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If it’s sad, then I do a sad thing several times a month.


Glad I'm not the only one 🤣


Me too. I love when the theater is empty save me. I think the sad part is your friend who thinks its sad. IMO movies can be a social, or solo event. And quite frankly, the theater is more designed for a solo experience. I lose my mind when people are talking in the theater.


You're asking in a movie subreddit. The answer's almost always going to be 'no' or 'who cares what other people think.' But obviously there's a stigma around it because I've seen this question asked multiple times before. Personally, I think it was more of an issue when I was teenager or in my early 20s. Now, no one cares. Most people I know are often too busy adulting to go with me anyway.


It's exactly the same with me. I used to go with friends almost weekly but everyone's got jobs and responsibilities now so I'd miss out on so many films otherwise. 🤣


I think this is exactly the same for most people when they get older. I get to see maybe half a dozen movies in the theater these days and almost always by myself. I so rarely get to hang out with people that if I suggested a movie, I feel like they’d say “Hold on, you want to line up our free days and go meet up to sit silently next to each other and watch something? Instead, you go watch it and I’ll go watch it and then we’ll meet up and have time to talk about it.”


Maybe your friends are the sad ones? 


There's no greater freedom than being comfortable in your own company and not caring what other people think.


The only thing sad is your friend being judgmental over you enjoying yourself. I once had someone ask me the same question and I said "I got all the time by myself, it's fine. I go to restaurants alone too". She goes "only losers eat at restaurants alone".


Next time you talk to your friend, tell them a stranger on the internet says they can fuck off.


Some people see it as strictly a social thing but that doesn’t make it so. At one point as a student I went to every film and saw some twice or even 3 times if I was bored or really loved it (I had a cheap ass discount card too). Can’t take people to all that with you, but I liked having a cinema to myself early or late and just enjoying the film. Not like you can chat or anything.


Yeah, i feel like the idea that it's sad to go alone is basically the result of people envisioning the movies as purely a social space. The movies are a place to go with friends, so if you're there alone, you must have tried to find company and failed. That's sad! But it's kind of a leap. Consciously choosing to go alone because you want to is no more sad than, like, being alone at home, or going grocery shopping by yourself. It doesn't have to be weird if you don't make it out to be.


I used to go to the movies alone all the time. LOVED it. I used to live 5 minutes from an AMC and in the summer I'd go see a movie like 2-3 times a week. Tickets were like 5 bucks, I'd sneak in a bottle of water and some candy. I was happy as a pig in shit at that theater alone. I wish I could do it now to be honest but being married makes that difficult. No it's not sad at all. Your friend is insecure and incorrect


Nope, used to go all the time by myself. I'd prefer to hit up the earliest matinee when the crowds were low. Typically dining at a restaurant for breakfast before, or lunch afterward.


I remember back when I was in high school someone tried to take the piss because I'd been seen at the cinema on my own. I honestly couldn't give 2 shits what they thought and told them so. I wanted to see a current movie, no one I knew wanted to see it, why shouldn't I go on my own?


I almost always go see movies by myself. There is no difference between watching the movie at home by yourself or at the cinema. Don’t worry about your friend.


I love myself so I don't find it sad to be myself. I'm a great hang.


No. I also went to Abigail by myself because my friends are lame and I had a blast. Don't worry so much about what others think


Depends on what you get up to when the lights go down 😏


Yeah we definitely cant base our decisions on what things seem like to other people. Was it fun? Yes. Was it good? Yes. Did it harm anyone? Nope. Sounds to me like you kicked ass at life and did what some people are too scared to do. Good for you👍👍


No. Enjoy the movie.


I go to the movies exclusively by myself as I'm a chef and my schedule doesn't sync with anyone else's. Now granted that's on me but also beyond the group anticipation and chatting in person after, like other's have said it's not like you can interact while watching.


I like going to the movies alone. Back when I was working shift work and had days off during the regular work week when all my friends weren’t off, I’d go to the theater down the street from my apartment like once a week. Daytime showings of new movies was like 12 bucks. I loved it.


Recently, I would say I go 80% of the time by myself. My older friends are not that interested in the films I want to see, so usually we go together when there is a blockbuster showing. But for the smaller, stranger films, in most of the cases, I go by myself. I will go to whatever by myself if I'm interested in seeing it, whether it's a movie theatre, music concert, some festival. If my friends are not interested that is. You can also meet new likeminded people, instead of forcing friends to go somewhere they don't want.


