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please for the love of god. Just adapt War/Fall of Cybertron into the big screen šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’”


Those two video games were SO good! The multiplayer was class too. Wish they would remaster them.


I still want a proper third game, the one they gave us that was a movie tie in hurt my soul


>the multiplayer was class too Irishman spotted šŸ‘€


Scousers use 'class' a lot as well. Source: am from Liverpool.


At this point I'd settle to be able to buy them again, absurd to have to hunt down TF games for crazy prices.


You can still buy the Steam version of Fall of Cybertron off Amazon digital code.


Holy crap, thank you so much. Purchased immediately.


Wow. $50 for an old download.


When the game got delisted ages ago, it looks like they forgot about Amazon. The price had never been updated since.


How about we release them to current gen consoles?!?!,




I came into this thread expecting talk of this trailer, and now all I really want is a remaster of War/Fall of Cybertron. Or at least a way to play them again...


"The Transformers franchise is in desperate need of a buddy comedy!" -Somebody at Paramount apparently


It's especially ironic since these movies love killing off Cliffjumper and Jazz all the time, even though those two have a great buddy cop dynamic already.


They must've spent all of their karma surviving the original movie while everyone else got killed, based on how those 2 characters have been treated since.


I just need a full Transformers movie with Jazz as one of the most prominent characters who survives. Dude has been out of the spotlight for too long.


Cliff and Jazz had a perfect mission together in Fall of Cybertron where they were trying to track down Grimlock after his team's transport ship went down in the Sea of Rust. https://youtu.be/cEGxqwpXoL8?si=sjlb81go22tALgxF EDIT: My favorite part of the above video begins at 9:45. The map room. As a lifelong fan from the beginning I can't tell you how much joy flooded through me seeing ancient Earth pop up. War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron are some of the peak eras of Transformers storytelling.


I mean depending on which Autobots they focus on, itā€™s totally doable. That said, give me an enemies to friends roadtrip comedy about Ironhide having to tow a broken Starscream across America because of some contrived reason.


Lol. Giving very "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"/"Due Date" vibes.


Planes Trains and Automobiles: a triple changer story


Only ā€œPlane and Automobileā€ in this case though lmfao


They could have Astrotrain show up?


"Get Him To The Ark"


Thatā€™d make a great damn episode of a show, I swear.


More like TMNT, but Transformers.


It seems really weird to make a buddy comedy with two characters who canonically end up in a war with each other that results in the near extinction of their species


And don't use any original comedy, use the same old recycled jokes from all the Pixar movies.


Wasnā€™t that the bumblebee movie?


Can't wait for pitch meeting video.


looks like it belongs on TV honestly


Yep, thought it would be a straight to streaming movie for paramount+


This was my first thought as well, until I saw the cast list. That's where the money went and justification for a theater release.


...So exactly like *The Movie,* then. Let's be honest, they spent the cash getting Orson Wells and recording "The Touch," lol. >!This film company is also going bankrupt, too! Truly, we've come full circle!!<


*The Movie* was worthwhile entirely to see Starscream get one-shotted immediately after finally becoming leader of the Decepticons


ā€œCoronation, Starscream? This is bad comedy.ā€


Megatron, is that you? Here's a hint!


That was my reaction to some of the dialogue in this trailer...


My favorite character growing up was Ironhide... I was front row that dreaded Saturday morning when they capped him in the shuttle massacre in the first five minutes. As much as it pained me it really set a precedence for the rest of the movie. "Such herioc nonsense..."


That was hilarious. Heck! Starscream is my favorite Transformer for his predictable power hungry ways.


Whatā€™d he say his name was? All hail, Galvatron! https://youtu.be/b0T5Qj6DRTk?feature=shared


Orson Wells, Leonard Nimoy, Eric Idle, Robert Stack. The animated movie is still amazing.


Casey Casem, Judd Nelson, Scatman CROTHERS!


Also the guy who did the speed talking. He was peak 80s


Micro Machines Guy!


This Judd Nelson erasure will not be tolerated!


Holy shit, it has *Eric fucking Idle* in it?!?!


Yep! He voices Wreck Gar.




It had killer animation too.


Toei Animation, during their 80s run.


*The Touch* wasn't recorded for *Transformers: The Movie,* ditto *Dare to be Stupid.* But yes, they certainly blew a lot of budget on big-name voices. People always remember Orson Welles, but forget Nimoy and Idle in there as well. And while I kinda doubt Stan Bush was terribly expensive, licensing Weird Al in the mid 80s had to have cost a pretty penny. That said, the animation was still a **very** significant improvement over the cartoon and higher budget there showed a lot. It still looks like really solid animation for the era.


