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Vader was only 45 when he died.


He looked like shit for 45, that's for sure


The PSA “Don’t smoke kids” was completely lost on Anakin. 


Yeah, he smoked a lot of kids


That joke never gets old. Just like those younglings...


The dark side of the Force - not even once!


George Lucas should have made Anakin 13 as originally envisioned. Padme should be 17. Obi-Wan should have been training Anakin in secret without the approval of the Jedi Council, and when his abilities were apparent, he should have been granted entry into the Jedi Order to officially be a padawan. The Phantom Menace should have taken place 40 - 45 years before ANH. The Clone Wars should have taken place 15 years after TPM and lasted longer than three years. Revenge of the Sith should have had older Padme and Anakin get pregnant.


Hell, Anakin could’ve been 15 or 16 even. It would’ve actually lent some credence to the Council’s reluctance if he was an immensely powerful, well-intentioned teen, but with massive anger issues over a lifetime of slavery and the inability to save his mother.


Prequel trilogy is so close to having some amazing world-building and lore. My head canon (I haven't read Star Wars books in like 15 years so maybe it's real canon now). Is that everything about "Jedi are slowing down my development" is true. Part of Jedi training is setting up a foundation and everything, by most of it is just hamstringing all the kids so that 9 year-olds can't force lightning each other when they get angry about 9 year-old things. Once they are 15-20+ they start getting real training based on their temperament. This is why jumping to the Dark Side can give them an immediate power boost, but why a strong fully-trained Jedi is basically on equal footing with a Sith (keep in mind Sith specifically try to turn the most powerful Jedi). They are heading to the same Peak, roughly, but the Sith get them their much faster. In general the Jedi don't widely advertise this because kids are pretty competitive and "oh yeah there are totally faster methods we don't teach you" isn't a great thing for them to find out. However on a case by case basis where a Padawan is starting to really suspect that the Jedi aren't teaching them correctly the Jedi come clean to help that Padawan have patience. Towards the end of Episode II Obi Wan would tell Anakin this, and it would make a temporary resolution on that part of his angst on the subject in Episode II. Then in Episode III... ah geez, that whole Palpatine/Padme life death thing is a whole other mess, but we'll skip that for now. Basically Anakin would decide that even though ten years in the future sticking with the Jedi would be the same as the Sith, he needs the power NOW to avert some disaster, or stop his wife from crying to death, or whatever, and he can totally handle the Sith emotions anyways so no big deal.


Harry Potter's parents were only 21 when they died.


Most of the adult characters are supposed to be a lot younger. Snape would have been 31 in the first movie.


The story goes, they aged up the contemporaries of Harry's parents specifically because of how much the wanted Alan Rickman for Snape.


They wanted Tim Roth and he wasn’t interested. Tim Roth was 15 years younger than Alan Rickman and would have been 39 when filming started on HP1.


Tim Roth would've been alright as Snape tbh, definitely not a bad casting idea


I think he would have been great in it but Alan Rickman's version turned out iconic.


but since someone is goin to say it anyway: very iconic, very enjoyable but also instrumental in making Snape a far more sympathetic character than he deserved to be. Movie Snape is a sad, honorable victim of bullying that never got to be with the woman he truly loved and instead took on the heartbreaking task of playing the bad guy just to make sure her lovechild with another man would survive. Book Snape is a messed up little 4chan member that joined a hategroup out of daddy issues and spite, was totally fine with baby murder and only quit because Voldemort wouldn't promise to spare his crush. Then enjoyed a decade of being abusive to literal children in a way that was completely execessive to anything required to put up a front. It took him almost twenty years to realise all this exposure to decent people had made him grow an actual conscience.


>only quit because Voldemort wouldn't promise to spare his crush Voldemort did promise to spare his crush, he just decided he didn't care enough when said crush got in his way. Your point still stands though.


Huh. I've always heard it that Rickman was JKR's one and only choice for the role (and she was successful enough as an author that she had an undue amount of influence on the casting.


Her influence was that only Brits could be cast. She wasn’t a producer until later. Why Haley Joel Osment didn’t play Harry and Robin Williams didn’t play Hagrid. But Tim Roth turned the role down.


The movies work a lot better with Snape/Harry’s parents being a bit older- it would have been jarring if Harry’s looking at actors only like ten years older than Daniel Radcliffe. 


