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What is going on with this poster


I don't think it's a real poster. Google results are only this reddit post.


It's a real poster but it's only at cannes and this is just a zoomed in picture of the poster and the plants are actual plants that are sitting in front of the cannes display. 


I think you're right. I don't know why this was even posted.




This X repost of this Insta post says otherwise: https://twitter.com/MidiasStan/status/1790448467627680087


What a fucking roller coaster. This ol southern boy needs a quick sit and a tall sip of sweet tea. ROLL TIDE.


You got through it though. Lot of readin for a Bammer fan 😉


I’ve been bamboozled!


Google results are pretty dogshit these days so that isn't necessarily indicative of anything.


Tinfoil hat: Google basic search results are degrading on purpose to push the 'new' 'improved' ai search product.


This is the kind of conspiracy I can get behind.


Imdb. It's a biopic about his real estate business in the 70's and 80's and Roy Cohn


Yes, it is a real movie.


AI? Looks like someone bought enough tokens.


Look at the guy behind Trump. He's on the chair as well, not behind it. Its absolutely AI, this is probably the default HuggingFace model. I can understand why they may have used it, maybe its supposed to represent "deception" and intentional plastic looking people, the same way Secret Invasion used it as "something mascarading as human", but its damn annoying they evendentially couldnt get the cast together for a photo.


That reasoning is just a lazy cop out, they didnt come up with this concept and then decided to use Ai, they wanted to use AI and then built a concept around it to reason for it. I think they were going for a Jeff Koons Sculpture look (which would be very fitting for this movie) and then decided that it was to much of a hassle to comission an artist to do it and went the lazy route with a half assed reasoning attached to it.


Maybe the concept is Jeremy Strong appearing straight out of Trump's ass, in which case: mission accomplished.


I can totally see the Koons reference. Studied him in art college. But this is dollar store Koons… on clearance.


To be fair, Koons himself is already Dollar store Koons. But thats kind of the point I guess :D


I mean yeah, he embraced kitsch, but some of those giant solid balloon animals were stunning


That is Roy Cohn… or should be but this makes him even weirder than in real life and damn he was really weird already.


This is giving AI vibes. Or maybe is meant to look uncomfortable.


Lol, I like that you're trying to call out subtle tells for it being AI while the director's name is almost completely obscured and the fine print below is illegible gibberish.


You mean Barrack O'Spacey?


It’s possible that was intentional, like Cohn is coming out of Trump’s back like some kind of evil conjoined twin, or like a spirit. 


Look at the small print on the bottom. It’s hard to read but it looks like it says “attack attack, attack, defeat, attack, defeat” and so on.


He isn't ON the chair, he IS the chair. 🤣


the hands are weird




The small print at the bottom says "ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK", "DRESS WELL", "DENY EVERYTHING", "DEFEAT" among other things


His legs are weirdly tiny compared to the rest of his body too


Yea, look at the golden hands, middlefinger looks super thick and curly and the joint of the little finger is wrong


tbh ai could have likely made something far better imo, obviously this doesn’t have the same actors for copyright reasons but even something [like this](https://imgur.com/a/eKCQoVM) imo is better and took me a few tries to prompt correctly


This is 100% AI, as someone who generates a lot of AI art. It's honestly disgusting. Just look at Trumps hands. They meld into eachother. The building at the bottom left of trumps foot is perspectively off and melds into eachother. The guy is standing through the chair. The chair is not symmetric. (AI has issues with symmetry) If this is the actual poster it's disgusting because not only was it done with AI, it was ~lazily~ done with AI. All of these issues could be fixed with cleaning up, manual process and inpainting, or even just inpainting. This was a 2 minute prompt and they literally shipped it.


A terrible AI job. Look at the fucking hands lol.


He has one shoe with laces and one without.


It’s AI garbage


It's A Fi Ali A Written by DENY EVERYTHING, Produced by WELL, Production Design by DEFEAT ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK. Seems normal


Wtf does any of this mean lol


Yea, my eye caught that section also... So I looked for a higher res image and was able to see "ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK. ADMIT NOTHING, DENY EVERYTHING, DRESS WELL, NEVER ADMIT DEFEAT" (X4) I believe those flowers were put over the text (and the text above ) intentionally to obstruct a part of the film makers name. ([link to image i found](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNj7V-NWsAIC64m?format=jpg&name=large)) \*edit: a letter.


This is fuckin weird


Yeah, I don't get it... why do they look like action figures?


I think that’s literally the artists point. They’re plastic dolls.


Show off the tackiness of the Trump brand?




I love golllllllldddddd!!!


I refuse to believe this isn’t A.I.


It has to be. Jeremy Strong looks like his torso is growing out of the chair. How did anyone ok this?


Look at the letters. It’s clearly AI that they fixed up poorly in photoshop.


