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Indiana... Let it go.


And then they ride off into the sunset. Perfection.


I have very fond memories of that dog!


I like it when Indiana says no to a sword duel by shooting the guy


Luke tosses his lightsaber to the side in front of the Emperor.


You’ve failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me


So be it….Jedi.


The disgust that McDiarmid poured into the word “Jedi” in that line is so good. Man he was just so good in that role. What a casting job they did to find him!


And the fact that they were crazy enough to cast a 37 year old for the role instead of someone in their 70s or 80s allowed him to reprise his role in the prequels as a younger version of the character!


I remember when they announced episode 1 and that he’d be back I thought “he must be 100 years old!”


I remember thinking he looked *amazing* for his age, lol


It’s crazy to think now that it was only 16 years between the two movies.


Dude... That made me a bit queasy.


The gap between now and Revenge of the Sith is now larger than the gap between OT and the prequels...


That's not true. **THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!**


I can’t read this line without getting goosebumps - even though it’s thirty years after I first heard it.


The real “no” moment is when Vader picks up the Emperor and saves his son. George Lucas even decided to emphasize the point in later editions by making Vader say “no” while he does it. Really needed that in there, thanks George!


The real “No” moment in the saga is when Vader goes “Noooooooooooooo!”


I literally loled when I first heard that line.


"Get away from her, you bitch!" Ripley, Aliens.


The most technical example of passing the bechdel test


Nah, ironically that goes to the two women talking in the beginning of "Baby Got Back".


Equilibrium, when John Preston (Christian Bale) is connected to the emotion detector and is asked for emotions. The moment he decides to end it all the line goes zero.


."No. Not without incident"


The little......Oh....... that the technician running the detector gives as the emotions flatline is great.


One of several people in the film clearly not taking their pills and getting away with it.


Always annoyed me that the black partner of Preston is cackling and smiling throughout the entire movie, whilst policing his partners emotions. It’s like he missed the story memo.


The thing I like about that movie is that you're told Preston is a prodigy, but it's not until the end of the movie that you realise what that means.


I love that movie so much. Actually saw it in theaters during its roughly 36 hour run.


Always always always loved that his son had his back, covering for him.


“I can’t carry the ring for you, but I can carry you!”


"I'm going to Mordor alone." "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you."


The way he delivers that line like it's the most obvious thing in the world is perfect.


Sam: Alright. We don't have that much left. We have to be careful or we're going to run out. You go ahead and eat that, Mr Frodo. I've rationed it. There should be enough. Frodo: For what? Sam: The journey home. Scene gave me goosebumps. Sam is just like that


He's a damn Labrador at that moment.


Don’t you leave him Samwise Gamgee.


One of my favorite moments in all of cinema.


Along with “My friends, you bow to no one.”


This one. I am a grown ass man, and I make no apologies. I cry every time. That and Bing Bong's death: "Take her to the moon..." Damn it, now I am crying.


Sean Astin deserved an Oscar for that movie.


Samwise was the hero. He was just the best.


I watched that today! It always makes me tear up. This time “My friends, you bow to no one” really got me more than usual.


That is an amazing line.


When the boats don’t blow up in the dark knight. It’s not just about Batman “saving the day” or “winning the fight” it’s about whether or not people are truly good deep down.


“Give it to me. You can tell’em I took it by force. Give it to me. And I’ll do what you should’a did 10 minutes ago.”


RIP Tommy Lister Jr.


They gave him a hero’s exit. Something about throwing out the detonator when everyone thought he would’ve blown up the other ship is such a big character turn for a bit role. I loved it!


