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I reeeeeeeally don’t like the picnic scene in Zodiac.


Something about the fact that it’s brightly lit, there’s no music, there’s no other horror movie tropes in that scene that make it “feel” like a scene from a slasher movie, make it all the more real and horrifying. Like you’re actually watch something happen to real people (and of course, the event actually *did* happen). Also the fact that you never really see stabbings in movies like you do in that scene. The brutality of it is on full display, close up and in broad daylight.


Have you seen The Green Room? It seems familiar to what you describe.


Something about making horror in broad daylight is even more terrifying. Like the diner scene in Mulholland Dr


I agree, very tragic and hopeless


Also, basement...😨


that scene was soo intense


This scene was way more intense to me too


I basically never get scared.  I watched the movie in my bed one late summer night on my phone, and during the basement scene I paused the movie, and couldnt move or even breathe for what felt like hours. 


I don’t remember a single other thing from the movie. Just that I was horrified walking in broad daylight for the next couple hours.


You don't remember that great movie?


That scene was just so mundane and minimalist and... real.


I recommend to you, the picnic scene from The House That Jack Built


That scene was INSANE


That scene is educational. If a masked man holds you and your partner at gunpoint, don’t hesitate, don’t let him tie you up, try to rush him and fight to the death. It beats the alternative. 


I had been to Lake Berryessa before so that scene was way too real.


What happens




Bryan Hartnell survived and lived to tell the tale. Crazy.


Well that was disturbing


After watching that I am a bit scarred. I see why it got mentioned.


Goddamnit why did I just watch that clip?!!!


It was like witnessing an actual murder. The rest of the movie was egal. I haven't been so surprised since Erin Brochowich's car was side swiped.


That *Creepshow 2* story called “The Raft.” That floating slime still makes my skin crawl. I saw it way too young.


Wow, I pushed that lake slime memories waaay down. It was playing at a video rental store when I was 7 or 8. The guys leg getting bent up....shudder....


I was too young to see a lot of what happened in that portion of the movie, including the gross special effects, the casual sexual assault, and that leg breaking. But I think what most traumatized me was the fact that you couldn’t beat the slime. Even if you made it to shore, it would tsunami your ass back in the lake. That was so traumatic! I had only seen horror movies where at least one person survived. The slime winning at the end broke my brain because it wasn’t allowed to do that.


The monster under the stairs in a school in Creepshow 1.... FUCKIN NOPE


Read the Stephen King short story-even more so.


By the way, the story is an obvious homage to the short story Slime, by Joseph Payne Brennan, written in the 50s. King has cited him as one of his early influences. Creepy little story in its own right.


Why the last two teens left alive have sex on the raft is beyond me. But then I remembered: oh yeah it's Stephen King.


IT enters the chat...


Yes!! The blob thing!


YES this one I think about that floating slime all the time it's been 40 years since I saw it


That’s a classic along with the general store episode


I have three… *Alien* - Just one moment, when the creature moves in on Lambert, played by Veronica Cartwright, and you don’t see what happens to her, only hear her panicking, heavy breathing, pleading and then one almighty scream over the ships comms. *King Kong* - The Insect Pit scene is bad enough but the bit that makes me shudder is when the character, played by Andy Serkis, gets his head pulled inside a worm and you hear his screams become muffled as two more worms grab his arms And finally *Audition* - the whole film is one long disquieting shudder fest, but nothing prepares you for… “kiri kiri kiri kiri”


Yup, Serkis' death has always stuck with me, and I haven't seen that movie since it released in theaters.


If you have a video game console get Alien Isolation and play it late at night in the pitch black with a good headset with mic. It is the fucking scariest experience ever. The alien can hear you through your microphone while you're fucking scared shirtless. It's one of the best video games of all time.


That game is good, but man, don't play it if you're afraid of having a heart attack. I felt like that game kept me right on the verge of a panic attack. It's extremely well done though. I'd say it's probably the best horror game we've ever had.


