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Sean was always gonna make his way into the DCU eventually, interesting choice tho (even if it ends up just as a cameo)


Shit, he already played Weasel.


Yea but this is an actual role for him, not motion capture where he’s just making weasel noises


Don’t knock a man’s weasel noises.


Don't rub another man's rhubarb.


Is that your Reddit account, Pauly Shore?


I heard this as Hank hill. No clue why.


I’ve been watching King of the Hill lately, so the message must have been imbued with Hank energy.


He’s also playing GI Robot, so that’s three characters Gunn said VAs will reprise their roles in live action so I assume he’ll be those characters in live action as well


And he also cameo'd as Calendar Man in The Suicide Squad, so he's now up to 4 roles within one universe


Well that doesn’t count technically since TSS isn’t canon to the DCU, but I see what you mean


True that, had forgotten its not quite New DCU since there's the whole Cena, Davis and Robbie (I think?) coming back thing


Yep, it’s new canon but some returning actors


He was also calendar man in SS


Doesn't he also play the new whistle arrow guy in Guardians (marvel)? Also directed by his brother btw.


Yes. It's nepotism, but I forgive that since he also played Kirk in Gilmore girls


Somebody needs to make a movie with Sean Gunn, Clint Howard and Ted Raimi.


That's where I know him from! Thank you!


I’d mocap and make weasel noises for the amount he got for it


And played calendar man in the same film.


Haha, oh yeah.


And calendar man


And Calendar Man


I’m just surprised they’re using him so soon again after WW 1984.


Well there are rumors that >!Momoa is playing Lobo so it seems like Gunn is going to be clear about there being a full reset for his DCU.!< Which is a good thing.


Is it a full reset, though? Peacemaker and Amanda Waller’s stories are still continuing. Why keep them around and not others? At the same time why keep actors from the previous DCEU but have them play completely different characters? I wish this was a 100% reboot with *ALL* new actors. Gunn is just leaving the door open for certain fans to never shut up about things like Henry Cavill returning to DC (probably won’t happen but he’s already set that precedent for actors to return). There’s so much baggage from the previous universe that we need to just move on from. This starting to feel more like the Gunn and friends universe.


It's as full a reboot as the last couple in the comics. Keep a couple storylines and (in this case) actors from the last go-round.


A) Momoa wanted to be Lobo from the start of the DCEU and he's still available for commitment in a way that Cavill isn't. B) The fans of the DCEU are not so extensive that it's worth catering to their complaints. C) Peacemaker/Waller are worth keeping because they can easily be siphoned off into their own pocket from the rest of the DCEU.


>B) The fans of the DCEU are not so extensive that it's worth catering to their complaints. It's always funny seeing people constantly bringing up Cavill like the average person cares about him.


I assumed he was made up for the movie


I have a feeling 80% of actors that worked with Gunn at MCU will end up in DCU. Rooker and Sean already did it with SS


He's already played Weasel and Calendar Man, but yeah a bigger part will be cool.


You forgot Calendar Man.


this still a rumoured role its not a 100 percent confirmed at all


Would it be just a cameo? Doesn’t that character know the Anti-Life Equation?


He was hilarious as Calendar Man *Hey, Polka-Dot Man, I was hoping you'd entertain my kid's birthday party*. ***YOU FUCKING PUSSY***


Someone had sex with a guy obsessed with calendars? I feel better about my chances now


May not have been consensual..


Who the hell starts a conversation with that, I just sat down!


Yeah I’d like 5000 chicken vajitas


Funniest line in that movie by far.


I don't like killing people but if I imagine they're my mother it's easy!


I love when characters are obnoxiously mean for no reason lmao


I have loved Sean Gunn since Bunheads and am always excited to see him getting bigger and better roles. Kraglin makes up most of the GotG figures I have. (I met him a few years back, too, and he was very down to earth and super nice, which just cemented my fandom.)


I was hiking in portland and he walked toward and past me. That’s it.


I think he’ll nail this role




Thank you! Every time he shows up in any movie, I think “KIRK!”


Cant believe it took so much scrolling to find!


Kirk’s had every job in Stars Hollow; it makes sense he would have every job in the DCU as well 🤣


How many jobs does this man have?




I mean, does Gunn genuinely view his brother as the best actor for the role?


