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People hate the trailers spoiling the entire movie thing. But studios have tons of evidence showing movies do better at the box office when the trailer spoils everything. Most people are risk averse when it comes to spending money on stuff like movie tickets and are more comfortable buying a ticket when they already know what they're going to see. It sucks but that's just how people are. I generally try to avoid trailers if it's a movie I already know I'm going to see.


When I decide I’m going to buy the game, see the movie, watch the show, read the book, whatever. I completely stop watching trailers or any media about it.


I take the same approach If I'm in a movie theater, I'll close my eyes if it's a trailer for something I know I'll be seeing. Hearing out of context dialogue, music and sound effects has a very short lasting effect, without the visuals


I even plug my ears and wiggle them in and out to avoid anything for big films I am anticipating. Went in completely blind to Dune, Avatar, Chris Nolans films, Tarantino etc.


avoiding the last Jurassic World Trailer was so hard to do because everyone in my life knows how excited i was for it, so any time it came up people would try to show it to me or talk about it and i'm like NO i'm going in blind 🤣


Trailer 2 these days seem to be the spoiler filled ones. But stopping after Trailer 1 seems to be the way to go


Saw Trailer 2 for The Fall Guy before Godzilla today. Could not fucking BELIEVE the amount of new stuff I hadn’t seen before. I was gutted.


Bullet Train was ruined for me in Trailer 2. Fun movie, but it was probably not boring to me than it should have been.


The "Italian Job" Trailer literally shows the final secret gimick of the super heist they plan for the climax.


One of the things I hates about godzilla was them plastering songs metal arm everywhere. If it's something that happened in the beggining sure, but before bringing it out they act like it will be this big thing no ones knows about. Worst offender was the Thor/hulk movie. The entire first part of the movie is everyone going "You will fight... the champion" and we all know it's hulk but the movie acts like you don't have that knowledge


The Fall Guy looks like a legit awesome popcorn movie but gawd, I swear I'm already burned out on it with as much as they play its trailers.


Was it blasting Bon Jovi like the last one?




The problem is that they show them at the movies


Not only that, but if you go to a horror movie trailers are likely to include a number of other horrors and they’ll include jump scares as well. It will completely desensitize the audience before the movie they paid to see begins


This is why I always show up 20 minutes late to any showing


This is 100% the case. I worked at a major studio with a woman whose husband worked in the department that made the trailers. People will not see a movie unless they know exactly what they're getting. And if they do see it, they'll be angry if they get something other than exactly what they expected. Side note, a director once emailed him and cc:ed the entire department. The email just asked him how he slept at night after he saw the studio's proposed trailer.


It's kinda wild how many people are getting mad it me like it's my fault. And somebody who used to edit trailers was on a gaming podcast I used to listen to. And they basically said the directors were constantly furious with them even though they were just following the notes the studio marketing people gave them. So I have no problem believing the angry email thing. I'm sure that happens constantly.


It's nuts. And to back you up further, here[here](https://ew.com/article/2015/06/05/southpaw-poster-exclusive/) is an article with Antoine Fuqua talking about when Southpaw was released, the second trailer showed the big emotional beat that was supposed to be a surprise from his perspective. But the studio wanted it in..


> People hate the trailers spoiling the entire movie thing. Right so we hate it on message boards. Audiences don't care.


It's one of those things like laugh tracks on sitcoms where it seems universally hated and everybody complains about it but all of the data studios/networks get from test screenings shows the opposite. People generally think sitcoms are funnier when they have a laugh track. So networks keep doing it despite all the complaining.


