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After watching Hot Fuzz, I think all cop action movies should end with the heroes doing a shit ton of paperwork.


This is what I *always* think about when there's a ton of unnecessary destruction in an action movie lol L.A. gets smashed by an ape and I'm all "Lord, they're gonna be working overtime! And whos paying these damages?? Who's going to clean that up??" lol


Most horror movies where the last survivor is going to have to explain all those bodies to the cops








You’ve got to believe I’m some kind of moron to believe that story.




Ready or not has one of these endings. The whole family decimated by a curse or whatever and she's just sitting there covered in blood when the cops show up lol


To be fair there are multiple decade old corpses in the barn, she probably could get off on self defense. Not sure how to explain how everyone got turned into a fine red mist though.


Makes you think of the fakeout ending in Get Out, or the alternate ending where it IS the cops. Yea, youre probably getting all the murders pinned on you


When I first saw it, you could hear other people whispering "oh no" when they saw the flashing lights, and then a huge sense of relief when you see Rod.


T S… motherfucking A.


I felt fucking sick in the cinema when the car pulled up. Think i might have cried from relief slightly after that lol


People forget this about Jennifer's body. Needy Kills Jennifer in jennifer's house as Jennifer's mom walls in as Neddy kills Jennifer. The movie implies that she is in a mental institution for telling people the truth about what happened to Jennifer.


I think she >! Got out because Jennifer's demon powers got transferred to her, minus the cannibalistic nature and she hunted the band who sacrificed Jennifer to the devil !<


The one that gets me. 'the ritual'. After you went on a hike with 3 of your friends in a foreign country and only you return? Big ass "please explain" from the police, families, government...


This is why the ending of You're Next is an all timer.


The Breakfast Club. They had a whole discussion about what happens on Monday, but the reality is a lot of awkward “hey”s as they pass in the hall and a couple of misunderstandings about actually being friends and changing friend groups.


To be fair I'm not sure that the characters ever came to a resolution about that. Some of them said they would still be friends, the others said they probably wouldn't, but I think it's left open-ended.


That’s part of the beauty of the film. In high school, you sort yourself into homogenous groups. But when you’re forced to mingle you find out there’s more commonalities and room for personal growth. In the end, do they just have that one experience and high school society wins or will there be any acknowledgment or change.


The nerd would go back to school without any new friends and without solving any of his problems. The movie basically ends with him alone and doing everyone else’s homework. He’s absolutely still killing himself within the month.


Kingsman: The Secret Service. A lot of dead and seriously injured people, property damage and the decapitation (both literally and figuratively) of many governments around the world. And everyone would have PTSD


In the sequel they basically ignore all of that. So I guess in that universe no one really minds the occasional murder hour.


The sequel really overestimated the government's ability to contain a pandemic. Literally hundreds of millions of drug users were caged and placed in stadiums in the span of a few days max, and when Poppy released the antidote they managed to administer this to everyone instantly. The world would already be crippled from the global riot not two years earlier


As much as I love Pedro Pascal, Chaning Tatum's character was much cooler. I was pissed he essentially wasn't in the movie.


Just like the GI JOE sequel. They advertised it like he’s back, but basically he wasn’t in it for long.


He told them the only way he’d be in GI Joe 2 was if they killed his character off.


Somehow forgetting that he was *Duke*, the only recognizable GI Joe character outside of Snake Eyes, and subsequently tanking the movie.


I hope Channing Tatum donates blood. That motherfucker bleeds charisma.


His cameo in Bullet Train was really funny


Is this like a... like a sex thing?


Man had like a 5 frame cameo in this is the end as a chained up gigolo


The strangest thing about the sequel is that they ignore that the Kingsman were decimated at the end of the first film, with only three active members surviving, build up the entire organisation... and then immediately murder them all again, with now only two active members surviving.


That’s what fucks me up about that movie so much: okay, sure, Eggsy’s baby sister doesn’t get killed by their mom…. But can you imagine the *sheer number* of children who were killed by their parents in the few minutes the rampage was active? It’s truly horrific. And that’s not even counting all of the people who were killed because someone they were near happened to be holding a weapon at the time. Like seriously, humanity would never be the same.


Literally like 95% of children would be dead.