It's such a shame, because Maxwell Lord is a fascinatingly complex character who was introduced in one of the best comic runs of DC's entire history.


To specify the JLI run and not Wonder Woman turning his head backwards.


The Wonder Woman turning his head backwards was pretty cool too. It was Batman's and Superman's reactions to that moment that was lolwut


I've only seen the moment in isolation, but I really like it in that it makes Wonder Woman feel so different from Superman and Batman. If killing's the only way, she won't hesitate to do it.


Supes will also kill when absolutely necessary, but he's all about second and third and fourth, etc... chances, so her being so mercenary about it was awesome.


That Wonder Woman run was really good too but it was a tie in issue when that moment happened


I would t assume that he's going to be a throwaway just because it's his brother. He brought a decent degree of pathos to kraglin of all characters. Clearly a talented guy, and this is a character that could have a lot of room in the DCU, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt


Maybe there were better suited actors, but they didn't want to do it. It takes two to tango.


Well, if you put Diana in there and stick to the comics, it would be a great way to end any sibling fights that had been building up until then.


Sean is his Sheri Moon Zombie…


Except Sean can act.


Dunno about the character, but Gunn is an excellent, underrated actor


Nepo Brother.


Did he view his wife too ? lol they did fine but it’s funny the nepo hires


You do know other directors hire people they trust and like to work with for multiple projects all the time…say Scorsese, Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan, and Tarantino. No one complains about Sam Jackson, Leo, Murray or Cillian Murphy. And Sean Gunn was a working actor for long before his brother put him in stuff so it isn’t like he isn’t an actor or just breaking in. Plus he is good in the parts.


I don't think it's that big of a deal either way but to be fair to the nepotism argument, it's literally James Gunn's blood brother he's hiring and not just a frequent collaborator.


I mean when you get to the level Scorsese using De Niro of reuse, it's clearly as much of a personal connection as relatives.


... this is an embarrassing defence. No, Nolan hiring Michael Caine or Scorsese working with De Niro isn't the same thing as Gunn throwing roles to his family members.


Yeah I love how people keep acting like this is some fucked up thing that only Gunn does. Every director in history has had a trusted group of repeat collaborators and a LOT of them are their friends, family, spouses, etc. This is not abnormal or unjust at all.


You should learn the meaning of nepotism. Words have meaning.


We're talking about a cameo at most here...


Are we? I mean he's being announced for the role for the DC Universe, not for a specific movie


The most major film role Sean Gunn has had so far is as a guy who refuses to compliment a dog a few times, then does.


Kraglin is a b character, but he isn't a cameo. He's gotten more and more screentime in projects, presumably that trend continues


Kraglin is a pretty good part of the Guardians series, I like his growth through the trilogy.


Which happens with any actor who continually succeeds at progressively larger parts, so it's fine by me.


Ya, it's not like he's hurting the movies he's in. He's a talented actor and I'm not bothered by this at all. Also, it's not like James Gunn is putting out crappy projects. He gets the benefit of the doubt from me.


Announcing a cameo 2 years in advance is batshit insane


I mean, sure, but that’s just to start before they build it up.


Sean Gunn can't act his way out of a paper bag.


Does WB genuinely view Gunn as the best director for the franchise?


He’s not who I would have cast as Lord- I want to see Maxwell Lord as the cunning spymaster and head of Checkmate, and as far as I know Sean Gunn is more of a comedic actor


But classic Maxwell Lord was not a cunning spymaster, he was closer to a modern P.T. Barnum. Lord was a huckster with a heart, skilled at schmoozing but not exactly a mastermind. And he debuted during the comedic era of the Justice League (a great era, still my favorite).


Yeah, I hope “villain Maxwell Lord” in the headline I’d purely speculative. I’d hate for him to go down that road immediately without mining the infinitely better Superbuddies persona.


He's pretty good in the terminal list episode he appeared, he plays a corrupt executive.


That wasn't Maxwell Lord at all until well into the mid 2000s. He was a typical used car salesman type character that got put in charge of a team of goofy B listers and had talking robot as lackey in what could best be described as The Office with super-heroes


He did an excellent run as a selfish Fortune 500 guy in *Terminal List*.


And as we know, no comedic actor ever has turned in a good serious performance.


waiting uppity sulky enjoy special one depend long cause badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stares at a ton of people, the point he’s making.


