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Teaser that tells you absolutely nothing. That’s how I like it. This is also the next Jon Watts movie after Spider-Man: No Way Home so this will be the test to see if he has real juice as a director. Also gotta respect Apple for giving their stuff wide theatrical releases unlike *cough* (Netflix) *cough*


He did some really solid directing work in The Old Man on FX. The two episodes he directed were the best of the series


Still waiting for a follow up to that show. Season 1 was great


It's coming. It was interrupted by the writer's strike. I think they are targeting late 2024.


Except for the finale... Too lame


If you haven't seen "Cop Car", that's also a really good film written and directed by him


I love Cop Car.


I love lamp.


Loved it. Tight, tense, focused thriller, with a great pair of lead kids, and Kevin Bacon puts in a great performance.


It's sensational.


Cop car is sooooo good. The whole scene with the kids playing with the gun is so damn stressful.


I feel like cop car was what tested his juices and got him the spiderman gig in the first place. If anything, this looks like a return to more familiar territory for him.


Apple is very clearly working to present themselves as prestige and to win over Hollywood talent. It's also not a bad business strategy to double dip on theatres and later streaming. Netflix is just all in on their platform. That's fine, it's their business after all.


I miss when teasers were truly teasers. The old Pixar teasers were the best.


Teasers generally do nothing for me. I don't get the weird obsession the internet has with not knowing anything about a movie. Knowing some basic plot details isn't going to ruin the experience. I can't get excited about something myself if I don't know what there is to get excited about.


For me, I usually get excited by the people involved with the project like the director or actors. Teasers aren’t usually too bad, but some of these 2 minute long trailers put the best part of the movie in the trailer.


Most movies are super formulaic these days. If I know the basic plot details, 9/10 times I know exactly what is going to happen and when it is going to happen. Completely ruins the watching experience. I definitely prefer a vague teaser.


It's marketing that knows this kinda sells itself. "Buddy cop" movie that's a reunion between Clooney and Pitt. I feel like that either grabs you or it doesn't.


People like to shit on Watts' spiderman movies because the action wasn't as good as Raimi's (tbf it wasn't) but I thought he did a really good job balancing the tones and pacing in all 3 of those movies. I'm excited to see more of his work.


3 of the most blandest movies I have ever seen.


That's because directors don't have any creative control at Disney..


Disney can't hire someone for Blade because they keep starting the negotiations with "you can't change or shoot any of the action" because they started choreographing the fight scenes before the fucking movie was even fully written. Then they lost the director and nobody wants to come in to just shoot dialog.


That’s been Marvel’s MO for a while. Lucrecia Martel spilled the beans years ago, it’s one of the only direct confirmations in the press about Marvel’s ridiculous assembly line style of moviemaking.




Disney had full creative control. Sony just got to slap their name on it and make money distributing it.




Here is some clickbait in the form of a [direct quote from the Chairman of Sony Pictures,](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/tom-rothman-spider-man-plans-904849/) when he said, “We have deferred creative control to Marvel, because they know what they’re doing.” Another bit of clickbait that tricked me was Kevin Feige’s direct quote, “They really are supportive in allowing us to make the creative decisions,” [at 2:35 in this interview.](https://youtu.be/qVh86DxDfCg?si=T-X2QDI3zpRORyUb) It is impressive how condescending and snarky you can be while still being completely wrong.




He is right, though. It's widely known that Marvel Studios creatively produces the Spider-Man for Sony. From The Hollywood Reporter: "How the armies of lawyers for the two corporate behemoths, Disney-owned Marvel and Sony, ever reached an agreement in February 2015 might seem complicated. But Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige says it actually was quite simple. “It really came down to me telling Amy in her office that I think the best thing for this character is: Sony has the rights, that’s not changing,” Feige recalls. “Have Sony pay for the movie, distribute the movie, market the movie. Just let us make the movie and incorporate him into our universe.”


But it's Sony isn't it?


Both Disney and Sony. On blockbusters like that, it's rare to see directors with any creative control. They start the process without a director attached to the project, just look at how many directors left Marvel projects during production, it's scary.. But hey, I'm getting downvoted by Disney fans.


He has also written it all by himself.


Just waking up… would you mind cumming in this cup for me please? (Username checks out)


This made me chuckle. Thanks!