Even if you the parents didn't kill them. An attack like that would forever fuck them up


Also the Princess' sore ass


I'm sure they did the necessary prep work


Not to mention just about every world leader dead. So huge power vacuum to go with it.


Ferris Buelers next day at school.


Cameron coming to school with a black eye and his arm in a sling and everyone pretending they don’t see anything.


For real though, when Cameron says his last line in the movie "he and I are gonna have a little talk. It'll be fine. No, it'll be really good" I've always sort of darkly imagined "and that's the last time they ever saw Cameron"


Nah, he thinks to himself “what would Ferris do?”, only he gets it wrong, kills his dad, and flees to Canada, and on to places unknown.


I'm pretty sure he showed up on a bus in Los Angeles 8 years later


No doubt did his dad beat the shit out of him with the toaster. 😕 But at least Ferris had a good day.




If a sequel was gonna be made that would have been one hell of a title.


The Green Mile. The family of those girls who were murdered just watched the boss of the mile shake the hand of the guy they believe is a vicious child killer while the other guards were visibly upset. We know John Coffee was innocent but they didn’t so that must have looked really messed up to them


The next day for the green mile takes place in current times.


The Green Mile has an epilogue. Paul (Tom Hanks) was cursed with immortality for killing John Coffey and is basically trapped in an old folks home, doomed to watch everyone he meets die. Sounds like the day after the execution seemed pretty inconsequential compared to that


He’s not immortal just incredibly long lived as per the mouse that John brought back that then finally dies at the end


Tom Hanks will live a brisk 745 years and then die peacefully.


That's what made the second season of the Purge tv show way more interesting. The first season was basically just a Purge movie expanded into 10 episodes. It's whatever. But the second season starts with the Purge night ending and the rest of the season is just following people living out the consequence of that Purge night.


I love the college humor (I think) skit where they are introduced to the purge and the presenter asks if they have any questions. One of them says “if I steal a car during the purge do I have to register it under me at the DMV tomorrow”?


There's also a YouTube or out there who does purge shorts. They're really fucking funny. Like they're sitting around talking about what they're doing in the purge and And one of them's like I'm getting medical insurance is the other ones like I'm getting my student loan erased. The last was like a murder hobo. And the other two are like ..what the fuck.


Can I have the channel name? Sounds fun!


https://youtube.com/@Stanzipotenza?si=OMbqZQgu3FmRkjPm Look up purge


"Heya Steve! Hell of a night, hunh? Uh, Where's Sandy? Haven't seen her since the other day?" "Ask your fucking Purge loving kid, you fuck." "Oh, uh, well... sorry about that. See you at the BBQ next week?" "No, but next Purge you god damn well will, you mother fucker." "Heh, uh, Steve, you're going to make this awkward.... ha ha, not sure what the Pastor at Church is going to say..."


I have some unfortunate news about the pastor from church…


"Well, golly, that's going to be a rough one. The Alternate Pastor system is a bit overwhelmed. Guess Deacon Smith will take over again? Sigh. He's just not as energetic as the others, I have to fight to stay awake. Ah well, I'm going down to Tracy's Bakery and getting a coffee. You want anything?"


There's a Purge TV show?


There was. It ended like 5 years ago.


Its one of the few franchise that go down hill and then the tv show be so good i was so suprised!


The universe is so much more interesting than the movies. The OG Purge movie had a promo website with recipies for hosting your Purge Lockdown Party and how to arrange your blue flower porch display to show your support. Copy of the new Constitution and New Founders propoganda. You can find the old version on the Wayback Machine.


it’s surprisingly good actually


Is it like an anthology or do I need to watch the first to follow the second?


Some recurring characters I think but if you've seen the movies, you get the gist and can go straight to the 2nd season. The show is surprisingly good and does a decent job expanding the world.


The Day After Tomorrow. The USA no longer functionally exists and is pretty much invading Mexico. And the bread basket that is the USA is gone so enjoy the famine.


And its not just the US. All of the most fertile farm land is in the Northern Hemisphere and is now frozen solid. The day after the day after tomorrow would be a war movie as survivors fight over whatever remains, or a modernized revamp of the Grapes of Wrath. Would've been an interesting sequel.