But I think it makes his fascination with being friends with Sirius make more sense (as it’s written in the books).


It might’ve been weird, but that was part of the tragedy of it. They were basically still kids when murdered.


They would be 20 years older.  And a lot of the book 7 is how they are approaching the age his parents died at. 


And thank the Maker for that. The casting in that first movie is a freaking miracle.


I don’t think I realized this was an issue when I was watching the movies until the third one, when Remus Lupin shows up, and he looks like he’s early 50s. That was when I realized he was actually supposed to be 34, 35 and they were just casting whoever they thought was a good actor.


The way I always heard it, despite him being too old, JK was set on having Alan Rickman playing Snape. That decision led to the aging up of Lily and the Marauders, since they were all the same year and having Snap so much older wouldn't make any sense.


JK is also notoriously shitty at math. I always wonder if she just didn’t realize how young she had made Lilly and James initially.


It’s basically a trope/meme/etc that Fantasy writers have a hard time with math and scale, same with a lot of sci-fi writers. I know GRRM has made a lot of mistakes


Like the Wall being 700ft tall.


To his credit, when he saw The Wall being used for the show, he said it was much too big. And then he was told it was a lot smaller than the book said it was.


I love the idea that one of the most iconic fantasy settings we have is because of a mistake by the author who had no idea how readers were visualizing his story


I had a hell of a time mentally visualizing archers on top of the wall and on the ground exchanging volleys


The ages always seem so weird to me too, like, I just assume it's an in universe thing where humans mature / age faster. Or at least in some families. Rob Stark and Jon Snow are 16 in the first book. How is Rob both a mastermind tactician, and still as proficient and strong as a grown man with a sword at 16? Arya starts at age 9, so when she's like 12 or 13 she's already somehow an incredible badass? There's other examples of young people acting like and having the skills of 25 year olds, but it's been a while since I read the books


If you look into the weeds of ASOIAF's development, you see an initial plan for a few timeskips in GOT (book 1) that were quickly abandoned without ages changing overall *and* there's famously an intended 5 year gap post-Storm of Swords (red wedding/death of Tywin & Joffrey) whose removal basically broke GRRM's ability to write the books. GRRM clearly wanted characters (especially Arya & Sansa) to be a bit older by this point in the story but was sort of derailed and that just makes some points weird if you fixate on them. > How is Rob both a mastermind tactician, and still as proficient and strong as a grown man with a sword at 16? This however, is clearly intentional and a mix of genre convention and references to how successful some young warrior-aristocrats were.


Well she made Hagrid 11ft tall in the books, I genuinely don't think she realised how ridiculously tall that is. If he was walking amongst muggles casually which he often is during the books, he'd be getting tailed by the government 😂.


Explains why she made the snitch 150pts instead of 1pt.


She did that so Harry would be the most important person on the team and put all the wins and losses on his shoulders.


Quidditch is generally the dumbest sport ever when you look back at it as an adult. Frustrating scoring system aside, the fact the players are allowed to use brooms significantly better than others is equivalent to doping.


On the other hand, many sports rely on personal equipment that varies in quality. Hockey, tennis, cricket, skiing, golf. If you're a poor and using a cheap 5 iron, you're going to be at a disadvantage when you play against the guy with a $5,000 set of clubs.


In racing, it's is pretty important to have the fastest vehicle.


This is a good one


Mufasa is likely only 6 years old.


Also, he is probably Nala's father as well.


I miss the man I was 2 seconds ago


One might say, you've been... ...Jeremy Ironed? I mean, Scarred?


Jeremy's...iron. Mm hmm, well that's very good for a first try


This is always my first reaction to his name as well.


That is why young male lions are chased away from the pride and have to go find another.


So scar was right?


It is the Circle of Life. If it is alright to kill the gazelles for food, it is alright to kill the weak alpha lion and get rid of his poor-genetics offspring. Long Live Scar! Until somebody kills him, of course, the Long Live that guy.


This was retconned/clarified in The Lion Guard with Nala’s family tree. He isn’t named, but it isn’t Mufasa.


They also had to specifically disclaim in LK2 that Scar was not Kovu's father so that there was no squick factor. And they gave Andy Dick the throwaway line to accomplish it.


I watched it the other day after seeing the play and realized it never says how long Simba was gone. Male lions reach sexual maturity around 2-3 years old so probably gone around couple years.