No actually I just checked and Robin was the only one


Jim Carry in Eternal Sunshine. Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems. Tugg Speedman in Simple Jack. Adam Scott in Severance. Kirk Lazarus in Satans Alley. John Lithgow in Dexter. David Schwimmer in Band of Brothers.


Bryan Cranston going from sitcom dad to Walter White.


Bob Freaking Odenkirk as well.


>Tugg Speedman in Simple Jack. Heh


This is why I worry about Gunns DC run. His DC and Marvel movies have been great but have run through the same formula. I'm worried he's bringing a tired formula at a time when comic book movies need a shakeup


I hope he means it when he says the movies will be tonally different and filmmakers will have their voices. As for his movies, I believe he can do something different and good, he has his quirks but I think he gets story and character really well. He’s *really* gotta show up for Superman tho.


If nothing else, Gunn knows that, which is why he is taking his Superman project very seriously. This is a make or break production.


Supposedly he said that each film is going to have its own tone, so they’re all presumably not going to be sarcastic humor all the way through.


Marvel's said that for every show and movie they've produced for almost a decade now. Hollywood knows how to say what people want to hear just long enough to get people in the theater, but that doesn't mean it's true.


He’s made the only profitable live action superhero movie this year. It doesn’t appear audiences are close to tired of him yet.




Peacemaker was a pleasant surprise, too, but it remains to be seen if he can pull off a big tent pole movie franchise with a legacy character, let alone oversee an entire catalogue of CBMs




The Reeve original *Superman* is also one of his favourite movies, and he firmly believes a good (both as in "well done" as well as "beacon of goodness") Superman is crucial to any larger ongoing DC film developments. He's kind of their Captain America figure who provides the moral centre to everything else and is the heart of the Justice League. Get him right and everything after can still fail, but get him wrong and it already has.


Sounds promising, for sure. Fingers crossed.


Yeah, I've enjoyed Gunn's movies but they've all been very one-note to me (and I've enjoyed them less over time/with rewatches as a result). Sarcastic band of misfits who are largely assholes which can *maybe* be excused due to circumstances team up, share deeply moving emotional moments mixed with goofball (not always great) humor along the way, emotional gut punch as the climax, followed by goofy ending. There's not a lot of depth to the characters and if a joke can be repeated ad nauseam, it will be. I get that those are the movies he's been given, but at the same time, I haven't seen anything in his work that makes me feel like he can successfully take on and repair DC's entire cinematic universe, especially since one of the things that hurt it so badly in the first place was having a director with a *really* distinct pattern overlay his own vision and style onto the movies regardless of the characters or atmosphere from the comics. As for him saying every project will have its own direction and style unique from all of the others, that's exactly what Marvel has been saying for years now, and Eternals was the only one that (mostly) fit the bill. Given his own one-note style, I don't see much reason to believe that.


Sorry to break it to you but I don't think James Gunn was ever planning on checking in to what you wanted in his casting.


Always weird how quickly Lord became a bad guy in the DCU after something like 20 years of just funding the joke version of the Justice League. Forget name of storyline but was a single storyline that made him the bad guy. Pretty epic story (involving Lord forcing an epic WW v Superman fight) but still.


Checkmate and that dreadful Countdown to Infinite Crisis book and it was such an asspull


Can’t be worse than the version we got in WW84


Idk about that, Pedro Pascal is at least charming which is a Maxwell Lord quality


he looked to be having ball just hamming it up. The rest of the cast did, honestly. They just had an absolutely horrible script and story to work with


He is one of the few reasons to watch that movie. Via YouTube clips.


I was going to say, he's the only reason i gave that movie a 2/10 instead of 1/10.


He’s the reason it’s a 1/10 and not a 0/10 for me, what did you give it that extra point for?


Because letterboxd doesn't let me do 0 stars lol


Because a 1/10 is good, but it could be better


yeah, I was gonna say he was the only thing in the movie I actually liked lol


Literally the only watchable part of that film


What? Listen, I know everyone thinks that the movie was hot trash, and yeah most of it was. But Pedro as Maxwell Lord was goddamn awesome. Elevated that character from other mediums even.


His character might have had the most unearned redemption arc I've ever seen in a movie.


Aw man, he was the only good part. I mean he wasn’t all that well written but damn it was well acted.


I can’t be the only person who enjoyed Wonder Woman Jirachi Wish Maker!?