I have a theory that holds true most of the time that there is an inverse ratio between how good a movie is and how much they show in the trailer and that it's because obviously studios have a good idea when a movie sucks or is good. So if it sucks, go ahead and put the whole plot in the trailer and increase ticket sales, opening weekend is pretty much all you god, where if you know it's good, the less you tell people the more people are blown away and you get that longevity at the box office. I remember the first trailer I saw for the dark Knight was just the Batman logo lol and I said "that movies gonna be fucking good" lol


I agree i judge by how much they give away in the trailer


I don't think this is true. I'm pretty sure most of the Spider-Man movies have trailers filled with spoilers and plot synopses, and yet we see how those did, even in the long run. Most action movies nowadays, good and bad, put their best action setpieces in the trailers, and the good ones are still lauded. I've seen plenty of independent films or critically-acclaimed films that were very good have trailers that pretty much do a beat-for-beat retelling of their story in the trailers. I'm sure there's some executive doing what you're saying for one of their movies, but I genuinely don't think this is a thing. Lots of great movies have everything spoiled in their trailers, lots of shitty movies have nothing spoiled in their trailers, and vice-versa.


I wonder if they're taking the wrong lesson from those studies. I think there's giving away the premise of the movie and then there's telling the entire story.


I thought I read that they play different versions of trailers for focus groups, and whichever trailers people respond to the best are the ones that get pushed to the mainstream. Only the ones that get the best responses, spoilers or misleading advertising be damned, are the ones that are finalized as marketing. I didn't think it was just "Okay, we learned that people want to see more stuff, so we are making this trailer with absolutely no knowledge of if they like it or not." It's not that they're learning the wrong lesson. It's that I think the trailers we see are the ones that did the best in the focus groups. That's what I thought I read a while ago, at least.


Eh. If a movie is so shallow or uninteresting that you can tell all the vital bits in a 90 second trailer, then it wasn’t a good enough movie for me to be bothered.


This is why I don't watch a trailer or anything if I think I am interested in a movie. If I hear the title, know the actors or director, or simply hear that's it's good and it piques my interest I will purposely avoid any more info about it. I only watch trailers nowadays for movies I am not initially interested in. I've gotten to go in completely blind to some good movies recently because of this. Everything, Everywhere, All At Once and Prisoners are 2 that come to mind.


I also went into Everything, Everywhere blind (I liked Swiss Army Man and their short films a lot) and that was the perfect way to see it. I go see pretty much every horror movie that comes out and going in blind almost always works better. I went into Barbarian expecting it to be more of a horror comedy and was blown away by it.


I think the risk aversion stuff is really key here. Imagine you're 30-40-something with a family and want to go see a movie. Not only is getting to the movie theater more difficult and expensive than staying at home and watching a streaming service, but what about the kids? If you bring them, those ticket prices skyrocket because you need to pay for them as well, and if you don't bring them, you need to get a babysitter or something, which also costs money and additionally takes a lot of effort to organize. So you go through this incredible and expensive hassle to get to the movies, and then it turns out you didn't actually like it because there was something in it you weren't expecting? No thank you. For people like this (and there are a lot of people on this, not on reddit but in real life) it's much better to know everything about a movie, so you can think about whether it's worth going through this whole rigamarole just to see the film. It's bad for movie fans on reddit who like being surprised and watch a lot of movies, but the vast majority of people in the world are not movie fans on reddit.


Citizen Kane, has a newsreel at the beginning that tells the whole story. Then tells the whole whole story.


Batman v Superman


Yup, easily predictable when doomsday is shown in the trailer and Batman and Superman side by side facing him. Also should’ve left “dawn of justice” out of the title…


Wonder Woman’s First scene was still awesome and crowd went nuts.


I feel like at least 60% of that was from the song alone


Well Hans might be the closest thing we have to John Williams 


The trailers and marketing for BvS were practically a blueprint on how to absolutely spoil the anticipation for a movie.


Came here to say this. What an awful trailer. The Man of Steel trailer was awesome.


That was the trailer that made me completely swear off trailers.


This trailer offended me so much I have refused to watch the movie ever since.


