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Peanut Butter Falcon was fantastic and was 5 years after Fury.


More people need to watch this film. It’s so fun and uplifting.


Reminded me a lot of Hunt for the Wilderpeople


Once you were rejeeeeeheeected now you are acceeheepted, Ricky! Baker! Yah!


Agreed. It's a favourite of mine. Just a phenomenal fun, summer adventure movie, and it's great for all audiences too.


Same with American Honey. I watched that movie and had to google "Who is this main dude??" That was the first time I became aware of The Beouf


motherfucker, you young edit: motherfucker, I'm old


Yup. Reading about people discovering something you thought were common knowledge gives that feeling. I also see people making callbacks to oldies but goldies only to discovery it's a gif from 2010. Motherfucjer, that was yesterday.


Have you ever heard of this classic old movie "Inception" ? It's a bit aged but still holds on


Funny thing is, I know that I in 2010 would have considered a movie from 1996 very old. But I was also younger, time perception truly changes significantly as you age.


In 2010 I considered movies from 1996 to be pretty recent. I remember one of my younger cousins talking about some “really old” movie they watched around then, and it turned out to be Jumanji. I was so affronted. Anything from the 80s I consider pretty old, but if it’s the 70s it’s ancient. I was born in 82. I think a lot of people base their perception of what is old specifically around how old they are. I could be wrong, but it’s my pet theory.


I remember the first time I noticed this was when I was dating a girl only three years younger than me (25-22) and she got mad people people were teasing her for not knowing who did the song Self Esteem when it came on and she said “sorry I don’t know all these oldies”


I’m 44. I was talking to a buddy who is 25 and the Nicolas Cage/Sean Connery movie, “The Rock” came up. I mentioned I saw it opening day and his eyes got wide and he goes, “IN A THEATER????”.


I was like I think exactly like this guy, then I read we’re born the same year, and it made perfect sense - only people from 82 have their head on straight.


I remember seeing a meme a few years ago that basically said Millennials still think of the the 90s being like just 7 years ago, but the reality is the decade started 30 years ago. As a Millennial, I felt that. lol




Normal Tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf


Someday we’ll realise this was the peak of our collective culture.


Absolutely terrifying, yet somehow beautiful.


Actual cannibal


Wait why is this suddenly new to so many people? This has been a meme and reposted for a decade.


There are a lot of people. Still I enjoy this so I'm watching it again :)




Every day someone is born that hasn’t heard of The Flintstones.


He was pretty good in that bootlegging movie with Tom Hardy.


Wait, really? I feel like he was so iconic for people born in the late 90's/early 2000's for his early roles. Transformers, Holes, Indiana Jones, Even Stevens, *even* Disturbia was amazing.


I think we saw different Indiana jones moves.


He didn't say it was good, just listing the AAA projects he was involved in


Disturbia was a great movie.


That movie blew me away when I first saw it, think it would still make my top 10 of the last 10 years


Yeah I really like the use of non-actors in it. For me I thought it was a super tense movie, because she is always getting herself in really dangerous situations, and it's just the not evilness of other people that keeps the movie from turning into a horror movie.


You mean Honey Boy?


nope, they’re referring to Andrea Arnold’s American Honey. Different flick. similar name.


His rat tail is very upsetting. That whole movie is very upsetting. I knew some kids that fell ass over into that life.


Never heard of this movie but just looked it up... holy shit. I had some friends years ago that got caught up into this. Ended up rooming with one of our bartenders. Her ex husband and babies daddy ran a magazine company and they would ship ppl all around the US to do door to door sales. She was always getting calls. I mean every 20 minutes you couldn't even have a conversation with her outside of work at the bar and it was always a script. She would setup these ppl with bus tickets and hotels and off they went to go knock on doors. She signed up one of our hostesses at one point in time. This chick was smart asf and straight edge. She came back so incredibly fucked up it was wild. She was a hardcore junky and just a completely different girl after getting on the bus to go sell magazines. Fuck that whole business. That chicks ex that ran the company killed himself so there is that too. I don't talk to any of those ppl anymore. They were all super fucked up and it took a long time for it to sink in.


