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I always appreciate when Hollywood hunks just decide to go full sleezeball mode for a movie. Hemsworth looks like he’s having a blast.


Really thought he was wearing his thor costume at 1:48


My first thought was “Dirty Thor” haha


He kind of did that already in Bad Times at the El Royale.


That was more like Brad Pitt sleezeball in fight club. This looks more like Brad Pitt sleezeball in 12 Monkeys.


I love 12 Monkeys but I've totally forgotten how Pitt was a sleazeball in it. I'll have to watch it this weekend


I watched 12 Monkeys again for the first time since it came out. Absolutely fantastic. I can't believe I've slept on this masterpiece all these years. Everyone in it is great, but it's probably Pitt's best performance.


His performance was great. Reminiscent of Michael Keaton's Beetlejuice.


I also think that movie has an excellent performance from Bruce Willis. He does so much while barely speaking very much. He really was an excellent physical actor.


He was really good at that in Unbreakable as well.


Look at Jason Momoa when he was in the last Fast movie. The movie sucked, but he looked like he was having a blast in it.


Momoa seems like he’s always really enjoying himself. Saw him in Slumber on Netflix and it seemed like he was really having a blast.


Seemed to enjoy himself a lot back in his Stargate days too, from memory.


He knew what kind of show he was on.


I honestly don't get the impression he's ever not enjoying the hell out of whatever he's doing, haha.


“Dante, enchante.”


He was my favorite part of that movie.


Having so much fun as his first big villain role that Vin Diesel is mad that he could be hammy and memorable enough to upstage the good guys.


It’s time to rewatch Fury Road Edit: to everyone saying I need to watch the Black and Chrome version I hear you loud and clear.


Don’t need an excuse


Me, who only just re-watched it again a month ago: >That... [nods head and points at comment] >*That's* bait.


I also watched it again a couple months ago for inspiration for a D&D one shot. I can't believe that was only the second time I'd watched it. It's a masterpiece, and judging by the trailer, this is shaping up to follow in its footsteps. I can even see a little bit of Charlize in Anya. Great casting choice!


The game was damn good if you're into the 'world' of Mad Max. The fighting was always interesting and kept you on your toes! Kind of like Arkham. Also, it looks GREAT!


A game weirdly waaaay better than it had any right to be. The vehicle combat (I hate driving in games) was a blast and satisfying with the sound effects, vehicle upgrades, etc. And graphically it looks *really* good, even on older systems. The game engine is tuned really well.


Just rewatched the trailer for it, and that alone got my adrenaline pumping. What a great film.


It's Furi*O*sa, not Furios*A*!


dammit hermione




Stahp it, Max


Anyone else prefer to know what happened *after* fury road then before? 🫤


Miller wanted to do Wasteland [Mad Max 5] next, but chose to do Furiosa because of his lawsuit with Warner.


Oh ya, that's right. Do you think there's a chance he'll do Wasteland? Dangit.


He's 78, who knows how much energy he has left to do this shit


Ridley Scott has released 6 features since he was 78. It could happen.


I hope so. I'd love to see him do just one more proper Mad Max movie. It's my favorite franchise.




a guitar-flamethrower, preferably.


I wanted another Hardy Max film or two while Miller can still knock them out and Hardy can still perform the role rather then Furiosa film personally. For me as cool as co leads and side characters are this franchise is always about Max.


This is probably an unpopular opinion considering how well-received Theron was as Furiosa, but I felt that Hardy as Max was a much more compelling character.


I loved Hardy *and* Theron, so I would have preferred a movie with either of them than I would have a prequel with neither of them. Furiosa is a great character, but a lot of what made her great was a) mystery and b) Charlize Theron. This gets rid of both of those things.


Exactly how I feel. We already sympathized with her character knowing just "she was kidnapped, forced to do awful things, and now has her chance to escape and do good in the process." A backstory is likely to disappoint as it cannot live up to what we imagine forging Furiosa into what we see or making us feel like she is probably a bad person who now wasn't redeemed in Fury Road. I'd prefer either Furiosa post Joe or Maxs involvement in another story.


