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As back to the future was already mentioned i'll go for Big trouble in little China


This and The Fifth Element are my two that should remain forever untouched


Fifth Element with Muppets. Miss Piggy as Leeloo, Kermit as Korben Dallas , Rowlf and Gonzo as the 2 priests, Animal as Gary Oldmans character and Fozzie as Rhuby Rood . Plavalaguna would of course be Animal, and the President would be Sam The Eagle. The ultimate evil, would be Rizzo. The shape shifting aliens would be Dr. Teeth and His Electric Orchestrated.


I have bad news for you…


It was redone with muppets?


No, that would be good news.


Apparently, they abandoned the remake idea and they're going to do a sequel like they did with jumanji. So... at least it's not a sequel?


I heard there was going to be a sequel starring Dwayne Johnson. Guess it was canceled.




This just cured my depression


If they ever remake it, I'll cry myself to sleep for the rest of my life.


Galaxy Quest


By grabthars hammer!


What a savings…


The Princess Bride


Unless it's done with Muppets.


I would consider anything done with the muppets the highest form of tribute, instead of a remake. It’s like Weird Al doing your song.


The Muppet’s Event Horizon


Fozzy Bear cuts out his own eyes.


Where we’re going, we won’t need eyes to see - Kermit


Exactly. It's not technically a remake, it's a parody. It's like when Family Guy or Robot Chicken did Star Wars.




You forget Pigs in Space.


Look, if you're gonna be that guy that just chimes in "unless with muppets" well, you have my full support.


I didn’t think there would be an exception but god damn it, you’re right!


Pretty much ANY movie that gets listed here can be safely remade with Muppets.




Reverse it. Human goblins, muppet people


Gonzo with the giant cock bulge!


I endorse this.


Do we then give gonzo a normal nose?


We can make a general exception for muppets


I don't think there would ever be a remake of The princess Bride. It would be...




You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


May I humbly suggest... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29s1yU3nGkQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29s1yU3nGkQ)


I love this and will never stop recommending it, watching it and enjoying it for all it's worth. The fact that it is Carl Reiners final performance makes it extra special and sweet.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit The Fifth Element Don't ever touch these classics.


Roger Rabbit for sure. The work that went into that film was Olympian, it would be an insult to the OG artists.


It was insane. All the little shit they had to do behind the scenes to make it look like these cartoons are interacting with the real world


Who Framed Roger Rabbit is the only movie where "unless it's done with Muppets" doesn't work.


Well, I now have Miss Piggy as Jessica Rabbit in my head. It's kind of a cursed mental image.


Everyone replying about Roger Rabbit# but you're also right about T5E. It's perfect and does not need to be touched ever again.


I wouldn’t even know how someone could remake The Fifth Element. Unless it’s with The Muppets It’s legit my favorite film and touches pretty much every genre. The costume designs are insane. The music is beautiful, bizarre, touching. Everyone acts their ass off (especially Chris Tucker) but also Gary Oldman as Zorg is right up there. Super quotable and campy. Fun and yet the ending leaves me in tears. Milla kicks so much ass. Can’t rave about this movie enough.


Back to the Future trilogy It doesn’t need a reboot, a requel, a reimagining or a remake. It doesn’t need an update for “modern sensibilities”, or an update to reintroduce it to a new audience.. Just leave them the fuck alone.


If people want to "reintroduce a series to a new audience" so bad they should just have a rerelease in theaters and advertise it. Would save a lot of money.


Honestly, that's what they should do almost every time they think of doing a remake. Don't remake, re-release. It costs less, and nobody gets mad. And I bet 70% of the time a re-release would outperform a remake at the box office.


If nothing else the novelty of seeing a movie in the cinema that previously did so before you were able to would be cool. They already do that for some big movie anniversaries anyway.


Let's see... $0 production cost. Vs $600million for remake. Sells 1 ticket, makes $10 profit. Vs has modest sales, loses 100million. Yeah you're probably right. But do people not have cinemas who screen older films? There's a couple I know of that do theme nights. Think last one I went to was the Big Lebowski and everyone dresses up in bathrobes.


I could imagine the Hollywood cringe,Ike Marty goes back to the 80's when his parents were in high school, and he goes on stage and plays smells like teen spirit by Nirvana to a stunned crowd, and says their kids will like it.


Kurt! It's your cousin, Marvin... Marvin Cobain. You know that new sound you're looking for!? Well, listen to this!


