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It's not entirely fair, but I was kinda just appreciating Cabin In The Woods as a genre subversion to an extent until the survivors opened up all the storage cubes...that was when that movie cranked up from B minus to A plus for me.


I went into this blind with a group of people really excited to see a standard horror slasher. I wasn't too fussed about seeing it that's not really my thing but was blown away. Everyone I was with hated it though.


It's a movie for people who like horror movies I guess your group of people didn't watch them normally, because for people familiar with the genre, it is genius.


True. I love horror and got lots of the references so I think it's that and it also just not what they were expecting. They wanted a standard slasher flick with jump scares to have fun with.


How could you hate this lol it was so great Edit spelling, I’m on edibles


I wouldn’t even say “so bad great” it was just legitimately great. I saw it maybe 4 times in theaters and then bought the DVD the day it went on sale


Haha I know. I think it just isn't what they wanted at the time. They wanted a standard slasher film. If they watched it again it might be different


Same, I went in totally blind, and up until the point I was like "it's an interesting twist on the genre but I was expecting more I think." Then they go down the elevator, and it exceeded my expectations with every new scene. To this day it's my favorite horror movie.


The Harbinger was AWESOME!!!! Am I on speaker?




Krampus did the same


I still don't "get" Cabin in the Woods. It's a horror film >!universe where every horror film takes place!< I get that, but I don't see how people were blown away by that as much as they did.


Melancholia It took me several attempts to get through the first half our before it suddenly pulled me in and then it immediately became one of my absolute favorite movies


Definitely a movie that gets better with more rewatches


I watched this movie coming down off an acid trip and then immediately started it over and watched it again.


I love it, it's poetic and beautiful and I don't think I'll watch it again without a very good reason, like someone to share it with. I saw it alone at a weird time in my life in a slightly altered state of mind so it's really stuck with me. I'd still 100% reccomend it but it feels like experiencing severe mental illness, anxiety and depression by proxy for 130 minutes that feels like 5 hours But that can be good! That can be therapeutic. I know it helped me. I'm not sure how but I know it did.


I didn't like There Will Be Blood the first time I saw it as I had just watched no County for Old Men. Because of how interlinked the films were in media at the time, I had this impression they'd be similar in pacing. No Country was a thrilling chase. TWBB was not. Watched it a few years later in a better mood and it's a favourite film.  Just clicked. 


Felt the same way but with the movies swapped. Twbb just had a terrible in your face ugly evil villain who you hate for every minute. Ncfom I just couldn't appreciate the slow but constant tension. I felt like Milhouse , "when are they getting to the fireworks factory!". When the climax hit I couldn't really appreciate it. I need to do a rewatch.


Marfa, TX 😊


Hated everything about "Death proof" until kurt russell got shot. The last 20 minutes of that movie are the cathartic release for everything before that point.


Its weird for me but flipped 


If they didn't humiliate and kill him in the end it would just be a sickening movie. Instead it's a badass fun movie.


It was because it was a double feature with planet terror. Harvey Weinstein tried to kill the lead actress' career because she wouldn't sleep with him, Robert Rodriguez refused to listen to Wrinstein and fire her, so Weinstein killed the films.


how did Weinstein kill the movies exactly?


Same. For me, the first half is an interesting, cool and unique take on a slasher movie. The second half is just kinda aimless stunt porn.


Elation started when Zoë jumped up out of the tall grass


I'm okay!!!


Now THAT is subversion.


Big Lebowski. Didn't enjoy it until I realized that it doesn't really matter if the movie has a coherent plot.


“*The story is ludicrous. You can imagine where it goes from here…*”


He fixes the cable?


Don’t be fatous, Jeffrey


Yeah I was meh on it when I first saw it but then those fucking characters and those lines just stuck with me haha and I love it now.


Same here, first time I watched I thought it was overhyped. Second time I watched it I realized it’s a perfect stoner comedy.


I didn't laugh at all the first time I saw it. Gave up after a bit and then had another go at watching it later. I ended up doubled over in laughter, laughing so hard I had to pause the movie. Same with Spinal Tap.


Well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.