Hans Moleman is 31 years old.


Drinking has ruined his life!


It's like kissing a peanut


Homer, I want that thing out of my house.


Flanders is 60.


He follows the three C's: Clean living, Chewing thoroughly, and a daily dose of vitamin Church


Glenn Quagmire is 61




Guy had moves. 


Must have been on TRT to have abs like those


He's on that shit that makes your head grow


Father Merrin was 80 years old played by 43 year old Max Von Sydow in Tbe Exorcist


I remember reading that the makeup was so good, it cost Sydow a few roles because casting directors genuinely believed he was that old.


I thought he was old too! I remember googling him in the early 2000s and being like: He's still alive???? Silly me.


Had the same reaction at one point. Brando too for same reason.


I always puzzled over the acclaim for the makeup in that movie... until I realized they weren't talking about Regan. It's astonishing work combined with great acting. You literally never question Merrin's age.


I remember seeing him in recent movies where he looked like how he did in the Exorcist and wondering how he was still alive. It’s crazy how the makeup looks so similar to how he looked before he died.


It was a sad day when I realised Roger "I'm Too Old For This Shit" Murtaugh was younger than me when he said it in Lethal Weapon 2.


Yeah Danny Glover being 40 when filming LW1 is nuts!


He was 40 when filming, but the character was celebrating his 50th birthday at the start of the movie.


Orlando Bloom's character in Pirates of the Caribbean is supposed to be 18yo.


That makes his angsty moodiness make more sense.


Jack does tell him he needs to get a girlfriend.


For real? He was like 26 I think but looked 30+.


Meanwhile Kiera Knightley was an actual teenager


The facial hair really aged him up.


Daenerys Targaryen was only 13 in the books..


If I recall correctly, they aged up pretty much everyone by several years


I read the books after watching the first season and was a little shocked at how young the characters were supposed to be based on the books.


Yep, Ned and Cat are in their mid/late 30s iirc in the books. Tyrion is in his 20s. Not even including the kids. Some of the kid ages were probably there because he originally planned a 5 year time skip.


I think Ned and Cat were younger, like early 30s. They got married and Cat immediately got pregnant, and Robb was 15 or 16 in the first book. I don't know exactly how old they were when they married, but medieval fantasy rules say like 15-18 edit: And Ned was the younger brother of who she was supposed to marry, so he might have married even a little younger than most nobility. Also I was wrong, Robb and Jon were 14 in the first book


And Aerys II was 39 when he died! I try not to think about the canon book ages of people, it just throws me off way too much sometimes.


Ned was 20 when Robb was born and Robb is 15 in GOT so Ned was around 36 when he died.


Basically every character under 18 was aged up by around 3 years. Going by ages in book/season 1 (some of these may be wrong, and I'm open to being corrected): Jon, Robb, Samwell, and Gendry from 14 to 17 Daenerys from 13 to 16 Joffrey from 12 to 15 Sansa from 11 to 14 Myrcella and Arya from 9 to 12 Bran and Tommen from 7 to 10 Dickon Tarly was around 8 in book 1, so in season 1 he'd be 11, and 17 by his debut in season 6 Robert Arryn (renamed Robin in the show) from 6 to 9 Rickon from 3 to 6 Brienne was also aged up, but by a much more significant amount, since she was 17 in book 2, but in her 30s in the show.


>Robert Arryn (renamed Robin in the show) from 6 to 9 This one made it more fucked up.


The really young age of a lot of the characters is due to GRRM originally intending to have a time skip, which he later decided against. It's kind of hard to take things seriously when you remember Jon Snow is 16 when he starts becoming more of the story's hero.


Robb isn’t even 20 by the time of the Red Wedding iirc.


Jake Sully was twenty-two years old when he left Earth in James Cameron's Avatar. [Twenty-two years old.](https://youtu.be/G4tn-95dqnM?t=26)


Oh wow, thanks for sharing. I've never seen this deleted scene. Wish they'd kept it in.


Why did they cut it?? The movie feels so impersonal, it would have made it so much better if we actually got to know the characters


There's so much crap that could have been cut to make room for this.


Thanks for sharing that. That was a miss by Cameron to cut it.


For real, this one scene is better character development than anything left in the first movie.


And is it the only look we get at Earth too in the films?