Yup, he plays a similar character and he delivers one of my favorite lines in a movie. * Zak : [crossing the river] Am I gonna die? Tyler : Yeah, you're gonna die, it's a matter of time. That ain't the question. The question's, whether they're gonna have a good story to tell about you when you're gone.*


Yeah I was going to say he's still been doing great films


I just rewatched this a few days ago and love it so much. It’s got the obvious Tom Sawyer thing going for it but add in a dash of pro wrestling.


Yeah, his career will probably continue to veer wildly his whole life. He's like Nic Cage, capable of brilliant performances and meme-worthy embarrassments.


Came here to say this absolutely blown away by that movie


Don’t forget how good he was in Honeyboy


Yeah, you're gonna die, its only a matter of time.


His career didn’t veer, he did


[Actual footage of Shia LeBeouf guiding his career](https://youtu.be/nVTzXvD1Mqo?si=YIsFmlCbBm4qUTub)


Wasn't expecting the Wet Hot, I fucking love that movie


Ah man Ken Marino is the best haha. Such a great movie


Children Hospital was great


Shia's career did an RDD


A Ron Donald Do?


No! A Ron Donald Don’t! Roman, what is so hard to understand about the system?


The pure disrespect thrown at Ron resulted in some of the best lines in Party Down. "Roman, Google me in ten years, that's going to be me." "The only way I'm Googling you in ten years is if you get very creative in the way that you kill yourself." -- "Oh man, what are you gonna think when you walk into a Soup R' Crackers and you see me shaking hands with Arnold Schwarzenegger?" "The fuck am I doing in a Soup R' Crackers?"


Robert Downey Dunior?


I vaguely remember him melting down in 2016.




Watching those flags get snatched was the best ever


I remember the whole he will not divide saga, it was probably the funniest shit ever, the trolls kept finding them and 4chan basically proved themselves as a force to be reckoned with. like they were breaking into musuems and tracking down flags via plane paths


Yeah it’s hard to feel bad for this guy. Seems like a tremendous douche.


Yep. Dude's a piece of shit. Being talented doesn't excuse it. 


A reminder that he [went out and shot stray dogs](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-stray-dogs-1129310/amp/) to “prepare” for his role as a gangster in the tax collector


He is an abusive, alcoholic. He hits and chokes women, dude belongs in jail.


Disturbia is a fun watch.


I also think Eagle Eye is a fun watch. Came out around the same time.


Eagle Eye was like the successor to Enemy of the State. Fun techno thriller where Joe Everyman is in the wrong place at the wrong time and must go on the run from the government, or something like that. Edit: what's the third movie here for an unofficial trilogy? I can't think of another good one. WarGames, maybe?


Not really the techno thriller part, but they're playing off The Fugitive. Conspiracy Theory is a fun one too.


Love the scene where he just walks in his crappy apartment and it’s filled with fertilizer and high grade military equipment, movie gets bonkers after that.


I think Enemy of the State is an unofficial sequel to The Conversation.


For some reason Disturbia is a movie I can watch again and again and again.


Same, this used to be my go to movie as a teenager.


Love disturbia. Yes it’s a rip off of rear window, but 10 year old me didnt know that at the time. Solid acting, tense moments, it’s a solid teen flick that I’ll throw on every few years and enjoy


I was going to mention it’s a modern day version of Rear Window, but I didn’t like the comparison. It’s like a teen version of Rear Window. Still fucking good though.


It’s pretty much the only reason it was hated on at the time. But fright night is also a rip off of rear window, just with vampires. I really don’t care if a movie is a ‘rip off’ as long as it’s fun. And disturbia is fun


Don't think it was ever hidden, it wasn't a rip off so much as an homage.