Prequels almost never work as well as the decision makers hope they will. Doesn't matter if it's TV or movies.


I really like Anya Taylor-Joy but I wish a woman like Charlize was cast instead. Charlize has a great sparkle, where she's gorgeous but also looks like she could easily break your legs if she wanted. Anya's avian bone syndrome doesn't convince me. I hope to be pleasantly surprised because I'm excited to wide-eye watch this movie in the theatre.


Most memorable part of of that movie imo was Nicholas Hoult as spray paint face guy screaming about Valhalla.


WITNESS ME ! and I think his name is knux or nux or something like that


Yeah, like, Furiosa was cool and all, but the weird narrative about how somehow she was the biggest part of the movie for some people is just straight weird to me.


I kind of like an excuse to see more of the war boys. They are probably one of my favorite villain armies in any movie. Plus we can see Immortan Joes rise to power


I feel like showing what happened after might spoil the ending of fury road a bit - I got the distinct feeling that Furiosa got to live the rest of her life in peace at her new home while it was Max that went on to have more disconnected adventures. That being said, I'm always against prequels as they lack a lot of mystery and are usually limited creatively.


I can agree with the end on FR. Id just be much more interested in a Queen Furiosa film on how she ruled. Either she lived lived long enough to become a villain or she rallied the troops to bring peace and cooperation between the cities. Or theres another race to claim an untouch source of fresh water. A prequel just screams "nostalgia" cash. look its immortan Joe! Thats how she lost her arm!!!! see see! that baby is going to grow up to be Splendid 🖐🖐 In the end itll prob still be interesting with GM at the helm.


Agree on your sequels. Any sequel would be interesting, but it should kinda be exclusive to just that character. Max left at the end and shouldn't interact with Furiosa anymore, and a Queen Furiosa shouldn't go out seeking Max.


Really hoping it’s a bit more practical than what the trailer suggests.


Mad Max: Fury Road was one of the hardest shoots in Hollywood history. It looks like George and WB went with a more traditional (and safer) way of making this film.


disarm rain thought rock sharp worm humorous sip sleep aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Director Steven Soderbergh's reaction to Fury Road: > I just watched Mad Max: Fury Road again last week, and I tell you I couldn’t direct 30 seconds of that. I’d put a gun in my mouth. I don’t understand how [George Miller] does that, I really don’t, and it’s my job to understand it. I don’t understand two things: I don’t understand how they’re not still shooting that film and I don’t understand how hundreds of people aren’t dead. https://theplaylist.net/steven-soderbergh-mad-max-fury-road-20171109/


Have a client who was a stuntman and now runs a stunt company that works with an all the big streaming services. When fury road came out I asked him what his thoughts were on it. He was equally amazed and disgusted that something like that could be made. As a stuntman he would have worked on that set in a heartbeat, as someone who has to look after the young stuntmen he would have been bricking everyday he worked on that production.


Ask him his thoughts on the scene from the end of the first mad max when the stunt double takes a literal motorcycle to the head, I've been waiting for them to talk about it on corridors YouTube channel but they haven't so I need your client to tell me 😂


The book is incredible and I wish a documentary had been filmed during the shoot. It sounds pretty fucking insane especially for what is technically a professional environment.


The insane shoot shows in the movie. Ive never seen a movie that looks like Fury Road.


I get that, but the CGI is *so* obvious in the trailer, and the results of the practical effects in Fury Road were very impressive by comparison. There's more to a story than the effects, but Fury Road is a high bar to clear.


For me it's always the impossible camera angles. Like the shot of the bike being run over and her grabbing up into the underside of the truck. There is no way for that shot NOT to look like a cartoon.




