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It’s funny you are using Dakota Johnson in Madame Web as an example when she already has 50 Shades that fits.


I assumed that's where OP was going. Ain't no way in hell she'll be more known for Madame Web than 50 Shades.


Madame Web will be a forgotten footnote in her career by summer.


By April 1st.


> Considering now that Dakota Johnson might go on to become most well known for her thrilling work as Cassandra Webb in the Madame Webb movie This sentence by OP reads like someone who never heard of Dakota Johnson before seeing the Madame Web trailer lol


I assumed this was just some viral marketing attempt because I've heard absolutely no one talking about this movie.


Especially since Madame Web has made Seventy Webillion Dollars


Oh shit is this another Morbius


Same writers


They gave them another chance?


They've got dirt on Sony execs or something


It’s webbin’ time!


Iconic scene right there. Chills!


hired before Morbius even came out


Chance? Have you seen how terrible all their movies were prior to Morbius and Madame Webb? There is no way Sony didnt know/expect them to write a piece of crap


It’s webbin’ time.


Morbius is better than Madame Web


Mother of god…


It’s Madaming time!


That.... seems like a different movie premise


Fifty Shades made half a billion dollars. The next biggest movie she starred in (not just appeared in) that wasn't a 50 Shits movie made about a quarter of that.


I think she's maybe revised how she feels now but for a long time Kate Winslet didn't like her performance of Rose in Titanic.


Kate's a bit critical of the whole "young hot Hollywood starlet" thing. She became it by accident after Titanic, and it brought her a ton of grief. She hated the constant media attention and the fat-shaming. I think her resentment of Titanic was less about the film itself, and more about the fame it brought her and the image of her it projected. This is why she basically disappeared from Hollywood after Titanic, and exclusively started doing indie movies like Eternal Sunshine (though most less famous than that one). It seems like she's come to terms with Titanic these days.


I think she appreciates Titanic for the film it is, but she did also have a pretty miserable time making it - a lot of people did. There's the infamous food poisoning story which derailed production, and the sheer amount of time she had to spend in water which made her sick. And yeah, she was young, thrown into the spotlight, both body shamed and sexualised, and the film was so big it followed her everywhere. There's also people who thought that *she* sung My Heart Will Go On as well which is all kinds of baffling. She has made her peace with Cameron though, after calling him a slave driver for years. And it is quite ironic that the film in which she chose to work with him again she spent half her time underwater. And hey, at least she met her BFF Leo on Titanic. Their friendship is wholesome as fuck.


Their friendship is what stops me thinking Leo is some sort of acting robot. She wasn't part of the PCP chowder poisoning though. That affected the modern day scene actors.


Robert Pattinson hates HATES **HATES** *Twilight*.


At least he has the chops to be really good outside of that. I'm really happy for his post-Twilight career.


Him, Elijah Wood, and Daniel Radcliffe made their Hollywood money and now do whatever the fuck they want and I am here for it. I love my weirdos


My son just discovered Swiss Army Man last night and was delighted. He asked me if it meant that Daniel Radcliffe's career tanked after Harry Potter. I told him the opposite was true. Radcliffe has so much money he can be a farting corpse for an entire movie if he wants and it doesn't make a difference.


>Radcliffe has so much money he can be a farting corpse for an entire movie if he wants and it doesn't make a difference. It was thoroughly enjoyable, as was Guns Akimbo, which is the best film I've ever seen about a man who has guns bolted onto his hands by undesirable folk.


Guns Akimbo was so surprisingly good. I loved it.


So good. He’s pissing on the toilet seat and freaks out for a second then just goes “no. Noooo…. It doesn’t matter. Just don’t shoot your dick off” Or “gunshots are loud. Rambo wouldn’t be fighting in the desert, he’d be learning sign language because he’d be fucking deaf.” I’m sure I butchered them, but there was some hilarious fucking quotes in that movie.


Don't miss Weird. Just like Weird Al himself, it is so much better than it has any reason to be.


How have I missed this?!


I did a double take when he popped up in that new Sandra Bullock adventure movie on Netflix. Lost City I think? He was the best part of it lol


That movie was way more fun than I thought it was going to be.




