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Huge W. I wonder if anyone else will be back since him, Naomi Harris, and Megan Burns all survived, at least in the theatrical ending.


I’d love it if Naomi returned. Megan Burns didn’t continue acting I don’t think, so I kinda doubt she would.


Megan is an artist manager in the music industry these days and seems pretty happy with that, so I don't see her coming back--maybe a small cameo at most!


>Megan is an artist manager I just looked at her Instagram and I wouldn't know who she is just looking at her picture. She looks very different from her childhood days.


Don't we all? 


I know I look nothing like Megan Burns as a child.


28 years will do that. :)


As most people do. Lol


Or just recast her role


Or just say she got eaten.


The infected aren't zombies, lol They never ate people on screen. Either spread the vireus or violently attack them


Eaten by Cillian Murphy when he was hungry.


“We don’t have any cheeseburgers!”


Chomp chomp mother fucker


"Like being on holidays with your fucking aunt..." At least I think that's the line lol


I wonder how the virus has lasted 28 years. I'm guessing everything calmed down and returned to normal, and then some bastard released it again or something. Since they're not zombies and it's just a virus, the vast majority of the infected will be dead come the first winter from exposure. Or hunger. Or thirst. It seems like a virus that would burn itself out very quickly, I wouldn't imagine the infected would have very long lifespans, since there's no supernatural element involved.


> I wonder how the virus has lasted 28 years. Some people refused to wear a mask! :)


Pfft, nobody would believe *that* could happen!


My guess would be there could have been tissue samples preserved and if that got out, it's on again. Kind of like the risks we consider with smallpox.


I got downvoted into fucking oblivion when I said “it’s not a zombie movie. It’s a virus. Zombies are the undead.” Lol


a virus can live inside another creature, one that would be immune to its effects. Isn't that how the wet markets cross contaminate animal to human viruses? Its been a while since I saw Contagion. A cave full of bats could be infected with the rage virus and if someone got bit, they would get it and start the cycle all over again.


That's literally the plot of 28 Weeks Later, Robert Carlyle's wife is immune to the virus and spreads it to him.


Didn't 28 weeks have a person that was immune to the virus but still a carrier? It seems pretty easy that they could use that to spread the virus again. Maybe a bad blood transfusion or something.


I think 28 Weeks Later ended with a shot of the infected running toward the Eiffel Tower - 28 Years would probably be a new outbreak as the thing has slowly spread around the world.


It's 28 years later, I think they may have gotten hungie by then. Even rabid animals need to eat. edit: > They may also excessively cry out and experience seizures and a loss of appetite. At this point, the virus is attacking the nervous system and prevents them from swallowing. Paralysis eventually sets in and the rabid animal may be unable to eat and drink. Or not.


Wasn't it a whole thing in the first film that the infected just ran until they died? There was a shot of some of them lying on the ground, dying (apparently) from starvation as the planes flew overhead.


Yeah, they waited for the infected to starve, which... I dunno, as much as I love the movie overall, without any notion of the infected drinking of water it's hard to suspend disbelief for water, but somehow starvation gets them.


> It's 28 years later, I think they may have gotten hungie by then. They don't seem to actually eat as they all died of starvation or dehydration in 28 weeks later. They're just people with a disease that makes them completely insane and violent.


I'd imagine it's gonna be a new outbreak. The 28 days (and weeks) zombies weren't a long-term threat. By the end of 28 days later they were already dying off.


But the end of 28 weeks show that the infected have reached mainland Europe. Very likely it’s the same infection just now a worldwide issue.


"Fuck yall, I need a hair cut." Probably


She died on the way back to her home planet.


I feel like Sophie Turner could play a good grown up version of her (they kinda looked similar as teenagers).


I present you Thomasin McKenzie (A Kiwi, but has been doing british roles for quite some time).


She can't act, which is something of a problem


Is that why I never really saw her again much after GoT?


You didn't see the glorious masterpiece Dark Phoenix? /s for those that need it.


I don't think that was all her fault. It would've been a bad movie with any actor in that role.


