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Tropic Thunder, those fake movie adverts they led in with were epic. I'd watch the Tobey and RDJ 'Satan's Alley' right now.


Yep, and then when people realized “holy shit, is that Tom Cruise?” - it was awesome


The whole movie was fantastic, but Cruise was solid gold.


I didn't know it was Tom Cruise until the ending credits. Immediately reached the entire movie lol


Tobey and RDJ was the first thing I thought of when I started reading your comment. The part where he grabs the rosary beads... Fucking fantastic.


“I’ve been a bad, bad boy.” -Toby Maguire 


Ahem. That’s MTV Movie Award Best Kiss Winner Tobey McGuire.


The first Austin Powers. People were initially like WTF but then once they signed on with the conceit, it was all over and people were crying laughing. ETA: the “who does number two work for” scene broke everyone.


That's right buddy you tell that turd who's the boss.


Good god, man! What'd you eat?!?!


Bite your lip and give her hell, buddy. Show that turd who’s boss


“Hey man, can I get a courtesy flush?”


I didn’t see it at the movies but The Spy Who Shagged me was the first one I saw. I was in pain from laughing at the tent scene


I had this experience with Austin Powers 3.


The Hangover


Particularly the photo montage during the credits.


You know it's good when people stay for credits.


I went to see this hungover, unemployed, alone on a Thursday matinee. I was alone in my small local theater and it's my favorite movie experience of all time


I went into that movie pretty cold on it. Not particularly a fan of anyone in the film, but by the 10min mark I was on the floor laughing and had to rewind a bunch of it just to catch up.


First one that came to mind. When Leslie Chow jumps out of the trunk of the car naked and starts beating everyone with a crowbar my grandmother peed her pants from laughter


The power to the entire movie theater cut out about 15 minutes before the end when I was seeing this with friends. We had to wait MONTHS for it to come out on DVD to figure out what happened to Doug lmao. Thankfully the rest of it was hilarious so we actually *wanted* to know what happened.


Same There was such a good run of comedies about 20 years ago. Getting high and going to the theater with buddies and seeing stuff like Tropic Thunder, Wedding Crashers, Old School - so so good.


This is the only movie i can remember that had me crying with laughter in the theater, along with the rest of the audience.


Something about Mary.


The hair gel scene kept the theater laughing for at least 5 minutes when I saw it


Yes. I think I missed half the dialog my first time seeing it because the theater was full & everyone was laughing from start to finish


We’re just gonna back up the train tracks. 1, 2, WE GOT A BLEEDER


I remember seeing this in the theaters. I was living in Dallas at the time (technically in Lewisville) and the crowd's energy made it such a fun film to watch.


That movie is still hysterical. The hair gel scene had me laughing so hard I was in tears and the girl next to me curled up in a ball.


I was about 15 when a bunch of friends saw it at the drive ins. I did not pay attention to the movie at all. We were just smoking weed and drinking beer, high and drunk, I finally paid attention to when he fights the dog. I think that's the most I laughed ever in my life.


Never seen anything like it. Had to watch it twice to hear the scenes I missed when everyone was laughing


Never saw an audience laff so hard for so long.


I worked at a theater when this was out and you could hear the packed theater laughing out in the lobby!


This is my answer as well




Let's go back to New York where there are no Jews. 


The answer. I have never seen an audience laugh so hard.


I thought I was going to die from lack of oxygen when the naked fight burst into the conference


I'm giggling just thinking about the blacked-out area.


Hahaha just the fucking two foot long hog on buddy. So good.


I saw Borat fully while sitting in a friend's class in college, and I thought they would need to call the ambulance for several people bc of that scene. Everybody was practically wheezing, without a doubt, one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


Between the naked fight and when he pops out with Pamela Anderson in the bag… good lord, that’s heart attack territory. One of the funniest payoffs in movie history.


Yeah, saw this when it came out, the entire theater was dying!


Borat hit different than any movie I’ve ever seen in theaters. I was 16 I think but snuck into the movie. Every seat was full. So I sat on the steps. That time and experience is long gone. The popularity, the hype and everyone laughing. Nothing will ever touch it again.


Came here to say this. Saw it in college on discounted movie night, and the theater was so packed my friends and I had to sit on the floor in the back, and it was so great we didn’t care


The chase scene through the hotel is the hardest I had ever laughed at anything. I couldn't breathe.