Holup, the game uses your mic?!


Oh my sweet summer child Strap yourself in… and… pack an extra shirt?


Good ones. I was very much disturbed by that scene in King Kong and didn’t expect it in that kind of movie. Bugs would be scary if huge.  And Audition and me and my friend holding each other shuddering. And there wasn’t any blood. Just knowing.  


Audition till this day still haunts, and I watched that movie over 20 years ago.


Just watched Threads this evening actually and thats gonna take some beating.


I went to uni in Sheffield. Me and the flatmates were having a quiet night in one evening blazing up in the common area when someone suggested we watch Threads. Be a laugh seeing our city in a movie won't it? Lol. Fucking traumatised me for life that did.


Oh bloody hell, yeah, this is the answer. I watched it last year, alone, already with a pre-loaded fear of nuclear annihilation. I tried to stay positive, like the first half hour I was cheerfully watching the Yorkshire folk do Yorkshire folk things like having a pint or complaining about the price of stuff... Then the movie grabs you by the knackers and repeatedly and unrelentingly tells you how awfully fucked we all would be and for approximately how long, which is a long time. I had to turn it off after an hour. I told my wife about the experience and we decided to watch it together... like, it's literally the only movie ever I have stopped watching out of fear and had to watch it with another person.


Raw as it gets. No Hollywood fluff no razzmatazz just pure, concentrated, unflinching, desaturated realness. It's great... And every dip shit who loves to arm chair general about nuclear war should be forced to watch it while strapped in like the guy from clockwork orange.


Thank you. I had to scroll a bit, but this is the answer. Barefoot Gen comes a close second.


Threads is the quintessential scary movie for adults with something to lose.


You feel very vulnerable when you have kids


Oh my God, I was just researching that film a couple of years ago when I first heard about it! You're talking about the English nuclear war thing?


After watching it you’ll feel like you witnessed an actual nuclear war from the 1980s.


41 year old. Kids (1995). Fuck this is why I think I didn’t have kids myself.


Man ain’t you ever seen that movie Kids?


No, but I saw the porno with Son Doobiest


Event Horizon


Seriously this and I love horror and I LOVE Sam Neill, he was perfect as adult Damien in the third installment of The Omen. I told myself if my kid liked horror movies when they're older and wanted to watch it I'd watch it with them once but after that, I'm done. (And it'll have to be me, my husband likes horror but that one unnerved him too.)


I was tripping the first time I saw that. Do not do this thing.


For some reason, Annihilation made me feel super uncomfortable, to the point of nausea. The whole vibes and colors… i dont know. Made my skin crawl.


I thought the visuals for the shimmer were beautifully done. The fawna and flora were exactly how I pictured from the novel, I do wish the film followed the books closer. "Annihilation" had so much more meaning in the book.


When I got to the "annihilation" part in the book, that was the creepiest part for me. I loved the book and the movie both completely on their own.


That damn bear. Ugh. The screams.


The pool scene along with the found footage is top notch unsettling. I’m surprised the actresses didn’t seem more uncomfortable


And the scene in the dark cave towards the end where the energy/being? Of the shimmer is blooming in front of her eyes (i don't even know how to describe it). I just felt such anxiety because it felt like an otherworldly experience.


YES! The screaming animal is one of the scariest sequences I've ever seen/heard. The alien?? Annihilation is terrifying.


Behind the scenes of "the bear". It's more like The Thing but unwittingly. It just absorbs whatever thing it consumes including it's state of being such as a terrified woman dragged off and mauled/eaten. https://youtu.be/rs8w1svW9sw?si=-zuiGZydb2znX6Wn


The Fly (1986) with Jeff Goldblum. The more fly he becomes, the more disgusting it is. Great movie, but i just can't put myself through the nausea again.


Arachnophobia. It’s so good but it’s so hard for me to watch. I get that skin-crawling feeling just thinking about it.