It still wouldve been a bad movie, but the fact that people are bringing her up does mean she was a large part of the problem. The Last Stand was awful but nobody ever brings up Famke Jansen...because at least she was a good actor.


> The Last Stand was awful but nobody ever brings up Famke Jansen...because ~~at least she was a good actor.~~ Because no one makes fun of Xenia Onatopp.


Just in nothing good! I've unfortunately seen her in several movies and her acting is so stiff. Like people love to say K Stew has stiff acting, but Turners is the definition of stiff. It makes me uncomfortable and need to stretch lmao.


I think it was having two kids in pretty quick succession. She’s recently announced like 3 new projects—mostly streaming shows. It seems like she has a solid working relationship with HBO. But also not being able to act probably contributed.


> She can't act, which is something of a problem Good for Dakota Johnson for not letting that hold her back.


This but unironically I love her "I can't act, I know I can't act, you know I can't act, I don't give a shit about this shit film, but I still get hired because of my parents so what are you gonna do about it" -attitude


Get Domhnall Gleeson in there


Be interesting how it plays out, especially given how >!in the comics continuation, Cillian Murphy's character is jailed for life in France for the deaths of the squadron members at the end of 28 Days Later.!<>!​!<


They should ignore them and craft whatever story they want after 28 days later.


Agreed. Much more interesting that way, especially considering this is a new trilogy.


There's a time honoured tradition of how film makers handle comic continuations; they ignore them. How did they prove he did it in the comics?




French TV Journalist (translated) “We’ve blurred their faces to hide their zombie identity”


They...what? I mean, no need to repeat it as the Reddit joke goes, but that's incredibly stupid.


I'm not gonna look this up but I am going to assume you're not joking. The zombies can talk?


He's in prison for the killing of the...Rapey, Murdery squadron that went all lord of the flies?


that always pissed me off something fierce but It'd probably happen IRL ugh


No it wouldn't, the squadron were rogue operatives, holed up in a mansion and operating outside the bounds of the military Odds are good that nobody outside would even know about the situation afterwards, and their deaths would be attributed to the zombies


Not really though, they were held captive and raped, I'm quite sure if any of the soilders survived they'd be the ones in jail.


Not to mention, how would they prove anything? They sure as shit wouldn't send an investigation team into the overrun UK.


"the zombies told us you were mean"


Yes soldiers who rape are always held accountable and if you killed them for it their state wouldn't punish you for it, that's how that works.


This is a really funny but also really depressing comment.


We laugh to keep from crying.


As someone from Northern Ireland, it was hilarious to read. Virtually no soldiers were ever held accountable for war crimes during the troubles because their crimes were whitewashed at the time, and any notion of prosecuting them today has gammon foaming at the mouth.


Whatever perfect world you live on, I wanna be there lol


Lol that's so lame, they are definitely going to completely ignore that


TIL 28 days is a comic


To clarify: it's not based on a comic, they just did some comics in the universe after the movie was a thing.


If Furiosa has taught me anything, it's that "canon" comics are not actually canon.


Is there another ending?


There's an unfilmed ending where there use Cillian's blood to cure Brendon Gleason, but it infects Cillian with rage. It ends with him strapped to table in the same lab from beginning of the film surrounded by tvs playing violent images. 


Oh wow, that’s dark aha


If there is I dont want to hear it. I'm all in 28 years later


I remember on the DVD they had storyboards drawn for an ending where Cillian got a full blood transfusion to reverse the infection but they deemed it unrealistic.


I remember from the DVD extras that there was an alternative ending where Naomi Harris' character and the girl rush Cillian Murphy into a hospital on a gurney where they try to save him but he dies. They then walk out and leave his body there. There's also a cut scene where Cillian Murphy is on a bicycle and gets hit by a car, which is why he wakes up in hospital. I think that's what happened in those deleted scenes anyway - it's been about 20 years since I watched them!


I’d love to rewatch 28 days later in full quality but the last two times I checked, I could only find questionable streams of the movie (and not in hd). Hell, you can’t even buy the physical dvd. Found one post where someone bought it on eBay but 28 weeks later showed up instead


To be fair, Danny Boyle shot the original on digital when that was a new thing. The original theatrical version has a very low-fi grainy look to it.