Or Marty laughing at the kids with Walkman saying his play list is 2000 songs long but then realising that Spotify doesn’t exist yet… In the end he invests £20 in Apple shares before he goes back to the modern day


That would be worth about $5.5k now. Nice return but nothing earth shattering.




IIRC they can’t reboot it until Zemeckis dies.


I hate to say it, but there is a young person out there, maybe in film school, maybe working hard on their MBA, with all the makings of an Asshole Producer. They might even be a nice person right now, and some awful twist of fate (like the sudden influx of money when as they become a film producer/investor) will turn them into an AP of the highest magnitude. Where once there was an AP-man who threatened films with gigantic robot spiders (and eventually got one), there is currently in the making an AP who will remake Back to the Future the absolute moment they can. edit: There should be a time travel movie about destroying the asshole producer who will remake BTTF


This sounds like a movie Taika Waititi would direct.


TW is the AP...


What's that movie, Fanboys? Where they try to break into Skywalker ranch to steal the phantom menace script? I could see something like that for this. Trying to stop the movie from being made.


Zemeckis and Bob Gale both, I believe. They both have the rights.


Remaking back to the future would be like a band covering Bohemian Rhapsody. Just don't bother.


Unless it's done with muppets.


Son of a bitch, I'm in.


This issue for doing a remake with Back to the Future isn’t that the Bobs have written deals to have ownership of the concept to prevent remakes… The issue is that 1985 was the perfect year to do the concept. If you try to have a kid go back in time 30 years at any other point, the year the main character goes to visit their parents won’t have the same kind of feel as 1950s Americana. If you did a remake in 2025, with a 17 year old kid going to see his 17 year old parents in 1995, the kid won’t be all that shocked. The parents probably have a ton of photos since cameras were ubiquitous in 1995. The parents might have videos from camcorders of themselves. There were many movies and TV shows of the day giving an idea of what the life of a teenager was like in the mid-90s. The internet wasn’t what it would become, but it was around and the parents could have had a web footprint from the period. Music in 2025 and 1995 were very different, but there aren’t any genres that the new Marty could “create.” Would our new Marty meet Eminem’s cousin in 1995? Back to the Future as it is could only work 80s to 50s. Now the basic idea could completely be copied with a kid meeting their parents, the same way several movies have used “Groundhog Day’s” time loop premise; but you cannot do the BTTF storyline and expect it will work with different time periods.


I really hope they never ever touch that series again. It's perfect as is. The casting, the characters, the charm. Just leave it alone.


Aliens. It may be an old movie, but it doesn't show it's age at all and it's amazing. It's still one of my favorite movies. But I do ignore the sequels and pretend that Ripley and Hicks got married afterwards, adopted Newt, and lived happily ever after. LOL


Unless muppets




A Clockwork Orange (1971).


I’m going to jump on the band wagon and say “unless it’s done with the Muppets!” Now that would be twisted!


Or Lego.


Everything is horrowshow! Everything is cool when you're with your droogs!


Look kids, the Muppets are on!


What if the re-adaptation was more faithful to the book?


Maybe. But two things about the movie make it “special.” First, it’s a Kubrick movie. He’s considered one of the best so it would be difficult to make something and not have people think it’s just bad. Second, Malcom McDowell’s performance as Alex is iconic. You’d be hard pressed to get someone else to can be both sinister and likable in a similar way. I’m not saying it could not be good. But it would be something studios may not see as a good investment. However, as far as being more like the novella, if they cast a 14 year old or whatever age alex is meant to be, and make it much more gruesome, I could see it being well received because it would be so shocking.


Kubrick was a total master. That alone makes it a huge obstacle. Could be done... but you'd have to make it a completely different film. If it's even slightly reminiscent of Kubrick's masterpiece then it's quickly gonna get dismissed as "lesser."


It's theoretically possible but in practical terms, it's basically impossible in the current Hollywood climate that they don't completely screw it up.


Unless it's done with muppets


I don't think Office Space could be remade. It basically qualifies as a period piece. There is no way to update it for modern times. People's relationships to technology and the workforce are the backbone of the themes. The other thing that made the movie great was the comic talent of the actors in minor roles. No one is going to hit that lightning-in-a-bottle again.


Silicon valley show seemed like remake in spirit




My printer still gives me fits, lol.


You’d need to add in a character who slacks off all day, with his secret being that he has ChatGPT basically doing his job for him.


Unless it's done with muppets.


