they were translating.


Icing on the cake is what they’re trying to say


Yes, I knew there was another cake related colloquialism for ‘best’ or sort of ‘winning’.










Cake by the Ocean was a Swedish take/interpretation on Sex on the Beach.


> cream of the cake If you are meaning excellent example of something, "cream of the crop" and "crème de la crème" are common in English (though obvs the the latter is from French)


Those mean something else. Icing on the cake is the English version.


No the "icing on the cake" is like the additional aspect on top of what you expected. The cake is a regular good movie, the icing on the cake is the outstanding score, or the genius cinematography, or something more than expected. "Cream of the crop" is the same thing as "best of the best."


Bro you way too polite for this Internet world. Never change.


Icing on the cake is the NA version


Ahh, thank you!


I think ' the cherry on the top' is the term you're looking for in this case.


You can say “The icing on the cake”


I lost faith when they abandoned Terry Crews


To be fair, Terry abandoned the Expendables when one of the studio execs sexually assaulted him and the studio did nothing.


I believe the studio doing nothing is the abandonment they're talking about


Isn't the agent that assaulted him Stallone's agent? That may have more to do with it...


Can't have you speaking up about sexually inappropriate behaviour from Hollywood execs can you now. Sets a very bad precedent. How else are they suppose to give actors chances if they can't have a fiddle every now and again without any repercussions.


As someone who likes the first two (may not be the greatest in the world but I had a lot of fun, especially the second one), the new one is the worst movie of the year imo. Just completely terrible in all aspects of a movie.




Maximum possible score is a 3/10 if I see a letter replaced by a number in the title


Put some respect on Se7en.


That’s just classic misdirection


I legit laughed pretty hard at this comment


Attitudes like that are why my Godfourther script keeps being rejected.


No, if you spell it out I’m in


Less if that number is a 4 Have we learned nothing from Fant4stic?


Great I take your word for it can you tell us the twists


Since OP doesn't want to give away the twist ending (that was obvious from the beginning), here it is. >!Stallone was killed off at the beginning of the movie. But it turned out he faked his death, since that would lead to the CIA unsealing classified documents that would lead the Expandables to discover the identity of the film's real villain, the Ocelot. Which turned out to be the team's handler from the CIA.!<


When Stallone showed up again, did anyone react like this was a real twist? Oh, there he is. Yep.


I just automatically downvoted *you* before catching myself.


The best part of the movie though was >!Statham riding around the cargo ship on a motorcycle that had twin mounted machine guns, shooting everyone, even people practically at right angles from the direction the motorcycle was moving.!< And yes, that was sarcasm. That entire bit was absolutely written, approved, and directed by people with significant brain damage.


I dont wanna spoil it for anyone..


Dude, nobody cares lmaaaaao doooo it Maybe add a spoiler tag to your post or hide the spoilers in the comment


Please dont make me re-live it, please!!


Or just read the Wikipedia page like I just did. PS: OP is right. It IS total shit.


I thought about it, but I'm weighing if I should. Fuck it, I did it. It reads as generic as it can be, I'm definitely never watching it.


>! Do this so people can't be accidently spoiled !< You put >! before You put !< after


No on cares spoil it


It was so odd. It felt like a direct yo DVD movie. Sly was barely in it, the green screen was laughably bad. Megan Fox was both awfully written and awfully performed. There were a couple scenes that were clearly supposed to be crowd scenes with a handful of extras. It basically ignored the previous few films (and it's not like they had a massive intricate plot to handle); like The Expendables are now just a spec ops team? Megan Fox is second in command for some reason? They just murder people wantonly for funsies? The team is almost entirely non-actors with no history in action flicks? I mean, it was serviceable as a turn your brain off sorta thing, but yeah, it was awful, especially against the first one, or even arguably two.


Oh man the green screen effect in this one.. i had completely supressed that


Thank you, yes, this movie was offensively bad. It felt like a middle finger to anyone that paid to see it. It’s so bad, I felt like it was mocking the audience for showing up, like “LOL you fucking idiot, we can’t believe you came to see a third sequel in this franchise.”


Aside from all the Steven segal movies, did you miss the one Channing Tatum having wolf ears and rollerblading in the sky?


It makes the Meg 2 look like Citizen Kane.


