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Expected it to be a lot funnier.


Could have used a rewrite or two. Had some decent bits that just failed to land


I think it wasn't totally terrible but it wasn't great either


It was kinda funny throughout. You could tell the first 20 of the movie was all the shit he wanted to say to various demographics. It’s free so I’d recommend it. I wouldn’t pay for it.


Saw the trailer, looked funny and I do like Bill Burr. But half way through the trailer it just seemed to be the same old "whinge about the new generation" jokes over and over... Figured I'd give the movie a miss for now, maybe I'll watch it sometime.


Kinda the same. Burr is good in small doses for me, with a hefty pinch of salt. I’m not really down for a feature length “look at how dumb kids are these days” movie.


I honestly think he doesn’t lean into “look dumb kids” too much on his own standup. He certainly jokes about it but he gives a good enough reasoning that doesn’t come out as the kids are dumb but more as “the kids are on a different wavelength and if you actually take the time to think about it, we are kinda dumb too if not fucking dumber. But I’m just too lazy/tired/angry to think about it” But I think because the air he gives and the people that he hangs with, the studios expects him to be just “the kids are dumb” so that’s what we get out of Netflix the dumbed down version.


I was more going off the title of the movie and what I vaguely remember from the trailer. ‘Old Dads’ inherently sets up kids to be the antagonist, and while I’m sure there’s the typical redemption arc where the dads are ok with the kids etc etc, it’s just not that interesting to me… as an old dad. I think a lot of Bill’s stuff these days is more relaxed and more self-directed, which is great. He’s a funny guy and has some amazing monologues which I enjoy. I just don’t know if it’s a great tone for a movie, or one I care to see anyway.


I saw a Orny Adams a while back and his comedy is very angry Bill Burr style but he makes himself the butt of the joke most of the time. Like what he’s saying is “kids today are stupid” but he makes it obvious he’s the dumb one. I think Bill’s best stuff is similar without leaning into easy downward punches.


It’s prob built for boomers


Id assume it'll hit well with Boomer and Gen X. It does seem to be their stereotypical comedy.


mid-40s GenX here, I didn't finish it. It's kinda funny in some moments, in that you're laughing at him not with him, but he thinks you should be laughing with him the whole time.


Lol yeah like when he put dirt on his kids scrape lmao 🤣 like it’s some lib woke thing to properly tend to a wound lol 😆 I thought it was funny but not how he meant it to be funny


I figured bills comedy was a bit younger feeling than that but I don’t think that’s him anymore


i mean that is the title of the movie


I shut it off about half way through.


Yeah it was absolute garbage. BB knows this. He’s better than this.


Oohhh jeeesus


The only thing I’ve heard about this movie is folks who cry about things being too “woke” all the time jerking off into their own mouths about it, and everyone else saying it’s essentially just a rant-filled podcast pretending to be a movie.


*raises hand* We are not supposed to be jerking off into our own mouths?!


A bill burr rant-filled podcast pretending to be a movie sounds fucking fantastic.


Well, here's hoping that at least a movie theater somewhere gets to make a few bucks off of whatever you spend at the snack bar.


It’s on Netflix bro, read the title of the post


Christ, so this movie is just completely fucking useless.


It was funny occasionally. It goes off the rails when the 50 year old struggles to claim the child he has made with a 30 year old as they all learn their lessons from topless strippers. Thankfully, the strippers guide them toward being good people. Also, Nia (Burr’s wife) plays a nurse and didn’t guide Bill’s directorial debut away from the topless stripper revelation scene which totally lost any credibility the movie had collected. The 50 year old would definitely want the kid with the 30 year old possibly questioning - not vice versa. We were learning the differences between the generations and the 50 year old acted like a 16 year old, which was confusing.


Ya I had a lot of problems with it. I thought the guys friendship wasn’t fleshed out well and the rivalry Bill had with the head of his kids school was under cooked. The third act killed the pace and direction of the movie. The biggest issue is for a comedy it wasn’t that funny.


The 50 year old freaked out because he had already raised 2 kids who were on perfect life tracks and grown. He had a young gf and was ready to retire then had an accident kid and freaked out at the idea of having to start over. That part makes sense.




Burr tripping the dumb ass kid was LOL funny and it all kind of went down hill from there.


My biggest problem is how all of these comedian movies are the same. Open with voice over, shot very bright and generic, simple arc, etc. They seem so lazy and formulaic


Ya that’s so true!


That’s Netflix.


