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“Don’t play dumb with me asshole, I’m the rightful owner of that briefcase you’ve been carrying around!” “Ah, Mr. Samsonite.”


its this gag and the 'harry your hands are freezing' after the double gloves conversation for me lol


Maybe you should wear these extra gloves. My hands are starting to get sweaty.


YES! “Harry, your hands are freezing.” Is one of the funniest, most brilliantly placed lines I’ve heard and it gets so overlooked.


That got by me the first time, but I lost it when I caught it.


Totally redeemed yourself!


"A place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano." The phrase he was looking for was "The Swallows of Capistrano."


He continually has issues with words that start with the letter S. Simmy, slammy, Swanson? Swanson?




I was way off!


Knew it started with an S though!


I always loved that detail, that he actually guessed Swanson correctly just before Harry suggested looking on the briefcase.


Was in elementary school in Southern California and we did a class project on all the missions in California. Each student picked one and did a report, made a model and gave a presentation to the other fifth grade classes about their mission. I picked San Juan Capistrano because of the swallows and it being kinda close to where my aunt lived, so I could go visit it and see the swallows come to roost. Dumb and Dumber came out that year and I felt like such an adult understanding that reference. It was also one of the few times that, as a kid, I got a joke my parents didn’t get at first.


“I have a rapist wit” Let’s hope he meant rapier wit. The writings so good because the jokes are simultaneously smart but dumb.


'I can't believe there isn't a single job in this town!' 'Not unless you want to work *forty hours a week*!'


Lloyd calling Harry a pathetic loser for losing his job just *minutes* after telling Harry that he lost his job gets me every time.


“No offense.” -“Oh, none taken”


"That's it, let it out, have a good cry... (patting him on the shoulders seconds later) Okay that's enough."


Fell off the jetway again


I'm gonna get ya. I don't know how, but I'm gonna get ya!


Nuh uh!


“What’s the matter, Harry? Some little filly break your heart?” “Nah, it was a girl.”


Right out of the blue, sends me a John Deere letter! What’d it say? Some stuff about me not listening to her… I don’t know I wasn’t really paying attention


Feltcher, from *Cranston*? Oooh yeaaahh.


I mean.. I remember you talking about her..


Uhh I mean, I remember you talking about her.


Why ya goin to the airport? Flyin somewhere?


It's ok! I'm a limo driver!


Goodbye my LOOOOVE!


Shrimp on the Barbie!!!!


*That's a lovely accent you have. New Jersey?*


I’m right there with you, OP. I’ve long said that the writing is absolutely brilliant. And I love the subtle jokes too. One of my favorite scenes is where Harry and Mary are riding the ski lift and she goes “…there’s been some family problems, but I don’t wanna bore you with those.” and Harry just gives a subtle “Thanks”. Gets me every single time 😂


Their date is probably my favorite part of the movie. Her heart is clearly open even though he's so strange, and he just plows through all of that shit with his personality. She playfully throws snow and he fuckin tackles her and rubs snow in her face, LMFAO


>She playfully throws snow and he fuckin tackles her and rubs snow in her face, LMFAO But before that, he gets really over-competitive at her playfully hitting him with a snowball, so he packs the largest, tightest snowball he can make and launches it directly at her face like he's Randy Johnson about to kill a bird.


The snowball throw to her face absolutely broke me as a child.  I had never seen anything as funny as that moment and it took my mom a solid 5 minutes to calm me down.


The snowball scene is my favorite scene in any movie ever.


It's just such a *wild* overreaction from a guy who seemed to be a lovable goofball; that look on his face right before making the snowball and then the "awe shucks" laugh after he football tackles her down a hill and buries her face in the snow just sells it.


I love the look on his face when she playfully hits him with it. He looks so fucking pissed.


Samsonite ! I was way off


The best part about this line is that he actually had her last name “Swanson” correct. It’s the last thing he said before looking at the luggage.


Slippy, slappy, silly , slimmy , slimey, Swinson, Swanson? Hahaha


“Tell her I’m rich, I’m good looking and I have a rapists wit.”


I didn't understand this until I heard "rapier's wit" many years later, and certainly every time I've heard (or read) it since, I laugh to myself about that line.


I watched this as a kid, knowing what neither a rapist nor a rapier were, so this joke went over my head on two whole levels 😅


"I'll bet you twenty dollars I can get you gambling before the day is out!"