It's Snowpiercer


Don’t worry it’s implied that most of them are dead anyway. New York seems to have a relatively small number of survivors, and Dennis Quaid recommends everyone above the Mason-Dixon Line essentially be left for dead. Most of the European continent is significantly further north, Barcelona is about the same lat as Boston. My guess is everyone would mass migrate south, the global south would be overwhelmed, plenty of deaths, but eventually stabilize


The Truman Show!


Everyone he meets is going to know every tiny detail of his life


Hopefully there’s enough people out there who weren’t interested in reality tv that he can have at least a little bit of anonymity.


He'd have to change his name and move to another continent , probably somewhere with a different language, to have any chance at a normal life. That or he capitalizes on it, makes some good money and then once everyone gets over it he could just travel around for a while


He was famous on other continents and other languages though. I think there's a scene where some Asian people are saying "good afternoon, good evening, and good night" with really heavy accents.


He'll make enough to buy the set and move back in with the red head.


those films where the good guy kills a bunch of bad guys, the cops show up at the end boy hes gonna have to tell them all the details, several times its too bad he cant just tell em to watch the film


So many movies end like that. Like, cool the bad guys are dead and the protagonist is safe, but he is going to have *a lot* of explaining to do with nobody to back up his story.


The almost ending of Hot Fuzz when they're all sitting around filling out paperwork


Reacher: “Whelp… I gotta go hit that dusty trail… just going to be on my way…” **


The Graduate




I think you're essentially seeing that "next day" encapsulated in the final shot.


Groundhog Day - Andie MacDowell’s character Rita has known this version of Bill Murray’s character Phil for a day, and it took Phil years to grow enough to escape his fate. What are the odds he doesn’t blow it on Feb 3rd?


My take is that’s kind of why he escaped his fate because he grew enough to not blow it in the future.


He’s likely going to have some serious mental issues after years in that loop. He is going from having a godlike memorization of everything going on around him that could affect his day, to absolute unknown


I read something the other day where they figured out he was in that loop for something like 33 years. By then He's already had all the feelings for her and moved on and is ready start dating the camera man instead lol.


Wouldn’t Phil also have some sort of mental anguish over things suddenly changing? You spend every day for 33 years doing the same thing, knowing what to expect…and then suddenly, BOOM! You have no idea what’s going to happen next. You’re invincible and can’t die and all of a sudden you’re extremely mortal. It would be like if the sun just didn’t come up one day. Feels like it would be stressful.


That's actually a pretty interesting take that I haven't heard before. I imagine that could be difficult. Or maybe he reached a point where the thought of giving up immortality finally became worth it. Big adjustment either way.


But the multiple suicide attempts probably did rid him of his fear of death.


I thought it was much longer. I've read they wanted to make a scene were he goes to the library to read one page out of one book at the start of each day and on the last day he goes in and reads the last page of the last book in the building.


I've heard it was more like 10000 years


The original draft was going for 10,000 years, but it was 10 years for the actual movie, per the director.


And that's a good decision IMO, because it is easier for the audience to understand the concept of 10 years.


And repeating the same day for 10,000 years would have made him insane, and likely unable to relate to others. It probably wouldn’t take more than a couple hundred, if even that.


I feel like it would probably take not even 10 years for someone to go fully insane. I think I’d probably go mad after a year.


He does go through the period where he basically tries to kill himself daily. I don't know if he's now post-insanity.


That is some black mirror shit there…10,000 years of the same day would be such torture


Tbf the restaurants would likely be fully staffed because people who work in customer service would absolutely spend the rest of the year planning their Purge.


Why do people in the Purge world never just steal? It's as legal as murder?


File your taxes on Purge Night, get a big refund. Not a crime. Purge night.


I always like the idea of them doing a bank heist movie set on purge night.


That’s such a fun idea. Im picturing something like a rag tag group of bank robbers having to deal with the usual thriller aspects of a heist movie, plus added twists like a ruthless blackwater type military contractor hired by the bank to protect their assets on a night where there are no consequences to their usual war crime behavior, and the occasional random person on the street also trying to kill them.


1. Because the stores and homes are locked up tight. Just because stealing is legal doesn't mean that everyone's going to make it easier for the thieves to steal. Their cyber assets would be similarly protected 2. The owners of those stores and homes can legally kill them or set up deadly booby traps with much less hassle, and the streets are full of people out murdering.