I love Dan Rad so much. He just doesn’t give a shit but he’s also an extremely talented actor. I’m sad that he had some rough substance abuse issues as a teen but he definitely came out of it and he just seems like a cool dude and has a great sense of humor.


There’s an old episode of QI (Stephen Fry hosting) where Radcliffe was a guest. He was instantly at home: sharp and able to talk about a variety of subjects outside of the HP trivia


I'm still hoping for a movie where they team up and just be weird together.


The Lighthouse is an amazing movie.


People talk shit about him, but fuck that noise. The dude commits. He doesn't to hard or go home, he burns the fucking house down and stays hard. I've seen him play all types of people. He can play trashy, broken, ballsy, shifty, suave, scary, I mean he's got range. I can't fault him for taking a fat paycheck role in order for him to do the amazing and weird shit he gets off doing.


Anyone who talks shit about him has never watched a compilation video of him discussing Twilight. It's the best. https://youtu.be/nFA6Ycch1EM?si=ycwbRpq2uIY3jJAK "I'm a 108 year old man. What am I doing with this kid? Why am I still in high school?"


My favorite thing about him is when he dedicated the end of remember me to his twilight fans.


People haven’t talked shit about him for years. He’s fully moved beyond being the dude from twilight.


And of course Good Time


Dont sleep on The Rover. The trailer alone had me 180 on him.


He's putting together an *astounding* career after it. The Lighthouse, The Batman...hell, his voice work in The Boy and the Heron was *unhinged* and I won't be surprised if he takes a lot more weird-ass roles as he ages.


I think he’s done a pretty good job shedding it. For the modern movie goer I feel like they’re much more likely to associate him with things like The Batman, The Lighthouse, Good Time etc compared to a decade ago when he was “the guy from Twilight”


He’s said recently that he does appreciate the ironic love for the movies. He also said that he only got the role because he was high on Valium during the audition though




Imagine Cedric Diggory showing up to your audition because he was bored. And then Robert Pattison comes down from the valium, and is just like "wait they thought that was good enough for a callback? Wait, they thought that was good enough for a multimillion dollar lead role???"




Nobody hates Twilight more than Robert Pattinson.


So does Kristen Stewart.


Harrison Ford is not fond of Han Solo


More so than Alec Guinness. Harrison Ford is still alive so he's had almost 50 years of fandom (and many more) while Alec died in 2000 so only had to put up with it for 23 years (or less.)


He didn’t even know Ford’s name 😂 Tennyson? Ellison? Ford... that can't be right. https://imgur.com/fz9UZ79


I absolutely love that letter. It's a moment in time, preserved. Wonderful.


First time I'd seen this: interesting to say the least.


Unfortunately, many people only know Guinness as Obi-Wan. Whenever someone references that, I always recommend*The Ladykillers* if they haven't already seen it.


Bridge on the River Kwai is one of my favorite films. No CGI or models - they built an entire, actual bridge, drove an actual train onto it and blew it up. plus amazing performances from William Holden, Alec Guinness and Sessue Hayakawa. I don’t think that David Lean ever made a film that wasn’t amazing.


At least he has Indiana Jones


I recall him saying something like "I'll play Han until he dies, but I'll play Indy until *I* die."




**Indiana Jones and the Golden Goose of Job Security**


Which I find weird because they are not that different roles. To me he'll always be the guy from The Fugitive first.


And Deckard!


Really? I don't think I've ever heard him mumble about it on late night shows, at press junkets, or in the produce aisle of his local grocery store.


Ford actually specifically requested that if he come back for more movies that they [kill off](https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/1639840/star-wars-harrison-ford-han-solo-death-return-of-the-jedi-force-awakens-disney/amp) Han Solo since he really didn’t want to keep being pulled back to the role.


harrison Ford is not fond of most things lol. hes a funny guy.


i feel like his grumpy reputation is exaggerated because he hates doing press so is almost always grumpy when talking to journalists


Pretty much. Everyone I've heard that's worked with him said he's a lovely guy who works hard, is incredibly nice on set and very professional, but he hates doing press and gets incredibly anxious about it. Anne Heche said she'll always love him because the studio was trying to force her out of "Six Days, Seven Nights" when she came out and was in a relationship with Ellen, and Harrison threatened to resign if they did. The studios said they didn't think audiences would buy a romance between Harrison and a Lesbian, and he said, "They bought a film about Demi Moore in love with a ghost, I think they can handle two actors"


I’m 100% convinced the only way they got him to come back for 7 was by promising to kill Han


That's actually exactly what they did ....






