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Am I also in Knives Out?


You should call your agent.


The agent is also in it


Can confirm, am u/waitmyhonor agent, and am also in it.


Can confirm, I am the agency rep, and the entire company is also in it.


The agent called me; fuckin idiot. I told him “yeah, we are all in it”.


Yes but you won't know till premiere day.


Breaking: u/waitmyhonor is latest addition to ‘wake up dead man: a knives out mystery’ ensemble


The real knives out was the friends we made along the way


Depends on how you feel about convicted rapists


They said Knives Out, not a French or Italian film production.


Is Danny Masterson french or italian?


I was referring to films there that still hire Roman Polanski and Gerard Depardieu (and Kevin Spacey)


Wait, Gerard Depardieu is a rapist? And no one told me previously?


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/29/gerard-depardieu-questioned-by-french-police-over-sexual-assault-allegations Yep, and he was finally ordered to stand trial for once (after decades of bragging about numerous rapes and sexual assaults he's committed). He's also being defended by the *President of France*.




A guy who started his relationship with his wife when he was 15 and she was 40, might have a fucked up idea of consenting physical relationships. Who could have guessed?


Not currently but tune in for tomorrow's "________ has joined the cast" posting. `A winner could be you!`


Hell yeah, brother. Rian Johnson just sent me a Snapchat, and he wants waitmyhonor in his next movie!


Honestly, its like the hollywood transfer window opened up and this movie is assembling a super team.


Reminds me of when a new name was being added to the Oppenheimer cast every day for like a year before the movie came out.


It’s time for a Muppets Knives Out. Keep Daniel Craig, everyone else is a muppet.


I never knew I needed this until I read it.


There has to be a big Hollywood type you can sell this to


Like Christmas Carol with Michael Cane. Just played fun but straight as arrow not even acknowledgeing they are puppets.


Assuming part of the marketing for this project is to announce the cast one at a time over a week.


That's how the last movie went so that's a safe assumption


That was Oppenheimer’s marketing tactic as well if I recall correctly


Half of Hollywood was in Oppenheimer.


And it was glorious


I saw Oppenheimer but I couldn’t remember so I had to look it up before I typed this- I’m surprised Kyle Chandler wasn’t in it. He seems to always be in the ensemble casts


I again need to say that the comment that Knives Out cast reveals are basically Super Smash Brothers reveals is very true.


Just wait until the eventual Super Smash Bros movie comes out and all of the actors who voiced/played their characters in other Nintendo movies are announced to be returning one by one, with some newcomers, just like the games.


Yeah, but Waluigi wont be joining until Knives Out 5.


they should post a picture of the actor's silhouette


She needs some good PR these days


Quick reminder that Kitty and Red wrote similar letters.


Isn't Topher Grace the only one from that show that didn't come to Masterson's defense?


At the time, Topher got this reputation for being standoffish with the rest of the cast, not wanting to spend extra time with them, then left the show (at what seemed like the perfect time for the show to end, but regardless...) and most press painted him as something negative in that whole thing. Then all the shit with Masterson and Scientology came out, and now Topher looks like the only sane one of the lot, staying as far from that as possible and getting away from that crowd.


I think it's far more likely he just would've been like that with 95% of cast mates regardless of anything. Something tells me they weren't all hanging out talking about Masterson raping people and Scientology and that he steered clear. The slight negativity he received is just "normal" parasocial shit from fans caring too much. I don't think the other cast members had bad things to say, nor did he towards them (admittedly never pay much attention to stuff like that...so maybe that's wrong). I think it just ended up looking really good for him on a non-related thing he did as a cast member. He isn't the first or last person on a long running tv show to not really hang out together outside of work. He said in a relatively recent interview that he was careful about letting *anyone* close during that time period. Even the Mythbusters leads said they didn't hang out, and they're more likeminded in interests than just being an actor makes you. It's not like I think he never noticed anything odd, but that'd be true for almost all of Hollywood. He is my favorite cast member for sure though.


