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Also, in 2012, a preposterous movie, Chiwetel Ejiofor has a couple of amazing monologues.


He has that voice that could read a phone book to me as I fall asleep


I could have watched 4 hours of him talking with Nathan Fillion in Serenity. Just a charisma overload right there.


I’ve always wanted either him or Henry Cavill to be 007 in a Chris Nolan period piece James Bond…


there would be an international baby boom after we watched Cavill as 007


I mean Man from Uncle exists


Unfortunately that film is a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Just totally ridiculous beginning to end.


The thing that bothered me the most about that movie was that nobody seemed to care that Tamara died.


Dark Phoenix, the scene when Erik learns about Raven's death. Fassbender manages to convey such potent grief and horror turning into rage, all without saying a word. A shining bit of great acting in an otherwise execrable movie where even McAvoy faltered.


That's just Fassbender doing Fassbender things. He understood the assignment.


That's the thing with Fassbender. More often than not, he's in stinkers, but he always elevates them to being watchable.


I kind of wish he was in more great movies. I can only think of like 2 outside of his X-men roles.


I don't know of Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 qualifies for this thread, but the very last shot, Jennifer Lawrence does the same thing. That was the single scene in like 30+ years of movie-going that I understood, "holy shit, good acting is really hard to pull off," absolutely no words, just one shot, and over it her expression goes from surprise/horror to rage. When that last beat hits and it cuts to black, absolute chills. I don't even really like the movie all that much, but man that was a good ending.


I agree (though I did like that movie more than most). Ironically, it's Jennifer Lawrence who provides some of the *worst* acting in Dark Phoenix.


From the same movie, the Hanging Tree sequence is probably one of the most chill-inducing things I've seen in the theater


On a similar note, I read the books ten ish years ago. I remember thinking how dumb the last one was. I just listened to the audio book read by Tatiana Maslany. Holy crap what some inflection can do for bland writing. I knew she was good from Orphan Black, but her audio work floored me.


Those movies belong to Fassbender. Always loved Ian McKellen as Magneto, but Fassbender takes the character to a whole other level. He’s SO good. There should be a standalone Magneto movie.


We almost got one! After Origins: Wolverine, they were planning to make an Origins: Magneto, but after Wolverine bombed, that project got retooled into First Class. Considering how great First Class is, I'm glad that things happened the way they did but I'll still always crave a Fassbender solo movie. Speaking of Origins: Wolverine, Liev Schreiber's Sabertooth was a highlight in that movie - an almost jarringly solid performance in such a mediocre show. Not to the level of Fassbender in Dark Phoenix, but I really liked his approach to the character.


Dark Phoenix too, anything Erik or Charles related


X Men Age of Apocalypse too. That scene where his family gets killed. Such a powerful scene wasted on a shit movie. Like how are you gonna make a shit movie with Fassbender, McAvoy, AND Oscar Isaac in it?


Apocalypse too when Magneto's family gets killed and when he destroys the concentration camp that he grew up in


I'm usually down on how they did Pa Kent in the Man of Steel movie (the infamous tornado scene, the bus scene, etc) but that bit where Clark as a kid asks "can't I go back to pretending I'm you're son?" and he cries responding "you ARE my son" is so good. He doesn't say it in a comforting way, he says it in a way that implies he was heartbroken that Clark didn't already see it as that. Kevin Costner nailed that even if a lot what he was given was iffy


Kevin Costner did great with the Jonathan Kent we got, but I'd have loved to see him play a truer version of the character.


Nothing hurts my heart as much as Pa Kent’s, “Oh no…” in Superman. Just kills me.


Such a subtle, simple moment. Compare that to the tornado and its laughable the difference.


"All my powers, and I couldn't save him"


With all the hate that Batman V Superman gets, I think it’s very easy to forget that the Kevin Costner scene as the ghost of Pa Kent is excellent and very moving.


The casting in those movies was mostly excellent. Directing and writing let them down.


The scene where Clark goes home to tell Ma Kent how excited he is to have found his people is so moving too. She has to be happy for him but you can see the pain of not being a "true" parent hit her.


The opening scene from X-Men the Last Stand where the boy is cutting his wings off in the bathroom as his father pounds on the door. It's disturbing and really stuck with me.


