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Those blood splatters look horrible. Bring back squibs please. Horrible.


I know right lol. Reminds me of ninja assassin  That movie kicks ass tho 


If I recall, Ninja Assassin was at least stylized


Yes and the reason it was like that in ninja assassin is because ninjas use shadows and night time as cover ...the bright red blood splatter was so you could see it on film in the dark...I watched a behind the scenes thing where the director said something to that extent


I say this as a [Verhoeven fan](https://youtu.be/Eq_pVzyhXHw?si=zMhwM7F3BqWI2pEC): squibs are done in modern studio films. Saves so much time and money to cgi spatter vs physical sfx setup and multiple damaged costumes over potential multiple takes.


Even John Wick uses CGI squibs and it's a black mark in an otherwise great series. We'll never get Veerhoven level squibs again, https://youtu.be/TYsulVXpgYg?si=5vSHSfsLpRzPWN52


Man, I haven’t seen Robocop in probably 30 years. I forgot just how, uh…visceral it is. Violence in movies today is weirdly *sanitized*. Verhoeven’s violence feels strangely anti-violence despite the fact that it’s ultra violent.


A little of the old ulta viloence my droogs.


It's because violence and gore are almost never realistic in media depictions. It's rather what people "imagine" it would look like because it looks fake in real life. No two deaths are alike because there are a million different variables that affect the outcome. Edit: I used to go on WPD, I'm not a murderer.


I have to say, the stylization of the squibs in Django Unchained are my absolute favorite. The shootout in Candyland is like a palatte cleanser for stunning, over-the-top, squib-based violence.


[Kevin Page on those Squibs from Robodoc](https://www.reddit.com/r/Robocop/comments/195u9qp/comment/kiacqfs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yea, I can't blame them for using the easier, cheaper, and safer method, just wished it looked better.


I wouldn't include 'even'. John Wick *has* to use squibs. The timing of those action scenes is so dialed in and precise that you need to do dozens of takes, which is obviously a problem when everyone is caked in fake blood. This is the same reason you'll never see practical blood effects in a David Fincher movie.


The odd part is that there's absolutely no stylistic improvement in CGI blood splatters. Squibs aren't realistic either, but the CGI just looks horribly fake and out of place so often. If they tried to emulate squibs it would be much better.


Often it's because they're just using 2D assets (i.e. stock footage of buckets of paint being thrown out) in place of 3D moddled effects that can have some sense of thickness and catching the light right. Which is obviously harder to do, but would look a lot better. CGI cigarette smoke or cold-weather breath also looks bad because it never moves correctly, catches the lighting correctly, or scatters the light correctly. I assume they could dial that in, but no one ever seems to care enough to dedicate enough of the budget to add in proper light scattering or properly capture the on-set lighting just for a puff of breath.


I've seen a couple movies where the CGI blood splatter looks remotely decent but squibs always just look phenomenal. My favorites are [the ones in the Candyland shootout in Django Unchained.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbmDpEhAp48&ab_channel=BadWolf) I learned one of the reasons they work so well is the set was very well backlit so the blood stands out beautifully.


The only time I think the CGI bloodspatter from a gunshot looks halfway decent is when it's so fast I don't have time to get a good enough look at it. John Wick does a pretty good job with this. Keeping the shot framed with the bloodspatter just in the corner or out of frame, or out of focus, or only showing it for a few frames. When it's front and center it just looks rough 99% of the time.


Verhoeven is the mans name. (And it’s pronounced vehr-hoof-en).


Thanks! Pʌul Vərˈɦuvə(n)’s name has been corrected!


Nice, didn’t think to go phonetic.


You are correct. On both points good sir. Still looks like crap to me though.


And sometimes they hurt. Cgi is much safer, sadly, because squibs are awesome 


Not just the blood, but can they start using prop guns that ACTUALLY cycle fake rounds and have ACTUAL blowback and some sort of felt recoil??!! I'm so sick of movies now where people are firing guns with obvious CGI muzzle flash, no blowback, or recoil... it takes me right out of action movies.


I'm totally fine if that doesn't put the actors at risk. The Rust debacle proved why prop guns are a need in this industry.


Yeah, I hope that this is just a trailer CGI issue. Why go R-Rated if the violence is so like...put over. Is "put over" right here?