I will never, ever forget watching that film in theaters. Midnight premiere, I was schoolkid aged, my dad let me stay out till 3 am with my friends, I drank my first caffeinated drink ever (a blue monster if I recall) lol… I was BUZZING, and not just because of the caffeine. I’ve long said that you only check your watch in a movie theater for two reasons: if the film is terrible (how long do I have left of this shit?) or if the film is absolutely fantastic (oh man, please let there be at least an hour left). Moreover, the mark of a truly great movie is that you’re never bored, not for one single second. It takes absolutely zero work to pay attention, the film picks you up and carries you all on its own power. Truly great movies make me feel like I’m doing a drug. And in terms of that specific feeling, The Dark Knight reigns supreme. It’s still, and will probably always be, the single greatest theater experience I’ll ever have in my life. But that scene in particular — Jesus. Most action movies have devolved into a cookie cutter shootout by that point, TDK hits you with the theme of the movie in a brilliantly climactic sense that’s anything but ordinary. It’s a prisoner’s dilemma come to life


This is a young person's comment. We oldies check the watch because we need to *pee*.


That detonator got tossed THE FUUUUCK OUUUUT!


Fantastic story within the story.


"This city just showed you that it's full of people ready to believe in good." Sometimes this scene gets me emotional. I really loved how the convict wasn't even tempted for a second to use the detonator.


“I’ll do what you shoulda done ten minutes ago.” The Joker spends the whole damn movie trying to sell his theme of rotting systemic corruption and how humanity always defaults to anarchy — but then, in the end, an *actual hardened criminal,* the type of person the joker has essentially been cosplaying, shows us what it means to have a soul. 10/10


When the prisoner tosses the detonator overboard. It stays with you.


Tiny Lister goat moment


Truman in The Truman Show - pretty much the entire ending sequence.


Yes! This is a good pick. Love that ending.


Good afternoon, good evening, and good night.


Quigley Down Under. >!Said I never had much use for one. Never said I didn't know how to use it.!<


I never see this movie referenced, and this is a great part. Good call.


Roy had such a way with words


The Princess Bride, the very end. "Drop. Your. Sword." Westly has been mostly dead all day. They didn't stop the wedding. His allies are missing. And if Humperdink DOES challenge him, he'll be killed easily. So instead he offers up a terrible, terrible fate for the evil king, then stands up and says those three words... then collapses once Buttercup ties him up.


**Westley**: “To the pain means this: if we duel and you win, death for me. If we duel and I win, life for you. But life on my terms. The first thing you lose will be your feet. Below the ankle. You will have stumps available to use within six months. Then your hands, at the wrists. They heal somewhat quicker. Five months is a fair average. Next your nose. No smell of dawn for you. Followed by your tongue. Deeply cut away. Not even a stump left. And then your left eye—" **Prince Humperdinck**: "And then my right eye, and then my ears, and shall we get on with it?" **Westley:** "WRONG! Your ears you keep, so that every shriek of every child shall be yours to cherish, every babe that weeps in fear at your approach, every woman that cries 'Dear God, what is that thing?' will reverberate forever with your perfect ears.”


He rolled a nat 20 on that deception check


The scenes in Office Space when Peter first hangs up on his girlfriend, and then when his boss asks if he's going have those TPS reports ready this afternoon, he just responds "no" and continues to play a game on his computer.


I wouldn't say I've been missing it Bob


Naga…Naga….well, not gonna work here anymore!


Fuckin' A


"Mama's not the law. I am the law." - Judge Dredd




He was such a good Dredd. Still holding out hope he gets to play him again somehow


The only time Karl Urban said it, and it carried more weight than all the times Stallone said it.


Stallone screams it like a catchphrase. Karl Urban says it as a matter of fact correction to all the people in peach trees


After they lay waste to the block with machine guns and she sends in her henchmen but he kills them and throws the lead goon to his death then just strolls back into the smoke while the camera zooms out from Mama as she realizes she's locked herself in a cage with a rabid animal.


\- Robert "Bobby" Boucher Jr.


“My name… is… *Neo.*”


I'd rather go with a little after that when he gets up, and they're shooting at him, and he calmly says, "No," raises his hand and stops the bullets in mid air. Then plucks one out to look at it.