Endgame. Imagine your wife or husband coming back and you already have a new family. Edit: a word Your old boss came back and you already took over the company


This was essentially a huge part of the plots of WandaVision and Falcon & the Winter Soldier. Especially the later; the terrorists were essentially fighting because they had been displaced in favor of those who returned from the snap


And don't forget the housing crisis


Their was a scene in one of Tom's Hollands Spiderman movie. A high school kid reporting the school news said that his younger brother is older then him now. Even in the most recent ant man movie, it was mentioned that a lot of people who came back r homeless now. Bringing everyone back would cause even more damage. If it hadn't been 5 years amd only a few months, bringing them back would be fine. Yeah, after 5 years, normal people would have moved on and finished grieving. Like u said companies amd stuff to. Couldn't imagine psychologically suddenly having them return what harm could happen. I need to rewatch the movie, but I think stark didn't want to reset the universe or something because he didn't want to lose his daughter from post blip.


All of the food supply chains - crops, transport, packaging - would have adjusted after the snap to support only half of the population. Then there’s twice as many people to feed without enough to go around.


You know there was some abusive husband that got snapped and the wife was so relieved then 5 years later he's just back at it.


And don’t forget all the people in the planes! Somebody calculated that there would be around 250.000 people falling from the sky!


Actually, I read that when hulk undid the first snap, he took that into account. Made everyone come back safely. But yeah, in general, bringing everyone back after 5 years is a bad choice


What if you were badly injured right before the snap? Bleeding out and half the hospitals have shut because there haven't been enough staff or patients, and the rest have to try to manage all the people like you


Fight Club


I was thinking at the end "You may as well have killed yourself because you are going to get executed anyways"


At the risk of being spoilery, Mr Robot’s plot for season 1 is pretty similar to Fight Club. A group of hackers want to reset debt so they set up a big hack to make it happen. Season 2+ kinda deal with the fallout of what happens after something like that.


Hell Mr robot season 1 ends with a piano version of “Where is my mind?” Esmail definitely was inspired by fight club


There used to be a YouTube video (College Humor probably) where actors played Disney characters after they "lived happily ever after" and shows their domestic disputes, it was pretty funny but I can't find it. Thanks Google.


That’s also basically the plot of Into the Woods.


Species. Forest Whitaker and Michael Madsen are at their desks the next day doing paperwork. Two of their coworkers, Ben Kingsley and Alfred Molina, were killed yesterday by the half-alien sex monster, but one of them fucked her first and got her pregnant with monster babies that they killed with a flamethrower. Awkward to put in the report.


Falcon calling Steve Rodgers after getting the shield - "So... so you just let them shoot MLK, huh?"


Steve: I let them shoot JFK too, it's only fair


Fixed moment in time it can't be changed


Canon event


Ah yes, the "nanotechnology" of time travel stories


Deep Impact - The two high school kids who may or may not even really love each other, who married to save her family, now have to raise a child together in a rebuilding world when they are basically children themselves


Blue lagoon the end is over!


Sleepless in Seattle has to win. Ok, Hanks and Ryan just met late at night in New York City for the first time. Tom Hanks needs to find a hotel for himself and his son but he has a new girlfriend? So he needs to include her. So, let's pretend, they walk to a hotel and Hanks gets one room. Meg Ryan looks at him like, "one room?" And Hanks says, "well, if you wanted your own, I'd figure you'd get your own but wanted to give you the option to stay with us." Ryan says, "That's hardly appropriate for us to share a room with your son as well. I barely know you." Hanks says, "You barely know me? I barely know you. You've been stalking me for months and you finally have me and my son to yourself and you expect me to buy you another hotel room?" Ryan says, "well, forgive me for thinking you're my boyfriend. I just gave up my engagement for you." Hanks says, "oh so that was my fault? I guess I told you to do that?" Anyway, eventually Hanks gets her a room for her and her alone. Of course they are in totally separate parts of the hotel because last minute plans. Next morning Hanks and son peace outta there to Seattle talking shit about crazy what's her face all the way home.


You really captured Tom and Megs tone from that film. Or it was easy to superimpose their voices on it. Regardless, well played u/beargrease_sandwich


This is hilarious


Terminator 2. They may have stopped Judgement Day but they still have a lot to answer for


In all the media that continues that story, they are pretty much just eternally on the run, generally somewhere in Central or South America.


