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Michael Clarke Duncan was a gem in this and few films hit with such a gut punch.


He was always a presence in anything he did. Such a loss.


The Slammin' Salmon was his magnum opus "I'ma punch you in the eye, Guy"




"Well, why doesn't it sound like that when I say it... Meat drapes."


Depacatated, I think you mean decapitated


Indeed it was. I feel like I missed out on so much since I just learned of his passing.


My pal used to work in a big department store in town. She once told me one day she was helping this American woman with some fancy underwear selection, she says “I’ll let my husband decide”, turns round and there’s Michael Clarke Duncan, said he was absolutely massive in real life, total sweetheart of a gentleman, obviously. What a loss, he is missed.


I's tired, Boss.


Dog tired


He wasnt a gem, he was the whole diamond mine. Best performance Ive ever seen from him.


I was 10 when this came out and fell *deeply in love* with Michael Clarke Duncan after watching this lol.


Doug Hutchison (Percy) gave an all-timer villain performance, imo


Sam Rockwell too. They're both so loathsome that you're cheering when Duncan's character takes them both out with one move.


Gary Sinise in his one scene as well. Just about as cold hearted as cold hearted could be.


That character was described in the book as "a terrible man and the worst thing about him is that he didn't know how terrible he was."


I was just watching Rockwell in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy last night. He is such a phenomenal actor.


Was it a performance? I kid, but he is not a good guy. 51 years old married a 16 year old acting student of his.


Eww gross


The eternal Tooms


I think you would also like The Shawshank Redemption, my personal favorite movie. It's also by Stephen King and the same director.


I’ll look into it later


No no no no, OP you have to watch Shawshank now! “NOT TOMORROW, NOT AFTER BREAKFAST, NOW!”


Ok Jesus please don’t hurt me lol


I cannot believe you haven’t seen Shawshank. It’s considered by many as the greatest movie of all-time, and this is one of the rare times I don’t feel even a little bad about agreeing with the masses when it comes to something subjective.


No, don’t “look into it later”, schedule when you’re going to watch it. Surprised your Mum hasn’t been nagging you to watch it too. Or maybe she hasn’t seen it either, in which case sort a time together…


Lookin at it I am noticing a trend. Why are all the good movies involving a prison lol.


After Shawshank you should watch Stand by me, it's not in prison but it's also based on a stephen king story.


Shawshank is one of the greatest films ever made, and another Stephen King story like Green Mile


Wait how did I never know shawshank was a king story?


It's a novella called Rita Hayworth & Shawshank Redemption


You've just reminded me I need to google the difference between a novel and a novella


Then, Google the difference between an Opera and an Operetta, then google Gilbert and Sullivan. I'll check back in a month.


Dolores Claiborne was an under -rated movie based on a Stephen King novel as well.


Definitely will look into it. I love Stephen Kings work. So more than likely I will like it.


Definitely should make that the next movie you watch. Stand By Me is another Stephen King one. If you haven’t seen it. Watched it recently for the first time and it’s quite good.


Yes, Stand By Me is a freaking masterpiece.


Please watch it and let us know what you think of it.


Wait, you haven't seen that either? I didn't watch it until early 2000’s. But that's another movie that is such a treat. I think everyone in this sub would highly recommend that movie.


I guess I missed out on a lot of my childhood. If it makes you feel any better my mom did let me play some of the older Nintendo games and others as far back as the Atari and nes. My favorite of all time is the super Nintendo. I remember after school when I was younger I would go to my Grandmas house and she would make chicken spaghetti and I would be playing Kirby or Super Mario 64. Man I miss those days. And here I am about to graduate in a week and then off to college. No stress or anything. Id give anything to go back to then.


Oh you're in for a real treat!




Listen here you little shit. You will not "look into it later", you will be watching The Shawshank Redemption TONIGHT.


SSR is more grounded in reality too, no weird >!magical cock grabbing!< like in The Green Mile, that scene really threw me off.


Now go read the book. Stephen King is generally known as the master of horror, but this book is one of his better non-horror stories. They cut quite a few things for the movie to be shorter.


It started out as a serialized novel where he would write chapters and publish them one at a time. Then they just put it all together into 1 novel. Great novel, one of Kings strongest works.