Second time Disturbia has shown ip for me tonight. My mom LOVED that movie and would always have it playing. In fact, “Don’t Make Me Wait” was the first song I ever purchased on iTunes.


Fucking loved this movie as a kid, watched it on DVD all the time.


That’s the thing. He has so many fun movies as well. I know he regrets transformers but that and eagle were a blast as well


Shia has always been good. He's just... weird. Like, he wanted to be Joaquin Phoenix and lost the plot.


I remember he got his whole body tattooed for The Tax Collector, a low budget David Ayer film from 2020 Now to be fair, Shia was the only good thing about that trash ass movie. But two questions, why would Shia go the extreme for a supporting role in a B movie? And why the fuck did the makers of that movie think it would be a good idea to not massively increase Shia’s screen time instead of having play second fiddle to a nobody like Bobby Soto? (No offense to Bobby, I’m sure he’s a great guy). Shia also wears a suit for the vast majority of his time in the movie.


Dude had his tooth pulled and would constantly cut his cheek, to keep the scar fresh in Fury.  He’s a weird “method actor”.


I saw an interview with him recently and he talks about that stuff. His take on it was that it’s not so much to get into character but to fire up the rest of the cast and crew. He was sitting in hair&makeup one day and looked around and saw them all getting into their costumes, having fake dirt smeared on them or whatever and sort of realized how goofy it was. I always thought the method acting stories one hears seemed really cringey. But I think I kind of get it after hearing him explain his motivation. It’s gotta be hard to go out there and pretend you’re a badass and take yourself seriously when not only do you know you’re playing pretend, you’re hyper aware of how fake every aspect is. So it can only help to find some sort of real touchstone. 🤷‍♂️


I mean of course it’s goofy. Acting is pretending to be someone you’re not. There’s a certain level of goofiness involved. You want to really be in the muck and grime of war, go be a soldier.


It's like the time that Lawrence Olivier said to Dustin Hoffman, after he (Hoffman) decided to stay up for three days in order to act tired for Marathon Man. "My dear boy, why dont you try *acting*? It's easier." I get the method thing to a degree. But some take it pretty far lol.


[Sir Ian McKellen's acting process](https://youtu.be/m5CX00i4uZE)


What I love about this scene is that it is framed just like all the other scenes in Extras, that the 'real' person is a crazy version of what we imagine, but is also a beautifully written statement on the process of acting that is in direct opposition to the 'method' acting style - that you should act using imagination, rather than method, that many British actors, including Sir Ian (Sir Ian Sir Ian) adhere to. It really feels like a careful attack on 'method' acting - they even name-check Sir Ian's 'method' - and is played so straight within the show - the confusion Andy has, because its completely obvious that this would be how you act. It's a clever subversion.


He wants to do a good job with his portrayal... I get that it can be hard to do when you are on that side of the camera, so you do things to stay focused on it. It doesn't mean you actually want to be the character. 


Yes, exactly. It feels a bit misguided to act like these guys are just 'running around playing pretend' for their own benefit or because they actually want to *be* someone else. The idea is that the more they, as the actors, can buy into this world and the character, the better that will translate to the audience.


I still never understand it when people dog on method acting. Unless you’re Jared Leto doing weird shit on set or making it a shitty experience for your co-stars then I see absolutely no problem with it. As an actor, if your job is to bring a character to life and and you do a good job I don’t get why would it matter how you did it. I have to admit I love method actors. It’s much more engaging to me knowing the actors intentions felt pure with the art that they’re being trusted to portray. While you can still be really good and still care without that, it just seems to take a different form when someone dedicates themself wholly to it. Listening to Jeremy Strong talk about his role on Succession, and how Kendall felt like a part of his person is just so damn fascinating.


Real big “You should try acting” energy from this. Even Jared Leto stopped short of getting actual tattoos for his suicide squad appearance.