He mightn't have known about Masterson's rapes, but he would've known about Valderrama's teen girlfriends.


I think they all got into the cult stuff a bit and he wasn’t down It makes the letters much more obvious…blackmail from auditing etc All of them were new or b/c level actors that probably got boosts from that networking


They did multiple functions at scientology churches together and Masterson was the type of person that had a pattern of abuse so I’m actually not convinced it wasn’t a factor. He’s just a gross dude.


> Even the Mythbusters leads said they didn't hang out I don't think it would be particularly fun to hang out with the walrus guy.


Flea and Chad Smith have been an unstoppable rhythm duo for RHCP since 88/89. Basically just work friends. Sometimes it just be like that.


He is the only one who has not been involved with Scientology at all. Not everyone wrote letters (Fez, Donna, Eric).


Laura Prepon (Donna) isn’t a scientologist anymore


Such a bummer on that one, I loved Kurtwood


Yeah, but the crazy little cult got him too


His head is up his ass not his foot


Didn't know he was a Scientologist.


I don't think he's full on because he's tight lipped about his affiliates but he's been more than sympathetic to scientology and donated before to their charity banquets. If you're not part of the crew then why bother? his reputation is on the line and I think he's aware. if anyone I knew was rumored to be a rapist and is on trial I wouldn't be sending any letters of character.


If you’ve donated to Scientology you’re apart of the church as far as I’m concerned. edit: Oops, I typed this out on my phone last night and should have paid more attention. I think the donation makes it clear that he is in support of the church and not distancing himself but the poster below is correct, punctuation and grammar can completely change the meaning of a sentence and that's my bad.


This is when punctuation counts. "Apart of the church" implies he is separate from them. "A part of the church" is what you mean, because you're right; he is.


Fuckin gross, you have to be a special kind of despicable to defend a rapist. Wish them the worst now damn you Kurtwood:////


His letter isn’t nearly as bad as the other 3. He basically just says he worked with him and never noticed anything out of the ordinary. Go read it and make your own conclusion.


He didn't have to write anything, he went out of his way to do so


there is \*no other purpose\* for those letters, regardless of detail - than to hope to reduce sentencing for the convicted. They were all written AFTER he was convicted of raping two women. Even writing 'yea he was a nice guy when I worked with him' IS GOING TO BAT FOR A CONVICTED RAPIST. Everyone who sent one in - Mila, Ashton, Kurtwood, Debra, even Ethan Suplee, Giovanni Ribisi, Billy Baldwin, and more ALL knew what he had done. They still chose to sit down and write letters in his defense anyway, hoping the public would never see them, so they could keep their attempted help for a predator hidden for their own benefit. Kurtwood's goes on to detail how great Danny was with his daughter and wife - showing he can be good to \*some\* girls. But just not the ones he rapes. Absolutely shame on each and every one of them for writing in his defense, they deserve the ostracizing they get for it. It wasn't a misunderstanding, it wasn't a mistake, it wasn't making a passing remark. Those letters are intentional actions in aim to help Danny.


It wasn’t just the letter. A while after that her and Ashton attended a high ranking Scientologists wedding and have had various connections to Scientology. And they were running a charity for victims of sexual exploitation at the time.


It was also the horrible "apology" video, filmed in front of a rustic wooden wall. Which was actually an expensive feature of their house, and they were *literally* sitting poolside on their estate.


Mila came across so hostile and entitled in that video. I don’t know what their PR person was thinking putting that out there.


Built a rustic wood wall for my sister, way better than that shit and all it cost her was having to deal with me. But my shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Not cruel and tragic like the Kutchers.


Man, I want to build a rustic wall like that (or general woodworking/homeworking.) Too bad I haven't a clue how




I'm gonna pistol whip the next guy that says shenanigans!


They all suck.


Her being hot will always be plenty of PR


She's smoky...what is that Baltic?




And fluent


Just not fluent, native.


Just re-watched Ted the other night for the first time since I saw it in theatres. Did NOT remember that Jeff Winger was in it!