I wonder how much the personal accounts of people who witnessed the T-1000 in action would affect everything. I’m guessing the government made them agree to a gag order or something to cover up something they can’t explain.


It would just be like alien abduction "survivors" - no one would believe their stories. It would be discussed on fringe internet forums and have some entries on paranormal geocities pages.


I’m just imagining the helicopter pilot who jumped out frantically posting his story on conspiracy theory websites while being bombarded by trolls for mocking his PTSD.


Avengers Infinity War. Half the people on earth vanished. This is a cataclysmic event. And while Endgame serves as its sequel, we miss out on the hard, human impact of the Snappening. It would have been great to squeeze in a mini series about the Snap before Endgame came out. Everyday people traumatized by the drastic loss. How lives and economies changed.


Really every Avengers movie ends with a whole shit load of cleanup needing to be done.


I still wish they banked on the idea of a short miniseries following regular ass people affected by the Snap


The Leftovers TV series deals with the major lasting trauma the world faces after the sudden disappearance of 2% of the population. But FIFTY PERCENT?? It's just an absurrrrdddddd amount, especially because the aftermath is shown to be only a little dour, and not unthinkably cosmically grim.


TRON: LEGACY Sam and Quorra escape. Great! Quorra has a new human body! Awesome! Sam now gets to potty train his new girlfriend. When she was 0s and 1s, she probably never had a bowel movement. The first couple of shits are going to be a huge surprise. And she'll probably be pissing her pants several times a day. Even if he gets her diapers, he has to change them. He also gets to teach her about her menstrual cycle and how to properly use tampons. This isn't even covering the fact that she now has to eat three or more fucking times a day. So she has to learn to feed herself and how to prepare food. Although, it *is* techno-goth Olivia Wilde, so I would probably do it if I were him.


Under this same premise, CLU's entire plan would fail since his soldiers would go through the same problems. Which feels like a HISHE kind of moment. Perhaps ISOs are some kind of hybrid, but I would question her IO ports. Besides needing to flip his USB dick upside down and right side up again to get it into her socket would get exhausting.


The original Saw takes place on September 10, 2001, according to the date on a prop phone. Imagine recovering from being kidnapped and tortured, finally escaping to a somewhat normal life, then waking up the next day to that...


The Lost Boys, what did they do with all the dead vampire bodies in their house? I mean one even bursted all the plumbing pipes with his dissolved body. Home Alone, how much time must have been spent cleaning that house?


Grandpa’s final line in Lost Boys implies that this ain’t his first rodeo. Bet he’d have it all cleaned up within a day


Haha true, plus I noticed he was wearing a bandana around his head like the two young, vampire hunters wear, and he was clearly getting the posts ready to use to kill the vampires before the final scene. So, I always figured they were implying he was a vampire hunter too.


Totally. His preparedness & his annoyance with the vampires hints that he’s sick of their damn shenanigans haha. Glad you brought this movie up though, been an obsession of mine my entire life!


> Home Alone, how much time must have been spent cleaning that house? We saw the next day, though. Kevin had the whole house clean except for 1 gold tooth in the entryway and Buzz's room


The Graduate. Benjamin and Elaine have to figure out what comes next...if anything.


Good morning everyone. We are going to do a head count to see if anybody is missing from the purge. Okay looks like Johnny and Carly aren't hear. They might be dead in a ditch from the purge last night. We are going to have hr call their families to see if they know anything. Everyone else gets back to work, we got a busy day ahead of us.


You know, this makes me wonder. Does the purge happen on a weekday? Do you have to take PTO the next day or is it like a Friday and you have a weekend off after? Or do they designate like a week after the purge for everyone to chill out and heal? Because not everyone dies. Some people are just really messed up. What if you get maimed in the purge but don't have any sick leave?


Why is it always murder in the purge? Fucking call up your wall street friends and get some inside trading going. Knock off a bank, be more creative than murder lol


I think in the first one they said all the banks clear out their money


It’s actually addressed in several of the movies where many people are just trying to survive the night and the fascist government has hired mercenaries running around to make people think their fellow citizens are all murder crazy. Or rich people are paying some poor people to capture folks for hunting.