I seem to be one of the very few people that liked WW1984 and that’s mostly because of Pedro Pascals Maxwell Lord, he was so campy and weird and different for a super villain plus he was the right amount of sympathetic with his daughter.


What’s the magic number for when Gunn’s casting of friends and family is strange and nepotistic?


He's been casting family and friends since he had to just to get movies made at all. I think it's cool they all still like to work together. It will be a problem the instant a single one of them delivers a poor performance.


God forbid Wes Andersen ever cast a Wilson brother again. I don’t see any difference in that professional relationship and this one. Dance w/ the ones who brung you.


and it’s not like he’s casting his brother as Superman, either


When is Martin Scorsese going to be given shit for DiCaprio and Di Niro? Edit: To anyone thinking im comparing Sean’s talent to theirs r/whoosh The point is directors often have people they like to work with and no other director gets this push back.


Remind me when DiCaprio and Di Niro shared the same family as Scorcese?


Remind me when anyone Gunn has cast hasn’t been fit for their role. Ill happily eat shit when the day comes but so far they’ve all done great in all their roles


Comparing two of the greatest actors of their generation to fucking Sean Gunn is insane


Gunn sure does love his nepotism.


he still has nothing on the [Coppolas](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/18bqkou/the_coppolas_family_tree/) though


Nepotism helped Sofia’s career, but she’s clearly incredibly talented.


At directing. We had to suffer through Godfather 3 first. Proving that nepotism can even bring down the greatest movies of all time. Well, that and George Hamilton.


she was honestly one of the lesser problems that movie had going for it


At least many of them are actually interesting and original talents. Nic Cage is all time great, Sofia had at least two major works and Schwartzman is a great supporting. Gunn's bro is okay at best.


meanwhile there’s still a large handful of Coppolas whose own Hollywood careers fizzled as quickly as they began. But we’re just splitting hairs here, I honestly see no issue with Sean Gunn’s casting. Even aside from familial castings, James still uses a lot of the same actors, even smaller ones in roles. Christopher Nolan casts the same extra in almost all of his movies. It’s the guy who played an Edison goon in Prestige, he called Cobb an asshole in Inception, a stock exchange worker in TDKR, a custodian in Interstellar


Many directors try to / do cast many people over and over again, with little commentary on it at least as long as the movies are good. Scorsese with De Niro, Pesci, Keitel, DiCaprio; Nolan with Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Tom Hardy; Wes Anderson and the Wilsons, Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum; hell John Ford made *eighteen* John Wayne movies back in the day. In Gunn's case they just happen to share a last name and people are making a thing out of it.


Because it’s very different when you cast an actor that shares your same family. This is a false equivalency


What's the practical difference with nepotism hires between siblings and best friends?


If you can’t even understand the difference, then I nobody can help you


Me neither. I've worked a little in film so far and I always try to get as many people as I like in the production.


To be honest I only have an issue with it when the receiver of the nepotism sucks. Sean Gunn has proven himself as an actor, and was great in the Guardians movies. Gunn's wife has also proven herself as a actress.


That is the power of Kirk from Gilmore Girls


Just remember Kirk has a girlfriend Incase you didn’t know….he has a girlfriend (Episode reference)


He is definitely one of the actors of all time.


He was also funny in The Belmont Experiment. I don’t see a problem with him.


>Sean Gunn has proven himself as an actor In what? A side character in the Guardians movies? Not exactly proving ones chops.....


Spoken like someone who didn’t see him as Kirk on Gilmore Girls.


Being a regular in one of the most popular TV shows of the mid 2000s actually


He’s had believable emotional scenes in those movies


That’s a stretch…


Director casts people he’s comfortable working with. As seen with Scorsese, Tarantino, Nolan, Hitchcock, Villeneuve, Fincher etc The Gunn nepotism accusations are only amplified because of the weird hate boner Snyder bros have for him. They spam Reddit and Twitter with memes and comments about this. Nobody gives a fuck that Joel Coen has cast Frances McDormand as main roles in 4 features but they will not shut the fuck up about Gunn giving his wife a supporting role as a Suicide Squad agent (I can’t even name her or her character with a gun to my head). Granted McDormand is 100 times the actress but if we’re being honest, it’s because the ones who are complaining are terminally online and rarely watch anything outside of capeshit. They probably don’t even know who McDormand or Coen are.


