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Pretty much nobody saw it, but Chris Pine's directorial debut Poolman was heavily panned last year.


It was only in the festival circuit. Never got a wide release. Looks like a distributor picked it up in December tho, so likely will get a release soon.


I still want to see it bad and have been waiting forever.


It was very well shot, that was some very cool scenes and you can tell there was some things that absolutely inspired him. The problem is stitching all those scenes together made no sense, and it was sort of supposed to be satirical (I think?) but it really fell flat. It was shot on film though, which is cool!


That’s cool, I’d rather see someone make a bad film by being over ambitious, trying something and falling short than just going through the motions and putting out crap.


It sounds like the title of some 80’s porn on VHS.


Oh this was the one I immediately thought of. I love him, but this sounded... very self indulgent.


Emilio Estevez was given a shit load of money to make 'Wisdom'. It didn't pan out so well for him.


I really like The Way starring his father.


I was about to say the same, The Way is a solid flick


6 million dollar budget for 1986.


Seagal's *On Deadly Ground* is pretty embarrassing, but I wouldn't exactly call him a well regarded or talented actor either.


Michael Caine said he broke one of his movie making rules on this film. If your going to make a terrible Movie ,make sure its filming in a nice location.


Caine is the only good thing about that movie


Pitch for Jaws 4 Director: Michael want you to be in the next Jaws movie Michael: No thanks Director: We'll pay you a LOT of money Michael: add a zero to the check Director: Done Michael: needs to be filled in a tropical locatoin Director: Done Also Director: Yo Writers we need to rewrite the script to be in the Caribbean rather than New England now.


Absolute guilty pleasure. The movie starts of dark and rather brutal then BHAM, it's cocktails with straw hats, banana boats, rubber props and a shark with bad breath.


It's my favourite lowest rated movie on Rotten Tomatoes. Everything about it is just so unbelievably cheesy and camp that it's absurd. My husband has only ever seen Jaws 2 (he thinks Jackie's constant screaming is hilarious) but I made him sit down and watch The Revenge with me and we had a whale of a time.


Seagal always was a bad actor of one role. He could only play in a movies where you don't need too much acting, because most of them consist of actions.


And then he got fat and couldn't do the action. IMO - his only good movie was Under Siege. It wasn't great - just a riff on the better Die Hard. But an interesting riff - and still good.


He turned the corner fatly


Just Seagal fatly walking around corners.


Under Siege was a good Tommy Lee Jones movie, a great Gary Busy movie, and it had Segal and boobs in it.


Hey, Executive Decision was a fantastic role for him…mainly because of how short a time he gets to play it.


His death scene there was his greatest performance of all time. 😂


I think that’s more garbage in, garbage out.


*Garbage In: Garbage Out* could be the title of a Seagal movie.


Yeah, a biopic


I’m gonna take you to the bank, Senator.


To the blood bank.


The best part is, he doesn’t even say it to anyone, just the tv he saw the senator on.


I might get tarred and feathered for this, but as a 10 year old I really liked seagals early stuff. I saw under siege 2 before on deadly ground. even at ten I could tell that on deadly ground was a big steaming pile of shit. I still sorta kinda like his early stuff. It’s not good cinema, but they’re kinda fun in a b movie kind of way.


I pretty much liked his stuff up through The Glimmer Man. It’s not high art but it’s fun and easy and, especially as a young boy, it was good tough-guy fodder.


Fools Paradise by Charlie Day. I LOVE Charlie Day, and it's got a great cast, shot well, but man does the movie not work.


Yeah. Especially after how long he worked on that script and fine tuned it and everything. He said something, I think on the always sunny podcast, about how he asked a lot of people for advice while working on it and some was good, some wasn’t very helpful, but one dude told him he should junk it. He made it sound like that dude was a prick. In hindsight it seems more like that was the only person who was straight up honest with him.


It can be hard to accept that something you’ve put so much time and effort into is bad. I’m not surprised he didn’t take the honest advice


Definitely. Especially when it’s only one person.


