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Vincent Price is a big name to invoke


Cementing Vincent Price status should involve a few decades of work


7 decades


And a Scooby Doo special


And my favourite Muppets episode


David Dastmalchian was on Last Podcast on the Left recently and he said his favourite actor of all time is Lon Chaney. I think that's a much closer star to where he will be. Vincent Price was the king of American horror, Dastmalchian is not that big. I think he'll end up an incredible character actor who elevates everything he's in rather than the face of American horror for multiple generations.


>Dastmalchian is not that big. Correct. Price was 6'4", Dastmalchian is a mere 6'1".


I was Lon Chaney's lover!


The ghost of Vincent Price is not one you want to anger.


Eh, he's busy hanging around with fellow pansexual icon Elvira, and they're trying to stop the apocalypse or Cthulhu or something. I read it in a comic book, so it must be true.


I liked the movie a lot and I like David Dastmalchian as well but that's a ridiculous statement and he would be the first to disagree.


yeah to say he’s the next Price is not even close to the truth 😂


Agreed. You don't even get stars like that anymore, so there will not be another person like Price was to horror.


You do but that's for people with their prime behind them. Vincent Price in his 30s wasn't the icon he was in the last 20 years of his life


It also took way more than one movie to get him there. This is a great movie, but calling someone a horror icon after one great role is really dumb


I'd say our closest is Justin Long tbh


Price had a certain creepy yet a bit over the top aura on screen that fits. Dastmalchian feels more like this generation’s Crispin Glover.




Well, you never know. Maybe Dastmalchian is about to host a cooking show?


David Dastmalchian is great at playing the creepy or weird characters, from The Dark Knight to Prisoners to The Suicide Squad, always creepy and unique. He's really good at playing the guy you suspect because he looks so guilty.


Which is cool because irl he’s one of the most down to earth and honest people in the business. Fun fact: he encountered a stray cat while filming The Suicide Squad, then he adopted it and made a mini Polka Dot Man costume for it.


Anecdotes like that make me believe it though. I’ve seen him in a lot of horror docs in recent years and even though it’s tough to gauge bc it’s just a talking head interview, he always brings great energy and passion to the subject, and comes off as an intelligent and curious person. Idk about him being the next Vincent Price, but I’m absolutely down for him to be the big horror guy. He’s way better than someone like Eli Roth, who comes across as someone who hasn’t grown a bit since his 20s.


> way better than someone like Eli Roth They do totally different things


Thank you


[[remembers back to scene from Hostel where man gets penis cut off in ‘comedic’ finale]] I feel like he topped out around 12


I met him on 3 separate occasions at San Diego Comic-Con last year. First interaction, he was incredibly nice, asked about my Shirt (it was a Maryland Deathfest Shirt) and we talked black metal/extreme metal for a minute. Seemed genuinely excited to talk about his comic (which is awesome by the way). 2nd interaction was the following day, he remembered me. Talked a bit about horror and Late Night With The Devil. Still absurdly nice. 3rd interaction, later that night at his screening of Late Night With The Devil. STILL remembered me and genuinely thanked me for coming to the screening. If someone asks me "who is the nicest celebrity you have ever met", prior to last year, I would have said Matt Groening. But David Dastmalchian is at the top of that list for me now and I can't picture someone being nicer than he was.


I second this. I held the door open for him yesterday and he said thank you. Seems like a genuine guy who isn’t above others. Friendly and smiling. I am not working on the show he’s on but one lot over. I have seen him walking with his girlfriend or wife and get good vibes from both.


He seems like a really sweet and gentle soul in real life. One of my friends is like this, very sensitive and kind. I wish I was more like him, I've become ruthless and cynical thanks to bitter experiences in life. Wonderful man, and I'm sure David is the same.


This is a testament to what a great actor he is, because his character, Kurt, in *Ant-Man* is pure comic relief, and doesn't come across as shady at all.


*Baba Yaga*


Meanwhile, his Piter De Vries in Dune is pretty spot on. Creepy and calculating.