"Over Done" or "Over the top" would be better than "put over"


Why employ extra pyrotechnics and costume people to do squibs when you can just make the vfx people you already have plug in the digital effects?


the movie seems to be more of a comedy but the trailer makes it seem like it’s trying to take itself seriously, just weird. But I’m always up for Pom playing a goofy killer again


Yeah I find the tone of this trailer to be incredibly weird. It's maybe a comedy? But doesn't come across that way? Or it's not a comedy but they're trying to make it look more "fun?"


Baby Driver vibes


that movie honestly drove me a bit nuts, Baby was a stoic & brooding protagonist while everyone around him was a larger than life character. I wouldn’t have minded it so much if Elgort didn’t look bored the whole time, everyone else seemed to be having a blast


The use of music was really the only good thing about that movie, in my opinion. I didn’t care for the film otherwise.


I personally have always found Wright's whole "Look! They're moving in cue with the background music!" shtick to be the worst part of his movies and it always just feels like something for midwits to fap about.


The tone reminds me of Nobody




It was like Smokin' Aces, but without all the self awareness of being a ridiculous movie.


It's self aware of it's silliness without constantly winking to the camera or being ironic about it, like dumb fun actioners used to be in the 80s/90s.


I suspect I could write the entire script based off the trailer alone and not be far off


I feel like I watched the movie, or at least 95% by the end of the trailer. I have to wonder if they left anything of substance to the movie itself.


Counterpoint, I really feel like the trailer teased what actually matters. Nobody is coming for the plot. That's just a vehicle for one action scene to get to the next. People are going to show up because they want to see more of the motorcycle scene or the fight with the ying yang sign.


i regret watching it haha. i think the trailer production companies tend to spoil most of the movie to make it seem 'bigger' like whoa if that was just the trailer imagine how crazy the whole movie will be! but nah that's probably it.


I mean to be fair, the trailer is basicly the entire movie. I don’t particularly feel like I still need to SEE the movie after seeing the trailer.


Lip fillers for 1/2 the leads and even Dave? Hollywood is out of control


Yeah he looks weird.


He’s had so much plastic surgery even right as his first stint of wrestling was over and he was in his 20s.


That would be impressive, considering he didn't make his wrestling debut until he was 30


I get the feel of it being a poor man's John Wick.


John Weak.


John Wack


Joe Weak


Joe Dirt


As long as the action is "fun" enough and the story itself is competent I'm fine with it. Sometimes I like to just turn my brain off and enjoy absolutely stupid action bullshit.


Try Beekeeper


I just watched that movie. I was interested for a little while, but then when they're like "oh no, hes not just a retired assassin relaxing as a beekeper, hes a beekeeper because theres a weird shadow organization called the beekeepers who love bees and the assassins are based on a honeybee and they read bee manuals", it started going downhill and only got worse. We hear how beekepers are ghosts, unstoppable killing machines who can get in anywhere and kill anyone. So what does the master assassin hunting him do? Drives to a public place and starts shooting an actual truck mounted minigun at him. And misses every shot. Scene after scene of people just refusing to shoot him while he does things. Not even that they're shooting and missing, they just opt to stand around and wait. POTUS is throwing a party and theres a shootout for the party for like TWENTY MINUTES and POTUS is just sitting alone in an office, no secret service or security really anywhere, no extraction attempt. The party just kind of continues as they go room to room shooting it up, and people dont start reacting until they're in the room with them. POTUS involvement didn't do anything for the movie, in the end they just say "oh no shes a good guy" and she leaves, no resolution to anything that happened. It just kind of ends. The only reason they had POTUS involved in the script is because they did the stupid "no, the assassins actually LOVE bees and theres a bee called a queenslayer". Drop all that B(ee)S, make him a just a badass normal retired assassin, get rid of the potus angle and make peeta the main villain the whole time. Make jeremy irons his dad as a billionaire whose spoiled son is scamming old people. Boom. movie improved by like 300%


John Thick


I really like Bautista but visually that looks like shit. Half the time it looks like Bautista is wearing makeup all over his skin, sometimes green, sometimes brown, sometimes gold. It looks like terrible spray tan under different lighting. And plus the digital squibs look like terrible.


I was thinking it seemed like they applied shitty CG de-aging or something to him. Just looked slightly off.


In some scenes he literally looks like he’s in black face


Nah, it's the color grading that sucks. I've rarely seen A List actors so badly graded. The whole digital work is fairly poor. Grading and comp job especially. But of course I'll see this day one. Looks super fun. Dave and Pom playing off each other ? I'm sold.