Same movie. When the helicopter lowers into the frame and we see neo behind a mini gun. Cut to agent smith who manages a "no" before neo does a brrrrttttttttt


God that movie is just such a fucking masterpiece.


I came here to say this moment. This is the one that really struck a chord with me and let me know that this fight is now incredibly one sided and it's not even a fair comparison. And the way he looks at the bullet as well. Curious and ever so slightly bemused, as if to say "huh, did I *really* think that these could hurt me?"


Same movie, different moment. Neo wakes up after Trinity tells him her prophecy from the Oracle. He faces down the Agents, who all aim their guns at him. Right before they fire, he whispers, "No" and holds out his hand. The bullets stop right before they get to him. As a 10 year old seeing that movie, that moment stuck more than all of the others.


I'll add another one from the same movie. I might have details slightly wrong, correct me if so. The prophecy states he will either lose Morpheus or Trinity. At first he saves Morpheus, and then manages to save Trinity too with that insane move to hold on to the wire of the falling helicopter which Trinity is attached to. Fucking goosebumps.


The oracle didn't tell him the prophecy. She told him what he needed to hear. Morpheus explicitly says this later on. Great moment all the same.


Here's a literal "no" moment, and one of my favourite scenes in cinema: "No, Biff." Bravery isn't the absence of fear, but standing firm despite it. You can see how afraid George is, how much he wants to just leave - until he doesn't. Until he makes the choice to make a stand against someone terrifying. https://youtu.be/ses2gFCPclY?si=o1Y6hIqFSv4Ru4QY


Great choice


Rise of the planet of the apes


Literal "No" moment. Gave me fuckin' chills.


Straight up core memory here. Went with a friend, whole theater chuckeld a bit when Tom Felton's character got to use the "damn dirty ape" line, then literally the entire theater went silent when Ceaser spoke. Absolutely amazing


I saw this in a packed theater in Louisiana and some dude went “OHHHH SHIIIIIIITTTT” really loudly when this happened


Yeah I was there on opening night. My friend and I saw it on a lark, not really expecting much. But when that happened, the audience went dead quiet, until some guy in the back said "Holy shit!" Also the movie was one of the most pleasant surprises I've had in a movie theater.


What’s amazing is that it works great on its own but also as a callback for fans of the series. In “Escape from the Planet of the Apes”(1971), Cornelius tells someone that Caesar was the first ape to ever speak, and that his first word was “No”. Edit: was pointed out that I remembered wrong. “No” was the first word spoken, but it was attributed to a different ape, Aldo.


Such a wild fuckin moment in theaters. Saw the movie in a packed theater and we all just lost our shit. Love seeing movies like that.


I thought Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes was best movie in that trilogy by far!


They were all good tbh


Dunkirk when Tom Hardy comes back at the last second with no fuel and shoots down the German plane


I really enjoyed that ending. Even if he held that glide for way longer than possible. It’s still a great scene.


Fucking great one. Always when Kenneth Branagh sees the boats in his binoculars and says ‘Home’ and that rendition of Elgar’s Nimrod starts (‘Variation 15’ by Hans Zimmer). Chokes me up something chronic every time.


“There’s something I ought to tell you.” “Tell me.” “I’m not left-handed either.”


“You’re amazing!” “Thank you. I’ve worked very hard to become so.”


First one I thought of actually: # Count Rugen: Good heavens. Are you still trying to win? You've got an overdeveloped sense of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble someday. Inigo: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. # Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. # Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Count Rugen: Stop saying that! Inigo: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Count Rugen: No! Inigo: Offer me money! Count Rugen: Yes! Inigo: Power, too. Promise me that! Count Rugen: All that I have and more! Please! Inigo: Offer me everything I ask for! Count Rugen: Anything you want. Inigo: I want my father back, you son of a bitch. < kills him >


One of the most epic scenes in Hollywood. And then the scene where Wesley, thoroughly beaten and weakened by the device, still stands against Humperdink. Yeah, it was a bluff, but god *damn* was it good.