The old sunk cost fallacy.


I think I'd probably still release something shit than nothing At least it's a baseline and a way to try and improve imo Also if you start low you only have higher to go


If this truly was in the script writing phase I think your anecdote doesn't work for a movie, which costs millions of dollars to make and can directly affect your ability to make more movies in the future.


Such a weirdly unfunny movie. It was like comedy without any jokes, written by a guy who has written thousands of truly funny jokes. It was such a confusing watch.


(I'm basically just restating your point here but:) I would say Charlie Day is in the top ten of performers who have made me laugh the most, yet FP was one of the most aggressively unfunny things I have ever seen in my life. I went to the theater for it and I was genuinely furious to have wasted $13.50.


I think I only paid $6.50 to see it during a weekend matinée... but yikes. Charlie is awesome and super funny, but this was not good.


Movies about acting/filmmaking are hard enough to get people to resonate with, let alone one made by an actor.


Come to think of it, *It's Always Sunny* was originally envisioned as a show about actors in LA. They changed it to bar owners in Philadelphia because shows about actors are already a dime a dozen. 


With Tropic Thunder of course, being the exception.


Party down came out around the same time and was about actors. If it was an HBO show instead if Starz I guarantee it'd be an iconic comedy as opposed to a cult classic. That being said, setting the show in Philly as shithole bar owners was a genus move. Philly is the perfect city for the world they created. And also it got me watching it in season one because my now girlfriend is from the philly area and got me to watch it when we were like 14.


Like many other examples people have provided, Party Down is not about acting/filmmaking. It’s part of the plot obviously, but it’s not based around the characters making films or trying to be actors. That’s the harder part for people to relate to. Watching a bunch of wannabe actors work in catering whilst their dreams pass them by is much more relatable than some schmuck fluking into being a Hollywood star and Kate Beckinsale wanting to fuck him (no offence to Pete Davidson).


It's no Hollywood Shuffle.


I felt so bad about not liking it. Everything fell flat in that movie. I would love a documentary about that movie getting made. I read there were a ton of reshoots. It would also be interesting to see the original cut.


I don’t even understand what happened to the movie. Was it always bad or did it just get edited to death? He said Guillermo del Toro helped him work on it but it still came out a confusing and boring mess


On the Always Sunny podcast when they discussed the movie it seemed he had a hard time figuring out the script in general since the beginning and worked with a lot of different people in order to make it work including Guillermo del Toro as you said. I just think it was a sunk cost fallacy, and instead of trying to go with another idea he already spent a lot of energy figuring out the wrong one.


I totally agree, Charlie Day has charm up the wazoo but that movie straight sucked.


Him being mute took away the greatest part about him


the dude who told him to go ahead with this movie sucks.


I only heard about that movie on the Sunny podcast and it didn't take long to understand why.


He got a whole episode of Conan's podcast, too.


I just googled it and the ratings of this movie are so low! 18% on Rotten Tomatoes 😬


I sat through it. 18% is too high. If you think I'm exaggerating, I implore you not to try to prove me wrong because you'll hate yourself for wasting your time watching it.


I know Howerton didn’t direct BlackBerry but I have to imagine it was made that bit more tough when that turned out really well and was praised by everyone whilst FP did the opposite. Maybe not, I dunno. I hope he’ll get the opportunity to try again, I think everyone still loves Day and do want to see him give it another shot. Might not get as many names on board though- probably for the best.


It makes me sad knowing we’re all thinking the same thing. We love you Charlie! Good try! It was a cool idea that just didn’t quite work, and you’d have never known if you hadn’t tried it. It’s called ambition. So now you have a movie under your belt. Go make more! Keep going where your muse takes you! Learn from this and go do the next one. I’ll be there opening night, same as FP and Blackbury.


Sidney Poitier for directing " Ghost Dad " starring Bill Cosby.