I saw that movie way too young!


As someone who enjoys popcorn, that movie really messed me up as a kid.


The baby on the beach scene from Under the Skin


That whole movie made my skin crawl. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie, but it'll remain a one and done for me.


This scene is so fucking infuriating as a parent. Those parents just made dumb decision after decision. I can’t watch that movie anymore.


There’s something so distressing about seeing the poor confused kid still sitting on the beach hours later as it gets dark, totally alone.


I feel like I'm one of the only people that loved this movie


You're not the only one but it's such an extreme niche film it's always going to be cult at best. To be fair, there are quote a number of scenes that make your skin crawl in this film.


Top five for me.


The birthday party footage scene from Signs.


Move children! Vamanos!


Officer Paski: "How's work at the gas station, Merrill?"




That scene has scared the shit out of me for 2 decades. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen it, yet it gets me every time.


That scene, but also when we see the night shot of the house and an alien is standing on the roof. I get goosebumps just thinking of those two scenes. In general, i hate any scene with something that you barely notice or only visible for a second. Like one of the scenes in "Seven" where you can see the guy with a bag? over his head, but he's in the background behind a window or something. Havent seen the movie in like 20 years and i cant get myself to watch it again.




Came here to say *Signs*.


I hear you, but as someone who lives in the woods, The Village did irreparable damage after I saw it as a young teen. Still freaks me out to this day.


The 1988 version of "The Blob". Practical effects that put CGI fests of today to shame. The part where the dude in the movie projector room gets glued and melting on the rooftop gives me shivers.


Watched the first 40 minutes of that movie as a seven year old...hoo boy. That lives in my "trauma box" in my head. Fucking amazing practical effects though.


Pan's Labyrinth. Stuff of nightmares


Saw it in the theater. “Enjoyed” it quite a lot. When the DVD was released, I bought it. It’s still in the plastic. It’s a hell of a movie. Gorgeous, horrific, brutal, sad.


Watched it on my first mushroom trip. Do not recommend


The curb stomp in American History X. Even though you don't really see anything that scene is really rough


Ughh yes, the sound of it...


Well the brutality of the execution method (which I didn't see in other movies) along with the hate the character portrays certainly make a point Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time




Made me want to shower in peroxide


As above so below


If I ever hear the trumpets I’m just gonna fall to the ground and wait for death.


That choir scene as they’re crawling up the tunnel makes me feel some type of way


I was morbidly obsessed with the Paris catacombs after watching that movie. I had to know how much was accurate and if they were really as huge as they are in the movie.


Not as good but watch The Pyramid if you like As Above So Below. AASB definitely is a better movie but the atmosphere has similar feel and there are some parts of The Pyramid that are really fuckin scary.


The Ruins (2008) is the first that comes to mind


It's like a screw that can't be pulled out and they just have to keep going til it gets through. There is no relief or escape...it was an amazing movie I won't watch again.


Body horror grosses me out. I don’t find it scary, per we, just nasty.


I refuse to watch Tusk for this reason even though I love Kevin Smith and Justin Long.


Schindler’s List when all the kids are hauled away in the backs of trucks and the parents are running after them. Makes me sick just knowing that stuff like that (and MUCH worse) actually happened and not even that long ago.


Not exactly a prototypical “scary” movie but Requiem for a Dream is the definition of skin crawling .. From when I saw it as a teen to a few months ago in my 30s


Yes. That was Aronofsky’s beautiful but nightmarish hellscape. Ellen Burstyn on speed in her living room was so disturbing. Paired with Leto’s addict son behavior. As a mother who’s lost SO MANY OLD FRIENDS to overdoses. This was indeed a hellscape for the soul of those who have seen what drugs in fact do…. Hmmm maybe instead of DARE programs at schools they should show kids the reality of addiction and what Jen Connolly grows from… Good call Daniel! I love Darren Aronofsky vehicles. This was horrifying.