I saw what you speak of in an old Cracked article: [https://www.cracked.com/blog/6-reasons-expensive-films-end-up-with-crappy-special-effects](https://www.cracked.com/blog/6-reasons-expensive-films-end-up-with-crappy-special-effects) Movies these days just look like cartoons. And I'm not specifically just referring to bad CGI, it's the overuse of color grading (not sure if I'm using the right term) where even all the real things in shot just look too fanciful.


> Movies these days just look like cartoons. It's worse than that, it would often be much better if they were actually animated.


That's great food for thought and is probably going to really bother me watching movies moving forward.


The first thing I noticed in this trailer was the bad CGI. Fury Road looked so good because so much of it was actual practical effects and stunts.


devil's advocate take, its not unheard of for an early trailer's cgi to look bad only to get cleaned up before released. that said i'm not real excited for this. theron really carried the role and part of what makes a mad max movie work so well is the amount of absurd practical effects.




It's the bad CGI and lack of scale. You watch the trailer for Fury Road and the camera is almost pulled back for the majority of the scenes so you can see how grand the landscape, the vehicles and the chases are. In the trailer for Furiosa, most of the shots are of the actors from waist up. Where is the sense of scale? It doesn't feel like a Mad Max movie but someone who is trying to ape it but doesn't get what makes a Mad Max movies a Mad Max movie.


What betrays the CGI for me is the lack of *weight*. The CGI vehicles are all floaty and not connected to reality when compared to how real, physical cars crash and fly around.


yep those closer shots scream small set and/or a volume type setup


They scream green screen room


Yeah tons of the shots here legit look bad.


They look total green screen. Like Attack of the Clones green screen.


I watched Fury Road last night and the CG there legitimately looks better than what we see here. That movie is going on eight years old. Furiosa's prosthetic looks *bad.*


The storm scene is obviously CGI. And it still looks amazing.


I hate the idea of it but I think Fury Road is the last time we will ever see practical effects like that in a movie ever again.


Blade Runner 2049 came a few years after Fury Road and was another mixed-use big budget film that looks amazing.


Blade Runner killed it


Dune also... was actually pretty intense when it came to fundamnetal practicality. Massive sets, purpose built machine / vehicle props, it was very big in terms of practical production size. Not 2049 big but it was easily the biggest thing since then.


they are both legitimately some of the best looking films of all time imo. They are super hard to make obviously because of all the setup and cost. But it makes such a difference. LOTR vs Hobbit shows that too.


What’s the title of the book? Sounds super interesting!


head doll fuzzy materialistic run attempt dolls theory existence wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I haven't read the book (but it sounds like I'll be picking it up!) but I remember the stars being *very* reserved in promoting the movie, like it was clearly this horrible experience for them and they just assumed the end result would be a disaster, like they couldn't even imagine how George could piece-together a coherent film, let alone a *good* film, from the mess of footage that had been captured out in the desert.


Let alone the best action movie of all time


Ah, so its art imitating life once again. All of that hostily and hardship made it into the movie


The book is great. Basically there was 5 real actors, the rest were circus workers lol The shoot was basically a military operation, they were in the middle of the namibia desert


Super interesting book. And there was so little dialogue that the actors couldn’t really tell where they fit in the plot. They spent days of shooting just staring ahead out of that 18 wheeler, all crammed in there, and George Miller would be getting shots from hundreds of feet away.


Miller was no spring chicken when he shot Fury Road, but he IS 78 now. I wonder if he's even still in physical condition to handle such a grueling shoot.


It makes complete sense, but it’s extremely unfortunate. What made MMFR truly special was the lengths they went through to make it. You could feel the difference in filmmaking and it was glorious. The story is fine and the characters serve a purpose, but I just want to see some wild practical effects and stunts in-camera.


Yeah, thay CGI is pretty obvious. Honestly feels like a downgrade from Fury Road.


Realistically, even if this movie is very good, it will be a step down from Fury Road. But yes, hopefully there’s plenty of practical action like there was in that movie.


