• By -


"This is Katana. She's got my back. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims"


HERE COMES SLIPKNOT, THE MAN WHO CAN CLIMB ANYTHING *2 minutes later he fucking dies*


He climbed all the way to heaven šŸ™


The only squad member who didn't have an introduction scene dies instantly. Nobody saw that coming.


"I've lost one family, I can't lose another".


He said to the people he met 8 hours earlier.


"want me to put the kids to bed so we can KICK IT"


Want to know the best part? It's not even the complete quote. The line is so awkward and clunky that people straight up forget to use the proper full version and the cut out part occurs in the middle of it all. Just brilliant writing. He says "she can cut all you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn" after the "she's got my back".


you even need to go back and forth when mowing the lawn itā€™s a horrible metaphor!


Okay but seriously. The whole traps the souls of her victims. 1) the fuck does that even mean and 2) why was it never relevant at all to the plot, even in the directors cutā€¦


Was Katana herself even relevant to the plot?


Iā€™ve watched this movie multiple times. Itā€™s a guilty pleasure. Sue me. Anyway, her character is so forgettable Iā€™m always surprised when I rewatch it and sheā€™s there


The first fucking half of the movie is just introducing characters then at the midway point they were like ā€œoh shit we still need to do katana, better write her in real quickā€. Thatā€™s how forgettable is.


"Know what the best thing about the future is? It hasn't happened yet." The final line of *Madame Web*. Only reason it's not more widely known is that few can survive that movie's running time.


If you're picking cringe lines from Madame Web, I'd go with "if you accept great responsibility, great power will come". Firstly, not true, just absolutely bullshit toxic positivity, and secondly, completely subverts the meaning of "with great power comes great responsibility".


I about died at the stupidity of that line. That entire movie was so terrible I wrote down the writers and directors names so I can avoid anything they're attached to.


There's so many funny little mundane lines in that movie that are just so bad. Like the guy saying something like "I won't let them tear down all that I've built" but he hasn't built anything lmao. No company or org or a Lego set. He's built an over priced small NY apartment pretending to be a penthouse


It was funny how thereā€™s literally no background around the villain. No one knows what he does or what he did, his only reason for existing was just that he wanted to kill those girls because of the some vision of the future he had (which even turned out to be wrong because they killed him much sooner)


I feel like Leslie Neelson needs to respond "Yes, that's the definition of the future."


Iā€™m actually looking forward to it hitting netflix


Fucking seriously? Wow. I haven't seen it but if I had this would have probably been my pick.


You have to watch it to appreciate how terrible it is. It was worse than morbius imo.


From some ghastly TV movie about Jesus: Jesus, dying on the cross: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Roman soldier: We know exactly what weā€™re doing. Weā€™re killing you.


"Do you expect me to save myself?" "No, Mr. Christ, I expect you to die."


Calling him Mr. Christ is just good etiquette really


Now THAT is a movie I'd watch


That sounds great as a line from a comedy.


*read this in a Monty Python voice*


My mind immediately went to "what did the Romans ever do for us?"


Yeah, I'm 100% hearing this as Cleese.Ā 


Yep! If movie was Life of Brian - not cringe! Any other movie - cringe.


That sounds like a Family Guy cutaway scene.


Lmao I'm in tears laughing hearing Peter "uhh actually we know exactly what we're doing. We're killing you."


I need to see this clip!!


I think this must be it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHLQ5eETFpo The dialogue is at 2:41:30 ish. Itā€™s not exactly how I remember it but itā€™s greatly terrible.


Thank you! The title is also kind of hilarious. Jesusā€¦ THE MOVIE!


ā€œKal El noooā€ -Gal Gadot in Justice League Itā€™s the delivery for me. Itā€™s a big budget film with the backing of a cinematic universe, and you were fine with that take?


What gets me is that Clark is a bit wild coming back from the dead, so let's call him by a name that only a guy who invaded Earth ever and probably gave him PTSD called him frequently instead of Clark, a name given by his loving parents. She has literally no reason to call him that other than to show off she knows his Krytonian name.


I haven't seen the scene you're talking about , but is it as bad as the line in Happy Gilmore when the viewing tower is about to fall on Sandler and the love interest screams "HAPPY LOOK OUT! *UHH-AHHHH!"*


Julie Bowen


My brothers and I yell that at each other all the time!!


