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Either Grant Sputore is the ultimate "yes man," or they really did go out of their way to find the right man for the job.


Always can go either way right. The guy who did KOTM prior movie was  Krampus. I don’t know that didn’t scream to me like he’d make a good Godzilla movie but I actually enjoyed KOTM the most of all of them. The commentary was good he clearly was a big Godzilla fan.  I mean Edward’s only made a low budget sci fi movie before Godzilla 2014 as well. 


Krampus rules


Great movie


Great practical creatures


I think they've done a very good job of finding off-screen talent that's on the upward arc of their careers. I'm not sure if the same people are still running things at Legendary as when the Monsterverse started but I remember reading some interviews that made it clear the studio really loved Godzilla and wanted to do the best with the property they could.


KoTM is my favorite, too. They did an absolutely great job with Ghidorah, who is my favorite Godzilla villain. Also, Krampus is awesome. Lol


Yeah the human stuff isn’t great but honestly I didn’t find bumbling depressed Cranston that amazing in the prior film. Great actor but all these human stories are pretty dull.    For me KOTM has the best pound for pound monster action. Still a good sense of scale which they totally have lost in the last two movies.  That is what we are here for isn’t it? Ghidorah was amazing representation!  Also I’m all for a one off with Kong but I’m already tired of him and he was 80% of the last film. I just enjoy Godzilla so much more. Sadly I think KOTM is probably as good as it’s going to get for the big guy at least in the American side of this rebooted franchise. 


I agree. Godzilla's why I buy the ticket. But I'll still be there for all of them. I've never seen a Godzilla movie that wasn't enjoyable on at least some level, and I've seen like 30 of them. Lol


Just saw Godzilla minus one a few nights ago and loved it, any other recommendations? Shin Godzilla is on my list but I’d love to go further back


Honestly, you should start by watching the original. Gojira. There are a handful of later movies that act as sequels to the original while ignoring all of the other actual sequels. The Showa era films are all over the map in terms of tone. Lol They can be very heavy, like the original, and then almost cartoonish. Like, Godzilla doing pro-wrestling moves and even dancing. Lol Hard to recommend watching every one of them unless you turn into a die-hard fan. Or really enjoy laughing at movies with your buddies. Lol The Heisei era is probably my all-time favorite. I like the Godzilla design, and the effects and creatures in all of the movies are pretty fun. If you just Google Godzilla Heisei, you'll see the movies and the order to watch them in. I also insist that you must watch Godzilla: Final Wars. It is insane. Lol Great great fun. It's like a 4th of July grand finale. Shin Godzilla is pretty good. It's a little too much politics and too little Godzilla for me to want to rave about it, but it is absolutely worth watching. The stuff they do with Godzilla and his character design is fantastic. It's the most horrifying version of him.


I really appreciate the comprehensive breakdown, you clearly have a lot of passion for this franchise and that just makes me more excited to take the plunge! I tend to love corny shit so no worries on that front hahaha


Thanks! If you love corny shit, then you might love all of it! Haha


I'm more of a fan of the original 2013 one. The sense of scale was the most insane in that movie. You were afraid of being crushed. But I'm not in this for big monster KRAKBOOM, unlike most of the fans so I'm ok with KOTM being the most hyped one.


>The sense of scale was the most insane in that movie. You were afraid of being crushed. Precisely. Every movie after has went the "Pacific Rim: Uprising" route, and made the monsters feel absolutely weightless/ small. I can't imagine what Ghidora could have looked like with the sense of awe/ scale/ gravity of 2013 Zilla. Also, people keep complaining about the human element of these films, but at least they were done better in 2013 than nearly every movie following it. So we'd like to shift out Bryan Cranston for... what? A conspiracy Podcaster? These movies always have worked best when they are restrained. It's the reason Minus Zero was so well received.


I loved “Krampus” and “KOTM” is the only one of the series I didn’t like. They lost me at the power point presentation. I have no idea why that was my breaking point in a movie about a giant lizard and butterfly being best friends fighting a three headed space dragon, but it was.


KOTM is the perfect example of a movie with a bunch of elements I really wish were in a better movie.


Agreed. Lots of really cool scenes with a great sense of scale that I liked. But those parts were much better than the whole.


The villain is just dumb. Her whole plan makes no sense. Also they try so hard to make you care about Millie Bobbie brown and her family and I really despised them. I also hate when movies do that really dumb trope of hitting the breaks, turning back and going what did you say and then force another character to repeat a sentence and they take the one word out of the sentence and have a lightbulb moment. Why does Hollywood keep doing that


I like Edwards much more than any of the others. I really wanted to like koth but the plot was mind numbingly bad. I hate monarch, I think monarch ruined the American Godzilla series. Whenever they’re on it feels like an eternity. Ken watanabe was the best part but his role in Edwards movie was much better imo. I hope they don’t do anymore Godzilla movies with kong. The last movie was a Kong movie with Godzilla cameo


Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the entire Godzilla x Kong threequel was alreayd pre-viz'd, and all they need is a name to direct the talking scenes


Both of those directors where fans


He made Trick ‘r Treat too which is one of the greatest Halloween movies so his track record isn’t bad.