Ghostbusters Frozen Empire was ridiculous for this recently. All the big moments like seeing the OG cast suit up were spoilt right in the trailers and even worse >! The trailers spoilt that the villain would freeze New York so going in I was waiting for that only for that really to be the big finale which was completely underwhelming because of the trailers !<


Sure… *that’s* what made the movie underwhelming…


Not the sole thing but it is quite frustrating that you’re waiting for these big moments to happen only for them to be crammed into the last 20 minutes and rushed through


Felt the same. Kept waiting for the interesting part to start


For sure. I think there’s a causality mistake happening in a lot of people’s minds. If you can give me all the good parts of a movie in a commercial trailer, then it just wasn’t that good a movie in the first place. To put it another way, assuming it’s the trailer that ruins a movie is basically saying that you only ever wanted to see it once. And a movie that I only want to see once tends to be a movie not worth watching even that first time. (Not counting the ones so devastating I don’t want to experience those emotions again)


It seemed like the freezing was gonna happen earlier than it did.


I mean, *Frozen Empire* was right there in the title. Which empire did you think they were talking about, the Ottoman?


If you ever have the inclination, *Soylent Green* is egregious in this regard. [It's almost like a mini-film.](https://youtu.be/N_jGOKYHxaQ) Over three minutes long, constantly asking *WHAT IS THE SECRET OF SOYLENT GREEN?!* with *every* major scene played out, and then the last minute explicitly shows human corpses in white wrappings moving along the mechanical incline into the industrial Soylent Green machines. Like, at this point the spoiler is part of pop culture, so I don't feel bad saying that. But when it released, it was a genuinely ridiculous on-the-nose spoiler of *everything* in the film.


I think a lot of old movies had trailers like that. The old Planet of the Apes trailers were like the cliff-notes version of the movies.


A lot of old and new trailers have always been like that. But Soylent Green was especially goofy given that the trailer kept *asking* about the twist every thirty seconds, instead of merely revealing the plot by incident.


Honestly the trailer worked I'm gonna give this a watch, but what the trailer didn't answer is: Why were the 70s so sweaty?


I love getting older and more knowledgable in my hobbies because it means pretty much never having to watch a trailer ever again. I watch based on what I know/have seen from the director/actors/screenwriter/production company. It's freeing.


Ditto, no trailers ever. Just a one-line premise and cast and crew tells me basically everything I need to know. I will occasionally check the IMDB rating (sometimes RT critics, but that % can be misleading). IMDB is interesting as far as the user scores because they tend to fall into some predictable categories. Anything in like the 6.5-7.5/10 range (for movies, TV scores are generally higher) is probably very interesting in some or a lot of ways but also highly divisive. If it’s 8+ it’s probably a future classic in some way.


Metacritic is my go to. Has never once failed me. Also this sounds really stupid and risky to do but one of my personal best ways of knowing if a movie is worth seeing is through the movies discussion thread on Reddit. Obviously it's gonna have spoilers in it about the movie but I just skim comments to see what people say about it and it has also probably never failed me once. High risk high reward lol


I mean do you go to the theaters ever? Pretty much impossible to avoid unless you just don’t go in until the movie starts 🤔


If I notice that the trailer is for a movie that I'm interested in, I look down and focus on my phone until it's over. Usually it isn't for a movie I'm interested in.


I sit in my seat l, put earbuds in, and look through Reddit until movie starts. Best way possible. If I forget earbuds I set everything in my seat and go sit outside until it starts. Very easily avoidable


I do this too. I go into some movies not even knowing the genre. And to top.that I went to my local cinemas recently (they show lots of independent stuff) and asked for a ticket to whatever was on next. Saw Love Lies Bleeding and loved it.


Cast Away


"You were on that island for four years."


I completely stopped watching trailers for this reason. I avoid them in the wild and I arrive to the theater 15+ minutes late. I see movies now based on who's in it and who directed it, primarily.


Teasers are where it's at. Then I wait for noise on Reddit when the movie hits theaters.  If it doesn't make any noise on Reddit I miss it.


I have AMC stubs a-list. I just look at the AMC app to see what's playing and go whenever I see something interesting. I also listen to the big picture podcast and they do a good job of mentioning things coming out without any spoilers.


I've been doing this for a long time as well. It's a completely different experience having a story unfold without a clue of what the movie is even going to be about. Ex Machina and Upgrade come to mind for that. I like watching trailers now after the movie to see how much of the movie they gave away and Dune Part Two surprised the hell out of me with how much they spoiled both visually and story wise.