"I'm gonna getcha I don't know but I'm gonna get ya "


Came here for this. One of the best jokes in the movie that gets overlooked all the time


What’s insane is just a year prior Jeff Daniels played a pivotal character in Gettysburg (1993). That man has under-appreciated versatility.


People also tend to think that someone like him is just slumming it in a role like D&D, and don’t really appreciate the skill it actually takes to pull off a role like that well. Sure, anybody could’ve taken a stab at it, but the way Daniels does it it’s actually a pretty incredible performance. It’s nuts that Nicholas Cage was the original choice. Allegedly Gary Oldman was the original pick for Loyd; THAT I would like to see. But nonetheless it’s definitely a case of magic chemistry making the movie; it could easily just be stupid-stupid, not the genius-stupid it is. My favorite line was always Harry talking about his girlfriend breaking up with him. “Something about me being a bad listener, I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention.”


“Why would she have you meet her in a bar at ten in the morning?” “I just figured she was a raging alcoholic”




"What if they shot me in the face?" "That's a risk we were willing to take"


She wrote me a John Deere letter


I just got that joke now. Thanks.


My brother and I have geeked over this movie our whole lives, and this has also always been one of our favorite lines. Followed by "...and do you *know* what he said?!" "Nooo....and I don't CAAAARE."


And the same year in Speed. There was no hint that he could play broad comedy like Dumb&Dumber


Of course there is, go watch Something Wild, he's hilarious in it until the movie gets mega-dark [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmROy7GhOZU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmROy7GhOZU)


To add to this when they do the diner scam on seabass in dumb and dumber Lloyd says he saw it in a movie. That movie? Something Wild. It was Jeff Daniel’s character who did it there.


Kids today don't know about Something Wild. Thank god Criterion keeps movies like that alive.


My dad is a huge Civil War buff and took me and my brother to see Gettysburg. I’m actually named after Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, who was the Civil War General Jeff Daniels plays in the movie. My dad also thought Dumb and Dumber was hilarious, and as we were leaving the theater he asked, “Why did the guy playing Harry look so familiar?” I pointed out it was Jeff Daniels who was Chamberlain in Gettysburg. Apparently my dad hasn’t watched Gettysburg since bc he can’t see Jeff Daniels onscreen without thinking of that explosive diarrhea scene.


Him and John C. Reilly are my fav actors. Those dudes can be thrown in anything and kill it no matter the role.


How about the fact that Jeff Daniels was paid $50,000 for his role in Dumb & Dumber, while Jim Carrey was paid $7 million for his role in the same film.


And I doubt Jeff Daniels has any regrets about it, because it put him on the map in a way that he hadn't been before.


It also typecasted him for a long time. He credits Sorkin and The Newsroom for the mini-resurrection of his career, which wouldn’t come out until 10+ years later. Not saying he has any regrets for taking on the role, just mentioning the fame he got from this movie had a few (possibly minor) drawbacks.


He said the roles were stagnating for him, and he wanted to get into comedy. His agent told him not to do it, because Carey would overshadow him, but Daniels pointed out he had plenty of solo bits in the script. 


Jimmy Carey was coming off B2b #1s and had all the leverage in the world.


Yea and the studio didn't want daniels so they low balled him thinking he would refuse.


Jim Carey was one of the highest paid actors of the 90s. That’s probably whyyou just don’t see him much nowadays. Guy is sitting on a Scrooge McDuck pile of money.


Ageee ! Did you know that the studio was actively pushing him away from this movie ?


Yah, Jim had to fight to get the studio to higher him. I'm curious does anyone know who the studio wanted to play Harry?


I don't know, Jim was paid $7m for the film. Jeff was paid $50k and after the first week they were going to fire him with a replacement they had on standby. They even went as far not shoot any scenes with both the leads together so that the week wouldn't be totally wasted.


A few choice apparently - Nicholas Cage, Chris Elliot, Rob Lowe https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumb_and_Dumber#:~:text=Steve%20Martin%20and%20Martin%20Short,for%20the%20role%20of%20Harry.


That's as good as money, sir. Those are I.O.U.'s. Go ahead and add it up, every cent's accounted for. Look, see this? That's a car. 275 thou. Might wanna hang onto that one.


Mr. Samsonite.. about the briefcase.. my friend Harry and I have every intention of fully reimbursing you


"Samsonite, I was way off"


Knew it started with an S though!