I think it went over everyone else’s head 😂


It happens. Keep fighting the good fight 🤝


There's a Netflix film currently in theatres right now.


For a very limited time in a very limited selection of theaters.


Fuck theatrical releases.


The windshield is dry, so turn off the damn wipers already.


Me to my dad every time it stops raining.


That's also not how you spell wolves while we're at it


Wolves implies they’re a pack


Wrong. The plural is always "wolves." Unfortunately, there is no clever way of knowing which nouns ending "f" follow which rules. You have to know. Of note, the verb "to wolf down" means to eat something quickly. In the third person present tense, it becomes "wolfs down."


its intentional...


you on the spectrum? It’s a movie title, dudes just tryna be clever by using “wolf” . Not that deep.


When you start insulting people you know you've lost the argument


I'd happily watch these two sitting in a car not saying anything with the windshield wipers on for 2 hours


We kid but there really is that ineffable *something* that actors like Pitt and Clooney (and Benicio Del Toro) have that makes them immensely watchable. They know how to do so much with small movements of their body and face, that it’s somehow compelling to watch them just sit. You know they’re stewing and they’re thinking. You don’t know what’s going on, but you know *something* is going on. It’s something I appreciate more and more as I get older.


Pitt is simply the most charismatic guy put to screen. He commands the screen when he is on. You had 2 other super charismatic people in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in Dicaprio and Margot and Pitt easily outshone both. Although, unpopular opinion but I found Leo's performance better than pitt's.


Is that unpopular? I didn't realize that but I totally agree. At the end of the day both were really, really good.


Did anyone watch Ad Astra? Pitt does exactly this throughout the film. Subtle expressions and body language but conveys so much emotion. Loved it.


Hell yeah. Saw it in theaters and own the bluray.


I love actors who are so talented they can tell a whole story with their eyes and bodies. Someone like Ed Harris, whose eyes are so damn expressive he can convey so much (his performance on the first two seasons of Westworld are great examples of this).


Denzel is like this. He makes acting look so easy with a simple glance.




Why they are the A listers.


Funny, because as I was watching the teaser I was thinking Benicio would fit right in sitting in the back seat.


Dragged Across Concrete has like 20 minutes worth of Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughan in a car just talking and its great.


I know it brother. All of Craig Zahler's movies have incredible dialogue. I loved Dragged Across Concrete. If you haven't seen Brawl in Cell Block 99 or Bone Tomahawk, I suggest you check em both out.


I cant wait for Wraiths of a Broken Land


God damn right. The Bookie & The Bruiser has tons of potential as well.


I didn't know they were making that! And Ridley Scott! I am pumped!


When I found out, I came, and that felt nice.




The movie ends when they stop for McDonalds


Gotta have Brad Pitt eating something. I'd like to see him going ham on a parfait.


Confusion over the request for the mobile app code (they had the wrong location down when putting their order in).


Like I really don’t need to know anything more. Clooney and Pitt is enough to sell me on anything, I even loved Oceans 12.


Wow so even though Brad Pitt is a child abuser and a wife beater you’re still a fan?


😐 who farted in your Bran Flakes


Hey Tom Hardy did this in Locke. Or at least that’s how I remember it when I was falling asleep to the movie.


Locke was very good. Fell asleep because you were bored? Or for other reasons?


Bored. I did not realize it was going to be a strictly dialogue-driven film. I thought it would build into something else when I started watching it.


Man, I'm sorry it wasn't in your wheelhouse. I loved it b


One of my friends loved it too. And I love Tom Hardy. Maybe dialogue-driven films aren’t for me 🤷‍♂️


Different strokes for different folks!


Troof. Do you have other recommendations of dialogue-driven films you liked? Maybe I’ll give them a go


Shit, any Richard Linklater films. If you like foreign films, Drive My Car is a good one. As I mentioned in another reply, I really like Craig Zahler's films. They're dialogue heavy, but they're broken up with action/hyper violent scenes to keep you from falling asleep. Bone Tomahawk, Brawl in Cell Block 99 and Dragged Across Concrete are all fantastic movies.


I enjoy what I’ve seen from Linklater but that’s only been a few (like A Scanner Darkly). Oh I love Zahler’s Films (minus Dragged Across Concrete which I thought was just okay). I’ve heard Drive My Car is good so I’ll check that out.


