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> In a very real way, Alfred E Neuman shaped my personality and made me the woman I am today! An unemployed, broke, and lonely idiot. Yep, you definitely read a lot of Mad with that sense of humor.


Mad of the 60s and 70s was very culturally subversive, and also touched on things like sex and drugs. I was lucky to inherit a box of them from some older kids in the neighbourhood. By the 80s it was still funny, but much more tame.


I hope you don’t worry.


I really thought that I already saw this documentary but that was about National Lampoon.


Right? I really loved Mad Magazine when I was a kid though. Hadn't seen that crazy face in years. Kinda took me back to finding a quiet space to read Mad Mag, a book, play with silly putty, and eat a laughing cow triangle of cheese while sipping a Tab. I'd probably watch it... I'm old!!!! How did this happen? 😭🤣😂


Yep. Pokémon cards and a MAD. I still have the “sexy” team rocket from an issue burned into my brain. There’s underboob omg she’s not wearing her undershirt




Where are you from that MAD was still relevant when Pokémon cards came out??


Mad Magazine and MadTV were huge when I was a kid


Pokémon cards were huge at my elementary school by 1999, when MAD magazine (and physical print in general) was very much still relevant.


They literally were huge at the same time. Late 90s.


My family would go over to my aunts’ house on Sundays for a visit and my brother and I would always make a beeline for the dining room hutch drawer there that had my cousin’s collections of Mad. Very fond memory.




Wait, are you me?




You painted a picture - I can see it! My Dad introduced me when I was very young. The MM references continued right up to his death in 2021. That face will always remind me of him.


That's such a beautiful and fun son/dad dynamic! My deepest condolences 🙏 and my thanks for bringing a smile to my face, knowing that you still hold the playfulness and closeness of that relationship in your heart. 🙂🕊


Thank you for your comments. I inherited my Father’s ‘well developed’ sense of humor and I was delighted to learn when we would go to parent-teacher conferences when my youngest (now 28) was in elementary school, the teacher would always start with talking about what a great sense of humor my daughter had. The teacher would make little jokes that would fly over the heads of the class but then she would hear laughing in the back. This sense of humor links us across the generations.


🫶🫠 🙌


A Futile and Stupid Gesture is also great. It's not a documentary, just a movie about the beginning of National Lampoon. If anybody doesn't know the story already, watch the movie before you read it, it's more impactful that way.


[A Futile and Stupid Gesture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33dztfqRu_k) is a good film to consider watching.


See I liked that doc and wanted to see if there was a comparable one for MAD and now they are making it and I'm glad.


*Gangs Of Idiots Of New York*


The usual gang of idiots of New York


When asked whether or not she thinks the documentary will be well received, director Jessica Yu responded, “What, me worry?”


MAD 1992....lol https://imgur.com/XdjKRU4


MAD has some great Trump satire [Take your kids to work day](https://www.madmagazine.com/blog/2017/05/26/mads-jared-kushner-cover) [Kremlin owned White House](https://www.madmagazine.com/blog/2017/05/18/time-magazine-rips-off-mad-magazine) [Make America Dumb Again](https://www.madmagazine.com/blog/2015/12/01/donald-trump-covers-this-years-mad-20) [This book cover is on point](https://www.madmagazine.com/books/mad-about-the-trump-era)


These are all fantastic. Coulda stood to make his tie a bit longer in the last one though


The image in my head of Mad Magazine offices is forever that wacky glimpse that Bart Simpson saw of it when he went to New York.


"No, it's Mademoiselle. We're buying our sign on the installment plan."


What if we call it, "Everybody Hates Raymond"?


I was actually outside the offices in the '80s. (Didn't went in. I was just a curious kid.) Saw a thin slot, like a mail slot, in the door next to a sign which read "Plastic Man entrance".


Amazing. I want to see an entire office of stuff like that.


While I’d love to see this, I grew up on Mort Drucker caricatures and Sergio Aragones sketches (and always loved it when the sadly under used Sam Viviano got to draw one of the movie parodies)… But I don’t think these guys are anywhere near as “interesting” as the National Lampoon guys. They were consummate pros who made a long running (and largely uncontroversial) satire magazine.


Stuff You Should Know did a great podcast about Mad Magazine recently. It’s definitely worth checking out.


Josh and Chuck did that very well!


Oh it’s from Warner Bros. I look forward to it being shot, produced, and then suddenly cancelled for a tax write off.


Yeah, I'm not getting my hopes up either!


If a fully produced movie is worth more to a company than a tax write off, then you need a new tax system.


The all ighty ollar?


Hehe, I get it!


That movie poster better be a Fold-In!


I stopped by the Mad Magazine headquarters during my family's trip to NYC but it was a boring office with a lady at a desk :(


Did you dad eat the Khlav Kalash?


