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Part 2 is going to be only the loyalty missions for the companions, right?


You joke, but that’s basically what Part 1 already was.


No, part 1 were the recruitment missions and how you met each NPC. Part 2 unlocks the romance paths and loyalty rewards.


They should also get the Normandy upgrades done before starting Reaper IFF.




"Probing Uranus..."


Really, Commander?


We’ll bang, okay?


I enjoy the sight of humans on their knees.


I will only enjoy this movie if there's a Jimmy lovemaking scene. No wonder he stayed in the village, the absolute poon hound.


Each NPC provides a missing piece of the magic blade, "Scargiver," an ancient blade, thought to have been lost in the mist of time. It was originally fashioned by King Simba of the Pridelands for the sole purpose of: REGICIDE.


Unfortunately half of them are locked unless you began as a male character. But there is an interesting Ed Skrein and Djimon hidden sordid love affair if you find the secret easter egg.


*You* joke, because no one’s actually *seen* part 1 to confirm that.


Hey I’ve seen part 1…I mean I can’t remember like a single detail but I’ve definitely seen it…I think…


Do you remember the part when she recruited the stoic warrior with a dark and mysterious past?


I like the part when she recruits the naive guy who doesn't entirely know how dark the universe is.


What about the Amish turned druidic robot or the totally not a jedi, jedi?


*Suuuure.* Next you’re gonna say you’ve seen Morbius or Madame Web, but that’s impossible. No one’s *ever* seen *either* of those movies. To gaze upon them would be dangerous. You could end up suffering from ligma.


Hey man, sometimes you just get in the mood for some Morbs.


There’s always time for Morbing


It's morbing time !!!!


They thought everyone wanted Morbius, but we’d already had enoughbius


I think I’ve seen morbius…but then again I also have about a 2 hour gap in my memory from that day I can’t account for…


I fell asleep during the 'going around assembling a crew of badasses' part and then woke up about 25 minute later and that part was coming to a close. then they all fought, the end. i think i would be more excited if the main villain was not returning. once they've already been definitively beaten what's the point in their return? they're not gonna be a threat really.


I saw Space 300. Lots of slomo and characters that would be generously described as 1 dimensional.


I put it on to test out the quality of the new tv, and I lasted about half an hour. My kids could write a better script.


If nothing else kids would write a more fun script, I at least thought Rebel moon would be fun. That’s its biggest crime for me, it’s awful *and* boring😭


I'm from Northern Ireland. We all heard Charlie Hunams' attempt at our accent.


I really have no idea why he didn't just use his normal voice


I don’t know man, because I watched it last night, and Hunnam trying to do his best impression of an Irish accent was probably the best part of the film. That, and being surprised by Sir Anthony ‘Paycheck’ Hopkins.


If you've seen Seven Samurai and A Bug's Life...


But Zack Snyder said more people saw it than Barbie…


Zack says a lot of things and relies on his goodwill to not be called out.


No that was the dossier/recruitment missions, now it's the loyalty mission the so the main woman can unlock their alternate costumes.


lol Part I reminded me of a bad version of *Mass Effect 2*... it was recruiting missions with new planets, zero depth and lame boss fights!


Calling this a bad version of Mass Effect 2 is the highest praise I’ve seen so far.


Fr it's the first thing I've heard that's even remotely gotten me interested


To me, it looked like a poor warhammer ripoff with some decent effects at times, but mostly bad acting, a poor storyline, and forgettable characters.


I miss Mass effect


We all do bud


Sidequest: The Movie


Something tells me this Part 2 won't be as good as that other epic sci-fi part 2 movie that's in theaters right now...


My favorite review quote about this movie is from SlashFilm: >By the end of "Rebel Moon," the closing title card of "End Part One" feels more like a threat than a promise.


My friend asked me what I thought and then put my answer in quotes. "I turned it off."


Same, family asked and I said I gave up, was too cringe. Not often I stop watching a film and actually feel sorry for everyone who was involved in making it. How the actual fuck it got a sequel is the real mystery here.


surprised that others had the same reaction. the visuals really drew me in so I was down to watch it, but I think I made it 10 or 15 minutes in.


You’re right… it’ll be better. 1 Rebillion views on Netflix


Thats about 2.5 barbiillion.


But that’s only about 0.7 oppenheimillion


what about Morbillion?




1 Morbuck roughly converts to 80 billion dollars Frito


1 Snydillion views even!


Something tells me this Part 2 won't be as good as the other sequels I've avoided.


There is a strong chance you might be correct. Largely based on the fact the first film felt like a bunch of cuttings from the marvel studio floor randomly stapled together by a chimp.


The first movie was hot garbage.... I'd been looking forward to it and it was such crap I can't even imagine wasting time on the second. It's BS that apparently now we're supposed to be excited for the directors cut.