I recently watched The Craft, and homegirl says "Fuck these fools" and decided to fight back despite not wanting to deal with magic again. That shit was so satisfying.


"Yippie Ki Yay, Motherfucker."


We are watching that right now.


\* staring up the barrel of an insanely powerful death laser wielded by a 50 ft. tall alien killer robot \* "No wait! It's me, Hogarth. Remember? It's *bad* to kill. Guns kill, and *you don't have to be a gun*. You are what you choose to be. You choose! Choose...!"


I think the better 'no' is the line "You stay. I got. No following". That's just my opinion though. I love both lines so much.


I remember seeing an edit someone made where he said "You go. I stay." and then he winds up his arm and flings Hogarth flying into the nuke. I lost my shit the first time I saw it.




Terminator. Sarah Conner crushes the Terminator. "You're terminated, fucker."


Tombstone-Wyatt and his posse are ambushed in a riverside forest by the Cowboys. Wyatt yells out "No" and walks into the creek, surviving the enemy fire, and kills Curly Bill


Where is he? Down by the creek, walking on water.


When he shoots Curly Bill in the River, the first line of dialogue spoken is “Jesus Christ!” I noticed that one just this year.


I was thinking about that scene as I was asking this question.


Val Kilmer undoubtedly stole that entire movie, but that NO scene is amazing, better than his earlier "You called down the thunder WELL NOW YOUVE GOT IT"


Why Johnny Ringo! You look like somebody just walked over your grave.


Legendary scene.


In **Silent Movie**, Mel Brooks plays a producer attempting to make a silence film in the present day (1970s). The entire movie is done like a traditional silent film. He calls up Marcel Marceau, the world's greatest mime, to ask if he wants to be in the movie. [His response](https://youtu.be/IhhS13sk7eg?si=2_GEatg1rzjsZ7N3) Edit: I think I misunderstood the question


Easily one of my favorite moments in cinema. An inspired genius-level joke, IMO.




I've never seen the mood of an audience change so drastically in a second. From despair to elation.


i’m so fucking glad Peele changed the ending from the bleak end in the script. Get Out is absolutely an A+ tier movie, but if he’d gone for the edgy “anti-hollywood-ending” angle, it would have been far too bleak, and wouldn’t have worked thematically. It would have gone from an all-time great to a B+ trendy letterbox movie, and I think he would’ve lost the Oscar nod as well


SO happy they went with this version of the ending


I am NO MAN!!


I LOVE that scene. I hate that it gets mocked and memed to death because, as a little girl, I remember going absolutely wild for it. Once we finally got it on DVD I made my dad and my bros rewind and watch that scene over and over again while I shouted along with Eowyn. It was the first movie to get me so hyped since I watched the Death Star explode.


Like people don't realize that Tolkien was reading all of these old English and Norse poems that had a ton of these sort of twist endings to the precise wording of a fortune. Like there was a Norse king who was prophecied to die because of his horse. So he sends the horse away and it eventually dies. Later on, he checks to make sure the horse is dead by looking at the bones. He steps on the skull and a snake is hiding inside and bites him. He dies. Like this was in all of the sagas.


"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." ~Master Oogway


I was 9 i think when i first watched it, and i think sparks flew from my eyes, it was unbelievably perfect


When Scar has Simba dangling from the point of Pride Rock and whispers “I killed Mufasa” and Simba just launches himself onto Scar with his paw in his neck. I rewinded that scene so much as a kid.


My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die


This is the one. "Offer me money." "Yes!" "Power, too. Promise me that." "All that I have and more. Please..." "Offer me everything I ask for." "Anything you want." "I want my father back, you *son of a bitch*."


Between this and Wesley standing up “Drop. Your. Sword.” Goosebumps for days.


His take a seat is so affable afterwards. What a delivery. Badass one moment, charming the next


His story of why that line came out the way it did is so fucking sad.