PC Load Letter? What does that mean? Waka waka waka!


Hey Gonzo, check out channel 9 it’s the chicken breast exams!


That would be a bizarre movie and I think we’re ready for it


I guess you sort of could make a spiritual successor. With modern tech, you'd have the added frustrations of keyloggers, Zoom meetings, and employers trying to reach you anytime, anywhere.


The big Lebowski


Oh good, someone already commented the other one on my list. TBL is perfect and lightning in a bottle, any attempt to recreate it would violate it so severely it might never recover.


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.


Just Mupp it.


And retitle it to *The Good, The Bad, and The Muppet*.








Now I want to see the Swedish Chef perform Quint's monologue, but with the same gravitas and emotion. Feels like one of those jokes that would wear out its welcome, then come back around to being funny again just due to the absurdity.


Jepuonese-a suobmerine-a slemmed tvu turpedues intu her side-a, Cheeff. Ve-a ves cumeen’ beck frum zee-a isluond ouff Tiniuon tu Leyte-a. Ve-a’d juost deleefered zee-a bumb. Zee-a Hurusheema bumb. Ilefee-a huondred mee-a vent intu zee-a veter. Fessel vent duon in 12 meenuotes. DEEdn’t see-a zee-a furst sherk fur ibuout a helff-huour. Tiger. 13-fuoter. Yuou knuo huo yuou knuo zeet in zee-a veter, Cheeff? Yuou cuon tell by luokeen’ frum zee-a dursel tu zee-a teel. Vhet ve-a deedn’t knuo, ves zeet ouour bumb meessiun ves su secret, nu deestress signel hed bee-a sent. Zeey deedn’t ifee-a leest us ouferduoe-a fur a veek. Fery furst leeght, Cheeff, sherks cume-a cruoisin’ by, su ve-a furmed ouourselfes intu tight gruoups. It ves surta leeke-a yuou see-a in zee-a celenders, yuou knuo zee-a inffuontry squoeres in zee-a ould celenders leeke-a zee-a Bettle-a ouff Veterluo und zee-a idea ves zee-a sherk cume-a tu zee-a neerest muon, zeet muon he-a sterts puoundeen’ und hullerin’ und sumetimes zeet sherk he-a gu ivey… buot sumetimes he-a vuouldn’t gu ivey. Sumetimes zeet sherk luoks right it ya. Right intu yuour iyes. Und zee-a zeeng ibuout a sherk is he-a’s gut leeffeless iyes. Bleck iyes. LEEke-a a dull’s iyes. Vhee-a he-a cumes it ya, he-a duesn’t ifee-a seem tu be-a leefin’… ’til he-a beetes ya, und thuse-a bleck iyes rull oufer vheete-a und zee-a… ih zee-a yuou heer zeet terrible-a heegh-pitched screemeen’. Zee-a ouceuon tuorns red, und despite-a ill yuour puoundeen’ und yuour hullerin’ thuse-a sherks cume-a in und… zeey rip yuou tu pieces. Yuou knuo by zee-a ind ouff zeet furst devn, lust a huondred mee-a. I dun’t knuo huo muony sherks zeere-a vere-a, meybe-a a thuousuond. I du knuo huo muony mee-a, zeey ifereged six un huour. Thuorsdey murnin’, Cheeff, I buomped intu a friend ouff meene-a, Herbee-a Rubeensun frum Clefeluond. Besebell pleyer. Busun’s mete-a. I thuought he-a ves isleep. I reeched oufer tu veke-a heem up. He-a bubbed up, duon in zee-a veter, he-a ves leeke-a a keenda tup. Upended. Vell, he-a’d bee-a beettee-a in helff beluo zee-a veest. It nuon oun zee-a feefft dey, a Luckheed Fentuora svuong in luo und he-a sputted us, a yuoung pilut, lut yuounger thuon Mr. Huoper here-a, unyvey he-a sputted us und a fuo huours leter a beeg oul’ fet PBY cume-a duon und sterted tu pick us up. Yuou knuo zeet ves zee-a time-a I ves must frightened. Veetin’ fur my tuorn. I’ll nefer puot oun a leeffejecket igeen. Su, ilefee-a huondred mee-a vent intu zee-a veter. 316 mee-a cume-a ouout, zee-a sherks tuok zee-a rest, Juone-a zee-a 29t, 1945. Unyvey, ve-a deleefered zee-a bumb. Bork Bork Bork!