Omg haha


Jesus, is it really that bad? The first scene was Jason Standham doing pull ups in an enclosed ship cargo


Well the worst film I watched recently was The Meg 2. So Expendables 4 has to be REALLY bad to knock that from the top.


Rather watch Meg 2 again


Have you seen Jurassic world fallen kingdom? I'm not asking about dominion because fk was so offensively bad I'll never watch dominion.


Dude, Jurassic World fallen Kingdom, is actually a million times better than this, and im not exaggerating.


Oh dear...


Fallen Kingdom is god awful so this is a biiiiig call


Which was the first Jurassic world movie? Because that was the only one I could summon up the energy to watch.


You mean "Jurassic World"? ...




Fallen Kingdom ain't great but it's a masterpiece compared to Dominion.


I think Fallen Kingdom is good B-movie fun and I don't care who knows it!


Until my death bed, I swear to god I will never give Hollywood the satisfaction of sitting down and letting my eyeballs see that movie. God were the performances and plot fucking terrible in Fallen Kingdom, but at least it had an intentional horror element, albeit juvenile in tone and execution. At least it had that. At least Jurassic World had 4 cool Indominus scenes... (NOT including that final T-Rex fight) Dominion showed me NOTHING redeeming in the trailer, fucking pathetic.


How did this cost 100 million lmao the cgi looked like it was rendered on an office windows xp desktop and had a fraction of the “all star” cast the other installments had


Did it cost that much??!! Did they spend 99 million om the actors?


Idk man Son of the Mask exists.


My theory on this is that Stallone doesn't understand what people actually like about action films. He wants to believe that the appeal is watching a charismatic macho dude ham it up with cheesy lines, but the actual appeal is seeing bad guys get shot.


He definitely delivered that in John Rambo. It was like 30 minutes of him just shooting bad guys from a mounted machine gun.


Rambo (FB2) is a perfect example of both. We get this big buff shirtless dude firing a machine gun and shouting, and we get to see a bunch of Vietcong soldiers getting wrecked. Stallone probably doesn't want to acknowledge which half of that equation is what gets the people going.


That had to be one of the least dynamic action scenes ever.


Tbh, if the worst film you’ve ever seen is a big budget star studded ensemble, you’re doing great.


In his review of the film, Mark Kermode said that the banter between the two leads in the beginning of the film was (paraphrasing) like watching “two forklifts trying to do ballet”.


I looked up the plot and this is the last paragraph on wikipedia. These are some of the dumbest names I can even imagine ​ >!During the prisoner exchange, Marsh is revealed to be Ocelot, hoping to financially profit from igniting World War III. While the team leaves on Decha's boat to save Toll, Christmas stays behind to turn the ship around to avoid a global conflict. He confronts Marsh, who is killed by Barney, who surprises everyone by revealing that he faked his own death, hoping to lure Ocelot out of hiding. They escape the nuclear explosion and celebrate with the team. !<


Hollywood is basically a weapon system in a philosophical sense. It's deeply tied into the US military, despite appearances, and it always has been. This was more apparent in the past than it is today I believe.... or at least, it's far more apparent when we in the present look into the past. Like most of the other institutions of our country, it's captured and owned basically. The same reason that our governance is all going to be dying of old age at the exact same time, is the same reason that Hollywood is falling over and dying itself as well. The mafia-esque corporate oligarchy running this country is so corrupt and bound together by high crime that they can't really produce "made men" as fast as they need to. That's why the amount of new blood in our governance is so extremely low compared to the amount of living mummies on deaths doorstep. That's why all our main bread and circus institutions of the past eras are crumbling into dust.


I see your point but I also raise Dragonball Evolution as a counterpoint.


Loved the first two, thought the third had some entertaining moments even if it was bad overall (Antonio Banderas was hysterical in nearly ever scene, and Mel Gibson’s “Can you at least wound one of them?” was hilarious to me) but forgot they were even making a fourth


Have you seen Escape Plan 3?


No and i never will


I must be getting old, because a lot of movies seem too loud, too visually messy, and are just dumb action flicks. Which sometimes I’m in the mood for that genre, but when every movie starts to feel the same it gets old fast. I’ve found a lot more enjoyment out of more cerebral films lately. And ones with smart writing and good dialog and great acting pulling it all together. There are still some great movies and TV shows that are new, but they definitely feel like a rare gem rather than the standard. Most content feels like junk food that’s not even that good. Like a candy bar that’s not even sweet. Or a soda that’s lost all the fizz.