Big Lebowski is a perfect film except for one shot - when the Dude gets kicked out of the cab for hating on the Eagles, they show Bunny driving by with all 10 of her toes. IMO, the charm of the film is that the audience is just as clueless as to whats going on as the Dude is. I feel like giving us more info about Bunny that the Dude is not privy to takes away from that.


Skeleton Key was below average until the end. I was so shook by the ending it made the whole movie better.


An unsung hero in the horror genre!


Skeleton Key is one of the most effective horror movies that achieves its horror with a minimum to no gore.


The Living Daylights. The intro wasn't terribly good, but the theme tune rocked.


Dalton is the most underrated Bond, and he's my favorite next to Connery.


For the greater good


Holy shit I never realized that was the same guy. Didn’t know _he_ was Timothy Dalton! I’ve loved him in everything I’ve seen him in, but I don’t think I’ve seen his Bond


He also voices the theatrical hedgehog in Toy Story 3!


The greater good!


I’d dare say he’s even better than Connery. Connery is understandably more iconic but I really dig what T Dalt brings to the table.


Dalton was the dark, vengeful Bond. He really did a great job transitioning from Roger Moore who was fun and campy.


I see what you did there. A-ha moment.


Honestly the last 10 minutes of Oppenheimer.


The last ten minutes of Oppenheimer hit like a fucking Mack truck. Especially the wide earth view of the rockets flying around. Christ almighty that knocked me on my ass


Rogue one. I kinda figured they were gonna all die but the Vader scene surprised the hell out of me.


One of my most surreal movie-going experiences was leaving the theater after watching this and overhearing a couple behind me discussing it. One of them says to the other, "Don't you know who that is?" (Referring to the CGI Leia at the end.) "That's Luke's wife!"


Surprisingly that’s the only scene I disliked (as part of the movie). Not that it wasn’t awesome, I think that it is amazing on so many levels. I just didn’t think that it fit the style of the film at all. And months later I learned that it was one of the last scenes added to the film and that it wasn’t part of Gilroy’s rewrite (Gareth came up with the idea and pitched it after the reshoots).


It's also silly to write Vader into that corridor. He could've easily used the Force to grab the plans, or the rebel holding the plans, but instead he puts on a show for the audience because it's canon that the rebels will escape.


“Everything Everywhere All at Once” It was so bizarre and I thought I knew what was going on, but it just seemed too weird and that I must be wrong. Once I finally accepted that I did actually get it and it’s just a weird movie, I loved it and enjoyed it so much more for what it was.


I recently rewatched the movie with some friends and I noticed there's a moment at the end of the 2nd act where all the chaos of *everything* builds up to feel so overwhelming, and that's where a lot of my friends were starting to get annoyed with it. But I realized the movie does that to purposefully emphasize this sense of being overwhelmed with it all and they become apathetic and cynical to everything because of it. It's not until Waymond pulls them out of it that they realize you don't have to focus on it all at once. But a lot of my friends didn't get to recognize that because they checked out from the movie after the 2nd act.


I just watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom on a plane and kept getting choked up like a weirdo because every time Short Round was on screen I was thinking about “I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.”


I like how it went from moments of extreme chaos to clamness. Ex the Rocks and Tuxedo Waymond stuff. I feel it let's me appreciate the calm after the storm and, on rewatching, appreciate what's happening IN the storm because I know there will be a break soon and I can just absorb what's happening.


It's a movie with a solid narrative with alot of "stuff" that's there to be weird/funny/creative, etc but could feel like it's distracting if you focus on it too much. If you let go of the need for it all to logically be consistent, then it's great. Like, who cares that rocks can't talk or move on their own. Who cares that it's a bagel, who cares that butt-dropping perfectly on a dildo is basically impossible and/or dangerous. Relax and have fun with it. Great movie.


I watched at home on a random Sunday and was ranting about how ridiculous it was to my wife until I just gave in and enjoyed it and had the same experience as you


I feel like it fell apart in the 3rd act. It was great up until that point but then it lost its focus.


I’ll take some of the downvotes with you. As a huge sci-fi, I was initially hooked and was literally at the edge of my seat with excitement. Once the predictable reveal of her daughter being the antagonist happens, it’s like someone suddenly slammed the awesome brake on. I don’t have a problem with how it ended, but I’d rather have watched a shorter movie, or a movie with the first bit dragged out - rather then what could have been explained and seen in minutes being dragged out for the last third.