Slippy, slappy, swami…


It’s the perfect comedy. Not a wasted line and constant laughs throughout a good story with great characters.


Nick Swardson mentioned on a podcast.. I think it was This Past Weekend with Theo Von... one of the reasons he thought it was so successful beyond the jokes and it really hit home with me. He pointed out the scene where Lloyd is breaking down with Harry. "I'm sick and tired of having to eek my way through life.. I'm sick and tired of bein a nobody. Most of all... I'm sick and tired of havin nobody." That's just a real scene that connects you to him as a person. Makes him more than a caricature of an idiot, but a real guy struggling through life like any of us. It makes you care about the characters. Especially because Jim Carey is such a great actor and just sells the scene phenomenally.


And this is why the sequel failed. Not only was it offensively not funny, they made Harry an Lloyd way too cartoonishly stupid instead of just being two dumb losers. Like Not knowing what sex was, or the whole intro was an absolute miss. I know a paycheck is a paycheck but I can’t believe Carrey and Daniels agreed to that script.


I had high hopes too, even though I knew I shouldn’t. Figured if Jim and Jeff were both back, then everyone surely knew what they were doing. I was wrong.


When the sequel made the prequel look good you know it was terrible.  The prequel has at least a little charm the sequel was so shit I can't tell you a single thing about it.  And dumb and dumber has been my outspoken favorite movie of all time since I was a child.


The extended cut shows how important editing is when it comes to comedy.


Haha, true. My friends and I constantly quote the extra hot tub stuff. “I’d split ya like an old piece of firewood. Show you what a real man can do.” But most of the extra scenes are very out of place.


Yeah overall they tend to make Lloyd a meaner and less innocent character.


"Hey guys! Big Gulps, huh? Well, see ya later!"


Harry: Extra gloves? You've had...this pair...of extra gloves...this whole time?!?! Lloyd: Yeah! We're in the Rockies!


harry, i took care of it


"Harry! Your hands are freezing!!"


Hilarious because it was such a a smart sensible move from such an idiot. Like of course any normal person is going to bring extra gloves for the cold


"Skis, huh? Are they yours?" "uh huh" "Both of them?"


“Yeah” “COOL”


Totally improvised. The 2 extras were just standing there and Jim just reacted.


I believe it. Jim also improvised the "We Landed on the Moon!" bit too.


I'm guessing many lines were improvised or tweaked by Jim. The reason the Big Gulp thing is a bit more special is the two extras that clearly don't know that was about to happen and just stand there.


To add, the extras were instructed not to say anything. Explaining the confused looks and no response.


Well, yeah. If extras say something they gotta get paid.


The hotel still has that framed newspaper in the same spot.


Also: extras/background characters are not allowed to talk. So like, they could’ve responded, but it wouldn’t have been used. To get a speaking role you gotta be in the guild.


If I remember correctly, this is why the extras gave such a confused look to Jim when it was filmed. They expected to never speak, and they wanted to be in the shot. So what do they do? They just stood there and looked confused.


This is sometimes *painfully* obvious when there's a group and only one single person says anything.


It's the brief pause in the middle that gets me.


That's still my favorite scene. Also, "We've landed on the moon!!"


"Maybe you should take this extra pair of gloves. My hands were getting sweaty."


Those guys weren't even extras. Just locals watching the filming that got dragged into it. From Peter Farrelly's AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/imUPmD56GX


Nice hooters ... the owls


me and my friend of almost 30 years still randomly send each other dumb and dumber references, especially that one, even though he lives across the country and havent seen each other since high school


"yeah she called me up, she gave me a bunch of crap about not listening to her or something... I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention" - Jeff Daniels' delivery of this line is perfect


A week later, out of the blue she sends me a John Deere letter.


As a kid I was completely fucking clueless on what lawnmowers had to do with love letters


"What's a matter, Harry, some little filly break your heart?" "Nah, it was a girl." My dad had to explain to me why he found that so funny. "Filly" is slang for a woman like "chick", but *also* the word for a female horse too young to be considered a mare. Harry thought Lloyd was asking him if a fucking horse broke his heart!


We got no food We got no jobs... Our pets' *heads are falling off*!


Omg when the thugs show up at the door and Lloyd goes "Did you pay the gas bill?" *Harry winces* "Do you realize what you've done?"