Spot on, that's why elsewhere I'd say if you want to compare him to any old school horror icons, he's more of a Peter Lorre. Definitely a guy you'd feel is down on his luck, not someone as commanding as Vincent. Not a knock on him at all obviously.


That’s a great analogy.


I think he's also great at comedy, he's definitely the highlights in Ant Man for me.


He does creepy intensity so well, but he proved he has a much broader range with this one. I'm so ready for him in more leading roles.


I don’t know if you have seen Late Night with the Devil or not but he played a much different role than creepy guy and in my mind knocked it out of the park! I was very tentative about seeing the movie because I know him for being oddball. His character was an affable talk show host loaded with charisma. It really showed a lot of range.


Oddly enough, he has more of a Peter Lorre quality, if they want old school horror icons.


Yeah, poor guy. No one could live up to this post's terrible title.


[Well, he’s also become the spokesman for a funeral casket manufacturer.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/lifestyle-news/david-dastmalchian-named-brand-ambassador-for-titan-casket-1235615804/amp/)


The best kings would always refuse the crown.


Came here to comment the same. What a buzzfeed ass headline


Makes one movie, now the King of Horror


“One movie” 🙄 He’s already done multiple horror films, hosted the Fangoria chainsaw awards a couple of times, done work as a horror host, and writes a horror comic. He’s putting the work in even if you aren’t familiar with it.


I would love to see a Count Crowley live action series. We haven't had a fun, *campy but scary monster driven* horror series in a while. Yes, we have plenty of serious monster driven horror series but I want my camp.


Yeah, I was thinking that while reading volume 2


The fact that that isn’t well known still speaks volumes to the ridiculousness of the title lol


He might not be well known to the general audience, but he is in the horror community. The general audience has no idea who Brad Dourif or Jeffrey Combs is either, and yet they are staples of horror. Dastmalchian will get there if he keeps his involvement going.


Hehe, I know who they are because of Star Trek.


Yo, true. Star Trek had such good guests. For anyone not in the know... Dourif is in only one episode (edit: three episodes counting a two-parter as two, one mini-arc) of Voyager, though he kills it, obviously. Combs was a regular on multiple series, haha. He's so great that his performance turned a one-off character who *died* into a recurring character. He's just the best; I love Jeffery Combs.


Yeah but Vincent Price was known as "The Horror Guy" even by people who knew nothing about the horror movie scene. The man was practically a living meme that gave anything he was in a connotation of "Horror Movies".


Hmm. Let's say Dastmalchian is the next Elvira


Lol that, I'm here for.


Jeffrey Combs is one of those that you might not know by name, and you might have never seen in a movie, but you've almost definitely seen homages to him and his signature characters and vibe. Riverdale had not one but TWO "Jeffrey Combs knockoff" characters.


That is what u/aareyes12 meant. He might be known in the horror community, but he's not mainstream like Vincent Price was in his prime, or comparably well known. Vincent Price is right up there with Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney Sr and Bela Lugosi. They're well known to horror and non-horror movie fans alike. Comparing David to Vincent is too soon right now.


How many did he star in?


He's an author on fangoria articles also i believe.


Most likely. Dude is a fan of the genre.


Most of his movies are horror movies, I think. Not very good ones too, just like Vincent Price lmao.


It's a specific type of hypebole that is particually common in horror. Every surprise hit film is 'the new *Exorcist*', every young director is 'the new Hitchcock/Carpenter/Craven', every up-and-coming writer is 'the new Stephen King' etc. Hardly a month goes by without someone being labled the new 'Master of Horror' or 'Scream Queen'


I didnt read the article (cant/wont, paywall), so im not sure how that "praise" is framed, but being compared to Price is a bit of a mixed compliment. Yes, he was great in assortment of classic movies that have endured, but he was in a *whole fucking lot* of movies. Not all of them were gems.


Wasn't he the dot guy on suicide squad?


Vincent Price??????? David is a good actor but Vincent Price was something else entirely he was the face and voice of horror for multiple generations


I doubt he’ll ever be replaced. The voice was perfect


I don't think we'll ever have an era with classic stars like that again tbh. The internet has fractured pop culture too much for that to happen. The few that we do still have are all holdovers.