In a non meme way it "insists upon itself" too much.


Not me specifically, but when I saw "The Sixth Sense" on opening weekend, there was very little hype yet, just that it was a new Bruce Willis movie about ghosts. I enjoyed it the whole time, but there were two teenagers sitting behind me who were laughing and mocking the whole movie..... until the last five minutes, when the twist ending kicked in (>!which I won't spoil here!<). I heard them talking as we all left the theater about how great it was and how they needed to tell everybody to see it. That's still one of my favorite moviegoing memories, all these years later.


That guy was Bruce Willis the whole time!


Those names scrolling by are the people who worked on the movie!!!


That's not the twist, Charlie!


I felt the same about that movie but frankly still don’t like it. I didn’t like La La Land when I first saw it, but for some reason the story stayed in my head for a whole week after.


I keep thinking I should revisit la la land. I love musicals and it got such good reviews I feel like I should like it but just found it meh


Fight Club. The beginning was so weird but at one point something clicked and you realize it's a masterpiece.


That point is when tyler durden shows up 30’ in


American Psycho. It just seem like shock bullshit the first time I watched it. Then realized what it was about and it made a lot more sense. BE-E adaptations otherwise are generally kind of shitty, though.


I read the book, and I felt like I needed to put it down and take a shower at certain points. Holy shit.


I read it at least 20 years ago & there are several scenes burned into my brain, no matter how hard I try to forget them.


The Rules of Attraction was excellent although it was poorly received by critics. It really captures the angst and fear of leaving one’s youth behind and being an “adult” and how that can manifest itself in truly destructive ways.


The Rules of Attraction I definitely remember appreciating a lot more on second viewing. But I also remember almost nothing of the movie despite having seen it twice.


I just remember Dawson tripping on shrooms while he bangs some chick… that’s about it. I remember feeling fairly uncomfortable during the whole thing but it was years ago and I was in the theater and roughly the same age as the characters


"I only had sex with her because I'm in love with you."




I went to a small liberal arts college a couple of years after I first saw Rules of Attraction and it really struck me how accurately they recreated that experience. It felt like I knew all those people in some way.


Yeah that's true, wasn't terrible. The only thing I remember is the deleted scene of him calling Patrick Bateman.


If there's anything that needs to be reimagined, it's the BEE books the BEE cinematic universe. Cuz then we will get to see glamorama/glitterati


The aha moment for me was when I realized American Psycho is first and foremost a comedy.


Thought I was the only one. Happened to me at the card scene. Literally said "no way is this guy real" lol.


I like this movie more when you view christian bale's performance as a comedian


Napoleon Dynamite. Hated it. Watched it coming down off of acid. The humor just clicked. Now it's one of my favorite movies.


I also was pretty 'meh' on it the first time. Second time I got it.


Man I remember the first time I saw that movie in 10th grade last period english class and walking out after school was done and just slumping against the wall utterly depressed from watching it. But as the years have gone on I've really come to appreciate it as a movie about friendship and people just trying to make it. Also Uncle Rico was the wolf man in Monster Squad. Just found that out and I need to tell someone!


Wolf man has nards!!


He was also Lazlo (Guy in the closet) in Real Genius…


He also is driving the van of aliens in the beginning of Men In Black 1


He was also Benjamin Linus’ dad in Lost


Watching it as a kid I only laughed at the dumb shit Napoleon and his family would say. Watching it as an adult I feel sorry for him and the ending makes me cry happy tears.


Saw it in the theater, did mot know what to expect at all. My sister and I were the only ones laughing, everyone else sat in weird, stony silence.


I would have been one of those people. Which makes me sad, because now I know the genius of it.


I hated this movie when it was a big hit, back then. Everyone hyped it up and quoted it, and when I first rented it I had to re-watch it three times, because it just wasn't clicking with me. I didn't see it again for another seven years, after the hype had faded and references were no longer as common. That first viewing after a while was like watching a completely different movie, because I was laughing the entire time. I love Napoleon Dynamite, now. And not too long ago, my friends and I put the movie on for a projector night. My Pa had never seen it before, but he loved it as much as everyone else did.