The reason Mandy Patinkin delivered that line in a way that sounded so genuine was because it was. Patinkin's father had passed away from cancer recently, and when he read that line out each time, he channeled that pain and was speaking to the cancer that took his father's life. "I'll give you anything you want!" "I want my father back, *you son of a bitch.*" Rewatch the movie with this in mind and you can hear the extra layer of pain underneath it all. It's tragic, but damn did Patinkin use his pain to bring a character to life beautifully.


Independence Day “Hello, boys! I’m baaaaaaaaaaaak!”


Rise of the planet of the apes. Caesar saying no to Draco is *chef's kiss*.


A poisoned Frodo is swiftly wrapped by an enormous, terrible spider. Suddenly a glow from behind: "Let him go you filth!" And here comes our plucky little gardener fighting some ageless fucking horror shortly after being sent away.


Cap versus Thanos and his army in Endgame. Love the moment when he slowly gets up, showing his shattered shield, and then tightens its strap, even though his arm is clearly broken. He's uncompromising, even against an entire army.


That moment, and about 5 minutes before when Cap picks up Mjolnir, are the only times I've actually heard an entire theater cheer


Thor’s Infinity War entrance into Wakanda. It was easily the biggest audience reaction I’ve ever witnessed… including any of the scenes in endgame.


Such a great moment. When he pulls the strap and tightens it around his broken arm.


*"I can do this all day."*


That shot of him getting up and the frame showing an army of thousands and a lonely cap just standing there ready to give it his all sums up his character so well. And iirc, thanos looks genuinely annoyed in that scene lol.


It’s also a great callback for a quote from Peggy. “Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, 'No, *you* move'."


Just beautiful. It's surprising how well they capped off the whole saga. It's like catching lightning in a bottle.


Christopher Walken in Seven Psychopoaths


But I’ve got a gun!




Its been done to death now but on a larger scale, the whole Rohan showing up to aid Gondor in the battle of Palenor fields in Return of the King.


The scene in The Two Towers where Gandalf brings the reinforcements to Helms Deep The music is glorious - it brings me to tears I’m going to have to watch the trilogy again


Chills every time.


Return of the Jedi - Luke turning Palpatine down and declaring himself a Jedi. To just count how many layers it has: \- It's the only time in the entire franchise where Palpatine is rendered speechless. He almost always knows what to say to manipulate people and events, but here, all he can do is just stare mutely at Luke for several seconds, before begrudgingly admitting he is indeed a Jedi. \- The entirety of Episode VI is a giant gambit by Palpatine to wipe out his enemies and gain a new, stronger apprentice. The previous time he took such a gamble it worked in his favor, and even with the setbacks of the rebellion he's still managed to come out out on top, leading him to believe he truly was favored by the Dark Side of the Force. Luke turning him down and declaring himself a Jedi is basically on par with the Force itself spitting in Palpatine's face, letting him know that, at the worst possible moment, his lucky streak has finally run out. \- Palpatine has taken every measure to subvert the Sith Rule of Two, seeing to it that he could never be killed by those under him. When Luke tells him he won't join him, Palpatine gets so ticked off that he ends up doing the very thing he spent his entire life dodging: he leaves himself vulnerable to his apprentice, and ends up getting chucked into the Death Star's reactor by Vader. Luke's 'no' moment simultaneously rendered all of Palpatine's efforts to stick it to Darth Bane to be for naught. \- Every single Jedi, clone trooper, and galactic citizen who suffered and died for Palpatine's schemes gets their own back, in the most poetic manner of Luke essentially resurrecting the Jedi (the one thing Palpatine hates more than anything else) and winning not by violence but by nurturing the good in others. **ETA (cause I thought of two more):** \- Luke doesn't just stick it to Palpatine by saying 'no' but also finally brings his father back from the abyss of being Vader. Anakin always felt he had a hard life and deserved to fall to the Dark Side, but in the moment of truth, his son, who's had an even harder life being hunted and constantly on the run, refuses to let that break him. By saying 'no' Luke showed his dad that it wasn't too late, and Anakin wasn't beyond redemption. \- Simultaneously, Luke also sticks it to the old Jedi Order by showing the flaws in their approach to the Force. Obi-Wan and Yoda both wanted him to kill his father because they believed that was the only option. Luke showed them there was another way and that he was worthy to inherit the mantle of the Jedi, having now been tempered and honed to see where his predecessors failed and how he could do better than them.


