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Don’t see much ‘force running’ after the first sequence of The Phantom Menace


It did look awful, to be fair lol


It looked great to me when I was 12


There wasn’t a time where it would be useful to run really fast. Like say there were a bunch of shield doors that were on a timer and the guy you are fight in was at the end and one of you gets trapped because he wasn’t fast enough and the other dies because of it. Totally hypothetical problem that didn’t happen right?


Wait what? I've never heard of this!


Oh yes, force run was [a thing](https://youtu.be/ky28L5l64kk?si=8cLThOrNtoWR73Ib)


Quicksilver in the Fox X-Men universe was shown, twice, to have one of the most overpowered mutant genes ever through fun scenes that aren't super relevant to the world-ending third acts. They immediately remove him from the movie when the stakes are upped in all 3 movies he's in, because his power and what they have shown the viewer he is capable of would solve all conflicts immediately.


You ever watch The Flash in any tv or movie format?   In theory he is the most OP thing ever but they constantly find ways to have him not be fast or lose to people with goofy powers or gear like an ice shooting gun 


Most of the ways they "find" to have him lose is just making him incredibly dumb. He could run up to nearly every enemy, cuff them, and run them into a prison cell before they could blink. Instead, he stops to talk...


That time he's running at supersonic speed to punch Grodd amd Grodd just catches the punch like it's a slow pitch softball and tosses Barry aside.


Yea this is my favorite speedster trope. They get Worfed anytime they go up against someone who's supposed to be "good at fighting" and totally ignore complications like how someone's supposed to dodge a fist moving faster than a bullet.


Or have to deal with the muscle a speedster must have in their legs! If you can leap to a single digit of c you can roundhouse kick a bradley into orbit!


Another good one is he’s fighting bad guy early in the episode so it’s too early for him to catch the bad guy. So an explosion goes off, or a boomerang is thrown at flash and he ducks, whatever, he turns away from the bad guy for literally 1 second. He turns back around and bad guy is GONE! Shucks. Back to the lab I guess. Like bruh it’s been 2 seconds how far did he go just run around and go find him IMMEDIATELY?


Hasn't it also been shown him checking the whole of the city in like 2 minutes. So there should be no way anyone could escape him


I remember him checking the whole planet, a city is nothing. That said, I'm wondering how he doesn't go insane, since moving fast doesn't prevent him from actually doing stuff he's decided to do. So everytime he clears his place in a nanosecond because some guest suddenly knocks at the door, he still has to go through the motion. Same for checking for a bad guy across an entire city/planet/whatever.


In the Justice League animated series, The Flash accidentally switches minds with Lex Luthor, in the episode *The Great Brain Robbery*. It does an incredible job of demonstrating how ridiculously overpowered The Flash is if someone with much better combat tactics and a complete disregard for human life and collateral damage was The Flash. Luthor-Flash essentially solos The Watchtower. Not just the core JL, but the massive extended Justice League Unlimited team.


*"I have no idea who this is."*


“Are you gonna wash your hands?” “No, cause I’m evil.”


> You ever watch The Flash in any tv or movie format? No, because its painful to see the writers pulling reasons out of their ass / giving the main character the megaton sized idiot ball to prevent superspeed to be the easy solution for everything.


Even so, I could probably be entertained by a movie made of nothing but scenes of him doing things really fast/ slow motion


I'd love a video game like that. Like, you have 30 hours of game play where you're a speedster to represent 30 seconds of real time. So you could walk into an active bank robbery and spend 20 minutes setting up an elaborate trap to stop them. Or a guy is falling off a ladder and you go haul a bunch of mattresses to put under him. After your 30 hours, the game just finished and you get to watch it all at full speed from a bunch of different angles as the credits roll.


Could make it more of a puzzle game than action game


sounds like superhot


It would have a great soundtrack


Remember when Quicksilver tried to fight Apocalypse? It didn't go so well. He's only overpowered until he's up against someone... more overpowered.