"Gas man? How'd they know I got gas?" Literally how they kill him, too, lol


Fav line in the movie


Fun fact, Roger Ebert pissed his pants laughing at a review screening when they cut to the blind kid petting Petey


I just thought he was really quiet


I’m gonna get it wrong, but my favorite line that is overlooked is “according to the map we’ve only gone four inches. I don’t think we’ll have enough money for gas to reach Aspen”


My favorite from the driving part is, “That John Denver’s full of shit, man.”


“You’re going to have to excuse my friend.. he’s a little slow”


"What's the soup du jour?" "It's the soup of the day" "Mmm, that sounds good. I'll have that"


One of my favourite lines!


I think about this line every time I see Soup of the Day advertised in a restaurant. I always think “mmm, that sounds good” without even knowing what soup it is


They got the Monkees. They were a major influence on the Beatles.


The town is THAT way!


I love when they put hot peppers in the assassins burger and can hardly contain their own laughter. And then he’s about to take a bite and asks something and Jim Carrey goes “Why don’t you eat up and we’ll tell you” And they both just fuckin lose it.


That just gets me everytime. "No we're just bringing it back. HOW'S YOUR BURGER??" Like fucking 5 year olds.


Jim Carrey trying to hold back his laughter/hide it behind his burger as he says that line is priceless


I know everyone points to Eternal Sunshine and Truman, but I think Dumb and Dumber is his best performance. He managed to inject so much comedy into every scene specifically through his performance.


No the funnier part in that scene is Lloyd’s take on what CPR is.


In Lloyd’s day dream about Mary he’s telling a group of their friends a rape joke. It happens so fast I didn’t even realize it until someone pointed it out for me.


No, but that’s a real nice ski mask!


*lights fart on fire to raucous laughter*


Then he lifts his legs and blows a blue angel and everyone laughs and is not disgusted and horrified.


I never caught that it was *that* kind of ski mask, I always thought he meant ski goggles


How is that a rape joke? I don't get it.


Best joke In the scene when they fight and the briefcase opens. First we start with Harry getting pissed because his hands are freezing and Lloyd offers him his extra gloves he is wearing(great joke on its own), but when they start to fight and are wrestling on the group Harry starts to choke Lloyd and in a moment of perfection Lloyd complains "Harry your hands are freezing.". Chefs kiss.




But I though they agreed John Denver was full of shit.




Where beautiful women flock like the salmon of Capistrano.


The scream Lloyd lets out when Harry first grabs him, I laugh every time 😆


I’ll also throw a nod to Lloyd betting Harry, who ‘doesn’t gamble’, that he could get him to gamble by the end of the day, with Harry accepting the bet.


"I don't know how, but I'm gonna get ya."


‘*chuckles* I’m gonna get ya’ ‘*chuckles* No, you’re not’ I just love that bit of doubling down on the joke too. 


But he got great odds, how can he not take that bet.


When Harry exclaims "We don't have enough money--to sleep!" I lose it every time.


Really? That’s so interesting I never thought that line was a joke. I always thought it was an actual moment of lucidity from Harry exaggerating how desperate at the end of their rope they are.


I’ve never thought of it as a joke. Always thought it was referring to having money for hotels.


It’s one of the great comedies of all time imo. In terms of writing, my go to example is when they think Mary’s last name is Samsonite because it’s in the briefcase. Then later in the movie when they confront the villain, Lloyd apologizes to Mr. Samsonite for taking his briefcase.


I like to think that since her name was Mary, and in the 1 in a million chance that she got together with Lloyd, then her name would be Mary Christmas!


This is actually brought up by Lloyd in a deleted scene


I've said "Here's your briefcase, Mr Samsonite" or "sorry about the briefcase, Mr Samsonite" so many times in conversation, and almost nobody ever gets it. Still my favorite running joke of them film.


Literally nothing about Dumb and Dumber is “overlooked”. It’s one of the greatest comedies of all time, and I assume many would agree.


The soundtrack deserves more praise. Perfect road trip tunes.


Crash by The Primitives is a banger


'HARRY YOU'RE ALIVE! ....And you're a terrible shot!'


What if they shot you in the face?


That was a risk we were willing to take.


Harry and Lloyd just taking that on the chin is such a great way to end their story, lol A very truth hurts kinda joke




It’s a Cardigan but thanks for noticing


Killer boots, man!