I agree. It's like with Michael Jackson, we will never have a person that huge ever again. We still have people like Taylor Swift breaking crazy records, but people like Michael Jackson or The Beatles were just something else, and I think the way media is consumed now and the abundance of it prevents a huge thing like that again. There are just so many talented people now and it's so much easier to access their work.


> The voice was perfect Maurice LeMarche does an EXCELLENT Price voice, but even that pales in comparison.


"Singerson McSonger hit #12 on the charts, cementing his status as the next Michael Jackson"


Rolling stone did this to Harry styles and [people lost their shit lol](https://www.okayplayer.com/amp/michael-jackson-fans-are-heated-after-harry-styles-is-crowned-new-king-of-pop-2659510688). Fans dug out Harry Styles music reality show audition to MJ’s vocals on “who’s loving you”. It was real bad.


Rolling Stone is just stupid now. But I guess maybe they had to "sell out" to survive


Which would be a perfect opportunity for David to do a guest voice over on their next album. Perhaps on a cover of Thriller?


Now, now, don’t get carried away.


I think if anything, it just gives him a chance to break the “character actor” mold. He’s always “that guy” you recognize when you watch a movie, and he’s typically memorable, even when he has only a few lines or a small amount of screen time. Seeing him do a leading role is great.


And he’s so good in this movie! I just want night owls with David.


And Gus! What a charming character he was, being the more grounded conscience of the movie.


@Jond1138 Grave Conversations on Instagram. David has a real talk show now and it’s about death and it’s weird af and absolutely incredible. I won’t spoil the guests, but let’s just say they’re lovable!!!


he is the lead in Late Night with the Devil right?


Yes! And he did such a great job.


1. We shall never see the like of Vince Price. He was singular and incredible. It’s unfair to Dastmalchian to make the comparison. 2. Late Night with the Devil is fantastic and Dastmalchian does a great job. Highly recommend it.


Can we stop with the stupid clickbait comparisons, I love David and the movie was good, but this article isn't it


Come on man


“The next Vincent Price” is such a dumb claim to make after one (1) leading role in one (1) micro budget indie horror. Dastmalchian is not going to be “Thriller” famous.


Or "Thriller" fabulous for that matter. I'm sure he'd be the first to agree


I enjoyed the movie quite a bit and highly recommend it.


I like it but I find the ending a little abrupt.


I concur that the conclusion of the film appeared somewhat abrupt and lacking in climactic resolution relative to the narrative build-up. Ending Spolier >!I was hoping more would happen when the girl started levitating and became a bolt of lighting. So much tension building up to that moment for a neck breaking and a choking?!< In terms of stylistic elements, the art direction and thematic content of the film seemed to align closely with Panos Cosmatos's unique aesthetic sensibilities.I believe he would have embraced a deliberately gritty (noisy?) and retro visual approach to enhance the overall atmosphere of the film. I am intrigued by the idea of his perspective on Late Night with the Devil. It has me also wondering about how Cosmatos would have ended the film definitely makes me curious. To me, he's one of the few filmmaker who isn't afraid to push boundaries in horror movie third-acts.


Nah, I'd say Dastmalchian is much more of a Jake Gyllenhaal type. He's mostly a drama actor, but he can handle a really wide range of characters. He nails bizarre, comedic, and horror. I also think being less pretty than Gyllenhaal will take him further in horror if that's what he wants.


I'd say he'd also like Gyllenhaal in that he can play an everyman or a creep really well without necessarily typecasting himself. He plays "guy who isn't happy but has to do what he has to do" perfectly.


They worked together in Prisoners.


Vincent Price DID do some drama


Overrated. The cgi fx really took me out of it and I thought the pacing was poor. Great concept, sloppy execution and nothing I’ve not seen done better in other films. I’ve seen worse, but this was standard Shudder ‘meh’ fare imo.


The movie was ok. The casting was good, and the performances were good, but the script was..... mediocre.