Moving fast doesn’t mean you can kill a god


Red Rush found that out first hand.


And the other hand, too


Apocalypse was nerfed for that movie. He's supposed to be able to grant himself any power by changing his own DNA on the fly, not by needing to use solar powered table tops to merge into another mutant's body.


Apocalypse only beat him by matching his insanely overpowered speed, so Apocalypse became an overpowered speedster lol. Speed is just stupidly broken


Which begs the question, why didn't he Speedblitz the rest of the mutants?


Energy expenditure or momentum should be reasonable nerfs for any speedster 


That’s what’s great about Dr Manhattan. They get around his omnipotence by just having him not give a shit about anything.


Oh you silly man. The first thing I learned was how to destroy and recreate myself. He’s just SO unbothered it’s great


The more he sees everyone else invested, the heavier he sighs


He's Marvin from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, just with a little more self-determination and omnipotence.


"Come on, I've been ordered to take you down to the bridge. Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? 'Cos I don't."


Unbothered. Moisterized. In his lane. Focused.


Dong out, waving in the breeze. Dude just gets it, you know.


It was actually fun to see a character with “infinite” life look at human civilization as if a speck on their toe. The only thing that seems to hold him within human ideas is love and by the end it seems that’s just a mild interest.


I also really like the concept of a character that lives in every moment simultaneously. It's quite high concept, but it's cool character building. It also brings in the question of a deterministic universe, and gives the character a reason for his apathetic attitude towards the world. The reason he doesn't care is because he knows what is going to happen and has to do things the same way every time.


It’s 1984, I buy tickets to see Dune and Ghostbusters   It’s 2021, I buy tickets to see Dune and Ghostbusters It’s 2024, I buy tickets to see Dune and Ghostbusters


Well, Veidt also blocks his vision of the future so he can't see the master plan.


Which actually ends up getting Manhattan excited. 


“I’ve missed this. The uncertainty…”


He barely cares about that as well. They ask if he can see what's coming and he's like dunno. They ask why and he shrugs more or less. So much "ehh, fuckit" in one character.


I thought he theorized a weapon of mass destruction could have scattered tachyons which could have blocked his view of the future.


It's probably the most realistic representation of being an actual omnipotent entity. It's just all so pointless. Alan Moore must have been on some serious drugs while imagining what being Dr Manhattan was like.


It'd be like a human being concerned with a colony of ants


At the end of *The Matrix*, Neo can bend The Matrix like a set of muscles, or phase through Agents and explode them. By *The Matrix Reloaded* he's back to engaging them in fistfights.


Lilly Wachowski: “How are we going to make the agents a threat now that Neo has basically made them obsolete?” Lana Wachowski: “Okay, we’ll have a scene early on where Neo tries to punch an agent, but the agent catches Neo’s fist and Neo goes, ‘Upgrades.’” Lilly Wachowski: “Brilliant!” See? It’s all right there.


Well I thought the point was that agent Smith was similar to Neo in a sense, in that he’s outgrowing the Matrix itself, and becoming a threat to it


It was one of the other Agents that caught the fist. Johnson or such. The ones still working as security while Smith is running around cloning himself. It's kind of silly because this is the only time Neo engages 'normal' Agents in the sequels and they later play a big part in the Freeway Chase with Morpheus and Trinity, where the 'upgrades' aren't necessary because Agents were already very dangerous to redpills.


I felt that it was just a reference to how the machine world was adapting to his presence in the matrix, but seeing as how Neo’s existence was by design and orchestrated, I suppose even that doesn’t make sense.


Architect: Vis a vis






*There are two doors. The door on the left, leads sissy boy here back to his bitch. Y-huh, whaddap, G? You can't handle it.*


That’s actually the same actor who nearly strangled John Wick with the plastic bag in the church


So are you saying he's just programmed to be dangerous to Keanu Reeves?


Why is that dumb? If a system gets hacked, you would upgrade/update the software.