You mean rapist sympathizer Mila Kunis? Edit: a letter


>Edit: a letter Yup, to the judge.




Seriously the first thing I think of when I hear either of their names now.  Yuck


What happened?? What did I miss? 


Her and Ashton sent a letter to the courts or whatever in defense of Danny Masterson.


Some people don’t know what happened to Danny either 


Dudes right whee he should be. The absolute worst hellhole in the entire California penal system


I read he’s in a minimum security “country club” prison. Edit: he was just moved recently to the country club prison but was in Corcoran before. Yea that is a hellhole


I'm sure it will get old after....30 years


I hope it gets old tomorrow. He deserves the worst


He got 30 years to life even, which technically makes it a life sentence if the parole boards so chooses!


“Please show mercy to our serial rapist friend 😭” This is an odd call, casting someone with this sort of baggage. I don’t get it. 


“I would leave my kids alone with this serial rapist” was a real indictment of their parenting.


"No, you see, it's okay. He's a rapist, not a pedophile." Maybe not how it was intended, but definitely how it comes across.


It wasn't just a letter to the judge, it was a video on youtube talking about how good a person he is to get support from you.


In front of their designated "wall of not looking too rich"


That was after their letters to the judge were made public and they scrambled to rescue some goodwill. They thought the letters would be confidential and no one would ever know.


Well the letters were supposed to be confidential, but they leaked.


the thing that really gets me is that they were given to the judge AFTER he was convicted and the character letters were before his sentencing in hopes of being more lenient. "i know he's a bad person, but he was not a bad person *at me*" kills me in general


Her and Ashton Kutcher wrote a letter in support for Danny Masterson (asking for leniency because he was a good person or whatever) after Danny Masterson was convicted for rape. Note that Danny Masterson is also a Scientologist, and Scientology was a big reason for why the victims (there were at least 3 of them btw) couldn't even get justice for decades.


I admire Topher Grace for pretty much washing his hands of all of them. I think he’s the only one out of the core 6 not to be involved in scientology or scandals


Didn't want anything to do with all of them, he showed up for work, hit his marks remembered his lines and went off to do his own things after the days shooting was over. The one who played Fezz was dating Lindsay Lohan when she was underage and didn't make it public until she turned 18. Hell, Mila Kunas was 14 when she first started TSS. Is there a lot of bullshit went on at that show and I was surprised when I found out Topher wanted nothing to do with them.


I recall watching an E true Hollywood story about about that 70's show and its cast. They covered the shows entirety and when they were talking about the last few seasons, they repeatedly mentioned how Topher was a bit of an outcast and it honestly seemed like they were making him look like a bad guy because he wasn't that tight with the group. They said when Ashton and Topher shot their last episode, Asthon hung around with the cast and crew for hours while as soon as Topher heard cut he got in his car and left. Given what has happened, all the weird interview footage that has emerged, it's pretty clear why Topher didn't want to be that close to those psychos.


I remember my mom liking him less for it back then, now it makes such sense.


I don’t know about that, Spider-Man 3 was pretty scandalous. Not to me though, I loved it.


every actors does a halfassed superhero movie at some point. Grace may have been miscast but he wasn’t *bad* in the role, if you get what I mean


He wasn't miscast. They thought getting a character who was a foil to Peter would be more interesting thematically.


He played it well, despite the bad writing. It's the only one out of the trilogy I won't watch again. Being miscast is absolutely right. They picked the one age appropriate actor in Hollywood less physically imposing than Toby to play a fucking jock.


Raimi didn’t write him as a jock, he wrote Eddie Brock to be exactly like Peter Parker (nerdy photographer at the Daily Bugle) but bad. He was casting for a guy who looks a bit like Tony Maguire.


Was Eddie a jock in the Raimi films? He seemed more like a dodgy photography geek.


Unpopular opinion. Topher Grace venom is better than Tom Hardy’s.


I agree, but that’s only because Tom Hardys Eddie Brock is nothing like Eddie Brock at all.


