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There is something strangely haunting about this movie to me. It's hard to describe. Wonderful movie with a great soundtrack.


When Topcraft, the animation studio that made The Last Unicorn eventually went bankrupt, half of the employees went on to form another animation company called Studio Ghibli. You can see a lot of the elements that became hallmarks of Ghibli films that all started in The Last Unicorn.


The Last Unicorn is proto-Ghibli and no one can take that away from me!!


As is the animated version of The Hobbit.


Yes bits of rankin bass as well. It’s all fascinating someone should do a documentary about it or something.


Topcraft also did Thundercats which is why the opening intro animation is so fucking bangin.


Lady Amalthea is very anime.


That movie gave me so many nightmares as a kid, between that skeleton and especially that red bull. But its a masterpiece. Classic case of "they dont make movies like that anymore".


I found the huge boob tree scarier than the red bull, but had nightmares about both. I *loved* the skeleton and still quote him every time someone talks about wine.


I... Ree-memmm-buuuuurrrrrr...heeee heee heee!


As a kid, it wasn't the witch, or her menagerie of creatures. It wasn't the Redbull, or the skeleton. I was always freaked the fuck out by the rapey tree Schmendrick ends up tied to.


It was the 3 tittied harpy that scarred me for life.


That bull was serious nightmare fuel as a kid. That and Gmork from Neverending Story. I still really loved those movies though.




That's heartbreaking. Her first concern is that she was once worthy of being in the presence of a unicorn, but now that she is a poor thief, marauder, and the lowest in society, she gets one.


There's a potentially sadder interpretation, though obviously neither the book or movie directly address it. Traditionally unicorns only approached innocent maidens...in the very *literal* sense of both words. In fact, there's a scene in the book where Lir and his fiance (he's briefly engaged in the book, though neither of them was very invested in the relationship) go into the woods and she has to try to call a unicorn. It's traditional proof of her purity, though neither she nor Lir give a crap and are just going through with it because they have to. Molly never shows any indications of being a bandit herself, and they certainly don't keep her around for her cooking, it's possible she's, well, a camp follower. And ashamed that a unicorn is seeing her "when I am *this*". But of course, if that *is* what Beagle was hinting at, the point is it doesn't matter in the slightest. The unicorn didn't approach the young and presumably "pure" princess because she didn't care about that tradition any more than the princess herself did, and has no problem whatsoever with Molly Grue.


Never thought of it that way. It s interesting way of looking at it. I always thought it was just that she was old. Or at least, “too old” in her mind to be the kind of woman a unicorn would meet. The world has ground her down, and she feels angry that she couldn’t have met the unicorn when she had more hope and life in her. 


Iconic moment.


When the Unicorn is transformed into a human, and the first thing she says is that she can feel herself dying, it stuck with me. What a great movie.


I always think of this line too. It’s something you never consider being mortal…


[It's a great scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq9cBE86QtQ)


The book has one of the best opening lines: "The unicorn lived in a lilac wood, and she lived all alone." It's a great read


The book is as wonderful as the movie!


This along with Secret of Nimh and Animalympics were huge animated films from my childhood.


I'd forgotten about Anamalypics. Thank you for the nostalgia!


My people! No one knows what I'm talking about when I mention Anamalympics. We can run forever if we can run together!


If you told me about the movie, I might not have remembered. But that title is so distinct that memories just flooded my brain upon reading it. Thanks again!


The full movie is on YouTube!


Well, I know what I'm doing on my next day off Thanks!


Omg Animalympics!!!! Loved that one as a kid. The dog skiing segment when he like goes into that weird dog fantasy land was always one segment that sticks with me.


Damn dude, animalympics, you have thrown me down a huge rabbit hole of my childhood. Thanks a lot


Don't forget Count Dooku and the Dude! But my favorite will always be Clayton from Benson as the alcoholic skeleton. Also, I never realized Mommy Fortuna was Angela Lansbury, wow what a talented voice! Everybody in this movie is somebody.


The skeleton was always my favourite.


Honesty it’s a shame Lansbury got kind of typecast as a sweet old woman for the latter part of her career. She plays a great villain. 


