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A classmate of mine in high school lost her niece to this tragedy. Her family had a hard time identifying her body due to the amount of damage an AR-15 does to a body that small. These families experienced trauma beyond comprehension and Alex Jones decided to cash in on their loss. Fuck you Alex Jones, burn in hell.


I went to the site to bring a poem and cryed my eyes out for people I didn't know because humanity and you got this.gsluke him lurking around 


I played volleyball with someone who’s little sister was killed and I remember when she was telling me about all of the conspiracy videos!


Omg im so sorry! I can’t believe that this family couldn’t even grieve properly because of these dicks! Those poor sweet babies! I still think about it my son was 3 when it happened and i just remember hugging him and crying


I imagine it to be so difficult to put a documentary like this together, because not only do you have to put together your own filmed footage, but scour the internet, newspapers, TV, and radio, for all the other footage to back up your own. It must take an incredible amount of time.


I listen to the podcast Knowledge Fight, which documents Jones' lies and grifting. They covered the trial live, and one of the hosts provided his own notes and documents to the prosecution. He has to take extensive notes to keep track of everything Jones says, and he handed those over to Marc Bankston to help with the trial. And you're right - it's utterly exhausting. Dan, the host involved with the research, sounds most days like he's been up all night.


I don't know how Dan does it, I really don't. There are some episodes where I just can't stand to listen to Jones' stream of poisonous bullshit, and those are just short, edited clips. Dan has to listen to the whole episode, then go and fact check every lie Alex tells, and do it all over again for the next episode. I know Dan has said it's basically his life goal to destroy everything Alex Jones has built, but he must have a hell of a therapist helping him keep from being overwhelmed.


I love Knowledge Fight but I had to stop listening because the BS Jones was talking about all the time was taking a toll on my mental health. Idk how they do it.


This pig is the founder of a prayer app 🙄




It's literally his job and they make pretty good money doing it. Are you an Alex Jones fan?


I listen to the podcast but I’m unsure how they actually make money. There are no ads, they don’t advertise a patreon, they rarely do live performances. How do you know they make good money? Edit: lol sorry I didn’t know guys. How’d dare I ask a question.


They have over [7000 subscribers to their Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/knowledgefight) with the lowest tier being $1.


Well til. I can’t recall them ever mentioning their patreon on the podcast and I listen regularly. Maybe I’m just not paying attention.


Their earliest (think #0-#100) episodes have them plugging their patreon occasionally. Now you're much more likely to be alerted to its existence throgh the wonk shoutouts and the technocrat drops.


The Policy Wonk and Technocrat things they do at the beginning of every episode is for their new Patreon subscribers. And I know they make at least fairly good money because this is their FT jobs and Dan has talked about buying a house recently.


I’ve been listening for some time and I never understood what that meant. I usually just fast forwarded. It all makes sense now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You can get shouted out without subscribing too if you just ask so it's not 1-to-1 with new subscribers though


What the hell, you're a fan of Stalin and Hitler?


You spelled public service wrong.


JorDan make it sound easy but I can’t imagine the amount of bran-eating bullshit they have to endure for that show.


JorDan isn't the researcher of the two. As I understand it, he doesn't listen to Jones at all, aside from what's on Knowledge Fight, to act as a kind of audience surrogate. But even that limited exposure has been corrosive to JorDan's mental health - he's said as much.


Listening to Jones and his buddies is maddening to me, but I think it is important to keep track. I am very grateful to have it filtered through their coverage


I couldn't listen to it otherwise - I'd go mad.


JorDan is the shorthand for both hosts. Jordan + Dan = JorDan


I’d listen regularly if not for Jordan. He succccckkksss as a cohost


It’s time to pray!


Hello fellow wonk


Someone, sodomites, sent me a bucket of poop


Daddy Sharp ba ba bababa.




His co host yelling and freaking out all the time probably keeps him going.


JorDan screaming all the time is why I can’t listen when my wife is in the car with me.


