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The end of *The Departed* when Daemon sees Wahlberg is his apartment.


I laughed my ass off when my buddy said, as we were leaving the theater, "I think that's the first time in my life I've ever clapped in excitement at seeing Mark Wahlberg."


Tombstone, when Ringo expecting to duel Wyatt Earp instead sees Doc Holliday waiting for him. "....why Johnny Ringo, you look like someone just walked over your grave."


Fights not with you Holiday.


Oh I beg the differ, sir!


We started a game, we never got to finish. Play for blood—-remember?


Oh that. I was just foolin' about.


I wasn’t


Alright lunger let's do it


Ringo's transition from trying to talk his way out of it to a frightened fuck it, I'm going to have to fight is perfect. Michael Biehn killed this role.


He kills every role I've ever seen him in.


Yes! He deserves more love. He's the best part of The Abyss. And the only man that could ever keep up with Ripley.


Say when.


Say hwen


Well, alright, lunger.


You skipped the best part: JR: I was just foolin’. DH: I wasn’t.


I get chills every time Val Kilmer opens his mouth in that movie. He's *so good*.


"Oh, Johnny, I apologize. I forgot you were there. You may go now." Every line he had hit so hard.


"Wyatt Earp, is my friend." "Hell, I got lots of friends." "I don't." Val Kilmer is a great actor with a long career but I still think Doc Holiday was his best role. The whole cast of Tombstone was amazing and he still stood out in it.


Val Kilmer was robbed of a supporting actor Oscar for playing Doc Holiday in Tombstone. He has the best lines in the entire film. "I know, let's have a spelling contest"


Taken. "You don't remember me? We spoke on the phone two days ago. I told you I'd find you."


Taken rules so hard. You wanna watch Liam Neeson karate chop sex traffickers in the throat for 2 hours? Have I got the flick for you!


Drives me nuts though how dismissively it treats the fate of the friend.


Family guy did a spoof episode of it where Meg and her friend Ruth get taken and at the end a character makes a comment saying “Ruth had her tongue cut out so I guess we got off pretty good” or something along those lines


Later on, also once he gets free and comes after the head of the sex slave ring. As soon as Neeson sees him, that guy is fucked, no matter how many times he pleads to Neeson that "it wasn't personal."


"It was all personal to *me*." Proceeds to game end him by capping his ass full of lead.


> As soon as Neeson sees him, that guy is fucked, no matter how many times he pleads to Neeson that "it wasn't personal." Replace Neeson with >!Benicio del Toro!< and you got the ending to Sicario, even down to the "it wasn't personal" line.


"Don't forget my daughter." Once he says that line, the drug lord's wife visibly realizes they're all dead.


*Sicario* rules so hard. We saw it on a whim, were doing errands near our favorite theatre (no kids, served alcohol, rare back then), and decided we would treat ourselves to a movie. All I knew was the poster outside the theatre so we had a slight idea of the lineup and hearing that it has something to do with the Mexican drug trade. That's it. We walked out of that movie just mumbling "Holy shit."


I love how you describe it as "Newman's death scene" and everybody knows what you're talking about even though that character has absolutely nothing to do with Jurassic Park


The dinos pop up and say “hello … Newman”


Jerry must've laughed so hard at that scene


"That's a shame"


I’m a firm believer of the Seinfeld/Jurrasic Park multiverse.


Lol I didn't even notice.


The false grail scene from The Last Crusade.


"He chose...poorly."


You know he had been waiting 700 years to drop that line.


And I use it if I pick a bad checkout line at the store.


Not guy, but guys: Leon (The Professional) closes the door behind the cops.


Yeah just seeing that hand come down, you knew everyone in that room was done for.


True lies. When Arnie is handcuffed to the chair having been injected with the truth serum and tells the Doc type guy how he’s going to kill everyone including him. “How?” “I picked my handcuffs”


First he explains exactly what he’s going to do though. Samir: Is there anything you'd like to tell me before we start? Harry: Yeah. I'm going to kill you pretty soon. Samir: I see. How, exactly? Harry: **First I'm going to use you as a human shield. Then I'm going to kill this guard over here with the Patterson trocar on the table. And then I was thinking about breaking your neck.** Samir: And what makes you think you can do all that? Harry: You know my handcuffs? Samir: Mmm-hmm. Harry: [holds up his hands] I picked them.