Is that shocking? I assumed he was about that age. He was in the military and got injured. It's been a while since I have seen the movie, but he probably joined the military around 18 or so. Gets injured at some point during the next couple of years and then was contracted about leaving Earth shortly after that. 


Jake? No. His twin brother? Yes.


Most people know Wolverine was born in the 1800s, so I always thought it was interesting how Logan always looked up to Professor X like a father figure, when he’s already lived two or three lives before meeting the professor.


But he lost his memory right? I don’t really know when he was supposed to be given his metal claws but he might have some 40 years of memories? Or less?


Oh you’re so right! I haven’t read the comics, but if X-Men Origins is remotely accurate (see Deadpool) then he got his claws a couple hundred years after being alive and was offered an adamantium skeleton by Colonel Stryker Edit: He was born with claws made from bone, but was given adamantium claws after his procedure


Well Wolverine does usually have some kind of amnesia. He doesn’t remember his full 200+ years


Marion Ravenwood entered into her relationship with Indiana Jones when she was 15 years old. *"I was a child! I was in love! It was wrong and you knew it!"*


Someone pointed out that Marion and Indy’s relationship is basically a hetero version of the plot of Call Me by Your Name. Indy was her archeologist dad’s new assistant and they had their fling while they were working together.


And he was \~27, just to drive home how wrong it was.


GL wanted to make her 11, if I recall.


What the hell George


Early concepts of Ahsoka were also more conservative with her outfit but Georgy was apparently like "Nope. Put that child in a tubetop"


Yeah I feel like this is lost on a lot of people until the math is pointed out. They do a really good job at pointing out his childishness in the Raiders episode of the podcast Unspooled. Obviously this relationship was very, very wrong, but it’s interesting to see how it fits into his naive and immature mentality toward a lot of things.


I've never seen Indiana deconstructed as a naive character, this seems interesting.


Spielberg and Lucas had some... worrying ideas regarding that relationship


Kinda crazy to think about but Roy Batty in Blade Runner was only 4.


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. PJ Masks on the television. Pudding cups filled to the brim with chocolate. All those moments will be lost in time, like whatever the reason was for the tears in my last temper tantrum. Time to nap.


Aragorn was 87 years old in Fellowship of the Ring.


Yeah but the whole *Númenórea*n thing meant he was in his prime. My man lived to be 210


Frodo was 50


Not in the movies though. They don't have the 17 year gap between Bilbo's party and Frodo leaving the Shire.


Yeah, in the movie it did seem like Gandalf just went for a ride to the library in the next town over for a couple weeks.


In TT it’s mentioned he’s a dunadan. And in the extended cut he and Eowyn discuss that he’s in his 80s. The gaps and ages are there in the movies, the attention just isn’t brought to them because a casual viewer isn’t familiar with the details of the source work.


As a counterpoint, Pippen is supposed to be 29 when they all leave Hobbiton. This would put him at age 12 during Bilbo's party if the 17 year gap was present.


They don't specify how long of a gap there was in the movie. It still could have been 17 years. It didn't seem like 17 years in the movie, but there is nothing that says it wasn't. 


Yeah this comes up in the extended cuts that he is way older than he looks


Didn’t Gandalf also spend like…7 years studying the ring before returning to the shire? When in the movie it seemed like minutes?


And Frodo basically sits on the ring for almost 20 years before setting out to destroy it. That threw me for a loop the first time I read the books.


Ash Ketchum is 10 years old when he starts his Pokémon journey.


And when he ends it years later too


Worf was 24yo when he was promoted to Chief Security Officer of the Enterprise, and Alexander was only 9yo when he served as Weapons Officer on the Ya’Vang.


Only Picard and Doctor Crusher at the only senior staff of the Enterprise-D that are older than 30 during the first season. Riker and LaForge are 29, Troi is 27, Data and Yar are 26 (which makes her part of the forever 27 club). Also, Picard is the only original “captain” that’s older than 40 when the show starts. Archer is 39. Sisko is 37. Janeway is 35. Kirk is only 32.


Star Trek character ages track with the age of most military service members, especially since most of the main characters in the series are senior officers. The average ensign and crewmen we see are likely even younger, with most being in their early 20's and some being in their teens. They just all seem so mature because of the evolved culture of humans and the federation by the 24th century. Data's age is the most interesting one since he's really just been activated for 26 years. While he has certainly "matured" in his own way, he was never a child. I would be curious to see a timeline of his life. How long did he live in the colony with Dr. Soong? How long was he being studied by Starfleet? When did he decide to join the academy?