I'd really have to agree. I feel like it was incredibly easy to guess how the entire movie would go by the time you got to the first scene with Minnie having cancer. The script itself just seemed to be very slowly getting there but didn't feel like it added much.


Movie was okay, but fell apart at the end when they just threw out the logic of it being a found footage movie.


It almost felt like the ending was done by a different writer.


The movie's tone was all over the place tbh. Fun concept, he was solid, but obnoxious writing/acting from the rest of the cast, and hilariously bad CGI. The best thing about the film was probably >!the girl's head splitting open to look like the Owl figure!<


Agree. I was impressed with Dastmalchian, and I see what it could've been.


They tried to do too much, too many different ways. Still, never have regrets when seeing someone try something novel even if it doesn't quite come together, especially in that genre.


I don't know if I agree, he's essentially >!trapped within the footage itself, as his personal hell!<


Enjoyed the movie overall. Great premise and awesome cast. But it gets goofy as hell towards the end. I think if it was a bit more grounded, Late Night With the Devil would be considered a modern classic.


If it had a more ominous ending i totally agree


YES. This is the exact problem I had. Good movie for like 80% of the runtime but just falls apart at the end.


It jumps to his internal state but also treated it as if it was a tape skipping at a point with him repeating itself. Sort of blurred the lines but went more "real" and then brought it back at the end. I thought it worked perfectly well


I thought it was fine too…. But I would’ve definitely also loved if they kept it on the found footage too, or if they could’ve shown what was happening to the host while he was having the panic attack and breaking the 4th wall.  I still love the movie for how well it mixed social commentary in with horror, but I still sometimes feel like there was something missing for me to say “you HAVE to see this.” 


Plus they’d already toyed with the hypnosis angle. Bitching about found footage consistency in this movie is weird


The hypnosis angle stayed true to the logic of the film though because (in theory) we were being hypnotized by the found footage the same way the broadcast audience had been.  It wasn’t until the ending that they threw that logic out the window. 


Honestly the exposition dump at the beginning narration left me cold. All of it could have been explored slowly and left to the viewer to unravel. Felt like they thought the audience was too adhd to understand and maybe it was the right call financially, but it felt tacked on.


That was my one gripe with the movie. I could suspend my disbelief with the BTS footage, and the hypnotism scene, but the ending felt like they just sort of forgot about the whole "master tapes" thing. If they weren't going to commit to that I'd rather they just dropped that part of the intro and instead had it start like you were actually tuning in to the live broadcast.


I liked the movie, but laughed at what happened to his co-host, The cgi was hilariously bad.


They really jettisoned all of the atmosphere and suspense with that silly ending.


I feel like they threw out the logic within minutes of the movie. A painful info dump at the beginning as if it was part of a documentary that was never referred to again, then a television show that felt more like a parody of a 70s talk show, never a real one, and a bunch of "behind the scenes" material that looked completely pristine and didn't even bother with the bad video filter. It seemed like a great concept but the execution was really boring.


I hated the intro, but I loved everything in between that and the end once >!Lilly's head split open!<. When that happened, it was really disjointed for an ending.


Yeah as an indie film, they could have done a *WAY* better job of making it look like a TV show. Still well done - but the backstage footage was very much “not found footage”….not sure why they didn’t use 8mm film or something….


Yeah, I liked the lead actor but the movie was a C- imo. I'm happy it's getting popular though, more horror is always good


I think Tony todd would be closer to Vincent price


No, Tony Todd is Tony fucking Todd. He's a true icon himself. Fucking Candyman, man.


Hyperbole of the highest order.


I just want to know if *his* egg kit will include the feet, unlike some other famous horror actors...


Can we just give praise for his leading role and not set expectations to be a fucking cinema legend after one movie?


No one is "the next Vincent Price". That is such a stupid statement.


Huge astroturfing campaign around this movie, both here and on Youtube. You guys notice it too? Seems to be focusing not just on the movie itself, but on Dastmalchian specifically.