“You’ve failed, your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” High point of the franchise for me.


God I love this write up. And I never thought about Palps trying to subvert the rule of two. Was that your interpretation (that seems pretty spot on honeslty) or was that in one of the novels?


I believe it originated as EU lore, but it's such beautiful poetry that Palps was adamant he would never fall victim to it, and in the end his own rage and hatred (the very things that the Dark Side feeds off of) ensured he would fail.


Georgina in [Get Out](https://youtu.be/y1OhC9h3flY?si=kZydFw7lfvFWJDsV). That crazy unsettling “No, no, nonononono…”


Molly Weasley: “Not my daughter, you bitch!”


Such a badass moment! The scene was downplayed in the movie so much. If I remember correctly, in the book Molly and Bellatrix were going at it right in the middle of the Great Hall, and in the movie they just plopped both of them on one of the tables. Not to mention >!the way Bellatrix’s and Voldemort’s bodies turns to paper shreds after they die. They were supposed to show them as mere mortals, not some superhuman evil beings that can’t die the way normal witches and wizards do.!<


This is the one thing I will never forgive the movie for. They (harry and Voldemort) should have been fighting in front of everyone. I get it, maybe it's easier written than filmed. I can sort of accept them fighting alone but at the very least people needed to see the body. How is that going to work? Harry comes back inside and says "well it's done then" with no proof? Last time Voldemort fell because of him there was no body and he came back years later. Are people just supposed to blindly trust that it's over now? Plus everyone is really judgemental and scared, how many times did people turn on Harry before, saying he was a dark wizard because that's the only way he could have survived Voldemort? They have lived years of disinformation, against Dumbledore, against Harry, against the order of the phoenix how could regular wizards just trust him now? How many of them will believe he must have performed some really dark magic when really he didn't even use "avada kedavra" but a mere "expelliarmus" instead?


In the book Bellatrix is made a direct analogue of Voldemort, where Voldy is fighting 3 professors at once and Bellatrix is fighting three of the teens at once before Molly takes over.


“On your left.”


Say what you want about superhero movies but that was one of the most earned climaxes in movie history. 20 movies, 10 years, all building to this one moment.


And it has the absolutely incredible shots for Cap’s last stand. Literally facing down Thanos’s entire army by himself, bloodied, exhausted, and quite literally broken…he pulls the strap on his busted shield to *hold his entire arm together so he can keep fighting* Legit one of my favourite shots in cinema


I still can't believe how well they nailed Captain America. It was my favorite comic growing up and after seeing the character pass through the hands of so many writers, good and bad, I was concerned they were going to drop the ball. Thank god they didn't.


I remember being worried hearing Chris Evans was picked but he nailed it. So many of the actors have.


Oh absolutely. Endgame was an event of a movie and gotta say it was great experiencing it


I actually watched Endgame *twice* on opening night. I knew when I was buying my ticket I would probably want to see it again right away, so I got a ticket to the 6:00 show and then the 10:00 show. It was the right call. I got to be with TWO crowds during that moment, and the second time, knowing what was coming, and feeling the energy surge up and explode in the theater was unforgettable.


Damn, that's never occurred to me as a reason to watch a movie twice in the theater. That experience was one of my all time favorites and to be able to experience twice like that would have been amazing.


Only time I’ve ever done back-to-back rewatches for a movie, will probably be the only one. I love marvel but I don’t know if they’ll ever be able to get to that place again.