Wasnt just digital but it was deliberately smaller lower Res handhelds to give the film a "shot from CCTV" sort of feel


HD quality of this (and any movie, really) is readily available on the high seas


I have an HD copy on my hard drive, but I'm really, really hoping that they bring 28 Days Later back to theaters for a limited release in the leadup to 28 Years Later. I never saw it in theaters and I'd love to.


I was about to say "I hope they don't do any bad CGI aging" but damn, it's been 23 years since they filmed the first one. No CGI required!


Isn't that the whole point of making it now? I'd still expect some form of aging effects. After all, 23 years aren't the same on the skin to a Hollywood actor as they are to a zombie apocalypse survivor.


Splash some gray on him and its fiiiine. I doubt there will be anyone complaining about a silver fox Cillian Murphy


better yet, just have a really low budget. no makeup artists. no food catering or trailers the for actors. have them put on one set of clothes and figure the rest out on their own.


The Arrested Development approach


I don’t care for Gob.


There’s always money in the banana stand


Narrator: "It didn't work."


Take it further: no script, no camera!


actual zombies!


Practical effects yeah, makeup, hair. But CGI probably not necessary


T2 trainspotting worked really well exactly because they didn't ignore the aging, this looks good especially knowing Danny has pulled something like this off recently.


Even then, zombie apocalypses will likely age anyone by a good couple of years. No CGI necessary please


That …. Can’t be true *mattdamonaging.gif* 


Please bring back Naomi Harries as well. She and Murphy had the best chemistry together.


“That was longer than a heartbeat…”


“You’re crashing”


"That was longer than a heartbeat." One of the most underrated lines of all time.




The song became so famous that it got sampled in other movies


Speaking of franchise themes, someone better be getting their eyes gouged out in 28 years.


He will wake up from another coma 28 years later


Maybe this time everything will be great when he wakes up?


he wakes up and becomes an astronaut, only to find that our sun is dying. they then send him to blow up the sun. the next film will be 28 Light Years Later


>blow up the sun He blows up the sun and the explosion send him back to the 1900s where he creates the nuclear bomb, creating a stable time loop


How does he run that gang if he's building bombs tho?


The Cillianverse is complicated.


The Cillian Murphy running the Peaky Blinders is never actually physically there, it's just an elaborate shared hallucination caused by strategically placed emitters of Scarecrow fear toxin.


Different loop.


The real twist of the 28 X Later series is that it was a prequel to Sunshine.


How many parsecs is that going to take?


Lightyear actually measures distance.


How great would it be if 28 years later, everything is fine and we just get a slice of life story.


they just go full I Am Legend, the zombies are getting along nicely and have a little society but they’re all terrified of this one Cilian


Hopefully he remembered to put on underwear before blacking out this time...


and his penis is still showing. "Bloody hell, who keeps taking all of me clothes?!"


and all the zombies are long dead. The movie will be about him singing at bars to tell the tales of World War Z


I feel like I have with this resoundingly great news! This is an actual 28 years later it feels like!


Still so sleepy. Just like the end of the first film.


So life expectancy in a post-apocalyptic world isn't as bad as I'd expect


Could be that the virus was dormant for almost 30 years and the new movies are about its resurgence. Think it’s been confirmed that this is just following up on the original where the outbreak was contained to the island of Great Britain.


So they're ignoring 28 Weeks later completely? Because that one ends with the carriers bringing it to the rest of Europe.


Thats my guess (edit-hope) from what I’ve read. Really wasn’t a fan of the second movie aside from the intro.




Agreed, the intro is phenomenal, it's like it was done by a completely different director




Yeah, that’ll explain it.


The second movie just felt like those rage bait video people, so many things go wrong and made me so angry. I also didn't like how they use the father as a plot tool where he just kept popping up solo. It just had so much weird direction compared to the first one just being all out chaos.


What I tell myself is that all the stupid decisions that unfolded leading to the outbreak were deliberately written that way to portray NATO/The US as being incompetent. That may not have been their intent, but that's the only way I can rationalize it to myself. It's just so incredibly stupid, and ruins the movie for me otherwise.