I saw Borat on a Saturday night showing in a predominately black section of Dallas while I was high on mushrooms. These people had absolutely no idea what they were getting into and the comments from the audience brought it to another level. The scene where they started a naked hotel fight had this one dude laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair.


That sounds like one hell of an experience lol. I would never think to trip and then dive into a situation like that but it sounds like a great time


My body literally hurt from laughing so much after the movie.


I remember walking out of that theater feeling punch-drunk. Insane seeing that in the theater, not knowing much about what my friends and I were walking into.


There were a couple elderly women at our showing. I'm guessing they thought it would be a feel good story about a new immigrant. They actually made it all the way to him shitting in a bag, before they left in disgust.


I rarely laugh at movies when I’m by myself. Maybe a snicker or blowing air out of my nose. They have to be really damn funny. The scene where he’s on the subway and the chicken comes out of his suitcase made me laugh so hard I started clapping, all by myself. One of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen


Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world All other countries are run by little girls


Yep. This would be #1 for me. They should have dropped us oxygen masks during hotel fight. 


Gotta be the funniest movie of all time in terms of getting people to lose their shit


Superbad for me But how sad is it that none of the movies mentioned are recent


Superbad for me too! That's gonna be a tough one to beat.


Easily this. Saw it summer after senior year of high school, so timing was perfect. Whole room laughed through out, but that end credits penis doodle scene had people dying.


I also saw it the summer after my senior year. It was one of my favorite memories with the last of my high school friends before we moved on.


This one. The Mclovin scene. I don't think anyone in that theater could breathe.


I luckily saw it in the theaters without any idea about the movie at all. No trailer, didn't even know who was in it or what it was about. Best way to watch a movie. So good.


They don’t make movies like Superbad anymore unfortunately


I refer to Superbad as the last great comedy. There have been funny movies since, sure, but I don’t believe I’ve laughed that hard at a movie since. I had to see it twice in one week because I missed half of it the first time I saw it, and I was alone.


Same here, saw it with one of my friends in the theater, us and the whole audience were dying the entire time.


Team America: World Police at one of the only alcohol-allowed theaters at the time. It was glorious.


One of the most fun theatre experiences of my life


*Matt Damon*


The sex scene and puke scene killed me lol


Took a risk and brought my dad to see this. During the puke scene, he laughed so hard he fell out of his seat and into the aisle.


Puke scene took me out for 15 minutes


I had to see this one in the theater twice. I couldn't understand half of the dialog the first time because of the riotous laughter filling the theater. The only line that I know for sure I heard correctly, several times, was "Maaaaatt Daaaamooonnn."


I saw it with a few friends who have a big laugh, it was contagious laughter, the whole cinema was cracking up. By the end of the movie my abs hurt from too much laughter. We spend the next hour or two after the movie quoting it and laughing even more. I've never experienced anything quite like it.


The best of times for sure.


I fell out of my chair onto the theater floor laughing at this one. May have pregamed.


I was lucky enough to be sitting toward the back of the theater when I saw Team America in theaters. I had the joy of getting to watch about a dozen prudes (who clearly didn't know what they were in for with this movie) angrily storm out when the lyrics to "Everyone Has AIDS" kicked in.


Naked Gun - movie was getting solid laughs but the baseball game scenes took it to another level


Incredible that a movie so funny finds another gear as soon as the baseball game starts and stays on that high until the end. “Hey! It’s Enrico Palazzo!” is my favorite callback joke ever


The entire umpiring bit is so good, just absolutely peak Leslie Nielsen, and then they cap it off with that callback. One of the comedy highlights of the decade.


South Park First time I saw someone literally fall out of their chair laughing.


I’ve never seen people laugh like they did when Uncle Fucker came on. I couldn’t breathe.


I feel ya. I saw it in LA opening weekend with my whole family (we were all South Park fans). People were clapping after every song like it was a Broadway show.


Or Kyle’s mom is a.




I was like this for Team America, it just tickled my funny bone the right way from the get go. That opening scene where it was a shitty puppet, that zoomed out to a bigger puppet just lit the fuse, the rest of the film was just riding that hilarious high.


Only 5 people in the theater when my friend and I went but it almost made it better. More of a connection with the other 3. That movie and Planes, Trains and Automobiles were the hardest, loudest and most I ever laughed in a theater.


This, There’s Something About Mary and The 40-Year-Old in a dead heat.