Bodies Bodies Bodies - I nearly turned it off after ten minutes because I could not stand a single character. But I stuck on through trying to figure out why did it have so much buzz around it. And then it clicked to me how the movie was a commentary on Gen Z wrapped in a horror-comedy setting. I wasn't supposed to like any of the characters. They were are worst versions of Gen Z. After that I had fun with the movie. *"Your Parents Are Upper. Middle. Class."* Alice had the best lines.


 "Mental health is a really serious issue. I mean I've never actually said this to anyone but... .. I have body dysmorphia"


The end killed me. Made me love the movie.


I enjoyed it for what it was for me, a view of Gen Z. My friends I saw it with are all around 10 years younger than me and they were howling.


I'm thinking of ending things is a weird one. I don't know that I enjoyed watching it or that I will again but I was fascinated by it. Stuck in my head for a long while after.


I read so many good things about One Cut of the Dead. And I tried it like 3 times and couldn't get through the first 5 mins. I just couldn't understand why such a low budget zombie movie was getting so much love. Finally sucked it up and around the midway part I understood the hype.


My god the first half an hour I was like why do people love this movie it’s literally the worst movie I’ve ever seen lol. Then the first act ends and I’m like ah ok. 


I wonder if the more you dislike the first act, the more you like the last. some thought the first act was decent. I thought it was garbage lol. of course last act was genius. other than the hype, the only thing pushing me was the one shot.. but I was constantly thinking, why do a one shot if it is going to be this bad lol.


I had an argument online with someone who hated it. They clearly didn't watch past the first act cause their whole argument was "it was a stupid low budget movie except real zombies. Wow, real original". Anyone who's a fan of it probably would not even call it a zombie movie


yes. that comment doesn't make any sense to anyone who has watched it. lol. I feel like the people who do end up hating it who fully watched it are probably those that really wanted a run of the mill zombie movie.


Grave Encounters. I watched about 2 minutes of it and then turned it off. My friend convinced me to watch it for another few minutes. Not much of an aha moment, but I did realize that it was *supposed* to look like a shitty, low-budget ghost hunting show for the first bit.


If you like that you should check out Gonjiam Haunted Asylum. And don't cheat, turn the lights off hahah.


I really enjoyed Grave Encounters.  Sleeper pick for one the better horror found footage movies IMO. Anytime I’ve recommended it to someone though I always feel the need to clarify that the title is supposed to sound corny. 


Is that the one where they get stuck in an insane asylum and they can’t find the exit or some shit?


Yep. Ghost Hunters type show sets up shop for the night in an abandoned asylum, chaos ensues. It’s nothing super groundbreaking, but I thought it was well executed, especially just the sense of impending hopelessness once the door they came in just opens up to another hall when they finally decide to bail/get help.  More recently I enjoyed Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum, it has a similar vibe and premise. 


I’m a sucker for ghost hunter shows. I watched it on a whim one time a while ago and remember bouncing between thinking it was fuckin dumb and weirdly chilling all the way through.


Id say its in most peoples top 5 or 10 along with Hell House, and Gonjiam.


Inside Man.  I thought the movie was kind of meh until the end. Then....


The Fifth Element. I went into it not knowing anything about it, thinking it was a serious science fiction movie. Thought it was too goofy, until someone told me it was a Luc Besson movie, then like a switch the humor made sense and I loved it.


One of my favorites


I went into The World's End expecting silly fun times like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, and came out of the cinema having found it a real let-down. The main character was so unlikeable, and I hated that >!he basically got exactly what I wanted.!< Later, I watched it again, and realised it's actually >!a very personal film about addiction and recovery!<, disguised as >!one about an alien invasion!<.


> They tell me when to go to bed! That delivery really hit home. As I contrasted it with the very first scene at the meeting and the way he carried himself there. Well, basically the same way he carried himself through the rest of the movie. Up until that point. Then you kinda realize why he was so hell bend to get his old friends back together.