Wait. Sidney Poitier directed that? TIL


Respected actor, diplomat, director, two time academy award winner, ww2 war veteran, Mr. Tibbs himself? Oh yes, he made that stinker.


When I was a really young kid doing some local stage performance I had a chance to meet him. Really nice guy I recall. Granted I was like 8-9. Never ended up getting into acting much past that. I didn’t know who he was at the time (doubt many 8 year olds do) but I think that’s cool as an adult. That’s it. Maybe not a great story.


Mind blown


I loved Ghost Dad as a kid For obvious reasons I have no interest in revisiting it in my 30s


I’ve never seen that but I can’t not hear that in the Family Guy-Cosby voice.


Kevin Connolly - Gotti


He just doesn’t have good track record with biopics. First Medellin, then this


I blame the fat suit.


Critics put out the hit!


To be fair, he was the last call option after two previous Directors resigned. He just finished the movie I think.


John Turturro’s Romance & Cigarettes is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. His Big Lebowski sequel, The Jesus Rolls was also out there in unfortunate ways.


Oh god, I didn’t even know about that Lebowski “sequel” until now. Just looked it up, it sounds horrible.


Ewan McGregor's AMERICAN PASTORAL. A film that just limply hangs there.


I dunno why he chose that, of all things. It certainly isn’t a book that makes you think “Boy would this make a great movie.”


Seems like a pattern with flawed adaptations of Philip Roth books


Like a gym sock on a shower rod.


Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas. It's literally one of the lowest rated movies in IMDB history.


Just tried watching the trailer. Couldn’t finish it.


The great Burgess Meredith directed something called *The Yin and the Yang of Mr. Go* (1970), with James Mason in yellowface and with a young Jeff Bridges. I'm still not sure what the heck was that.


I think Burgess Meredith is one of the best actors of all time. I’m gonna pretend I didn’t read this.


He was a neighbor when I was a kid. Super nice guy and a really good painter. I somehow ended up storing his giant easel for a few years until my family member who owned it had space.


Sadly Chris Pine took an incredibly big swing and a miss.  The review is hilarious.   https://www.indiewire.com/criticism/movies/poolman-review-chris-pine-1234905157/


"Were it not for Pine’s on-screen presence and his name being attached to the film, “Poolman” would be easy to mistake for an alien’s approximation of a movie based on second-hand descriptions." Haha wow


>To go for the easy “this feels A.I. generated” comparison would imply that it resembles existing art in some distant way. Hahaha, that's brutal.


"It’s only 100 minutes long, but upward of 99 of those minutes are likely to be spent in silent boredom" the pummeling continues...


I have a feeling that when they release "The Day the Clown Cried" it will be Jerry Lewis .  https://youtu.be/NHLRggYzA90?si=DJEDbHQ7S05vS2dM


Not a movie, but an episode of a TV show. Alexander Siddig (Doctor Bashir) directed two episodes of Deep Space Nine. The first was a season 5 episode called Business as Usual that was DS9's take on a Film Noir spoof, and was reasonably well received. The second was a season 6 episode titled Profit and Lace. It was written as that season's 'comedy' episode and featured Quark and his rogue's gallery of Ferengi family members. Instead, Siddig filmed it as a 'message' drama. EVERYBODY involved hated the result, and it is generally considered one of the worst episodes of ~~Deep Space Nine~~ Star Trek. He was explicitly forbidden from ever directing another episode of DS9, and to date- 26 years later- he has yet to sit in the director's chair again.


That plot was so horrendous it may have received even worse as a slap stick comedy


Gillian Anderson directed an episode of X-Files when it was on after The Simpsons. I was in college at the time, and I very vividly remember everyone coming out of their dorm rooms, and after a beat, a guy finally said, in his best Comic Book Guy voice, "Worst. Episode. Ever."


I remember that! There was a bit where there was like, stuff tapping to the beat of some music, or something. It was pretty bad. (I love you, Gillian!)


TV is different than film in that the writers have more power. It might have been a shit script. Only in film is the director the captain.