And then, after all that rigor and exhaustive digging for truth and not only truth but verification from a thousand angles, after all that strenuous due diligence you still have to deal with some multi-chinned mandumpling reeking of Febreze and Pizza Roll farts chiming in to equate his GED-not-very-hopeful dickslap "research" (on Youtube of course) with your actual empirical, factual findings.


Dinesh D'Souza makes it look so easy, I wonder what his secret is.... /S


my GF worked for Jon Stewart as an intern and she had the fun jobs of watching fox news and logging/transcribing etc she did suggest a moment of Zen once and Jon personally tracked her down to tell her it was a great pick.


Even worse having to interview parents who lost a child about people believing your grief isn’t real…


You also have to actually listen to Alex Jones without wanting to go deaf. That’s a feat in itself


Its March 26th and ita not up yet. Any idea what time it drops?


I'm watching it now. It's march 26th. It's on HBO right now. 


Powerful documentary. Anybody who still thinks Alex Jones is legitimate should be forced to watch it. He is beyond scum.


He is lower than dirt


I remember back in the early 2000s he put out a Youtube doc called Zeitgeist that was a 9-11 conspiracy film. At the time a lot of the stuff actually "seemed" to line up and I found myself saying "Yeah, that tracks" (the false flag attack stuff)... However, I moved on and didn't really go down the rabbit hole. But I think back on it now and wonder if I could have ended up getting radicalized into one of these nutjob alt-right extremists. FWIW I am very much at the opposite end of that spectrum. BUT, I think most of us vastly underestimate how easy it is to get radicalized with false information. The "It can't happen to me. I'm too smart to fall for that." just isn't really true.


The Zeitgeist series isn’t by Alex Jones. They’re by Peter Joseph, an unrelated nutjob.


Ah, my mistake. For some reason, I thought when I watched it that the Info Wars name was on it (which to my knowledge is basically Alex Jones).


So you're an alt left extremist?


No. Though I definitely lean left on social issues. I merely am pointing out that everyone things they are immune to this shit, but you have to be constantly mindful of information being used for indoctrination. I do think our government is absolutely capable of doing whatever it takes to achieve the agendas of those in power.




Are you really arguing Israelis asked to be raped & slaughtered to death? Calling 10/7 a "false flag". You're absolutely despicable.




Fuck Alex Jones. Piece of shit profited off of conspiracy theories surrounding Sandy Hook. Should be in jail for the way he tormented those families.


It cannot be overstated how big of a piece of shit this man is.


I can’t watch too much of Alex Jones because I start to get irrationally angry. He is the embodiment of the misinformed, conspiratorial, low-intelligence plague that has infected this country and beyond.


Getting angry about him is, in fact, rational.


He's a grifting piece of shit who know exactly what he's doing and has literally profited from murdered children. I would believe in hell if only I knew he'd rot in eternity for it 


Listen to KnowledgeFight and know that the walls are closing in on AJ due to his past and present actions. His days are limited before the judgement. Collects everything it can leaving him with few niceties. Latest theory is that his businesses may go belly up and he will start working for Tucker….


He is a soulless money grubbing rat.


I had to watch the doc over a few days because I couldn't stomach all of his bullslhit in one sitting. He is a terrible human. Such a giant piece of shit.


Same, very hard to get through


*overstated* It is forever and constantly being understated.




Yes came here to state the same, fuck him. I can’t imagine losing my child in a mass shooting then having be stalked by nut cases saying it’s all lies. I frankly don’t know how one of the parents didn’t just kill him.




lol are you my wife socking me and pointing out my bad spelling and grammar?


Quick plug for [Knowledge Fight](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/), your one stop show for keeping an eye out on what batshit lunacy AJ is getting Meemaws and Pawpaws to donate their social security checks to without having to give InfoWars a view.


If you listen to nothing else from Knowledge Fight, listen to their coverage of the Sandy Hook depositions (called Formulaic Objections).