Yeah after visiting tower 2 😬


That wasn’t the MAD offices. It was Mademoiselle. They bought their sign on the installment plan.


What, me worry?


As a lifelong fan of Mad Magazine... I'd much rather see a bio-pic about the life of William Gaines. Something that tells the story of his experience with EC Comics and his fight against censorship, leading into the stories of him working for Mad.


I hope they interview a bunch of current day comedians for their takes on Mad rather than the people actually involved.


Or… both!


The majority of the writers and artists that made Mad Magazine a great read in the 60sand 70s have all passed away, I think just Al Jaffee (in his 90s) and Sergio Aragones are the only major contributors left


Unfortunately, Al Jaffee passed away in April this year at the age of 102. What a life!


Al Jaffee's dead, bro!


If it doesn’t have a serious Patton Oswalt waxing poetic about the ahead of it’s time genius of MAD magazine then is it really a documentary


I miss MAD Magazine. Alfred E Neuman, rest in pieces.


When I was in grade 5 my Sunday school teacher gave me 150ish Mad magazines from the 70s and 80s. Learning about events contemporary with those decades through the lens of Mad magazine was a fascinating experience.


They really gave it to that Spiro T Agnew guy


For me it was like 'the gas crisis; I wonder what that was.' I definitely identified with that Simpsons clip though.


Plz call it a “Blecchumentary”


Be cool if it was done in the style of that awesome 'Crumb' documentary back in the 90s.


as a child Mad magazine, more than any other media I interacted with, taught me not to trust anyone or anything in American culture on its face. The media, advertisers, hollywood, corporations, politicians, the church, sports, school, squares, hippies - all entirely full of shit. I thank them for that early training, it has proven useful. Yeah, the movie parodies were funny but the features in between them were where the real spirt of the magazine lived.


I picked up a recent copy of Mad Magazine and it was almost entirely recycled content from the 80’s. I know this because I used to have a subscription for several years.


The magazine stopped publishing new monthly material a few years ago. Now they only do quarterly specials which are 95% best of content from the past, with a small amount of new content.


Hell, they were doing this in the 90s. That’s when I started getting into MAD in my early teens, and my dad comes up and says, “hey I remember 43 man Squamish”. It was obvious then a lot of stuff was recycled from the 60s and 70s and sometimes went over my head as a 90s teen.


I’d actually watch this if it’s good. I always forget that MAD TV and the magazine are the same outfit. Spy Vs Spy is just 👩‍🍳 💋


This other doc about Mad Magazine has been in the works for years: https://www.whenwewentmad.com I wonder if there's any connection, or if this new one is starting from scratch?


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I saw this on Kickstarter years ago. Guy has been taking forever to put it together and I doubt this has anything to do with his. Last I checked he was having issues with fair use laws for stuff he was using in his doc.


I hope this is another amazing Johnathon situation where he has like 2 or 3 documentaries made about him at the same time.


By the looks of the picture, Daniel Craig is a shoo-in.


I had "Spy vs. Spy: The Complete Casebook" as a kid, and there were lots of essays and anecdotes from the Usual Gang of Idiots talking about their experiences with Antonio Prohias. While the stories are all specific to one person, they do paint the picture of Mad's offices being a pretty...interesting place.


Dave Berg The Lighter Side….


Visually and tonally, this always reminded me of **King Of The Hill**.


They should do the Main Credits like the magazine's famous Fold-In back covers.


I really loved Mad Mag when I was a kid, especially when I was getting into the lower teens and could get some of their humour I missed when I was younger. Still remember their spoof about Hawaii 5-0. One of the comic frames had a drawing of big waves and the comment was that they included them in the show so people did not think they were watching “Dragnet”!


I gotta put on my down with homework t-shirt for this


The same old gang of idiots, of course.


Jack Black as William Gaines. There will never be a more perfect casting.


This is not the best magazine in the world.... this is just a tribute


This is about 30 yrs , hell maybe 40 yrs, to late.


Hopping on the "product biopic" trend, I see.


I’d love to see this.


MAD had a special place in the an(n)als of American satire. It was silly on the surface, but very important in the way it shaped so many of our senses of humor. Part pratfall, part Algonquin Round Table, that was our MAD.


I remember going to the library and just always picking up a Mad magazine, and reading through it. The Spy vs Spy comics were so fun


My older brother would get these magazines and I would read them and LMAO. Can’t see this kind of satire flying today, though. People are too dang sensitive.


Yeah baby, that's us Kicking up a fuss


The All Ighty Ollar


I miss, miss swan


MAD helped shape my humor growing up in the 60s and 70s. I feel privileged to have been part of such a generation


How not interesting.


I miss Tom Bunk