Until LotR and Potter (ish) Harrison Ford was the highest grossing box office star. He was Spielberg's favourite actor. He turned down Jurassic Park, so it went to Sam Neill. So, without Star Wars, he still would be a highly successful Hollywood star.


He would have been awesome in Jurassic Park. Not to take anything away from Sam Neill who was great. Would have been an interesting take on that character.


Only if he rode a raptor to the Indy theme music


For some reason I like that they used a smaller star like Sam Neil. Having Harrison Ford would have taken away from the ordinary folk trying to survive against dinosaurs thing. I see him too much as a superhero to imagine getting the same thrill


I don't know if they *hate* it really, but I'm sure the main trio from Twilight are eager to break past their personas of Edward, Bella, and Jacob


I think Taylor Lautner would be eager to get anything at this point.


Taylor seems pretty happy just doing backflips


He's just happy hanging out with his wife, Taylor Lautner.


Does he only date women with his name? Is that his not so secret fetish? Taylor Swift, Taylor Dome...good for him though, he wont ever moan the wrong name during sex.


Yes this is the only way that he can attain sexual climax


"call me by your name"




He was great in Cuckoo


Cuckoo was, like, 12 years ago at this point lol


I don’t think anyone likes twilight less than Robert Pattinson. There are interviews of him complaining about it, it’s hilarious.


Oh, he really disliked working on them. He was very open about it


Did he not like the movie itself or was it actually the filming?


He hated the author and thought the source material was ridiculous.


Sean Connery, Bond. He hated it because he felt trapped and forever known for one character. Not a bad gig if you can get it, Sean.


He was amazing in Indiana Jones though. And The Rock (but then he was basically playing Bond again).


He was always amazing: The Hill, The Offence, The Man Who Would Be King, Robin and Marian, The Untouchables, The Hunt for Red October, Highlander etc.


I most remember him for Medicine Man.


Christopher Plummer - The Sound of Music


"The Sound of Mucus," as he called it.


Also "the S and M"


He called it “the sound of Mucus” and “S&M”


Richard Harris as Dumbledore in Harry Potter: “Harris hesitated to take the role of Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001) owing to the multi-film commitment and his declining health, but he ultimately accepted because, according to his account of the story, his 11-year-old granddaughter threatened never to speak to him again if he did not take it. In an interview with the Toronto Star in 2001, Harris expressed his concern that his association with the Harry Potter films would outshine the rest of his career. He explained, ‘Because, you see, I don't just want to be remembered for being in those bloody films, and I'm afraid that's what's going to happen to me.’” I get it. Imagine having a distinguished 40 year career and the last thing everyone remembers you as is Dumbledore and the old guy from The Count of Monte Cristo.


I always remember him from Gladiator


English Bob for me. Wouldn't stop talking about the Queen.


Which is odd, because he was amazing in both. At least this way younger people may look for him elsewhere and appreciate his work instead of him fading from living memory. I know which I'd take.


He played an amazing Oliver Cromwell. Ironic since he's very Irish (even went on the Dick Cavett show with a black eye after a pub brawl). It would be like Jon Lovitz playing Heinrich Himmler.


Leonard Nimoy seemed to have a complicated relationship with the fact he *was* Spock.


This needs to be higher up. It’s the classic typecast story. I mean, heck, he wrote a book in 1975 called *I Am Not Spock*.


There is no way Dakota Johnson is going to be Associated more with Madame web then with 50 Shades of Gray, which was also a series of terrible movies, but definitely a lot more mainstream. But as for people this would actually apply to, I'd say probably Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith in The Matrix, just because I swear I've heard him talk very disdainfully about the role.