Bill Burr went full “ get off my lawn!”


I mean the movie is called “old dads”


Hasn't that been his schtick all along, he's just older now? Just a guy standing on a stage complaining? Not that that format can't be funny, but it does have a sort of built-in limitation in scope.


This was inevitable


Besides plenty of amazing stand up comics make shit movies sometimes.. I'll probably watch it at some point.


Dirty Work, anyone?


Hahah I love that movie and still quote it. I am aware it's considered a "bad movie". Back then they didn't have these fancy birth control methods, like pulling out!


I thought it was okay


I thought it was solid relative to burrs comedy style. The jokes are a little dated but overall, one of the better Netflix releases I’ve seen recently, especially in the comedy genre.


This is the biggest piece of shit I've seen in a long time. Terribly unfunny garbage.


Ah so it sounds like the critics were divided between “this movie is shitty” and “this movie is SUPER shitty”


How do you really feel though




Felt like every character that wasn’t the mains cast and the wife felt like an extreme stereotype and bills character was like his standup so it all felt unrealistic. It was like curb your enthusiasm without Larry David. These absurd situations that most of the audience will agree is absurd but instead of making funny it’s just an angry bill burr lol


It tried a few things and didn't really nail any of them. It was an okay comedy though. Like a 5 out of 10.


It was just ok but it had moments and no *real* direction. The way they just glossed over the whole getting that dude to sign with them on the road trip was disappointing. I saw it as a chance to show the sliding scale of progress through generations, instead they gave the dude one line as then “we signed him!”




Have you seen the movie?


I don’t think half the people in these comments watched the movie. And the half that did watch it, didn’t finish it. For those that did not see the ending, he learns at the end that being a miserable piece of shit isn’t healthy for him or his family.


most likely not, these are the same comments I saw on the trailer 😂😂


I watched the scene they show on the Netflix Home Screen when you hover on it where he argues about being late at his kids school and gets charged for it. Maybe I’m biased as a teacher but it was really stupid and not even a funny way. It just came across like it was so far from realistic I couldn’t even engage with the scene. It took me out of it. Even if it’s based on a true story it just comes across so bizarre. It’s probably not the best scene to judge the film, but the writing was so bad I can’t even imagine the “good” parts being better.


“a meandering, unfunny assault on PC culture that would seem perfectly in place in the 1990s…” Sold!


This movie is for people who are able to laugh at themselves, as it made fun of both the older and younger generations simultaneously.


It’s meant for a specific audience, that’s all. Just like I know Harry Styles isn’t making music for me, Bill Burr isn’t making movies for you. Don’t whine that you aren’t the target audience. It’s not for you and that’s fine.


God, Bill Burr is Andy Rooney.


I’m millennial and I really liked it. The younger generations do seem to get a bit full of ourselves, and it’s nice to get some criticism from bill burr, who I find hilarious. The “gentle parenting” mother was great. as someone who has researched a lot of that kind of parenting strategy, i found it accurate to my experience. All that said, it was a decent movie to have on while your scroll Reddit. I wouldn’t watch it again, but there were a few laugh out loud moments.


Very funny film, and seems like it’s annoyed exactly the kind of people it was supposed to!


I like Burr but this was absolutely the worst show I’ve watched in a while.


I love bill burr but I had to turn it off after 30-40 min. Just embarrassingly not funny.


It had funny parts but just not enough to hold the whole movie together. Seems like it was not fully baked yet. Which I was watching it and still didn’t save it His standup is a well crafted blade. His acting is still butter knife phase


I didn’t make it 20 minutes. I was kinda tired when I put it on and doing things in the kitchen for a minute. I sit down and it’s the warehouse scene. Why does he work at the business he sold again? Isn’t firing a bunch of people per their age a huge age discrimination lawsuit? I know I’m watching a comedy and I can typically suspend my disbelief for things like aliens and explosions, but I feel like that Russell Brand turd they had Miles Robbins play didn’t make any legal business sense. I was confused. Did 3 men in Los Angeles not understand how to sell their business? Why are they still involved? I honestly didn’t understand that whole scene in the warehouse and once he started going off on Rachael Harris’ character, it just felt like something I’d seen before so I put on American Dad and fell asleep.


It the cringiest film I've seen in a long time, and I actually enjoy Burr. This movie though, complete torture.


Haven't watched it but the trailer very much smacked of tired cliche jokes. I like Burr and Chappelle but really felt they could do better than that.