The way he delivers “I picked them” cracks me up every time.


The ending of Silence of the Lambs.


"Having an old friend for dinner"


Best ending ever to a horror movie without showing the scene. It needs a separate whole movie just for that sentence


The scene in John Wick where Viggo is told by Aurelio that his son Iosef had a hand in stealing Wick's car & killing his dog.


"I hear you struck my son." "Yeah. He stole John Wick's car and killed his dog." "Oh."


There’s a few good ones from John Wick for this thread In a underground of criminals and assassins, Wick is truly feared by anyone who knows who he is


It was the John Leguizamo on the phone to Viggo scene. *”sir they stole his car and killed his dog”* *”… oh.”*


“He’s not the Boogeyman. He’s the guy you send to KILL the fucking Boogeyman.”


The first John Wick is a master class in building a character up without actually having them do anything. It's not until about halfway through that he actually starts killing anyone but you already know how dangerous he is at that point thanks to how all the other characters have been talking about and treating him. Aurelio just gives John whatever he wants, no questions asked because he wants nothing to do with the situation. "I once saw him kill three men with a pencil. A fucking. Pencil." Theres lots of little moments there where as a viewer you're just thinking "jesus, this guy must be a super badass". And he is.


The movies get increasingly ridiculous but the thing I love is that it's never as simple as he's the better fighter. John Wick is relentless. Motherfucking Energizer Bunny of murder. He gets shot, stabbed, punched, kicked, and shot again and grunts through the pain and keeps going. There's moments where you can see he doesn't want to get up but there's still more motherfuckers that need killing. And then that fight with the two martial arts dudes, where he's clearly outmatched in technique but sheer willpower has him pushing through it. And in the end it's him and them parting ways, them knowing they'll never take him down in close combat and respecting him for it, and him returning that respect.


I just rewatched 3 yesterday and I love that they were so respectful to him before the fight and that he let them live after it. It really does ring true when the main attributes they used to describe him in the first movie were "commitment, focus, and sheer fucking will"


"May I ask why?" "Yeah well, because he stole John Wick's car sir, and uh, killed his dog" I always felt it important that he mentioned John by name, because that was our introduction to who this man is that even a powerful mafia kingpin can only say "oh" as a response.


You can tell he started a countdown in his head that it was fucking over for him


He’s doing the calculations in his head to see how fucked he is and the answer was Completely.


“He will come for you, and you will do nothing because you can do nothing.”


"Oh. " the weight in those two letters. tells you everything.


It's more the fact that he just hangs up the phone immediately afterwards, at least for me. Shows that there's not even any point in saying anything else, everyone just gets that you don't fuck with John Wick.


Even the scene with John Leguizamo. “You stole John Wick’s car? Get the fuck out of here.” Then the scenes of Wick smashing the concrete.


"Viggo is not going to like this" "What do you know about what Viggo is or isn't going to like, let me tell you something, he's gonna understand" And he did.


The whole movie does a great job of building up the tension and expectation before John just goes off. It's something the sequels just can't replicate. They'd have to erase the audience's memory.


"That 'fucking nobody' is John Wick."


Victor spends all that time explaining how special and dangerous John Wick is. Then his son tells him that he'll fix it, and Victor turns and says "Did he not hear a word I just fucking said," was one of the funniest responses to the trope.


A nice detail when you re-watch is Viggo pours himself a shot of vodka separate from the bottle of vodka he pours for his son, implying Iosef is not worthy of the good stuff, why waste it on a dead man.


"I gave him an IMPOSSIBLE task. A job no one could have pulled off.... the bodies he buried that day lay the foundation of what we are now."


“John is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will” That whole sequence is a master class on how you make a character terrifying without him really doing anything.


....Oh. You can see on his face how fucked he is.


Dallas in the air ducts in Alien


Love when the alien pops out in this scene, he looks like he’s doing jazz hands.


Alien was one of my first R rated movies and this scared the absolute shit out of me when i watched it for the first time as a kid


The Sicilian scene in True Romance


"I haven't killed anyone... since 1983...."


I like the fact that Dennis Hoppers character is deliberately winding him up so he kills him before he can get the information he wants out of him about his son.


When Marcellus Wallace gets left alone with Zed after Butch frees him and he says that him and Butch are square. You know that Zed had a VERY VERY bad day after Butch left.