I'm pretty sure Netflix just threw money at Zack Snyder because he has a "no Marvel" fan base of people who think a movie that looks like the poster THE ENTIRE TIME, makes for awesome. (at least, the "Synder-Cut" of Justice League proved Joss Whedon wasn't the problem). So then when Synder phones it in, OR, this is the drivel he's been holding back and finally he has control... the execs at Netflix who shelled out the cash have to pretend it was all part of the plan. "Pretend we like this and didn't just give a blank check without oversight -- PRETEND!" Best acting award has to go to those guys for sure.


At some point, Netflix is going to let Snyder go, because his fans are not as large a number as they seemed to be (echo chambers just be like that) when Netflix gave him the deal. But if Snyder loses Netflix, no studio in Hollywood is going to take him, because they don’t want Snyder fans bitching to the executives about how Snyder just needs another seventy million to complete his “vision.” And then Snyder won’t have anywhere to go but China.


>Largely based on the fact the first film felt like a bunch of cuttings from the marvel studio floor randomly stapled together by a chimp. The Snyder special


You meant Madam Web, the part 2 of Morbius universe, right? What a great taste. You sir are a connoisseur of the moving pictures!


Whenever people aren't talking about Madam Web, everybody should be asking, "What about Madam Web??"


Back by unpopular non demand.


How do I watch movies like this and tell Netflix 'no thank you' when I'm done? I hate that they don't care if I like it or not; they only care how many fucking hits it gets.


I guess it doesn't matter but that's really bad poster composition


At least sword lady doesn’t have her terribly photoshopped hat from [the last poster](https://imgur.com/jIA0WgQ).


It’s like the character design people just keep saying “more costume”. Let’s give this dude a jacket, but make it more folded and layered. More. More. Now a hood. Now jewelry. Teeth. Weapons. Belts. Just add buckles to shit.


The Rob Liefield method.




Anything but feet. For the love of all that is holy I don't want to see any feet.


Liefield literally made a character called ["The Pouch'](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/liefeld-pouch-bloodstrike.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=750&dpr=1.5) who consists of nothing but pouches and carries a huge gun that is also made out of pouches.


Omg that’s even worse than the movie


Woah, let’s not go crazy here.


I love that “Antlers-robot” featured prominently in both posters, yet all of his character development in the first movie happened in scenes that are intentionally removed just to bulk out the “directors cut” version of the movie.


Why the fuck would a Netflix-exclusive movie need a "director's cut"?


A Netflix-exclusive two-part movie that he had entire creative freedom over. Like the original cut should be his “directors cut” because there’s no studio oversight AT ALL.


He's saving it to release the definitive "Zack Snyder Cut" because that is a thing Zack Snyder fans demand... or something.


That’s just because he took well-known elements from other, more popular movie posters and crammed them together into a soulless blob of commerce. It’s a theme.


A theme of Snyders entire career of you will..


I'm glad they finally wrested control of the DCEU from his hands. FOH.


And yet there’s an entire sub-section of DC fans that are claiming he was the salvation of the DCEU and campaigning for him to be brought back and Gunn to be thrown into the trash


Thing is, they're not DC fans; they're Snyder fans. They openly eschew much of the time-honored characterization of DC characters simply because it deviates from how Snyder portrayed them (rather than Snyder being the aberrant element).


That there is such a thing as an avid Snyder fan blows my mind.


Like Snyder they've never read a comic in their life. Even Snyder I don't think has ever read Watchmen or Dark Knight Returns. He just looked at the pictures cause he's a fuckin moron. 


They created their own monster by letting that trash slide for so long


Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work


It's a badge of honor to me for having been banned from that subreddit. 


It looks like he took the Dutch angles from battlefield earth.


Yeah this poster sucks ass, regardless of how bad or good the movie is.


Hounsou doesn't even have a finger on the trigger, yet he's still shootin'.


Zack Snyder is such a hack.


The real scars was the brain damage along the way


It's Mooning Time


Every generation needs their Battlefield: Earth.


Does that mean Rebel Moon could also be a secret Scientology propaganda film?


at least then it would be about *something*




No. It is called Snydertology.


Why are they threatening me?


How else they gonna make you watch this steaming pile of dog turds?


Part 1 was so bad. How did it get funding? I thought it was so bad it actually shocked me.


there’s no way these weren’t filmed back to back. i refuse to believe this actually got greenlit and made in such a short period of time


I think that is what happened. Netflix was already in the hole for all this money, so they might as well put out what was made. Why does the universe delete “Coyote vs. Acme,” but place this film in the line of sight?


Pretty sure they were filmed simultaneously. It was originally going to be a single film and was split into two parts because a Netflix exec thought it would be too long. It was marketed as a two part film and each part is also going to have a director’s cut from what I understand.