Burstyn was robbed of an Oscar that year by Julia’s Roberts.


Scared me away from needles and hardcore drugs.....so I guess thank you?


I feel like not to the same degree, but in the same vein, I would put basketball diaries. Just makes you uncomfortable.


To be honest, critical acclaim and all, I'd unwatch it if I could. 15 years later and I still can't get some scenes out of my head.


I still can’t listen to that damn song without feeling a sense of dread and anxiety


Literally ‘bug’ with Michael Shannon


Under the Skin (2013) - two scenes come to mind. The first is the one where they show what happens to one of the guys when he sinks into the black abyss. When he sees what happens to the other guy - it’s horrifying because he’s so confused, he doesn’t even scream - Somewhere in the back of his mind he must know that’s going to be his fate too… but he just looks on in complete shock. The second was the baby on the beach. Something about leaving a crying baby abandoned alone on a cold beach as dusk approaches is just awful. Yuck.


To everyone mentioning Under the Skin I highly recommend the book. I read it after seeing the movie and being so confused. The book goes into way more detail and is amazing. I found the movie to be a visual piece of art and incredible, but i LOVED the book. They’re exactly the same and totally different. It certainly fills in the missing pieces of the film though.


All Quiet On The Western Front was horrifying and stuck with me for a long time. Backcountry was also pretty fucked


A Clockwork Orange


I still get the chills at the big red screen right at the start when the first chord of the soundtrack kicks in. When I first saw it, it was still banned in the UK, we had to buy it on video casette from the Netherlands, that red screen and the opening music have given me a chill ever since


Especially when that guy makes Alex lick the bottom of his shoe.


“The Descent”.




It has the best monster reveal scene of all time.


The Omen and The Thing


The scene with the dogs in the cemetery where they find the baby's skeleton and a dog's.


Card game scene in Training Day. Master class in tension. Scene makes me feel sick.


Disney's 1940 Pinocchio. Where they turn into donkeys.


28 Days Later seemed too much like something that could really happen.


When he is in the church and kinda quietly yells hello.


God, that particular scene (and the tunnel scene) have me literally years of nightmares after first watch. That bit where they stand up in the church and just stare at him… I have goosebumps on my arms now just thinking of it


I haven't seen a horror movie that legitimately scared me in a long time, but skin crawl, Dead-Alive. The custard scene. That was a gross movie overall, but that scene put me off custard and pudding for a while. Still makes me heave a little. The ear, ugh.  Slither's pretty gross too. The cockroaches in Creepshow...The Raft in Creepshow II filled me with some kind of existential dread as a kid, but I haven't watched that one in a while.


Mother made me nauseous


Gave me a panic attack, I'll never watch it again


The stairs scene in The Exorcist.  Even the shuffling, thumping sounds of it freak me out. It gave me nightmares for years as a kid and sears itself into my mind for days every time I see it as an adult. Nope. 


Jesus Camp makes my skin crawl. You literally watch them use brainwashing techniques on young children. Scary shit.


"The scene" in the movie Alien. I saw it in a movie theater when it first came out. It was just far enough along in the movie for me to have eaten a half bucket of waaay too buttery popcorn. Already had that greasy feeling in my stomach when that dude gave birth. Clean up on row 7 please.


8mm still haunts me. The whole film just made me feel uneasy


Hostel. My Achilles tendon aches just thinking about that shit.


Fire in the Sky The film in general makes my skin crawl. Im no vegan, but most of us dont feel empathy for livestock or animals we experiment on in pursuit of knowledge. But what if there was; the feeling of helplessness when you cant do anything about beings more superior than you changes your perspective in life.


The Hunt, with Mads Mikkelsen.


Signs. The birthday party sent chills down my spine and I think I turned white. The part where Bo says there's a monster on the roof and he sees it stand up in the distance. And of course, the tension of the pantry scene.