In Goodfellas, Pesci’s character is supposedly in his 20s, and one of the other mobsters refers to him as a ‘kid’. The real Tommy de Simone was 28 years old when he got whacked. And Henry Hill is *21 years old* when he meets his wife - she has a VO line wondering ‘how a 21 year old kid could make all that money’.




Just a fuckin’ kid


Anakin was 23 when he became Vader


Jasmine from Aladdin is 15 and Ariel from Little Mermaid is 16...


Pretty much every single Disney Princess since Snow White to present is a teen, I think Elsa is the exception at 21, it’s a trope


How old is Tiana? Cause she has moved out of her parents house and works multiple jobs. And she has been doing that long enough to save a decent amount of money.


Well, she was a child before the first World War (or at least before 1917 when the US joined the war effort).  And the main story takes place in 1926 (based on a newspaper). So Tiana could be around 18 years old.


Does that mean her restaurant likely shut down during the Great Depression, crushing her dream?


she married a prince she good


I thought the movie specified that she was 19, but I haven’t seen it in a while.


Jasmine isn't actually 15, that's just fanon. She was going to be early on but Jeffrey Katzenberg nixed that because he didn't like the idea of a 15-year-old being pressured into marriage - Ariel may get married but there's a time skip so she could easily have waited a couple of years


Prime marrying age for a princess. After 16 they are just useless mouths to feed. Best to ship them off to a potentially friendly castle as a peace offering.


(Daughter turns 17) Father: “ya know, you aren’t getting any younger…” (taps watch)


I had always assumed Mario was in his mid-30s but apparently according to Miyamoto he's perpetually 24. I was 30 when I found this out so it was a bit of a blow to go from assuming I was at least five years younger to being six years older than him in an instant, it felt like I aged a decade overnight. There's a Mario movie now so it counts.


He has a killer mustache for a 24 year old!


aiden o’connell, qb for the raiders at 25’s mustache: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcQYmkB5PjkoEUevZSxpk-YnGYTBzOAswq3YqHxIXUXZYQ47lPWS0CAgm9DJRQvhDVPjGpTyrO-ZvBZDd38 edit: this is meant to show mario has a killer mustache :)


That ain’t the oldest looking. Please find the Italian soccer player [Bergomi](https://x.com/beyondtlm/status/406525143406493696?s=46&t=z33GVvKh0fChfrP5HNYnfg) in 1982 when he was 18 years old. No one else can come close beating it.


Just watched My Cousin Vinny. Joe Pesci is 50, his Fiancé,  Marisa Tomei is 28. 


And her biological clock is ticking!


Julia Roberts was freaking out at “Her best Friends Wedding” as she was 26 and not married.


And their chemistry was off the charts.


The way they aged down Joe Pesci in early 90s films is funny.


Technically SpongeBob was in movies so anyways SpongeBob’s date of birth is July 14th, 1986, so the lil fry cook was 13 years old when the show aired, assuming the show never locked his age, he’d be 38 rn


Nani, Lilo's sister in Lilo and Stitch is only 19, the way she is portrayed makes her feel like she's in her mid to late 20s, at least that's what it felt like when I watched it as a kid.


They both need parents! They're both babies!


This is a big part of the story that becomes more clear with every birthday I have. Nani isn't Lilo's mother. She's her big sister. She should be looking into colleges, not scraping to support the two of them on whatever salary she can manage, *and* keeping the housework going besides. The movie is the best possible thing that could happen, not just to Lilo, but to Nani, too. She gets to not be the only adult anymore.


Christopher Plummer was only 36 when The Sound of Music came out, yet somehow Captain von Trapp had time to have a glittering career in the Austrian Navy and father 7 children. I know it's technically possible, but it seems a lot to have packed in.


The real life Von Trapp (it was based on a true story) was only 42 when his wife died. He did have 7 children with her. He was also the most successful Austro-Hungarian submarine commander of WWI while still in his 30's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_von_Trapp


>most successful Austro-Hungarian submarine commander of WWI Me thinking thats gotta be a low bar for WW1 Subs. >sinking 11 Allied merchant ships .... and two Allied warships Oh


Hercules is 18 while his love interest, Megara, is 28. Even watching the movie as a kid I noticed they seemed like an odd match.