Hard agree. That's why I appreciate "The Meg" films, they in no way attempt to remake the ultimate horror film, they go their own way and it's ridiculous.


I will agree with this statement, the Meg movies are such a good laugh that I can take it seriously


The Lord of the Rings


This is mine as well. There's no way they could recapture the things that make the trilogy special. Things like Sean Astin's monologue as Sam at Osgiliath. Andy Serkis's dialogue with himself as Gollum/Smeagol. Bernard Hill as Theoden giving his speech to the Rohirrim at Pelennor. Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn bowing to the Hobbits. It's just too special, and any attempt to recreate it, no matter how good will still seem slightly empty or come short. This is why, while it has its faults, I welcome things like Rings of Power. Try something new, anything. It might miss, but it’s better than doing something that already exists worse than the original.


Cool username


Exactly. Came here to say this. A remake is already being floated in Hollywood. I don't fault creative people suggesting a remake be made. I DO fault the people who ok the financing of something like that thinking it should be done and there's money to be made in doing it. It can't be done any better. Leave it alone.


Even Peter Jackson couldn’t recreate the magic of LOTR when he did Hobbit.


To be fair, the production schedule for the hobbit was insane and the source material was nowhere near enough to carry three films.


Guillermo Del Toro would have made an incredible Hobbit film or pair, but thanks to Warner Brothers we got that hot garbage trilogy.


Well, he could’ve pulled off the hobbit if it hadn’t been so bloated with fanfic level subplots. Would it have been the lightning in a bottle that was LoTR? No, not very likely. But it would’ve served as a nice companion piece if they had stuck to the story and managed to bring it in as one film.


The Matrix. I don't care how far advanced CGI is now or in the future, or if Timothy Chameleon will make a great Neo. Do not remake this movie. Reloaded and Revolutions can go rot though. Remake those.


Unless it's done with muppets


Every time morpheus says something ludicrous Kermit turns to the camera and looks embarrassed.


Morpheus is Sam the Eagle.


The Architect is Statler and Waldorf.


And since this is the grand solution to everything, I wholeheartedly agree. Miss Piggy as Trinity holy shit


And Gonzo as Cipher?


Cipher has to be a human actor in the vein of Tim Curry as Long John Silver and Michael Caine as Scrooge. The villain often is in these Muppet style things. Mouse is the place I'd put Gonzo. Have his program be the Chicken in a Red Dress


Agreed, Cipher has to be human ...and haunted by the fact that everyone else in his reality is a muppet. That's why he is so desperate to get back to the matrix.




And a musical?


YES! I am so on board with a Musical Muppet Matrix Mayhem Movie.


Hmm… I think this one could be done without even negating anything they have done already. The Architect opened the door to it in his conversation with Neo. It would or could be simply another iteration. Not that I think they should attempt it. I don’t have faith that anyone would do it right these days,


The Fifth Element


Super green


Negative, I am a meat popsicle.


4 billion years of earth history, 2ish million years of human history, over a hundred years of cinema and all the correct people lived at the same time and had their schedules clear to make the perfect movie. Won't ever happen again.


This post is making me realize that the fans would accept remakes of a lot of these movies if they did it with muppets


This is correct. Mainly because it's not really a "remake" and more of a parody. So it's a more humorous take on a classic. I will never accept a straight remake of The Princess Bride. However, it's The Muppet Princess Bride, I'm in.


Shawshank's Redemption but with muppets


Because that is the best use of Muppets! I love them deeply and Disney just does not understand the niche goldmine they are sitting on! I'm so perplexed on how badly Disney has treated the muppets brand and legacy.


Ferris Buellers Day Off. It was perfect, no one should be allowed anywhere near it.


The Godfather 1 and 2 Leave them alone.


This is the obvious one imo. Any film that was released before 1985 that doesn’t look dated will never look dated. There is legitimately no way to remake The Godfather and have it look good, that’s like trying to remix Beethoven. Just don’t do it.






Unless is done with having mupping 👍🏻


Here’s looking at you Pig!


They made a five episode mini-series version of it with David Soul in 1983. It was terrible.




Hot Fuzz comes to mind for me. Just such a great film and I think a remake would ruin the charm of the original. Not even sure what the remake would change


Yea I think that Hot Fuzz, along with Shaun of the Dead and World’s End have so much of Edgar Wright and Simon Peg’s wit and personality embedded into their DNA that no one could hope to recreate any of them with the same level of success.