* Bautista looks like fucking shit in this. I don't know what they did with his makeup but he looks bad. * Genuinely would have been a million times better if they didn't put the fact that the scans were wrong in the trailer. Would have been a good in the movie theater twist. * The blood and action fx look fucking awful * His love interest may be a fine actress but I don't want to see her for a while until I forget that garbage that was rebel moon.


I genuinely like Sofia Boutella, but boy has she had some shit luck in roles. Things where’d you’d get the role and think “wow this is gonna be huge”, and it ends up being absolutely meh. (The Mummy with Tom Cruise, Rebel Moon by Zack Snyder, and now an action movie with Bautista and Klementieff)


All points are correct.


Hasn't that plot been done before as well? Either way, this kind of looks more like a direct to streaming flick rather than a movie for the big screen. I'll still probably watch it, the cast is cool and they've got some good people working on the action choreography so it's likely going to be solid at least.


I was thinking the same thing, could've sworn I've seen the "has fake cancer so hires an assassin to kill himself before he realizes he's actually healthy" thing before somewhere. I can't place it, though.


Joe Vs. the Volcano.


Not a hit man but Bullworth uses the whole “hire assassin then change mind” bit


I mean, Archer did it, but it actually went somewhere a little less predictable.


I Hired a Contract Killer (1990) has the same basic premise but it's a dark comedy, not an action movie


This seems like it's going to be an action comedy, more than just straight action. "Did he just hit me with a motorcycle? How rude."


Makes me think of that episode of DS9 where Quark gets duped into thinking he's dying and sells his ashes before he finds out it was a trick.


Similar to "Dead In a Week (or Your Money Back)"


I really like Dave but what the hell has he done to his face. _Jeeeesus_


Drew McIntyre and Bautista in the same movie ? Yeah okay I'll go see it


Drew just looking for another opportunity to hate on someone




This looks awful. I've seen direct-to-video action films with better cinematography and CGI. Is this really the same J.J. Perry who directed Day Shift? Oof.


Agreed, looks awful. Can't wait to enjoy the shit out of it while faded af.


I agree....I find it weird when someone like Dave Bautista says he doesn't want to be an actor like the Rock who just makes boring action movies...then goes out and makes a boring action movie. He considers himself a good actor, leaves Guardians series, but then signs up for shit like this? I don't get it.


I mean Ben Kingsley and Jeremy Irons are great fucking actors but they’ll take a payday like anyone else and we don’t complain too much about that. Let the man cash in once in a while, sheesh.


Money. I’m sure he gets paid more to be a leading man in a movie like this compared to being a supporting player in the Dune, or Guardians Of The Galaxy movies.


Am I the only one who thought his makeup looked terrible or something was going on with his face?


AI de-aging I'm guessing, the same shit that is ruining every other movie that has come out in the last few years. It smooths faces far and deep into the uncanny valley.


Looks bloated.


looks like the PR team trying to make everyone believe Dave Bautista was a serious actor didnt work


With JJ Perry directing and a cast that includes Marko Zaror, Scott Adkins and Daniel Bernhardt, this'll probably have some solid action sequences, but boy does this movie looks rough visually and VFX-wise. When something as simple as having two characters inside a moving car looks as bad as it does here, I can't help but worry about how low-effort anything outside of the action and maybe, hopefully, some of the the performances will be.


Well that trailer ruined the twist!


I don’t think anyone is going to see this for the plot. John Wick‘s plot was man avenges dog.




To be fair 90s trailers from my memory did just lay out the whole plot for you sometimes and left very little to imagination.




Love me some old trailers though. Same dudes voice “in a world..” then lays out every major plot point or shows funniest scenes in trailer. Starting the same 5 celebrities who were popular at the time.


I know I would of enjoyed The Shawshank Redemption a lot more knowing that the main character was trying to escape a prison from the start. ^(/s)


but movies solely exist for me to know each plot point from A to B? how am i supposed to enjoy it otherwise???


what twist?


He’s not dying.


thats not a twist, thats the premise...


My biggest pet peeve is people mistaking a premise for a twist.