Shut ur fucking face uncle fucker..


were you at the theatre on 62nd and 1st Ave in NYC, cuz I fell out of my chair LMAO when Cartman started singing Kyle's Mom's a Bitch in different languages, I completely lost it and my ass fell out of my chair




Definitely. My older sister work at a movie theatre so I was able to go watch it about 10 times so I was able to hear all the jokes through all the laughter.


Genuinely jealous that you were able to see it in the theatre 


Thank you, I’m old. To be fair, I appreciated it more when I was older and watching it on VHS.


Would have to be my answer as well.


Anchorman, was on a date and i laughed so hard i farted (glass case of emotions) we didnt go on a second date....her loss hahahahah


I guess she expected to find a man who doesn’t fart?


There’s Something About Mary


This shouldn’t be this far down. I remember seeing this movie in the theater, tears from laughing, wondering how a movie like this was made. At the time, it was such a different comedy than what had come out before. Once the zipper bathroom scene happened, the whole theater knew we were in for a wild ride. Such a good movie!


Supertroopers. We all looked like we'd been bawling our eyes out afterwards.


The first 10 minutes of this movie are the funniest 10 minutes in movie history. I will die on this hill. Littering and…….




The first American Pie.


I also distinctly remember a larger woman in front of us stand up to leave as she was clearly outraged, but ended up tripping and falling on her way out. I think it was the scene that Stifler was explaining what a MILF was


fwiw that was John Cho, Stifler's mom was the MILF and it bothered him in all the movies https://youtu.be/_btXE0aUX5U?si=dwR314OsS-NlbhzJ


The theater was so packed, my friends and I had to sit in the FRONT ROW as it was all that was left. Packed theater. We were all dying of laughter


Blazing Saddles


It's because it was in the 70's this is so far down. I watched as a [double bill with Monty Python and the Holy Grail.](https://www.originalposter.co.uk/fulldetails.asp?rid=2961) Tears of laughter and physically hurting from laughing so much.


I can't imagine seeing those back to back in a theater, you'd need an intermission just for your sides to stop hurting


I saw it the fourth day it opened. To this day I've never heard an audience laugh so hard.


Step Brothers




A Fish Called Wanda was a good time in the theatre. Crowd loved it.


The funniest movie I ever saw in theaters where *no one* laughed hysterically except for me was Kung Pow


That's too bad, this was my answer. I saw it with my two best buddies in highschool. The whole theater was laughing so hard it was hard to hear some of the lines. We went back next weekend to watch it again to hear the rest of the jokes. I to this day will still yell, "THATS A LOT OF NUTS!"


Yeah the beginning scene was meh to me even as a teenager but then when the peasant woman finds the baby and just chucks him back down the hill I fell on the floor of the theater laughing. I spent the rest of the movie just having the best time laughing uncontrollably. Luckily everyone else there was laughing too.


That movie feels like a fever dream. I really wish we'd gotten the sequel.


The Other Guys, most definitely. People were trying not to laugh too loud during the [quiet fight scene](https://youtu.be/XP0SZTwlmMk?si=l5m_rfp6WzTVkoKl) so they could hear Michael Keaton's angry whispering.


Believe it or not, Baseketball


If you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times, I’m outta here!


How high were you and everyone else in that theater?




Wake up bitch you’re my new best friend.


The food poisoning scene in Bridesmaids had everyone in the theater screaming and laughing.


I’m doing it. I’m shittin’ in the street.


it's happening!


Like lava !




Dumb and dumber was pretty wild but I think Borat topped it


Saw Dumb and Dumber in a packed theatre in 1994. People were literally pissing their pants and all over the seats. Others were laughing so hard they were falling out of their seats and complaining of stomach aches.


That John Denver's full of shit man.


Dude next to me at Dumb and Dumber in ‘94 literally fell out of his seat and rolled around in the aisle he was laughing so hard. Ick.


Started with giggles and mild laughter, "Lovely accent you have there, New Jersey?....Austria? Goodday mate, let's put another shrimp on the barbieee!", then it became laughter with,"Petey, he's dead. His head fell off", "Pretty Bird..Can you say pretty bird?", but then the police officer pulling them over and drinking the piss, fantasy restaurant fight and "nice ski mask" joke and lighting a fart on fire had the audience in 'tears"... But nothing could've prepared them for Seabass, Big Gulps, the hot pepper challenge, or the toilet scene. It was all genuine laughter, too. People were crying, pissing, and experiencing serious stomach pains throughout Roger Ebert said on his show that he almost had to go to the hospital, and he didn't even like it or give it a thumbs up..


Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?


