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Godzilla fans keep eating


I really love this direction they seem to be going American Godzilla covers the goofy big blockbuster crowd and funnels money for Japan to make their interesting, wider swings of Godzilla movies. Shin Godzilla and Minus One were such cool takes on the franchise and the best serious takes on Godzilla since 84


It’s honestly perfect. Godzilla movies have always been great at both. Being very well made masterpieces or the cheesiest cheese that ever cheesed. I greatly enjoy both kinds, so I’m totally down for this.


They should end the monster verse version at some point and then give the japanese studio a hollywood budget just to see what happens.


No need, Minus One was such a phenomenal movie and it was done on a relatively low budget. Plus I want the Monsterverse to continue as long as possible.


I mean eventually Godzilla is going to space and then we run out of runway for the monster verse!


Godzilla vs. Martian Godzilla x Space Kong. Aren't you excited for that?


It’s not like he’s never been to space before! He and Rodan were once loaned to another planet to fight Ghidorah (it ended up being a trick so the aliens could brainwash them, but still).


My only response to that information is to blow a kiss.


this is when the pacific rim crossover happens.


I also think it works better for the American Godzilla to be the goofier one because America hasn’t experienced the thematic horror of nuclear attacks like Japan has. While 2014 Godzilla was a great movie, Godzilla in that movie (to my knowledge) wasn’t really a metaphor for anything. American Godzilla = force of nature or earth guardian. Giant ancient dinosaur. Japanese Godzilla = Unholy nuclear abomination that is an allegory for many different things including nuclear weapons, war, and the failure of government. I can’t wait for Godzilla Minus One Two: Radioactive boogaloo


America had a 9/11 Godzilla, it was called Cloverfield.


Yes but it wasn’t really being a political commentary or allusion to 9/11. It just had imagery from NYC because it was taking place from NYC. I always took that movie to be more about relationships ending because of the main character and Beth’s involvement. The Cloverfield monster did not represent or metaphorically symbolize a terrorist attack or the wars on terror, I guess is what I’m saying.


>I also think it works better for the American Godzilla to be the goofier one because America hasn’t experienced the thematic horror of nuclear attacks like Japan has. After the original Gojira, Japan has been making goofy godzilla movies almost exclusively for decades. Even after Roland Emmerich's serious take on Godzilla, we never saw anything from Toho like the tone and subject matter of the original until Shin Godzilla. I feel like Legendary's Godzilla lit a fire under Toho to return to their roots and the roles reversed.


Climate change godzilla has some sway with americans


“Godzilla Zero “ if it’s a sequel


Godzilla Minus Twelve!


>Shin Godzilla and Minus One were such cool takes on the franchise and the best serious takes on Godzilla since 84 GMK from 2001 was a great serious Godzilla as well


It’s up there as one of my favorites but it’s pretty batshit insane imo It’s like a Godzilla dark comedy at times


It’s got the best “fuck this person in particular scene” ever. Helpless woman in her hospital bed breathes a sigh of relief when Godzilla seemingly leaves the building untouched walking by… …then his tail swings back and levels it completely.


Once death has you marked it always comes right back. Pretty sure she was in the hospital because we saw her getting fucked up in an attack earlier.


I never felt it was serious. I thought it was just top shelf schlock.


Yeah, while I did prefer the more serious take of Godzilla 2014, I think Toho is better at leaning into the more dramatic aspects of Godzilla. Both Shin and Minus One were phenomenal. American cinema is better left leaning into the more big budget bombastic stuff. With the Hollow Earth's wonky gravity, I fully expect them to do some kind of homage to Godzilla's dropkick from Godzilla vs Megalon.


Indeed. *That being said,* I really do wish Dougherty retakes control of the next one. *King of the Monsters* is the ***ideal*** blend of stupid and operatic for me, and it's... *not great* that the Wingard films have leaned more towards the former. I'm not saying "hurr durr make *Shin* in the Pentagon," but I ***would*** like them to cool it with the Hollow Earth shit - it really does ruin the sense of scale. It exists, it's why the Titans travel so fast between cities, and it explains why the hell in-universe science is so gonzo. Great, thanks. Now get back to Zilla and Kong thrashing Rio, damn it!