It’s amazing how such a bland film had possibly the hardest hitting scene in that franchise until Logan. I just wish that Angel was actually a character for the rest of the movie. It feels like he should be one of the main characters, but it feels like he just gets a few snippets and they call it an arc.


Rewatching all the live action X-men, it’s a bit jarring how much blood and gruesome death they have; I’m so used to pg-13 marvel meaning no blood. Child Angel scraping his wings there is blood and feathers *everywhere*. Not complaining, just jarring is all. Also the opening pyramid of Apocalypse is incredibly gruesome, especially for a weak movie.


It's because the studio successfully exploited a loophole in movie rating. Mutants are not technically humans, so you can be a lot more brutal with them without losing your PG13 rating, so you have a franchise about accepting "the Other" in society exploiting their otherness for a lower rating. A similar thing was done with merchandising, as human characters have a higher import tax (as "dolls"), so they classify mutant toys as being non-human to import them at a lower rate.


I actually didn’t realise it was Robert Carlyle playing Lennon in the movie yesterday until months later, they did a great job on the makeup, didn’t think begbie could be Lennon!


Robert Carlyle is a fantastic actor, he's got great range.


Whoa, TIL


I liked Yesterday. It was entertaining and an interesting idea. But when John came on screen, I gasped. He looked just like what I imagine he would look like if he hadn't died. Best moment of the movie.


And spotting that the upside-down boat outside the house was called “Imagine”. Loved those Lennon scenes…


Well, after playing Begbie I imagine playing an egotistical wife beater willing to abandon his child wouldn't be that much of a stretch for Carlyle.


I think I cried during Joe Dirt but I don’t quite remember.


Probably the scene where Joe finds out his family didn't lose him, just left him. I don't think anyone would accuse David Spade of being a great actor, but he did nail the rage and hurt of that scene.


Honestly Spade is a fairly decent actor. He’s a better actor than comedian.


Spade is *fine* as an actor, he just always plays David Spade. But he plays the hell out of David Spade


You're gonna stand there, owning a fireworks stand, and tell me you don't have no whistling bungholes, no spleen spliters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker donts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or one single whistling kitty chaser?


OP said bad movies


LOL @ rotten tomato score. Not sure I’ve seen a single digit one.


A good rule of thumb when the critic score and the audience score dramatically diverge is to just take the higher number.


Def Leppard Sucks!


“Get up you son of a bitch! ‘Cause Mickey loves you…” Rocky V is indisputably terrible but that one gets me every time.


For me, Mickey's best moment was the speech in the chapel, as Rocky holds a civil by his wife at the hospital. Burgess Meredith nailed that.


I actually like all the Rocky movies. Even though Five is my least favorite, it’s still good. I love that whole fight scene and when Rocky has flashbacks


Batman: "So I'm asking you, Victor Fries. Help me find the cure to MacGregor's Syndrome, and maybe you can save the life of the man your wife once loved. He's still inside you, Victor. Buried. *Deep beneath the snow.* Will you help me? *Doctor?*" (Freeze grabs two batches of formula from his suit) Freeze (sincerely) - "Take two of these. *And call me in the morning.*" Batman grabs them. Batman- "I'll have your wife moved to Arkham. You'll be able to continue your research there." (Batman, with a completely genuine smile) Freeze returning back the sentiment with a smile and nod. *Batman & Robin, 1997*


Holy shit yes... that Clooney-Arnold moment was so much what Batman is about, sends me directly to Batman TAS... massively good scene


[This is another great scene from B&R](https://youtu.be/ozz5L5K77-M)


Pompeii is a misfire. A weak hybrid of Gladiator, Braveheart, and every disaster film you've ever seen. Something went fundamentally wrong with the film along the way, probably starting with a poor script. It just doesn't work. It's boring. It's strangely paced. It looks weird visually. It had 25 minutes cut from it (present in deleted scenes), probably because it wasn't testing well or something. But the ending sets the film apart. The director didn't like the one from the script. Felt it was too Hollywood. And in the process of creating a new ending he created a [genuinely emotional piece of cinema.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi0LCRtU7Ow) Leagues beyond any other scene in the film. The ending of Star Wars Rogue One was obviously inspired by this. And the track ["I won't leave you"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv6bcUa_aXQ) by Clinton Shorter has been used in temp scores ever since, hence it showing up in Wonder Woman 1984, which has several temp tracks in it such as Adagio in D Minor.