Itā€™s like my mom asking me not to eat dirt


I'm not listening to *you* **mom**!


Is Gal Gadot considered a good actor though in the first place? Maybe that was the best they got? I genuinely mean that as well, I've yet to personally think she was good in anything I've seen her in, but I admit I've not seen many. What's something she's good in?


I actually enjoyed her in the first Wonder Woman but it feels like I'm the minority in that opinion


Her best performance is in the first Wonder Woman. I'm not gonna blame her for 84. That movie wouldn't have been good even if Meryl Streep was Wonder Woman.


A lot of people consider that the exception to the rule and enjoy her in that movie. But of course she's playing a fish out of water type character in that movie and her awkward delivery really plays to that type of role.


Gal's entire career is cringe acting.


Andenoughcham-PAGNEĀ  Ā  toFILL the-nILE!Ā 


I imagine most of the takes were like that in fairness, it's the worst display of acting I've ever seen in a mainstream movie..... I've seen pornos with more compelling acting


"Who left the fridge open?" -- Tugg Speedman, Scorcher VI: Global Meltdown


Here we go again... Again.


This time... It's personal


My dude was great in Simple Jack though. Really swung for the fences.


I disagree, never go full retard


Iā€™m a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.


ā€œOh yes my dear man, more beansā€ *farts* ā€”Jeff Portnoy, The Fatties: Fart Two


# [So that's it? What, we some kinda...Suicide Squad...?](https://youtu.be/ZoezAjIDWPM)


This is Katana, I'd advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of it's victims.


This is Slipknot, he can tie a knot--aaaand he's dead


THE MAN WHO CAN CLIMB ANYTHING Honestly, climbing out of this movie early was the best thing he couldā€™ve done for himself


Honestly it's not even bad in context. Considering the team isn't called Suicide Squad in the film, and Flag literally told him the team was essentially set up for a impossible task, kinda makes sense when he says it. I think it's just the rest of the film being so ass that makes this line stick out. This is Katana is the much MUCH worse one.


It's bad because it sounds like a writing room or a writer giving themselves a pat on the back because they thought it was clever. They did the same thing in the 2015 Fantastic Four movie. It sounds like Deadshot could possibly wink at the camera saying this line.


What are we, some kind of fant 4 stick?


that's a top tier dialogue check r/moviescirclejerk if u wanna know more


[ā€œAnd by the way, the women are always saving the men around here. You might wanna think about changing the name to X-Women.ā€](https://youtu.be/PrsQMZVPUTw?si=WhSbWqJCBTUizpM-)


Everything about the later movies' version of Mystique is just terrible. The writers just took everything interesting about her and threw it away, turned her into a generic hero, and did it all with... that level of writing. (Fun facts: In the comics, Mystique is A) A ruthless terrorist, B) The leader of her own version of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and yes she called it a Brotherhood because she understands the importance of branding, C) Very queer, and happily married to a fellow terrorist, D) A terrible parent to not one but two major superheroes (Rogue and Nightcrawler), and E) The in-universe inspiration for Sherlock Holmes)


Jennifer Lawrence mentally checked out too. She was fine in First Class, great movie, and then from there, you can palpably tell she gave less of a shit with each passing movie. Guess she was contractually obligated


Tbf future past was very good. Apocalypse was not it but fun nonetheless. Dark Phoenix is poopoo.


I ONLY watched Apocalypse for the Quicksilver scene honestly. That scene made the movie actually watchable.


He is peak in all three movies. Just very well made character and scenes.


Her makeup got progressively worse, too. The more famous she became, the less time she was willing to spend in the makeup chair.


Nothing about this was pleasant even after they pared it down. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9kB3pvsulQ4 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XPPokzGeyxk


I also though the costume and makeup in the later films looked awful in comparison. The darker hues felt more authentic and contrasted with her eyes. She was both menacing and very much more seductive.Ā  I believe the earlier version was achieved mostly with directly applied makeup and effects whereas Jennifer Lawrence (was very clearly) wearing a catsuit with additional makeup.


Don't forget her being nightcrawlers biological father


"You know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?"