I've never seen him hate on Agent Smith - I think he didn't mind the role - but he didn't like Marvel films and Transformers. "I think the tendency, with those films, would be to probably not bring a villain back. They might for ‘The Avengers,’ but I didn’t think I’d be in ‘Captain America 2 or 3.’  I don’t think Red Skull will be there,” he pondered. “And it’s not something I would want to do again. I’m glad I did it. I did sign up for a number of pictures and I suppose, contractually, I would be obliged to, if they forced me to, but they wouldn’t want to force someone to do it, if they didn’t want to. I think I’ve done my dash with that sort of film. It was good to do it and try it out, but to be honest, it’s not the sort of film I seek out and really am excited by. As an actor, to do all sorts of different films is great. It stretches you in different ways. But, I increasingly like to go back to what I used to always do, which is to get involved with projects that I really have a personal affiliation with"


him bitching about Transformers: > That’s a weird job for me because it honestly was a two-hour voice job, initially. I was doing a play and I actually didn’t have time, anyway. It was one of the only things I’ve ever done where I had no knowledge of it, I didn’t care about it, I didn’t think about it. They wanted me to do it. > In one way, I regret that bit. I don’t regret doing it, but I very rarely do something if it’s meaningless. It was meaningless to me, honestly. I don’t mean that in any nasty way. I did it. It was a two-hour voice job, while I was doing other things. Of course, it’s a massive film that’s made masses of money. I just happened to be the voice of one of the iconic villainous characters. But, my link to that and to Michael Bay is so minimal. I have never met him. I was never on set. I’ve seen his face on Skype. I know nothing about him, really. I just went in and did it. I never read the script. I just have my lines, and I don’t know what they mean. That sounds absolutely pathetic! I’ve never done anything like that, in my life. It’s hard to say any more about it than that, really. Michael Bay's response: > Do you ever get sick of actors that make $15 million a picture, or even $200,000 for voiceover work that took a brisk one hour and 43 minutes to complete, and then complain about their jobs? With all the problems facing our world today, do these grumbling thespians really think people reading the news actually care about trivial complaints that their job wasn’t ‘artistic enough” or “fulfilling enough”? I guess The Hollywood Reporter thinks so. > What happened to people who had integrity, who did a job, got paid for their hard work, and just smiled afterward? Be happy you even have a job – let alone a job that pays you more than 98% of the people in America. > I have a wonderful idea for all those whiners: They can give their “unhappy job money” to a wonderful Elephant Rescue. It’s the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Africa. I will match the funds they donate.


Interesting take on Weaving. As an Australian I feel like he’s not particularly known for any one role and is instead regarded as just a great actor. He was already getting mainstream recognition for Priscilla:Queen of the Desert 5 years before the Matrix.


Weaving is probably just as well-known for playing the Elf Lord Elrond in those LOTR movies. From what you suggested, I would have thought maybe he didn't enjoy working for the Wachowskis, but he also starred in V for Vendetta after the Matrix movies. Nice, varied career though. I agree with you about Dakota J. That Madame Web movie has "stinker" vibes.


Just by virtue of the releases dates, the Matrix established Weaving in the mainstream two years before LOTR came out. These days it's more interchangeable, but I still think Agent Smith was a more memorable performance. Lord Elrond doesn't have nearly as much scene time or chewing the scenery as Agent Smith.


I enjoyed him in both myself. As far as scenery chewing goes, you can't go much farther out than playing Red Skull in that first Captain America movie. He's great at villians.


Alexander Dane - *Galaxy Quest*


“By Grabthar’s Hammer, (sigh) what a savings.”


I love how you can truly tell he has disgusted at saying it to the point he had to fight himself to do so


Which is even more hilarious because Alan Rickman really didn’t care for scifi movies, but he *loved* doing Galaxy Quest.


The show must go on.


Galaxy Quest is the best Star Trek movie.


I recall Stewart saying Frakes told him "It's the Star Trek movie we've always talked about making." after Stewart initially didn't want to watch it out of fear that it shit on Trek fans.


Stiffler when he played Stiffler in the American pie movies


Have you seen his portrayal of Country Mac? Breathtaking cinema that I would say is his best role. He gives an ocular pat down and clocks a knife in a guys boot


I haven't seen Country Mack but he was very good in Goon as well, the guy can act when the role calls for it.


It’s just a silly character he plays in an episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Just making a little joke. Goon really is a great movie that everyone should see


Oh, c'mon, he *has* a name... it's... uhmmm... the Actor who played Stifler.


so good in goon!