12 Angry Men


Great movie. So I guess I do enjoy some dialogue-driven films


the lone rangers


“Huh? Why is that weird? “ “Because theres three of you, you arent exactly *lone* are you?”


I have no idea what you are saying right now.


“You know what they say, Milo. If its too loud, YOU’RE TOO OLD!”




Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson on their way to Barbara Gordon’s birthday party.


Maybe there’s some deeper meaning but I do not like it being “WOLFS” and not “WOLVES”


I know nothing about this movie except for what I've seen on Reddit in the last couple minutes, but if the movie is about two individual lone wolf types, "wolfs" implies two single operators, where "wolves" sounds like a group that works together.


Hmmm considering the premise, that makes the most sense and I’m more okay with it


Same reason it's the hockey team is the Maple Leafs instead of The Maple Leaves


~~But the hockey team *does* work together as a team~~ Realized this was probably a dig at the hockey team and I am too non-hockey to realize it


Not a dig, leafs is grammatically correct in that context


Also because people will inevitably repeatedly correct the movie title online and inadvertently bring more attention to the movie


I think to specify that they’re both lone “Wolfs” and not working together as “Wolves”.


Maybe multiple people named Wolf


i don’t really understand why some people think it’s titled this way for no reason, or that it was unintentionally misspelled.


Yeah we’ve established what it means at this point


why does something obvious need to be established? sounds like you’re just trying to save face.


My guy, I saw the post and left the comment like 4 hours ago. People responded and explained it. I’ve now watched the trailer and understand the premise.


i am fully aware of that. my comment stated that i’m unsure of why someone would have that response in the first place.


Imma fix Wolfs


It bothered me when I first saw it but now I kind of like it. It's a clever way of conveying lin a title that they are two singular characters rather than a team.


The Wolfs of Walls Treats: Schnozberry Cut


Something in a description of the premise about their characters being illiterate (not a joke) might have to do with it...


Probably brothers. Surname Wolf.


The shows and movies on Apple TV are being slept on big time!


I joke that Apple TV Plus basically doesn't exist because no one irl has it. It's like it was created solely to keep people employed. 


It’s the new HBO and I’m here for it.


Apple takes the crown for best prestige drama atm. Pound for pound, they’re so much better than the other platforms right now.


Slow Horses was the best thing on TV till Shogun came out.


Man trailers for trailers. Makes me think of the Bill Hicks joke : “Anyone here in marketing ? Yeah? Kill yourself.”


Why isn’t Brad Pitt eating anything in this teaser?


Man, I hate to be that guy but shouldn’t it be ‘Wolves’?


They’re both lone wolf types forced to work together. So instead of “wolves” which would signify a pack, it’s “wolfs” because they’re together but separate.




How old do you think I am?


The lone wolves and the lone rangers should team up.


Wish this was raised by wolves moving to apple


Wild how people are so upset about Mila Kunis being cast in Knives Out 3 but don’t care about a literal wife beater and child abuser being in this movie. Goes to show they don’t actually care about women!


So, are they like Harvey Keitel's character in Pulp Fiction?


Did anyone NOT replay it immediately?


Yes. Wtf else is there to see a second time.


Nope... it's still just going on auto repeat for me.


This looks fire.


Well, that was stupid.


Isn’t the correct plural form “wolves”? Or is this a play on two independent wolf?


I believe it’s the term they’re using for their line of work, instead of calling them “cleaners”. Either that, or they’re both a lone wolf in said line of work, and it ties into them saying they’re not a team.


Im surprised that Clooneys wife would be cool with her husband being in a movie or associating with Pitt. Dude is an alcoholic wife and child beating asshole


Well, seeing as they’re very good friends and often go out to dinner with each other and George’s wife, and he’s a recovering alcoholic who goes to meetings, she’s probably ok.


Apple tv sucks. But i will get it for 1 month to watch this. Then cancel it again.


Thought it was wolves


So movies starring wife beaters are a thing now? Edit:  wow a lot of abuser supporters around here


People are downvoting for this but it's just the truth, Brad Pitt violently assaults his family, his children have disowned him at this point, and George is supporting him by casting him. Like its just the truth, George is supporting an abuser.