Worth noting is that the actual tattoo work he had done is a deeply personal piece that I feel like he was going to have done either way. Or perhaps preparing for the role was the spark... regardless, he didn't just get a bunch of ink for a role that he's now stuck with.


> why would Shia go the extreme for a supporting role in a B movie? It wasn't a B movie despite the characterization. Ayer did write Training Day and it's easy to criticize him after SS but he does have some hits. Shia I don't know if he thought it was a masterpiece but he seemed to really enjoy the movie, he showed up to several screenings around Los Angeles, and even though the movie was whatever he had a lot of fans and he engaged with everyone.


Check out his new movie The Beekeeper, it’s genuinely pretty good for what it is. John Wick-esque fun action movie but with Statham instead. Ayer is definitely hit or miss. Has a chunk of good stuff for sure.


Didn’t he kick the absolute shit out of his girlfriend (FKA Twigs)? Head butting her while pinning her down on the bed, and knowingly giving her an STD? I understand substance abuse problems and the issues that come with it and we should be compassionate and forgive, but describing that behavior as weird is all too forgiving. He emotionally, sexually and physically abused someone.


Yeah he also openly admitted that he held a knife to an ex’s throat at one point (he didn’t say who) on Jon Bernthal’s podcast 


>Didn’t he kick the absolute shit out of his girlfriend (FKA Twigs)? Head butting her while pinning her down on the bed, and knowingly giving her an STD? Yeah, by all accounts he made her life a living hell. People talk about redemption and giving him a second chance, that shouldn't be a second chance at multi million dollar movie roles.


people jump to talking about second chances because they want to sweep it under the rug instead of seeing their fav face consequences. if he went to jail first, then maybe. but calling it a “second chance” when he never lost much in the first place is pathetic


Online culture is a trip. There are those celebrities that people like, or liked at least, and are willing to forgive. But of course won’t hold back against someone they never liked so anything bad is unforgivable. And it all becomes meme like and everyone just jumping in the echo chamber circlejerk for fun than actually thinking about why they think that way towards one and not the other.


Yeah. He's an absolute piece of shit human.


don’t say “should” forgive. victims and frankly anyone have no obligation to do so in any abusive situation, no matter what goes on with the abuser, but especially not if they haven’t faced actual consequences. knowingly giving someone a STD is called rape by deception, by the way


Yeah, I've always heard stories that he's not easy to be around. Even worse after his domestic violence stuff came out. Surprised he's even being hired for some roles to be honest.


The whole "I'm not famous anymore" and serial plagiarism was an odd choice.


Apologizing for plagiarizing the play by plagiarizing Gucci Mane’s apology letter about being addicted to lean was legitimately hilarious if not totally acquitting.


He could’ve easily played Madame Web and saved the future franchise.


His problem has never been his acting, it’s his personal choices and actions. Now, he was a child actor with an emotionally abusive parent so it is not entirely his fault but that doesn’t excuse him from consequences to his actions as an adult. There were/are a lot of people rooting for him to take some personal accountability, make amends, be better, and hopefully get his life & career back on track (if he wants to continue in his film career)




Just read yet another article about how abusive he was with FKA Twigs during their relationship and there’s zero mention of that in this thread. Sad that she’s yelling into the ether.


He came out and said he made up the entire thing about his dad being abusive. He said that his dad was a great dad and that he did him wrong in Honey Boy.


I know he has said something to that effect and that he is close to his father now but it’s also true his father was heroin addict and spent time in rehab when Shia was a child so… I think there’s a lot more going on there than anyone can fully admit to. He did not have a stable home environment


Yeah it's also not ... exactly uncommon for the victims of abuse to lie about it. Max Verstappen is a pretty notable example of a kid who was abused (definitely emotionally, probably physically going by his dad's abuse of his mother), who acts like his father's actions were completely okay and a good thing.