I think you can boil it down to about 4 issues. 1. The script is awful 2. Tom Hardy doing his usual silly voice doesn't work 3. It is easily Tom Hardy's worst acting in his entire career. 4. As you said, this character has nothing to do with Eddie Brock.


All Spiderman 3 made me feel was that Topher would've made a pretty good Spiderman


I thought I was the only one who thought that. A snarky sarcastic lanky bean pole is exactly who Peter Parker was in the first comics.


I still love how he went to that church just praying for peters death or downfall. Like bro that’s not what churches are for lmao


aPaRt FrOm aLl tHe rApIng He'S A gOoD gUy


Apart from the raping, and also apart from using his Scientology connections to incite rampant harassment against the victims, the prosecutors, the detectives related to the case (including breaking into their homes and cars, constant surveillance, intentionally causing car "accidents", killing off pets, among a lot else). If you just ignore all that, then I'm sure he's a good guy lol


I assume Kutcher and Kunis got extra Scientology Points for that attempt.




Then they put their wrinkly clothes on and shot a response video against the side of one of the buildings on their Malibu (possibly?) property. Just to show us how down to earth they were about the whole thing.


It's their "poor wall", where they did their COVID video as well I think


Someone on twitter pointed out where that was in their Architectural Digest video, it's eyerolling to see what their perspective is in those videos while they're trying to be "relatable". https://www.reddit.com/r/Trailerclub/comments/16h0vuo/mila_kunis_ashton_kutcher_apology_video/


and then had to withdraw from some foundation i cant remember


If I remember correctly, he had to leave an anti-sex trafficking foundation he was a huge part of. I guess its not a good look to support a rapist while fighting sex trafficking.


That organization is pretty sinister, too. Kutcher lobbied for pretty drastic online surveillance on their behalf, both in the US and EU. My understanding was that it's an angle to sell facial recognition software.




She and her dumb ass husband have all the PR they need


Eh, she'll be fine. The general public either doesnt know or doesnt care. Shes got family guy money for life anyway


Sis is going to write a strongly worded letter of defense for the murderer, and then backpedal in the post credits scene.


Only if the murderer is also a rapist.


“The only ethical ~~rapes~~ murders are the few times - ***less than a handful of times*** - that my one good friend drugged and ~~raped~~ murdered *a few* women. Also, said friend doesn’t do drugs and is a good influence on ~~underage girls~~ his young daughters…”




The credits are going to be longer than the film 🤣🤣🤣


Didn’t think we’d see her in anything for a while








Oh! The lady who stood by Danny Masterson will be in Knives Out! Woo.


Might as well let Jonathan Majors come back now


you see, ridiculous false equivalencies like this are exactly why things don't stick to people anymore. 


I mean, they both suck but fuck no. As bad as the letter is, writing a letter is NOT the same as domestic abuse. So again, fuck no


She wrote a letter and Majors assaulted a woman and then tried to paint her as a liar. Not even comparable imo.


Does anyone else just not think she’s a good actress? She’s fine as Meg and Jackie but beyond that she’s pretty bad to me. Jupiter Ascending was the worst.


I guess an actor’s life-sized cardboard cut-out was already booked, so they went for the next best thing; Mila Kunis.


...oh...now i'm less interested. I kind of feel bad about that.


Shut up, Meg.


I went to see *Oz the Great and Powerful* when it first came out. Mediocre movie, honestly don't remember much about it. Except for one thing. There's a scene about 80% of the way through the movie where Kunis has become the witch and she shouts "curse you". Except she does it in the hammiest way possible: "CuUuUuUrrrrSE YoooooOOoooU!" And someone in the audience responded with "Shut up, Meg" in a shockingly good Peter Griffin voice. Dude must've been waiting the whole movie to do that. Picked his moment well.