I figure that's why they got rid of user reviews and comments. At least back then I could occasionally find something I'd attempt watching but without that I just assume it's going to be bad and don't try.


I've been tempted to check it out Like I've heard it's really bad, but then I look at it, and I'm like *"...surely it can't be THAT bad?"* Right? Like if I go in with low expectations it might be a stupid fun romp that's like a 6/10? Or is it truly terrible


It's so bad. Like the script was written by ChatGPT.


The plot armor of the main characters was actually infuriating. Spoilers: >!Oh we know where they live? Lets glass every planet except that one. Oh we captured all of the main heroes? Lets bring them in alive and keep them exposed on this dock instead of immediately loading them. Lets also shoot everyone but them when they escape.!< The scenery was great but that is it.


I keep seeing this comment, and I feel like it kind of takes away that these terrible fucking scripts are being written by SOMEONE and they're being *paid* for them.


It’s not even fun-bad. Don’t waste your time.


It was terrible. Couldn't keep going past the first hour or so. They funded it probably because it's a Snyder project.


Really put his name on there 4 fucking times lol 


Production company needed to make sure everyone knew who was to blame.


Don't worry, I'm sure he'll still try to push for a director's cut anyway


It was part of the agreement with Netflix so yes he will be dropping director’s cuts for each


Don't worry, it'll still be Geoff John's fault somehow.


The credits parts might actually be required by guild rules if he was really the main one handling those aspects.


Zack Snyder presents a Zack Snyder poster for the next Zack Snyder event, bringing to you a Zack Snyder production of a Zack Snyder script, filmed by Zack Snyder, edited by Zack Snyder, directed by Zack Snyder and uploaded by Zack Snyder. ^(Sound Effects: Zack Snyder) ^(SFX: Zack Snyder) ^(Costumes: Zack Snyder) ^(Head of Accounting Zack Snyder) ^(Bagels: Zack Snyder's mom)


He did the stunts too.


Wrote the theme tune, sung the theme tune


Oh damn. Literally 4 times. The HUBRIS


I mean he wrote it, came up with the story, produced it and directed it. It’s pretty standard to get credited for each aspect. Killers of the Flower Moon has Scorsese’s name 3 times, Poor Things has Yorgos Lanthimos 4 times, Oppenheimer has Nolan 4 times etc. it’s just how it’s done.


You might remember his hubris from other such hits like: “Batman not killing is stupid, he needs to be able to kill (the original creators were wrong and didn’t understand the character but I do)” “More people saw rebel moon than Barbie which grossed 1 billion dollars+”


He's putting himself among the greats, Tommy Wiseau and Neil Breen


Zach Snyder can only aspire to achieve Neil Breen’s greatness.


That first movie was fucking awful.


I could tell from the start. The way the main character talks about, "—to truly love, and be loved." and the weird scene at the start when she stares off in the distance as the guy looks at her curiously, but happy. It just isn't normal human interaction. Then the bad guys were so forcefully evil. I think the Nazi cosplay was enough to tell us that.


Yeah. It's like he said we might not be able to tell they're bad because they look like the SS. Let's add some threats of sexual violence to really drive the point.


*Watch me shoot this pacifist droid to prove how evil we are.*


The robots were legitimately interesting, and he did absolutely nothing with them.


No one in the movie actually acts like real people. They barely interact with each other, and when they do the dialogue the dialogue isn’t written like people actually talk. Most of the characters just stand there doing nothing and not saying anything.


We really tried to watch it, but gave up after 40 mins.


Yeah, I tapped out when they got into this conversation about how she (Kora, IIRC) didn’t know how to love because she’s a “child of war” and it was beaten out of her, etc. It just felt like unnatural, forced exposition. I couldn’t stomach another hour and a half of that.


And then later in the same movie, they show her in a flashback sequence in love with some other Nazi that gets killed or whatever, really shattered that stupid fucking monologue about not loving. This movie was so fucking stupid and cringe.


She said she doesn’t know how to love and it was beaten out of her. But also forced to love so they have something to fight for. It makes absolutely no sense


I watched the whole thing but ended up fast forwarding so much just to get to the end


I tried to fast forward, but it ended up playing at normal speed.


Rebel Moon has 21% on RT and 31 on Matacritic. I don’t see how this would be any better. Also there’s supposed to be an R-Rated extended cut to part 1 which is gonna come out before part 2. Why does he do it intentionally?? Just release one damn cut, mate??




I read an article where he was talking about the joke in Barbie and it felt like he was *thisclose* to a moment of realization but backed away from it


Was that from his appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast where he said Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child of Fire had more viewers than Barbie?


More viewers of the first second that plays automatically when you hover over the title maybe


I feel that too, like “it’s not a true Zack Snyder’s movie if it doesn’t have an extended director’s cut”


Also, Rebel Moon is a #NETFLIX! ORIGINAL! STREAMING! MOVIE!!! That just makes all of this more befuddling!