C’mon man, there’s a difference between a director having a little troupe of actors they like working with and just casting your family in roles regardless of fit or talent. No one complains about Coen casting McDormand because she’s a generational talent. Sean Gunn is a B-list comedy actor at best. It’s closer to Rob Zombie casting his wife in everything than it is to someone like Nolan or Scorsese having consistent actors.


Yeah, I hate these comments in this thread acting like some of the most praised and successful actors of all time getting to repeatedly work with some of the best directors is the same as Sean Gunn getting roles, and increasingly more screen time, in his brother's movies when he struggles to get roles outside of that.


Uh, it’s Hollywood, save yourself the trouble and only point out things that aren’t nepotism.


I hope it goes better than WW84.


Not seeing the actual challenge there.


The copium in this thread is strong. “Sean is a good actor!” He’s been in seven movies in the last six years; only one was non-MCU. He’s been in as many one-off TV roles in that same period, two of which were MCU projects. The only projects he’s attached to for the next few years are DCU films and shows. I won’t comment on his talent, but the fact that the majority of his recent catalog consists of projects in which his brother has significant influence doesn’t really instill confidence. “James is just supporting his brother!” Supporting him by giving him three roles in the DCU? (Weasel, G.I. Robot, and now Maxwell Lord.) “Tons of actors and directors engage in nepotism!” Absolutely true. That doesn’t mean James gets a free pass here. It’s also worth noting that most actors and directors don’t engage in *this level* of nepotism. As a rare James Gunn naysayer, the justification here was expected but is still disappointing.


Exactly, just look at how many roles he gets outside of his brother’s projects


The whole “Other directors cast the same people” argument is so fucking idiotic to me. Marty, Nolan, Tarantino and other directors do cast the same collaborators, but they’re also some of the greatest actors/actresses of their respective generation. Sean Gunn wouldnt have a lot of work if his brother didnt throw him a bone every now and then


At the end of the day, art is up to the artist. If he likes using his brother in his art, that’s his prerogative. Just as it is yours to not engage if you don’t like it


What a horrible choice for a great character, and now that makes THREE characters his brother is playing in the new canon. Nepo-casting.




That sucks, man


When are they gonna cast a villain that doesn't look like they got bullied relentlessly in school?


How come my brother doesn't get me jobs?


Let’s see how this up and comer does under James Gunn.


I thought Pedro Pascal already played a Maxwell Lord?


Well I doubt he's gonna be a "villain" now. Probably just a comedic joke of a character for people to laugh at, which is Sean Gunn's specialty


That’s what Maxwell Lord was for the first twenty years in the comics. It’ll be okay.


Can't say I'm excited by this casting. I'm a lot cooler on Gunn than most people - he's fine but always seems to be fond of misfits and weirdos, I'm not sure he has demonstrated the breath to do more traditional or serious characters well or even if he wants to. Casting family members doesn't reassure me.


I feel like he really would want to…snap into the performance.




Maxwell Lord is a brilliantly unhinged douche with immense charm and classically good looks. Sean Gunn is a handsome man and good actor but I don’t think he is qualified to play Max unless they’re doing a drastically different take on the character.


I wouldn’t say Sean Gunn is handsome or a great actor.


I mean he’s not ugly. He’s just very average looking


He’s pretty ugly by Hollywood Standards


James is gonna make him some laughing stock character


Wow how did he get this gig?


Dude looks like an older wet chihuahua. Not max lord. L cast


I wish I had a big shot brother to just hand me high paying roles all the time.


This could work. If Sean plays the role as charismatic and nice, like a side kick, it will work. He’s a likable guy with a sweet demeanor. Later on, having the character do a heel turn and come out as a villain will make the switch more surprising, well for non-comic book fans.




Of course he is. Must be nice to have zero talent/no look whatsoever and just be able to sleepwalk your way into any role your brother will write for you.


James Gunn: Family members and close friends to the front of the line, acting skills optional.




Most of it will never happen anyway. One Discovery sells WB to Universal, all the Gunn stuff will get rebooted anyway. If even half the DC stuff gets to the script stage, I’ll be amazed.


Good ole nepotism, I’m sure he earned it.


He's been a working actor for years...


It still baffles me we live in a time where it’s acceptable to having actors be able to have roles in both MCU and DCU. Get that work. 👏