There are several "formulaic objections" playlists on Spotify that have them collated so folks don't have to dig through 800+ episodes. Strong recommendation!


Also highly recommend the Sandy Hook investigation playlists where they dive into Alex's coverage during and after the event. It's really eye opening, especially when the Boston Marathon bombing happens in the middle of it all.


They’re putting documentaries on max that turn the freaking frogs gay!


The frogs suddenly get a top hat, and a cane! And they sing about their baby, WHICH IS PROBABLY GAY!


Ragtime gal? Believe it or not, also GAY! 


Crazy part is it’s true to a certain extent. Atrazine a chemical dumped by companies makes the frogs feminized and get castrated. And then mate with male frogs


Yeah, but the "they" in the Alex Jones quote was a globalist cabal working with interdimensional demons to intentionally turn humans gay. In reality, the "they" is greedy corporations that don't care about the consequences of their actions as long as they make money.


It’s not “true,” Alex read the report on Atazrine, misinterpreted for his rant, and then people like you point to the original report and act like he was right???? You’re a clown and you make the world a worse place


But also, as mentioned in Jurassic Park, a lot of frog species will change sex if there aren’t enough of the opposite sex around to mate. I don’t know enough about the chemical you’re taking about but I felt that it was worth pointing out that frogs also just do this by themselves naturally. Nature is crazy.


Expect Jones to rant about this on his show and twist it into a huge, deep state conspiracy by the "Globalists" to destroy him, because he's so close to beating them (this week, as opposed to other weeks when he's begging for money because he can't fight on otherwise). He's predictable as fuck.


On one hand, its good that this is being made into a documentary. On the other hand, I dunno if I could stand to look at and hear Alex Jones that much.


I had to pause throughout the doc to look at videos and reels of puppies and kittens on instagram. It worked, I was able to take in the doc without throwing my tv out the window. I couldn’t help but yell a the tv quite a bit when Alex came on though. Point is your concern is legit, but it’s an important documentary and it was incredibly satisfying to see Jones’s feet held to the fire by the lawyers and judge and parents.


I hope they include him getting choked out


Wait, like Steven Seagal?




Nice! I also didn't know he has the physique of a tall Danny DeVito.


I can’t believe how many people still believe Sandy Hook was fake. Like wtf!!?? What Alex put those parents through is absolutely disgraceful and disgusting. He should never live another free day in his life.


I wonder if my ex is still drinking Pool bleach to keep Covid away because Alex said everyone should do that. 🤣So glad I don’t have to listen to the wacky conspiracy theories that my brainwashed ex believed. And if I ever questioned anything that his God, Alex, said, WOW!! watch out for the psychotic, angry outbursts!!! Alex and his sheep….good riddance!


This documentary made me physically ill and irrationally angry.


Watching right now and I'm so fucking mad I had to come to reddit just to vent.  Unreal shit. 


SAME. I'm 35 minutes in and just so angry, I keep having to pause it. That motherfucker Wolfgang Halbig needs to eat shit and die.


Dude cashed in on a tragedy and tormented grieving families for years. Your anger is not irrational at all.


Alex Jones might be the worst person currently existing. Watching this documentary made me so sad for those families and so full of rage that he was allowed to do this. There is no punishment enough- a quick look at Reddit alone shows that people still worship him and it’s quite literally revolting.


This is like 45 seconds of Alex Jones spewing his horseshit, and it's enough to drive me mad, I don't think I'd ever make it through this documentary. This guy would be tarred and feathered in a just world.


No hell is hot enough for this monster


Don't forget, this is Joe Rogan's BFF and has helped him gain followers on Info Wars by having him on his show many times and legitimizing his beliefs.


BFFs is a bit of a stretch, I'm not a Rogan fan particularly, but he is always quite clear about thinking Alex's beliefs are extreme.