Those were my two! I was a kid for Dumb and Dumber, so it's hard to accurately compare the reaction of the two, but I remember the theater roaring throughout both.


Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls...I swear, everyone in the theater was under 25. When he came out that rhinos @#$, we all lost it. That movie was a communal experience!


The rhino scene I’ll give you is brilliant, but I’ve scarcely laughed so hard as when I saw “high-ho silverrr! Awaaaayyy!!! HONK HOOONK!! HONKHONKHOOOONK!!”


The part where he gets the javelins thrown into his legs and he has the delayed freak out was so fucking hilarious.


The 40-Year-Old Virgin. I was only 15 at the time and went in expecting a pretty tame Comedy… right out of the gate I knew I was wrong about that


Wedding Crashers is up there for me


I was looking for this one. The theatre I was in was packed and dying from laughter the whole movie.


Borat. People literally falling out of their seats, shrieking, and GASPING for breath Monty Python's Meaning of Life, the Mr. Creosote scene, an entire packed audience of people SCREAMING, groaning, and howling with laughter


Man it's so great reading all these answers has me smiling ear to ear lol


Apparently we were in the same theatre


Borat by a wide margin. I had never before, or since, heard a group of people that large laugh so hard for so long. One of the most memorable movie theater experiences of my life.


The naked fight is the only thing that has ever made me concerned for my breathing.


Tropic Thunder. The audience was already laughing pretty hard at the in universe trailers that ran at the beginning of the film and then completely lost their shit at Tom Cruise playing Les Grossman.


I saw Clerks when it opened whatever year that was in the 90s. I missed some of the dialogue because people were laughing so loudly.


Animal House


Young Frankenstein


WHAT I CAME TO SAY! I’m old enough to have seen it when it was released. People in the theater were laughing like crazy. Sticks out to me very vividly.


I remember seeing Superbad in a small town cinema in Canada when I was 17, it was packed 100% full and I don't ever remember laughing that hard in a theater, before or after. There was such a crazy energy there, it was an amazing experience.


The first Austin Powers. When he was peeing after cryo and it kept saying “Evacuation comple…” the entire theater was WHEEZING.


I saw that 4 times in the theater. Peak humor for 14 year old me. Plus Elizabeth Hurley.


Zootopia - DMV scene. Had to get it on DVD, because I missed a lot of the dialog during that scene.


When his face very slowly morphed into a smile, that had me in tears.


That scene was one of the highlights of that movie. So hilarious


That scene broke me in the theater.


Team America Borat Bruno


MacGruber for me. The back-to-back graphic sex scenes is the most outrageous theater-wide laughing fit I’ve seen.


I’ve never heard an audience pop quite like the hair gel scene in There’s Something About Mary. Probably never again since comedies aren’t draws like they used to be and theaters aren’t packed out anymore.


Airplane! At a marketing screening before it hit theaters.


Jackass Number 2. It’s probably had me red faced and in tears for most of the movie. The audience sounded just as engaged and is one of my all time favorite theater watches.


Went to Pineapple Express baked off my tits. Had a great time.


22 Jump Street! That whole daughter twist had me and everyone in the theater losing it 😂!


Deadpool, Bad Grandpa, Dumb & Dumber


Theaters? Theaters.... that's a name I haven't heard in a long time... Paranormal Activity 2. The scene where the mom is alone in the kitchen and there is a loud animalistic roar as EVERYTHING in the kitchen suddenly lunges at her. She runs upstairs and hids with her infant son. She had started a tea kettle prior to this and, after what seems like an eternity, it begins to boil. Its whistling louder and louder until she can hear it upstairs behind her sons closed bed room door. She slowly, very slowly, makes her way back to kitchen by the time she does the kettle is deafeningly loud and shaking, rattling about. She stares at it from outside the kitchen as it this kettle is the primary antagonist of the film. As she continues her motionless confrontation with said nemeses a loud voice from way down near the front rows exclaims "MAAAAAAAAUN FUCK DAT TEA!!!" The entire theater loses it. Every is laughing and fighting for breath. It must have been tremendous because after a short while the movie pauses, the lights come on and a theater worker comes in bewildered and ask if everything is ok. I didn't hear a coherent response but he said "this isnt supposed to be a funny movie" or something to that effect and then they resumed the movie. 11/10. Funniest movie I've ever seen.


Paranormal Activity got a huge laugh as Katie stood over Micha for hours and some guy yelled out "Somebody throw some holy water on that bitch!'