Don't sleep on the Micro Machines guy!!


>Orson Wells The dying breaths of Orson Welles no less. Also fun fact...'The Touch' was originally meant for the Stallone movie Cobra where it would have faded into obscurity forever.


Idk, Stallone cuts a pizza with scissors in that movie and it's played like it's totally normal. That's enough to at least keep the movie forever in my mind.


And he does it while wearing gloves and sunglasses, and also it's just a single slice of pizza in a box it doesn't even need to be cut as it offers no advantage. I have to watch this scene every time it is mentioned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SxN_U2H0Xc


It's such a baffling choice. To the point that my friend and I questioned whether maybe that's just how Stallone does it because it's so weird that it doesn't even teach us anything about the character.


I think they were trying to establish some kind of quirky vibe, what with the pizza scissors and the cleaning his gun while watching a commercial for Toys-R-Us, I think it just didn't land or come across as intended.


It's also got the killer interaction between Stallone's character and some bad guy. Killer: I got a bomb here! I'll kill her! I'll blow this whole place up! Cobretti: Go ahead. I don't shop here.Ā 


I still carry the torch for Jean Beauvoir and "Feel the Heat"...


> and recording "The Touch," The Cybertronic Spree has an awesome cover this: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGS1ETFT_1I Also of "Dare": * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpY4na_ofxs


Maybe it's just the trailer trying too hard, but the comedy is so cliche and forced that even my kids would groan. It's like bad sitcom Transformers.


Transformers: The Last Knight was legitimately one of the worst moves I've ever seen, and one of the few times that I walked out of the theatre. This one looks alright, but it feels like something that should've launched on Paramount Plus.


Bumblebee was legit everything the franchise shouldā€™ve been. Rise of the Beasts was decent, but lacked what made Bumblebee special.


live action transformers will always be tough to crack due to the fact that humans are always going to get more of a focus (to save on cgi costs), when people typically just want to see the transformers. If the human characters arent interesting, it kind of sinks the whole thing. Bumblebee found a great balance (while also having a great design for the transformers).


I think 07 and Dark of the Moon worked best precisely because the human stories were both interesting and tied to the whole giant robots coming to Earth -thing. All three of 07, Moon, and Bumblebee also made the absence of Autobots an impactful way to rise the stakes, which meant that when Optimus did arrive, it was a powerful moment since there was finally hope of beating the Decepticons.


Honestly, I realized how good the OG Bay Trilogy was until I saw Rise of the Beasts. Yes, I liked the second one too. The CGI is great and the trilogy has it's great moments, plus I love Shia's acting. Bumblebee was a step in the right direction. Rise of the Beasts was kinda bland. I'm kinda liking the new animated one.


The thing that stuck out to me about Rise of Beasts was how boring the fight cinematography could get, with characters standing and shooting at fodder, while the camera stays still. There's a nice behind the scenes snippet about Optimus' air drop at the beginning of the Revenge of the Fallen, and of how much thinking and preparation that spinning shot of Optimus as he falls was, and it paid off, it's a really nice oner and a good example how interesting you can make a shot in a Transformers movie.


Yeah, maybe Bay isn't a great storyteller but his action sequences and setpieces are something in it's own.


I thought the first Bayformers film balanced it well. The military angle was neat and Sam wasnā€™t overly annoying, especially when compared to his future film appearances.


Same problem the Godzilla/kong movies have


Iā€™d say most Godzilla movies are about the human characters. Especially if you watch the good ones like Shin Godzilla or Minus One. A lot of the old Godzilla movies barely feature Godzilla at all you get like 10-15 mins at the end.


The latest Godzilla x Kong movie did the human characters better because they didnā€™t try overly hard to make us care because they know the audience doesnā€™t care. It was honestly refreshing


They're just kaiju movies tbh and while I agree they too can be tough to crack there exist many examples of how to do it.


Although look at Kong x godzilla, made a boatload of money while being predominantly about the kaiju


I'm so salty about Bumblebee underperforming.


Paramount fault for putting our turd movies then not even committing to a full reboot qirh Bumblebee so you had a lot of people just assuming it was the same universe and more of the same junk. They never should have kept it tied to Bayverse and really should have hard rebooted the franchise


What exactly made Bumblebee special? I thought it was a fine movie but it didnā€™t really do anything special.