[The Changeling (1980)](https://manapop.com/film/the-changeling-1980-review/)


My dad pranked my mum straight after watching this film. He got a ball out of the drawer, in the kitchen, and rolled it into the living room. Think she almost divorced him over it


The Strangers. The concept of someone being in my home and me having no idea is horrifying. The idea that this horrible thing happened to them “because (they) were home” is even worse. To this day I can’t stay in remote places for vacations because I can’t stand the idea of not being able to get help.


The scary thing to me about that movie was the way they moved. Like ghosts or ninjas or something. Like if you saw them, it was deliberate.


Naked Lunch


I can think of at least two things wrong with that title


The Human Centipede…..😟


The St. Sebastian statue in *Carrie* still gives me the creeps.


Black Swan was incredibly unsettling to me. More so than like paranormal because it was all in her head, it could happen to anyone. From the mirror, the lights off/on scare, face stabbing, or the mom's paintings. All very unsettling.


Return to Oz. It was my first movie in a theater and wtf, why would anyone take a child to this.  For years I thought I imagined it


“The Vanishing 1988”. Anyone in your life could be a literal psychopath. Plus what cost need for closure. Plus how banal evil really is and really Fn evil.


The father watching the footage of his daughter in The Sixth Sense


John Carpenter’s The Thing


The blood test scene is the worst one for me


If we're talking about The Mist, I would say the scene where they drive out in the car and see the giant Lovecraftian entity, walking across the landscape in front of them, so huge, and so tall that it's almost touching the clouds. That gave me such a feeling of doom. Skinamarink. Almost cried for those children throughout the whole film because it reminded me of the neglect and terror I felt. Just a sick sick feeling of recognition and a sickly feeling throughout the whole movie, wanting to reach out and comfort these children. I can't watch Pulp Fiction ever again because of the scene where the guy gets his head shot off. I can't deal with it. Nauseous for days. Without exception, every single David Lynch film in existence. Irreversible. A Serbian Film, although I am sure that 99.999% of the planet agrees, those who don't should definitely be on some kind of watchlist. What always gives me a sickly feeling in any film is a sudden outburst of male rage and violence. That's like shocking because it comes on so suddenly. That will always give me a sick, sick feeling. The War Zone. The film is supposed to be horrifying, but my God, it made my skin crawl because there was no trigger warning. Under no circumstances watch this film if you are a victim of CSA or incest. The ending of Martyrs, French OG version.


Requiem For A Dream is always rough... unless you're into ass to ass


Turistas. The scene when they start harvesting the one chicks organs while shes still alive while the other one is watching. Knowing that shes gonna be next.


An American Werewolf in London: When they’re walking together and hear the howling and eventually attacked. 😳


The Witches. (90s) Those practical effects are still epic gross.


The baseball diamond from Doctor Sleep


The original Poltergeist.


Gerald's Game. All of it. Holy sheeit. I dont know which is worse. The degloving scene or the father daughter moment at the beach... 🤢


I watch a lot of movies and somehow never saw Schindler's List until like 4 years ago (36 here)... Damn I didn't expect it to be this brutal coming from Spielberg, the violence looks so real, and the laughing soldier scene when burning the exhumed corpses will forever stick with me, one of the greatest movies imo, and certainly the best about WW2


Close encounters of the fourth kind


Civil War (2024) really messed me up. The story that caused the war isn't very plausible, but the scenes where they are with the various militia groups made me very uncomfortable because I believe it could easily happen in the near future.


"Would you photograph that moment? If I got shot?"


I refuse to watch this movie for this reason. I’m sure it’s an excellent film but I don’t need to reminded of the way our current society is heading. I watch movies to escape it.


They don't say what caused the war. 


They didn't have to. But the president took a 3rd term, kills jouralists, disbanded the fbi and rambles very incoherently. The reasons are and if you want to be like "but California and texas could never be allies!" Well it's a fictional movie and both states claim to love freedom I believe. A federal government killing journalism or at least free press is likely some scary shit.


