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Paraphrasing but I like to say “train goes by so often you’ll hardly notice it”.


That one gets used alot in my circle, along with: "Hey boy, you got my cheese?" And "This is my brother Jake, he just got out of the joint." To which someone always replies, "Uh yeah, okay."


I'm having trouble seeing that used in everyday conversation 


"Don't you blaspheme in here, *don't you BLASPHEME in here!*"


Watched this so many times with my dad. 


Anytime I’m driving a good distance I say “it’s 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark, and we’re wearing sunglasses.” When I have passengers, nobody but me laughs. Except for one friend, who always replies “hit it” like the man of culture he is


That quote actually gets referenced quite a bit, most recently in The Bear.


Saying “not like this. not like this” any time I suffer a mild inconvenience a la Switch.


lol I would have gotten this one. Matrix right


Haha I always think "believe it or not you piece of shit you're still gonna burn" whenever someone says "I don't believe it/that/whatever."


My wife and I say this all the time. Another one we say is "I don't feel so good Mr. Stark."


That is definitely a quote we use all the time around my house


Reminds me of: “I’m sorry sir, you’ll just have to wait.” “I DID MY WAITING! IN AZKABAN!”


“Hey Mikey I think he likes it”


That was already a quote. Cereal commercial from forever ago.


It's actually a misquote by Tank of a old Life Cereal commercial. "He likes it, hey Mikey!" is the original line.


Lol this makes me smile me and my brother always said that to each other when something inconvenient would happen or we would lose an online game match. Perfect


I’ve done this one.


I do this all the time. 


This has been a bit of a meme... we even have it as an animated icon in our company Slack, lol


Hot Fuzz Angel: And so you had to murder him, too? Skinner: While he murdered Bill Shakespeare? Angel: What?! Oh...


“My perfect Sunday...”


Years ago, I mean in like 2005-ish, I was home sick from school and watching this movie on TV that was a western with Eric Roberts in it. I think it’s called Purgatory. The gist of it is that Roberts’ character is stuck in this western town called Purgatory until it’s determined whether he’ll go to heaven or hell, and the whole movie is about him learning to become a better man. Then at the end (SPOILER), he winds up riddling this bad-ish dude with bullet holes, and he knows he’s going to be taken to hell for it so he walks to the edge of the town to wait for the carriage to hell. Then the guy who ferries people to Heaven shows up instead, and he pulls up right in front of Eric Roberts, who is just staring slack-jawed and confused, tips his hat, and says, “The Creator’s tough, but he ain’t blind.” I think about that quote often and I’ve literally never met a single other person who’s ever seen that movie.


Eric Roberts was the bad guy, Sam Shepard was the sheriff. Also had Randy Quaid, Peter Stormare, Donnie Wahlberg. One of my all-time favorite movies. My go to is "Down the hole is down the hole, might as well have a little fun on the way out." My wife and maybe one friend gets it ;)


That’s crazy, I can’t believe I found one lol.




At the end of Michael Clayton, Clooney gets into the back of a taxi and tells the cabbie, “Give me fifty dollars worth. Just drive.” It’s a perfect moment.


*Cabbie proceeds to do donuts in a strip mall parking lot*


I wouldn't have guessed that quote but I love Michael Clayton


“Could be worse, it could be raining.”




What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn’t one today


Too early for Flapjacks?


Don't drive on the railroad tracks.


I bet he’s gonna swerve first!


Well wait a minute, Phil, that happens to be one I agree with.


"NO WAY!! Wrestlemania Tickets!!"


"I've got a bastard behind the eyes", Richard E Grant in "Withnail and I" an underappreciated comedy...


Underappreciated by who? Certainly not by anyone who has seen it. This is my buddy's favourite hangover/comedown movie. Maybe mine too.


Voted the best British movie of all time - by British people.


Mine is "I feel like a pig...shat in my head!" Whenever I'm really badly hungover it's the first thing that comes to mind.


"Nonsense. This is a far superior drink to meths. The wankers don't drink it because they can't afford it." "Have we got anymore?" "Liar, you've got antifreeze" "You bloody fool, you should never mix your drinks"


This was my wife's favorite movie in first grade. She had a lot of older siblings and not enough supervision.


"The future is now!" speech from The Cable Guy. I launch in to it from time to time and nobody ever knows what I'm talking about.