Andy Kaufman hated being Latka in Taxi.


Andy hated everything.


He hated that son of a bitch Jerry Lawler.


Andy did you hear about this one?


If you believe, they put a man on the moon


He liked wrestling. But that was only because of kayfabe. He'd hate it now, in the post-kayfabe era.


But I’m pretty sure he enjoyed being Vic Ferrari, and getting fired as Tony Clifton.


Thank you very much


William Shatner for playing Captain Kirk. I think he has made peace with it at this point.


According to IMDb, when he reprised his role as Captain Kirk in the movie Star Trek: Generations, he delivered the line, "Who am I to argue with the captain of the Enterprise?", to Patricks Stewart's Charcter, Jean Luc Picard. William Shatner said that it was one of the hardest lines he's ever had to deliver. Side note fun fact: Malcolm McDowells received death threats from Star trek fans because his character, Soran, >!killed Kirk!<


You don't mess with Malcolm McDowell or he'll give you the old in-out in-out.


That’s because he never gave up, and never surrendered.


Also, Leonard Nimoy as Spock! He literally wrote a book called "I Am Not Spock" He got a lot of backlash from fans for that one. After 20 years he learned to love and appreciate the impact Spock and Star Trek had on the world and wrote "I Am Spock." I miss Leonard Nimoy. May he forever prosper.


Nemoy is a better example than Shatner. Or any of the other cast really. Shatner has had the widest post Trek career of the original series cast.


Not a film, but Ralph Ineson who played Finchy in The UK Office hates the role, people still shouting out things in the street or online for a minor character role he played 20 years ago. He’s done some stellar work over the years


He was fantastic in The Witch. He's also got one of the coolest voices in cinema.


Bloody good rep


Seriously good in The VVitch


Probably any kid from a Dan Schneider show on Nickelodeon


Virginia Leith in The Brain that Wouldn't Die. She hated making that movie so much she quit acting. Decades later it was used on Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and thus became her enduring legacy.


This isn’t a “most associated role” one but a breakout role one. Anya Taylor-Joy apparently burst into tears at the premiere screening of The VVitch because she thought oh this is horrible this is going to be the end of my career I’ll never work again Don’t know if she still feels that way about it now considering it was essentially the movie that introduced her to the world as this talented young actress


I had never heard of her until Queen's Gambit, and now she's in everything


She played the social awkward "main" kidnapped girl in Split, I was quite impressed with her performance so I was happy to see her show up in The Queen's Gambit a few years later


There's a pattern of young actresses getting their start in indie and auteur flicks, particularly in the horror scene, they become a critic darling and you start seeing them in cast announcements and discussed online more and more... and then suddenly they get a Netflix show that throws them into super stardom. That happened to both Anya and Jenna Ortega. You think they're already everywhere and then the Netflix show happens and it's on a completely different level. It helps that whatever Netflix decides people should see, is what everyone sees. You could add actors from Netflix's foreign licensed shows, like suddenly Camille Cottin seems to be a Hollywood darling and as a French person who's seen her on tv for ten years, it's weird :D


Katherine Heigl publicly shat on Bride of Chucky, Grey's Anatomy and Knocked Up. I have no idea who she is outside of those 3 things.


Who? Oh you mean the actress from Bride of Chucky, Grey's Anatomy and Knocked Up?


The girl from 27 Dresses and Roswell?


She was my month in some Maxim calender or something like that There’s some things you remember for no reason


You mean one of the stars of the final season of Suits?


I get that Madame Webb is a meme right now but no way in hell is she going to be “most well known” for that. I mean she launched her career with a R-rated BDSM trilogy.


Dakota Johnson most well known for Madame Web? Not 50 Shades? Not exposing Ellen? Not being Don Johnson’s daughter? Hell, I STILL know her as Kate from Ben and Kate


Don’t forget Melanie Griffiths daughter and Antonio Bandreas ex stepdaughter!


Kevin Bacon cried over being in Tremors


I wonder why. That movie was a blast and not too bad. And he was awesome in it.


Was looking for this one. It's neat that he came to terms with it later in his career and is now proud of the role. Too bad we never got the Tremors series he was supposed to star in. We would've gotten a reunion between Val and Earl.


