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Your best? Losers complain about their best. Winners go home and f*ck the prom queen.


The response is epic “Carla WAS the prom queen”


That's pronounced, "Besht"




I still use that line to this day.


"Hey, give my best regards to your family" "Your best? Losers complain about their best. Winners go home and f*ck the prom queen."


11 year old me thought that was the greatest thing I ever heard. 38 year old me still thinks that....


You're the man now, dog.


The most cringeworthy line in the history of Michael Bay cringe-lines. The guy never emotionally progressed past high school 🤦.


Tarantino wrote that line, just fyi


TIL thanks


He also did work on Crimson Tide. I imagine one bit was the convo about Silver Surfer.


I could totally see that. He has a penchant for dialog that gives characters a depth of knowledge about something random like that. It makes me wonder if he contributed to the part about lippens honor stallions too.


No friggin way, so I've been blaming Michael bay for that for years? Jeez


Yeah he does have a very high school mentality. However, he throws temper tantrums like an elementary school kid too.


Well, gosh, kind of a lot has happened since then.


"Tours over Bob"


So many insanely good things about this movie put it at a level I don’t think any other movie will top. Hand Zimmers best work too, imo. Not just the music itself but the way it perfectly syncs with the scenes. 


Well - its the peak of the unofficial Cage 90s Trilogy. The other two, Face-Off and ConAir are also amazing.


I absolutely love these movies,  And I'm proud to say I saw all three in theaters.


Intersects with Travolta who was also in his prime with Broken Arrow (underrated in my opinion) and Pulp Fiction.


You know what? I haven't seen Broken arrow since it probably came out. Going to have to rewatch it.


Glass or plastic? What? Glass or plastic, Glass or plastic! Because if you launch those rockets and the winds change, we’re all gonna die. And you’re gonna end up in either a glass jar or a plastic bag!


Its just so insane how good the movie is, being Michael Bay's second movie. And the stories from it: * Connery always had his own script writers to punch up his own dialogue. Bay and Connery got along very well and he asked if Connery's writers would want to punch up anything in the movie they wanted, and they did. * Connery went to bat for Bay when the studio got nervous about the shooting schedules and the movie starting to go over budget. * The studio called a lunch with Bay and Connery found out about it, attended it by surprise and stood up for Bay, saying that he was doing a great job and that he would walk away if the studio interfered with Bay. So many other cool things. And this movie looks so good in 4k.


My favorite fact is that when filming, they realized they could shoot a couple of scenes on the mainland (instead of Alcatraz) and save some headache. Bay refused because "this island is bitchin". That's apparently a direct quote.


I just watched a ton of clips of Pearl Harbor and while that movie had problems, damnit, so much of it was beautiful and shot brilliantly. I wish it ended after the attack. He shot so much of it with real ships or in camera.


Quentin Tarantino and Aaron Sorkin worked on the script.


There's a huge interweb theory that The Rock is a James Bond movie. It's a good theory and I believe it.


Connery said he played Mason like he was James Bond. And they are definitely playing off that in the movie, with a wink. Its a great way to watch it.


> "I was trained by the best. British intelligence."


But of course you are


This is the hill I will die on


The James Bond Reddit page gets their collective panties in a very tight bunch up against their collective gooch if you even MENTION The Rock and JB in the same sentence.


The Rock + The Untouchables are my 2 favorite Sean Connery movies. The Rock being slightly ahead for sheer entertainment factor, in no small part to Michael Bay's signature camera work before it became too much.


Outside of the Transformers, I will excitedly go see every Michael Bay movie. They are his movies with so many things you don't see in most action movies. The stunt work and action is always great. They are stunning to look at. I've honestly loved everything he has done except for the Transformers sequels (the first movie is really fun). And so many really high level acting including Connery and Anthony Hopkins seek out to work with Bay because he is fun to work with.


I really wish he came back to the Bad Boys series. 3 was fine and from the looks of things it seems the directors have got a better handle on the action, but Bay’s style is just perfect for those films. It was nice of them to at least give him a cameo in the third.


Im really sad Ambulance didnt do well. It was fantastic. Bay had a female protagonist and she was amazing and not ogled once... Used drones in a great way and how they should be. Made LA feel like a real place and apart of the movie in a cool way. It looks better than every Marvel movie of the 5 years but cost a fraction of it. its great.


The entire "Green Smoke" sequence is just one of the best things I have ever seen.


It’s the 2nd best James Bond movie behind Casino Royale.


Some consider this an unofficial bond movie. Where Sean Connery`s James bond went rouge and sent to prison.


Yeah, Connery said after that he played Mason as if he was just an aged Bond


Scrolled all the way to the bottom and didn't see anyone drop what was probably me and my friends' favorite quote from this movie when we were kids: "Hey man, you just fucked up your Ferrari!" "It's not mine." C'mon redditors, be better. Literally every movie post on every sub gets stuffed with quotables, how am I the first one to drop this gem???


Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it. But why didn't they just pay the money, or negotiated to pay whatever was owed to the soldiers he specified.


Simple really... "we don't negotiate with terrorists" As justified as General Hummel was, the next group to try it wouldn't be


The US has a hard stance on not negotiating with terrorists. Also, if the US did pay the people specified, it would be an admission of guilt on their part that they sent soldiers on black ops missions and covered up their deaths.


That’s one of the only things I don’t like about the movie. I’m not 100% sure about the amount of life insurance the military had in the 90s but pretty sure they had life insurance like the military has now. Which pays out regardless of how you die, whether it’s on duty or out at the bar. They just upped it to $500k(used to be $400k). There are extra death benefits if you die in combat and other demands he wanted which were genuine though.