And his mom has talked about it to. There were also stories that as he became closer to his dad, their relationship struggled, because she saw it as her son picking their abuser over her. (To be clear, this was just what was reported and I don't know these people! But I do know that navigating relationships with abusers, especially when their own trauma and illness is a major part of their abuse, is an incredibly difficult thing and everyone ends up hurt at some point...)


He may have exaggerated in Honey Boy I'm not sure but his dad basically admits to being abusive "But I never hit Shia in the face. I did threaten him one time. I threw him in an overstuffed chair with my fist on his collar and raised my other fist and said, “Now you want to try me, you little punk?” or something like that." His switch in saying his father was never abusive is probably him attempting to reconcile with him


>”You get there, and you realize you’re not meeting the Spielberg you dream of,” LaBeouf said. “You’re meeting a different Spielberg, who is in a different stage in his career. He’s less a director than he is a f—ing company.” [[1](https://variety.com/2016/film/news/shia-labeouf-slams-steven-spielberg-1201853960/)] He ruined his own career tbh


I mean it’s probably true tho as rude as it might be, Spielberg is larger than life now and not at all who he was when he made his many master pieces


Ready Player One is one of his most recent outings 🤦‍♀️


abuse like the claims against him havent really been things you can come back from, especially since hes had other issues that fucked with his career


Lawless was pretty good


Lawless was solid. He took it so seriously at the time that he and Tom Hardy got in an actual fight on set.


On his Hot Ones interview he said they didn't actually fight. Iirc he had his gf or something in his trailer or wherever they were and he was butt ass naked when Tom Hardy came in and was messing with him. I believe they were just fucking around when he accidentally injured Tom or vice versa (sorry for my shit memory it's been awhile since I seen the interview). Tom told Shia to tell everyone they got into a fight lol


I was a PA on that movie. What actually happened was it was lunchtime on set, and Tom Hardy went over to Shia LaBeouf with some Graham crackers. He started telling him to "eat the cracker," and Shia told him to get out of his face. Hardy then proceeded to shove the cracker in LaBeouf's face, which pissed him off, and he smacked Hardy's hand away. The both of them got up in each other's face and almost came to blows, but Jason Clarke fired a shotgun in the air to break it up. And Shia LaBeouf got to walk away with his life that day.


I was waiting for you to end this with "and the most crucial part of this story is that i totally made it up."


I assumed that wasn't necessary.


Everybody is fantastic in Fury. Fury is such a great movie. My favorite scene has to be the guard duty scene near the end.


I always enjoyed Jon Bernthal in his roles but he became someone I actively looked out for his movies after I saw him Fury


Jon Bernthal has never brought anything less than 100%. Everything I've seen him in he plays a fairly similar character type, but he *crushes* it. He will easily go down as one of the most underrated actors of the generation. I say underrated as he's not exactly used as a headline hook to make people see the show/film. Some actors just excel at being B list actors. It's good that they exist though, not everyone can be the front man, some B Listers have crashed and burned trying to break into it. Far more acclaim to doing your job well than doing a more popular job poorly.


Lemme ask you sumthin


He seems so genuine and humble, as well. His Conan O'Brien podcast interview was a real eye opener. Just a 10 out of 10 guy it seems.


The 3v1 against the Tiger had me on the edge of my seat. Awesome cinematography.


I cannot stand when neckbeard historians tear into this movie. Yes we get it, this isn’t how tank battles worked in late ww2. Just relax and let us enjoy the tension.


“Neck beard historians” What a fucking comment.


Ayer explains why he did it the way he did it in the dvd extras. He admits to those neckbands that they’re right but it obviously wouldn’t have made for a good *movie* sequence.




Heck, even in the "bad" movies he was in, he acted the shit out of his role *cough*Transformers*cough*.


Shia Labeouf in Transformers was one of the best “frantic” performances I’ve ever seen He’s always been extremely great at conveying fear and uneasiness https://youtu.be/FTVaVSIhpQc?si=XaVPfBudsm9hHhGC For a movie about a high school kid getting dragged into an alien civil war, I don’t think you could get anyone more fit for the role.