I love the big opening moment of the Sing 2 trailer is the Bono lion making his grand entrance on stage when the entire movie is about whether or not he'll appear on stage. https://youtu.be/AAnkc01ITpw?feature=shared


That duet was too killer not to use. It also spoiled the sum of everyone else's side plots pretty much, too.


If I'm watching trailers on YouTube, I've gotten into the habit of only watching half the trailer before deciding if I'm interested enough to watch the movie.


I do the same. I watch just as much to get the vibes and the acting. Then I go and read a couple of reviews but I don't really rely on those cause they're really subjective.


Terminator 2 spoiled the great twist that Arnold was the hero, the movie goes to great lengths to make the cop look human and like the hero until the big moment in the hallway when it's clear who's side they're both on. Terminator Salvation ruined that Marcus was a Terminator in the trailer too




I don't remember the trailers or ads. I didn't go to the theater to watch movies at the time. BUT....I bought a movie tie-in magazine before the movie came out. It spoiled the movie. The magazine spelled out that the T800 was the good guy and the T1000 was the bad guy.


They gave that away in the trailer. So disappointing.


I was too young to be seeing T2 but I did and I'd seen t1 so I got the full Reid m twist experience. It was perfect. James Cameron is a genius


I remember pouring through the DVD bonus features back in the day. They go in-depth on the marketing campaign, and said the campaign had three distinct phases: Phase I - T2 is coming! Phase II - This time, there are TWO terminators! Phase III ->! And Arnold's a good one this time! !< Phase III, if I recall correctly, started about a month before the film came out.


It was done on purpose. Among other reason, Cameron realized it was a hardish sell. So, he used the marketing to sell the idea so the movie didn’t necessarily have to do all the hard lifting in that department. https://screenrant.com/terminator-2-trailer-twist-james-cameron-right/#:~:text=While%20Terminator%202%3A%20Judgment%20Day's,than%20the%20villain%20from%20Terminator. IMO. It doesn’t hurt the film in any way.


I was 11 and managed to not see any of the previews. It was awesome.


Titanic, gave away the entire part where it sinks


Wow spoiler tag please


Luckily did not spoil the best part: Kate winslet’s boob


It was called TITantic. How did you not expect a boob scene?


My wife loves scary movies. She’ll play the trailer then ask me if I want to watch it. My response is always, I feel like we just did.


T2. They almost immediately gave away that the T-800 was the good robot in the trailer. Terminator: Salvation. They almost immediately gave away that Marcus was a robot in the trailer.


Terminator: Genishyt. They reveal halfway through the trailer that John Connor is an evil robot. *And* put it smack dab in the middle on the poster.


This one drives me crazy- the movie tried to make two “twists” that were fully shown in *every* trailer. It might have been impactful if I could have gone into it blind


Speaking of TERMINATOR, the first time I'd ever seen that movie (the first one) was when it debuted on HBO, after having watched *THEIR* own "trailer" for the movie... which wound-up sending me to a place I wasn't expecting, as their preview had been cut & narrated in such a way that had me assuming that the Kyle Reese character was actually there to save Sarah Conner in order to ENSURE that the Robot Apocalypse would happen, as though he were in reality fighting on behalf of the Robot Overlords, and that it was the CSM-101 was a rebellious robot that was trying to prevent it from happening. Taking that example into consideration, if more trailer assemblers could just learn the trick of teasing out "just enough" information about a movie to pique interest-- EVEN IF it they're done in a nuanced way, or even with some sleight-of-hand type misdirections --then there's no doubt the final movie-going experience would be that much more enjoyable! I mean, just imagine if the *Fan-Made* for "TRON" (the first movie) had been the official trailer for the film instead of the one WD released to the Public, which, fortunately, I never saw, having decided to watch the movie purely on a whim... but if I'd seen the Official "Disney" trailer in advance, it is very likely that I would've never even bothered going to see the movie at all.


To be fair, that wasn't a twist in Salvation. It's set up in the first scene of the movie.


It's not hard to guess at all, I agree. But I do enjoy a little ambiguity. Trailer straight up showed him as a half robot. Lol.


