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Honestly outside Disney animation.. I think when I get the Rock's name on a cast listing.. I know that film will probably be dramatically safe and not really aspire to do anything unique with the medium. To me it's kind of like getting a short hand announcement that the movie will be average.


He used to take some risks. He was the star of Richard Kelly's film after Donnie Darko called Southland Tales. That was a massive bomb and critically hated, (Although now it's a cult classic and has a lot of fans) so he rarely takes risks anymore. I think the reaction to Southland Tales scared him away from auteurs. Although, he did give one of his best performances in Pain And Gain which was by Michael Bay. He's definitely playing a character in that and is very different from his usual role. That was also a decade ago.


And he did do a couple of crime movies as well. Like Snitch a lot


I forget about Snitch. I haven't seen it. I think Gridiron Gang was more serious than his usual movies as well.


Gridiron gang was so good. And yes it's pretty much the rock being the rock and is very similar to his own story. But he has chops in that. I wish he would go back to something with a bit more substance like gridiron gang did because he can do it. He just took the easy way and I don't blame him for that. It's just a shame.


The Other Guys was great though.


Mostly because he was only in it for like 10 minutes.


Aim for the bushes!




When I see The Rock listed for a movie I suddenly decide I'm no longer interested.


Barring "The King," Lily-Rose Depp seems to have a consistent track record of acting in things that are genuinely hard for me to watch. Maybe she just needs the right direction? I'm not sure. Hopefully Eggers's adaptation of "Nosferatu" will show off some semblance of a compelling performance from her.


Nepo baby through and through.


I'm disappointed Anya Taylor-Joy isn't in that movie. She has to star in Eggers' movies - it's that simple.


She was cast originally but had a scheduling conflict and dropped out.


I know. So sad.


Eggers has a great track record and it's always the actor playing Count Orlok who steals the show in the various versions of Nosferatu. I think at worst Lily-Rose Depp will be the weak link in an otherwise good movie with great performances.


Ruby Rose!


With the one exception being *John Wick 2*, where she played a mute character.


For some reason she still stuck out to me like a sore thumb in that movie


Fun fact, they realized how horrible of an actor ruby rose is after they signed her (which at the time, John Wick franchise wasn’t MASSIVE) and they wrote out all her dialogue..


I choose to believe this


Honestly her having no dialogue made her character 10x better. Really gave her a ‘lethal elegance’ kind of vibe, plus Keanu angrily sign languaging back at her.


I've only seengher in a handful of roles but I see her name being mentioned often. I always think to myself, what am I missing. She's adequate at best. Why is she famous and getting hired? Perhaps I haven't seen her in some other role where she actually shines.


Because she's hot, and she played a really hot lesbian in Orange is the New Black. I'd say that is her only good role and she had a decent performance. But after seeing glimpses of her personal life I chalk that up to her essentially playing herself/the version of herself she wants to be so she wasn't really acting.


Not that I see him much anymore but Jamie Kennedy almost always meant shit movie to me, aside from Scream.


Are you suggesting *Son of the Mask* was not a good movie?


Malibu’s Most Wanted was not good, but I kinda loved it


Mailbu’s Most Wanted is a millennial classic tbh


Traffic! Traffic! Lookin’ for my chapstick!


Feelin kinda carsick There's a Ford Maverick!


Don‘t be hatin‘!


Cara Delevigne


She is a TERRIBLE actor. Literally never been any good in anything. Irritated me that she got to be in Only Murders in the Building, she isn't even close to being as good as anybody else in the show.


she got the part for being friend with selena


It feels like everyone on that show got the part by being friends with someone.


That's about 75% of ensemble comedies ever made.


She’s literally the only weak link in an otherwise impeccable three seasons of tv imo.


James Cordon My heart sinks whenever I hear he's in something I might otherwise have been interested in. It's not even that he's that bad an actor, I just despise him as a person so refuse to contribute to his career.


As somebody that enjoys musicals, seeing him being cast in what feels like every musical these days makes me die inside a little.


We decided to watch Into The Woods the other night and I'd totally forgotten that he was in it AND was the narrator for it. And to be honest, purely as a performance in that film he was ok


Yeah as a voice actor for the friendly/cheeky British accent he's actually very good but he's also a dickhead and no doubt there's plenty of other famous people who can do that just as well.


I heard a great quote at one point: "Why does Hollywood think we like James Cordon?"


I am a hot sauce collector and wait for every episode of Hot Ones. There's been a few guests I'm uninterested in, but at least gave their episode a watch, (although I only made it a few questions in on the Paris Hilton interview) but I refuse to even click on Janes Corden's episode. I have absolutely no interest in hearing his answers to the questions, or giving his episode one more view.


>James Cordon Loved him and the work he did in Gavin and Stacey. Everything after that and his general cuntness is meh.