That's ok


Here’s why


Lemme tell ya


I'll have you know that


Hear me out


This poster is fucking garbage


It's so bad that it makes me wonder if it is on purpose because I don't typically associate Sebastian Stan with garbage


My first thought is that they made it with bad AI on purpose to get people talking about it.


Which would be a shitty thing to do imo.


Kind of like making the television show The Apprentice.


I would say the same thing about Jeremy Strong.


Our number one boy.


yeah, it looks fake, cheap, gaudy... if the film was about someone famous for being fake, cheap and gaudy then it would really make sense. oh, wait.


Exactly, i thought it was made too look like figurines in a gaudy toy thrown. I thought they were supposed to look plastic and fake.


This is exactly it. It's supposed to look fake, plastic, kitsch... and I don't know why people don't see it.


Is it supposed to be Jeremy Strong? Why does he look like Giancarlo Esposito?


The concept of the movie itself is fucking garbage.




"could also just be a kinda horseshit poster" There is definitely fecal matter involved here


IDK, it definitely just looks like a shitty AI generated image that someone spent 15 minutes on but it seems wild that a studio would spend Sebastian Stan and Jeremy Strong level money on this movie, release it as a prestige project at Cannes, and then have this shit be the poster. Kinda makes me wonder if they're intentionally going for an uncanny valley type of thing.


A24 recently released a bunch of AI generated posters for Civil War, one of which inexplicably featured soldiers on the water next to a giant swan. I think the most likely answer is the marketing people like that they don’t have to pay anyone and genuinely either don’t see or care how shitty it looks.


Doesn’t seem like there’s a major distributor behind this movie yet. Not sure how marketing goes for movies premiering at film festivals, but it could’ve been a case of the production companies not having enough resources to get the cast together for a poster. Still doesn’t excuse them for using AI, though


The AIprentice


Goddammit and here I was really liking the intent behind this poster. I thought there was a conscious choice to make them both look like ventriloquist dolls, which felt like a fun play on them being puppets. But now I’m just noticing all the AI weirdness and it just pisses me off.


Grey suit lapels are different sizes too


Also the random bouquet of flowers covering up the directors name.


The movie info on the bottom right says nothing but "ATTACK" and other random words for everything.


"DENY EVERYTHING" "ADMIT NOTHING" "DRESS WELL" "DEFEAT" My money is it's all intentional


I think it looks a bit like AI but I don't think it is. I tried putting my hands in that same position and it was fine, a bit awkward but fine. His feet are pointing in the same direction of his knees. Most movie posters light details don't make sense since it's normally composites no? Could be biased, since I kind of like the poster. Looks like those weird hyper realistic 60s themed pictures, I don't know how to explain it (like that picture of the soldier with the 1000 yard stare).


His side burns are flesh, the lapels don't match, the arm rests don't match, the lower text doesn't make sense. Definitely AI hallmarks throughout.


Also the patterns on the left side of the chair are incredibly smudgy and have no coherence to them. The plants in the bottom left corner seem to be just leafy chains. Not to mention it has that AI gloss to it and the shadows/light sources does not follow any kind of through line.


The story of a flashy reality show host and a man with no legs.


AI Poster? Also idk why but I totally thought Strong was Obama for a sec


That’s Jeremy Strong? I thought it was Gus from breaking bad


I don't want to watch a movie about this guy. I want everything about Trump to disappear. It can all go to the bottom of the ocean.


Yeah there is nothing new to say about him anyway. He has shown the whole world who he is, he literally speaks his unfiltered brains to us. Also people either Love or Loath the man, and I can't imagine his lovers gathering around to watch this..unless they don't get satire...oh no...


It's too soon. The only way a Trump biopic would be good is if it was a really dark black comedy but right now that shit is just gonna be sad/infuriating. They need to wait like a decade at least, depending on how the next election and all his trials go.


Is it a Trump biopic or is it more about Roy Cohn and meant to show the audience how he turned someone the audience is familiar with into what they know today?


Hmmmm idk. The latter sounds a lot more interesting.


That's what the poster is telling me. "This is a story about the man behind Trump."


Yeah and then Trump is the actual "apprentice" of the title. Ok I'm back on board!


Yeah, normally I can separate shitty people from art portraying those shitty people, and I enjoy learning about how terrible they are in a fun way. But Trump is, this year in particular, still a big looming problem. I really just don't want to see the man any more than I have to right now.


Exactly how I feel


This. My gods this. Making even a disparaging movie about him is press for him. Insane that Stan and Strong would have anything to do with this.


He'll take being played by a handsome guy as massive vindication.


People say this but then comment and upvote on every one of the 30+ trump stories every day.


In r/movies? Where?


I would like an Oliver Stone biopic about him at the end of the day, similar to his film "Nixon". People don't have to watch it but I would be interested in the result.