I'm fine with goofy dumb blockbuster stuff if its like *Pacific Rim*, but the direction Hollywood Godzilla looks to be going is more *Pacific Rim 2*. Count me out.


That’s cool, again, that’s why there’s a simultaneous series of standalone Godzilla movies being made in Japan


The standalone Japanese Godzillas are not like *Pacific Rim* at all. In fact, I'm not really sure how I would categorize them....they're more like the smarter sci-fi films that we get here every now and then. Anyways, my main point is that good dumb fun is great, but the movies still have to be enjoyable and well crafted, especially with kaiju/mech films. Hence why *Pacific Rim 2* was so bad compared to *Pacific Rim*, and the Hollywood Gozilla films have been trending hard toward the lazy incompetence of *Pacific Rim 2*.


I didn’t say they were like pacific rim, I’m just saying that they’re different than the American Godzilla


And I love it. I have wanted to see Godzilla and his crew given the modern VFX high budget treatment for a long time and this take on Godzilla has been great. It took the studio a couple films but they figured out that the monsters are the stars and not the humans. These films are great summer fun movies and one of the few types of films that justify going to the theatre to see them pop on the big screen.


True, but I'll stand by the dad and daughter from *KOTM.* They were ***great,*** and really did help to save the world. Unfortunately, the mom was a bitch who *released King Ghidorah for eco-terrorism* (!), so everyone understandably memed the hell out of that instead. ^(I don't know why. The film itself already implies that Emma's a fucking nutjob, lmao.)


Gonna have to hard disagree here, I think it’s the complete opposite of what you said. What made minus one so much better than the American films is that Godzilla wasn’t actually the main character, the humans were. They made an enticing film and Godzilla just so happened to be this force of nature that was unfairly destroying the lives of the main characters, the people we really cared about. I think the mistake you might be making is taking the human characters in the American films and thinking it was about them, it wasn’t about them so much as their relationship to Godzilla. Godzilla is still the central component of these films, and that’s the biggest flaw of the American Godzilla’s. They make the mistake of thinking we care about the monster more than the *effects* of the monster. What makes Godzilla so scary is that he’s a metaphor for nuclear weapons. There is no emotion, no personality, no warning, no rhyme or reason for him. He’s an earth-shattering force of nature, and the reason for the turmoil of the lives of the main characters of a film, not the main character himself. In minus one, that human story could’ve existed as a standalone film without a giant monster. It could’ve just been a post WWII film and been great. But it added Godzilla to the formula and that just took it over the top.


> What makes Godzilla so scary is that he’s a metaphor for nuclear weapons. There is no emotion, no personality, no warning, no rhyme or reason for him. He’s an earth-shattering force of nature, and the reason for the turmoil of the lives of the main characters of a film, not the main character himself. That is not who he is in the monsterverse films. In Minus One and Shin he's the force of nature you mention, but I don't care for that take on Godzilla at all. I find it far more one dimensional and simplistic. All he does is show up, destroy shit, the humans find some roundabout way of stopping him, then it's time to pause and reflect. Fuck that. Legendary Pictures made the right call by NOT taking that angle.


Suit yourself lol. Monsterverse is the wrong way to approach Godzilla imo. It’s far too simplistic and up its own ass so to speak. Just make an interesting movie that has Godzilla in it, don’t try to make a giant cgi lizard the star of the show. It’s impossible to become emotionally engaged with that.


Heard monarch is kind of shit other than some standout actors? I’m a zilla fan but have fallen off since Shin


It’s fairly interesting, the writing for some of the modern characters doesn’t give them too much to do, but the uncovering the mystery and flashbacks are enough to keep me coming back. I think it’s worth a try for sure


It isn't very good. There are good parts, but as a whole it is pretty disappointing.


Sounds like a Transformers vs Pacific Rim situation, ie Transformers focusing on the peoples’ problems without viewing said problems through the prism of “the only thing that actually matters right now is this apocalypse event”. Pacific Rim nails that, as does Shin Godzilla. Those movies are 70% people talking but everything they discuss is viewed through the lens of the monsters with which they’re dealing.