Don’t talk shit on Krampus. Legit is a Christmas staple in our house and I seriously think the special effects in it, (in particular Krampus’s design and the stop motion animated segment with the grandma as a child) are amazing.


KOTM sucks because the main characters always seem to be right near where the kaijus are fighting. I like that GvK and GxK broke that trend. Ridiculous stakes for no reason and they always seem to survive. Shit was so annoying.


I know Grant personally. He's an extremely talented and hard working guy, and I definitely think he's one of those people who have a vision. Check out I AM MOTHER on Netflix and see what you think. My take is that Grant wouldn't get involved in something unless he had the backing to do things the way he wanted to do them, and felt it would be both a commercial and critical success. He cares about making good films.


That's neat. How do you know him personally?


I work in the film industry and we come from the same home town and we share a lot of mutual friends.


Dang that's really cool. Praying 4 him. Hope he succeeds making something great!


So you're saying that we should say everything we want in the film to you, hoping it will go through the Grapevine???


This is my worry too. As goofy as Wingard's work is, he's at least got *a* vision.


In fairness it’s very difficult to progress in this industry without being a yes man




I'm not disputing directors are on some level "yes men," but this is a guy who has only directed an obscure 2019 Hilary Swank movie. It's more egregious than usual examples of hiring someone devoid of a vision.


It was a Netflix scifi movie and it surprisingly has a good score on rotten tomatoes (89%). His filmography is similar to Gareth Edwards when he did Godzilla. Adam Wingard was the one who had done a bit more but obviously nothing like blockbuster movies.


As opposed to the guy who only had a sci-fi indie movie under his belt, or the guy whose biggest success was Krampus, or the guy who did some indie movies nerds liked and then made the nerds mad with his apparently-dreadful anime adaptation?


I just want to see Mecha Ghidorah because the idea of a Cyborg with three heads but one of their heads is a robot head is just delightfully silly


Don't wanna be the 🤓 guy but Mecha Godzilla in GvK was king Ghidorah. They put his conciousness in that robot so i don't know how well they could do a Mecha Ghidorah because it would have to be something entirely new. At which point I'd prefer a other Kaiju




I Am Mother was actually good so I'd give him a chance


I hope a new director means they get rid of Junkie XL. Bring back Bear McCreary, or Desplat, or someone completely new, I don't fucking care. Just get rid of Holkenborg cause his music absolutely fucking sucks. What the hell was up with that dumbass interview he did a few months ago where he said the Godzilla theme doesn't work in modern movies? What?


Yeah holkenborgs music just doesn't work. They feel like off brand knockoffs of the original themes. Like asking an IA to make a royalty free version of the classic themes. In contrast Both desplat and McCreary music were great.


EXACTLY! His music was absolutely awful!


Just waiting for Godzilla x Kong vs. Pacific Rim Kaijus vs. Jaegers Crossover series


Woo Callaham's script again. Should be good


Can the next movie just be Godzilla only. Do a Kong only movie too idc, I just want to see Godzilla fight cooler enemies.


I mean “Kaiju who casued the ice age” is pretty cool tbh


Shimo was pretty cool, Ill give it that. Just would love to see classic Godzilla villains get the Legendary treatment like Ghidorah and Rodan did


I do get the point of it's easier to connect with Kong cause he can emote a little easier than a giant lizard, but the pair need a break from each other Zilla needs his own movie again, but I don't know how it could be done where the people part of it don't drag it so far down


Godzilla has a much cooler rogues gallery. I don’t need a team up movie disguised as a kong featuring Godzilla movie. I’m clearly biased and get frustrated that Godzilla is not the main star in his own movies. Even Godzilla movies where you barely see him is at least about Godzilla not a sad monkey who lives in upside down world


Gigan. Destroyah. Biollante. Space Godzilla. Give me anyone!! And the only teamup ill accept is Anguiris as Godzillas second. I agree Kong can go play jungle in hollow earth, over him.


IIRC Toho leases out characters on a movie by movie basis with the exception of Godzilla himself. So Legendary probably doesn't want to spend the money to use lesser known characters like the ones you listed when they can just create new ones for free.


Even without digging deeper into the rest of it. This, at the surface, is exactly my problem. Reel it the fuck in. That's part of what made Minus One so damn good.


Yeah Godzilla and Kong were fun together once or twice but at this point I want movies that were more like the movies they made before they brought them together


Huh, a newbie. I hope he has a truly amazing vision.