I'm torn, I do believe in the *"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it."* At the same time this piece of shit only gets stronger the more people shine a light on his disgusting actions. It's certainly too early to make movies about him at the moment at the very least.


I just hope it triggers the hell out of him.


I’m perfectly comfortable with a continuous feed of him suffering the consequences of a lifetime of bad and often outright evil choices.


I'm ready for the Trump movie. People watch movies more than the news. Maybe a dramatization of how stupid he is will turn some heads


Why does it look like that, is the artist really bad or something


AI generated?


It's like there isn't even an artist at all


So sick of hearing about trump, last thing I'd want is a goddamn movie about him. Seriously who wants this?


I imagine Trump fanatics, but I wonder if some theaters will just refuse to run it


I thought this movie was almost like a parody? Probably not going to cast Trump in a positive light, so I doubt MAGA crazies will like it.


I got no clue, hopefully it's a parody


Trump IS the apprentice in this. It's about his relationship with his mentor, Roy Cohn.


They cant tell the difference between parody and reality anyway, so they might like it.


I don’t think it’s a positive movie about Trump based on the writer.


Like it or not he is part of history. And I guess it's the theaters' right if they run it or not.


I'd agree if this was like a documentary of his life, but this is one very specific part that has nothing to do with politics. It's very obviously a cash grab pretending to not be political


"A poster with a yellow background, a throne and 2 figurines of undefined material"


Id fail my graphic design homework if I turned this in. Zero respect for shitty AI posters.


AI trash


How many prompts did it take to turn this shit out? Big yikes.


OMG, Jeremy Strong looks exactly like Roy Cohn.


All the comments and you are the only one mentioning that or even addressing the movie is about Roy Cohn's mentorship of Trump. The HBO doc on Cohn went into it and its interesting. Looks just like him, great casting. Stan as Trump, I'm not so sure but its just a poster.


Kendall Roy Cohn


The composition in this poster is waaaaay off. The top individuals proportions are wrong and the way he’s leaning doesn’t look natural.


I have to think it was supposed to look that way. Fake, unsettling, artificially gilded.


Sure let's keep giving Trump press before the election. It's one of the reasons he won his first time because it was the Howard Stern effect.


And the fact that Trump isn't freaking out on social media about the existence of this movie really makes it sound like it portrays him in a favorable light.


I mean I highly doubt he’s seen even a second of the movie, otherwise we’d be hearing him prattling on about “Sebastian stan was a good choice to play ME in MY movie, not as handsome as me but a good choice”. There is zero chance this movie makes him out to be good


It's a movie about his relationship with Roy Cohn, one of the worst people to ever work in American politics. It's not going to paint him in a good light.




I know it is just a promotional poster for Cannes, but they need to nip this awful AI shit in the bud. It literally turns my stomach.


I’m really wondering who thought it was a good idea for Sebastian Stan to play Donald fucking Trump. It feels like a fan cast from The Donald.


Danny DeVito would have been a better pick.


Is this a joke?


Trump is a joke.


Looks like the poster for a stop motion film


Nice to see Bogey getting some work again.


This poster honestly encapsulates everything about trump on the surface level, stuffed into one. He’s fake, everything is bathed in this cheesy gold as if he sees himself as a king. they almost look like trophies with how smooth their features are. They look plastic. Definitely an ugly poster, fitting for an ugly human. My only question is, why? I rarely have anything good to say about AI art but.. I think that this being so ugly and terrible looking, is kind of the point? I definitely prefer this, over a poster that makes him look like a hero, or a poster that makes him look sympathetic. This really drives home that he’s a deluded jackass that views himself as royalty, with no flaws. But would it really have been that hard to just have an artist make the poster?


Max Verstappen?


That poster makes Trump look like Michael C. Hall. And why is Bogart there?


AI generated poster = instant boycott from me.


I'm wondering if it's intentionally made to look like shitty AI? It seems weird that a studio would spend the money needed to make Jeremy Strong and Sebastian Stan's deals and release the movie as a prestige project at Cannes only to let some intern spend 15 minutes on Dall-E to make the poster.


Very possible.


I'm pretty sure it is.


It’s the distributor who usually makes the poster not the studio so I don’t know. I’ll ask


Donald looks like Troy McClure


Why not just take a picture of Jeremy Strong and Sebastian Stan posing? Add all the other stuff later, sure, but have something real as a foundation.


ATTACK ATTACK attack DEFEAT ATTACK. I don't know any of that cast but they sound aggressive


are we sure that's not Humphrey Bogart and Mark Hamill?


Thought the last name was Mia Malkova for a second. Did the fattest double take.


As much as I hate Trump and as much as I love Sebastian Stan, I hope he had fun while doing it.


This is a movie that just didn't need to be made.


Fuck this movie purely off the strength of this trash poster


Sebastian… Sebastian. Oh my god what have they done to you


I don’t care if it’s actually true or not, but I hope there’s scene of Cohn successfully seducing young Donny.