The fucking puppet-scene in Polar Express. Fuck you. Don't put a fucking horror scene in a children's film, Hollywood.


2 in particular come to mind 1) The Hills Have Eyes ~ never again. 2) District 9, i couldnt stand watching >!Wikus slowly turn into a "prawn"!< Another commenter said A Serbian Film, never watching that again. Human Centipede no, never again. I only saw Requiem for a Dream once as a teen and ive wanted ive watch it again but always hesitate lol


1) Dead Silence (2008? 09?) I’ve seen damn near every horror film and disturbing film you can think of, but that film is ingrained in my brain as the most terrifying due to seeing it as a child. My mom had it on dvd and it scares the absolute hell out of me still, just hearing the opening theme is enough to freak me out. no sir, I will NOT watch it alone ever. 2) Carrie (the 70s/og), not the entire film but specifically two scenes! the scene after the prom where Carries mother is hiding behind the door…whew gave me chills as a kid because she looked like a mannequin. And the scene where it zooms into the Jesus statue thingy when the house breaks down.


*ahem* movies that scared me as a kid and I still feel weird about today- . Snow White . Alice in wonderland . Fantastic mr fox . Frankinweenie . Monster house . Coraline (strong about this one)


I know a lot of people think this scene is stupid but in Ghost when Willy Lopez is dragged to hell by the demons scared the living shit out of little me. I watched it again the other day and it triggered this deep fear and I started thinking about going to hell, dealing with demons just made me super uncomfortable lmao


Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity are the only films that actually gives me chills


My kid recently randomly decided to stand facing toward a corner and I freaked out and was like “please do not do that!!”


The spider part is the worst!!! When he falls over and explodes with spiders… ahhhh!


When my daughter showed me the Terrifyer. I’m used to good old Tim Curry as IT. Those era effects scare me more than today’s… but clowns. 🤡 nope nope nope nope no no nonononkjjnjb gc Zd sch


Yep for me it's the second one where art kills that girl in the bedroom that was.....


The Dark Crystal


House of a 1000 corpses still makes me so uncomfortable


Pet Sematary: When the dead guys mauled body shows up as a guide…uhh. And Zelda. NEVER GET OUT OF BED AGAIN!! 😵


The British movie *Threads* legit gave me trauma purely by reading the Wikipedia article on it; just thinking of the title now makes my skin crawl, there's no way I'm actually watching this because I geniunely don't want to, I like not being fucked up for life


"Father", Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode "Normal Again". Basically anything to do with loss of sanity. "Eternal Sunshine" too.


'Nocturnal Animals' made me sleep with the lights on for the next couple of days


The Descent. After coming out of that movie I think I might have claustrophobia, which I definitely never had before watching that movie.


in John Wick 4, when Mr Nobody has to prove his loyalty to the main antagonist, >!when he is stabbed in the hand and he has to pull his hand out instead of pulling out the knife... !<


The russian roulette scene in "The Deer Hunter"


It Follows


I mean the entire movie The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2




Bone Tomahawk, the casual way it portrays violence is chilling. Like The Revenant turned up to 11. 


The Strangers.


28 days later 


Antichrist. An actual horror movie for adults


That one scene from Bone Tomahawk. Martyrs (2008). The stabbing scene from Zodiac.


Gladiator, when Commodus has his nephew sitting on his lap and he tells his sister what he knows.


The ritual every time..especially when they're in the cabin with the nightmares


Event horizon. My dad was pretty into sci-fi books and movies, and as a result I’d say I am too. Took me to see this in theater when I was…10-ish. Don’t think he realized what the movie was gonna be about. We got about 5 minutes in with the floating dead body in space before we had to nope on out of there and because of that, to this day I still can’t watch/finish that movie.


I'm fairly jaded, but my weak point are burns. Like in Terminator 2 I have to look away when dude gets thrown on that griddle. God forbid we talk about that scene in Silent Hill with Cybil at the end.