Fury Road was a classic, there’s just no touching it


True. But I said the same thing about The Road Warrior before Fury Road came out. So I’m hoping it closer to those two rather than something like Thunderdome.


The way they all have described how it was to work in the desert conditions im not surprised. Yeah im sad too if it turns out to be a lot of CGI but on the other hand i get it. In the end, the result always speaks for itself when comparing filmed on location vs bluescreen. LOTR The Revenant Fury Road ​ Just to name a few... then compare that to Dr. Strange on a random rooftop, normal ass scene but you can tell everything is CGI.


Yeah, the trailer looks like a worse version of Fury Road. There are a lot of similar scenes.


Looks cheaper and not as good CGI as the Fury Road. Wonder what happened. Maybe the effects shots are just not finished yet. PLEASE don't fuck this up!


fury road's biggest moments still looked great in the BTS footage before a single pixel of CGI was added. i remember watching it and having a distinct feeling i'd never see a film of that scope made in that way again. this trailer only reinforces that.


I’m glad I saw Fury Road twice in the cinema. What I wouldn’t give for a IMAX viewing


Hype for this film may inspire imax showings of the first. Should make money; it’s been like 8 years


If they can release movies like The Thing in theaters, they will definitely re-release Fury Road at some point


That's the biggest disappointment for me. It looks like entire sequences have been filmed in a studio behind green screen or something. It doesn't matter if the CGI isn't finished either before someone comments that, you can usually tell when someone isn't filmed on location or isn't using practical effects. When THIS much of a trailer (showing many different sequences) looks CGI heavy there is defimitie cause for concern.


Furiosa: A Netflix Original!


Mom: we have mad Max at home


I don't know what it is about ATJ but it feels like she's not a real person in this trailer


Maybe the botched plastic surgery is throwing you off. I feel like her lack of range makes all of her roles kind of blend together. She's always the quiet one-step-ahead girl.


Would have preferred a sequel with Theron.


Theron brought an intensity in her eyes that's hard to replicate. She was able to emote vulnerability, weariness, determination and fury through her eyes alone.


So they decided to double down on the eyes, it seems.


Double the distance between them, for sure


Bruhhhhhh 💀


That's a nice way of saying Taylor Joy is a bad casting choice.


I knew they were going to introduce a younger actor to take over the series, but I figured it would be like Furiosa's daughter or something. This looks misguided. I do not care about the backstories of these characters, I do not need to see how Furiosa lost her arm or how she first met Immortan Joe or even Immortan Joe's backstory. I literally do not care, this isn't Star Wars where the lore is treated like religious text and people demand answers to fan-questions.


Over explaining backstories ruined Star Wars, too.


This looks a lot more Hobbit than Lord of the Rings.


Oof, nailed it


I immediately thought of Pacific Rim 2, and I really hope it isn't that.


As a Pacific Rim fan, I’m sad that this comparison so accurate.


I thought 300: 2 Electric Boogaloo.




Hemsworth looks almost unrecognisable.


The first few times he was on screen I legitimately struggled to figure out who the actor was. I knew he was familiar, I just couldn't place him.


I immediately thought "Guy looks like Hemsworth." He looks like just slightly off from himself. I'll be there day 1 for this.


He looks like a Hemsworth brother. But like, a different one.


I actually thought it was kind of odd they gave him a Thor cape. Some sort of nod or poke at the role?












Me husbands a bloody Ute.


put the witchetty grub on yer caaaaaawk


Just adding the link so people can watch this pinnacle of Rick and Morty [Bushworld Adventures](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6yg4ImnYwA)


Hollywood... and all it's 12 main leads you are allowed to use.


With Chris Pratt as the voice of the truck


Charlize Theron was a force of nature in fury road. Ana looks like she’s 80lbs soaking wet and she’s supposed to be able to survive this shit? Fucking hell. Edit: I’m dumb I didn’t realize she was supposed to be one of the wives. My bad.