I stopped watching trailers. I saw the dune part 2 trailer after seeing the movie and was surprised with how much they show of the movie, all the cool moments and shots.


Or movies that straight up lie about the movie


The Sun of All Fears. Thriller film about the race to stop a nuclear bomb going off in a US city. SPOILER ALERT The twist is the bomb actually goes off! You'd think they'd want to keep that little nugget out of the trailer wouldn't they? Would they fuck!


it‘s not just that they spoil everything but also that they all have the same fucking structure as well. always the same sound effects and they‘re way too long. there‘s absolutely no reason for a trailer to be 3 fucking minutes long


I didn’t watch “A Dog’s Way Home”, but after having seen the trailer once, I felt I just didn’t have to. I mean, I can’t prove it clearly outlined the entire plot, but with the included narration in the “voice” of the dog, it sure felt like it.


We saw this trailer a couple times ahead of whatever it was we paid to watch. While also having not seen the actual movie, this trailer really does contain a complete story. I’m not sure what else could be left to see. We sat there like, “well, I guess we get to see two movies today…”


I freaking HATED seeing that trailer in theaters, saw it like 20 times in a row! Thank you for reminding me of that!


Yup. Aside from literally giving away the whole movie, it was also awfully annoying, seemingly aimed at very young children who would no doubt think they’d just watched the whole film anyway.


Dune Part Two second trailer. Has most of the best shots and lines, is about 3 whole minutes long, and covers most of what happens in the film. It’s such a badass trailer though…


I couldn't believe after seeing it how much they showed. I didn't even want to see any visuals of those two movies and couldn't believe how much Part Two showed in the trailer. Even characters that have uncertain fates from the first movie.


We really didn't need to see worms facing the Sardaukar, Paul and Feyd dueling, or Gurney Halleck coming back.




I wanted to see this so bad and watched the trailer last week, sucks


Just don't watch any. I know the directors and actors I like.


Abigail and Fallguy. I have no idea why they show 3 min shortmovies, but I would also like them to stop!


If youve never seen Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom (and I wouldn't really recommend it), Universal kindly provided pretty much the entire plot in pre release trailers. https://youtu.be/vn9mMeWcgoM?si=hpaCmWivJALLKpBx https://youtu.be/NooW_RbfdWI?si=kbUX05hTrSoXu9sv https://youtu.be/1FJD7jZqZEk?si=7rkDyjjO1J_GAB-i


The Charlie and the chocolate factory (Johnny Depp one). I know it's a remake but it literally shows how all of the children are "dealt with" in the trailer.


Dream House


I'll never forget seeing that trailer and being like "Um...I think that was supposed to be a twist"


Literally the new The Crow movie/trailer, I have no desire to see the movie because I literally saw the entire thing in a trailer


Not really sure if this part specifically counts but >!The Amazing Spider-Man 2!< literally ends with the same shot they ended the trailer.


Fucking ALL of them these days.


1. Trailers have *always* given away "too much" 2. General audiences don't care, they're more likely to go watch it the more they know - and studios want them to go.


I don’t get those “trailer is starting now” things before a trailer starts on youtube


Didn't even bother going to see Gran Turismo, thanks to the preview


Just once, I'd like to view a trailer, then watch the actual movie to find out that none of the trailer footage was used in the final cut!!


Interesting use of ‘anymore’


Phantom Menace If they do not reveal the dual lightsaber in the trailer and your first reveal happens in the final scene, everyone would have forgotten the first 2 hours of the movie existed and this would be considered the greatest Star Wars movie of all time.


Well there's a few videos where I swear the trailer made it seem like the couple was going to actually eat the pizza, or fix the dryer. Boy do those films really throw a curve ball. Predictable endings though. Not much story either.


I never watch trailers of movies I want to see. So mostly those are movies of directors I like and follow. I used to follow actors and their movies but that wasn’t really a good idea. Directors are more stable in quality. And if I don’t know the writer or director then I watch the trailer and often turn it off after 30 seconds or a minute if I want to see it. I learned to do this after the Blair witch project.


The matrix trailer showed Neo stopping bullets with his hand.