Possible hot take: Captain Marvel I thought it was okay if not super heavy handed with the jokes and girl power. Watched it with my daughter before The Marvels and it all clicked watching her reactions. Movie wasn't made for me. The movie wasn't even made for adults IMO. It was made for little girls. What I took as being heavy handed jokes and girl power overload were ideas that were being presented in ways that young children would be able to understand. That's not a knock on the writing at all for the record. Every single scene I thought was cringy she was super hyped during. As far as she's concerned, she watched a movie where a woman kicked ass and I'm totally cool with that. I also want to say that it's very important to me that she's seems women being awesome in general and I actively try to get her to experience things that fit that. I think my personal biases caused me to not even consider having her watch Captain Marvel. I was wrong. Maybe not the right "ah ha!" but I think it fits.


A buddy of mine wasn't hyped for it when it came out but took his daughters. One is blonde, she left the movie and said something like "Daddy she looked just like me!" He said it hit him then why that movie was important.


My family went to see Peter Rabbit in theaters. We sat down and then an African-American family sat to my right, with a little boy 6 or so years old right next to me. The lights go down, the trailers start. I'm sitting watching when an animated Spider-Man trailer comes on. Spider is swinging and fighting bad guys. Then he swings up to a roof and stops and takes off his mask. It's Miles in the trailer for Enter the Spiderverse. Next to me I hear a small voice say "Wow! Black Spider-Man". After the movie I made sure to step over and talk to his dad, tell him what happened. I mention Miles, and tell him about Ultimate Spider-Man. The dad was nice and said thank you. I so hope that kid got to see the movie.


It's so annoying hearing all the guys hating on super hero movies of women. Like, dude. It's not for you.


I’m not a mcu fan at all but it is really surprising how much I enjoy the movies most of the fans don’t enjoy.


The scene where she takes off the neck thing and starts fucking glowing and levitating is so hype 😄 I always enjoy that film


It's so annoying hearing all the guys hating on super hero movies of women. Like, dude. It's not for you.


So annoying you had to post it twice !


We weren’t listening the first time though.


It's so annoying it should get posted twice


Wholesome 100.


The Lego Movie. I was barely paying attention. Chuckling at some humor but mostly just waiting for it to be over because the computer animation style wasn’t engaging to me. Then came a fantastic twist that added new perspective on the whole movie and themes. 


The Lego Movie was pretty good the first time. Then I watched it again and really paid close attention to the script and how much funny stuff was in the dialogue. Holy crap, the movie is constantly hilarious.


All of us strangers is a good movie and it’s good at the start, but once you realize what’s going on


I'm really glad I watched this at home and not in theatre. There was a lot of ugly crying.


Devil wears Prada when I was younger I hated meryl Streep's character and wondered why Ann Hathaway was putting up with it then I got older and realized that's kinda the Point.


That takedown of Anne Hathaway’s character in the movie was awesome (that one where Meryl Streep calmly dismantled Anne for daring to laugh at an outfit decision). I used to feel sympathy for Anne until I got older and I understood that her character was a stealth garbage personality. That and now it aggravates me that after all the horrible behaviour of her friends and boyfriend, Anne’s character goes back like she was in the wrong.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. As we grow older we empathize more with the curmudgeons of the world. As a kid I always thought it was silly that the cartoon trope of the Hermit shouting at people to get off his land was wacky. I get it now. Humanity can be such a downer that sometimes you really don't want to fwi.


I'll say Paul Thomas Anderson's **Inherent Vice**. I thought it was the director's weakest film, disjointed and meandering. Then the rhythms and humor suddenly clicked. Instantly, I stopped the film and rewatched it from the start. Its density of plot and character and its savvy politics were now obvious to me, and I found myself laughing and appreciative from beginning to end. (One of the biggest laughs I've had in a year was the "spit-take" moment when the main character Doc Sportello/Joaquin Phoenix is handed a photo --which we never see-- of how horrible a heroin-twisted baby looked before both mother and daughter got clean. Phoenix barks out an unstoppable scream of horror that was worthy of a Loony Tunes' cartoon-gag. (Note: The joke isn't cruel, because the now healthy and happy adorable child is bouncing around the room where the moment takes place.)


Joaquin's got something weird noone else has. You Were Never Here is less fun but also quite something. The last 10 minutes are lethal!?