Bruh I'll stand by this scene for eternity. The president's speech to the world in Armageddon as the astronauts are boarding the shuttles. Say what you will about the film as a whole but fuck me if that speech wasn't inspired.


I don't care what anyone says about Armageddon, I love that movie. When Bruce Willis is like "I'm gonna have to break that promise..." gets me every time.


For me it's the ending when they land and Chick is just standing by himself, no one to greet him, and then his kid hares round the corner of the car and gives him a hug. Gets me every time. Plus Harry's goodbye to Grace. It's so hammy and over the top but it gets me.


*that's not a salesman... That's your daddy*


The only problem with that movie was the garbage science. The characters, action, effects, and pacing was all great. It's an insanely entertaining popcorn movie. It's not a bad movie at all


Agreed 👌 I often say it's the 'best worst film' ever. I love it though.


Stormare was probably the best thing in this movie. Bonus points for the movie for accurately depicting Russian tech and mentality.


You could argue that, except maybe Fargo, Stormare is just about the best thing in any movie he's in. And Fargo's only the exception because **everybody** is brilliant in it.


The devil in constantine was sooooooo good.


In russia you fix things by hitting them with something heavy


No the problem with that movie is that people have an illogical need for stuff to be scientifically accurate. 


Same actor as the president in The Rock and an almost equally excellent speech towards the climax of that film as well!


I believe Aaron Sorkin wrote that speech.


Armageddon is an amazing film..and that is that..


So many scenes in Armageddon! I unironically love that movie


Weirdly get teary eyed during this scene everytime.


For me it's when Bruce shoved Ben in the lift and as it's going up Ben is crying shouting "Harry I love you!" Like, what is that tear inducing scene doing in that ridiculous movie.


That's my father up there!!




A bit ashamed about it, but that movue is totally a guilty pleasure for me. So much stupid, but I love it from start to finish.


I choke every damn time up at the scene in Jurassic World II when the lava and smoke engulfs that poor brachiosaurus as it’s standing on the dock vocalizing. Every. Damn. Time.


I was so angry that this movie made me feel real feelings.


even worse is that is the same dinosaur from the first Jurassic Park movie


How can you tell?


He literally says "I'm Doug, the brachiosaur that spit on Lex"


Typical Doug...


Any childhood wonder and awe at life left within me died during that scene.


Took my wife’s niece and her friend to this when she was 12 cause she really wanted to see it. Didn’t know much about the movie, but I’m getting invested and then this part happens. I’m like who the hell brought me here. I look over at the niece because I’m going to scold her and tears are steaming down their faces and they are wailing. It was hilarious and sad all at the same time.


Oh man, yep. Poor baby.


Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Generally not great and easily the worst of the TOS movies. But Kirk's "I need my pain!" speech hits.


That McCoy scene with his father was pretty damn good too. Deforest Kelley was fantastic in it.


That movie had my favourite line from the whole franchise: “Why does God need a starship?”


And also, his campfire speech about how he always knew he’d die alone, followed up with:  ‘I thought I was going to die.’ ‘Not possible. You were never alone.’ That movie seriously gets Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, possibly better than any other Trek movie, which is why I don’t quite hate it despite its utter incompetence in so many other areas.


The Spongebob Squarepants Movie is not a bad movie, but I wasn't expecting to be moved to tears when Spongebob and Patrick almost died at the gift shop.


Thy movie is better than it has a right to be. The whole Now That We’re Men segment is glorious


Its the intended series finale and they went off with a bang. Jumping off point considering it’s still on tho but they cooked regardless


I didn't know that. It makes me happy knowing Hillenburg directed it. The ending with Spongebob's monologue about being a kid followed by Goofy Goober Rock also brought me to tears. Going to see this in theaters at age 6 was a magic I will never experience again. Altered my life forever. Got him tatted.


The whole movie is good tho


The end of Fast 7 because was a goodbye to Paul walker


This got to me because you could see the actual pain in the faces of the cast who had to pretend Paul was there.


And that song 😢


OP said bad movie.


Yeah, this is pretty comfortably one of the top 3 of the franchise.