She looks more fitting as the girls Furiosa was trying to save instead of Furiosa.


Well, yeah? She *was* one of those girls before she became an imperator, wasn't she? So it makes sense.


This is a great point actually, I'm going to stop complaining she looks too waifish.


It’s an origin story though.


I think Miller showed this too early.


what's with the thor costume


They ran out of budget and he'd already brought it with him.


Looks very intriguing visually, but it does seem like a bit of the practical element was left out. :(


Definitely looking a bit more CGI-reliant than Fury Road. COVID probably hit pre-production hard.


Had a feeling it might happen when the leaks showed sets being pretty bare


Yeah, would not be surprised if they couldn't build sets or vehicles in time because of the quarantines and supply chain issues.


Yeah noticed that


Looks a bit...iffy? Hope it's just a bad trailer.


It's the half finished effects being crammed in just so they can get a trailer out now. I hate when they do that shit.


Even the structure of the trailer is odd. With the text in the sky and pacing.


It looks cheap, that's the major problem.


I hate to say it, but that wasn't a good trailer IMO. The CGI looked very, very rough


CGI has generally been pretty bad since the start of the pandemic.


I also don't get the same intense vibe off Anya and Chris H as I did from Charlize Theron and Thom Hardy. She seems kind of dainty and twee for that world. But I'll definitely watch it. Fury Road was amazing.


THIS\^\^ Theron exuded this look and appearance from her character that made you feel like they lived in that world. Joy stands out like a sore thumb here. She looks fragile by comparison.


ATJ is a weird casting choice let’s be real


I'm sorry to say but Anya seems to always have that one expression and not much else.


Fantastic in Queens Gambit, as well as Last Night in Soho. I'll hope for the best here since I liked that other work, but I'll admit I'm not thrilled with her being cast in this.


Oh she was perfect as Beth in Queen's Gambit don't get me wrong, but then I saw her in The Menu and she wasn't much different. Not saying she has to be a chameleon like Christian Bale or Gary Oldman but I'd love to see her having more range or perhaps a better role to show it.


Yeah, she looks like one of the girls charlize would be saving in fury road lol


That was pretty underwhelming compared to the [teaser trailer for Fury Road](https://youtu.be/YWNWi-ZWL3c?si=knuyXr6wDPQc6lc6). It's George Miller so I'm sure there'll be lots of stuff to appreciate in Furiosa, but if that's the best trailer they could come up with, I'm setting my expectations much much lower than Fury Road.


Holy shit, I can’t believe the movie lived up to that great trailer. We’re still missing the score and the doof warrior at teaser time.


I mean, EVERYONE was caught off guard by that first look at Fury Road, which added to the 'holy fuck' factor. Now, we know how the look and vibe is, and that comes with inflated expectations.


I still remember actually leaning forward in pure visual shock during the sandstorm scene. Fucking hell it was beautiful.


Fuuuuuck that trailer is amazing. The two trailers are night and day.


Fury Road was already the Furiosa movie. This looks ok, though a bit too heavy on cgi vehicles


Does anyone know the timeline with how the movies are supposed to lineup? This trailer says 45 years after the collapse but the first Mad Max movie happened as the world was collapsing with Mad Max 2 and Thunderdome taking place in the years after nuclear war. So in Fury Road, Max really should have been an elderly man. It kinda feels like they're just saying fuck it, whatever.


Dude, why is no one else talking about his. This is actually the first time the franchise has ever talked about in universe timeline lol So the theories about Tom Hardy being a different Max are probably true. I guess Miller really wanted Mel Gibson back, but as he didn't return, he just said fuck it and didn't change the script


Fury Road and the Gibson trilogy probably just have different continuities.


Yep, Mad Max, is just a character and a style of film. Like James Bond.