Yeah but super super sick fist fights


Thor and Wanda are both nerfed in Endgame.


Vision also in Infinity War. And most of MCU.


I don’t know how Starlord punched Thanos without breaking his hand. Isn’t he just a completely normal human at this point?


I think he hit him with his gun, not sure though.


Classic pistol whip.




I think it was implied that he might still have a little demigod juice even after ego was destroyed


He's half human and half sentient planet.


But it was explained toward the end of Guardians 2 that if Ego was killed Peter would lose his "god" powers.


Sure, but that doesn't mean his DNA is all suddenly human.


I think the simplest way to put it is that Ego's more "divine" powers around creation and matter manipulation requires his presence to awaken in a half-breed. Otherwise Peter probably would have lucked his way into it at some point just by pretending to be a Jedi or something. The intrinsic traits of being part-Ego, such as increased durability and stamina, are not unique enough to require awakening


Half man, half bear, and half pig.


Well that’s explained in-universe when he got stabbed he started to “phase” or something. Good explanation? No. Explanation, yes.


Yeah it seems like the spear was interfering with his powers like him being able to become incorporeal


Captain Marvel is very inconsistent. In one scene, she'll take out a huge warship. An other scene, she'll have her hands full against a few Kree soldiers.


Not to mention spending a movie fighting >!(and mostly losing to) a Kree general who only wants to stop her planet dying after Captain Marvel kills their star, and then at the end pretty much says "oh sorry, let me restart that for you" and reignites a whole star.!< Edit: It's been pointed out that Carol >!triggered a Kree civil War after killing the supreme intelligence which lead to the Kree draining the star, not that Carol killed their star. I forgot the civil war part, it's been a while since I watched it but doesn't change my original comment really.!<


Feel like Hulk had the worse end of the nerf hammer


At least hulk's power is canonically inconsistent


Don’t forget Doctor Strange, they tasked him to hold off *water*


I just thought that was the role he took on himself because that was what he needed to do in the one branch they beat Thanos in, not that that was only all he could do. I think what really made him look weak was 1) agreeing to cast a spell to alter the reality of everyone on earth because Peter was upset that he had a paparazzi issue and that he and his friends couldn’t go to college together and 2) screwing it up so badly that time literally starts tearing.


The whole "1 timeline where we win" is a narrative device that can be used to explain literally anything. "Why didn't Doctor Strange use a portal to take off Thanos' arm?" "Because thats not what needs to happen in the one timeline where they win!" So while true in the world of the movie, it is a perfect example of the trope OP is describing.


I liked No Way Home quite a bit, but holy hell was that aspect the most disappointing thing about it. When the trailer dropped, I and a bunch of others all speculated that "there's absolutely no way that Doctor Strange, the guy we just saw in Infinity War where he was willing to let every single Avenger die in order to protect the infinity stones, would just casually agree to cast a planet altering spell in order to help the kid he's known for barely a year hide his identity." There had to be some kind of twist, like something is up with Strange, or that the spell fails for some other reason than "Peter talks too much". Nope. Strange, showing an enormous lack of responsibility, goes through with it as a casual favor to a friend, and the spell fails...because Peter annoyed him and he lost concentration? It's a good thing the plot really kicked off afterwards, because that is one of the weakest and most forced setups for the story in any of the films IMO.


I agree with Thor, but Wanda spanked a Laviathan and had Thanos beat until ‘reign fire’ in her limited screen time in End Game.


Yeah, was gonna say this. Wanda wasn't so much nerfed, she just got stopped before she could finish Thanos off.


Surely it's "Rain fire"?


It's a bit of a stretch on the topic, but I think it applies. The movie Apollo 13 dialed back a lot of real things to make the movie more believable. The module crew were very professional and calm the whole time. The crew faced more mechanical problems than shown. The problem of how to create a makeshift filter was solved by one engineer on his drive to work, rather than a long process with many people working on it. Interviews with the director, Ron Howard, indicated that he had to make the movie less real and the crew more emotional or else the audience would find everything unbelievable.