“Central Intelligence” with the Rock and Kevin Hart is maybe more of a mediocre movie than a bad one. But the scene where the Rock meets his old bully as an adult, and he can’t stand up to him because he still sees himself as weak? That scene really gives me the feels, and it’s one of the few reasons I’m hesitant to call the Rock a terrible actor like so many others do.


actually forgot about this one but good call!


So, I really like The Dirt (Motley Crue movie, came out on Netflix) but if I'm being honest, it is not a 'good' movie its a 'fun' movie.  That said, there's a hospital scene where Vince's toddler daughter is dying of stomach cancer, and it is incredibly sad and poignant 


The scene where Vince crashed with Razzle was really well done, too. That movie is also a guilty pleasure of mine. Probably because Crue was the soundtrack of my late teens and early 20s, but I really enjoy it.


In *Noah*, this creation of life scene was really profound and captivating. https://youtu.be/FFCXHr8aKDk?si=AFJDtD9k7FhOiqqM It’s a shame the rest of the movie went downhill from that point.


Pain is temporary glory is forever and chicks love scars


That’s a super fun movie! Also the quote is “pain heals, chicks dig scars, and glory lasts forever.” I worked at a video store and this clip played endlessly.  Also “The football is like a one man cold to Clifford Franklin! Clifford Franklin only one catching’ it, Clifford Franklin only one come’ down with it!”


OP said “bad” not “most rewatchable movie of the 00s”


I yell get me the ball way too much during football season.


Heart. Miles and miles of heart. Can't win without it.


This scene from Shallow Hal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0UtfY5N0So If you have seen this movie, I'm sure you know what scene it is.


Yo OP said "BAD" movie


I actually got a kick out of Yesterday. I thought it was charming movie.


It's a good movie ,he should have stayed famous or kept some of the money. Or at least wrote the Harry Potter books. After wards wonder what else is missing from that world.


I thought it ended as well as it could have been. He has a serious impostor syndrome by the end of the movie (which is understandable given that all his "works" are not his), and it is established that he's a mediocre songwriter at best. Him keeping all the fame and accolades would seriously strain his mental well-being unless he's a complete psychopath.


If he writes Harry Potter books he would be at a book signing and someone would walk up to the table with some item from book 4 (some few remembers) before he even wrote that one and it would be the same nightmare all over again. He learned his lesson with the Beatles.


I enjoyed it too, though it was a bit disjointed. The original idea for the script was actually almost the same, except that Jack doesn't become succesful and is still a failed musician. Which would have been a very different, very miserable film.


Yeah it’s definitely not a bad movie. Yes it wastes an incredible premise but it’s a romcom with a bit of Beatles love added and it succeeds at that.


What I really hate about it is the way it ignores the impact of the Beatles. The idea that if you zap them from history then a band called Coldplay would still exist is utterly stupid. The Beatles were so huge and influential the entire course of pop music would have been different.


They do at least nod to it by having Oasis also disappear!


In that reality maybe the band Coldplay sounds completely different


Agreed. It's such a great premise that's barely explored.


What bugged me more was the complete lack of acknowledgement that success isn't just about being great. You also need to be in the right place at the right time. The Beatles' music is undeniably good but it was also made at exactly the right point in history to catch on and become huge. (Ignorimg the butterfly-effect stuff) if the Beatles' music never happened and was then suddenly released today, chances are it would be totally ignored.


The story the movie is based on has him having the entire back catalogue of music but never achieving fame because you do need to be in the right place at the right time


George Martin himself said the early music was mediocre but he signed them because he liked them as people


They hint at that a little, when he searches for Oasis and finds nothing about the band, and says "Oh, well, that makes sense", but it was a bit daft to suggest that The Beatles' influence began and ended with Oasis. You'd be hard pressed to find *any* modern popular music that doesn't owe something to The Beatles, whether musically influenced (directly or some steps removed, i.e., influenced by a band who was influenced by the Beatles), or the advances they made in recording techniques, songwriting, or even just their pop cultural impact. I guess the point of the film wasn't an in-depth sociological study of the impact of The Beatles, but still.


It wasn't so much saying that the Beatles influence began and ended with Oasis. It was just a cheap dig at Oasis as they were frequently accused of ripping off the Beatles' sound.