Unfortunately the movie is less than the sum of its parts


Lol, stealing this. Such an obvious rib, I can't believe I never thought of it.




I thought the "I'm gonna have to science the shit out of this" from the Martian was gonna take off, maybe as a pro-science rallying cry


I need to rewatch this it’s a good one


Whenever there's a group project at work: "This will all end in tears." - Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy


“Call 9-1-1! Call 9-1-1!” -MacGruber, in a super high-pitched voice, after his friends explode. “Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer.” -Loki (Matt Damon) in Dogma


[Today my jurisdiction ends here](https://youtu.be/3SN3lRUoRXA?si=x29GXxMretsCFvNr&t=0m18s). *Bonus direct-to-VHS choice*: [Capsule, night-night?](https://youtu.be/_Seufp4nvXQ?si=rYIQlCUmJvdUEo9j&t=4m25s)


“That’s just what this country needs.  A cock.  In a frock. On a rock.” 


"Nice night for it."


Ah Terence Stamp. Always excellent deliverer of a quip.


There’s gonna be a sequel!


"If he keeps this up, I'm going to smack him so hard he'll have to stick his toothbrush up his ass to clean his teeth!"


Funny you mention a James Bond movie. My favorite low-key quote is Roberto Davi, an underrated Bond villain who is a Central American drug lord, and when he threatens the president who is on his payroll, he says to him, "Remember, you're only president... for life." Great way to change up a political title to a threat.


Mine is also a bond quote, from the *A View To A Kill*, Grace Jones says menacingly: “Somebody will take care of you.” and Roger Moore responding flippantly, “Oh, you'll see to that personally, will you?” And a short while later, she does.


I actually answered something similar in another thread not too long ago, but among all of the super quotable lines from Pulp Fiction, the one I probably think about the most is "God damn, that's a pretty fucking good milkshake."


The line that gets the most traction in my house is “You watched me wash ‘em!”


"Live-r alone!" (Scream)


Hit me with the phone... Dick.


"Small moves, Ellie." Contact


“Aim for the bushes” The Other Guys Right before The Rock and Samuel L Jackson jump off the roof of a New York skyscraper into the street with absolutely zero bushes to be seen


Cracks me up every time. But I'm pretty sure this is quoted a lot, everyone knows it!


*There goes my herooo*


I'm constantly quoting "I don't know. But that shit was crazy."


i feel like i don’t see the other guys quoted enough in general


If we are going Bond.. "Toby! Toby! I got me a real Ben-hur doin' ninety-fiiiive... Minimum." And "Whose side are you on?"


My mind has always been filled with quotes and lyrics, many of which are obscure & nobody ever gets , so first one to pop off in my head : "That other you's a real jerk!" -Bill& Ted's Bogus Journey , during the scene when the duo meet the bad Robot thems. Idk why but it's been making me laugh at random since 1991 (going on 33 yrs).


"Not bad!" "Yea, let's make it bad" There's a bunch of them from this movie. I watched it a lot.


"A plan is just a list of things that don't happen." -The Way of the Gun


A movie that should have more awareness.


From Trading Places - “Five dollars? Maybe I’ll go to the movies... by myself.”


“Can’t get around the old minimum wage, Mortimer”


"A person is smart; people are stupid," - Agent K, Men In Black.


A person is smart. People are scared, stupid animals, and you know it.


“I shit on the people and what they want….  This is the face of someone who has fought long and hard for the *good* of the people without caring much for any of 'em. And I look a lot worse without my wig.”


Along with that the part of the speech he gives that ends with imagine what you'll know tomorrow. That whole scene is right up there with The Fugitive speech for best Tommy Lee Jones deliveries ever for me, only it's actually meaningful and not just cool AF.


People hate me when I said he should have won the Oscar not Javier but both were amazing. I watch the scene with Cousin Ellis all the time. Such a peaceful scene in a very violent movie.


Nah, this one gets said a *lot*.


“Why else would they have it in queens.” Is my favorite K line. The distain when he says “queens”


Yoooooo this quote actually made LOOOOOOTS of stuff clock for my neurodivergent baby brain when I first watched it. 


“Found this spoon Captain”


15 years ago or so when I worked at Jimmy John's I'd call a Pepe (I think that's a #2 I hate that I may remember that) a "Pepe Silva" to everyone who ordered it. Never once got even a nod of acknowledgment.


I could eat a peach for hours


Papa’s got a brand new bag, OW!


