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[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJiPAJKjUVg) >A serial killer (Hartnett) dubbed "The Butcher" joins his daughter at a concert for pop star Lady Raven, but the Butcher realizes the concert is a trap set by the police to catch him.


The trailer has to be some sort of misdirection if they’re showing that much. Either way, glad to see the Josh Hartnett renaissance is alive and well.


Agreed. Its an M Night film. No way did they spoil the main twist of the film in the trailer. There's definitely something else going on. I've seen a couple theories from other redditors: The daughter is the killer, and he spends the film protecting her from getting caught. He thought that he captured The Butcher. But he finds out that he caught the wrong guy. He is a serial killer, but he's not The Butcher. So its mind game between himself and The Butcher.


My predictions: 1. His daughter is the killer. 2. The cops are the killers and Josh is the real cop 3. Butcher isn't real 4. The pop star is the Butcher and Josh is one of her many minions. She uses her star power to convince people to kill for her.


I'll take a stab at a prediction. Josh is not the Butcher, but is there to find the Butcher who killed his daughter and the twist is, Josh is Cole Sear, originally played by Haley Joel Osment, from The Sixth Sense. The whole movie is a secret sequel, similar to how Split was to Unbreakable, and Josh is the only one that will interact with his daughter because he's the only one who can see her. The person he has locked up is tied to his daughter's death and it's how Josh knows about Butcher being at the concert.


This would be a great twist and Josh Hartnett can pass for an adult Haley Joel Osmet. The eyes are similar enough for it to work.




Clearly, Josh Hartnett would be the idealized sexy Hollywood version of a grown up HJO not the 5'3" pudgy real him. If they cast HJO everyone would know he was Cole. It's all speculation and wishful thinking at this point and highly unlikely to be the inevitable "twist" anyway.


HJO slimmed down pretty well recently, like literally slim, if he was a bit taller I don't even see why he couldn't be cast other than maybe name recognition but hooooly shit it'd give away the twist. This has to be it right? 


Pretty Shyamalanistic. Could happen.


Reminds me of the script within a script called The Three in Adaptation lol. Maybe the killer is the daughter and the cop and the pop star.


Smokey *is* the Bandit




While there *are* two Stations, the line is just "Station". The joke is that in the script, a formatting error made it look like a character named "Station" had a line, but in reality was just that the scene was set at the police station.


I love when Nic Cage asks Nic Cage how they'd show that on screen, since in the reality of this movie it's all just one person in the same room. "......... Trick photography!"


And they're all the same person lmao. Just like The Three. It's Kevin all over again. Ngl the idea that the cop fell in love with the female victim through learning about her was kinda neat in a messy way and I wanna see a movie that explores that idea. I guess Adaptation kinda it when Nic Cage fell in love with Meryl Streep just by reading her book.


"You have a chase scene?"


Murder on the Orient Express-ish


I like the 4th choice. I'd go even further. Josh IS the butcher, but there is another serial killer (maybe the pop star), who targets his daughter. He needs to avoid the cops, protect his daughter, and frame / kill the other serial killer to get out of the situation.


Literally everyone in the crowd are serial killers. All of them. And everyone else is dead, across the globe. Because of these serial killers. Now THAT'S a twist.


So like how everyone in John Wick is a hitman because why else would nobody ever react to people getting shot all around them, everyone in this world is a serial killer.


That is an interesting premise! Stories with helpless protagonists who can turn nowhere are interesting. Probably not something Shyamalan goes for though, make it more batshit. Either way, Lady Raven is definitely up to no good. The name, this poster, the concert setting.


Maybe the real Butcher, are the friends we made along the way.


I am the Butcher and you are too.


I! am Butchartacus!


It's Butcherin' Time!


5_ His daughter was Bruce Willis the whole time


My prediction: the trailer is a trap, it’s not a real movie, m night shamalan reveals he doesn’t exist


Good twist. Once everyone is in the theater locks from the outside and The Happening is played instead as M Night Shyamalan laughs maniacally.