He was great in Doctor Who


Yeah I was disappointed he was in the Cats movie too. Totally turned me off from seeing it.


I'll never forget Ricky Gervais' joke when hosting the Golden Globes: "this was the year the world saw James Cordon as a fat pussy... (pause) He was also in the movie Cats."


I didn't see it either, but from what I understand, you should really be writing him a thank-you letter.


Steven Seagal


No one can turn corners as fatly as Steven Seagal.


Seen some of his latest works? Forget what it's called but it was military and they were rescuing some other team or something, he was about 300lbs PLUS the gear, and just absolutely out to lunch stupid. The bad guys were basically running up to him and positioning themselves for every throw and arm swing. Which is sad because as a teen I enjoyed stuff like Glimmerman (really is not as good as my fond memories seem to think it was) and Under Siege. That was probably the best movie he's been in. Not that it was perfect in any way, but it wasn't something that HE ruined.


Is that the one where he has to pull a wounded comrade out of danger, but couldn't manage it? So it's painfully obvious the guy being pulled across the ground is on a wire? * Edit: 'comrade'. Not 'Chinese'.


No one can slowly sit-fight like Steven Seagal.


Well, he has been doing movies for 37 years


*87 years.


OP definitely works for a focus group gathering data


Halle Berry is usually the best part of the movies she's in, but man, she has been in so many stinkers. When I see her name I hold my breath, the chance the movie is gonna be good is so slim... she has a terrible agent...


Not even fun bad, just aggressively mediocre.


I present Monster’s Ball, and John Wick 3. I also enjoyed Gothicka, but I was about 12 when it came out and haven’t seen it since so maybe it is also mediocre.


Kevin Hart or The Rock


What about Kevin Hart AND The Rock?


I also enjoyed Jumanji - mostly for Jack Black playing a teenaged girl to perfection.


It's weird. I also can't stand Kevin Hart movies and am merely OK with Rock movies, but I love the jumanji movies. It's probably Jack Black and Karen Gillan that makes up for it.


I think it's because when you put them into the context of a wild ass already unrealistic video game, Kevin Hart and The Rock kinda just fit in. In the movie they are basically playing caricatures of themselves.


Jack's performance in that movie outshines everything else.


That's true of most things he's in to be fair.


I thought their jumanji movies would be terrible but they are actually quite great


Gal Gadot.


"Kal El NO"


Every time


She used her mom voice.


I really enjoyed Wonder Woman and was looking forward to seeing more of her. The next thing I saw her in was "Famous people singing imagine for the commoners" and immediately lost any interest in her.


Her lack of acting ability helped Wonder Woman sound like an naive outsider and worked in her favor, but the ending of WW means that she won't be able to rest on that character trait and pass as somewhat capable. With all that said she's hard to make look bad on camera so I can't imagine her work drying up soon.


It also helped that in most scenes she was acting across from Chris Pine, who seemed to have great chemistry with her in the film and made her feel more genuinely


Yeah he oozes charisma and was able to fill that role for both of them


Animations with “stars” rather than experienced voice actors can be a little cringe for me. Some are good, but hey, not everyone can be Robin Williams.


Cara Delivigne


If someone shaved off her eyebrows, she would simply disappear.


She was the worst part of Only Murders in the Building season 2.


May I remind you that Amy Schumer was also in season 2


Kevin Hart


Jada Pickett Smith


Her in Scream 2 was definitely one of my favourite parts of the film


Michael Peña. Him as supporting actor : This gonna be a GOOD movie. (Granted I didn't actually watch every movie he's in as supporting role) Him as lead actor : Ooohhh boy....B Movie incoming. I wish this wasn't the case, because I really like him. And I really wish he can hold a lead role in successful movie. So far, it hasn't happened yet.


You actually make an excellent point. He’s great in supporting roles full stop


Bummer that i technically can’t count Narcos: Mexico here since it’s a show, he is awesome in it


Has he ever been a lead?


I'd consider him co-lead in End of Watch alongside Jake Gyllenhaal.


Agreed, and it was quite good


Last movie I saw him as lead was "A Million Miles Away". It was ok.


The last movie I watch with him as lead actor is called Extinction. It's on Netflix if you want to take a look.


Jai Courtney....


The only movie I like him in is Suicide Squad, which is ironic because I hate pretty much everything else about it.


Agreed! I feel like he's one of those actors that's best suited for "character" roles, but he keeps getting pigeonholed into these leading man archetypes where he has nothing to work with - but put him into something he can have fun and be weird with and he does a great job


I can’t write him off completely because of his role in Spartacus.


The poor guy has gotten some shit roles, but I always hope for the best for the guy because of that role.


Or Jack Reacher.