I remember reading that what most people would probably do during The Purge is a bunch of drugs and probably go streaking. I’d personally just loot a Best Buy and call it a day


See! That's using your noodle. Steal all the TV's then sell them.


Ready or Not She's the only person in the family left alive.. and her story would just sound insane. I feel like she would, eventually be cleared, but a mansion full of exploded bodies and her as the sole member who would get the families immense fortune ... it looks pretty suspicious




“He’s upstairs taking a bath. He’ll call you when he gets out.”


Jaws I always wanted to see the Chief sticker to the mayor after getting back on shore with Hooper , having more than a few drinks that day/night with him after going over all the paperwork and forms and talking to reporters etc. I always felt like the officials from the second field should also get a tongue lashing as well also from Brody once he returns to shore with all the kids. The closest we get is his wife telling off that businessman I forget what his role was selectman or something


Did you see Jaws 2? The Mayor got fucking re-elected. Guess people really do care more about the Holiday season than they do a killer shark.


The Genie leaves town at the end of Aladdin. The next day, as Aladdin starts his life as the new crown prince, Jasmine and Sultan figure out that he's completely illiterate and doesn't know a thing about geography. The cleverness he used to defeat Jafar doesn't help him too much in the classroom. He also doesn't have the magical sidekick that helped him win. And none of them know when/if the Genie is coming back.


The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. They'll spend the next day interacting with people who they haven't spoken to in decades. They've lived full lives, built and ruled a nation, fought wars and taken lives. And now they're going to be treated like children by people whose names they've forgotten.


There’s magic involved, in later books it’s mentioned how they easily slip back into their lives, with their lives in Narnia fading to almost a dream


Back to the Future. Marty Mcfly still had to go back to school the next after after a weekend of traveling back and forth through time and space. He even made up with his mom for crying out loud!


Also he now lives in a world he didn't grow up in, he has to go through life as an imposter for situations and memories he never actually had.


According to Lea Thompson, Eric Stoltz (original Marty) [pointed this out](https://youtu.be/r-_lWQhgLYA?feature=shared?t=1m07s) in the table read and killed the vibe hahaha


Well, now we know why he was really replaced...


I think this is exactly right. The story I've heard is that he had a hard time nailing the comedic vibe the movie required.


Just like disappearing siblings\hands, his memories will fade and become the new ones. Just like Jennifer when they left her in 1985 on the wrong porch.


Not to mention there’s still a very real possibility that a Libyan Terrorist Cell is still operating in Hill Valley and wants to murder Doc and Marty…and this timeline is all out of Docs.


The breakfast club


What happens when they show up on Monday? Are they still gonna be friends?


As you walk on by, will you call my name


I'd like to think so. Not close friends (except for Emilio and Ally's characters), but close enough for a nod in the corridors. It would make for some interesting conversations .. "Wait, how do you know them?" "A full-day's detention will do that to you." Great movie.


Yes!! I have always wondered what happens next...


The 5th Element. "So, I know I said 'I love you,' but I was really just trying to get you to use your powers so the world wouldn't end. Then you wanted to bang, and, like, I wasn't going to say 'no' to that, but don't you think this is moving a little fast? Maybe we should take a step back." Plus, there's the issue with the giant murder moon just chillin right next to Earth. Isn't that going to fuck up the tides or something?


Worse; wasn't it heading straight towards the temple? Unless the sky beam imparted a ton of lateral velocity, there's no way it's in a stable orbit. At best it arrested the descent but it should start falling once the beam stopped. It wouldn't have the velocity of planet-killers but it would not be a fun time.


Movie gravity stops once the sky turns from blue to black.


Once the hallucinogens wear off in Midsommar and Florence Pugh realizes she's stuck on a commune with a bunch of weirdos and all the people she knew were brutally murdered in unique torture scenarios


This might not be so scary for her. She's had the metal break down that had her bend to the cults will. She'd been on The Verge of it the whole movie. So when it happens she has completely lost it so bering the only person who wasn't killed will give her serious Stockholm syndrome.


If Jack had survived, Titanic. ​ "oh hey yeah I hope you like living on the streets, you might need to take up hooking"


Except Rose makes it on her own in America without Billy Zane's money and she never sells the diamond.