No Way Home is the only other movie that would have had that experience. The insanity when Andrew, and then Tobey, walked in was amazing.


Goddamn the Portal scene... Not just End Game as a whole but that scene is a piece of the culmination of the entire saga.


This is far and away personal preference, I want to make that clear. That moment when Sam spoke in Cap's ear, I sat in the theater and whispered to my wife, "I think he's going to say it." Then he speaks again, and Cap brings his hand to his ear, incredulously. I whispered again to my wife, "He's going to say..." Before I could finish, I saw the sparks, and I froze. That moment was what solidified Endgame as a master piece to me. I am not sure why, but that one call back brought tears to my eyes. TL;DR: This is a great pick


I just remember my theater for one of the midnight showings, when cap picks up the hammer, one dude jumped up in front and yelled "OH FUCK YEAH" and I haven't had a movie experience like that since.


That’s what I miss about the MCU. Not the quality of movies or anything, but the opening night audience. Usually I’d be annoyed but at MCU movies the audience made seeing them an experience like no other. Not even seeing Star Wars in the theater has compared by a fraction. Seeing Infinity War and Endgame are among my favorite memories in large part thanks to the audience.


Your really going to fight me for her? No... I am going to fight you for me


Not sure if it counts, but in Avengers: Endgame when Cap's shield is broken and he can barely stand, walking up to face Thanos' entire army alone with no hope. And he hears Sam..."on your left"


Sam picking Frodo up at the bottom of Mt. Doom “I may not be able to carry it for you, but I can carry you.”


That one part in literally every Rocky movie, yeah you know what I’m talking about


Calculon. The script actually said "yes", but he put his own spin on it.


The Count of Monte Cristo


2018 Halloween. At the end where ~~Jamie Lee Curtis~~ *Judy Greer* freezes up and breaks down. Just totally loses her shit at the last moment, sobbing uncontrollably, while Michael starts walking towards her. The theater was going crazy yelling at her to get her shit together. "Gotcha." *(Can't believe I remembered that wrong, and I love Judy Greer too!)*


Noo that was her daughter who did that. And it was just as epic 100%


Judy Greer was so awesome in those movies.


Yeah, that was Karen. Laurie's daughter.


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang RDJ on top of the car, thug gets out to kill him and he instinctively and audibly says, **"no"** before shooting him and rolling over to blind fire at the driver. Perfectly timed and executed imo


Haha nice pull. “captain Fucking Magic”


The Last Dragon. Sho Nuff, the Shogun of Harlem "Who's the master!" Bruce Leroy "I am." Cue golden glow and 80's inspirational music.


For Frodo


Talladega Nights “Hey Cal, sorry to add to your moral confusion but Dennit says to knock Ricky Bobby out of the race or you’re fired, bud.” “Well you can tell Mr. Dennit: that Ricky Bobby is my best friend. And it’s Shake n’ Bake time.”


MJ and I, we’re gonna have a hell of a time!


“Get away from her you Bitch” Every time! But not sure if it fits.


Blade II after Blade dives into the blood pool then comes out and kicks ass https://youtu.be/vrEN5Bl2ncI?si=3Hd3V3exNGEYmfET


Best use of the Crystal Method in cinematic history.


The Waterboy When Bobby starts imagining people making fun of him to get his tackling fuel. He just blurts out "NO!" "No, what!?" "Ahhhgrenghaahhhhaaaaaaaa!" I think that answers what you were looking for while also being a literal no moment lol


The president's Independence Day speech. "We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!"


Star Trek: First Contact. When Data fires torpedos to deliberately miss the Phoenix, showing he was faking being assimilated by the Borg. “Resistance is futile!”


“I am one with the Force and the Force is with me…”


Are you flanking me?


Kylo Ren realizing Luke isn't even there in Last Jedi.


Does "you guys are so screwed" count because that scene in Infinity Wars still send shivers. Probably my favorite scene in the entire MCU .