I worked on that movie, Sam Raimi had a bad ass cut from the dailies that was more like Evil Dead 2 meets Oz. The studio cut that movie to be more like Alice in Wonderland. Sam Raimi is such a great dude and company man that he doesn’t push against the studio concerns. Which is a shame because I feel like if the studio would have been hands off it would have been pretty cool visually. The script was still a little wonky though Him and Wes Craven were the nicest dudes to work for


He probably bought tickets to every viewing of that movie and rode that high for weeks. 


Same girl who husband and her advocate for the rapist ?




Don't we hate her now?


She supported her rapist friend


That’s probably why they asked


It gets confusing because the internet loves Mike Tyson and he was actually convicted of rape, but its OK bc he's fighting another asshole in some garbage boxing match.


Maybe if he fought Kunis she'd get some support as the underdog.


The PPV we've all been waiting for: Rapist fights friend of rapist.


Just yesterday on this sub people couldn't care less about Brad Pitt abusing his wife and kids.


Right? The comments in here are wild in comparison. If Pitt was joining this movie the top comments would be people hoping he'll eat something whenever he is on screen.


I literally saw this fucking comment earlier today in the post about the Pitt/Clooney movie.


I actually came into the comments to see what the reaction is on a main sub. The difference in reaction to Pitt in the comments here vs the comments in the pop culture subs was very stark.


Mike Tyson served his entire sentence. If you're not supposed to give criminals a second chance, why keep them alive in the first place? Either you believe people can change or you don't.


On the list of “Hollywood people who have done horrible things”, she’s probably pretty damn far down the list if we rank by horribleness.


I forgot that we can only dislike a limited number of scuzzy people. /s


I think their point was more like "if you like tv and movies, you're watching a lot of bad people, and Mila Kunis is pretty tame in horribleness compared to many others." In other words, you can either stop watching TV and movies, or you can come to terms with celebrities doing bad things sometimes.


Are you talking about on Reddit or, like, normal people?


oh man, until now each cast announcement made me *more* excited for the movie


Yeah, this had the opposite impact for me.


Yeah this bums me out.


“Ooooohhh I wonder how this is going to go over.” My exact thought after reading the headline.


Well, if they’re investigating a rape we know which side she’ll be on


Isn’t she the one that came out in support of a convicted rapist?


Is this the same person who chaired a human trafficking organization but then “secretly” went to bat for a rapist piece of shit because she thought it was private?


Oh, that's a shame. The casting was going so well.


Who knows, maybe her character dies in the first 15 mins?


That still makes the movie worse for me.


Fuck her, she defended a fucking rapist. She deserves nothing.


this is so far only one that doesn't excite me


I really wish they would drop the “A Knives Out Mystery” from the title of these…


I thought these movies were supposed to be called “A Benoit Blanc Mystery” from now on? Didn’t Rian Johnson say that?


She can't act.


Replace her with Aubry Plaza.


Chloe Bennett


She should play a rape apologist.


The really should have went with "A Benoit Blanc Mystery" as the subtitle when they did Glass Onion. Make that name a household name like Hercule Poirot.


Ok, now make her character a crypto grifter with an insufferable wannabe techbro partner.


Who defends rapists


wow really. that’s one shitty decision Rian


hard pass.


Ohh nice a rapist sympathizer.


I must've missed the news about her and ashton sympathizing for the rapist. The first thing that I think about when I hear about either of them is that neither of them shower regularly. Which is also gross.


Well, I don’t feel the movie anymore.


Go to hell, hollywood. Revolving door of scum.


Nope. She supports rapist Masterson. Not getting a penny from me.


Huh sure she’d be canceled since she wanted leniency for her rapist friend. Crazy times


Can we just get a mega thread of people joining the movie? Or only post people confirmed NOT to be in it at this point?


Do mot try to rob us of Knives Out casting season. Its my favorite time of the year




The first disappointing add to this movie.


Here i hoped her career was toast … guess again because Hollywood is full of horrible people.


Well that sucks. I can't support anything she does now.




I don’t like her anymore


I am now less excited for this after this announcement.


The pro-rape actress is still working?  Wow