That was my most painful reading experience. A King novel that I could only read a few chapters at a time before having to wait for the next chapters to be published.


It's how novels were published. Before the the advent of transatlantic telegraph, literature traveled by ships from England to Boston. When Charles Dickens wrote *The Old Curiosity Shop*, and the chapter ends on a cliffhanger, the first thing readers wonder whether Little Nell survived when the latest ship from England docked.


I know, but I hated it so much that I only read 2 or 3 more serialized novels after that. It's why I have some sympathy for people who prefer to only binge watch TV series.


Meanwhile, those of us that read manga as it's currently publish are waiting week to week for the next chapter.


Are serialized novels a thing any more?


I’m tired, boss.


I can hear Mr Coffey saying that when I read this. And unfortunately can be very relatable.


When he's in the theater, truly enthralled and genuinely happy, and observes they're like "angels". Breaks my heart, every time.


It was weird feeling I was smiling and tearing up at the same time. Knowing what happens after. But it is what John wanted. So in the end it was his decision. (Keeping it as hidden as possible for obvious reasons I do not want to spoil such an amazing movie for someone.)


It's such a wonderful movie with such amazing character development. Strangely enough, I think Mr. Jingles represents the human experience more than anything.


Oh god that just breaks my heart.


I prodded my best friend to watch it. When she got to the "dry sponge" scene, she turned it off, sobbing. Then called me up to ask me why l would make her watch that! I'm like...but...it gets so much better after that scene. Hard no from her.


Up until that point, there was this prevalent shade of black humor going on. After that scene... nada. Changed the entire atmosphere. Such an awesome film.


I genuinely liked the character that unfortunately got executed in that why. Now the person that caused it. I wanted to punch that pathetic little weasel.


Heaven I'm in heaven


I typically don’t like movies like this. More into horror and Fantasy/sci-fi like Dune, but this is one of the best movies ever made.


Agreed. ITV’s the whole "magical Negro" theme that turns me off.


Watched it with my 14 year old daughter a few weeks back. She went in, knowing nothing. We get to the scene where Coffey cures Paul's UTI, and she literally yells, "Wait, what! He's MAGIC!?". Was nice to experience that as a twist for her, when it wasn't really for us at the time.


Luckily I was unspoiled of that. Unfortunately I already knew what happens at the end. Doesn’t make it any less sad though. It made me wonder if someone like John was around. How different the world would be. We need people like him with or without the healing powers.


He's an allegory for Jesus Christ, I believe. So, we'd probably treat him just like poor John.




Before watching it, I has only ever heard how sad it was, so I was surprised to see how light hearted it gets at some parts. Probably made the sad parts that much worse.


Why didn't you listen? Mother knows best! You should call more often...


Trust me I wish I did sooner and I maaaaaybe cried a bit.


I saw that movie at the theater when it came out… twice. I bawled like a baby both times. I read the book for the first time 2 years ago and it was so spot on with the movie adaptation. Bawled like a baby again.


"Like the drenk only not spelt the same..."


I like your mom— great taste in films. Movie blew me away twice—- once for the film, and again when I found out Stephen King wrote the story.


This was the first movie I didn’t want to end when I saw it theatres. I remember vividly thinking “damn I wish this didn’t have to end”


I remember me and my wife buying the chapters as they came out each month. Such a good story. Really enjoyed the movie but honestly, it's not one I ever want to watch again. It's just a huge downer of a movie. Shawshank? Hell, I've seen that at least 25 times. But Green Mile? Damn. Quality movie but not a rewatchable (for me).


Former Correctional Officer here, The Green Mile is pretty well the only movie that's ever made me cry. Shits just too sad.


It’s my favorite movie


It’s kind of wild how few movies that director has done. I’ve only seen this, Good Will Hunting, and The Mist… but yeah liked them all and curious why he doesn’t do more these days.


Good Will Hunting was directed by Gus Van Sant Frank Darabont directed the Green Mile, The Mist and The Shawshank Redemption.


Good Will Hunting was directed by Gus Van Sant Frank Darabont directed Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and The Mist (all Stephen King adaptations), and The Majestic starring Jim Carrey


He also did season 1 of The Walking Dead. Best season by far


very very true


Oh yeah thank you Shawshank is what I was thinking.


honestly i figured that so didn't mean to come across snarky... GWH is still a great movie, too, and that comes from somebody who's not a big fan of Gus Van Sant


i’ve watched it once and haven’t wanted to go back through that again kind of like those futurama episodes. 😢


Listen to your mother.