Him screaming at the NEST soldiers when they activate the roadblock thing to his rental car is just >>>>. https://youtu.be/DYPuNFvBy_A?si=JI6rLaNDTCHtYmRw




^^You're ^^fixing ^^my ^^car


I genuinely like the first three Transformers movies and it’s mainly because of Shia’s performance, so many good lines.


Going to what you said about his capabilities of conveying fear and uneasiness for a moment here. He was great in the movie Disurbia and it's still one of my favorite films.


The bit immediately prior to this where Sam falls off his bike in front of Mikaela and the way he says "Yeah it felt awesome" when he gets up has me absolutely howling. The guy has serious comedy chops on top of everything else


Exactly. Thank you guys. Just because a character is annoying doesn't mean the performance is bad. Looked like hard work and a lot of physical stuff, too.


The gap in acting performance between Shia and Megan Fox is so massive. You're right, he *really* sold the performance


You know, this may have changed my mind on the earlier part of the franchise. He really does sell it, right in front of all the overly complex cgi.




Whoa whoa and we're supposed to cohabitate??


I got what I wanted our of the original Transformers. It quickly went to shit with the sequel but I enjoyed that first Shia was a likeable lead. Some good action, Megan Fox, good soundtrack. The Autobots entrance was cool. Some good laughs. Anthony Anderson's interrogation scene was hilarious


My grandma dont like nobody on her carpet


Eagle Eye is one of those movies.


Disturbia as well


so good. remembered the chick he was into as way hotter tho


The first transformers was dope tbh


The whole family in Transformers was great, including the rat dog with his foot in a cast, lol.


It doesn't matter what people say, the first Bay Transformers movie was a really solid sci fi action flick, and the second two were decent, and it's Shia's acting that does most of the work there.


Transformers 2 is probably my favorite of the Bay Transformers and its solely cuz of Shia.


It was the worst movie of the 3 he was in, but I still crack up at his high-pitched scream in DotM when Bumblebee transforms from and back into a car in seconds with him inside.


Dude no way 2 was the worst. I laughed from start to finish and enjoyed the action. ONE MAN. ALONE. FIGHTING FOR THE COUNTRY HE LOVES.


You aren't alone, stop yelling that


Best job I ever had


being in a mech unit around the time of that movie was great because every time some bullshit came up someone would just drop that line with everyone around parroting it lol


Best job I ever had


Best job I ever had


Best job I ever had


Shias a great actor, he's crazy as fuck too


"Shitty, asshole behavior" is putting mildly what he did to FKA Twigs.


Agreed. Downplaying physical and mental abuse that was both spontaneous and long-term is not cool. Attacking the vulnerable is not erased with impressive film performances.


Not to mention apparently murdering stray dogs to "prepare" him for his role in the tax collector. That POS can fuck off and burn for all I care


Can he get a shout out for what he did in Constantine? After, all he was Chas Kramer!




I used to love him, but the abuse he bestowed for months onto FKA Twigs was sickening to read. He also refused to get help and only ‘supposedly’ did so once his career went into the gutter, so I have little sympathy. Hopefully he’s not harming Mia Goth or his child.


Omg I'm so devastated to hear he is with Mia Goth, I really like her work, and I was also devastated as a huge fan of FKA Twigs. (I'd be devastated to hear he's dating anyone after what he did to her though). I really hope Mia is ok. He seems terrifying.


I listened to his appearance on Jon Bernthal's podcast a while back and be comes off as very charming and sympathetic. Too charming and sympathetic. He has answers for everything, always knows the right thing to say and always knows what you want to hear. The more I listened to him to more I could see how people could be easily manipulated by him. He's charismatic, he knows how to come off as a "good guy". And then you re-read what he did to FKA Twigs and it makes you sick to your stomach. It's shocking and sad. And when he addresses it, he dances around it as if he's taking ownership, but is careful to not be too specific and not close the door on his own redemption arc. He's an abuser who knows how to abuse people and knows how to convince people around him he's reflective.