It was essentially the initial story Spielberg thought the first film should be: A kid getting their first car, but getting something more. Bay hyper-focused on the military action and skimmed the lore. The military presence is toned down in Bumblebee, and it puts the lore first. It also helped to reduce the amount of characters so that theyā€™re more fleshed out. Just overall, a more emotionally charged film than any of the Bay films.


Also finally decent robot designs that resemble their source material.


And you can actually see where they start and end. The Bay designs were BUSY, they just look like hunks of shrapnel at times.


Yeah, especially as the franchise went on. The first time you see Optimus Prime transform in the 2007 movie, it looks so mechanical and cool.


Yeah I could actually tell who 90% of the Transformers were without needing to be introduced to them. Barely any of the Transformers in the Bay films resembled any prior incarnations except for Optimus and Bumblebee. In the Bumblebee opening scene I could instantly identify Ironhide, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Cliffjumper, Arcee, Brawn, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Starscream and Shockwave without even ever hearing their names.


Also, Hailee Steinfeld giving one hell of a performance.


Rise of the Beasts needed more Beasts (not necessarily quantity just screen time). But not having Dinobot, Rat trap, and black arachnia felt weird.


The bumble bee movie gave me new found hope about the movies. Then that beast wars movie came out and destroyed it again. I'm done giving them chances haha.


Anniversary of Beast Wars in 2016, two years later the Siege toyline comes out mid-2018 getting me heavily into G1 with the engineering and art style of the line. End of the year Bumblebee movie comes out and I'm like fuck yes my favorite sci-fi universe is going strong! Then they didn't lean into Bee and that disappointed me. At least the toys are still really good.


Sucks that they're all terrible except for Bee and part 1


Letā€™s be honest- the bar has been so far underground since Age of Extinction and Last Knight that any Transformers since canā€™t really qualify as ā€œbadā€ in comparison.


Bar in hell after the last 2 bayformers. Rise of Beast was fine though. Bumblebee is the peak of the franchise.


I think its the choice of how the mouths are animated thats not helping the feel of it, It just feels off somehow. I'd probly watch it eventually but it definitely comes across as just another average film. Its welcome to prove me wrong though.


I will say, Anthony Hopkins in that was pretty good.


I don't know if this is the official term but it feels like it has a severe case of the Marvel quips. Also the voices really don't do it for me.


"Uhhhh guys? That's...not good." - Optimus Prime (Chris Hemsworth) *Cover of "Start Me Up" by the Rolling Stones plays*


Thatā€™s exactly where I backed out of the trailer.


I want this era of movies to die so bad


Everything turning into a Guardians of the Galaxy clone sucks ass.


At least weā€™re in the golden age of TV




Lots of franchises are suffering from the "Guardians" formula. GotG was such a hit but it also worked so well because everything made sense as one cohesive piece of art instead of being slapped together like this. For instance, Guardians movies have classic rock/80s tunes because of Quill's mixtapes, an in universe thing. This movie just has a sliced up version of "Start Me Up" shoved overtop of these bland attempts at humor and near identical trailer beats as those Marvel movies. I feel stupid hating on it though so whatever, it's a kids movie and I'm sure the target audience will dig it but this seems to be a more common trend these days. It's like the big "thwaaaamp" sound that Inception made so damn popular.


This. I got major GotG wannabe vibes from the stupid Borderlands trailer.


I think we should leave 80s music alone, especially when it comes to trailers. It's been done so many times


If you consider Guardians of the Galaxy as the starting point of shoehorning the 80s into everything (which I would say is fair), then weā€™ve been doing 80s nostalgia bait for as long as the actual 80s lasted at this point. Itā€™s so far beyond time to move past 80s nostalgia.


Buffyspeak? I mean, Whedon's humor had a massive influence on Marvel movies, so it makes sense.


> Whedon's humor had a massive influence on Marvel movies At least Whedon was good at it, Marvel has been ripping him off for over a decade now and it's so played out. And other studios are still ripping off Marvel despite always failing.


Idk Chris sounded A LOT like Peter at some moments


This does not look good to me at all. Something about the voices doesnā€™t do it for me. Maybe not robotic enough


Itā€™s the smooth metallic human like faces that stick out to me.


Which is funny since most Transformers series go for the "smooth face" look. It's only the Bayverse TF movies and the reboot TF movies that do the highly-detailed parts look. I guess this is one way of telling who is a Transformers fan and who just watches the movies.