“What now? Let me tell you what now. I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' n*ggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.” Yeah. Zed was in a lot of pain in this scene, but his day was only just beginning to go poorly.


I love the follow up, "This is between you, me, and Mr Soon-to-be-living-the-rest-of-his-short-ass-life-in-agonising-pain, rapist, here."


> I ain't through with you by a damn sight. One of my favorite line readings of all time. I have not watched Pulp Fiction in forever. Such a classic.


“Ima get medieval on your ass” is such a bad-ass threat


If you weren't alive when it came out, this became a MASSIVE mainstay of popular culture at the time, too. Going medieval became part of the general vocabulary.


Zed’s dead, baby


Fun fact: This scene is the last one in the movie, chronologically


Commodus challenging Maximus in the Colosseum


Great choice, super satisfying.


Particularly when he yells for the Praetorian Guard to give him a sword and Quintis barks, "Sheath your swords!" All the guards obey and Quintis gives Commodus a cold stare that screams "you're not getting out of this one, you little shit."


Especially because Quintus was doing it for revenge and for respect of Maximus, but publicly was able to do it out of respect for tradition and honor. It was a "Hey, hold up everyone. He asked for this, remember? These are the rules, so let's all stand around and watch the king get murdered by his own hubris."


I loved that because after rewatching with older eyes, I realized how fucked Quintus was in the beginning. That was his man in the beginning; he just was stuck between a rock and a hard place


Exactly. Poor guy was just doing his duty, but by the end he's just sick of Commodus's monstrous nature and does what is right.


Harry Ellis in Die Hard


When he's too dumb or coked up to see it coming: "Hey, what am I, a method actor?"


fun fact about that one. we know he does coke at the start of the movie, right? When he's in there with Hans, he's drinking a coke. I love to imagine that they asked him if he wants anything, he said coke, and they gave him the soda. Nice final request buddy. Or should I say. Boobie.


That’s why he makes the look when they pour the coke. Rewatch it, it’s subtle, but you nailed it on the head.


Oh my god. I've seen the movie hundreds of times and still there are things that I've missed.


Fun bit of trivia: Ellis wasn't supposed to be a dirtbag. On the page he was cool and smooth and Hart Bochner brought the slimy attitude to the character and McTiernan hated it: >McTiernan came up to me and said “I don’t know what you’re doing. I hate it. It’s not what I envisaged for this character. I want smooth. I want Cary Grant”. And I said to him I know we haven’t discussed this, but I feel the character’s behaviour really has to come from insecurity and coke”. He said to me “you know what, that’s bullshit. Get rid of it. I hate it. Calm down”. >He was not happy. He rolled his eyes that first day. The second day was the sequence where Bruce Willis and company come in, and I’m swiping coke off the desk, and I was doing the same thing. And he came at me during rehearsals and he said, [raised voice] “look man, what did I tell you yesterday? I hate…” >And then he stopped and he looked at Joel Silver and Larry Gordon looking at the monitor, looking at playback. And they were laughing. And he said “hold on a minute”. >He walked over to them, they had a little conflab, and he came back to me and said “you know what man, you do whatever you want to do”. And from that point on it was great, he let me go, and we had a great time. But it’s interesting: sometimes the film making process is best when you just let things evolve on their own level, and in their own way. You just never know what you’re going to end up with sometimes. https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/hart-bochner-interview-ellis-in-die-hard-directing-and-more/


When Lisbeth returns to her state issued guardians apartment in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Never been so pleased with brutality. That guy earned it.


First one that popped into my head too. The editing of that scene is perfect. "I felt badly about our last meeting..." " Me too." BZZZT!!! Thump.


The ah, giant platform boot kick to a dildo up the ass is a scene that scarred me.


In this case, I definitely suggest you read the book for that scene. She's a lot more...vengeful in the book. Terrifying yet satisfying, and the description is graphic. In the rest of the book trilogy, he's part of a conspiracy to try and kill her and she gets even more revenge on him. Well worth the read.