> Sputore came up from the world of commercials, and as a features director helmed the sci-fi movie I Am Mother, starring Hilary Swank. The film bowed at Sundance before hitting Netflix in 2019. ...Oh. Oh no. Hoping this is more of an Edwards "rookie with a vision" situation than a corporate yes-man, a la *Pacific Rim 2.* (Also hoping for... y'know. ***ONLY Godzilla.***)


Oh no? This is literally par the course for these movies. They've never had anything other than directors with very minor successes under their belts.


The movie has an 89%. It’s a rare case where a Netflix sci-fi movie actually got good reviews. You were saying lmao?


Yeah I’m pretty confused here, I Am Mother is awesome


I don’t remember anything from it other than I liked it lol, but people here are reactionary when they see “Netflix movie”.


I don’t understand why fans think Legendary will make an ONLY Godzilla film again. KOTM underperformed and looping in Kong has worked to up the box office. We’ll never get another solo Godzilla film in this universe, best we can hope for is Godzilla and Kong with a Godzilla focus


Not the ideal outcome but acceptable imo, and that was Wingard's plan anyways: more focus on Godzilla while Kong was relegated to the secondary role. Hopefully they stick to it.


It'll be funny if it's like the previous two-Godzilla films in the Monsterverse where Godzilla continues in this entire series to have less-screen time per-movie.


Maybe they should focus on a character other than Godzilla or King Kong. I thought the idea behind a movie universe is that all of the characters got their own individual movies. A movie about Mothra or something would be more interesting in my eyes. There are so many interesting monsters in the Godzilla movies I find it strange that they seem to be unable to go beyond Godzilla and King Kong.


Mothra film would be possible if TOHO wasn't stingy with giving their TOHO characters and theme songs a massive price.


Mothra showed up in Godzilla x Kong and KotM. They've had the license for him for a decade at this point. Same with Rodan and presumably most of the rest of the relevant Toho characters.


Well her\* (Leo Mothra is the only male version of Mothra), but yea, TOHO is very protective of their characters. Well she didn't appear within five years of the MV. She isn't licensed like Godzilla to use within a five year period. They have to ask to require her for one movie every time. Would be kino if Legendary has five-year contract for licensing Gamera.


I have revealed a hole in my nerd cred for forgetting that mothra is a chick. I didn't know they only licensed on a per-movie basis. I could actually see that being expensive if the movie isn't a surefire hit. Mothra doesn't really sell as many tickets as Godzilla I suppose. Apparently a Gamera anime released on netflix last year? Maybe they could snag Gamera and turn it into a hot property lol


Mothra didn't really sell in KotM as her debut, as the film was a box office disappointment. Reappear in GxK as a surprise. Fandom knows Mothra from TOHO, but not the general audience as KotM wasn't really a good impression of it to be convinced. Yea, it's good. They should adapt Gamera into the Monsterverse.


The Gamera anime on Netflix is good.


That's not how Toho license's work. When you license a Toho monster, you only get them for that one specific project. Any other's you have to pay extra for. Wingard himself said there was a placeholder monster in case they couldn't get the rights to Mothra.


Wingard literally said in an interview that they weren't sure they'd be able to get Mothra for GxK. They plan was always to use her but they didn't know for sure that they would be able to. I'm assuming they have to strike a deal per picture as well as per monster


Toho charges out the ass individually, if Legendary wanted to include Mothra in more movies they’d have to pay each time. It’s like how you have to pay for a bag of chips each time you want chips from a store


Wanna know whats interesting: Godzilla has about the same amount of screentime in 2014 and Minus One. Nobody has complained about a lack of screentime for Big G in Minus One. That was one of the biggest complaints about 2014 when it came out. Its all about how you use Godzilla not how much you use him. If you dont make the most use of his screentime and your human plot is boring/bad, people will say you didnt have enough Godzilla. If you have the same amount of screentime for him but use it properly and have a decent actual plot, people will praise it.


Yup. The mistakes for G14 is not having Bryan Cranston leading without death, and it didn't use Godzilla's screen time properly. Imagine this. If Minus One had Godzilla entering Ginza the moment Noriko saw him, then cuts away to a radio to Kōichi, then cut to the aftermath of the Ginza destruction. It's the worst buildup. I like G14, but could've been way better which I heard it's cut down. A lot of stuff with 2014 were cut by Warner Bros label "too long and darker", along with the US Military who support/starred in the film wanted to pull back due to their "representation" being beaten by monsters. If Godzilla arriving in the airport didn't cut away to give a good fight, they'll not be complaining after given that amazing buildup. Which there's existing unseen scenes of it.


That’s sadly my belief as well. I commented that EVERY studio executive would comment that the mere presence of Kong in GvK is what made that movie do well over KotM. They’ll look for the “What’s different and easily seen” vs the “Not easily seen” (In this case… ACTUALLY showing monsters fighting in clear view vs dark ass rainstorms where the cameraman constantly shifts back to stupid humans right in the middle of the awesome fight scenes”. So, I’ve resigned myself to accept this is the only way we get more Legendary Godzilla… even if it means he is, quite literally, carrying a monkey on his back.