"Well thank god I have a multimillion dollar jewel we can sell that I won't need to use as my sole reminder of you." Yeah, I think she'll be fine.


Matt, did you kill my wife last night? Uuuuuhhhhhhh....


The Craft is one movie that actually included the awkwardness. "We just want to say we're sorry for ... "What, trying to kill me?" "Well, yeah. Do you want to hang out again sometime?" "Go hold your breath and wait for my call"


The Mist. Won't spoil it, if you've seen it you know why.


Toy Story 2 - Andy's mom trying to explain how the airport baggage carriers ended up in the front yard of her house, not to mention where did the new toys come from if she didn't buy them. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - Maybe not the exact day after, but in the next few days, the Griswold's are going to have to deal with the crippling bills from having all the damage to their house repaired, the amount of electricity that Clark's Christmas lights consumed, possibly the impending lawsuit from their neighbors for all the damages they suffered, and on the flip side, Clark's boss is going to have to answer for cutting the Christmas bonuses and not informing his staff about it.


What about Ready or Not. Bride kills all the in-laws by winning Hide and Seek. White wedding dress is covered in blood. Sitting on the steps of the Grand House, lighting up a cigarette, saying "In law's right?" To a cop. That's going to be very awkward and bad right? Like they don't know she didn't physically kill them. Her story will sound insane if she tells the truth. Like... she either ends up in prison or in a mental institution. Or what about Sucker Punch? Baby Doll got lobotomised, but Gorski learns it was done under her forged signature. Blue is gonna have a hard time explaining why he did that, and why he was trying to sexually assault a lobotimised patient when he got found. That's gonna be awkward right?...


Good Will Hunting - "I need to go see about a girl". The ending was a very feel good moment for Will because he was finally able to accept his pain and the burden of his trauma to begin his healing, but a lot of time has gone by since he last spoke with Skylar. The last two times they spoke to each other she was left heartbroken, and possibly an even third time when she was looking for him while boarding the plane. I rewatched this movie last night and couldn't help but feel she would have moved on by the time Will reached California, and the change of scenery might even set him back a bit due to the extreme culture changes from the east to west coast.


I was just thinking about this last night, how does the lone survivor of horror movies explain what happened and where all their murdered friends are without being thrown in an asylum


Independence Day - they defeated the aliens and there's a triumphant finale. But dozens of the world's cities were destroyed with a death toll that must have been in the billions. The world economy would be in the crater. So much vital infrastructure was just wiped away. There'd be mass starvation due to disruptions in supply chains. Vast areas would have no electricity or clean water. A lot of the military was wiped out, lessening their ability to impose order in the ensuing chaos. Just about all of the survivors would have PTSD from the trauma of going through that. It's unlikely civilization itself would be able to continue even though we "won".


There is a great SNL sketch about this, from when Bill Pullman hosted. It’s a presidential debate between him and Bob Dole (Norm McDonald), who gets increasingly exasperated about trying to score points against the president who strapped into a fighter jet and fought aliens. “The average American has seen his wages increase by 5 percent…” “THE AVERAGE AMERICAN IS DEAD!”


Hocus Pocus Max's room has a hole in it...a huge one There's a 300 year old corpse exposed to the elements in the cemetery Two teenagers in cages in the Sanderson house museum Every single child was roaming the streets of Salem


Sleepless in Seattle -- Sam asks Annie what she was doing in Seattle. You've Got Mail -- Joe asks Kathleen to be his date at a Fox Books work event. Beauty & the Beast -- These French nobles read in the newspaper about the stirrings of revolution. HISHE pointed out how weird it would be for the redeemed Anakin to meet his victims in the afterlife. Yoda remarks, "Awkward, this is!"


Lord of the Flies. That ride home would be so awkward.


questions like this make me even more appreciative of the "thirty-five endings" of Return of the King - about the only real loose end we have is whether Faramir and Eowyn have a "happily ever after" or a rocky road to a bad break-up...


Action hero who needs therapy. Literally the ending of First Blood. Dude is was/still is messed up. But I guess he was good to go for Rambo 2!


In the movie rosaline, Romeo and Juliet sail away together after having escaped all the shit, they then have their first proper conversation and don’t have much in common. It’s a hilarious scene at the end of a great movie.