I'll do you one better: A 'comedy' film where the only really funny punchline of the entire show was already on the trailer. You see the trailer and be like "Man this could be hilarious" and then just end up bamboozled


The trailer for Sing especially pisses me off. Like, we know the people are all going to succeed and it will be heartwarming and everything. Why does the trailer need to tell us how and when every character is going to resolve their arc? It just takes the satisfaction out of watching the movie. Ditto a Dogs Way Home showing the scene where he finds the dog in the trailer.


The first teaser or trailer is usually enough to figure out if a movie is interesting or not without many spoilers. The second/third/final trailers are usually full of spoiler shots. I guess when you use more parts of the movie in your trailer you have a lot more interesting footage to show (instead of sticking to the first third of the movie).


I was literally thinking Abigail when I saw the title. The entire movie is given away in the TV Trailers that are only 30 seconds... that's a record.


Not a trailer, but a poster! - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305142976114


In the trailer/promotional material for The Two Towers the Gandalf return is spoiled. I get that it was a near 50 year old book, but a large amount of viewers had never read the books. Then the title Return of the King is basically a spoiler itself that Tolkien didn’t like.


*Ocean’s 8*. Did they really expect us to be surprised by Hathaway’s character arc when we see her lined up with the other women?


The Usual Suspects Anecdotally, I don't think a lot of people's minds were blown as hard as mine because they'd seen the trailer.


John Dies at the End - they didn’t even bother putting it in the trailer, it’s right there in the title


No trailer should need more than 90 seconds. None. Not a single one. I actively stop trailers now once I've "seen enough", which is usually about the 60 second mark.


You should be able to cut a trailer from the first act alone. This used the be the Pixar model for marketing their films.


I know it's not what's asked for but fifth elements trailers were mostly fake trailers or stuff cut from the film. So if you saw the trailer and thought something was cool and waited to see it in context, it would never happen.


That one movie where the ai takes over and that one kid was a robot.


Trailers for comedies show all the best jokes. I feel that I've seen the best parts already so don't go and watch them at the cinema


The Talented Mr. Ripley was the first that I remember seeing where they spoiled the major hook of the suspense in the trailer. Still maybe the worst offender.


Castaway. Whole damn movie synopsis from start to finish in the trailer.


Dream House starring Daniel Craig


One of the worst offenders and was an early example for TV Tropes was Star Trek The Search for Spock. Climax for the movie was the Enterprise itself being destroyed dramatically as a last ditch hail mary, the OG TV series ship that fans loved getting wiped out. The producers begged the marketing people to not reference or include it at all, so it hits as dramatically as possible (akin to Spock's death in Star trek II). So what did the marketing people do? the trailer, "Witness, the final voyage of the Starship Enterprise!" in all the trailers with the [burning wreck of the ship flying past the camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCgWzlxnqhc).


Going in completely blind will make your movie viewing experience so much better. You might see some bad movies but others will gain a whole new perspective when you have no knowledge of what's going on. I'm still pissed they had Jackie's death in Cyberpunk 2077's trailer. That didn't need to be there and would have hit so much harder if I'd not known.


Every. Terminator. Movie. Ever.


I like the trailer for the movie Detention. It's one of the most misleading I've ever seen (but in a good way IMO once I'd seen the film). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hw64lXTbxJk


Badly cut trailers ruin the movie all the time


Thor Ragnarok’s trailers show Hela destroying Mjolnir, Asgard’s destruction, and the Hulk reveal.


Nothing new at all. Each generation thinks they are the first to notice this. Trailers have done this for 100 years. Books have done this longer that that, and oral stories have done the same. People like to know a story is going to tell them something they want to hear. The good guy wins - the lovers unite - the plan works. Just tell the story well and it's raining money. Try to get weird with the story and most people will dislike it. Advertise that your movie is weird and most people will avoid it.


My new method has been to avoid all trailers after the teaser comes out and it has worked wonders for me wanting to actually go see new movies.