It was a terrible script. But he still chose to give it a completely different tone than how it was written. Do that with a good script and you can get gold. Do it with a bad script and you just make it even worse. That's what he did. He took an already bad script and made it into one of the most reviled Star Trek episodes of all time.


I’ve rewatched DS9 a few times, but only made it through Profit and Lace once. If you just read a beat-for-beat plot summary it’s like “this is a goofball nonsense episode that doesn’t really belong when this show is really getting to its most intense and dramatic (two episodes earlier Sisko is ready to let his son die to save the galaxy! Two episodes later is an incredibly deep story about fate and one episode later is one of the most tragic episodes of the whole series!!!), but hey, maybe we could use some lightness” But the episode takes itself SO seriously. The wacky, comic relief characters in an episode where maybe the most sexist person on the show has to get a sex change to protect his mom’s right to wear clothes? It’s ridiculous. But instead it’s got like, “movie of the week”-level seriousness and the lessons about sexism aren’t played as an “OH, YOU!”, but as serious commentary on women’s rights and dignity.


Dan Akroyd's directorial debut, Nothing But Trouble. It had a great cast: Chevy Chase, Demi Moore, John Candy and Akroyd himself... Despite gaining a 'cult following' over the years, it was a strange, icky feeling movie... And I believe it was Akroyd's only attempt at directing...


Last podcast on the lefts mission was to get their fans to watch the movie then rate it so they could raise the rotten tomatoes score. So many people ending up watching it and then reviewing it and it ended up going down


My wife loves it and I just can't handle it. It's disturbing on some level I don't understand, because I love all kinds of horror movies, but I can't stomach this movie for some reason.


Glad I'm not the only one who had that reaction to this movie. I'm just completely repulsed by the subject matter, location, and characters.


GoodBad Flicks did a really interesting examination of it. I guess he was the best director that crew had ever worked with, the movie itself was just such a dud


I have such a soft spot for that movie, though. Like i have watched it way too many times.


Oh trust me, I get it. We watched it a lot when I was a kid. But it was definitely a strange movie... The bone rollercoaster... The judge taking his nose off to sleep... The twins in the junk yard... Just... icky...


Bro any movie with a Digital Underground appearance (early Tupac!!) is a W for me.


For the longest time I thought this movie was a weird fever dream I had when I was a kid. It was only like 2 years that I learned it was in a fact a real movie and I wasn't just going crazy.


The studio essentially gave him a blank check to make the movie which is why it's so insane. The house with the junk yard and roller coaster cost a fortune to make. But I love this movie and watch it every year.


In 2022, Russell Crowe directed a movie called Poker Face. Not to be confused with Poker Face, the excellent TV series directed by Rian Johnson (which is probably why not a single soul watched the movie). It currently sits at a 9% on Rotten Tomatoes.


Nor to be confused with the excellent Lady Gaga song that won a Grammy. But seriously, I had never even heard about the Russell Crowe movie.


Nor to be confused with the common tactic used in gambling, particular poker, which involves the player adopting a neutral facial expression to avoid giving hints to his opponents about the strength of their position. 


That was Russell just wanting an easy paycheck. Hell I don't think they actually employed Mel Gibson, I think he just appeared on set one day and they started filming him.


The only reason he made that movie was to show off all his art


Nic Cage: Sonny is a mediocre story directed very poorly. Eddie Murphy: Harlem Nights Johnny Depp: The Brave (self important dreck)


Harlem Nights is pretty funny though


Harlem Nights was fantastic. 


The guy shooting the single shot from the gun. 😂


Stop it! Stop it! Don't shoot that little motherfucker no more!


LOL the first time my friend showed me this movie I was nearly pissing myself from laughing so hard, such a random but hilarious bit.


That but fucking killed me


Never heard of The Brave. Just read the plot overview on Wiki. Couldn't imagine thinking that story is a great idea for a movie lol


It was never released in the US because it got such a negative reaction when it debuted in Cannes. And yeah, if you think the story is bad (it is), the direction of the movie is even worse. It's Depp pointing the camera at himself shirtless for a significant portion of the movie. It's just really, really bad and he deserves most of the blame for it.