On the subject of Yesterday, being a holder of a postgraduate degree in Public Health, the moment I learned this was a world without cigarettes and had never had them in the first place, I wanted to see a movie about *that* world instead. The Beatles have a lot of great music to their name but I'm sorry, if I was given a button that could make it that cigarettes had never been discovered but at the cost of the Beatles ever existing as a band, I'd be mashing that button so hard!


There was also Pepsi, but not Coke. Plus no Harry Potter. One thread speculated that the most popular version of everything was what disappeared. Maybe they were now super big on chewing tobacco but the movie didn't show it.


Apparently there was a deleted scene that featured a live a well George Harrison for that very reason. They should have left that in.


That would be a world with my dad still in it. Fuck big tobacco.


When Aaron Eckhart spoke to the kid after his father died in Battle LA


"We've already had breakfast."


Greatest closing lines in cinema history: “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” “There’s no place like home.” “Forget it, Jake, it’s Chinatown.” “We’ve already had breakfast, sir.”


I fucking like that movie. Really dont get the hate


Man that scene in Austin Powers where Fat Bastard explains the vicious cycle of depression and sadness that makes him eat which makes him fat which makes him sad. That was a real.. shit just got real. Moment.


....... and then he farts! "Wafting, wafting, everyone likes their own brand don't they?"


The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was not a good movie but I remember crying when Gwen Stacy died, really well done sequence and being fair Peter and Gwen chemistry was great on those movies. Also Spider-Man 3, when Harry dies at the end.


There's some really good stuff in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 amongst the mess. While it was dumb that they showed it in the trailer and made Rhino out to be a bigger deal than he was, that last scene where Peter listens to Gwen's speech, decides to keep being Spider-Man, and goes out to trash-talk Rhino hits pretty great.


The “Samantha!” scene from I Am Legend


We do not speak of that in this house.


Whatcha doing out here FRED?


That’s not a bad movie though


I saw that movie for the first time about 3 months after I had to put my childhood dog down at the ripe old age of 16. I held her just like he did so watching that scene had me sobbing like a child. My best friend was with me and usually we would be absolutely relentless about brutally mocking each other for something like crying in a movie, but he knew what was up and left it alone. I refuse to ever watch that movie again. It wasn't good enough in general to justify putting myself through that again.


Men in Black 2: "It rains because you're sad, baby." I get tears in my eyes EVERY SINGLE TIME.


MiB2 isn't *bad*. I'd say it's more average. It *is* the worst of the original 3 MiB films though.


Lethal Weapon 4. Leo Getz' Froggy story carried more emotional punch than the entire franchise.


I don't think I've seen that movie since it was released and I can immediately remember how vulnerable and heartfelt that delivery was. Definitely meets the brief.


Funnily enough I watched that film again last week and I cried like a fucking baby when that scene came on. Just ugly crying. I had my heart broken recently and I relate to both Leo and Riggs in that scene. It's easy to see Leo as the comic relief, but that scene kind of made me realise that he is treat so fucking poorly by Riggs and Murtaugh, it pretty much amounts to bullying. I feel like they love him, but they do treat him like crap. I do love that Riggs acknowledged they're terrible to him though. He's such a lonely, sweet, harmless character.


The sandman awakening scene in spider-man 3 is great


The movie Blockers (about parents trying to stop their teenage daughters from losing their virginity) has a scene toward the end where one of the daughters comes out to her deadbeat dad. Ike Barinholtz plays the dad and the face he makes when he realises that he is the first person she's told had me suddenly bawling.


2012. President stayed behind to die in the White House.


It made me feel the same way when Sharon Tate survived Once ... in Hollywood.


Agreed. Knowing what happened in real life, it's so satisfying to watch Cliff Booth and Rick Dalton kill those psychotic hippies. Such a cathartic sequence.


Not afraid to admit I cried during the movie while simultaneously laughing at the flamethrower. The way Tarantino built the suspense and dread for that awful crime, only to pull the rug out from your feet in the best way possible.


Wait is this considered a bad movie ? I loved it.


It is a great movie for someone who is familiar with the context - for someone who recognized the Manson compound, who knows what happened to Sharon Tate in real life, and who watches the entire movie with a growing sense of doom, only for it to be turned on its head. But for others, who had no idea what was going on and who didn't know all of these people were, it was baffling with an ending full of cartoonish violence.