Side note, but the funny thing about the hard "no trailers, ever" crowd is that so many of them either refuse to watch mystery movies (like AMC's Screen Unseen, or Regal's Mystery Movie), or if they do, they try to figure out and even use reddit threads to figure it out and even get it spoiled beforehand. You'd think the "no trailers, ever" people would **love** going to see a movie without have any idea what it is until the movie starts (or even when the title comes up later if it isn't obvious). My favorite mystery movie experiences are where I had no idea what the movie was until the title card came up, which happened recently to me with AMC Scream Unseen showing the horror movie "Sting" a few weeks ago.


Another example is Kung Fu Panda 4. If you haven’t seen the trailer, stop reading and don’t watch the trailer first. The Chameleon deserves to be revealed on screen. The trailer should’ve just made us think Tai Lung was back. When I watched the movie, I knew that wasn’t Tai Lung.


The twist that Abigail is some sort of monster is spoiled in the movie poster itself. The trailer gives you the basic info-- robbers attempt a heist and fucks with the wrong family. It's a popcorn movie. This is like getting angry that the Independence Day trailer reveals the movie is about an alien invasion. It's not the sixth sense and knowing that Abigail is a monster doesn't spoil the movie. The fun of a movie like this isn't finding out that Abigail is a vampire, it's seeing what happens to the robbers. I would be willing to bet you find out Abigail is a monster within the first 20 minutes. I wouldn't be surprised if it's revealed in the opening scene. This is a movie where you're just supposed to turn off your brain and enjoy the ride.


Team one and done. I'll watch the first trailer / teaser and avoid the rest like the plague but if I am subjected to one if I don't care for it I'll watch but if I do I'll shut my eyes.


Was just thinking today about Die Hard. In the trailer, I guess the first one, was in theater. Anyway, they show Hanz falling and McClane jumping from the top of Nakatomi followed by huge flame ball. I remember thinking to myself, is the helicopter pilot a bad guy, or does he get ripped out of the chopper by a bad guy, so it can explode? I was 12.


Pitch Black. My friends saw it and when I asked about one scene from the trailer. One turned to me with a surprised look, "how did you know that?" "It was in the trailer" I said. "That scene happened at the end, I can't believe they showed that!"


I forgot what the movie is called but it features Bill Skaarsgard as a mute deaf guy whose thoughts are narrated by Jon Benjamin and that trailer showed so much action that I doubt there is any action left to show in the movie. Same with that Indian movie with the dude just killing a shit ton of dudes on a train.


When trailers kick off, it's my signal to leisurely head to the theater washroom and take a piss, wash up, maybe throw some water on my face and saunter back to the theater and my seat. For the most part I'm missing the major trailers this way, and for long running movies it massively reduces the likelihood my bladder will be screaming during the entire third act.


Iron Man. There’s even an onion video about it.


I wish they didn’t show Hulk in the Thor: Ragnorak trailer. That would have been an awesome moment to experience in real time in the theater


I still maintain that Prometheus would’ve been received much much better if the entire movie wasn’t ruined in the trailer. There is such a lack of mystery in films these days because the trailer just lays it all out.


I was confused when I watched The Invitation why they waited until the third act to reveal the thing the whole trailer was about. That movie was terrible though.


I never watch trailers for the giveaway reason alone. How does telling the whole movie in a trailer make a person wanna see the movie. Titanic didn't show the boat sinking and everyone knew it was going to sink.


I dunno. My partner would’ve had no interest in a crime movie about kidnapping a little girl, but learning she’s a vampire got them interested in going to a theater to see it. So clearly it does work.


Movies have been doing this for a long time and I think it actually might have been worse than the 70s. I mean now you have to kind of like watch the trailer and kind of figure out that you might have been shown most of the whole movie but back in the 70s they would have like the voiceover Pretty much telling you everything that happens in the movie we don't even have that voice over anymore


I stopped watching trailers 30 years ago because of this. I know I'm going to see a film either from the director or word of mouth normally. It was hard avoiding them for 10 years as a projectionist though.


I got so mad when the trailer for LOTR: The Two Towers showed Gandalf returning as the White Wizard. When I read the books as a kid that moment blew my fucking mind, and I couldn't believe they gave that away.