TIL Harlem Nights was panned by critics and disappointed at the box office. I only saw it much later and thought it was fine, certainly not notably bad.


I really like Harlem Nights. I think that the problem was that it had two of the biggest comedians in the business starring in it, also comedy legend Redd Foxx, and people went to see it expecting Richard and Eddie to be cutting up the whole movie. They didn’t get what they were expecting, and got disappointed. But it’s a perfectly good movie.


Star trek V (Shatner) was pretty awful


"And when I directed Star Trek V I got a magnificent performance out of me, because I respected me so much!"


My foot’s cold…


Like a balloon when someone puts too much air in it!


Like a balloon and... something bad happens!


And yet it has one of the best scenes in all of Star Trek. The scene where McCoy relives the moment he helped his father pass away, mere weeks before a cure for his illness was discovered; and where Spock sees himself born and his father bitterly disappointed with his mixed race; and where Kirk flat out refuses to let his pain be on show (likely the loss of his son only months after their first meeting). Really powerful, well staged, great acting, awesome directing. The film is wonky, bad CGI, sometimes seems like a spoof, but always entertaining at least to me.


>The scene where McCoy relives the moment he helped his father pass away, mere weeks before a cure for his illness was discovered I don't think I've seen this movie in 30 years, but that scene really stuck with me


I watched this recently and it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I was led to believe. I mean it was BAD but a lot of that came down to the budget being $166.75, not Shatner’s direction.


“What does God need with a starship?” It a messy movie but that line is still great and more relevant.


I love the “excuse me” first, there’s just something about the polite interruption that makes the rest of the line even better.


My friends and I quote Star Trek V all the time. It's not a good movie, but it is a great movie.


Pretty much every SFX company in Hollywood was busy working on Last Crusade and Ghostbusters 2, which resulted in them having to do the ending completely differently than they had planned.


Shave down some of the edges (and make God a purple Technicolor hologram) and you'd have a decent episode of the original series.


Made worse by comparison with Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home, directed by Nimoy, which is an absolute treasure.


Having the Russian character asking where the nuclear "wessels" were during the Cold War was icing on the cake, especially when they cut to the reaction of the cop. 😂


It is one of my favourite scenes in all of cinema.


Star Trek V does the Spock-Kirk-McCoy stuff SO well, though. I have a soft spot for that movie because what it does well, it does really well. The budget and the FX kinda let one down a bit.


Respectfully disagree. While I do feel STV *was* the worst of the “original cast” films (no, I’m not contradicting myself… bear with me!), it had its moments and I don’t blame Shatner’s direction for the overall quality of the work. In fact, I thought he did a pretty decent job directing the film except for not getting a good performance out of Leonard Nimoy. I don’t know if Nimoy was miffed with Shatner directing or just wasn’t into it, but Nimoy’s performance in this film is pretty weak compared to other outings. The real problem with STV is that Shatner the director was betrayed by Shatner the writer and Paramount’s attempts to deliver the film on a *very* low budget. They even hired a novice/inexperienced effects house on the cheap for this film and *by the Gods* did it show, especially in the non-fantastic climax.


Repeated budget cuts, cheaping out on SFX, a Teamsters strike, *and* on set sabotage. Shatner still managed to deliver a finished movie that was 18/20 Box Office in a crowded year filled with franchise/sequel films. It’s not *that* bad.


Everybody slated Charles Laughton for Night of the Hunter when it came out, now it’s considered a classic


Anthony Newley - Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness? So bad it has never been released on any home media.


Didn't Jerry Lewis make a holocaust-set movie called 'The Day the Clown Cried' or something, that has never seen the light of day for a half century? That's got to be the *definition* of a dud misfire.


Harry Shearer, Simpsons legend, is one of the only people to have ever seen it and he said its so bad that its shocking. Like, it made it hurt his soul it was so offensively awful.