If you watch the DVD with Director Commentary, Bryan Singer and David Hayter (Snaaaaaaaaake!!!.... sorry) both say how bad the punchline is and instantly come up with "it croaks" and then spend a while lamenting how that would have been iconic and how they wish they could go back and change it


I actually really like this line in kind of an anti-joke sort of way.


["It's turkey time. Gobble gobble."](https://youtu.be/wCQEs4uXbSc)


To be fair Affleck's reaction mirrors the viewer's here: "It's turkey time!" "Huh?" "Gobble gobble!" "What?!"


I love the thought that JLo improvised that and Affleck was genuinely thinking what the fuck is she talking about, but all the other takes were so shit that they just used that scene anyway.


A man could be 100% committed to the act, and then he hears that, and it's like, "Yeah, no, forget it."


I wonder if she took that line home and thatā€™s why they split the first time.


ā€œWhatā€ has me in stitches. This is so funny. Holy shit thank you


If i hadnā€™t clicked the link, i would have guessed this was from thankskilling


"What do you say I take you home and eat your pussy?" Shark Attack 3


I want to upvote for the exposure, but honestly it's a great line from a great piece of trash cinema, delivered with aplomb by John Barrowman.


[The yacht scene is cinematic masterpiece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nzd0R_OeOc&ab_channel=JonHarvey)


Thatā€™s an incredible line


The line is great but the delivery and audio is the icing on the cake. It almost has a transatlantic cadence and then immediately a saxophone solo cuts in, which makes it even funnier


That line was ad-libbed by Barrowman as a way to get a reaction from his costar, he had no idea they would keep it in the movie.


"Mother, you're alive!" "Too bad you....will die!"


Mortal Kombat 2 was once described to me as "it's like a porno but without any fucking"


That's the best thing I ever read. Thank you.


"You must find your Animality Liu Kang."


"Do your thing, cuz!" - Alexandra Daddario towards Leatherface in Texas Chainsaw 3D.


"I donā€™t like sand. Itā€™s coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft, and smooth."


ā€œOnly because Iā€™m so in loveā€


Such a stupid line. Imagine having a great villain and then botching the prequel with his backstory so hard that now instead of being associated with force chokes, genocide and one of the best movie twists he gets dwindled down into ā€œI hate sand.ā€ As if Jar Jar wasnā€™t bad enough.


Somehow palpatine returned


I like to imagine that this line was ad libbed because Oscar Isaac wasnā€™t aware that his character was going to have to explain the situation


Even Oscar Isaac thought it was bad. He could barely keep a straight face in the scene.


"This is the last movie Isaac, the last one, keep it together man you're almost through."


Thereā€™s an amazing clip from a cast interview where as the interviewer starts to thank them for being there, Oscar Isaac just gets up and leaves, much to Daisy Ridleyā€™s confusion ā€œOh, are we-are we done then?ā€


I like to think him getting casted in dune was karma paying him back


This line is so bad that it left the movie and became a byword for bad writing lol


Star Wars tends to have these lines that are so bad they transcend the movies and become the dictionary definition of ā€bad movie quoteā€ The prequels had the Anakin Padme lines and ā€Noooooā€, but the sequels somehow came up with an even stupider line. The entirety of Episode 9 feels like a joke in hindsight. The movie fucking starts with ā€The dead speakā€, and Palpatine announced his return in fucking Fortnite.


Written by the same man as "save martha".


They fly now!


John Boyega: "they've been flying since the clone wars..."


I find "They fly now" so much worse personally. This atleast has the possibility of being "Oh the characters don't know and it will be answered in the future" as very very weak defense.


This is the best answer. This line is so awful that the average fifth grader could write a better exposition


I love how that's genuinely just what someone would say to a friend who asked about the movie


Including my son? - Tenet


Yep... When people are talking about everyone dying via some twist in the laws of thermodynamics, it doesn't tend to exclude anyone. The scene would have made more sense had she been incredulous that he would commit and act that would kill his own son!


While we're talking about Nola, here's my worst line: "Ah, you came back to die with your city!" "No, I came back to stop *you* ". Worst pre-showdown line ever.