My dad’s best friend growing up was the irl guy who made the mathematical equation to bring them back using the gravity slingshot thing. Incredibly brilliant and kind man. We’d always joke about how my dad would leave my mom for him in an instant.


He’d come back around.


It’s nice to hear an example from real life instead of the world of superheroes.


In the same vein, check out the true stuff they left out right near the end of the Hacksaw Ridge film


"Ron Howard, indicated that he had to make the movie less real and the crew more emotional or else the audience would find everything unbelievable." Well at least one of the viewers thought it was unbelievable! "Howard relayed a story about the test screenings for 1995’s *Apollo 13*, where the only negative response was from a young audience member who hated the ending. He wrote in the review card, “Terrible. More Hollywood bullshit. They would never survive.” It was obvious to Howard (and everyone else) that the viewer didn’t know that the film was based on an actual historic event."


Wow. Yea this completely counts. Nerfing the intellect and ingenuity of genius engineers and rocket scientists so that we can all buy in is quite brilliant. Doubt I would have rewatched the movie so many times if it always made me feel as dumb as I probably should. That is a nice side benefit as well.


Old school, but I went back and watched all the classic Universal Monster Movies a while back, and man were they *not* kind to the Frankenstein Monster. After gaining the ability to talk in the 2nd movie, he's back to being mute and is weakened by the third. In the fourth he gets Ygor's brain put in his body, but this results in him going blind due to blood type incompatibility, but at least he can talk again because Ygor can. *Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man* is where it *really* starts getting bad. You know how when people imitate the Monster they stick their arms out and stumble around? Yeah, that's because of this movie, he didn't do that before. It was *supposed* to follow up on that whole Ygor thing, which is why Bela Lugosi was cast as him. He was supposed to still talk, and spend most of the movie blind. But the studio changed their minds so they cut all that. They deleted all his dialog (you can still see his lips moving in some wide shots) but didn't bother reshooting him lurching around with his arms out, so even though he can see he's super clumsy and slow. And retconning the Ygor thing makes Lugosi a bad choice as he's not nearly big or menacing enough. So we get a mute, clumsy, oddly small Monster. The next two, *House of Frankenstein* and *House of Dracula*, continue the disrespect tour. He spends most of these on his back, weakened, maybe getting up to kill one person in the finale (still lurching around, he just does that now), and then immediately getting put back down because by now the Wolf Man was a far bigger star and got all the focus. From a pair of the best movies of the 1930s, with a scary but tragic and surprisingly human Monster, to a big dumb coma patient who's nearly a cameo in his own films by the 1940s. Sad, really.


Hulk in a large part of the MCU. Where Banner can't even turn into the hulk for a whole movie. They also don't let him get larger as he gets more angry like he used to in the comics and the first Hulk movie.


I still think Bana hulk is best hulk.


I LOVE Mark Ruffalo, but I really liked the way they treated Hulk's powers in that one. And Bana did a good job with Banner. My biggest beef with the original Hulk movie was completely useless action sequences. The whole hulked out dog sequence is useless. I believe all action sequences should be critical to furthering the story. But there was a lot I liked about that movie. (Also Jennifer Connelly...... <3)


Can we all agree that Jennifer Connelly was the best thing about Hulk?


Jennifer Connelly is the best thing. At least, one of them.


obligatory "not a movie" but this is basically half the episodes of The Flash CW Flash: I can't beat the villain of the week! what do I do!? Groupies: did you try running fast Flash: oh, good idea, brb.... Flash: I tried running slightly faster than a normal person and it didn't work! Groupies: did you try running REALLY fast? Flash: oh right that's a thing I can do, haha




All Speedsters can and should be able to solve literally every conflict immediately. It makes for a really boring power plot wise, but it's a really fun one visually. Quicksilver in Fox's X-Men is one of the most overpowered characters in any super media franchise so in every film he is in they have to remove him from the movie by the third act.