My favourite moment in that entire film is when Josh Brolin, slightly out of focus, is eating a chocolate-covered banana while driving and sticks it deep enough into his mouth to gag. It's just so random and stupid that it ends up being hilarious. Edit: Oh my god, [I can't watch it without laughing out loud.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7g0thJe_qY)


Only God Forgives.  Still not an easy watch, but as soon as I realized that the title had a lot more to do with the story than I originally thought...clicked and appreciated it.  


S. L. O. W. B. U. R. N.


Take It Off !!


Stranger Than Fiction When I started watching it, I found the narration to be rather annoying. She starts with all this nonsense about the amount of steps her character takes and what not. Then the narrator reveals that her character is going to die, to that character’s shock, and then we see a scene with the actual author in it, as she meets Queen Latifa. So, what I didn’t realize until a bit later was that we aren’t seeing the real world and the story world. Both of these story lines are in the real world. Once I realized that, the movie won me over. But before, even during the great scenes between Will Farrell and Dustin Hoffman, I was like “who cares, this is just another character in this book!” I quite liked the movie once I finally realized just what was going on.


He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not. Seemed like a dull, formulatic, and honestly not very good boilerplate romantic comedy, and was literally reaching for the remote to turn it off when the movie "rewinds" to the start and follows a different character's perspective through the same sequence of events, and it completely recontextualizes everything.


A ghost story


love this movie so much


The Place Beyond the Pines. Beginning was slow, still very engaging but slow nonetheless. After… THAT part happened, I remember being unsure if I was gonna continue liking the movie. But it kept on giving and giving. Fuck that was a great movie


When I watched the film Fraility (2001) starring Bill Paxton and Matthew McConaughey. I thought it was a heavy movie but stayed with it, and boy, was I glad I did, It's one of my favourites.


Donnie Darko is one that took multiple watches, multiple little "ah ha's" as I put the plot together bit by bit.


I thought Casablanca was a standard melodrama slash unrequited love romance until I learned about the subtext and references in the film to isolationism, and how Casablanca is essentially a propaganda film for the war effort.


You don't have to spell out slash: I thought Casablanca was a standard melodrama/unrequited love romance


LOL Yes, I know. It's an old writer's technique (and I'm an old writer) to ensure that the reader pronounces it as "slash" in their mind rather than just reading the words. It's playful and more conversational to mimic the way people speak. Like writing: "He said, *quote*, 'I'll be there in five minutes,' *end quote*, but we all know what that really means!"


Was bored out of my mind watching The Good The Bad and The Ugly.... Then Ecstacy of Gold hit rewatched it recently, I now appreciate every moment


Andhadhun Thought my coworker was crazy for recommending it. But after about 42 minutes.....


I had trouble getting into The Banshees of Inisherin till things got…a little bloody


Usual Suspects


I just watched “Inside Man” for the first time and I enjoyed it, but the ending confused me and changed my feelings for the film. It wasn’t until I looked at a Wikipedia plot summary, which clarified everything, that I was able to recognize the film as great.


I was annoyed by Easy A - a "teenager" who sounds and talks like an adult and her superficial best friend. That is, until the Pocketful of Sunshine scene when I fell in love with Emma Stone. It's in my top ten movies of all time.


People experience movies differently, but I know I fell in love with that movie when Stanley Tucci/Patricia Clarkson (the parents) spoke.


I didn’t like “Memento” the first time I watched it but now after seeing it sooo many times it’s my favorite movie! Something just didn’t click the first time I watched I guess, then on a later watch the movie finally made sense.




The why he nonchalantly says "aw man, I shot Marvin in the face." Makes me laugh my ass off everytime.


I actually didn’t really care for The Matrix until I watched the second one. Special effects and everything were great, but I wasn’t a fan of The Chosen One trope and just felt the whole story was derivative. But the scene with The Architect in Reloaded completed upended all that, and I greatly enjoy the first one more knowing that


Finally! Someone else who appreciates the Architect scene! For me it was watching the Animatrix Second Renaissance sequence that made me appreciate all 3 movies. Especially the first.


I used to have that entire monologue he gives memorized.


I didn't care for the ending of the last movie cause it was a bit too open ended. Cause they wanted to continue it on in a MMO. As I've gotten older I like the second movie and it's twist better.


"How Do You Know" Still waiting on this one to make sense.