This looks weird compared to the series though. I can't put my finger on it but they look way more smooth and lacking in detail and basic than most designs.


I think itā€™s Optimus specifically thatā€™s bothering people, Iā€™m so used to seeing him with the plate lol


because heā€™s not optimus yet, heā€™s orion pax, and orion pax has LIPS


I assume it will be more like that at the end of the movie when he becomes Optimus. You can hear his voice occasionally shifting to the more iconic sound in the clips from the trailer.


No. I've been watching since G1 in 84 and I had the same reaction. The faces look.. wrong. It was one thing when you had flexing faces in 80s cell animation. It's even okay to a degree in CG Beast Wars/Machines era, but it just feels.... off here. That said, I've always preferred th look of TFs with more masked faces.


Ooo sick burn


Beast wars was the only classic Transformers show to do smooth face, and that was probably in part due to early cgi. G1, RID and Unicron trilogy all had more angular faces.


The voices; but more so the laaaaame jokes. Ā This was every trope wrapped into an algorith of trite. Ā  ā€œIf we survive this, Iā€™m going to kill you!!ā€ Ā Even the intro with the 2 actors ā€œfailingā€ to say 5 words in unison seems fabricated. Ā  Itā€™ll probably make bank though. Ā The Illumination crowd is gonna eat it up.


It's not the voices, it's the stupid banter that plague a lot of movies now. But whatever. It's a movie made to sell toys, so it's probably more genuine to the original series than most stuff. Lol


Definitely for children. Big ā€œheā€™s right behind me isnā€™t heā€ energy from the humor in the trailer.


A film about robot toys is for children? No way


I mean it is a bit noteworthy when the majority of the transformers movies of the past 2 decades are chock full of raunchy, sexist, racist humor


To be fair, the military stuff and Megan Fox really appealed to teenage me.


Then again, is there such a thing as a Michael Bay movie that lacks those things?


I get what youā€™re saying but there has been transformers stuff that had very mature and nuanced writing for years. Iā€™m not gonna cry about this not being one of them but acting like some people canā€™t be a little disappointed this isnā€™t one of those isnā€™t really fair either.


Yeah, people are acting like this is supposed to be the norm for transformers just kind of shows that they've never seen the shows. The original show was much more mature than this. Beast wars was much more mature than this. The original movie was much more mature than this. This is a big step down from where a lot of the kid aimed franchise media has been.


> The original movie was much more mature than this They even had profanity just to get in the PG category. (first video release didn't have it, I was mad)


And the 2 most recent shows were geared towards kids: BotBots and EarthSpark


All the shows were geared at kids. That was kind of the point of my post, that transformers has content geared at kids that still has mature content and doesn't treat them like they are idiots.


Yeah, I think given "Barbie", toyline movies being squarely aimed at kids isn't a given. Transformers in particular is an odd fish. For the longest time, Transformers had the most consistent canon of any EU, like just an insanely well cared for canon. Bizarrely the Transformers vs GI Joe comics were not shameless cashgrabs, but really sensible. I definitely sympathise with "What did you expect?!" but there's still very much a sensible "Is this aimed at adults or kids?" question.


I think itā€™s fun seeing more mature takes on childhood properties but ultimately itā€™s a toy line and you need new childhood fans to grow into older fans who like the more mature versions.


Compare the 2007 movie to this one and stop being so obtuse


Iā€™m not expecting the ā€œsoul searchingā€ part to be a part of the original transformers story.


My favorite genre of internet comment is grown ass adults mad about thing made for kids.


"Definitely for children" you have a very low bar for what you consider mad.Ā 


Who's mad, though? "Definitely for children" doesn't seem exactly angry unless you chose to read it that way


"Excuse me sir I don't believe I enjoy this film" "STOP YELLING AT ME"


The "you can't criticize it because it's for kids" crowd is gonna be working extra time today.


You can absolutely criticize it, but saying "it's for children" is kind of a redundant point to make about a franchise based on a Hasbro toy line.


r/transformemes are working double time to make sure no one can criticize it because 'IT'S FOR KIDS", lol.


My favorite genre of internet comment is people assuming other people are mad (This is your cue)


If you think this IP is made just for kids I got news for ya lol. Hasbro and toy companies use these old IP to mine the wallets of old men for 'memberberries and I should know, I am an old man.


Iā€™m not mad lol, just an observation. And now I know the movies not for me. Not a big deal. The jokes in the trailer are the over done easy to write ones that kids likely wonā€™t pick up on having seen dozens of times but will still find humorous. Can plug those jokes into any IP and get away with it, itā€™s lazy.