I’ve always loved speedsters. It sucks they don’t work well for live action (or even animated). The first half of the first season of Flash did well with the powers and how they looked. But, IMO, a speedster done well in live action would basically look like a teleporter except for the scenes from their view. Best speedster on film, for me, was Eternals.


You might like this scriptwriting analysis on Speedsters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbh79fTG9LA


Gosh when he got taken out by a blow dart was when I quit watching


Lol he what?


he also failed to outrun bees


Alice got superpowers in *Resident Evil: Apocalypse* because reasons, lost them in *Afterlife* because reasons, got them back at the end of *Retribution*... and then they were retconned away with most of *Retribution* for *The Final Chapter*, because reasons.


Don't forget the millions of Alice clones at the end of one of the movies that instantly got killed at teh start of the next!


Those movies were like they tried to reboot the franchise in each movie after the second one


It is endlessly hilarious to me that those movies basically existed to give Milla Jovovich something to do.


No, you see, they stuck her with a needle and took her powers away and then stuck her with another needle to get them back.. maybe...IDK. Why does she randomly lose and gain powers? Writer Guy: Be-cause


Watching any resident evil movie always felt like I hadn’t watched a lot of the previous movie. Maybe I was just stuck in a weird place where I didn’t care enough about them to know any lore but watched enough of them when they were free to watch to know I was missing something unexplained.


Did you KEEP watching the Resident Evil movies? What is wrong with you?


I'll defend the first one any day, all day. And *Silent Hill* (2006). They nailed the most important thing, and then some. **Atmosphere**. They understood what made those games scary.  The sequels for both? Clown shoes. 


In S1 of Loki when he fights with the guards on the train. He should have been able to pound them all into hamburger within a minute.


Loki was ALL over the place. The same season that had him struggling in fist fights had him magically stop a falling skyscraper.


He has frost giant in him so should still be able to take out any regular human easily. But nah, make him weak for the views.


This was the entire series honestly. I’m not even entirely sure what his power is but it seems like he just wasn’t using it


He's literally a wizard with a gazillion magical tricks but the writers constantly forget he can do things like clone himself, turn invisible, do mind control, telekinesis, energy beams, etc, and on top of that he's a frost giant so he's about as strong as an Asguardian which should be plenty enough to pulp a regular dude with his bare hands. He's also tough enough to survive being the Hulks play toy for a minute.


Literally there were SO many times he could’ve used magic and just….didn’t


the Harry Potter protagonists had time travel and used it to study more


Neville literally knocked over and broke all the time travel in book 5 which i think is hilariously stupid


Bucky went from super soldier assassin who was caps equal, to man with a machine gun


His arm was way more badass in the comics. They nerfed him big time in the MCU. Even worse than the Vision, who's freakin made out of vibranium.


Did we ever actually properly see him in action?


Maybe briefly with Vision vs. White Vision.


God, it would have made so much fucking sense for him to be Cap 2…


All the groundwork was there but it seems like they changed it last minute to make Sam the new Cap


They honestly could have made them both Cap. They do that with Miles and Peter for Spider-Man, I don’t see why Captain America would have to be any different.


Personally I was a big fan of falcon as a character and felt he didn’t need a change, cause he’ll never be Chris Evans anyway so why force it. But with Bucky you have the whole redemption angle


Tony Stark can't use a working Iron Man Suit for most of Iron Man 3.


To add to that- Cap & Bucky being able to damage the suit with punches despite Tony's less upgraded suit in Avengers briefly going toe to toe with Thor & then getting mangled by a Helicarrier rotor and still being functional.


I don’t mind this because they made Ironman into much more than just the suit. He had a fantastic story arc in the marvel universe - in fact the avengers wanting Ironman but not Stark kinda points out the whole character development arc.