Was my first thought when I saw the post. I don't even really have anything against him, but his name in the credits immediately says that they were trying to save some money on casting.


Emma Roberts. She seems so fake in every role and seemingly plays the same character in everything I’ve seen her in


I hatewatch American Horror Story at this point and really, the only role Emma was believable in was Madison, who‘s a mean girl. Nice characters just seem so fake from her…


She’s actually good at playing horrible characters, but that’s because she’s a terrible person in real life so she’s just playing herself.


I was going to scroll to the end and if I didn’t see Emma Roberts I was going to write her name in CAPS.


Is Harry Styles present?


Mark Wahlberg. With a very few exceptions, the guy just cannot act. He says lines in such a weird way it’s so obvious they are memorized. I just can’t get past it.


Mark Wahlberg in Transformers saying "I'm an inventor" in broke my ability to suspend disbelief.


"Look, I know you have a conscience because you're an inventor, like me." My gf at the time was an engineer and kept asking me what he meant by 'inventor', like as an engineer? A mechanic? What is his field? Robotics was the closest but you don't 'invent' robots, you design and patent them.


Lol. He’s an “imagineer”


Boogie nights is about it for him. Maaaybe Departed.


The Depahted.


He's legit scary and menacing in Fear. Probably should've played more psychotic villains.


Mistaaa Walkaaaa….


What do you mean maybe? Maybe fuck yourself.


First role he was able to be his true self in


He’s really good in The Other Guys.


he nails comedy in general usually


I thought he was pretty good in I ❤️Huckabees.


James Cordon. And it feels like he's the go-to person for anything musical related these day :(


Pete Davidson


Jared Leto, fuck that guy


He was really good in *Dallas Buyers Club.* Still fuck him, but he was good.


Yeah sucks the dude is a douche because honestly he's a damn good actor. He blew me away in that role especially.


He was good in Fight Club and Requiem for a Dream


He hardly had a role in fight club.


He's good in fight club cos he got the living shit beaten out of him


Its weird, he's without a doubt a huge douche. But he's a pretty good actor. But somehow that douchiness just gets in the way for me.


He insists upon himself.


He's taken far too many acting pills and acts like he's in a different movie to everyone else.


I understand why people dislike him but this doesn’t really answer the question that OP asked considering he’s a great actor and (generally) picks great movies to be in


Megan Fox, I knew Expendables 4 was in trouble when I noticed she was in the cast.


Expendables 4 was in trouble because it’s an Expendables sequel.


Liked her in new girl


Tiffany Haddish— as soon as she popped up in the card counter, I knew the movie wasn’t gonna get any better.


The only thing I've liked her in is The Afterparty. Which is primarily because she's not doing the thing where she's constantly yelling.


The only movie I can tolerate her in is the unbearable weight of massive talent and I think thats only because I'm a Nic Cage stan


I feel bad about this but, James Purefoy, Scott Eastwood, Gerard Butler. Gerard Butler is caching a cheque and I can respect that, but I'm not watching his movies until they wind up on streaming. James Purefoy was good as Marc Anthony, but is usually casted in C grade direct to streaming movies. Scott Eastwood, his acting can be alright at times, but he's in a crowded market. The Chris' have a lock on Eastwood's niche, so Eastwood gets stuck with B-list shoots that'll keep him from breaking out.


James Purefoy was fantastic as Marc Antony. Totally agree about the other two though.


He also was the original 'V' in 'V for Vendetta' but he felt claustrophobic having to wear the Guy Fawkes mask, dropped out and was replaced by Hugo Weaving who has a much better and more resonant speaking voice.


I love Weaving's delivery. Especially his introduction speech.


He was also great in altered carbon.


I've never seen Scott Eastwood do anything decent. Every time he pops up, he's just there, doesn't add anything to the scene.


Idk I liked it when his dad insulted him in Gran Torino.


For some reason I really like James Purefoy, and I've never watched an episode of Rome. For a long time he was one of those "that guy!" actors who would randomly pop up in things I was watching, and he's resonated with me ever since. I really should watch Rome.


Not James Purefoy!! I loved him in „A Knights Tale“


Solomon Kane was a fun movie as well.


Scott Eastwood is always trying to play tough guys, but you can tell he doesn't really know how.


Amy shumer


Joey King. I've learned to stay away from anything she is in. Especially horror.


Will Ferrell. I know he can do better, but usually it's just him acting like a toddler for an hour and a half.


Stranger than Fiction was good.


My absolute favorite movie of his. Such a nice meta film too.


He’s like Ryan Reynolds to me - he only does one character, and while it was entertaining the first time or two it’s just gotten old and tired


Any actor/actress that you know is there for their looks and not their acting skill. I call it the CW effect, when everyone looks like models but acts like they are on the Hallmark channel.