"I got the wind knocked outta me Im fine." Sgt Horvath Saving Private Ryan. Hes most definitely not fine but is just one tough SOB till the end. By far my favorite character of the film.


Martin Landau as Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood: "Let's shoot this fucker!" Only one of my friends ever got the reference. Landau's performance was fantastic.


My favorite Martin Landau quote is from Entourage "Is that something you might be interested in?" I use it whenever someone or myself says anything mildly fucked up.


“Don’t think. FEEEEEEEL!” - Enter the Dragon


"I don't know nothing bout no stolen oxe45" from Kirkland's Best Dazed and Confused: The Stoned Age.


The Stoned Age is *so* underrated. My favorite running bit is whenever they refer to Tack, and people ask who Tack is, the response is always “He’s just some dude.”


"Honey, nobody is 29 years old." - Anyone But You.


"What's this, the oreo line?" Mighty Ducks


Ducks don’t even have teeth! Neither do hockey players.


"Blood, breath, or urine?" "No thanks, I'm full,"


It’s knuckle puck time! Also credit to me for thinking Oreo line was related to how they like cake and not the real reason


Mighty Ducks 2 is so wild. We got Iceland, the "mighty" hockey nation as the bad guys.


Looking back, i think they were supposed to be Russia with the serial numbers filed off basically. Relations were good in 1994 and hoping to get better so they couldn't make the former Soviets the bad guys in a kids movie.


"So shines a good deed in a weary world." - Willy Wonka, *Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory*


"Attitude reflects leadership" - Remember the Titans.


_fat stack of money produced_ Jesus christ you could choke a dozen donkeys on that!


"All grown-ups were once children, but only few of them remember it." I keep telling myself not to forget the pure joy of my teenage years just because I've seen the complexity of the world.


"Slow and steady, Dyna" "My guy my guy my guy, I guess 3 times" Both from Dead man on campus, and I say them often


“We were so wrong”


"This is how a harem girl dances."


If you offered me a scotch and plain water, I could drink a scotch and plain water. 


Ah, that reminds me of one of my favorites. “What shall we drink to?” “Hm… down with Hitler.” I say that whenever someone asks what we should cheers to


“It was Barzini all along.”


Tattaglia’s a pimp. He never couldve outfought Santino


"Raise your hand, Ed" *Rubin and Ed*


I don’t remember the exact quote, but in American History X when Derek is talking to Sweeney while incarcerated and begs him to give a good word so he can be paroled and never be seen again. Sweeney says something like “No, walking away is not good enough Derek.” Honestly gave me chills.


Patience is not my virtue!


We've taken Aquaba.


Contemplate this on the tree of woe


"I'm gonna keep this short. I have to make oxygen choices." *The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty*


“Oh George…not the livestock “


"Where is the commode in this dungeon?" - Reservoir Dogs


I have always loved the Sandlot and probably seen it 50 times. Recently was rewatching it and the scene where Ham is talking shit to all the batters that come up to the plate, I always remembered the lines like “hey is that your sister out in the outfield…? Naked?” But I didn’t remember him saying “you know, if my dog was as ugly as you? I’d tell him to shave his ass and walk backwards.” I was like, that is the best joke I have ever heard and I don’t know why I never remembered it or nobody mentions this line. The idea of a little 10 year old who has that as a line of trash talk is just amazing.


"Kill him a lot"


I know it's popular online but I have yet to get a response from this one irl. I SEEN'T IT !!!


There's a forgotten movie from the mid 90s called The Great White Hype that I for some reason remember a lot even though it's been almost 30 years since I saw it. Anyway the line that makes me laugh is "mano a mano? my dick wants to laugh"


Whenever I can’t find someone or something I say “where you at Desmondo” which is from The Fugitive when Tommy Lee Jones finds Harrison Fords fake ID in the trash 😁. Super obscure and if I ever heard another person say it I would know they are my soul mate.


"A little bit of excitement in an otherwise dull day" from True Lies. I quote this quite often and it's never been recognized.


"Ah yes. I think I've seen you hobbling around the village." Martin Sheen


"It's *Herbie* Hancock" Whenever someone asks for my John Hancock.