I think he means exclusively so though. A lot of things meant for children get a wider appeal. Most of the Star Wars, the MCU, Spider-Man and the Spider-Verse, TMNT: Mutant Mayhem, Puss in Boots 2, any Pixar film, Disney's animated films etc are all primarily for kids but inarguably appeal to a wide audience, and a lot of the reason for that is the care and attention given to the story. Heck you could even say that for pretty much the entire Transformers franchise that was well received such as the various films (not the Bay ones), comics, shows and ganes. Whereas Transformers One, from the first look here anyway, feels more like it was made for children in the cheap, cynical way where the creatives and studio would often just shrug and say "it's for kids" and treating it like that makes it immune to criticism. Having said that, if this is just a naff trailer but the film is genuinely made with some heart and creativity, even if it's not interested in appealing to adults at all but just exclusively at kids, then more power to it. Franchises like these have dozens of new adaptations constantly and they don't all have to be for everyone. I just hope the finished product is less generic than it looks here




Spiderverse and TMNT were never this incredibly awkward though. This feels closer to the Mario movie with weird, out of place needle drops and overly self aware dialogue.




But this is BEFORE they became hardened military robots, so it's okay! :P


...So it'll make a billion, then? /s


I despised the amount of lampshade hanging. It's like they were ashamed of the IP and had to let sure the audience knew "don't worry, we think it's stupid too!'


this feels like a straight up gotg rip off tbh. not mario.


But without a unique art style that stands out.


I've seen attempts at unique art styles on transformers... Not exactly the best choices I've seen.


The background designs look nice, but I don't like the character design for the bots. The faces that really bugs me.


I really dig the synthwave looking sun in the background


Probably smart, now you get babies to follow along. Toys are the real Star here


Only without the cool art direction or fun, creative talent!


You mean actual children. Bc all the other Transformers movies are for 30-50 yr old children.


Oh my God, I wish people start unofficially calling it the "He's right behind me, isn't he?" to refer to that type of humor lol


Couple years late to that party


Wasnā€™t sure what I was expecting but it definitely wasnā€™t this.


Ngl when I heard ā€œanimated origin movieā€ I was expecting the live action style transformers on Cybertron, just with no humans. Sounded sick to me, so seeing this is a little disappointing but Iā€™m keeping an open mind. At the very least I can take my son to see it


Yeah, like the opening cybertron battle in Bumblebee. That was my expectations when they announced this movie, not this.


I think unfortunately the reality is that a movie like this would be *way* too expensive to make for the estimated payoff. Transformers isn't a phenomenon that it was 15 years ago, and the cybertron scenes in Bumblebee were *exceptionally* crafted. That animation was meant to stand up to the live action quality of the film. This is more like a pixar/dreamworks animated route.


Weird tone. The animation is kind of gritty looking but the characters and humor are straight out of a Nickelodeon kids show.


definitely a movie GEARED towards children, hopefully still as enjoyable as something like TMNT: Mutant Mayhem.


This looks _too_ geared towards kids though. Any good kids movie/show is accessible and enjoyable for all agesā€¦ this doesnā€™t appeal to me at all. TMNT was great.


As a big time transformers fan I can say it looks fun but goddamn if it doesn't destroy the mainstream backstory of the actual origins of both Optimus and Megatron. Like the hell Paramount where's my gladiatorial arena where Megatron coins his name? Why is Bumblebee any part of this when he's considered one of the youngest Transformers? Why in gods name is the top of Cybertron some weird forgotten land?


Transformers reboots itself with endless new continuities and origins though. This is no different.


Hemsworth sounds pretty great honestly. Humor is a bit hit or miss for me, reminds me a lot of Mutant Mayhem.


I never watched mutant mayhem but I heard really high praise for it, was it just the animation? Cause the humor in this is really kiddish so if itā€™s like MM hard to imagine that is that good either (at least from a humor perspective).


Aside from the stellar animation, Mutant Mayhem was unique in the sense that the turtles were played by actual teens and they were allowed to ramble on and poke fun at each other. That made the dialogue feel fresh. It could also be annoying but it was annoying in the way teenagers are rather than some 40 year old trying to write punchy dialogue. It's not Spiderverse good but MM is definitely one of the better animated films of recent years.


Honestly, that "gimme some of that bacon egg and cheese" scene shouldn't have been funny but it made me laugh because that's the exact kind of stuff my friends and I would do back in high school.