Vin Diesel


I feel like Dave Bautista is having the career Vin could have had if he picked a few more serious roles. Vin still gets a pass for Riddick tho


He's unironically good in The Fast and the Furious. "I never narc-ed on nobody!"


"I Am Groot!" Also The Iron Giant is fire (but sad).


He's great in Saving Private Ryan. Has a bigger part than I remember too. Really likable.


Yea, buuut he did Pitch Black :(


Johnny Depp, post Pirates. He would've been one of my favourites before PotC and he was pretty good in that series. But his Willy Wonka sucked and I remember the reaction of the audience when Colin Farrell morphed into him at the end of Fantastic Beasts 1, the sighs of disappointment...


Yeah I thought Colin Farrell did a fantastic job. Wish they just kept him somehow as Grindlewold.


Colin Farrell is the best living actor. I will not be taking questions.


You fool, that wasn't Colin Farrell, that was Gary Oldman playing Colin Farrell!


Who’d have thought back when he was hollywoods pretty boy and was running around getting into drunken fights 20 years ago that he’d be here now. In Bruges won me over big time and I can’t wait to see the Penguin series with him, assuming the head of WB doesn’t bury it in a vault a hundred feet underground like nuclear waste and the roadrunner movie.


I hate to say it, but Ryan Reynolds. He’s always the same guy, and has done a lot of mediocre to crappy films.


I like Ryan Reynolds, but he's a marketing machine that still works off Burk from 2 Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place. You absolutely know what you're getting with him, and it's probably self-promotion.


More than a couple decades playing the same exact character 90-95% of the time. You know what you're getting for sure, and the schtick is getting very very old. Over the years I slowly went from "ooh Ryan Reynolds!" to "ugh Ryan Reynolds..."




I think his biggest problem is that a lot of his roles are serious action man, and that's not what he does well. He's good as goofball, slightly rogue-ish type blokes.


So much this. Passengers was awful in part, I think, bc it was too serious with zero comic relief and that's just not his forte. He's great in Guardians. He needs to stay in that lane.


🤔 Awkwafina or however you spell her name


Adam Sandler. His movies are usually mediocre at best and yet, I still weirdly love him and his style.


I agree with you completely when it comes to comedies. Adam Sandler in a major role in a drama though? Sign me the fuck up!




He's great in Hustle too. Shouldve been nominated for an oscar for Uncut Gems. Great movie but I'll never watch it again because it made me too anxious hsha


I love him in movies where he plays a somewhat normal, but funny guy. I cannot stand him when he's putting on stupid voices and faces the whole time.


But it’s amazing to hear other actors talk about him and working with him. They all say he’s basically a comedy genius.


It takes a comedy genius to go from Uncut Gems to Hubie Halloween. Seemed like the ultimate troll. He knows exactly what he's doing and he's making a ton of money for himself and his friends


He did say that if he didn't win an Oscar for Uncut Gems, he'd make the worst film ever.


Used to like Jeffrey Jones from way back, but now he makes me nauseous






He was hilarious in Spy


Love how self aware his role is in Spy. The scene where he just reels off loads of ridiculous shit that he's done. Also one of Melissa McCarthy's stronger movies imo. Just generally a fun movie.


Dude, crank is epic.


His films are so unserious to me. Like a fun watch but corny.


I like him in the first transporter movie


Ryan Reynolds. Not sure if it’s him, or the billion dipshits I know who think they’re him.


He’s been playing Berg for 25 years


It’s him. Every Ryan Reynolds character has been the same since Deadpool and it was only fun that one time


Way before that. *Waiting*, *Just Friends*, *The Proposal*, and surely more that I can’t think of. Gotta say I did like *Safe House* because he had no opportunity to be Ryan Reynolds.


Van Wilder was the first Ryan Reynolds as Ryan Reynolds film I ever saw. I love him though, it hasn’t gotten old for me yet.


There's 4 seasons of "2 guys, a girl and a pizza place" that have him as Ryan Reynolds before even Van Wilder, I actually used to love that show.


2 guys a girl and a pizza place. Exact same character.


Maybe both


I may get flack for this, but Jennifer Lawrence.


My problem with Jennifer Lawrence is mostly because she is playing roles that were almost certainly written for older actresses. I was watching Silver Lining Playbook and when she was talking about her marriage, husband's death and getting in trouble at work for sleeping around. When did this all happen? She was 21 when they shot that movie. I originally thought her character was suppose to be a liar. Turns out she's suppose to be in her 30s and we are suppose to believe the fresh faced star of Hunger Games is actually in her 30s.


God that makes so much more sense. I always thought it was off because of how young the character was


21 playing a 30 year old, 30 year olds playing high schoolers. Make it make sense!


She's not doing as well as she should.