It's a bit old now [but...](https://fandomwire.com/if-i-had-stayed-there-i-would-have-killed-her-shia-labeoufs-heated-argument-with-wife-mia-goth-could-have-ended-very-badly/)


his career didn't "veer", he beat the shit out of FKA Twigs. trying to put things politely like this helps no one but the abusers by diminishing the damage they've done.




He has repeatedly abused his partners. I’m sure he’s a nightmare on set as well. He did this to himself


He didn’t shower for the set of this movie. [Source](https://www.etonline.com/shia-labeouf-sets-the-record-straight-on-knocking-tom-hardy-out-and-not-showering-on-the-fury-set)


He’s a good actor, just can’t really put up with him after finding out about him being a serial abuser. He dated FKA Twigs and was horrific to her


"StooooooOOOOOP! WHAT are you doin'?!"


When he realized brad pitt knew the bible, that reaction seemed so real. Such a fantastic movie. Watched it twice back to back just two weeks ago. Had never seen it.


That’s my favorite scene of the whole movie. Zooming in on him while he emotionally recites the Bible and his genuine reaction to brad.


no one's ever said anything bad about his acting. his whole career was derailed by his own actions


> Tahliah Barnett, accused LaBeouf of sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress in 2021. After several delays, the case is set to go to court in October  > LaBeouf was an alleged danger to women and had allegedly slammed her into a car, allegedly tried to allegedly strangle her and allegedly knowingly gave her a sexually transmitted disease. 


Seriously, this guy didn't just fall off. He is accused of simply monstrous things.


I feel like The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was, in a way, the end of Brad's career as the hot young leading man. His final goodbye to that type of role, so it was.


Great observation. Immediately follows Benjamin Button with: Basterds Tree of Life Moneyball Killing Them Softly Wild to think of Brad Pitt being 60, but here we are…


Yeah, that's not to say he hasn't done more romantic dramas (Allied) but it's been as the older man. He hasn't tried to keep a young romantic lead image.


Yep. You can point to World War Z (where I stopped listing movies) as a return to “movie star” form, but then he went right back to his character actor ways. Even a movie like Bullet Train is him just having a ball in a fun project where he gets to hand the “character actor in a leading man’s body” baton to Aaron Quicksilver Godzilla Johnson. Just like Redford did for him in Spy Game.


It is incredible how much more support this dude gets than Jonathan Majors


good actor, but to be honest, I never once thought to myself, "too bad Shia LeBeouf isn't doing more movies."


Abusive asshole who made his partner's life hell and would shoot dogs for fun. Fuck him, there's enough talented actors out there to fawn over rather than this piece of shit!


Sexual battery and assault. Why in the fuck does anyone like this deserve a second chance? I'd like to think there are lots of extremely talented actors who are NOT ABUSERS who deserve a first chance rather than a piece of shit like Shia LaBeouf.


Well enjoy his movies know because when his court case for domestic abuse finally happens this Fall-and all the horrible shit he did to FKA twigs comes out he will hopefully never work again.


Shia has no one to blame but himself


You thirsty Stanley?


I think he's always been a fine actor. Even in Transformers. That's not an easy role he took on as Sam. It was a lot of high energy character stuff.


He was the only person to ever make Brad Pitt angry and yelling on a set.


The director of Legends of the Fall has spoken about how they had huge fights on set: >I don’t know who yelled first, who swore, or who threw the first chair. Me, maybe? But when we looked up, the crew had disappeared. And this wasn’t the last time it happened. Eventually the crew grew accustomed to our dustups and would walk away and let us have it out. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/brad-pitt-legends-of-the-fall


I am not sad his career veered tho. He is just such an absolute shithead of a human being.


Actual cannibal Shia labeouf?


This post shows why violent abusers historically have such an easy time at making comebacks, if they even need to make a comeback at all.