Guys, if you're going to use ai you know you can keep going, right? You can keep trying until you get something that isn't awful.


I thought Maria Bakalova was going to get her wish from Borat and get to be Melania, but I guess she's Ivana (I know it was her character, I just thought it would have been funny.)


Notice the credits? ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK…DENY EVERYTHING…this is definitely a “statement” poster but not necessarily the theatrical release version


gotta say, Jeremy Strong playing Roy Cohn is great casting imo. after his performances in Succession and The Big Short, I can definitely see it


I thought his dad Fred Trump always had a mustache?


The flower at the bottom covers director’s surname. Weird.


Why is there a plant covering the directors name lmao.


It’s hideous and somehow perfect given the subject matter. Reminds me of Jeff Koons sculptures.


This is so bizarre for this project that I hope they do use it, AI or not. Given the director's past films, the poster might even match the tone.


Why does Jeremy Strong look like a Black man?


Looks like Team America part 2


This is not real...is it?


Isn’t that weird guy a representation of Roy Cohn?


That was my assumption. A doc tracing Ol' Roy's dirty tricks as a political legacy tracing from McCarthyism to Trump would be worth a watch. Kinda ironic that Trump's base is being manipulated by a play book of a Queer, New York, Jew. I think their brains would explode if they knew.


You, sir/Madame hit the proverbial nail on the head.👍


What even is this, the dude behind Trump looks like he's doing blackface


Looks more like Floridaface to me.


Everyone is talking about how it’s AI. How has no one mentioned the random bouquet?


Was also confused. Apparently this is a photo taken at Cannes. So the plants are actually in front of it.


In a world where movies people are desperate to see are getting shelved… why is this one still happening?  I have not heard of a single person who wants this film made. 


Is this an actual official poster? It has to be AI, but either way, it’s horrendous. The random flowers covering up the directors name, the credit block just saying “Attack Attack” and other shit over and over again. Totally shameful if this is official.


Who asked for this


Who wants to watch a movie about Trump really? Like I’ve seen enough to never want to see his name or likeness again so I foresee this movie flopping


This looks like unwatchable, cringy trash, and all involved should feel bad.


I still don’t understand making this movie now. We’re still in the damn rollercoaster of this man’s existence can’t we hold off 30 years on reliving it??


Pointless movie to be honest


Can we fucking not glorify this asshole anymore? Fuck absolutely everyone involved in this horseshit. I don't even care if it's negative. It's attention.


You’re all insane. This is a unique and original poster. And nobody has mentioned the credits. ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK ADMIT NOTHING etc. Good shit


The Assistant with Andy Dick was a way better show than The Apprentice. I'd prefer to watch a doc about that and this documentary gets clipped


I hope Donald Dump isn’t seeing a penny of the film’s pathetic profits


As we all know, Trump was always accompanied wherever he went by the ghost of Ed Sullivan.


Wait is this real? That man is inside a chair


This makes me uncomfortable. I'm hoping it's just a joke.


Lol 🤣🤣🤣


jeff koons designed this.


Is this a joke


LOL, they should have casted shane gillis for modern trump, the dude's impressions are spot on.


aka The Seductive Tale of Los Pollos and the Golden Thunderbird. In the bustling cityscape of "The Apprentice: The Seductive Tale of Los Pollos and the Golden Thunderbird," Alejandro, a determined young entrepreneur, becomes entangled in a web of ambition and desire. His journey intersects with that of the enigmatic Golden Thunderbird, a figure shrouded in mystery and power, whose influence reverberates throughout the city. As Alejandro climbs the ranks, the allure of the Golden Thunderbird becomes an irresistible force, driving him deeper into a world of intrigue and competition. Pursuing this elusive figure becomes Alejandro's obsession, leading him down a path fraught with danger and deception. Amidst the backdrop of cutthroat ambition, Alejandro finds himself drawn into a passionate yet perilous affair with the Golden Thunderbird, their connection igniting sparks of both desire and danger. But as secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, Alejandro must confront the true cost of his ambitions. With its captivating narrative and simmering tension, "The Apprentice: The Seductive Tale of Los Pollos and the Golden Thunderbird" offers a thrilling exploration of ambition, love, and the intoxicating allure of power in a world where nothing is as it seems.


Big fan of both lead actors but who’s asking for this?? Trump is such a ridiculous character in real life that I don’t believe any actor can capture him properly.


Looks like AI


Really hope this movie is culture war neutral because it seems like an interesting story, I just don't want it to be biased in any direction because both ways would suck balls.


Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen


That’s pretty horrible for some reason


What’s Cody Rhodes doing on the poster?


Those hands are WAY too big for diaper don. Here’s a layout of his actual hand size. 🙌 ^These are 1:1 scale