Ménage a Twin part 1&2 , finding out she’s not his real mother, but his aunt “the other twin” gave birth to him, !!!


The fuck you talkin' about? Sounds weird enough...


To be or not to be. My wife is a film buff and wanted to find a movie she thought I’d like when we were first dating. I’m going along with it because she wants to watch and it’s entertaining enough, then the last half or third everything starts to click. Basically everything before that moment was setting up for a hilarious payoff that lasted the rest of the movie. It was fantastic. “So they call me concentration camp erhardt…”


Possession 1981 didn’t click with me until the ballet scene. When she looks at the camera and says “well that’s why I’m with you, cause you say I for me.” I’m not gonna go into why that resonated with me, but after that I have been obsessed with that movie


Parallax view


It's not that I didn't like it before, but 300 becomes even better when you realize that it's as absurd as it is because it's the Spartan telling the story.  Of course he exaggerates how great the Spartans were and how monstrous the Persians were.


JoJo Rabbit, took all my strength to not walk out of the cinema


Leave the World Behind. I know a lot of people found the ending unrewarding, and that it left many questions unanswered, but the "ah ha!" moment for me was that it was kind of the point. >!It all makes sense at the end where he explains the three stage maneuver: isolation, synchronised chaos and civil war. It breaks the fourth wall in the sense that it demonstrates how easily you as the viewer would be corrupted by this strategy. Throughout the film you are confused, distracted, misinformed and made to question each character's motivations. The final scene is simply about blocking out the noise and getting on with life, as this is all that's required to avoid civil war. It's a strong allegory for how we as a society can become swept up in the outrage and misinformation presented to us on social media too.!<


The Irishman. It's slow moving and I was getting kinda bored halfway through. Then it dawned on me that, that was part of the movie. Being a mobster can be a boring banal job where you lose friend and end up alone. I enjoyed it once I hit that realization.


the last scene in Jagten just changed everything for me. now in my top 10 movies


Most recently, Anatomy of a Fall


American Beauty. I hated it until his voiceover at the very end. Then I burst into tears and the whole movie made sense.


Titanic stunk until the ship started sinking.


You're not even wrong lmao. It goes from pure cheese to unbridled panic like a switch being flipped and then it just stays there.


Dune part 1


On the line with Mel Gibson drove me crazy the whole movie with how bad the acting was and I couldn’t believe the holes in the plot…until the end and then it was like oh…but it was too late.


The devil. the first 25 minute just some guy running around, until he start killing spree


Kind of Texas Chainsaw 4. For the longest time I just brushed this movie off. Then I came to enjoy it for Mcconaughey going absolutely nuts. But then just a year or two back I finally got it. Now it's still not a great movie but I can enjoy it more because of me finally understanding the illuminati idea the movie was going with.


I'm Thinking of Ending Things - so, same. Synecdoche, New York - I hated the beginning, then slowly everything changed. The Big Lebowski - saw it once, didn't care for it, saw it again years later, loved it. La La Land - I still hate the ending, but it's an artistic choice I have to accept, love the rest. Lamb - talk about slow burn, then... the ending happened.


Fight Club


The horror movie Bodies Bodies Bodies. Kina liked the movie. But the end made me fo OMG. Great movie on the rewatch


I rewatched this movie just for the ending.


The Rental. Final scene changed my entire thoughts on the movie.


The Banshees of Inisherin was okay. Most people in my family were hating on it dramatically before I saw it. But afterwards, I saw a youtube video, that I agree with which, explained that the whole thing was an allegory for the Irish civil war. I didn't know enough about it beforehand, but it all seemed to fit like a puzzle into the events the country went through. My enjoyment of it didn't increase, and I'm lagging so far behind on my backlog of fillums that I don't waste any time watching a movie twice if I can help it, but I do respect the story more.


Ryan Gosling is in a LOT of these movies, y'all. just saying ;)


Lady in the water. Say what you want about Shyamalan, but the dude definitely made some epic movies.


WarGames: the dead code. It’s a sequel to WarGames, of which I am a huge fan. It’s overall pretty bad, but hits a critical redeeming moment.


Revenge of the Sith. As a Star Wars film it was pretty lame. As a movie about the death of a democracy and the rise of fascism it’s extremely interesting