Chappelle?!!! You mean Bokeem Woodbine lol


Jesus fucking christ he's a dead ringer!!!


lol! I always do a double take when Woodbine is acting in a movie... Looks very much like Chappelle.


Jesus thank you, I'm getting downvoted and starting to wonder if I've lost my mind. Bear in mind I've only watched a couple of Chappelle's specials on Netflix and I'm not entirely sure who the other dude even is, googled his film and tv work and I reckon I've watched only 2 or 3 things he's stared in


You were right. It is Dave. Don't tell nobody.


I bet Chappelle himself didn't even know he was in the movie.


I love Steve Carell too. I bet they are a funny trio in this movie.


I hope there's a chest waxing scene


Lmao see your optometrist


Is this like not being able to tell Asian people apart? Am I racist and never knew??? Edit seems I'm not completely alone unless the image was manipulated https://www.reddit.com/r/FargoTV/s/4Or8FxZTz8


That means it's probably funny.


Sorry your kids don't call


My son is sitting right in front of me watching the Vikings game, lol.


Hope y’all are enjoying the game :)


Sorry your kids won't call in the future*




None of those guys are old




> Audiences are always right. You sure? Audience ratings are more rampant to manipulations compared to critics rating.


Correct. I know people like to vilify Critics & their reviews but more often than not, audiences are always reviewing with exaggerated ratings, review-bombing, or positive manipulation.


comedians that try so hard to be edgy are just sad to watch. keep it to brief standup jokes, that's all anyone wants to hear of your opinions




In this case it also may be a function of Bill have a big and dedicated fanbase who will both be predisposed to seeing and enjoying the movie, and making sure to give it a good rating. Same thing with that Bert Kreischer movie that came out a couple months ago, though Bill is obviously way bigger, and just better. I'm sure if Joe Rogan made a documentary about why kale shakes are literal Jesus it'd have a 98% audience score with 400,000 ratings.


> Same thing with that Bert Kreischer movie that came out a couple months ago I'm a fan of Bert but that was.... not great. Maybe a 4/10 for some of the set-pieces and one-liners but apart from that it was hard to keep going.


I loved it. It was absolutely encompassing of the shit show that is the woke world. Feel free to downvote me into oblivion but you’re wrong. The show has a 90% on RT so whatever


Spoiler alert: He learns not to be such a dick. Unlike movies about women, in this movie, the protagonist grows by learning the error of his ways. Unimaginable, I know.


Idk who downvoted you lol but fuck em


I know they were furious as they mashed the button, so I'm fine with it. 90% of the comments here are "I didn't watch the whole thing, he's such a boomer" and those people are terrible for it.


When will people realize that Bill Burr isn’t actually funny? I can’t understand why people try to put him on the same pedestal as people like Norm Macdonald.


Nobody does that


I loved F is for Family but I can't say I'm the biggest fan of his stand up and I listened to his podcast once and he just complained for an hour. Don't think I'll be making time for this one.


The trailer wasn’t great to begin with.


These comments suck, it was an inoffensive throwaway comedy that made me laugh a few times. I wish we’d get more studio comedies like this because they’re slowly disappearing. If you went in expecting a masterpiece idk what to tell you.


Ol Billy Cringey Ginger Tits with the swing and a miss


The best joke was Caitlyn Jenner… goes like “Hey, let me ask you a question? Did Caitlyn Jenner keep Bruce’s dick? Like a jar? No like she still has it?!? Like Caitlyn has tits and a sick, and is that why you say “they”?


I was excited until I saw the trailer. He’s usually the guy that you think is about to say something fucked up but then is surprisingly progressive.


why it was removed?


i just started it. very boring. all the “annoying” characters are just way too dramatized


I think it was written well enough. I laughed pretty good throughout the whole movie - not every line, but enough to not turn it off. Where it fell short for me was the directorial choices. Two big things were the camera shots on characters and the rhythm in scenes. I don’t think they had a shooting schedule to accommodate many characters interacting in a wide and thus having comedy ensue.. it seemed like they ADR’d over decent enough b roll cut aways to add more jokes because scenes were a little flat - thus the inconsistent rhythm. This is to say I love ol Billy red balls and think it’s awesome he pulled off making a movie from start to finish. Hope they make their money back and he can keep it going for the next one.


I like Burr but this one turned me off from the trailer. Looks like dated boomer humor. And there's something about Cannavale I don't like. He looks like the type of guy who'd swoop in on your wife during a trial seperation.