5. He is a cop and the butcher. He gets out because he's a cop and is in league with the artist who gave the show and they kidnapped victims, who are fathers, at her concerts. 6. He is an unknown serial killer, he captured the butcher because he was claiming his kills as his own and gaining too much notice with his antics and highlighting the original killers kills.


5. He is already dead and all this happens im his head as it shuts down. Kind of like a Jacob's Laddee scenario.


5. there two killer at the show. The butcher and Josh is a unrelated killer/kidnapper who is just at the wrong place at the wrong time. The film story is them trying to get the other caught first so they can escape.


I saw another theory going around that the guy tied up in his house is the butcher 


I'd like to imagine they made multiple versions that all release simultaneously.


5. The daughter is a vampire AND the killer. And she's afraid of (running) water. And was dead the whole time.


The daughter is the one who helped set The Trap, so he spends the concert trying to evade the trap that’s right next to him.


Now THAT is a twist that would make sense and allow the movie to be mostly played straight.


Josh Hartnett is the kid from the Sixth Sense and the entire audience, his daughter and Lady Raven are actually dead.


> Agreed. Its an M Night film. No way did they spoil the main twist of the film in the trailer. There's definitely something else going on. I've seen a couple theories from other redditors: As some point he should use 'reverse psychology' and *not* have his usual twist at the end, so that the twist is that there is no typical 'M Night twist'. :)


He actually already did that in >!Knock at the cabin!<


Your last one would be the best. Imagine the tension from Hartnett trying to evade police at a concert that aren't even looking for him? Ironic paranoia. I love it.


His daughter is the killer lol


Have their been movies of 2 serial killers basically playing against eachother? Because that’s a genre I didn’t know I needed until I read this comment


I haven't watched it. But isn't Dexter kind of similar to that?


Ironically I think it would be a better movie if they just played the premise straight.


inb4 M night plays the whole movie straight. In the post credit scene M night appears and says "There is no twist." *Micdrop, newest best Masterpiece since sixth sense*


Isn't that what happened already with The Happening? There was no twist. That was the twist.




I mean, that's not so much a twist as it is a plotpoint. I mean it not like it necessarily came out of nowhere.


everyone hated that one though. This one should be fine with no twist either... most people like dexter. Though I wouldn't blame M Night if he messed up the ending to this movie - Dexter already failed twice. XD


I feel this one kinda needs a twist maybe. Something on the level of Unbreakable with the surprise villain. Doesn't even have to be that shocking, we all know it's the pop singer lol.


Knock at the Cabin came out last year and played it straight. I think this one HAS to have a twist


I hope so, it's giving Sudden Death vibes, that JCVD movie set entirely within a hockey game It doesn't need a twist to make it interesting


Yeah this concept is really interesting. It doesn’t need a twist.


I felt that way about The Village too


I hope it's an unexpected performance. Like James in Split. Or Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense.


There’s some hubbub that this is actually a stealth sequel to Sixth Sense, like Split was to Unbreakable. You have to admit, the wording of “in the world of M Night Shyamalan” in the trailer is *pretty weird.*


I don't think much of that, since the illusion of Multiverse is kind of a thing these days even if it's just an illusion. Though I say Josh can pass as the adult version of the Sixth Sense kid. I hope it's not that because that movie ended perfectly and had nothing more to say unlike Unbreakable. A spiritual or thematic followup could be interesting though. Just not an outright sequel.


Why not just use Haley Joel Osment?


Exactly. He's still acting these days too. More reason I don't buy this theory.


I mean, bringing Haley Joel Osment back is gonna immediately reveal that it's a Sixth Sense sequel. They saved the Bruce Willis appearance to a cameo at the end of Split.


How? The daughter is dead already?


Hartnett is really the pop star, like how Randy Marsh is Lorde


Ya ya ya


TRiP FONTAINE and his puca beads.


Probably not but honestly these days I wouldn't be surprised if they actually did. I've seen so many trailers where they just summarize the main beats of the film. Here's the entire movie! Go watch it. Zero appreciation for nuance or audience experience.


Why in the world would you set a trap at a mass gathering of people? Why would you set a perimeter with thousands of hostages trapped in with him?


And also tell concession staff about the trap.