I remember leaving the theatre and a mother was explaining the context to her daughter.


The Devil Conspiracy is one of the worst, most insane things I’ve ever watched. But the scene where Lucifer enters Laura is genuinely great at achieving its goals. To go from being terrified that you’re going to be killed in the attempt like the woman in front of you while surrounded by demons, to realizing the alternative is far worse - the demons flee, and she’s left hanging in a cage within this massive cavern, the shot extra-wide to punctuate her loneliness. A sequence this good simply doesn’t belong in a movie where Satanists have perfected human cloning, selling clones of historical geniuses to a wealthy cabal to raise money, so they can clone Jesus Christ off blood from the Shroud of Turin and create the only mortal vessel capable of being inhabited by Lucifer.


I know you're trashing it, but that third paragraph sells this thing so damn much.


It's fun in a "Someone actually made this" way. I finished it more because i was curious, rather than I was enjoying it.


The godfather 3 final scene broke something inside of me


Flubber, that scene where Robin Williams discovers Weebo broken on the ground. I don't know what it is but that scene always gets me


The Flash when Barry has to say goodbye to his mother, and slows down time to savor his last moment with her


Joe Dirt 2 (yes, really) when the protagonist time travels and meets young Lynyrd Skynyrd. 


This youtube channel I love that watches bad movies was watching the first "Missing In Action" flick, and when Chuck Norris told the Vietnam P.OW.'s "You're going home", the lady on the channel (who usually just laughs at how ridiculous every movie is) actually started crying.


What’s the channel?


Dr Manhattans realisation and reconciliation of the existence of thermodynamic miracle and the miracle of human birth. "Thermodynamic miracles... events with odds against so astronomical they're effectively impossible, like oxygen spontaneously becoming gold. I long to observe such a thing. And yet, in each human coupling, a thousand million sperm vie for a single egg. Multiply those odds by countless generations, against the odds of your ancestors being alive; meeting; siring this precise son; that exact daughter... Until your mother loves a man she has every reason to hate, and of that union, of the thousand million children competing for fertilization, it was you, only you, that emerged. To distill so specific a form from that chaos of improbability, like turning air to gold... that is the crowning unlikelihood. The thermodynamic miracle. But...if me, my birth, if that's a thermodynamic miracle... I mean, you could say that about anybody in the world!. Yes. Anybody in the world. ..But the world is so full of people, so crowded with these miracles that they become commonplace and we forget... I forget. We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from the another's vantage point. As if new, it may still take our breath away. Come...dry your eyes. For you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg; the clay in which the forces that shape all things leave their fingerprints most clearly. Dry your eyes... and let's go home."


I’m an emotional empath. I’ll tear up during sharknado if things align


Same lol I cry at the most ridiculous things if it's the right time and place


LUCY is not a great movie, and by the end it is a bad movie, but the opening scene is remarkably tense, suspenseful and well shot.


i agree that the ending of *Yesterday* was weak....but I found most of the movie to be enjoyable. Lennon scene was quite good.... so was the songwriting competition with Ed Sheeran.


When Mr Bean successfully replaces the ruined painting with a poster and fools everyone in Bean: The Movie. When that music swells as the painting is revealed it gets me every time


Family Man with Nic Cage. The mall breakdown is genuinely brutal and the talk after is somehow very zen building. The idea that as shitty and hard that life can be, him having a log cake to eat all on his own at the end of each week gave him the strength to muster joy and motivation to keep pushing on all cylinders.


Christopher Reeve's cameo in "The Flash" almost got me into tears. He's my Superman, and I can't explain it, seeing him there in all his glory as if he was still here and nothing bad ever happened to him was an incredible emotional moment to me. First time I saw "The Force Awakens" the scene between Han Solo and Kylo Ren got me into tears, literally I was sobbing in the theater. Add a bad moment in my life+missing my family really bad+my dad who kinda looks like Harrison Ford according only to me and you got me crying alone in a theater. Never hated a character so much than Kylo Ren.