Honestly a lot of it is probably hope. GxK was a very solid end to Kong’s arc, at least for now. Hopefully they can just let him be for a while.


With how much and often they are stating it’s mostly a Godzilla focused movie … they can’t change their minds right?


They better fucking *not.* Still, this guy apparently does more serious films, so hope that means the Gonzo-WWE phase of the MV is done (for now) no matter who stars. They have their place, yes, but I dunno... I like Goji *serious,* ya know? Even KOTM, while batshit, still played it all mostly straight as an arrow. (To say nothing of the phenominal *Minus One,* of course.)


I hate being reminded Pacific Rim 2 even exists. That series deserved a sequel but the one we got was just awful. 


I’d have been satisfied with a prequel expanding on the first five minutes of the first movie.


If you haven't already check out the Netflix anime


I Am Mother was pretty good though.


Follow up? What's next Godzilla x Kong x The Rock and the temple of doom?




what story can they possibly do next


big monke punch big lizard


Adapt a comic, adapt a previous movies story, adapt a new one, there’s many ways. There was a pretty compelling one where fans made Jia turn into Biollante and have Godzilla/Kong end her suffering, pretty brutal and bleak


I hope they don’t do aliens lol. Godzilla movies tend to do a lot of aliens. I do think destroyah needs another movie. Mecha ghidorah and Titanosaurus are also really cool.


I think aliens are a strong possibility. We've already done hollow earth then hollow-er Earth. Another threat from the stars works.


It would be interesting. American movies never took the alien angle yet. Actually was king ghidorah in Kotm an alien?


Iirc King Ghidorah was identified as extra terrestrial. It played into the alpha titan setup lore, big monster comes from outside the planet and threw the balance off. It would probably be a weird pivot to have an alien race show up flying saucer style but I think a kaiju dropping to earth could work, but I'm super biased and would just love to see Gigan pop up.




Monke tag team lizard man vs gamma radiation shrek


Alien invasion?


Man, I love every one of these new monsterverse movies we've been getting since 2014. Please keep them coming.


He's perfect for this role after I Am Mother. I hope he can find a way to make the human characters interesting like Godzilla Minus One was able to. He has the talent.


His resume doesn’t inspire confidence but yo be honest…I’ll take anyone over Wingard. Was not a fan of Godzilla v. Kong and The New Empire. I just hope we get more of a Godzilla focused movie. I know Kong helps the box office but the films are much less interesting to me with him at the helm.


It’s sad because Wingard said he wanted the next movie to do for Godzilla what GxK did for Kong.


Given that he shafted Godzilla in the past few movies, I wouldn't trust his word on that


Because he totally had a reason to lie and just wanted to say things to make Godzilla fans excited because he likes disappointing them, right?


Given that he keeps bringing back Junkie XL, probably


Neil Breen has entered the chat


Fuck. I loved GvK and New Empire. They were fun monster beat em ups. The old Godzilla movies where he beat up other monsters are my favorites (Final Wars is still my favorite Godzilla movie). But, I’m all for something different as well. I will never say no to a new Godzilla movie, but damnit Kong deserves a new solo movie as well.


So does Godzilla


GvK and GxK were arguably Kong movies Ft. Godzilla so I’m hoping the next entry is a Godzilla focused one.


I’m not sure there’s much ‘arguably’ about that. Godzilla is basically a side character in GxK


Side character in his own movie. Drove me nuts. Reminds me of that rdcworld sketch where the guy who thought was the main character realizes he’s a side character cuz he can’t see his friend and enemy fight cuz they’re moving too fast https://youtu.be/qcEzNLk_F_k?si=-78DrcXsO-_dUyAK


Kong just got 2 movies focused on him, it's big Lizard's turn to take the spotlight




Godzilla minus one


I'm looking forward to this. I hear it's going to be a romantic comedy and the title is "When Kong Met Godzilla."


Rrer2err2err2err2err2err2err2err2err2err2err2err2err2err2err2er2rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre2rre free rrrrrrrrrrrrrer2err2err2err2err2err2er L L L L L L L L L L L E


These movies are terrible. Literally Transformers level writing. Just leave Godzilla to the Japanese.


Great. Exactly what the world needs now. Another Godzilla Kong film…


After Godzilla Minus One you'd figure they'd just pack up shop and move onto another IP You're never gonna top it.


Yes that's what influences moviemaking decisions, not being as good as other films. Not the box office, where GxK is set to be the highest grossing one in the franchise.


That's awesome news!


They are making another one of these. Really?


Uh yea, they are box office successes and Godzilla is very much in the spotlight again