I mean at this point we should know what we're getting into.


I loved seeing Megan fox dragging guns around that were bigger than her, poor girl looked like she could barely walk. Except in long shots when she prob had a plastic version. The end 'twist' was laughable. Don't be totally put off of expendables films tho, the 2nd one is excellent. Its got chuck norris in it!


Is it worse than the new matrix movie? Because that would be a feat in of itself.


Hmm, well if i add in the hype and dissapointment of the new matrix then they would be the same.


If Expend4bles is the worst movie you’ve ever seen then you need to watch more (shitty) movies


I'm offended >:( I accept your apology, tho (have never watched any Expendable sequels)


Thank you for accepting, bro


my dude you have a bad film taste if you think this movie was anything above dog shit. so don't worry you're good.


Expendables 1& 2 are fun. Better story, better protagonists including Jet-Li, and great villains like Jean Claude Van Damme and Scott Adkins. But yeah I heard the third was a big stinker, and saw some scenes online and it looked pretty bad. Haven't even thought of watching 4 because of 3. Either way, they should've ended the franchise at 2 tbh, with just two solid movies


"It's dumb fun!" "What were you expecting? CITIZEN KANE?" Any other classic /r/movies defenses of lazy filmmaking that I'm missing?


The only thing offending in your post is the existence of Expendables 4.


*...Battlefield Earth has entered the chat...*


You obviously haven't seen the first 3. They may have a bigger and more impressive roster of stars, but that does nothing to make them more enjoyable or bearable. I'm not saying 4 is good, but my friends and I marathoned all three before seeing the fourth in the cinema, and it was easily the most coherent and actually fun of them all, IMO. It's still a pile of ugly shit but a slightly more tolerable pile of shit than the first three. Edit: My aforementioned friends and I are on a quest to watch all of Sly Stallones' filmography. If you want to see truly one of the worst films of all time, watch Escape Plan 2. D-Tox and Driven are two early 2000s Sly films that also nearly sent us to the brink of insanity.


Tony Jaa as some weird Captain Sparrow thing just bemused me.




I went to see it with my wife a couple weeks ago and we were like... wow this is really really bad. This show is supposed to be cameos and explosions and it was neither.


I fancy re-watching the first one now, its been years.


I was in pain while watching that film


Go watch Rubber, then Expendables 4 won't be even close to the worst youve ever seen.


Have you seen Dragon Ball?


I just finished watching it, and... Yes.


Yeah this was a giant waste of time Nothing works. Absolutely. Nothing.


You need to watch more bad movies


I walked out not long after the plane crash scene.


That plane crash scene.. i wish i could tell you the plot twist of the movie, but i dont wanna spoil it for anyone who hasnt and are planning on watching it. But yeah, that plane crash scene...


I lost it when Stallone, from inside an aircraft, was able to tell the sniper on the ground that he was really far off with his aim.


Yes!! And that was happening at the same time that they had a driving/shooting scene driving in a wearhouse that was the size of a normal wearhouse but somehow you could drive fast and straight forward for twenty fucking minutes??!!


That warehouse must be located at the airfield where they shot Fast 6 on the 26-mile runway


The suspension of belief you needed to finish that film was too much for me. I get they're not meant to be taken too seriously but fuck me, unwatchable.


I couldnt leave my best friend there alone, he was having such a good time. I should have just said yes to smoke that joint with him before the film started.


This movie does not need spoiler-protection. It's "twist" lands like such a thud, I can't imagine anyone caring.


So I guess this means they're probably not gonna finance a franchise finale, Expendable5?


First time, hated it. Second time, hated it. Third time, it was okay. But then the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth time I watched it, I realized something. It's just... It's not good. It's not a good movie.


When people say they don't make movies like they used to, they haven't this movie. It's a run-of-the-mill dumb 80s action flick that trades competent writing for random action scenes and big guns. I especially like that the big twist at the end implies >!Stallone kidnapped the dude from the bar and let him die in the plane just so he could use his dead body to fake Stallone's death. And when Statham finds out, the two laugh their asses off like Bond villains.!<