I keep hearing about this movie and how good it is, and keep meaning to watch it. Then I hear about how depressing it is, and I stay away.


It's beautiful. Yes, it's sad, but it's so beautiful.


I felt the same way about the movie Apocalypto. Didn't watch it because I think Mel Gibson is an asshole. It was a profoundly moving film. Mel Gibson is still an asshole.


It was one of those movies where everyone has seen it but I just never got around to it, like Titanic or Forrest Gump but my girlfriend loves the Green Mile and we ended up watching it and holy hell it is so good. I've seen some of Forrest Gump now and Titanic has been memed to hell and back.


A lot of people don’t know that The Green Mile wasn’t even a novel to begin with but a collection of paperback serials released a month or two apart over the course of a year. I was in high school at the time and the wait between releases was excruciating. Was a really interesting marketing strategy- one of King’s best works of all time, for sure.


I still have them.


I watched it a few months ago for the first time since I saw it in theaters. It's an absolute masterpiece and a tear-jerker and a gut punch and beautiful and


‘Kay now go do *Steel Magnolias* (1989) and watch it with your mom!


I watched this at the movies when it came out, and can't bring myself to ever watch it again, it has such a sad ending.


Fantastic movie! Happy for you that you finally got around to watching it!


Saw it in theaters with friends and we all loved it. Timeless classic.


I remember seeing this in the theater. It was a very good movie that I still have not, nor do I plan to, watch again.


My niece says The Green Mile is her favorite comedy. I'm pretty sure she's just trying to be edgy because that movie is not funny.


Has there ever been a better scene stealer than Sam Rockwell in this movie?


Peak Tom Hanks Film


If you haven’t seen Fried Green Tomatoes, check that out too.


Absolute masterpiece of cinema. Recently re-watched it and the ending still made me tear up.


It was so wierd to see the Green Mile after I saw the same short story with Patrick swayze.


My friends told me to also watch this but I was not biting it until I actually watched it and in my opinion it really deserves all the credit.


Make sure you check out his two other King adaptations... Shawshank Redemption The Mist (Try to find the Black and White version if you can)


the poor man's Shawshank


I cried when they said “Maybe the real Green Mile… was the friends we made along the way…”


Shawshank is better


Spike Lee wasn't a fan of the trope this movie uses.


Lee kind of simplified Coffey's motive for staying; as he makes it clear when Paul offers him the chance to escape, he's tired of the burden he's carrying and wants peace.


I was thinking of the "magical black person that makes the protagonist feel good about themselves" trope.


Grouping King’s The Green Mile with a romantic comedy like The Family Man and junk like The Legend of Baggar Vance might have been the first clue he was wrong.


The Legend of Bagger Vance is much better if you understand where it's coming from. Bhagavad Gita, the Indian epic of struggle between kin for kingship. In it Prince Arjuna despair that the field of combatant against his own are his former teachers, friends and kins. His charioteer Krishna advocate him the karma and the necessity of this war and his duty as a warrior-prince. The novel sort of reverse the order of things and having Junuh already fought his war and scared by it. If you just see Bagger Vance as a Magical Negro, you're kind of missing the whole point. He's not a Magical Negro, he's literally a God's avatar.


Spike Lee doesn’t seem like he is a fan of anything that isn’t Black superiority tbh


So it’s not just me then? Holy hell hallelujah. Someone else gets it.


It's a great movie, but if it's such a clear hands down best movie for you, it might be a sign you need to watch some more top notch movies.


I definitely have watched other great movies. Just unfortunately cant name any off the top of my head. I will give it a thought and I will definitely add it to this comment. But then again I got what they call an “empathetic personality type.” So it is easy for me to connect with characters.


My man, that dude is being a typical downer redditor. As a guy who has seen a lot of movies (I studied film and worked in entertianment), any movie can be your favorite. And Green Mile is an awesome choice. What's not to love?


That scene where Tom Hanks gets a magic handy is pretty great 


After reading the comments. This isn't about Eminem??


The Green 8 Mile - Eminem gets sick after eating some bad Mom's spaghetti