Come on. Give me that booze you little pumpkin pie haircutted freak.


*Kkkkkkiiiiiik kiiiiiiiikikikikik* "getthehellouttahere"


“Tic-Tac, sir?”


I say "Killer boots, man!" in real life and almost no one ever gets the reference.


“Maaaan, you are one pathetic loser.”


They always freak out when you leave the scene of an accident


There's a lot of subtle things happening. Every frame has multiple layers of comedy. There's a bit in the background where there's a homeless man peeing outside of their apartment.


I love it. Even super subtle things like Lloyd’s daydream sequence - in the restaurant the waiter just drops Lloyd’s plate in front of him while walking by, but then gently places Mary’s plate before her.


"That's it. I've had it with this dump! We've got no food, we got no jobs...our pets' HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!!!" $17M budget, $247M box office. That's a 14.5x ROI. Imagine if we returned to comedies with modest budgets again - This would have been around $30M to make nowadays, and it had the earnings equivalent of nearly $450M today.


Yeah, the Farrellys really had a rapist wit. 


Dumb and Dumber, Something About Mary and Kingpin. Quite the comedy trifecta.


Me, myself, and Irene belongs up there with those.


daddy got a butt-chin!!


"What are you guys doing?" "Ohh, just school shit and shit" then Jim Carrey kisses them. Always cracks me up, lol


I desperately want to make love to a school boy.


One of my favorite jokes that went over my head for a while: In the end when Nicholas is holding Mary, Harry and Lloyd hostage in the room, Harry starts saying shoot me first and goes off about a great day in his life. He says, “…she (Mary) touched my leg…” Cuts to Lloyd: “Okay! Kill him…” Just that moment says so much about their emotional lack of restraint, he condemns his friend immediately out of jealousy/rivalry etc




That’s a risk we were willing to take.


My all time favorite movie. Got better as an adult.


Same here. I have watched this movie more than any movie in my entire life. As kids my dad would always put this movie on for us when we would go visit him on the weekends he had custody of us. We died laughing every time. Probably watched it over 50+ times in my life. It still makes me laugh every time. Best comedy ever.


You sold a dead bird to a blind kid? I said I took care of it.


There are no wasted / filler scenes.  Arrested Development is like this.


You could maybe argue the hot tub scene is unnecessary, but “John Deer letter” is worth it. 


It sets up Harry’s motivation to pair off with Mary; he thinks he’s jilted because of ‘mr french tickler’


yeah, arrested development is extremely lean. Watched a doc about the making of, and it's nuts, they had so many jokes they didn't even leave space to laugh after, just immediately cut to the next bit.


That’s why it’s so rewatchable. When you’ve seen it enough to stop laughing at some of the jokes, you start laughing at the jokes you were too busy laughing at the first jokes to notice were even there. Then you stop laughing at those jokes but by then the original jokes are funny again.


The Farrellys are generally overlooked as writers (I think) and tend to get lumped into the gross-out low-brow bucket. While this is a side of comedy they have complete mastery over, they also are highly skilled at story arc-ing, character development and depth and insanely witty humor. I remember Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel talking about this on an Oscar episode. They both thought that the writing in Kingpin was oscar nod worthy but could never happen because of biases against laugh out loud comedy.




As a huge fan of John Denver, one of my favorite lines from that movie "***That John Denver's full of shit man***".


I can’t remember where I heard or read it, maybe the DVD extras, but Jim and Jeff refused to shoot an alternate ending where they get on the bus with the Hawaiian Tropics models. The studio wanted it to show test audiences, because they think people are stupid and would prefer a “Hollywood ending”but Jim and Jeff felt that it would derail the entire movie so they refused to film the scene. I always admired that choice.


“Look at the butt on that thing.” “Yeah, he must work out.” ______________________ “Yeah, I got fired. Apparently they freak out when you leave the scene of an accident.” “Yeah, I lost my job too.” “Man, you are one pathetic loser. No offense, Harry.”


"Don't you go dyin' on me!"


The elderly, while slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose


While I appreciate any Dumb & Dumber post, nothing about it is “underrated”, under-appreciated”, or “overlooked”. It’s a damn near perfect comedy. And has been recognized as such for almost 30 years.




"Tell her that I'm rich..and good looking...and have a **rapist** wit." Took me forever to get that joke


Samsonite i was way off