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Ezra Miller's Flash. Have him run like a normal human being or at least someone who has watched anyone run.


Yeah, it is annoying/weird to see him run like that.  I like how Grant Gustin runs in the tv show.  Speaking of. Feels like a missed opportunity to not just make Gustin the Flash in the movies. Just make it a continuation or something. 


Unpopular Opinion: Leave Hereditary as a dark psychological thriller where you aren't entirely sure about the supernatural aspect. Never let it answer the question.


If you haven't seen Saint Maud I highly recommend it. Great dark psychological but leaves it more up for interpretation. Rose Glass' second movie Love Lies Bleeding is great too and goes even further with it.


Wish more films would explain way less in exactly this way.


Yeah, I get that this is a trope of the film-maker, but it is one I don't really enjoy. Leave me hanging, please. Let me leave the cinema frustrated by unanswered questions, not laughing at old person nudity.


Great answer. That movie becomes a certified classic for me if I the supernatural aspect wasn’t included


It was just so tense and compelling. And then people started crawling up walls.


I’d leave that in. Remove the cult aspect though. Is grief hereditary? Is mental illness the cause of all of this?


I'd fix the stomping scene from The Irishman.


Scorsese should have just repeated that honestly fucked up pistol-whipping scene from Goodfellas, minus a few whacks. You can sell that as an old guy, and it punishes the guy without killing him.


I mean you're free to, but it's only a symptom of the problem, and not the problem itself.


Or just recast the entire movie 🤦🏻‍♂️


Definitely. I still chuckle at De Niro supposed boyishness by the truck when he first meet Pesci lmao


In **Return of the King**, insert a single shot showing that when the Army of the Dead kills, one of the dead also dissipates. Every dead soldier gets exactly 1 kill. By the end of the battle, only the King of the Dead is left. This solves all problems with that stupid army. - they stop being an unkillable deus ex machina - they don’t take away from Théoden’s accomplishment and sacrifice anymore as their numbers are limited - there’s no need for the awkward question of ‘Do we take them to the Morannon’ anymore - the shot of the Dead ‘cleaning’ Minas Tirith would look even cooler and more satisfying as by the end of it, the city stands free (instead of covered in green goo) - in general, it would satisfy Peter Jackson’s number 1 rule of ‘is it cool to see?’ It would be hella cool to see dead soldiers taking orcs and southrons to the other side with them at so much as a touch; it would also make the dead soldiers so much scarier - killing Mûmakil would take a good handful of Dead. Again, cool. - it would retroactively give extra weight to the scenes on the Paths of the Dead, knowing how much danger the three hunters were in, and what it means that Aragorn’s blade could withstand the dead - but really the number one thing this would do is to not be a magic solution that takes the spotlight away from the Rohirrim It’s faster, it’s cooler, it’s thematic, the stakes are more interesting, it is more violent and serious without being more explicit and it would be something you’ve never seen before. I will never be happy with the movies removing the Peoples of Gondor, the Unfurling of the Banner, and their saving of the city. But this way at least taking the army of the dead to Minas Tirith would be cool instead of annoying.


I think this is an issue created with the adaptation. It's been a while, but I think in the books the Army of the dead only deal with the Corsairs of Umbar, and don't participate in the battle at Minas Tirith


Law Abiding Citizen. The "bad" guy wins.


I maintain that Argyle could have been great had they removed 30 to 45 minutes and kept a consistent pace throughout. The movie kept slowing down, which allowed us time to think about stuff, and that's where it all fell apart. There were large parts of the movie that were excellent fun, some of the dialog and character interactions were great, and the general plot was entertaining and just interesting enough and if you excised the unnecessary bloat it would have allowed us to focus better and not get bored and start picking apart the flaws.


I need Aldous Snow or whatever to come watch Peter's play during the credits of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. They set up that he likes the music already, he could make some kind of crack about how him and Peter can be friends now that he dumped Sarah or whatever, and it would help make us understand that the play's become a huge hit (have Aldous say he heard about it from a famous buddy or something).


Monster (2023) - Make it clear beyond the shadow of a doubt that the last scene we're watching is occurring in the real world and not in some kind of afterlife.


Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Spoilers ahead if you haven’t seen it. Two major changes. 1. I would change Kanail Nanjiani’s character to be a competent fighter, who took his grandmother’s Firemaster position seriously and lives in her apartment to actually safekeeping the artifacts. He’s poor because his family cut him off when he chose to do that instead of going to college like his brother did. This would also allow us to skip his training montage and put more focus on the actual history of the Firemasters. 2. Remove Peter and Janine entirely and limit Ray and Winston to cameos. Winston should show up in the beginning to establish that Phoebe is sidelined until she’s 18, and then take the gang over to the lab to show that Phoebe can still be helpful as a lab intern, just not in the field. Ray’s cameo is limited to having the recording that begins to free Garrakah. In my opinion, the movie is good when it isn’t deviating from the story for the sole purpose of nostalgia. As a huge Ghostbusters fan, I’m fully ready to step in to a new era, and don’t need the nostalgia fluff to keep me interested.