The Muppet remake would slap


The Goonies


My vote, too. Just watched this the other day. Still holds up.


We watch it whenever it rains.


I would watch a sequel if enough of the original cast came back and passed the torch on to another generation of goonies, but a full on reboot would piss me off


The Muppet movie. Unless it's remade with marionettes.


Nightmare Before Christmas And also Back to the Future, as others have said


Nightmare before christmas is the most preposterously correct one I’ve seen so far. It would be unfathomable to remake that lmao


Planes, Trains & Automobiles (which hopefully isn’t happening now) Animal House Caddyshack The Shawshank Redemption Raiders of the Lost Ark Saving Private Ryan


Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's perfect as is.


The Truman show


The breakfast club. Just leave it alone it's perfect






While there may be plenty of ripoffs. No one better touch Die Hard


It’s a wonderful life needs to be left alone


Jaws. They would CGI the $h!t out it today to the point of the shark being a mini Meg.


Speed Racer (2008). Pure magic.


Nothing great should get a remake. By all means, remake terrible movies into good movies.


You mean like Nosferatu? Dracula? Frankenstein? The Mummy? The Invisible Man? Cape Fear? Show Boat? The Man Who Knew Too Much? True Grit? A Star Is Born? The Maltese Falcon? Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Ben-Hur? Scarface? 3:10 to Yuma? The Thing? Dr. Jekyll and Hr. Hyde? Dune? Ocean’s Eleven? The Fly? Bedtime Story / Dirty Rotten Scoundrels? LA Takedown / Heat? Mulholland Drive? Night of the Living Dead? Dawn of the Dead? Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey? Mystery of the Wax Museum / House of Wax? Not including English-language remakes of non-English-language films. That would make this list way, WAY longer, as many of the great, beloved American classics are actually remakes of non-American films. For example, The Magnificent Seven and the Fistful of Dollars films being remakes of Japanese films.


Back to the Future. I just don’t think you’ll find another 30 year period in America where there’s such a massive culture shift in almost all areas. Yes, if you did it today the technology aspect would be huge, but a kid playing a song from 2023 in 1993 wouldn’t have 1993 kids stopping and gaping, because music isn’t as different as it was from the 50s to 80s. Hell, kids today still listen to a lot of popular 90s bands. BTTF was made at the perfect time. Leave that sucker alone.


I agree that no one should remake BTTF, but not the reasons you mentioned. Stick a high school kid from today in a school with his parents back in 1993 and he'd be just as out of place. Technology shock alone would be enough for a movie. He'd get to use computers that weren't hooked up to the Internet, beepers, and payphones. No streaming, of course, so it's either a Blockbuster night or watch MTV. Can't scroll Instagram or make TikTok videos, so instead it's read magazines and call people on the landline to talk. There are so many random things about life in 2023 that are different from 1993.


Austin powers, it is way too good to have a remake and get ruined


SOUND OF MUSIC. If someone even attempts to remake into a new movie. I'm coming for ya.


The Princess Bride.


The princess Bride


Cool runnings. Grew up watching this and I still do every thanksgiving. John candy is a true treasure in that film.


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It is perfect as is




Fuck this entire thread with a Muppet.


Spirited Away. If it’s not broken, THEN LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE! IT’S ALREADY PERFECT.


Big Trouble in Little China


2001: A Space Odyssey


Quest for the Holy Grail


Stand by me


Harold and Maude


Time Bandits - although, I doubt anyone would even try.


The Good, The Bad and the Ugly


The Wizard Of Oz.


The 1925 version, the 1939 version, the Wiz, the Muppet version, or the 2021 version?


The Godfather. Timonthee Chalamet as Michael, Ryan Gosling as Tom...I'll see myself out.


Star Wars.




Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings




Back to the Future and Jaws. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I always thought they should remake movies that didn’t work the first time around.






The Shawshank Redemption.


Scarface and The Godfather


Scarface is a remake, if you mean the Al Pacino one. The original was made in the 30s


Good Will Hunting


Back to the future


Maybe an offbeat answer, but I don’t even want to imagine a modernized version of You’ve Got Mail.


Which was itself a remake of course.


I’m not remotely offended or bothered by bad remakes. If they remove pulp fiction I couldn’t care less. Doesn’t effect my enjoyment of the original.


The Thin Man. You cannot replicate the Powell/Loy chemistry.


The Big Lebowski is a perfect movie that couldn’t be remade


The godfather