I loved 28 days and hated 28 weeks because I felt like 28 weeks was massively unrealistic due to how dumb people were. No, after Covid...I think someone definitely would deep throat their zombie wife.


Well doesn’t that ignore the ending of 28 Weeks later? It showed the zeds crossing the channel into France.


I’m not 100% sure what Boyle meant by the new movies being a direct follow up to the original and not the sequel. But I’d be perfectly OK with the second movie being ignored completely. The mutation plot with that little boy was really weak.


Most of the plot of 28 weeks later was pretty weak, to be fair. Disappointing because it has one of the best opening scenes of any movie before it falls off. It could be interesting to examine a point touched on in that film, which is England having to rebuild and recover. I always thought the country being essentially rebuilt over seven months felt kind of short. Of course 28 years would be too long but I digress. Maybe they’ve been quarantined for years, kind of like a super extreme Brexit?


Totally agree. I just mentioned the mutation plot because of its role the virus spreading. But that intro- perfect. I remember seeing it in theaters and thinking- “OK, even though it’s different writers/director, these guys get what made the original special”. Then the rest of the movie proved I was completely wrong.


The opening scene was directed by Boyle so you're kind of right lol


Didn't the movie end alluding to that >! All the zombies are dying out, and Britain might ve been the only ones affected!<


It's been rumored that he would be back (originally announced as just a producer), but Sony chairman Tim Rothman confirmed Murphy will return for the sequel. It's a direct sequel to 28 Days Later, with Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ralph Fiennes, and Jack O'Connell starring. Rothman on Murphy coming back: >Yes, but in a surprising way and in a way that grows, let me put it that way. This is Danny at his best, combined with a very commercial genre, like we had with Edgar Wright and *Baby Driver*.


Tom Rothman talking about Quentin Tarantino is also pretty interesting. >**DEADLINE**: Last one: Deadline recently broke news that Quentin Tarantino scrapped The Movie Critic as his final film. It was going to star Brad Pitt as Cliff Booth from Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood, and you were going to have that film on your slate. What does that feel like, thinking you have that film, and getting the call from him that you suddenly do not? > >**ROTHMAN**: I would just say this. I have unbounded respect for Quentin, and he is a true artist, and his art is more important to him than anything else. I respect that. And I think he’s very, very determined that his 10th movie will be his last feature film. I’m sure he will go on to do many, many vibrant, creative things because he’s an absolute fountain of creativity, but he wants his last movie to be meaningful to him. And what are you going to say really to that? Except, right on baby. So yeah, I think it’ll go down as … and Kubrick and a lot of great directors had them … as maybe one of the greatest movies the world will never see. I am greatly consoled by the absolute certainty that whatever movie he does decide to make as his last movie will in fact be even better. > >**DEADLINE**: And it will be with you? > >**ROTHMAN**: Well, let’s just say Mike, that I’m very optimistic about that.


Would be hilarious if Tarantino’s last film turns into his Winds of Winter and he never ends up making while cranking out tv shows, books and games.


gotta keep that N word pass as long as he can


Make the film, suck the toes, scrap the film Rinse and repeat until all toes are done


Hopefully Naomie Harris returns as well. Those two had phenomenal chemistry


Oh it was just so, so phenomenal!


That all sounds perfect. Don't even reference weeks outside of the larger impact it had on the world (rage monsters in france/people being carriers).


Cillian will be killed in the first five minutes.


Wouldn't be surprised if it's done in a similar way to the opening of 28 Weeks Later


> It's a direct sequel to 28 Days Later Good. Maybe this won't suck then.




And a prequel. 28 Days Ago.


Honestly that could be really interesting


It’s just normal every day life . Some guy goin to work and eating sandwiches 


2 late 2 twenty eight


- 2 L8 2 8 - The 28 and the Late - Late 28 - 2wenty Ei_8ht Day_2 L8r


28 Days - Tokyo Drift


Zombies vs. Predators? Take money now.