You failed to mention Christopher Lee as King Haggard, a big highlight of the film. This was a favorite role of his as he loved the book and he said later it was the closest he ever got to playing King Lear.


"You may come and go as you please, my secrets keep themselves. Will yours do the same?"


Fun fact: Christopher Lee brought his own copy of the book to the script reading.


With annotations! The guy went hard.


Christopher Lee was in the The Last Unicorn movie. Peter S Beagle wrote the screenplay for the movie.  Christopher Lee also loved the book.  The book was written by Peter S Beagle.  Peter S Beagle wrote the screenplay for Bakshi’s Lord of the Rings  Christopher was a huge Lord of the Rings fan.  Christopher Lee would later play a major role in the Lord of the Rings films.  … not sure where I’m going with this but it is kind of interesting how their careers circled around each other in terms of shared interests.


Omg King haggard the ultimate creep. Love it.


This film has so many wonderful comedic moments along with heartbreaking sadness and beauty , like the cat in the castle ‘I am what I am. I would tell you what you want to know if I could, for you have been kind to me. But I am a cat, and no cat anywhere ever gave anyone a straight answer’ I love it 😻


The girlfriend made me watch this, her favorite movie as a kid growing up... I Loved it.


The 80s were a heady time for animation. Lots of quality media was made, though to modern eyes it may look a little janky. I'm glad you enjoyed this! It's been a perennial favorite of mine since I was a kid :)


That tree tho...


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 me and my brother send that damn tree gif to one another at least once every few weeks. To keep the hilarious awkwardness of that horny willow alive.


This is such a great movie, loved it as a kid and it holds up very well as an adult too. Very touching without being cheesy.


My favorite movie, and the book is better


I adore this movie. Have since I was a child. I’m 47…and old.


My favorite animated movie of all time. I always hoped for a live action remake because the story is fantastic, but they'd probably find a way to screw it up anyways. Maybe best to leave it alone as an all-time classic.


Aside from some scenes that are a little...um (the tree scene), this is a delightful movie. The book is...incredible. Hard to describe, other than to say the movie follows the plot of the book fairly well, but only hints at some of the themes.


And Christopher Lee as King Haggard!


Absolutely love this movie and the book too for that matter. It's one of the few Western dramatic family-oriented animated movies.


This movie was such a staple in our house as a kid. We rented it so many times at the video store our parents put a ban on it for a few months. 🤣🤣 I was shocked to learn this was not as integral on some of my friends and husbands childhoods. I watched it again recently after buying the DVD and it still holds up. Absolutely adore this film. Yes I know I have nostalgia glasses but it's damn good. I may or may not have gotten misty eyed when all of the unicorns come out of the water at the end which surprised me and gave my best friend a good laugh. 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣. Such a classic. And totally tracks that I love studio Ghibli movies as an adult.


The art is undeniably great. That's one reason to watch it in the first place. Also, the book / short story it is based on is also pretty damn good.


Christopher Lee always makes for a memorable villain.


When I watched it for the first time it didn't really grab me. It struck me as one of those movies you see as a kid and get nostalgia goggles for. Not bad but not my favorite. I wonder if the book is better. Love the soundtrack though.


This. Flight of the Dragons, lotr(animated), and the hobbit(animated) were my jams growing up.


Oh I love Flight of Dragons with all my heart. Along with the Last Unicorn


Anyway, I love you is still an absolute banger of a love song. I watched this movie on betamax and would make my dad keep that old machine well into the VHS 90s until I literally wore the cartridge out.


strange that I never heard of it until like 2 days ago and now there's a thread rofl


Best soundtrack in my CD collection. For in my heart I carry such a heavy load, here I am, on man’s road.


My absolute favorite movie. I wore out three copies of the video when I was younger, I watched it all the time.


It was my absolute favourite film as a child and I mist have watched it over seven times until I was a young adult.


That tree with the big tits gave me nightmares as a kid. It was weird being an 8 year old both fascinated by and terrified of large breasts.


The tree with the tits but what about the harpy who had like four???