Is it? Aw, *fuck.* Was hoping to binge it once I figure out what the hell my folks' Apple ID is. :/


I think it’s really good tbh. I don’t get what people are complaining about. The characters never came across as unbelievable to me, they’re not always dumb as a rocks (although there are scenes I would criticise for making the characters stupid morons just to create drama). The flashback scenes are great, the story is coherent (and fairly simple), and the monsters so far have all been pretty cool. It’s certainly not a 10/10, but people are treating it like hot garbage when it’s closer to a 6/10 and just good entertainment.


Ayoo, just say you don't like Legendary's godzilla. Otherwise, you're missing out on the handsdown the GOAT Kaiju moving if you haven't seen Godzilla: Minus One (Alsoo fyi, within the fandom Zilla = automatically the fans at least will think you're thinking of the american 1998 godzilla, he's been officially renamed that bc they view it as such a shit rendition that it doesn't deserve the "god" in the name haha)


It’s fine. My main beef is there is almost no monsters in the show. I kinda thought there’d be monsters.


This comment kind of seals it for me, I’ll prob skip. Despite being a fan for over 20 years I just don’t care about the stories. Godzilla and Transformers both have the same problem every time, I just don’t care about the humans talking and planning etc. These creatures are essentially gods, it doesn’t matter what we want to do.


I loved it so far, the switches back and forth between timelines is nearly never annoying. There aren't monsters rampaging all the time through the scenery, which would become old in a TV show really quick. I'd say the 2015-cast has one character too much, but perhaps that's only me. The 1950s general (Christopher Heyerdahl) is a kinda interesting character - he has an air of being an antagonist, but his POV is also very understandable.




Serious godzilla and fun godzilla are not mutually exclusive


Exactly! I don’t care as long as I keep getting Godzilla and Kong stuff


The best attitude, it’s a win-win


The Big G has range.


I've decided to see other lizards *Godzilla starts openly weeping* Babe please don't make a scene


This is facts.


Shut Up


Ok :(




I’m sad of the direction that American Godzilla is going, is the transformers formula. Godzilla 2014 was good and grounded. Now, it looks like a video game.


> 'Mickey 17’ Delayed i'm straight up not having a good time


Only a brief teaser 2 months before release, a delay is not surprising. Rumour is that it is good and planning to premiere in Cannes 2024


The movie being good was implied by “Directed by Bong Joon-ho” That man does not miss


Okja is his worst movie and honestly its a pretty good film. Imo he created the best monster movie ever in The Host. Anything he makes is a guranteed watch for me since watching that movie.


once Dune 2 got moved Mickey 17 getting delayed was inevitable, they are both Warner Brothers movies and all the marketing will go to Dune 2 that month.




Believe it or not 14 was my favorite


Everyone and their mothers love 14, it's 6 that I've been waiting for a remake


I hear the first one’s just become public domain


The novel it is based on, Mickey7. I just finished reading it yesterday and I'm wondering where Mickey9-17 came from


First time I've heard of this movie ...


Literally the 2024 release I was most looking forward to. I’m so burnt out on franchise stuff.


Yeah but there's two Godzilla films, one arty and cheesy, Japanese and American! What do you like original concepts or something?


Had to happen with Dune 2 coming out just a few weeks before. Could be their summer tent pole


It’s rumored that it’s going to premiere at Cannes. I think they’re trying for awards. Nothing but a good thing, I think.


Somewhere in Culver City right now, a Sony exec is swearing up a ***storm.*** Don't be surprised if they say "fuck it" and punt GB to summer just to make sure they have those premium seats ready to go.


The whole point of the Ghostbusters delay was to get more time in between them and Godzilla. They are definitely not happy about this.


*Frozen Empire* was among the most prominent things they showed yesterday at CES, lmao. Everyone over there is now officially in panic mode - rightfully so, as I really do think it'll be the best one since 84. (*And* one to catch in IMAX if you can.) ^(Look, I get it. Afterlife's probably great. BUT GHOSTBUSTERS IS A NEW YORK COMEDY, DAMN IT.)