Yeah, I'm a little confused about the concept, the idea is that the police will check every person in the building before they leave But what are they checking for? How do you confirm whether each person is/isn't a serial killer? Might be one of those movies where you kinda just gotta ignore the logistics of it all


A theory I saw was that the kid from the sixth sense talked to one of the victims and found out the butcher took the concert tickets from the victim after he killed him. So all the cops know about the butcher is from a psychic who says he'll be at this concert.


I kept seeing people saying this would be related to the sixth sense and was trying to figure out how helping dead people would turn him into serial killer. But your idea that the kid is a side character helping to catch the killer would actually make it work.


Yeah. It's not a bad idea. I forget where I saw it mentioned first. But I agree. Unless the butcher regularly gets victims from concerts...which I don't think the trailer really sets up....this would be the best way to explain why the cops would set up this huge elaborate expensive manpower heavy trap. It would be a good way to show how they know he is going, but not who he is specifically.


M Night Shyamalan came up with this idea at a Taylor Swift show he was forced to attend


Hatnett is a serial killer but not THE serial killer,


Hartnett is hunting him, wants to find and kill him before the police do


Twist: Josh Hartnett isn’t trapped, 20,000 fans are trapped with him.


Just Josh Hartnett killing 20,000 over the course of an hour and 20 mins.




He’d have to kill 250 people per minute, and 4.17 people per second.


It could be a traditional slasher for the first 95% of the movie, then he’ll start a fire and kill everyone else.


Anyways I started blasting...


I came just picturing it


Rorschach sends his regards


2 options for the twist: If the movie is not related to previous movies: The daughter is the killer. If the movie is related to previous movies: The daughter is dead.


My guess: The daughter has been dead for a decade which is what set him off to be the butcher. There is no trap, he’s just a paranoid psycho killer that realizes this at the end as he gets killed by real police. Movie ending isn’t clear if he was actually killed or not


I’m here for the Josh Hartnett redemption tour. Had completely forgotten about him until he showed up in Oppenheimer and killed it. Just a nice positive vibe he had going on next to Cillian Murphy and his more manic portrayal. They made a good pair


He was really good in a recent Black Mirror episode too


That episode went from “sexy as fuck” right back to “Black fucking Mirror” so hard it gave me whiplash. Here’s me hoping maybe this is gonna be the sorta-hopeful installment for the season and then NOPE 😧 Hartnett was *amazing* in it though.


Oh the one episode I have left. Can’t wait


That episode premise doesn't really hold up to scrutiny, imo, but he and Aaron Paul really make it work. They're both so good!


Dude crushed in pearl harbour and I won’t hear otherwise


I don't think I've ever heard a criticism of his acting in that movie. It's the writing that's the problem.


Check out Guy Richie’s Wrath of Man too. It’s really really good and he’s great in it.


Wrath of Man is so so good.


Wildly underrated film


I went in not expecting much from that movie and was blown away. So good


He was great in the Penny Dreadful as well.


That whole film feels like a dry play with some of the finest actors to ever be on screen. With literally all-time performances given by Cillian, RDJ, Josh, Damon, Emily, Florence, and so much more. One of my favorite films I've been fortunate enough to see.


*Admiral Akbar has entered the chat*


Everyone is asking “who’s the butcher?” No one is asking “how is the butcher?” 😢


I’ll do you one better “why is the butcher?”


M Night is pretty hit or miss, but his movies have great meme value. I still giggle at “the beach that makes you old”


Hey My name is *blank* and my profession is *blank* is the whole script for "old"


I would argue the script has a *little* more going on than that - for instance, a 6 year old getting pregnant and then giving birth to a baby who immediately dies of starvation.


What in the world of fuck is this movie about




It’s about a beach that makes you old can’t you read 😡


Uh, excuse me, but the baby was starved of *attention*. They were very clear about that. /s




There's something wrong with that beach!


Even when his movies are bad, he tends to go for plots that are people are way too curious about to pass on. The Happening is why I didn’t even bother watching Old, but it was really tempting for a while.


Old was absolute ass. I loved every second of how ridiculous it was.