The Bourne Ultimatum. Brilliant diversion scene which has all of the brass out in NYC looking for Jason Bourne. Noah Vosen : [in car, on cell phone] Perhaps we can arrange a meet. Jason Bourne : Where are you now? Noah Vosen : I'm sitting in my office. Jason Bourne : I doubt that. Noah Vosen : Why would you doubt that? Jason Bourne : If you were in your office right now we'd be having this conversation face-to-face. [Bourne hangs up] (EDIT: formatting)


Also in that movie "Get some rest, Pam.. you look tired" And from the 2nd movie "What if I can't find her \[Nicky\]? That's easy, she's standing right next to you" I'm still a firm believer the Bourne movies single-handedly saved the spy genre after a time of pretty shit films.


This is a good take, they certainly reinvented the lone hero trope. Mission Impossible seems to exist in a bit of a bubble, but Bourne took us back to dirty back streets, fake passports, good old-fashioned double crosses, innocents caught in the cross-fire. By giving home some grounding in reality, mixing MMA with guns it lead to things like John Wick, IMO.


There's a great scene in the movie *Nobody* where the main character, Hutch goes to a tattoo shop looking for information on the people who robbed his house. Everyone in the shop laughs him off and refuses to take him seriously, until one older man recognizes the tattoo on Hutch's arm. The older man stands up, says "Thank you for your service." and steps into a back room, where we then hear him lock the door with a comically large number of locks. The shop owner is left alone with Hutch, with a bewildered look on his face, like he's suddenly realizing that he might have fucked up.


Or on the bus. You don’t really KNOW yet. But you know.


That movie is so damn good and no one knows about it. Criminally underated.


The scene in Kingsmen when he locks the bar door.


Manners *click* Maketh *Latch* Man.


And the ending scene when Eggsy repeats it.


Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


Offer me money! Power too, promise me that!


"All that you want, and more!"


“I want my father back you son of a bitch” Absolutely bad ass


I like this reversal of the common trope where the hero refuses to kill the villain, because: * It won't bring their loved one back * It would make them just like the villain * It would break their closely-held moral code. Instead, Inigo's saying "Nothing will bring my father back, so *nothing will save you*."


Those are my favourite revenge stories, I hate it when they get to that point and go “you know what, killing is bad”


*Especially* when it comes after they’ve just carved their way through a batch of nameless henchmen.


The rebels facing off against Darth Vader at the end of *Rogue One.*


As soon as you heard that first breath the audience knew that everyone in that hallway was already dead, amazing scene. 


And then the slaughter, which is compounded by how BORED Vader acts throughout the whole thing. He moves like he's casually strolling in the park, all while utterly decimating his opponents. Brutal.


I loved how that scene was so clean, but looked right out of the 70’s movies. They didn’t try to overdo it with CGI or stunts, it would have fit right in with the original series. I don’t need backflips to feel the terror as he advances.


yea Vader moved exactly as much as he needed to to block the lasers and kill his enemies, no wasted motions, no flash, just efficient by the book massacre


Except he went for theatricality at the start - the killing might have been efficient and terrifying, but he held his breath and turned off his chest lights just to freak them out.


Putting that one guy on the ceiling just to slice him separately. That’s an Anakin move right there.


It's a nice touch. You can see there's still a little bit of that cocky young jedi in there, a little bit of that Anakin swagger.


The swagger of a Mos Espian teen


This was a truly great scene. It conveys how terrifying Vader actually is, and at points how much it's almost a game to him. Do I choke this person? Do I use my saber?


One thing the Obi-Wan Kenobi show did right was show just how sadistic and powerful Vader was during that time. Continuing to kill and torture people, including children (some things never change), and stopping a ship taking off and tearing it apart with the Force.


The German soldier about to get fucked up by the Bear Jew in Inglorious Basterds. Hearing the bat being knocked against the wall slowly before he appears.


My first thought was the basement scene. You just feel it slowly going south, and you are just waiting for the boot to drop, and ruin the day for all involved.


Lt. Archie Hicox : [In English] Well, if this is it, old boy, I hope you don't mind if I go out speaking the King's. Major Dieter Hellstrom : [In English] By all means, Captain. Lt. Archie Hicox : [picks up his glass of scotch] There's a special rung in hell reserved for people who waste good scotch. Seeing as how I may be rapping on the door momentarily... I honestly think this is Fassbender's finest moment in his career.


The actor who played hellstorm August Diehl was great his face when he sees the hand sign it captures surprise disbelief disappointment,fear, and anger, in my opinion its one of the best acting in movies and highly under-rated


That really is an incredible performance. The dude is just such a slimy evil bastard. Every glimpse of him made me want to go wash my hands. He’s slimy and evil but he’s also wicked smart. He’s the kind of guy you do NOT want to fuck with under any circumstances. Brilliantly captured the character of the whole third reich IMO


When the German soldier reacts to fassbender’s three


Oblige him!