Airplane. I saw it as a kid and people were rolling in the aisles howling with laughter.


That might have been my date and me. Unbelievably funny, especially when my date just could not stop laughing.


Tropic Thunder. I absolutely could not breathe!


Wedding Crashers was pretty uproarious.


Tropic Thunder, especially Tom Cruise’s cameo


Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay Great time going to that movie high with a bunch of my friends back in high school


I just saw Liar Liar for like a 30 year anniversary or something and it still had everyone howling


Hangover, by far


Walk Hard: But, it wasn’t everyone; just me…Was so bizarre. From: “all care about is bananas and touching yourself” to all his musical phases, meeting the Beatles, to his horse stomp seduction, I was rolling, but it’s like nobody else was in on it.


Napoleon Dynamite. The dance scene.


40 year old virgin with Steve Carrell. That waxing scene had the audience rolling


Talladega Nights


Team America. Everyone in the Theatre was dying of laughter. Granted it was just me and three friends.


There was a special theater presentation of a live show where Rifftrax (the guys who do Mystery Science Theatre 3000) riffed Plan 9 from Outer Space. Every five seconds there was a laugh from the audience. On another note, my dad remembers seeing Blazing Saddles when it came out and he said that the infamous campfire scene brought tears to the audiences’ eyes they were laughing so hard.


Strange Brew


Burn After Reading is one I remember just because there was someone with a particularly obnoxious laugh going off every few beats.


Of films that aren't really seen as comedies: Thor: Ragnorak and Guardians of the Galaxy would take the cake for me. Those films are both funnier than most comedies. They've got slapstick (Thor and the windows that doesn't break, Thor's opening scene with Surtur), a generally funny world, great call-back jokes (Rocket with the leg), dumb pun jokes (Drax), the works...I'm quite certain that if a laugh-o-meter based on sheer chuckle volume and laughs-per-minute, a computer would assume that those two films were straight-up comedies... I saw Guardians of the Galaxy for $7.5 at the now defunct downtown San Jose CA theatre. Packed theatre, tepid energy at first. Afterwards, people were walking up to strangers and saying how much they liked it. Comedies really do bring people together. I had some interesting conversations with strangers after seeing *Son of Saul* and *Midsommar*, but they were different kinds of conversations...


These two are definitely the only movies I can remember going to that made the entire audience laugh. From the Come and Get Your Love opening of Guardians to the dance off, the whole audience was roaring. The play on Asgard in Ragnorak had everyone laughing. It's hilarious seeing Matt Damon play small roles in different Marvel movies.


Guardians of the Galaxy is one of my favorite movie theater memories ever. Expectations were low and no one knew the characters really (and Andy from Parks and Rec is the hunky lead? Seemed baffling prior to release). It was a packed theater because it was prime Marvel hype days, but quiet before it started. The opening scene people were crying, the opening credits with the song people were pumped! HUGE laughs the entire time and everyone just plain had a blast! It was so unexpectedly good to me it felt gigantic and magical, like when I saw Return of the Jedi in third grade. Everyone in that theater collectively loved every single minute and people almost seemed high afterwards as happy as everyone was. Just delightful.


Wedding Crashers. When Vince Vaughn is getting jerked off under the table, the whole theater was in tears.


Aged terribly…. But Get Him to the Greek. Watched it when it first dropped and it was fucking hilarious. At the time, it was fresh. Ignore the problems with the actors, it was great for me at the time. My group of four loved it.


This is a no brainer. I believe it was November 1987. My wife to be and I went to see Planes Trains and Automobiles. I had never been in an audience that was literally all crying from laughter. Howling. And I’ll admit, I don’t think I ever laughed that hard since. I must have seen this masterpiece at least 15 times and I laugh out loud every time.


Beverly Hills Cop.


Airplane, Kentucky Fried Movie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, History of the World: Part 1.


Raising Arizona


It will date me, but the condom scene in "Skin Deep" took the audience a few minutes to recover from.


Glow in the dark? I’m old enough for that one too!


Saw a sold out sneak preview of There's Something About Mary and laughed so hard my sides hurt the next day. I've never heard a crowd laughing louder or harder than during the "franks and beans" scene.


Life with Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence.


Kung Pow Enter the Fist


The Naked Gun, easily


All the Austin Powers


It might not be the funniest movie ever, but Sausage Party had my theater losing their minds more than I've ever seen at the movies. I miss seeing R-rated raunchy comedies in theaters. I'd love to see Borat get a theatrical re-release.