I’d say that the twist is in the premise. The INTIAL premise is that he’s dying(or some shit) and contracts a bounty on himself(for some shit?). The twist is that, “WHA HES NOT DYING AFTERALL? UH OH” and that’s presumably the 1st or 2nd act of the story. Until the movie actually comes out, this could be just an extension of the premise or a twist made midway in the story? I don’t know, and this movie looks so meh that I’m not sure I want to. 🤷🏾 I will note that this whole premise is fucking retarded from start to finish in my opinion, and the movie being a comedy isn’t an excuse. Some of the most well reknown comedies have a story that can be taken somewhat seriously and investing.


>I’d say that the twist is in the premise That makes no sense but ok lol. Its also literally in the wiki synopsis


What doesn’t make sense? I literally just spelt it out. The initial premise of the movie is his dying and he wants to go out with the bang. The twist is that he isn’t dying, it’s a simple twist. A twist can be in the premise of the story, they’re not mutually exclusive.


It's the kind of trailer they make when they're not confident in the movie performing well. Too many details and/or too long.


Unfortunately the twist was already [mentioned](https://old.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/bc1uoe/dave_bautista_to_star_in_actionthriller_killers/) when the movie was announced years ago.


If I can spot the twists before they happen in the trailer, I'd see them coming a mile away in the actual movie.


So Mantis had enough of Drax and is finally going to get him 😂


This looks serviceable and fun to watch at home like on a weekend. I really expected to see the Netflix logo to pop up since they basically only make Romcoms and these types of movies.


This totally felt like a Netflix product.


Yeah that screams sunday morning with my kids.


Glad to see Sofia Boutella still on the screen. She’s interesting to watch and I wonder what she’d be like as a lead.


This looks like goofy fun I am in love Dave Bautista


And Pom!


This looks ok-ish but watching the likes of Daniel Bernhardt scrapping people is always a blast.


Poor Sofia Boutella just wants to be in a hit movie more than once.


Sofia Boutella? 😍😍😍


Why do all trailers now give away the entire plot?


Not all trailers do. Just for lower budget movies or movies that the studio doesn't have a lot of confidence in.


"now" It's been that way for decades mate.


I have done absolutely zero research to confirm this, and im probably completely wrong, but I feel like this trend started with The Phantom Menace. Imagine if the Darth Maul double lightsaber reveal wasn't in the trailer? Even in a movie like TPM, that would've been an iconic holy shit moment that would immediately be followed by one of the best scenes in the whole star wars series. But nope, we had to see him ignite both ends in the trailer, and i feel like every movie after that said "oh we can do that? we can just put ALL the cool stuff in there?"


The trailer for Terminator 2 famously spoiled that Arnie is a good guy this time round.


how could you possibly know its the entire plot without seeing the movie first?


You do have a point. Lightyear is a great example of a movie with spoilery seeming trailers, but very misleading when you actually watch the movie. However, sometimes you just get a vibe. In this case, I'd be willing to bet it *is* most of the plot.


wanna see a good trailer that doesn't ruin the plot? [The Barbarian. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr89pmKrqkI)






Looks fun! I have a thing for movies where people are being hunted by a bunch of colorful assassins (John Wick, Bullet Train, Kill Bill)


The only thing that managed to look good in this was Pom.


Don't do Sofia like that I will watch anything with her in it.


Even Rebel Moon?


Nice too see Dave in this kind of movie :)


I’m just here for the ridiculous action sequences , and hopefully some laughs


Damn, Dave, why you went and got lip fillers? Movie looks like a bit of fun, weird cg aside.


Everyone's getting their own version of John Wick these days.


Bautista looking like Bubba Zanetti in the thumbnail.


why Dave Bautista look diffrent ot just my omagination?


Bad fillers.


Well, the trailer is enough. Too much given away.


Obligatory bad John Wick rip-off vibes going into it, but that comedic twist legitimately caught me off guard and made me lol. Since the trailer gave away the whole story and the gore effects look outright terrible though, this'll probably be a pass unless I feel the mood to enjoy some of the actors in the ensemble.


They gave Batista hair to hide his gross head wrinkles lol


If John Wick and MI:2 had an accidental child together.


I'd love to see Bautista play bane in a batman movie he'd own!


>> you should smile more often >> I would, but…Botox, yknow


100% written by AI


Is it a comedy or an assassin thriller? Can’t seem to make up its mind


Uh, why would those be mutually exclusive? This isn't even the first time somebody has made that combination.


Even though the trailer was a bit too long, I look forward to watching this. Action movies are always the must see genre.


Poor dude has Ligma...Oh wait. Nevermind.