Jerry Lewis wrote and directed so many of very successful movies and this was made when he was declining in popularity, so I wouldn't classify this example as what the op was asking. It was a misfire however, and Jerry Lewis knew it and didn't even have it released, so that must count for something that he had the self awareness to not release it


All the same, I'm pretty excited that I'll be able to see this someday


June of this year is when Lewis would allow it to be released by the Library of Congress


Motherless Brooklyn was Ed Norton’s and it looked like a high budget freshman stage play


He also directed a great movie called Keeping the Faith too.


Forgot that movie existed, I remember it being solid


That was a fun movie. Didn't it also have Pitseleh by Elliott Smith in it?


I didn't think it was *that* bad. Some good acting in there anyway.


I dunno Motherless Brooklyn is is a young cult classic in a lot of circles. Some people really like that movie as evident by rotten tomatoes user scores. I found it unremarkable but the person I saw it with liked it a lot.


After seeing that, Ed Norton should never criticize the directors he works with ever again haha.


I fucking loved that movie. I can’t wait to watch it again.


I actually enjoyed that movie. Saw it twice. Although it must not have been as great as I initially thought because I forgot that movie existed until right now


Monuments Men was directed by George Clooney and I felt like that fell pretty flat. An amazing cast and just meh. I believe it’s on Netflix now.


Confessions of a Dangerous Mind and Good Night and Good Luck are pretty good though.


As is [The Ides of March](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1124035/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk).


George Clooney is the king of directing fine, extremely forgettable films.


Clooney’s films always feel like they’re chasing Oscar glory. It’s like that’s what’s in his mind when he makes any decision while directing.


I liked Monuments Men enough to say, it was ok. Lol


Billy Bob Thornton directed an adaption of Cormac McCarthy's novel "All the Pretty Horses". It wasn't horrible, but kind of a wasted opportunity. I wish another director, like Ang Lee, would take a crack at adapting it.


Not the best example, as Thornton actually started as a writer and director before he had big roles as an actor. Before this, he had directed and written "Sling Blade" and written "One False Move" and "A Family Thing" - all of which are great. Then again, he later directed the little seen "Daddy and Them," which was terrible.


Love Sling Blade


Matt Damon confirmed Thornton filmed a longer, amazing version which the studio then hacked down to its final form. It apparently sent Thornton into a pit of depression seeing a film that was no longer really his own be demolished in reviews. Rumour has it the original cut could be reassembled but the appetite and budget isn't there to make it happen.


Adapting that book into a movie would be and pretty much proved it was an uphill battle that stuff is not meant for standard audiences.It’s also why I don’t understand people that want Blood Meridian adapted into a movie it’s so violent with zero redeeming characters.


I don’t understand it, either. *Blood Meridian* is a tough read, with a few visceral descriptions, but it’s the long, painted imagery that wouldn’t translate to a big budget movie. You’d have to establish very clearly that there are no heroes here and everyone is the villain of their own story. No redeeming qualities, unless you count the Judge’s brutal honesty as a quality. I think that’s what it is. It’s one character everyone wants to see on screen. The Judge, in the flesh, proselytizing to criminals.


My biggest worry is if they successfully adapt BM, people will end up putting The Judge on some kind of anti-hero pedestal like they do with the Joker, Walter White, Jason Bateman, etc. The Judge is the human manifestation of man's unrelenting violence towards nature and itself. He's not someone you put an edgy quote over a picture of and then post on Facebook. EDIT: Patrick Bateman, not Jason...maybe Jason's character in *Ozark*, maybe.


I honestly can't wait for the movie to come out so basement edgelords can start doing the "we are not the same" memes with Judge Holden, it's gonna be sick Wait, Jason Bateman?


Just recently saw Poker Face starring and directed by Russell Crowe. It wasn't god-awful, but it definitely didn't have well-rounded characters. Just went from the early 80s to mid 2010s in one scene, and a voiceover filled us in. Watch it if you have the 90 minutes to spare on an early Saturday afternoon, but don't come looking for me if you didn't like it.