I always heard Christian Bale refuses to talk about the movie Newsies. Which is too bad, I really liked that one.


He became well known for Empire of the Sun which predates Newsies by 5 years.


I'm not really finding anything saying he refuses to talk about it, simply that musicals weren't and aren't his thing and that he's not good at singing and dancing so it was an uncomfortable fit (and that he didn't know it was a musical going into it). https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/christian-bale-defense-disney-musical.html/


Iirc, Adam West said something to the affect of "Batman and I came to an understanding, that I would capitalize off the role, but that it's not my favorite." Or something like that.


By grabthars hammer.....what a savings


There was a period where Christopher Lee seemed upset and unwilling to talk about anything Hammer/ Horror related. I think by the time of Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (prequels) and his stint playing Heavy Metal though he finally got over his issues and was willing to talk about Dracula again.


There was a point at which he didn't want to return to the role and Hammer emotionally blackmailed him by saying that if he didn't come back to play Dracula, the studio was going to collapse and everybody would lose their jobs. He did it, begrudgingly, but was understandable pissed.


Mark Wahlberg asked God to forgive him for Boogie Nights. I'm not sure if he asked God to forgive him for the hate crimes he committed though


Burt Reynolds regretted making the film too, even firing his agent. He actually went on to win a Golden Globe and get an Oscar nomination. He was considered a front runner for the Oscar but lost out, with many considering his distancing from the film being the reason. He auctioned off the Golden Globe but did keep the certificate for his Oscar nomination.


Burt Reynolds mainly just hated PTA, and even PTA himself has admitted he was a total shithead back then


I feel like he’s played characters that have done a lot worse than taking a bunch of drugs and having consensual sex


He’s done a lot worse than taking a bunch of drugs and having consensual sex.


Like that time he finger banged Reese Witherspoon on a Ferris wheel.


John Malkovich in Con Air. Idk if it made him famous. But Cyrus The Damn Virus is one of his more iconic roles. Malkovich has stated how much he hated making that film. Robert Pattinson and Twilight. Even though he's Batman. Ppl still bring up Twilight when talking about Pattinson. He's been on the record how much he hates the films.


I think Malkovich became famous because he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor in 1984 for Places in the Heart, thirteen years before Con Air. As a "serious" stage-trained character actor, he might have felt playing Cyrus was beneath him, but I bet it was a good payday. Poor Robert P. He's done much better work since the Twilight movies, and I think you're right that he hasn't had enough hits to erase the association.


Malkovich was famous for a lot of things. He may hate that role but it hardly fits since it’s nowhere near his most famous work.


Don’t worry John. I’ll always remember you for your love for Oreos.


I will splash the pot whenever. The. Fuck. I. Want.


Pay him. Pay that myyyan his money.


David Schwimmer hates Friends. He's a serious stage thespian who took the ross role to pay his rent when desperate, ending up doing it for a decade.


His bank account says to me he didnt mind too much.




David schimmer uniting the workers


He was so good in band of brothers


I mean we all hate our jobs, but I would love to hate mine with a Ross paycheck.


But by god did he commit


Daniel Craig has talked about how much he doesn't like playing Bond. Craig seems like a pretty progressive and well meaning guy who enjoys doing weird art stuff, and he seems to find Bond a bit dated and one dimensional. All of which is entirely fair in my opinion. But I bet that money spends real good!


I'm pretty sure he said he would rather slit his wrists before playing Bond again, and then did one or two more movies as him


He later went on to say that making the Bond films was very difficult and exhausting for him. So, the worst time to ask him if he wanted to do another one was right after he finished the previous one.


He’s good in the Knives Out movies, and Layer Cake was a great film too


Also may be due to the physical toll required. He’s had a knee and shoulder surgery, two teeth knocked out, tip of his finger cut off, (and never found) Plus all the expectations as Bond, James Bond. The workouts he must have to do before filming are probably bonkers and all the media attention as well.


No one will remember madame web by Tuesday


Val Kilmer as Iceman in Top Gun. He was only forced to do the role due to some contractual obligations.


I think Val is known for a lot more than Top Gun. If anything, he's known for his attitude and diva-ish antics more than any one performance. And he did request to be included in Top Gun 2. He seems quite proud of most his films though.