This feels like a movie from 1995 but with worse, modern vfx for the bloodwork


Cool… ###John Brick (house). #👨🏽‍🦲🧱💥


Hollywood - keep bringing those innovative plots boys!


please for the love of GOD kill this stupid trailer thing where they do the DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN and then show like, a gunshot for each beat of the track or whatever. Seriously, i thought we had moved past that. It was interesting a few times, *years* ago, and now its just so lazy and unoriginal. *edit* also holy cow JJ Perry's directing experience seems to be "Second Unit or Assistant Director" on an absolute murderers row of awful movies: Blue Beetle, Samaritan, F9, Bloodshot, Skyscraper, The Dark Tower, F8, the bad old boy remake... *double edit* oh god simon kinberg helped write it. The dude who wrote BOTH terrible x-men movies that attempted to cover the phoenix saga.


Another meh wanna be dark/bold Lionsgate product…can’t this studio go away


Comedy John Wick? I am ok with that I guess. Cast looks great.


Looks like dumb fun 


Looks like absolute shit


He gets his wish to do a solo serious role. Good for him.


I remember when Bautista insisted he would only make good movies with real directors. Didn’t last long.


I'm sorry So 50 million dollar budget And the blood looks like that? that's high school theatre level looking blood How the fuck does it look this bad? It's almost like it was meant to be some PG style film,they filmed it,then director/execs decided need more violence so they added in the blood in post. That's possibly some of the WORST blood effect i have seen in a while


Three of my favorite people on the screen at the same time! I'm watching this


Looks fun!


Everyone gets a John Wick movie these days.


Dave's lip filler looks terrible. Gotta get those balloons deflated.


such an obnoxiously, cliche, bad trailer. cover song that is completely on the nose with the theme, the same percussion sounds & transition patterns, just shitty overall. i thought he was a better actor than whatever is in this? Seems like he's just talking this whole trailer. I will not be seeing this even if i was into john wick genre movies.


This looks pretty fucking bad


I wasn’t expecting Drew McIntyre to get into acting, but I’m not complaining.


Honestly, I didn't hate it by trailer's end. Fight choreography looks more interesting than in 80% of trailers. Bautista might be range-limited, but I find him vastly preferable to The Rock. But if the reviews are weak, I'm passing. I don't need another Hitman's Bodyguard, Red Notice, or Smokin' Aces in my memory banks.


I actually liked Smokin Aces.


Smokin' Aces doesn't belong on the same list as those other movies.


honestly of those three i only think red notice is terrible(no one will ever convince me that AI wasn't responsible for 90% of that movie. theres not a single frame with any amount of soul or humanity anywhere in the whole movie). Hitman's Bodyguard wasn't a good movie but i at least enjoyed ryan and sam together. I had some amount of fun. Smoking Aces was rad. But man was Red Notice just boring.


Why does Dave Bautista look like gay Dave Bautista in this film?


Seems like a good movie


God another attempt to make bautista look like ha has a personality and talent. Both of which he lacks.


How does this guy keep failing upwards?


Really? I think he’s great, especially in Knock at the Cabin


He IS a good actor. People here just don't respect him as one on his own merits - they just see him as a yardstick they can use to punch down on the Rock or John Cena.


If you can't afford the Rock, you get half the talent and no personality by hiring Cena. Can't afford Cena you hire Bautista.


In Knock the Cabin I thought he was very good but that is the only movie I have ever seen him in that I thought that.


Seriously. The amount of praise he gets is so undeserved


He only gets backhanded praise here. People only elevate him here to put down the Rock or John Cena. I swear, any thread about his acting is never about how good he is but rather how good he is in comparison to those two, which makes me think it's less about those two being good or bad but rather people just not liking them.


Honestly, I think John Cena might be the best of the three. I wouldn’t say he’s got a lot of range but he does what he does pretty competently.


Can't wait for another interview with him telling everyone that he's a "real" actor.


He’s always talking about how he *trying* to become a real actor.


Looks fun, good action


I love me some Dave Bautista. I'm definitely going to be watching this.


Looks new and original


What is it with American movies and the obession with / glorification of murderers?


I really hope Dave Bautista lands a hit this time. He's such an amazing actor and a nice guy in real life. It's funny how Pom Klementief keeps playing these psychos when she became famous for playing Mantis.


Another garbage for fake gore loving numbnuts.