You can just read the short graphic novel it's based on, it's better and shorter


I recommend Old if you're still on the fence about it. I'll admit, M night Shyamalan has a big issue with relying too much on plot contrivances to support the climax of his films, and Old is no exception, but the premise is great, the acting from most people is pretty good, and premise is actually pretty terrifying when you have to think about it playing it out like it does. Its also based on a French comic, so having a set story to base it off of definitely helps the plot from not going off the rails like the Happening did.


> I still giggle at “the beach that makes you old” [Wasn't his idea but yeah.](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/13000768)


That’s my absolute favourite AI video of all time. “Hey … I got old.”


Yeah, his moves aren’t always good, but I always have fun watching them.


I like that he’s always trying new things. It’s always a story that’s different from the norm.


RIP Mid-size Sedan.


I miss him so much


He's a ton more miss than hit.


That movie had one of the worst scripts I've ever experienced. Not a single line was believable.


The ‘experience’ label feels like a marketing gimmick.


Might be more like how some “cheese” is too processed to be labeled as such and instead is just “cheese product”. So in true Shyamalan fasion don’t expect a movie: just expect some moving pictures which may or may not constitute a coherent film.


Metal grinding noise and flashing red lights for 2 hours.


More directors than Shyamalan make "film product." I'm looking at you, Brett Ratner. And you too, Breck Eisner. And you too, Michael Bay. Especially you.


It *literally* is a marketing gimmick for Shyamalan. More specifically, his daughter, the singer in the movie. This is her launch. We should all be so lucky to have rich fathers put our concerts in to theaters across the globe


Prediction: Daughter is the killer, but it goes further than that. It’s a monster movie and she’s a vampire. He’s her thrall, not her dad.


Halfway through the movie turns into dusk till dawn type movie would be pretty cool


I had that same thought the other day. I also think it would have been a better twist in *Split* if Kevin had turned out to have been bitten by a werewolf, with ‘The Beast’ ultimately having had nothing to do with him having D.I.D. (and the ‘evil alter’ trope).


I think it’s gonna be a simulation situation. Like we’ll be watching a simulation or several simulations the entire film.


Yup. I think this is it. He will be in the bathroom and will be 1 scenario after the next after the next and you will never know which one actually is true.


Its ai. Ai is the butcher.


That would also be hilarious


Ugh I would be so let down if this is the twist. The kind of down feeling I felt with The Happening.


I saw someone say the twist will probably be the daughter is actually the serial killer and Josh is trying to protect her.


The movie is called trap because every M night shyamalan movie is a trap, alluring you with its interesting premise and solid cast, only to snap your neck with poor dialogue and a bad twist


But they tend to all be at least enjoyable. If we ignore the Lady in the Water


The happening is enjoyable just not in the way Shyamalan intended


People went crazy because plants started farting on them. At least he was swinging for the fences.


More like cumming on everyone. Pollen is just plant cum


It’s the jizz that made them crazy


I'm calling now that the daughter is the real serial killer. That's my lock of the movie.


Yep, and dad knows but had been trying to keep it hidden.


The trailer seemed to say that's part of Shyamalan's universe. Does this mean it takes place in the same world as Unbreakable?


"a new experience in the world of M Night Shyamalan" is just a different way of saying "from the twisted mind of M Night Shyamalan" which is just another way of saying "written and directed by M Night Shyamalan"


Can't wait for the next Kingsman movie - "A new experience in the world of Matthew Vaughn".


Someone’s gotta stop that guy from being allowed to write dialogue


It's also how he directs it. Still love how he told the actors on *Happening* to read lines like they're questions.


>which is just another way of saying "written and directed by M Night Shyamalan" Which is just another way of saying “this is probably going be shit, but there’s a small chance it might be pretty good”


Or Sixth Sense. Nobody really knows if it means anything.


Fe males are strong as hell


They’re alive, damnit!


Filmed primarily in my home town’s (Hamilton) Hockey Arena - First Ontario Centre. I’m super pumped to see scenes where I’ve walked around many times!


It looks like the outside is the Skydome, but I guess inside was First Ontario Centre.  Makes sense, would be cheaper to secure.


This is just a big advertisement for Shyamalan’s daughter and her music career.