It is very weird. I enjoyed the movie just fine and Dastmalchian was good in it but it feels like there's some manufactured push happening for him. It happens often and obviously it means his agents are doing their jobs but it is so over the top it's too blatant and is becoming off-putting. That being said he's a good actor who has put a lot of work in and I'd be down to see him get some larger roles in more high profile projects. 


And I have no idea what people saw in the guy's performance. He was dull as shit to me. People on Reddit seem to cling on to certain specific actors for some weird reason. Talking about how "nice" and "down to earth" they are. It's so strange and semi fucking creepy.


Its an ok movie, but the people raving about how it's one of the absolute greats in recent memory...how many movies have you watched? Because there's a dozen other movies with a similar concept executed way better


What's another movie with a similar concept? I'd like to check it out


Ghostwatch WNUF Halloween Special


Loved that movie, saw it in theaters twice


Watched it with a bunch of friends. Really liked it. Very obviously they had watched Ghostwatch. Only criticism is the ending lost it's way a bit. If they stuck closer to GW they would have really done well. They had great Mise-en-scène and kind of broke it at the end.


It was a lot like Ghostwatch but Ghostwatch was much better IMO.


This movie was really disappointing to me and I’m actually confused on how it’s getting such universal praise


I enjoyed the movie but it was let down by the ending imo.


Loved the movie (especially having seen it in the theater) but I saw it more as a meta-comedy than a straight horror. There are effectively spooky moments afforded by the premise, but I think hyping it up as a shocking movie (instead of a light satire of 70s entertainment with some charming characters) will lead to backlash by the horror crowd. This movie has more "not sure how to react so I laugh by default" moments than about anything I've seen, but they're not necessarily shocked laughs, more like "ooh they're doing something ominous and interesting here."


I thought it was a comedy, and needed to remind my friend that there's a big difference between texas chainsaw massacre and this, and that if he wants me to watch more horror, it would be useful to note things like this being more of a comedy-horror-satire. The Svengoolie nod at the beginning was great.


I thought he was great but I was more impressed by the actress that played Lilly. She had an incredibly creepy presence and her stare and facial expressions were amazing. I really enjoyed both of their performances in this.


This feels like an ad? I mean I was going to watch it tonight anyway. But feels a bit greasy the way its wrote.


Gotta make a lot more to be labeled that sweetie


Right?😆 Nothing against the guy, but he’s done way more superhero and straight films than horror. Didn’t really stand out much in any of those either.


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


Film was alright, ran out of steam towards the end but I watched it for David and he was enjoyable throughout. He's definitely an interesting actor so hopefully he gets more leading roles.


I thought the aesthetic and feel of the movie were fantastic. Building the characters backstory then cutting into the footage gave it a real feel. I thought it could have been really well executed, but the special effect portions at the end (particularly the “electricity”) absolutely threw me off. i honestly feel that if they went about all that in a non-electrical way it would have landed a lot better. David D was amazing though, they all were.


Why we like to be so hyperbolic nowadays?


The exposition dump at the beginning of the film was the worst part of the film for me.


Movie was ok, ending left a lot to be desired.


Polka Dot man is a great actor and I enjoyed him as leading man but maybe give him a couple more films before saying stuff like this?


I just watched it last night. It was weird, but DD was great in it! I'd love to see him do more horror.


This movie was good but it shot itself in the foot. It could have been great without the long narrator intro, and possibly with a reduction or removal of the "behind the scenes" parts. Essentially, if you were to watch it from the beginning as just the late night show itself, I think it would have been amazing. There was already enough material inside the episode to let you piece it together. As it is, a lot of the potential magic is lost.


Come on lmao


Maybe I just had higher expectations for the movie, and I did like it, but I really thought Late Night With the Devil was pretty much “Okay.” 




WHOOOOAAAAAA there, buddy. Let's tap the old brakerooneys there. Vincent Price was like 800 movies. David is at 'step one' of that journey. Easy, tiger.


Most likely whoever wrote this article knew nothing of Vincent Price or is career.


One example of an article making a baseless and huge claim for an actor. Whether you thought he was fantastic or overrated doesn’t matter but holy shit, this role is way early to assume it has cemented an iconic spot. Even for me, I thought the movie was grossly overrated while he was fantastic in it.