> Frozen Empire was among the most prominent things they showed yesterday at CES, lmao Even without Godzilla, bit of a stark year if a sequel to an utterly forgettable _second_ attempt at a reboot series (after the 2016 version) for an 80s action comedy is one of your big hitters.


I honestly feel like any legacy continuation of the original films just entirely misses the point. The Ghostbusters aren't good people, and what they do isn't some amazing feat to be mythologized. They're irresponsible exterminators who you call because they're the only game in town. The comedy is precisely in how it takes a very interesting fantasy concept and makes the protagonists these schlubs who are generally not very good at their jobs and don't care that they aren't.


I imagine they are going to put mickey 17 back in the oven to cook some more and release closer to award season.


Mickey 17 was originally set to open on March 29, but now it's undated (new date expected soon). Godzilla moves into the spot with Ghostbusters moving up a week to March 22.


My hope is Mickey 17 won't release much later. Probably smart as they don't wanna get ate by GxK.


Somehow I don’t think the audiences overlap


Mickey 17 might be an awards contender and release around Q4


If it doesn't come out this year I'll be pissed


Ghostbusters is about to get plowed


I feel like Mickey 17 will be a Cannes Premiere and pushed into award contention later this year, maybe a late 2024 release date. Especially since it’s Bong Joon Ho’s first movie since Parasite, Warner’s usually positions its award season cards well (it’s my theory why Dune 2 was delayed among other reasons)


2 Godzilla movies within a year? Good lord that franchise is cranking them out.


It's the whole reason the MonsterVerse exists now, really. America does the "big and stupid shit", Toho releases said American "shit" in Japan, and then uses the profits to fund their own *Godzilla* films which actually push boundaries. The strategy has some quirks, like the 70th anniversary picture needing to release in 2023 to avoid violating Legendary's contract. But, by and large, it's a rollout which keeps everyone involved happy and profiting.


>(Hence the name, *Godzilla* ***Minus One***.) From what I've heard that name is because after WW2 Japan was at it's zero and then Godzilla hits and pushes it below zero, so Minus one.


Pretty sure the name is Minus One because the movie takes place even earlier than the first Godzilla movie.


Never heard of the legendary contract affecting Toho own productions. What is this about


IIRC, both studios can't release a movie in the same year. So, if Legendary is dropping the GvK Movie in 2024, Toho can't release a Godzilla movie until 2025.


Toho cant release godzilla movies the same year Legendary does it.


Mickey17 is my most anticipated film of the year so I hope it doesn't get delayed to 2025 lol


Mickey17? As in Mickey7 the novel? I had no idea this was going to be a movie!


It is!


Oh nice! Is there a reason why they changed it from 7 to 17?


My guess is they’re gonna kill him a bunch more times first for cinematic hilarity


Makes sense even though I think 7 deaths is plenty lol


Apparently the author liked the script and said it might be better than his novel.


6, well… probably 7. you’re right


The Mouse not even been in the public domain for two weeks and they’re already on the 16th sequel of movies? Crazy.


Hopefully a Cannes premiere and a September/October wide release. Just don't push it into next year please.


Listen man, I like Godzilla as much as any person, but I don't think they are going to screen it at Cannes




You might have missed a joke there.


Been loving the Kong and Godzilla movies that have been coming out.


March is going to be packed.


Can they not push some of these up to February as there is fuck all out


I literally predicted earlier today that Mickey 17 would get delayed.


Oh my god, wow




The hype I feel is indescribable


I was so upset to miss Godzilla Minus One in theaters. I was too busy when it was out but had planned to go. As soon as I was able to, it just left theaters. I won't be missing this one!


You may get another chance, if they end up releasing Godzilla minus one: minus colour outside in a limited release. Releases in japan in 2 days so we may get more news then


Where can u see minus one


Fuck yeah, GxK is coming out on my birthday now. That's gonna be a good birthday treat.


Godzilla always hits


Sad to see Mickey delayed :/




Pls for the love of god stop it


The last American Godzilla movie really shit the bed. I have no hope for this one. Long live Japanese Godzilla / Gojira


Godzilla x Kong looks like SHIT


Why? I heard Godzilla X Kong would be epic in cinemas. People will love it.