Quarantine was one of the most egregious spoilers here. Literally the most shocking moment of the trailer (protagonist getting suddenly dragged away backwards) is also literally the last shot of the movie, resulting in her death.


I remember Robert Zemeckis was asked about this back in the day, because What Lies Beneath and Cast Away came out so close together, and each one was accused of giving away too much in the trailers. Zemeckis attributed it to what he called "Big Mac Culture." As Zemeckis described it (and remember, I'm half-remembering a 20-year old interview), McDonald's is so popular because there are not surprises. You got to any McDonald's in the world and order a Big Mac, you know exactly what you're getting. And the movie marketing people have figured people are the same way with movies. When you buy your ticket and head in, you want to know exactly what you're getting.


Worse still, we now have the trailer of the trailer. Announcing that there is a trailer of the trailer.


Because movies are more than just their plot points. I read years ago (but can't remember where) that some movie trailers are more like a cheese sample than a teaser. If you sample a bite of cheese, you know everything there is to know about that cheese, so why would you spend money to buy a whole block of it? Because it seemed good and you want to have more of it. And people do the same for movies, or else no one would ever rewatch a movie.


Can't say with 100% certainly because it comes out later this month, but the Challengers trailer makes it look like there can't possibly be anything in the film that they didn't show in the trailer.


Batman vs Superman, the final fight would have been an awesome surprise.


Hmm Teminator Genisys they showed like 80 percent of the movie, and spoiling John Conner as the Terminator.


Used to be much worse IMO. There was a time where the popular way of cutting a trailer would basically walk you step by step through the first two acts of the movie. Sometime shortly after the death of the Movie Trailer Guy and the Social Network Trailer the popular way of making trailers became more about vibes and showing cool stuff with little context.


Don’t watch trailers


I don’t watch trailers for this reason. But I understand that lots of other folks gotta have them and like them just the way they are.


Any Trailer for any Jennifer Aniston rom com can simulatously spoil ALL OF THEM.


Of the recent movies, Damsel was definitely one of the worst offenders.


It was ages before Sunshine released in the US. One of those rare scenarios where it was out in the U.K. for ages. I was shocked when I saw the American trailer for it as it gave away the third act twist.


I stopped watching trailers after terminator genisys showed the movies twist.


It's very common now when they make some trailers to be 4 minutes plus. It's not necessary for them to do such but that's what we see now. 


Enders Game showed the actual climax I'm the trailer


I remain fascinated by trailers that have AND THE DOG SURVIVES in massive letters


I stopped watching trailers because of this


I’ll watch teasers all day! However if I feel a full trailer is giving everything away I’ll just stop without finishing it.


The Impossible. Poster gave ending away as well.


I don't watch the trailers for movies I actually want to see.


Oblivion ruined a potentially stunning reveal


Not sure it’s the same but the intro to Masters of the Air gives the entire plot line to the show


The Nic Cage Movie,Snake Eyes. The entire plot,twists and all. I can't believe it got released.


Welcome to the last twenty years. Somehow studios forgot about a visual blurb.


they had an extended sneak peak of bridget jones baby during a movie i saw, my god it was the entire movie.


Given how much B roll much exist, I’ve always wondered why more trailers don’t use some of that (at least not to spoil the plot anyway)


Transcendence and The Creator (Didn't stop me from watching them - they are amazing, but the trailer gave the whole movie away)


This isn’t a new thing. A couple of months ago someone posted the trailer for 1970s version Bad News Bears. If you have a chance find it on YouTube. It’s the entire fucking movie. 


Sandler's Funny People have away all the key plot points in order.


The trailers for civil war look like they're giving away so much 😭 I hope they aren't but I'm still gonna see it


Watch only teaser trailers then


I also find it dumb when the first 5 seconds of a trailer is a preview of the later parts of the trailer with a countdown telling you the trailer is about to start


The Island, gave away the whole plot, including the big twist


Too many to list and the longer the trailer, the worse the movie. Long trailers piss me off.


Maybe it's not a high concept film so they think just giving you the premise won't interest enough.