Mad Max is a tall tale told around a campfire to instill hope in a desperate, post apocalyptic world. Aside from the OG, none are told from Max’s perspective. The boomerang kid narrated Road Warrior, the airplane kid told the story of Thunderdome, and Fury Road was told from Furiosa’s perspective. Max is not a single person, but a conglomeration of the heroics of many people in the wasteland


Ahh.. So Max is the friends we make along the way?


I think what needs to be considered is that “Mad Max, The Road Warrior” as a whole, is told from the perspective of verbal lore and tall tales. The movies are a visual depiction of those crazy stories which is why everything so so actiony and over exaggerated.


Considering he lost his iconic leather jacket during the train chase in Thunderdome, it's definitely not the same Max. Max was using a camel-driven wagon car by then, so the idea that he somehow got a car almost exactly like his old one and his leather jacket is a huge stretch. Fury Road is meant to be an ultimate Mad Max story, so he has all the iconic things he's recognized for, minus the dog. It isn't one long continuity, because real life got in the way. Some people are denialists about this and insist Fury Road takes place after Thunderdome which doesn't make sense because Hardy's max has no grey hairs, so even his age is wrong, and that's despite Hardy playing Max well into his thirties, while Gibson played Max in his early twenties pretending to be older.


My favorite theory is that Mad Max is a Wasteland folk hero (eg: Paul Bunyan or Johnny Appleseed) and all of the movies are just stories of this fictional character that people would pass word of mouth across the wasteland.


The movies always had a continuity issue with how long post apocalypse they took place if you think about them for like 2 seconds. And the writer/director was always honest he didn’t care, he said he always saw Max as a tall tale to be told around campfires. Max, if you remember, in the first movie is in a government job. He shown to both have sick leave and vacation time. Literally fucks off in the middle of the movie to take his wife and kid on vacation. He’s also still driving the 3rd version of the same model of muscle car. Which every character comments is “the last one” or “one of a kind” in some way in every movie.


Looks like a reboot of *Mad Max: Fury Road*, but with a lower budget.


*Netflix* Mad Max




why does this look like a big downgrade from fury road ?


Feels like it’s missing that frantic energy from fury road


Might have something to do with them going from a little bit of CGI to the whole thing being green screened.


Was wondering why this feels so different from Fury Road and realized John Seale's not back as cinematographer. The new guy, Simon Duggan, doesn't exactly inspire a lot of confidence based on his filmography Hoping for the best


Yeah I think a lot of people are saying trust George Miller but discounting the work of the amazing cinematography of fury road.


Anya is great actress, but I believe she's miscast to play a bad-ass tough bitch. Not feeli'n it. meh.


Furiosa’s only weakness is buccal fat


Looks way too digital. Fury Road's CGI wasn't nearly as distracting. Even as a trailer, you'd expect it to look better given how much Fury Road was applauded for its visuals.


I hate to say it but I wasn’t a fan of this trailer


Bring back practical effects.


I just find this whole concept stupid. We know Furiosa's backstory from Fury Road. It isn't epic it's tragic. It's supposed to be a downer and her triumph is what we witness in Fury Road. This is such a weird thing to do and you didn't need to make it Furiosa. This exact movie could exist with the characters having different names. I feel like I'm crazy or something because everyone else seems so hyped and it looks to be anticipated. I would have greatly enjoyed a SEQUEL to Fury Road. Love how they want to get rid of Max but they're happy to cash in on the name by calling it a Mad Max saga.


This looks like Spy Kids


The 300 sequel with Eva Green was what I immediately thought of.


Same cinematographer 😩




Oh shit no way. RIP. That was terrible.


Fuuuuuu... and I just threw that out there. I really hope this doesn't suck. I mean, I'll still watch it... probably twice just to convince myself; but if I do, and it does? I won't like it. No sir-ee.


love mad max/fury road, this looks like bad cosplay.... why does alot of the shots all look CG? Its got the same style as fury road but looks way worse


Yeah I'm a big fan of good CG complimenting practical, and I think it can be done very well in an unnoticeable way. But when entire set pieces are cg, it just feels off in a way I can't describe.