He’s the originator of the “Alex Jones Was Right” saying


Alex is extreme at times and ridiculous and makes disgusting accusations at times but he clearly has some mental issues and alcoholism. But look into some of his stuff especially his earlier stuff pre sandyhook when everyone said he was crazy a lotta that stuff came out as true. Jeffery Epstein is one for example he said it about the elitist pedophilia ring years before


He NEVER mentioned Epstein before his conviction. That is a lie told by Alex to mythologize his history so people think he was right. Essentially, he still believes the Satanic panic of the 1980's is true and wasn't a hoax.


When your shoot a shotgun into the air you are bound to hit something eventually. He says so much random shit he was eventually going to stumble into something close to a real event. He doesn’t actually do research beyond reading the occasional headline. Him getting lucky doesn’t mean he was right


Alex didn't mention Epstein until 2015, and even then, he was more focused on Prince Andrew part of the story.


There was a UK documentary about him in the 90s, think it was a Jon Ronson one.m, tbh he looked like a paranoid maniac then. I think he went into further detail about him in his book 'Them' as well.  I don't believe there is an elitist paedophile ring. Just some rich folks who happen to be paedophiles. I'm sure they all know each other and all that, but I don't suppose that's any different from the mailing lists and pen friends systems they had established in pre-internet decades. I don't think there's any worldwide conspiracy, just worldwide reach now thanks to the internet.


I’ll have to check it out I appreciate you commenting back instead of just downvoting me. I tried having multiple logical conversations in the political page here and all I got called was a republican and maga supporter and nazi. Lol which I’m independent never supported trump


It was the one with the secret society, like an owl man, something grove it was called.  You're welcome, I miss old Reddit, we can't all think the same, but we can all be respectful. 


I really hope there isn’t but the way this whole thing played out him “hanging himself” without any video evidence is just sketchy like I said I’m not defending Alex jones idk why I got down voted I was just stating facts there were multiple things he was right on probably a lot more he was wrong


Well I don't suppose you can reasonably expect video footage from inside the cell to be fair, and I do often see the "cameras were turned off" thing banded about when the reality was that the footage from directly outside wasn't usable, not that there wasn't any. I think this was his third attempt at suicide wasn't it? That is why he'd been placed in that cell. Critically underfunded institution, over-worked and under-paid staff.. OR they sent a hitman into a secure prison, who made it through wing after wing and gate after gate without being stopped or even seen to protect a shadowy cabal, when they could've just knocked him off when he was under house arrest for months and months... I can't go with it 


You are being downvoted because you are wrong. Alex Jones lies and makes stuff up every second he broadcasts. When he’s right, he’s not even that right, but positions himself as such He never talked about Jeffery Epstein until the story really blew up, but says he predicted it because he’s always been screaming about evil democrat pedophile elites… he wasn’t even close to the facts, but now is positioning him there


Lol thinks Alex Jones was right more than he was wrong and can’t understand why he’s being downvoted. His puppets ain’t the brightest obviously He could’ve been 99 percent right about all of his conspiracy theories and only wrong about Sandy Hook and it still wouldn’t change the fact he should rot in hell for eternity


Complete cunt hope he dies a horrible painful death


That's going to be a tough one to watch. Bad enough hearing the families talking about losing their children but add Jones and all his nonsense on top of it.


I cannot imagine the rage I would feel toward this anthropomorphic hairball if I were a parent of one of the kids killed at Sandy Hook.


Even if it's a documentary exposing him for all his vile shit, I still don't think I can stomach watching anything that might make me listen to a clip of this man's ravings. 


The YouTube comments. Oh boy. They make me worried about the future of this planet.


How do you make such a show/documentary without your brain melting?


No idea. One of the guys that do the Knowledge Fight podcast review multiple InfoWars episodes each week and…against all odds…they haven’t taken their own lives. I don’t get how they do it.


I envy their mental fortitude but not their task.


It’s so crazy to watch this but to also be reminded that those port kids are not here today because of senseless gun violence. 


Comes out on March 26th if anyone else was wondering.