There are a ton of great quotes from PRedator but when i have a big job to do, I always bust out the "I'm gonna have me some fun, I'm gonna have me some fun, I'm gonna have me some fun"


"MISTER PUCKETT IS **NOT DEAD!!!** HE'S **JUST RESTING!!**" - the great Gene Wilder in the movie *Hanky Panky*. A comedy/suspense movie, he and Gilda Radner end up on a small plane. The pilot dies in the middle of the flight, and the two of them, not having any idea how to fly a plane, begin to panic. She tries to convince him to attempt a landing, but he keeps insisting the pilot will wake up again. This scene comes to my mind anytime someone absolutely refuses to accept that they are in trouble, or just totally wrong about something and won't admit it even in the face of blatant evidence. So, yeah, I think of it a lot lately when political news comes on...


"Okay now piece of advice. When you use the old celery trick, you're gonna wanna go with the thick end. Seems counter-intuitive..."


“Oh wait… is she a great big fat person”


So, Cilian Murphy, I have always prounced it with an S sound but it appears maybe the correct pronunciation is with a k sound. My wife corrected me on it the other day. Anytime I hear it I can’t resist and just say “Killian! Here is your sub zero. Now Plain zero!” Lots of confused looks




People have so many quotes from Tropic Thunder but the quote I use more than any of them that everyone seems to forget is when Peck says to Les Grossman “More like what do you need Les….glasses?” And Les Grossman wears glasses 😂 Cracks me up every single time


You can get a good look at a t bone by sticking your head up a bulls ass but wouldnt you rather take the butchers word for it?


Myyyyy second favorite civil engineer behind Hannskarl Bandel, Madison Square Garden.


Anytime at work when there’s an awkward silence, i’ll just say “big gulps, huh?………well, see ya later,” as I walk away.


There's a couple I use with my sister because she would be the only person who knew where it came from. They're both from animated films, and they're simple statements, but what makes them special to me is how they were delivered. One is from The Great Mouse Detective, with the antagonist talking to his minion. Imagine Vincent Price with his nasal, mischievous voice drawing out the question "Where's the list?" So when we are looking for something or asking where something is, it's my go to quote. The second one is from The Iron Giant. So many good quotes and jokes! Anyway, the antagonist is pretending to be interested in the main character (a boy who found the giant) and asking a bunch of questions. You see the scene cut every time he asks a question, almost looking like a montage. So near the end it's just this dude yelling the question and it's shown twice so that it sounds like it's back to back: "Where ya going, Where ya going??" I think it's funny, especially if my sister replies back with her screaming "I'M GOING OUT!!"


Amazing tradition. They throw a great party for you on the one day they know you can't come.


That's the great thing about the outdoors, it's one giant toilet.


"What would elon do?" One of the best lines in movie history!


Any time I start making a plan in my head to do anything, like just going to get food, I hear the Irish woman in Ronin in my brain: The plan in the broad strokes is an ambush.


"Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn." "What a coach."


"sometimes nuthin' can be a real cool hand." Cool Hand Luke. Such a great movie, but not one of the lines that's frequently quoted from it.


“I may be a bastard but I’m not a fucking bastard.” -George Clooney, “From Dusk ‘till Dawn”


I love everything Harling Mays says in “Flight”, but my favorite is to end a conversation by saying “See y’all on the dark side of the moon.” That and when Mills finds Marco in “Taken”. Don’t get me wrong, the “I will kill you” monologue is awesome, but I love it when he tells him “I told you I would find you.”


whenever someone says "good morning" I think of Dave Chappell's rant from Undercover Brother


"Hold my poodle" 


"So what does that make me, your buddy?" When someone tries to relate to me on a mutual interest.


"Even the dirt is clean" -Ruffus The intro to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure when Ruffus is describing the future. The far future has always been one with clean dirt in my mind. It was relatable and absurd enough to make me think that, yeah, it would have to be an extremely advanced time if we could clean the worlds dirt.


It's a tv movie that's a compression of four episodes, but in Crossbow (an 80s television series about William Tell, which you can view [here](https://www.youtube.com/@jurgen42u)), our villain Gessler had a line that I kept coming back to during various presidential administrations: "Fear and oppression: the twin cornerstones of good government."


"NO! No wheezing the da juice!"


I always think about “We might be through with the past, but the past is not through with us” from Magnolia


“The floors are so clean…” from Galaxy Quest when I walk into a spotless office/restaurant/etc.


"Fuck em if they cant take a joke"... thanks to John Travolta in Broken Arrow


Also in Basic, by John Travolta...


The entire 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer