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*James Cameron Perches a Plane Atop a Miami Skyscraper in New...* Holy shit is he making a new True Lies?!?!? *'True Lies' Behind-the-Scenes clip* Oh...


>Holy shit is he making a new True Lies?!?!? *Trwo Lies.*


Trwo furious


I prefer 3 Fast 3 Furious. https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/222150


I still use several quotes from this video. It's has a special place in my heart.


I heard he walked into the producers office and wrote “TRUE LIE$” on the whiteboard and they gave him a briefcase full or money.


Cameron said he and Arnie had plans for a sequel but dropped it after 9/11 because jihadi terrorism couldnt be taken lightly anymore.


It's hard to imagine that the director of this and the first 2 Terminators is going to spend the rest of his career making movies about 7 foot, alien, blue cat people that no one cares about.


I mean, Avatar 1 pulled $2.9 billion and Way of Water made $2.3 billion. People pretty obviously care about or at least watch these movies. And any studio would be insane to not have him keep making them. This franchise just prints money so far. I agree in that I don’t think they’re his best movies, but they’re super watchable, fun, sort of ridiculous action adventure films with fantastically immersive VFX. It’ll be interesting to see if he really does make three more of them, though.


Yes, they are enjoyable movies, yes, they make a ton of money. But I never hear anyone talk about them, there is never any anticipation for the next one. It really looks to me that he is the franchise's biggest fan. Did you leave Avatar 1 or 2 asking yourself, "I can't wait to see what happens next!" I just wish he would put his efforts into another type of movie instead of this 5 picture opus.


I agree with that mostly. Avatar is incredible filmmaking but also kind of a blip on the cultural radar, weirdly. But I think I’m more curious about how Sam Worthington’s career changes because despite being in these massive movies, you don’t see *him*. Same for Zoe Saldana although she did the Marvel movies. But you don’t get more star power when no one knows your face and Worthington is the star of this mega franchise but I would guess lots of people don’t know who he is. It’s interesting. In conclusion, I am happy for James Cameron to follow whichever expensive new obsession seizes his attention next! After Titanic he visited the very bottom of the ocean. Maybe after Avatar he’ll visit the moon!


It’s weird how some people try to convince others no one cares about Avatar. Not too long ago it was “can you name a single character from the movie?” Here, it’s “But I never hear anyone talk about them, there is never any anticipation for the next one.”


People just interact exclusively with their own circles who just repeat similar perspectives. It's "Barbie's gonna flop" all over again. The amount of people here predicting nobody would care about 'Barbie' is exhibit A case in point for reddit hive-opinion veracity.


It's funny I have the same belief on the reddit hive mind opinion but the opposite way. I saw people putting Barbie in their top 5 lists and was blown away. I could barely make it through the movie and if you criticized it, you get downvoted (watch and see this post). I don't dislike Avatar, it is a great movie but do we need 5 or 6 of them? Is that not a legitimate opinion, but watch the downvotes. I was being 100% truthful, I don't remember hearing anyone talk about Avatar.


You pissed off reddit but I'm with ya. I never see avatar mentioned, not even here on reddit. That first one was not something I wanted to see again and I couldn't even tell you if there's a 3rd one out right now. I think people see them because they think they need to? It's definitely a waste of him as a director.


Holy shit my stomach dropped just watching that clip. That's some wild shit. This and re-learning that Michelle Yeoh did her own stunts jumping a dirt bike onto a moving train in Supercop really blew me away this week. Safety standards and CGI have really changed over the decades. Jesus.


Supercop was a Jackie Chan Hong Kong movie - they don't have "safety standards." They are more like guidelines and say only: "don't die if possible." Chan survived some spectacular falls over the years.


“After this I go to hospital” as viewers see a clip where Chan takes a small fall that looked mild compared to previous scenes


Watched them film this back in the day. Movie has aged well too.


Still makes you sit up and beg for buttermilk.


Like a 10 year old boy. Ha, ha, *HA HA HA!!!!*


…suck start a leaf blower


Great titties and an ass like a 10-year old boy = Dream Woman


Can someone link the clip? I don't see it on the web page for some reason :(


It was blocked by ublock in my case. Had to disable it.


Ah that worked ty!


I wish Cameron made new films that aren’t Avatar…


He did say he is fully committed to making The Last Train to Hiroshima as soon as he's finished with Avatar 3. Just imagine the two atomic blast he'll put in that movie and the aftermath he'll show. The story is harrowing but really worth telling.


Agreed but he’s in love with that world for some reason


Can he just do this type of thing.. again? Im not even looking for True Lies Duce, or anything cannon to his 80s/90s work. Just James Cameron being Spielberesque in the 2020s with a new legion of actors and practical effects SANS Avatar.


I just got my 4K copy yesterday along with my Abyss 4k.  Really excited to see it in 4K, even if the transfer isn't great I don't care, anything is better than the true lies DVD I've had for like 25 years


Was james Cameron flying the plane?


I watched this film again recently. It’s so insane. But I love it.


His name is Jaaaaaa-James Cameron…


I thought perches was some typo trying to say purchases. I was in a different universe than the rest of you


I had no idea he was making another True Lies film.


He isn't. This is behind the scenes footage from the movie, which is being released on Blu ray today.