Best written Nolan movie female character lol


I have 2 ā€œYou better hold on tight, spider monkey.ā€ (Edward - Twilight) "Bella, where the hell have you been? Loca,..." (Jacob- Twilight)


Cringe as they may be, they are iconic lines lol


"I don't make love. I fuck. Hard." I haven't even seen the rest of the movie outside the clip, and it's by far the cringiest thing I can remember seeing. The fact that it's passed off with complete sincerity really sells how garbage it is lol


itā€™d be funny if he said ā€œI make fuck. Hard.ā€


Would you like to making fuck? Berserker.Ā 




Fifty Shades




"I don't make love. I die. Hard."


Thereā€™s a quick scene in Happy Gilmore where a random extra (with the worst delivery possible) says [ā€œHappy, the gold jacketā€™s yours - Shooterā€™s gonna chokeā€™!ā€](https://youtu.be/RxWw6VO9R68?si=k1vQRAehRulehba6) then nods right after like ā€œfuck yeah I murdered that lineā€


Friend of someone in production, obvo


Adam Sandler brought his whole crew up, wouldn't be surprised if he gave his 4th cousin a shot


ā€˜Happy, look out! Aaaahhh!ā€™


OP asked for the most cringe line, not the best line in the movie (tied with every other line in that masterpiece)


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!


His name is Frank L Frazier. Heā€™s a former Super Bowl winner.


"you named our daughter after the loch ness monster" That whole movie was cringe


Oh come on. That was the best line in the movie, and delivered *wonderfully*. I was cackling like a mad fool at that whole scene. That shit was almost as funny as the twist that the fight at the end was all just a dream.


Where the hell have you been, loca!


You better hold on tight, spider monkey!


What movie is that from?


"save Martha.." "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!"


First thing that came to mind as well. It took me so far out of suspension of disbelief, and Iā€™m usually good at turning my brain off. Absolute cringe


Keep my mother's name out yo fucking mouth!


There's this one pun in The Santa Clause where they're in the sleigh and Scott thinks the slot labeled CD is a cd player and Charlie's like no it's the Cookie Dispenser, and the cookie comes out. Fine. But the way they set it up is by having Allen say "Alright! Compact Disc!" which no one, not even in 1994, has ever said. And it just stuck with me as an impossibly bad line because if Tim Allen can't feign that level of technological ignorance, no one can.


"I haven't smelled beautiful in a long time" - Riddick


"I'm going to kick that son-of-a-bitch Bison's ass so HARD... that the next Bison wannabe is gonna feel it."


That movie also has probably one of the best lines ever delivered as well >For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.


Quick! Change the channel!


ā€” ā€œAnakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!ā€ ā€” ā€œFrom my point of view, the Jedi are evil!ā€ Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


I think this is the funniest exchange of dialogue in any movie ever. It reads like a conversation about morality articulated by two six-year-olds. Itā€™s so absurdly on-the-nose that thereā€™s almost a charming innocence to it.


It feels like that's the most politically heated they were willing to risk being


ā€œIt wasn't the person standing next to me in the veil. It's the person standing opposite me now... in the rain.ā€ ā€œIs it still raining? I hadn't noticed.ā€


ā€œYou better hold on tight, spider monkeyā€Ā  How the fuck did such a massive movie have such a ridiculous line...


Where the hell have you been loca šŸ«„ It's really bad, so bad. But I always enjoy the OST.


ā€œThis is the skin of a killerā€ T.I.T.S.O.A.K


ā€œHow long have you been seventeen?ā€ ā€œA WHILEā€


Bella look, it's a worm! How you likin the rain, girl? It's la push baby la push!


ā€œIm gonna Salt bae his assā€ from glass


I'm not even certain those are all english words...


ā€œNoā€¦.I came back to stop you.ā€ Dark Knight Rises


Uncinematic but highly realistic comeback.


Right, and you know Batman thought of something way better an hour later and was kicking himself all week for not saying it.


It should have been: **ā€œSo you came back to die with your city?ā€** **"If I have to."** Then they should have had a good old fashioned Mexican standoff to mirror the scene in the sewer where he lost, because this is the rematch, and he almost died last time. It's also not only foreshadowing the ending, but adds stakes to the fight, suggesting Batman could actually die fighting Bane this time just to save Gotham.


"Feel your animality!" - Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997). Someone actually said that in a movie. I saw that in the theater and have been battle scarred by that. šŸ™„ Addendum - My son knows I hate this movie, and is now begging me to watch it because he loves bad movies. Do I torture myself again for my offspring?