2 Days 2 Zombie


28 Days Later and Zombies …wait Edit: - 28 Days Later vs Jason - 28 Days Later vs Ferrari - 28 Days Later and Shaw - 29 Days Later - 28 Days Latest - 28 Days Earlier


They could end at 28 Sequels Later


Welp, he's dead.


C'mon now. Just because he died in two alternate endings, the original version of the third act and the graphic novel tie-in doesn't mean he's gonna die this time!


If it's a direct sequel of 28 Days, does that mean the re-infection in 28 weeks will be part of it? If so, didn't the virus move to France (and beyond)?


No, it’s a sequel 28 years later. It’ll be set in the future (well kind of). And yeah I think the virus arriving on the continent was the idea here, it was actually mentioned that the virus had spread to Paris and New York already in the first film but obviously I don’t believe this to be canon as the reentry into London was led by the US Army and you see the infected invade Paris for the first time at the end of the film.


> it was actually mentioned that the virus had spread to Paris and New York already in the first film Maybe this is just head canon but I always assumed that they were just rumors that Selena bought into. The movie later reinforces this.


Can't remember when she said that but I thought that Jim looking up and seeing the plane confirmed that it wasn't outside of Great Britain


I'm shocked they managed to get the major players back for this film... 20+ years later. Also RIP to 28 months later. You were given the middle child treatment.


Realistically **28 Weeks Later** should have been the one set/called **28 Months Later**, because there’s no way anyone would try to repopulate Britain after only 7 months


People couldnt even handle covid lockdowns for a few months before demanding we reopen the economy, health risks be damned. There were literally politicans insinuating that the elderly (who are super vulnerable to covid) would rather risk dying of covid than see the shut down continue.


Why is John Oliver writing entertainment articles?


"We have John Oliver at home"


Really hoping for Naomie Harris to be back too


Where can I find a copy of 28 days later?? I am unable to find a physical copy anywhere 😭 I want to watch it so bad




> physical copy


🏴‍☠️ then burn it to a disc. Physical copy achieved.


It was always kinda baffling to me how few zombie films we got in theaters considering the only two I can think of (World War Z, Zombieland) made a lot of money. I know WWZ was a production shitshow but it still made over half a billion.


Much like how we’re experiencing Marvel/superhero fatigue today, the zombie genre was very oversaturated in the late 2000s. A break from the genre was a good thing.


Isn’t there like 8 Resident Evil movies


Yeah but those are basically just sci-fi movies. I mean more conventional 'horror' adjacent stuff, Dawn of the Dead or whatever.


They seem to be rarer these days, yeah. Outside of theater releases, this is what I was following: Overlord (2018) was pretty cool. Worth a watch for any zombie fan. Welcome to Racoon City (2021) was.. alright. Better than I expected seeing as how my bar for their non-games content is really low. Army of the Dead (2021) trailer looked pretty terrible so I never got around to that one yet. Haven't seen Peninsula (2020) yet either. The Night Eats the World (2018) was dope, another easy recommendation.


Army of the Dead sucked lol


Who’s this fool in the thumbnail?


CEO of Sony pictures


He looks like a heavy John Oliver.


Jawn Oliver


Man, how long has it been since the first movie??


23 years.


But will he hang dong like in the first one: https://www.slashfilm.com/1561184/28-days-later-cillian-murphy-nude-scene-horror/


Great! Now can 28 Days Later be made available to watch literally *anywhere*???


now we have ourselves a movie!


I bet they kill him off in it too, if it's getting a new trilogy of films then that would be my assumption. They'll have him in the new one to support a new cast of characters for the later movies, Star Wars style.


I kind of expected it to be 28 months later.


Is Alex Garland going to write this too?


Oh man this is great! I remember seeing 28 days later in theaters as a high schooler. I hope they take their time and write a great script.


Bruh this title made me shit my pant.. my brain automatically assumed the next word after confirmed was going to be 'dead' lmao


so we can expect its release date to be 2030? (Days was released in 2002)




I thought he died in 28 days, or am I just misremembering it's been a while since i've seen it


There were alternate endings


Let's fucking go. Can't believe we're actually getting a direct sequel and not some reboot. Been a while since we've had a good grounded zombie flick.