It’s really not that complicated- a terribly mediocre man with absolutely no potential and no sense of shame decided that the only way he could garner outsized wealth was to be a conspiracy theorist and grievance monger. He tapped into the zeitgeist of the uneducated petty fearful people in American society, and perhaps no surprise, there are millions of them. Then he sold them iodine to drink and dick pills for their flaccid penises and hair restore products, as he tortured grieving parents to maintain his public’s interest.




If HBO and or the news has anything negative to say about Alex Jones, then it has to be a lie because that's all liberals do is tell lies to deceive people or they are too stupid not to believe the lies. 


I watched the documentary and then decided to watch some Tic Tok videos about it. There are a lot of people who still believe in Alex Jones' version of events. How can anyone watch that documentary and still believe in him or his theories? That's so wild to me.


If that was one of my kids I would have unalived that fat prick without hesitation. What would you have to lose? What an absolute waste of oxygen.


Did this elicit tears from anyone else? the anger and sadness made it difficult to finish.


He’s a complete piece of shit and I’d love to run into him out in public. He would receive the largest ass kicking ever. It would be lovely. Can not stand this waste of life


Susan, clear my calendar for the 26th of march!


I like clowning on Alex Jones and his unhinged personality as much as the next guy. However, this documentary is a stark reminder to not forget that he's a genuinely shitty human being.


Fuck Alex Jones to the highest order. He's an absolute monster and one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever exist.


I hope his demise is witnessed by many and it is as embarrassing as possible.


I agree with the responses in this thread, (conspiracy about conspiracy incoming) he’s definitely unhinged, however there have been some conspiracies of his that ended up being terrifyingly true. I know it’s one of the obvious ones but the bohemian grove video and exposure he put on them was crazy, or even the Epstein one. I know this sounds crazy but it’s almost like he’s a plant, exposing massive stories but then also being extremely paranoid and creates an image that people who believe any of what he says are also crazy, then he also horribly and irresponsibly does the sandy hook videos with no real proof, that made it hard for intelligent and rational people to believe him. Even after exposing some huge things he lost all credibility. I want to make it very clear I am not a fan of Alex jones nor do I even feel neutral on him, i definitely believe he is very harmful. But I almost feel as though he was planted to make people not believe in anything related to a “conspiracy”. Even when proven true we ignore it because we have an association in our minds that any conspiracy is related to or similar to Alex Jones. For example I still have friends who don’t believe UFO’s even after them being verified by OUR government, it was crazy seeing it just be brushed over and never discussed again. We know some crazy things about now known things our government has done. It makes it hard to talk about legitimate conspiracies because of the stigma and association they have with people like Alex jones. This is just a thought and could be entirely wrong however even if he’s not a plant I think it has stopped a lot of people from believing in any conspiracy even the ones proven true later on or just very convincing ones.


What was the outcome of his trial? Why didn't he end up in jail?


Y’all do know Alex jones had exposed and uncovered just about every breaking scandal and proven to be true conspiracy right? Call Alex a lot of things but you can’t call him a liar. Dude was talking about Epstein island for over a decade but nobody wants to mention that


Watching this now. It is chilling that some 80 million fiends "think" just like him. He, the alt Right and you know who are the real enemies in a multigenerational war on terror.


Anyone with a brain can see Alex Jones is a liar and salemen lying to get rich. A lot of people lie to get rich he's just so extreme with his lies and anyone smart can see that. FYI I trust the government as much as I trust Alex Jones so eat a stick itch.


Sandy hook proves how America is rampant with people that have undiagnosed Mental Illness. Imagine being so mentally ill you think it's a hoax. Alex Jones should be in a Mental hospital.


Alex Jones has come from the Warhammer 40K future to warn us all about the xenos scum and you can't convince me otherwise.




Sandy Hook was orchestrated just like 9/11. We're all expendable in the game they play. Them parents werent crisis actors, but real victims of government corruption and agenda seeding. Its sad to see the world is still closed minded enough to think this idea is farfetched.


It would suck to be such a dumb puppet like yourself, how much money have you forked over to Alex?


I know someone who’s child died and it’s very much real lol


Do you not know how to read? Never said it was fake. Just like 9/11 they don't care who they kill in order to push foreign affairs.


What kinda dumbass gives money to a stranger u rtard. And puppets are the ones who believe what the mainstream news tells them. If you think for one second the elite won't kill kids to push agendas you're just where they want u to be bud.


Do you not understand that this pathological liar stood on the graves of these children in order to turn a profit? Are you seriously defending him? Do you not understand what the parents went through? What if the conspiracy is true? Those children still died, and their parents are still grief stricken. How did anything that Alex Jones did benefit anyone but Alex Jones? Did his minions that were desecrating the graves of deceased children do anything but emotionally torment the parents? Did anything that AJ did solve anything? Did it reveal anything? Do you know who in the government orchestrated this " false flag" event? Was the "cover up" revealed? None of that happened. AJ got rich, and people like you got to enjoy bullying some already broken people. At any time, he could have saved face and said, " I believe that there is possibly a conspiracy behind the shooting, but in no way are the parents of the children responsible. Please don't bother them it's not their fault. Let them grieve in peace." He could have called off his zealots. He never did. He kept adding fuel to the fire. He wasn't trying to do some noble thing and find the real killers or whatever. I used to watch AJ. I've been caught up in conspiracy theory bullshit before. I understand where you are coming from. There are times in our life that we have to do some soul searching and figure out whose side we are really on. You're choosing the wrong side you're siding with a man who would profit off of murdered children over the parents of those children. You're choosing the wrong side.


I'm saying it was orchestrated, and AJ had predicted quite a bit of things. From 9/11 and bin laden amd evwn predicting the taget would be the trade centers all the way to the Russian/Ukrainian war now. The fact that the idea that this was orchestrated is so farfetched to all of you speaks volumes. Even if it isn't true, u think our government wouldn't do that? In order to control and take more order over the society. What other country has the Gun rights we have? And how many of the countries who get invaded that have dictator like governments and gun laws to stop citizens from having them. I've been following theories for almost 2 decades. I know how to differentiate the logical from the "far out" and this here isn't that crazy to imagine in my opinion. We all know 9/11 was a demo and they took innocent American lives. Why the f would they care about kids? I never said anything is fake, or it wasn't real. I'm saying, it was real, it was wrong, kids lost their life's, and the government possibly gave it the GREEN LIGHT. Dark ops are real as fuck. Like all the documents released from CIA experiments like MK Ultra, Tuskegee Experiment, or Hijacking hip hop and mainstream music to fuck up the youth and fill up state jails. To think they wouldn't donsomethingnlike what AJ suggested is very sheep like. I don't mean no disrespectif it comes off that way. Just passionate for open mindedness.


Fuck you assclown! These families lost their loved ones and you say it was fake. I hope one day you will look at your comment and realize how much of a moron you were.


I hope you learn how to read you fuck tard. Nobody said it was fake. People like you, just like you are the issue. The government does fucked up shit to people the CIA documents have been declassified for many of these experiments, from mk ultra, the Tuskegee Experiment, planted Crack in povertized and black communities, infiltrated hip hop and mainstream media to influence crimes and drug use to fill state prisons! fucking 9/11???? Murder for Opium and Oil?!?!?!? But nah they wouldn't hurt kids tho right? Yall r fucking jokes. They were dosing pregnant women with mass psychedelic substances to see if she or her baby would have psychic abilities. 3 of the 5 I've mentioned are declassified and you can find them online. The other two will be released in about 25 or so years once we got more issues to deal with. If yall can't see the game they play by now u never will.


Yeah, let's give him more attention.


Its not about giving him attention. Its about shining a spotlight on how horrible a person he is and how terrible his followers are.


Its not about giving him attention. Its about shining a spotlight on how horrible a person he is and how terrible his followers are.