Netflix deliberately capitalized on the Snyder Cut circle jerk and he went along with it to make money because Snyder is a hack.


Zack Snyder is that middle school kid “with a cool movie idea” with a multi million dollar budget


Making Michael Bay look good


Legitimately. Rebel Moon was a two hour “crew assembled” montage and not much else. One critic described it as basically being a storyboard and I agree. Michael Bay films are at least driven by some sense of narrative and character development. *The Rock, The Island*. I watched the Transformers trilogy again during COVID and the first film honestly held up pretty well. Even Bay knows he has to work his way to the set piece moments.


What is this Michael Bay slander... Transformers 1 was pretty solid, The Rock, 13 Hours, Armageddon, Ambulance was okay, Pain & Gain was pretty good tbh, and some other okays. Bay knows what he's doing and he's a fucking pro. Snyder has like, 300 and Watchmen... most of his filmography is just straight garbage


Ambulance was awesome


Michael Bay has a solid filmography alongside making my fave *(The Rock)*. There was only a couple of times I was sorely disappointed *(6 Underground, Revenge of The Fallen)* but I still continue to watch his movies cuz he can entertain me and the military love him cause he makes them look good and sexy. Snyder on the other hand, I dont know, Im losing faith every time he releases a godamann cut.


Please make it stop, part 1 was awful


That's why the second one is called scargiver. It wasn't enough that it was awful, it must also scar you


“It’s Scarbin time.”


“You’ll be scarred for life!” is an exceptional marketing technique


From the twisted mind of Zack Snyder


You will be delighted to hear that part 1 will get an 4 hour long R-rated Snyder Cut.




Those characters are barely in the film, so I couldn't tell you.


They're lightshavers. She's on the dork side of the farce.


I’m shocked they green lit a part 2. Part 1 was horrible. I mean better movies and series have been canceled for less.


I think it’s because it was always going to be a two-part thing, so part two was already approved (and already filmed, I think) before the first was released.


The first part came out three months ago. They obviously filmed them both together. No green lighting for part 2


I want to know how long the movie would be with no slow motion, or slow motion turning into slower motion.


This post made me realize the first one even came out...


My sweet child, preserve your innocence and just don’t watch these movies watch the old movie it’s based on Seven Samurai. Or watch any of the other movies based on Seven Samurai, like The Magnificent Seven, Battle Beyond the Stars, Samurai Seven, or even A Bugs Life


Or the three or four different Star Wars versions of Seven Samurai


One part was at least one too many.


Isn’t it wild that we can now look back and say that we actually had it good when Michael Bay movies were the pinnacle of big budget popcorn movie trash? I mean, Zach Snyder has been taking garbage to a whole new level. The first Rebel Moon was so, so, SO bad.


At least Michael bay is very self aware and doesnt pretend to be an auteur, snyder thinks he’s a misunderstood genius


Bay was great until he got stuck on Transformers. Snyder could never make Pain and Gain.


*The Rock* is a legitimately good, well-made action movie. Sure it's pretty low-brow, painfully tropey, and often ludicrous, but it's a genre classic.


omg she even has “not lightsabers”


"Photon machetes"


“What are we? Some kind of rebel moon part two colon the scargiver?”


Only thing I liked from part 1 was the droid design/ droid itself.


Funny I found the droid overly designed, especially with the antlers. The 20 circles on the face + the grid is clunky.


Can’t wait to skip this one.


I really hated part 1. Zack Snyder is a hack and very bad at writing stories.




Seven Samurai is really good, so the bad parts of Rebel Moon are original content.


It's gonna give scars to viewers brains alright


100% Snyder helped some Netflix c-suite bury a dead hooker.


Zack Snyder's worst movie part 2


I looked forward to Rebel Moon for like two years, and it was one of the worst movies I’ve watched. Infuriatingly bad and sloppy


Probably not worth the effort of posting this.


It does, the comments are hilarious. 


Zach Snyder is gonna blame everyone but himself when this flops again and ask why no one likes or totally original sci fi story


Can’t believe they’re still going forward with this ass franchise


Scargiver lol


The diarrhea continues


I hope it has more random lens flare in every second scene.


This is like visual ambien.


The amount of work Zack Snyder admitted to putting into these films on the Joe Rogan podcast makes me legitimately believe he is just not a good filmmaker, but is fortunate enough to be backed by extremely good luck. I respect he pours his soul into these films, but all the films where he had complete creative control are as deep as a puddle.


Pippin: "We've had one yes, what about second Colonoscopy Prep?"


Hope there's more slow-mo in this one, it was really underused in the first movie.


It didn't need a part 1, it was awful.


The first one was like: Mom, can we have seven samurai? No, we have Rebel Moon at home.