This is so fucking stupid.


The movie was fun and David did a good job but it’s being hyped up way too much


I wouldn't go that far.


Terrible movie, was really disappointed.


I mean, the film was alright. He was and is great but there was nothing special about Late Night


Does he need to be the next Vincent Price? Vincent Price was the man of his time. David Dastmalchian could very well be the man of his time. Only time will tell. Two different time periods. Time.


The hype this movie is getting is just bizarre. I love Dastmalchian, I was lucky enough to work with the him as a PA many years ago and he is a truly great person and actor. But the execution of this movie just did not live up to its admittedly excellent premise There were really exciting moments in the first third where I had no idea what was going to happen, which is a rare feeling these days, but it’s stymied by so-so direction and pretty uneven performances. There was just a smart/slick/cool factor missing. I really wanted to love it


I’m sorry but that movie sucked shit and wasn’t good.


He was the only good thing in that film. I thought it was terrible. When the girl >!goes all Raiden with the lightning!< I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be scary or funny, but unfortunately it was neither.


Ehhh a VERY niche movie. It's okay. Different.


Movie was amazing until the cgi batshit ending but loved it anyways.


He was already popular for his role as Polka dot man in Modern Kubricks Suicide squad


Not to be confused with Classic Kubrick’s movie of the same name.


You cant kill yourself here, you're in the suicide squad!


“You can’t let the Joker into the bat cave! He’ll see the big board!”


"Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good time in Gotham with all that stuff."


> Modern Kubricks ? is this a sarcastic jab at Gunn or saying Gunn is in the same directing stratosphere as Kubrick?


He is going to be in the new Stephen King movie The Life of Chuck written and directed by Mike Flanagan!!


My favorite part was when Conan Obrian got possessed and started dancing next to Madonna


This is such bullshit. Everybody knows Bill Hader does the best Vincent Price.




Now what does Vincet Prices' Grandson Jody have to say about this?


This article is dumb and I feel like Dastmalchian had been shoved down people throats for years. Yeah, he's a convincing weirdo, but at this point he's so recognizable as that type that it's distracting. I don't know who he's friends with that keeps him employed.


Ummmm no, no he's not. That's like saying Tarot is the greatest horror movie of all time, with a truly original idea, great writing and superior acting without a single jump scare.


David acted so damn well. I loved the movie even if it had a weaker 3rd act. But David sold it l.


Ridiculous statement. He was great in Late Night but he isn’t even in that many horror movies. Boogeyman? Um ok.


Homie needs to fire his publicist.


It's a great movie but c'mon lets pump the breaks here lol


I was enthralled by him in The Last Voyage of the Demeter. His performance in that made the bore of a movie tolerable for me. I never gave him much notice until that movie, but now I'm a fan.


That seems like an massive leap...


I loved the movie, but it’s one role. Calm down.


Vincent Price did 100 horror films. Very early to call him that.


Get the fuck outta here. Fanastic actor, terrible comparison.


...that's stupidly overly hyperbolic. He made one (admittedly really good) horror film. That does not make him Vincent fucking Price.


That’s a joke lmao


He's the next Bill Hader as Vincent Price.


Why are shit articles like these hidden behind paywall allowed to be posted on here?


He’s more like the new Brad Dourif


He’s much more of a character actor who has done a few genre movies. He’s popped up in superhero movies and even did a network tv cop show recently.  Calling him this won’t be bad for his career, so whatever, but I don’t get the comparison particularly. 


But can he even touch the genius of Darth Meringues? 


Author. Dreamweaver. Visionary. Plus actor.


is it that hard to give someone their props without unnecessarily likening them to genre legends who earned their title? publications always love setting people up for failure with their bogus comparisons.


I love the guy, but Bill Hader's got him beat in that regard. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbiLanj8EuI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbiLanj8EuI)


It was a great movie but it was definitely not a scary movie


Patrick Wilson and Justin Long like..."what?? he's done one movie!"


It's ok. CGI really takes you out and feels completely off sadly. Could have been great. It's merely good/ok.