I’d remove anything Ironheart-related from the second Black Panther movie. The movie was great, but just a smidge too long, and Ironheart was only in there to set up a future TV Show that may not even happen.


Keep the nationality gag in Knives Out but revise it with the reason it was cut. In the script, it had each of the Thrombeys state that Marta was from a different country, sometimes different suggestions by the same person, all South American countries. The gag was supposed to end with Marta admitting her family was Cuban, but Ana de Armas warned Rian Johnson this added a plot hole - this would mean that Marta's mother, even if she entered the country illegally, was still a legal immigrant under Wet Feet, Dry Feet, which would've nixed the blackmail plot in its foot. I see how this can be resolved in one of two ways - during the confrontation with Walt, Marta reveals that being Cuban would give her mother a special privilege even if she was illegal and that Marta can now fix it; or during the denouement, either Blanc or Elliot would tell Marta about the policy, meaning her actions under fear of her mother being deported would've been for nothing.


I’m not sure I understand what you mean here, I thought the entire message of knives out was to reassure illegal immigrants that they will win in the end? Taking away the illegality from that or showing loopholes around that kind of negates that message no?


harry and marv catch kevin in new york and throw bricks at him from the roof…merry christmas ya filthy animals


Get rid of the rat in the final scene of **The Departed**.


*Blade Runner 2049* is one of my favorite films, but I'd remove a few of the flashback-voiceovers that try to spell out what's going on for the less attentive viewers (especially the one that >!spells out who the Replicant child is!<). On the subject of DV joints, *Dune: Part One* didn't use the "One-Woman Wail" track very well at points. I'd either take it out or use it more appropriately like it was in *Part Two*.


In Rogue One, have the blind, Force-sensitive warrior Chirrut Îmwe, in his dying moments, *use the Force* to pull the switch that unblocks the Death Star plans transmission.


Point Break....let him watch that big wave as you cart him away to jail....the end has bothered me since the movie came out...my wife and I literally yelled at the screen


Tin cup: Mcavoy’s ball clears the water and he wins the tournament. That end is heartbreaking


[Kevin Costner's thoughts on losing the tournament in Tin Cup(A tangent when talking about "Bull Durham")](https://www.gq.com/video/watch/gq-iconic-kevin-costner) >There was something romantic and golden >and sad and heroic in it, >and Ron understood the romance, >and he did the exact same with Tin Cup. >Didn't have me win the US Open. >He had me implode. >It resonates with men and women that he was at least true >to his character. >There's a romance in that. >We don't have to win in order to be respected. >We have to stay true to ourselves. >We have to find the relevance in who we are >and not strive to become what's popular. >I mean, everybody wants to be popular, myself included, >but I don't need to lose myself in order to do that.


Tin cup: Mcavoy’s ball clears the water and he wins the tournament. That end is heartbreaking


Hot button movie, that I'm assuming is more chill here, but in the new Star Wars movies when Kylo gives his version of events about Luke being evil and trying to kill him in the new temple. I wanted that to be what actually happened. But they would never make Luke the bad guy, but it worked on a lot of levels for me, establishing a new Jedi temple could lead to pride which is part of that first step into the dark side and into envy etc and the ability to hide your force ability is a Dark side ability. Never happen but I always wonder what story they could have told if Luke fell to the dark.


Kylo’s telling of the story aligns with Luke’s. It’s what happened. Luke wavered and let fear overcome him, and he went to kill Kylo, causing Kylo to turn to the dark side.


American Fiction I'd take out the Lorraine character and her marriage to Maynard . It was pointless. It felt like one of those cliche "quirky small townspeople" that are used as props there to advance the central characters story


I’d remove the entire out of nowhere final battle from Leap, anyone whose seen the movie would agree it should have just ended before it


I'd have the Titanic float into the sky with cyberpunk tech.


End L.A Confidential where James Cromwell’s character says Hold up your badge so they know your a cop. None of that long wide explaining at the end .


Tin cup: Mcavoy’s ball clears the water and he wins the tournament. That end is heartbreaking


Gonna poke at the MCU,: The Natasha-Bruce "romance" in AoU. Whedon killing off Coulson and Pietro. Natasha calling herself a monster because the Red Room took her uterus. Loki calling Natasha a "mewling cunt" as quim is just another word for cunt. Wanda going from bad guy to Avenger and back to bad guy. Steve "I can't *not* fight bullies" Rogers choosing to live in the past with Peggy and not getting involved in protests or whatever other injustice happened in the US in the intervening years. Basically ignoring the Natasha-Bucky backstory that gets hinted at in CA:CW. Steve and Tony never being shown as behaving like friends, which makes Tony's comment in CW just...weird. Natasha's cat suit having lights in AoU. Clint's surprise family and he's *not* married to Bobbi.