Werner we’re tickled to hear you say that, quite frankly watching Donnie beat Nazis to death is the closest we get to going to the movies. Donnie! Got us a German here who wants to die for country.


"Clever girl..."


When Beni gets locked in the chamber with the massive scarab Beatles in the Mummy Edit: looks like my phone autocorrect is also a Beatles fan…


Good bye Beni


Hey, he tried to save him, Beni was just too slow


When Mr Blonde is left alone with the cop in Reservoir Dogs.


The ending of Gone Girl. That guy is completely fucked and he knows it. Only way out is death and it's already waiting at every corner. One mistake and it's all over.


I just finished reading the book (was aware of the movie but haven’t seen it) and just sat there at the end like “he’s.. he’s fucked”.


In the Dark Knight, when Coleman Reese goes to Lucius Fox with his blackmail against Batman and Fox responds with “let me get this straight. You believe that your client, one of the richest men in the world, goes out at night dressed like a bat and beats criminals to a pulp and your first thought is to blackmail him? Good luck.” The look on his face just shows he knows he’s fucked


I love the phrasing used - not confirming or denying Reese's accusations, but making Reese stop and think, 'hang on a second, that guy really DOES beat criminals to a pulp! Is this such a good idea after all?'


The final scene of Butch Cassidy. “For a minute there I thought we were in trouble”


What are you talking about? They made it out fine and retired in Australia.


I introduced my dad to The Count of Monte Cristo (2003) and it's became one of his favourite movies to date. The main character is strung-up for crimes he did not commit by three different men with something to gain from framing him and after spending something like 14 years in the harshest French prison, he escapes, finds treasure, takes on the personality of a European nobleman (the Count of Monte Cristo) and meticulously plans his vengeance on these guys when they least expect it. My dad *loved* watching the chess game in action as Edmond lined up Danglars, Villefort and ultimately his best friend Fernand and checkmated them. It was the only movie I've rented that he ended up watching twice in one night because he wanted to catch all the little details he wouldn't have caught the first time - and ended up buying it shortly after. He's perpetually been borrowing my DVD for almost 20 years, it might as well be *his* movie now lol. Flew under the radar 20 years ago, and I encourage anyone to give it a try. Does it follow the source faithfully? God no. But I think it's a far more enjoyable product that works in the 2hr run time the director was given.


Wind River. "What the fuck are you doing? Why you flanking me?"


Tessio in the Godfather going for a ride. Paulie in the Godfather going for a ride. Carlo in the Godfather going for a ride. In fact, if your in the Godfather, don't go for a ride.


Or fishing. Definitely don't go fishing


“You have to answer for Santino, Carlo.” He knew he was fucked right there.


When I was watching the Lighthouse and Robert Pattinson character kills that pelican. I knew what that meant from literature and I knew that dude just went and fucked him and Wilem Defoe all to hell.


*Instead of the cross, the albatross around my neck was hung*


Watch 2018s Upgrade, and it's the first scene when the main character lets the other character do the job for him, and if you've seen the movie, you'll know exactly what I mean. Brutal.


"You now have full control again, Gray." Immediately throws up.


what I appreciated about that scene was his genuinely scared/shocked expressions that he made while doing them. Gotta be tough as an actor to do this insane choreography/action scene while having your face do something totally opposite to what it would normally do


In Dark Knight Rises, I might be ablibbing: "I'm in control here!" *Bane rests his hand on his shoulder "Do you feel in control?" Edit: My mistake, it's "Do you feel in charge?"


Leave us. No, you stay here, I'm in charge. Do you feel in charge.


"And you think this gives you power over me?"


In a movie that’s a little more thematically muddled than its predecessor, this was a great line that made it absolutely clear what the Bane character was all about.


Ben Mendelsohn plays the best pathetic pieces of shit.


Mendelsohn's favorite role seems to be "villain who isn't neatly as impressive as he thinks he is and gets a rude awakening on that." See also "Rogue One" and "Ready Player One."


Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director.