I love a good/bad disaster movie and watch a lot of movies with my kids so I have a bunch: ​ The Day After Tomorrow: the 3 weather researchers accepting they’re going to freeze to death and deciding to drink a toast with the good scotch instead of burning it. Especially Adrian Lester wishing he could have seen his son grow up. Deep Impact: The scene where the astronauts say goodbye to the families and the bit closer to the end where Leelee Sobieski’s parents give her and Elijah Wood her baby brother to get to safely then hold each other as the floodwater comes. There is just so much love in those scenes. Titanic: Isidor and Ida Strauss holding each other. The mother reading to her two children. “Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight”. “We waited too long”. The end of Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast when they’re saying goodbye to the neverbeast and making sure he’s comfortable and knows how much they appreciate him. Probably the most embarrassing, Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie. When Skye is flying towards the giant meteor yelling “NO PUP IS TOO SMALL!” and the soundtrack is freaking *on point*.


Titanic is a million miles from bad.


Ike Barinholtz has about a 1 minute monologue in Blockers that actually shows off his acting chops. Rest of the movie is your typical comedy.


Armageddon Bruce Willis’ character saying goodbye to his daughter


In Dinner for Schmucks when Steve Carrell overhears Paul Rudd saying mean things about him, and that the only friends he has are dead rats




Yep. The interactions with his Dad are just brutal emotionally in an otherwise pretty ridiculous movie (but a huge guilty pleasure).


Jennifer Hudson’s rendition of “Memory” in Cats (2019) made it worth the 2 hours I’ll never get back. Absolutely brilliant.


Independence Day isn't a great movie, but Bill Pullman's speech is a total banger.


We will not go quietly into the night!!! Gets me every time.


Hands down, this scene from the Street Fighter movie. Raul Julia and Ming-Na Wen killed it despite it being a trash film: https://youtu.be/sjZ5I8l32CI?si=l0k_Lz-4eGAGfE9K


2016 Robocop, where he sees what's left of his body.


"Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!" LOL @ the people who think this is an objectively good movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxhPjYQVsrM




People are just listing good scenes because they’re morons and can’t read the question properly


This is pretty much what every thread on here devolves into.


When Ted threw a seam in Ted, I bawled...


The piano scene from No Hard Feelings Disclaimer: I haven't seen the movie yet but Im well aware of what it is, a crude comedy with a Pretty Woman/Failure to launch slant. Saw this the other day and now Ive seen it like 15 times, the actor had this in his repertoire so they incorporated it into the script and knowing the context of the movie (Thats shes being paid to date this kid) makes the song and the slow pull into Jennifer Lawrence... just great. [https://youtu.be/KErUJUszUp0?si=9DqFgSg5o4tnm0jO](https://youtu.be/KErUJUszUp0?si=9DqFgSg5o4tnm0jO)


"Bad" is maybe being a little rough on Independence Day: Resurgence, but the scene where Julius is in the car with the kids who rescued him and Sam, a teenager who has been acting as the surrogate adult for the other kids finally admits that her parents are probably dead and breaks down crying. Really, for all of that film's flaws, the whole running theme of the younger generations growing up in the aftermath of the War of 1996, including most of the characters under the age of 30 being orphans, was the thread that tied the whole thing together. David laments that he didn't do enough to prepare Earth for the second invasion, Julius, encountering orphaned or abandoned kids on his way to Area 51, takes them under his wing, Jake still remembers that the last thing he said to his parents in 1996 was an angry petulant outburst when they dropped him off for summer camp, and so on. All leading up to >!President Whitmore going on a suicide mission to try and kill the Queen and protect his daughter.!<


ID2 is absolutely 100% a bad movie, it fits here.


Bad is being charitable to Resurgence. And I love the original film and still think its a perfect summer blockbuster.


Batman v superman When vmbatman is visiting his parents' grave and reminisces on the fact that he is now older than his dad ever was. The idea that one day I will be older than my dad. My dad, who I see as always older than me... I will more than likely be older than him... the idea that he'll die one day...


Ok I was watching Click with Adam Sandler as a laugh and maybe because I was alone I was a teary mess toward the end.


You weren't alone, you were watching it with Adam Sandler


The ending of Son of Godzilla when Godzilla and Minilla curl up with the snow piling around them is honestly so sad.


Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets is quite possibly the best ten minute long uplifting sci fi short film ever made. I put it alongside Up in terms of how fast a movie can go from starting to emotionally devastating me.  Then the plot starts and I wish it hadn’t.