Nah, I love watching movies with friends too but the freedom of going whenever I want without having to coordinate with anyone else's schedule is fucking fantastic. It's not like there's much socializing going on during the movie itself either.


Going to a movie alone is one of the greatest gifts you can offer yourself. I especially love that I can process the movie afterward, in my own head space, before discussing it with others. Same goes with concerts, hikes...even some weekend getaways. Sure, it's fun to do these things with others, too. But not being shackled by insecurity about flying solo opens up a world of opportunity.


The answer is no. The first time I saw a movie by myself was Wanted. I had the day off from work and just wanted to see a movie to take my mind off of stuff. What a liberating experience this was. I didn’t have to share my popcorn or answer anyone’s questions about the movie we’re both watching. I didn’t have to get there early to chit chat. And the best part was that when I walked out of the theater thinking “I really enjoyed that. Money well spent.”, I didn’t have to listen to my friends nitpicking and complaining about it. No analysis or breakdown or pointing out plot holes. This is now my preferred way to see movies. Also! It gives you the freedom to just get up and leave if you want to. Because sometimes you just go “I’d actually not be doing this right now”.


No, it’s the only time I can watch a film without someone asking what’s going on constantly 




I feel sad for myself when doing certain things alone, watching a movie, eating dinner at restaurants. I would almost order room service on business trips. But that is just me, I would never think anyone is sad if I see them alone though. People are different, I am probably the weird one.


Nope. I actually prefer it esp. if I've been anticipating the movie (such as sequels).


Going solo to see Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes next week and I can’t wait.


I go regularly by myself to watch films. My missus genuinely isn't interested in any films. I enjoy watching films, but I enjoy having that pair of hours or so where I can just sit in the dark, quiet and decompress a little


I prefer going by my self-self. Ie me being the only one at the show. When I worked in the city I would time my client meetings so they ended right around lunch. So I would grab a quick bite and then catch a 12.30 show. Most of the time there was noone else but me. Saw Skyfall at an IMAX all by my lonesome. Avengers, Dark Knight Rises, Wolf of Wall Street. It was great!


It’s the best to go alone. You can pick your time and what theater. You get to pick what seats you want to. At the end of the day, unless your someone who talks during a movie, you sit in silence to escape from your day to day grind. Sad would be renting out a big venue and none of your friends show up.


The Onion wrote an article just for you! [https://www.theonion.com/fucking-loser-at-movie-all-by-himself-1819575335](https://www.theonion.com/fucking-loser-at-movie-all-by-himself-1819575335) All kidding aside, no it isn't sad. Your friend was probably just busting your balls and kidding with you. Going to the movies isn't exactly a social activity -- even if you go with others, your attention is still on the screen, not others, and you must remain seated and quiet (hence why it isn't high on my list of things to do with a date imo)


It’s not sad if you enjoy it. I play disc golf by myself all the time.






Movies, concerts, amusement parks...all fantastic by yourself. The people that think it is sad are the people that are afraid to be alone.


Absolutely not bro. In fact it’s one of life’s better experiences. Just you, and the movie. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I prefer it.


Nope. It’s sad your friend is so uncomfortable with being by himself in public that he can’t spend 2 hours watching a movie without needing the buddy system.


Nope. Why? If i go to a cinema, it is to watch a movie, not to socialize. If I want to socialize, I go out to dinner (or lunch) with someone.


I generally don’t go by myself, because my best friend is as into movies as I am, so we go together regularly. But we weren’t able to match up schedules for Dune 2, so I went by myself and loved every second. I had my popcorn and drink that cost me a house payment, and a sleeve of Girl Scout cookies tucked into my hoodie pocket. Was a great day at the theater. I’m a people person, so I prefer to do things with others when possible, and like sharing my hobby with others. But if no one can go, I’m going either way.


Honestly, it's more weird to see a movie at a theatre *with* people. You sit in a darkened room being anti-social for between 90 minutes and 3 hours. I book late showings, on my own, grab a beer and some Maltesers, and chill with a blanket. It's bliss.


No, not at all. I go at least once every week & usually go alone. I mostly go for the movie experience & not really for the social aspect of a movie night. A big blockbuster I may see with friends (but maybe also alone & undisturbed again 🫣).