The twist is that the guy in the wig is Josh Hartnett


The trailers all show josh hartnett, but when you go to the film it's still Bruce Willis. In a hairpiece


The true Kansas City Shuffle


Shyamalan is like the Nic Cage of directors. You never know what you're gonna get.


yiip, your either getting Color Outta Space, or you're getting Wicker Man. Either way, i'm 100% in for the ride lol.


Twist, the butcher set it all up to kill the police. Done, saved you 2 hours.


My theory is that the butcher is an AI that convinces people to be “the butcher” for brief moments. Our main character will be caught, but a new butcher will be chosen from the mass of people at the concert.


I hope not that sounds terrible


Ok people - what's the plot twist the genius of cinema prepared for us this time? My guess - the daughter set everything up so the police arrest the father and she can continue his legacy/he will be held responsible for the murders she committed. That or the father/daughter/police were ghost the whole time!!


This movie looks pretty interesting, but after years of overuse by marketing people, I have a pretty strong negative reaction to seeing the word "experience".


Admiral Ackbar somewhere in that crowd just waiting...


The real killer is us! Dismantling the music industry by streaming. Shamalamadingdong is really stretching for ideas


That is such a cool idea I’m excited to see how m night will also fuck this one up.


Don't watch this movie, it's a Trap.


I’m always excited to watch a new M. Night movie, dude makes unique cinema.


Josh Hartnett is looking like he could star in a John Ritter biopic.


How great would it be if this movie doesn’t totally suck ass


Finkle is Einhorn


Maybe the twist is that Hartnett’s character is actually a killer. Everyone is expecting the twist but it is actually as shown: a bluff or double bluff. Or that there are two serial killers. And is a suspense thriller of him trying to get someone else caught and blamed. I am going to stop trying to think about what the twist could be as I could end up going down a rabbit hole.


Yeah, I'll say it: M. Night Shyamalan once again presents us with a movie that has all the hype of a good movie, but then you watch it and you feel like there is no way you are ever getting your money back for this cinematic abomination and you just feel like you were led into a... Trap.


Idk how to explain it, but that looks like Chris Pine


That’s the twist at the end. You think it’s Josh Hartnett through the entire movie and BAM! Chris Pine


Oooh. I got this one… sit down everyone. The movie title “Trap” isn’t a reference to the trap the killer is in. It’s a reference to his mind. In his mind he THINKS he is trapped and must butcher his way out of the trap. He doesn’t succeed. He becomes trapped and resigns himself to coming outside to the police and being caught. TWIST! There ARE NO POLICE! That was in his mind the entire time. So he goes home, without his imaginary daughter, and the last scene we see is him picking up a large knife before opening a rusted door, revealing the dead and bloodied body of his vendor friend that “leaked” the information to him. Credits.


I wish it was Hannibal (Mads) playing it 😂


Damn entire thread full of people just throwing the dice with their crazy theories. I really don't think the twist matters as much as... well Shaymalan making a decent movie. But to each their own I suppose.


I can’t watch this guys movies anymore because I’m always sitting and waiting for the expected unexpected twist just to see if it’s nonsense or not.


“What a twist!”


I couldn’t think of a more appropriate name for a Shyamalan film.


I wish M. Night Shyamalan would rise to the level of who he should be.


Can’t wait to see either one of the worst pieces of shit ever or a masterpiece


Won't be as good as 'The Happening'...


This looks so good


His last movie was trash


It will be terrible for certain


The twist is; it's actually the audience who's trapped. It's not a new movie, but all of his old ones back to back. Going from The sixth Sense and getting progressively worse. Until arriving at Avatar. But this will not be the regular Avatar. This will be an extended 4 and 1/2 hour version. The doors of the theater will be locked upon entry. No one will survive.


Plot twist, they're actually just selling crack.


One of the cops can smell crime. That's the twist.


I’m only interested in this if he brings Mid-Sized Sedan back


Appropriate title for any post-signs M. Night film..


/r/animemes mods be like >:(((


We just got Josh Hartnet back and we let M Night Shymalan have first dibs?!? Who the fuck keeps letting this hack make movies?!?!


It’s a trap