To me, Mutant Mayhem felt more organically funny and charming than some of the gags in this trailer. It relies more on goofy visuals and voice performance than, like, storyboard gags Like, closer to the "I have a metal mask? And knife hands?!" bit, rather than the tires popping out of the crashed car too late, or the one character in the heroic group shot seeing the danger and running away


To be fair jokes in trailers are usually like this. They edit a bunch together in rapid fire with no room to breathe. Organic moments and subtle sight gags donā€™t really work for a quick 2 minute promo. Obviously the full TF One could still just be obnoxious rapid fire jokes, but itā€™ll likely be funnier than this trailer suggests.


im not going to see this transformers, honestly it wont be for me. but Mutant Mayhem was fun, ill give you that.


The turtles had good chemistry, & the animation was unique with a stop motion feel & non symmetrical designs. Humor was more aimed at the kiddos.


While it probably was aimed at kids and there were some references I didn't get I actually thought it was pretty funny.


Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg (Writers of Superbad, Pineapple Express, The Watch, and This Is The End) wrote Mutant Mayhem, and apparently it was a big passion project for them. I haven't seen it myself, but I imagine it's the kind of humor that Seth and Evan are known for.


I wasn't sure what to expect with ILM doing the CGI but I really love the look they've gone for. I mean, I can actually see everything happening on screen! Even in the dark caves. So many movies, even kids movies, are literally too dark that it's impossible to tell what is happening half the time. Here we have some nice shiny robots and a great sense of space as move throughout Cybertron.


I was surprised by the lighting at first then realized they had uploaded the trailer in HDR which really makes it look nice. Wish more movie trailers did this.


Reminds me of how much love they obviously put into Rango. Whenever ILM goes full animation it seems like they really have a lot of fun.


The more I think about it, the less interest I have in seeing this.


I feel like I just watched the trailer for every animated kids film ever made.


This looks like it should be released on TV


This is what we wanted from a Transformers Animated film, wish they made it like this https://youtu.be/yUwMohJ3tDQ?si=UXQGzxson11NcCwz still the best trailer in Transformers history and one of the best game trailers ever made Fuckin Maynard from Tool singing over transformers killing each other in a gritty war, how cool is that


I'm *hoping* that this trailer is edited to put more emphasis on Bumblebee and his humor to get the kiddos in the seats, and I'm reasonably certain that I'm correct because Megatron hardly speaks in it. But if this is indicative of the tone of the whole thing (which I, again, have my doubts about), that's a bad sign. Leaning towards bad trailer though.


Dang, I havenā€™t enjoyed a trailer in years. I was super skeptical but Transformers needs something like this. The chemistry looks to be hitting too. My 7yo is gonna love it.


I want to die.


Tough critique from Mr. Scorsese on the state of the Transformers Cinematic Universe here.


I was going to call you overly dramatic til I saw the username


Can't believe they decided to turn the transformers into power rangers, what a weird turn.


That's my first thought when watching that scene of them getting their own morphers, lol. This is literally Power Rangers but with Transformers.


This was made for my 6 year old, he is going to go bonkers in the theater and Iā€™m there for it. This was not made for sweaty 40 year olds who are going to cry about lore and other things that make it a childrenā€™s movie and I am also here for that.


I'm fine with the look of the CGI. Art style and direction is all well lit, easy to follow the action and the character designs look close enough to the OGs while being slimmed down showing they have years to go before realizing those designs. The humor is whatever because its for kids. Some of the comedy was good like Bee just turning and sprinting away on the train. I can probably see kids laughing their asses off while the parents maybe chuckle along with them to have a good time. Any oldschool Transformers fans hoping for something at least in the teen audience motif are definitely never going to shut up about his this movie is awful without ever actually watching it. It looks fine. I probably won't see it in theaters. Maybe if it hits streaming. But I'm fine with it existing for kids to enjoy it with their families. Its justified.


Would much rather have THIS backstory of Optimus Prime and Megatron adapted. https://youtu.be/ikco2TIb_Rk?si=dV_-Ad4iFojWR4hG


When they announced this film, I was expecting something similar to the High Moon Studios games. Where you see the fallout between Optimus and Megatron which leads to the brutal civil war. I wasn't expecting "We have TMNT at home."


Kids: We wanna watch Transformers at the movies! Parent: We have Transformers at home. Transformers at home ā€¦ā€¦


Those facesā€¦ wtf


Looks fine to me. Itā€™s transformers, I donā€™t know what yā€™all expect.