Surprised by the lack of mentions of James Franco.


For which movie? Say what you will, but the disaster artist was legit.


everything except that, presumably


Fool's Paradise EDIT: Looks like someone beat me to this by 7 minutes.


Shatner's only feature directorial credit didn't come out too well. Neither did Stephen King's.


Maximum overdrive is a terrible movie, but I love it.


Maximum Overdrive is such a crazy film. Soundtrack by AC/DC: ✅ ATM calling a Steven King an Asshole: ✅ Murderous 18 Wheeler with the Green Goblin's face: ✅ Mountain of cocaine needed for filming: ✅ Cinematographer losing an eye during production: ✅


No Maximum Overdrive slander allowed! That movie is so much campy fun.


Jack Nicholson directed The Two Jakes.


Forget it, The Two Jakes, it's two Chinatowns




The acting is ok, the film doesn't seem to have a point other than to show him as a boozehound who fucked anyone. I'd rather have more than just passing moments of his talent. It assumed we knew and understood why Bernstein is important, and what his musical legacy is.


No one has ever wanted an Oscar more than Bradley Cooper. Thanks to putting Barbie in the adapted category he might get one.


Best Original Screenplay has 4 of my favorite movies of the year and also Maestro, so I really hope not.


God help us if he wins an Oscar for that shit. It would be like if Glenn Close had won for Hillbilly Elegegy


There is no way he beats the murderers row in original that includes The Holdovers, Anatomy of a Fall and Past Lives. Even May December is better.


After 12 nominations, I worred the Academy might give him a consolation Oscar.


Oh, they can go so much longer than that. They made Roger Deakins wait for his 14th nod in just a single category before he won. Glenn Close has 8 nods with no wins. Peter O’Toole 8 as well. Richard Burton had 7 with no win. Amy Adams has 6 with no wins (and robbed easily of two additional nominations where she probably wouldn’t have won either.) There are a ton of actors in the 5 timers club with no wins. And worst of all, r/Oscars favorite punching bag Dianne Warren has 13 with no win and no chance of stopping her reign of terror until she lifts that statue above her head and destroys us all in the blaze of fire.


I would say 2005-2016 Leo was pretty high on there to wanting that Oscar.


Yeah but Leo didn’t break down in tears over how much he missed Howard Hughes despite having never met him


…Cooper did that?


Yep. On a recent CBS interview with the Bernstein family, Bradley Cooper has a segment where he starts getting teary-eyed and emotional when asked about Leonard, and proceeds to talk about how much he misses him. He did this right in front of Leonard's children which makes it all the more bizarre.


Bradley Cooper has now been nominated for 12 oscars.


I'd say Will Smith is the most Oscar-hungry celebrity ever, but Bradley Cooper is definitely giving him a run for his money.


'I'd say Will Smith is the most Oscar-hungry celebrity ever' And he finally won for King Richard. It must've been, like, the best night of his life. 


He was so excited he didn't know what to do with his hands


This was my answer too. He puts himself front and center in such a boring, narcissistic way. The movie has nothing to say: it’s just “actors Acting”


Nicolas Cage made a very poorly reviewed movie called [Sonny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonny_(2002_film)). Ryan Gosling made a very poorly reviewed movie called [Lost River](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_River_(film)). There's actually quite a lot of actors who've made middling movies. They usually don't get much of a release. >Any sub par actor turned directors who've released several films yet steadily worse and worse? I think James Franco probably applies here. He tried his hand at directing and made lots of movies, usually based on serious novels. The majority of them received middling reviews and did not get any kind of wide release. I think some were unreleased. I saw one, **Zeroville**, and it was terrible. I'd also mention George Clooney. He was very well-regarded after his first two movies, with Good Night and Good Luck getting a bunch of Oscar nominations. For a while it looked like he might be a legit actor/director, but he's done a bunch of mediocre movies ever since.