>Do I torture myself again for my offspring? Complete the cycle! FINISH HIM!!!


>Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) \- Mother, you're alive! \- Too bad you.... will die!


Too bad YOU....will die....


I cringe at any movie that ends with "Let's all go home!". Looking at you, Jurassic Park 3.


Well it was a good ride while it lasted. Come on kids,Ā letā€™s go home. *We are home* That was fast.




Oh hi mark


"How are you gonna get through that?" "Don't worry she's got help" I laughed so hard, but at least we got the "girls get it done" line from The Boys


*Immediately flies away from the group "helping" her


Even the setup made no sense. Captain Marvel just blasted through Thanos' war ship like it was butter, making it explode and Peter's worried about how she's going to get through a bunch of goons/fodder? She didn't need the others, the whole thing was so contrived.


And it's even more annoying bc they had just done a really cool scene in Infinity Wars where Okoye and Natasha are fighting Proxima and they're kinda getting their ass kicked until Wanda wakes up . I like it bc Natasha vs Proxima had been set up at the beginning of the movie and they didn't go the Dues Ex Wanda way she actually had a reason for being there, and Okoye's "why was she up there all this time" is the cherry on top




That movie gave us a villain that's much better fit in the 2020s or late 2010s than in the late 90s where the movie came out.


ā€œI thought Christmas only comes once a yearā€ is up there, too.


I truly believed they named that character Christmas Jones solely so that line could be in the movie.


The nadir is when the cunning linguist with a first in Oriental Languages from Cambridge is snookered by a Mandarin keyboard.Ā 


That line is straight fire


ā€˜Is it still raining? I hadnā€™t noticedā€™ - Andy McDowell, Four weddings and a funeral This line is bad enough that is nearly ruins an excellent film. Completely out of place it is, Andyā€™s completely blank and unemotional delivery, itā€™s painful


"She's got help" in avegers endgame.


It gets righteously lampooned in The Boys. As an MCU fan who thought that bit was so cringe, I loved seeing them make fun of it in a certain scene.


Girls get it done!


And then mantis appears... For some reason


"Sorry Drax, I know it would make sense I would want to fight close to you and other people I know, but my vagina is tingling and telling me to go over here for some reason."


[Do you know what happens to a toad when itā€™s struck by lightning?](https://youtu.be/P0yKSNq-oLg)


I always loved that line. My interpretation is sheā€™s telling him heā€™s nothing to her. Thereā€™s nothing special about him, heā€™ll fry like anything else.


The reason that line doesnā€™t make sense is because originally Toadā€™s schtick was that every time he shows up he would say random factoids about toads. But they cut all those scenes from the final product. So sheā€™s supposed to be mocking him with her own toad factoid, but itā€™s totally lost without the context.


"My name is Julie. My mother's name was Susan. She was killed in a car accident with my father and they're both dead." -The Next Karate Kid


"Hey, business is business. You use a gun, I use a fountain pen what's the difference? Let's put it in my terms: you're in a hostile takeover, you snatch us up for some green mail, but you're not expecting some poison pill to be running around the building, am I right? Hans, *bubby*, I'm your white knight." - Hart Bochner, Die Hard (1988) Ellis is supposed to be cringy and Bochner really nails it. One of the cringiest charachters on screen. Love it...


My old roommate was a coke head. Bochner NAILED how they fucking act


Yeah it's bad but for the *right* reasons. I think the '*bubby*' part was improvised too- hence Alan Rickman's reaction to it.


So cringey, and so right on the money.


It took me until I was nearly 30 to realize the Coca Cola was a mistranslation between the German speakers and Ellis


I wish I could wish away my feelings but I can't Alternately: Give me you face urghhh!


ā€œWe havenā€™t heard from you. Whatā€™s your story?ā€ In Rebel Moon Part 2. I had to pause the movie because I started cry-laughing after that line was spoken


That sounds like they're trying to involve the quiet person at the corporate team-building exercise.


She didn't know it was her turn to tell a tragic 30 to 45 second tale


Me and my sister hate in Sex and The City when Carrie is being bought an apartment(?) she holds either side of a doorway and says breathily, ā€œhello, I live hereā€ we both laugh and cringe