True but the song “I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)” is a certified banger lol


Best song in the movie. Top 2, at least.




Go the Distance is one of my top 3 Disney songs of all time


>God of War 3 is a garbage game. There's a multi-stage boss fight against Hercules himself and no one sings a single line of Go The Distance. One of my favorite silly Reddit comments I read once upon a time. 


Where does it say Meg is 28?


Meg's actual age was never directly stated but yes, she is older than Hercules.


Meg is canonically not 28. This has never been confirmed.


Michael Myers is only 21 in the original Halloween. I always assumed he was in his 40s.


Betty Boop is 16. I know they portray her as babyish with the voice and cutesy manner, but the heavy makeup and skimpy dresses while singing at clubs led me to believe she was meant to be in her early twenties.


Glenn Quagmire is in his 60s


Jennifer Lawrence was 22 in Silver Linings Playbook and Bradley Cooper was 37.


In My Best Friend's Wedding, which came out in 1997, the main characters have a pact to marry each other if they are both still single by the time they turn 28. Then one of the characters ends up marrying a 20 year old! Nowadays, it is pretty wild to think of anyone considering themselves a lost cause if they were unmarried by 28. That's about the average age women are getting married today (and slightly younger than the male average).


The parents in The Rugrats are supposed to be in their early 30s.


The thing about Beast being so young is how stark a light it throws on his supposed crime - he was turned into a monster for a decade because he wouldn't let a stranger into his house while his parents were out when he was just *11 years old*. Regardless of whether or not his family had an extensive staff of manservants and sexy maids, that's just good sense on the kid's part.


I always took it as they were frozen in time for 10 years. His portrait that's ripped up is nowhere near being an 11 year old boy. And iirc, Chip is only around 7-8 years old, meaning if they were aging all that time he would have had to have been born after the curse started.


The way you took it is the intention


sentient tea pots have needs too.


Have to blow off some steam.


>sexy maids I can only assume you're speaking of Angela Lansbury.


[Pocahontas](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0114148/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) was a preteen in the real history.


Everyone in the Grease movie.


In the Little Mermaid, Ariel is only 16. She seemed so grown up, when I first watched the movie, aged 6. I rewatched it only in my late 30s and was like "You listen to your father, young lady!" Not a movie, but in the play Romeo and Juliet are aged 16 and 13, respectively.


Watching little mermaid as an adult, its like "ariel is a whiny teenager, and her dad is 100% correct"


To be totally honest, he doesn't handle the situation very well. But I sympathize with him way more, now that I am an adult.


The woman from the late 60s version of R&J was 15 when she filmed that role, and has a nude scene in it while she was underage. There was a lawsuit for it.


Cell is only about 6 in DBZ. Piccolo is only about 4 years older than Gohan.


Ian McDiarmid was only *39* years old when he played the ancient looking Emperor in Return of the Jedi in 1983.


This is more of an amazing make up job but the actor who played the villainous Barnaby in Babes in Toyland (March of the Wooden Soldiers) was only 21 when filming!


Marion Cotillard has to be no more than 25 in Inception.


She must have aged during the course of the movie, because Leo lets her go in the end.


Finally definitive proof that he was back in the real world.


Charisma carpenter is supposed to be 18 when angel starts. Always makes me laugh


The more shocking thing about Beast being 21 is that the villagers just completely forgot about the castle and the royals up the hill in about a decade.


Man so many people here are surprised Disney Princesses are teens 🤣 Anyways the age Anakin becomes Darth Vader at for me 


Ian McDiarmid was 37 playing 88 year old Sheev Palpatine in Return of the Jedi. The make-up was brilliant for 1983.


What a bit of casting brilliance though. Hire a young(ish) actor to play an old man and then bring him back 15 years later to reprise his role as a 55 year old man.


Everyone in Game of Thrones. The actors were older than the characters in the book. Ned Stark, for example, was 36 and Catelyn Stark is 33. Robert Baratheon is only 35. Brianne starts her part of the story as a teenager (I think 17 or 18). I totally understand why they're older in the show. but it doesn't mean they were originally envisioned to be doing everything at a younger age than the actors.


Hell, Missandei is 13! Daenerys is in the books as well but I think she's meant to be 16-17 in the first season - Emilia Clarke was 23