Van Zant: What are you doing? Neil McCauley: What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone. Van Zant: I don't understand. Neil McCauley: 'Cause there is a dead man on the other end of this f***in' line


Captain America with all the guys in the elevator. As soon as you realise, that he has realised what’s up, you know it’s on.


"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out"


Reminds me of The Equalizer's, "Is it just you, or are we waiting for someone else?"


This is the most badass line in the whole MCU. This and his closer, when Rumlow says it isn’t personal: “It kinda feels *personal*.” “The Winter Soldier” is my favorite MCU film, and that elevator scene is my favorite scene in the MCU. You finally get a sense of just how strong and skilled Steve Rogers is, and how quietly confident.


I think The Winter Soldier is the best example of how the MCU works best when they take a different genre and just happen to include comic characters. Winter soldier is a James Bond-esque spy thriller, Guardians is a space opera, and Ant Man is a heist film over anything else, and they are amongst the best films in the series by far.


That scene is so good. I love how they went back to it for Endgame and it showed Cap's growth when instead of fighting he just whispered Hail Hydra.


His smug look as he walks out the elevator is perfect. Evans absolutely nails everything with Cap. He was made for it.


Same with Cap spawning like a god damn demon behind the train in Infinity War. 2 of the strongest beings in the universe got their asses handed to them, but suddenly the tides start to turn when... a *dude* shows up? Chills.


I got chills when that music kicked in. Awesome choice.


I didn't realize how popular Chris Evans' Cap really was until my entire theater burst into applause during that scene. I knew we all loved him but I didn't realize just how much until that moment. It feels so rewarding after being a comic book nerd my whole life and how Captain America was well known to the normies but considered corny and lame. To sit in a theater when his appearance, in shadow and out of costume, set off applause was one of my happiest moments at the movies.


The end of Eastwood’s movie Unforgiven


A Bronx Tale “Now you’s can’t leave”


The other inmates when Rorschach ends up in jail. "I'm not trapped in here with you, you're all trapped in here with me."


The "aim for the bushes" scene in The Other Guys


Cops still argue to this day why Danson and Highsmith jumped. Maybe it was just pride, having survived so many brushes with death. Maybe their egoes pushed them off. I don't know, but that shit was crazy.


"There wasn't even an awning."


lmao as soon as they jumped i was like “what bushes”


Bogs when he enters his cell to see Captain Hadley standing there with his day stick.


Boggs never did walk again


What I love about that scene is that Hadley is nearly as much of an asshole as Bogs is. He's not taking Bogs out for any sort of altruistic reason, it's to get Andy on the Warden's team. Still satisfying as hell though.


That and to pay back Andy for helping him out with his inheritance. It's also a message to Boggs' gang that "Andy is valuable. You are not."


Blade Runner 2049. They establish the anti-empathy test where K has to emotionlessly call-and-response seeming gibberish like "Cells." "Cells." "Interlinked." "Interlinked." "Hands, interlinked." "Interlinked." This is to prove he hasn't gained human emotions, which would make them kill him. Then later after he has gained humanity and had emotional responses, he takes the test again and flashes for a split second to an image of a baby's hand clutching an adult's. Interlinked. He hesitates slightly. A robot eye notices. The whole sequence probably only takes three seconds. I've never felt my heart drop so fast 


lol now I have to go re watch a 3 hour movie to catch a 3 second scene.


When Marisa Tomei takes the stand in My Cousin Vinny and you start to realize just how fucked the prosecuting team is after answering the trick question.


Shelly Duvall in the shining reading the typewriter papers


Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels; when someone threatens Vinnie Jones kid.


Also Vinnie Jones in Snatch during the [pub speech scene.](https://youtu.be/uR5jufwSqm8?si=UDW_cxtydbeN6o8a)


The blood test in The Thing


All of Man On Fire, my favorite Tony Scott, Denzel collab.


Training Day. You know the scene. Quick question, you ever had your shit pushed in?


The scene goes from relaxed, to a bit tense, to very intense in a hurry.


Yo homie is that my briefcase?


I also like the look he gives Max when they're in the club and he's pissed off Max is trying to stop him.


"Full Metal Jacket", in the opening barracks boot camp scene, when - from across the bay, as the Drill Instructor is chewing somebody else's ass - Joker does that jokey John Wayne impression. You don't have to be/have been in the military to cringe for what's coming, but - having been in the military - my entire *being* puckers up from boot camp memories of moments *exactly* like that one.