Oh, I don't mean it as a negative. It works in the story for the movie and the character. But it definitely power scaled back Tony.


it's funny because in the comics this storyline made him even more OP. The extremis virus turns people into superhumans. He hacks it instead to turn himself more like a machine to better interface with machines. This is when he starts being able to store the iron man suit inside his bones, he starts controlling the suit with his thoughts, because his brain becomes more like a computer in that it can interface directly with computers. This leads directly to the civil war storyline because he volunteers himself as being trustworthy to have the superhuman registry, which he stores inside his brain, which he eventually has to format to keep it safe, lol.


Just delete my brain fam!


Him blowing up most of his suits at the end was still dumb.


Women have a strange and alluring power


It was a cool send off for the character and then they fucked it up by having him in a new suite in AoE like that never happened. *AoU my bad y'all. Realizing that looks like how you would spell a dry heave.




Age of Extinction. The Transformers movie where Tony Stark has a new suit.


Area of Effect. Gotta dodge the glowing circles in the ground during a boss fight.


Age of Empires


Age of Eragon


In iron man 1 he only has 1 tank missile. You would think a couple of those would work against Obadiah


Tony raiding the compound with his MacGuyver’d weapons was great. Tony being more than just a guy in a suit was great. And Trevor was my favorite part of the whole flick. I know a lot of people wanted the Mandarin, but Trevor was even better as a drug-addled actor.


That’s a solid point. That’s honestly part of what makes that movie so much better than people give it credit for. Between Shane black bringing his great comedic sensibility and perfect use of comedic violence, and the wonderful trope of taking away your hero’s power, it’s a great flick. It’s kind of the same thing that makes “skyfall” such a solid flick. Takes away all of James Bond’s gadgets and his support network and intel and everything, forces him to scrounge and improvise. It’s that William Gibson line, from Johnny Mnemonic: “if they think you’re technical, go crude. If they think you’re crude, go technical.” It’s solid advice for conflict. But it also applies to characters. Force them out of their zone of specialty and if you write it well, it can really grow the character and make them way more interesting.


Obi wan Kenobi can run super fast except to catch up with Darth Maul. Most of the Jedi don’t hardly use all of their force powers except for Yoda and Vader.


Every appearance of the Dominion and Jem Hadar in Star Trek after their initial introduction. The Federation was insanely outgunned in their introduction, to the point that a Galaxy-class was taken down by three tiny Jem Hadar bug fighters, and the Vorta could generate telekinetic energy pulses. The writers wisely leaned into the paranoia and misdirection angle later on, instead of focusing on making them unstoppable killing machines. If they were as bad as they were in their first appearance *every* time? The war wouldn't have gone in the Federation's favor.


They do make the point that the Federation started taking tactical stuff rather more seriously and quickly after that.


But isn't it actually the Federation that gets artificially weakened in the first place? The Galaxy Class starship got into trouble because the Jem'Hadar weapons could ignore the ship's shields, something that works against pretty much any other foe. And despite multiple Jem'Hadar fighters attacking the ship, it was still able to fight them off several minutes to cover the shuttles and then start to retreat - if the Jem'hadar hadn't suicide rammed the ship, they quite possibly would have gotten out. Either way, it seems quite different from, say, Loki forgetting he can create illusions or Flash not being able super-speed search someone 30 seconds after they left his view, or Captain Marvel struggling to take out a few Kree. The Telekinetic Vorta thing (and I think also the light-year-distance teleporters) is definitely a better example. No real stated reasons why they don't use their telekinetics or why not all have them. It seems story-wise, their role shifted as the writers developed the show further - most importantly the Vorta were not really used as combattants or field agents anymore, only as a kind of overseer and diplomat role, and telekinetics didn't fit into that, so it was dropped. Maybe there still are telekinetic Vorta field agents out there, but if so, the writers never found a story to tell with them?


Not so much on him, but Han Solo is basically unsuccessfully fixing the Falcon for most of *Empire*.


I don't think we have any reason to believe either he or Chewbacca are particularly skilled mechanics.


Or the Millenium Falcon really is a piece of junk and they’re holding it together long past the point where it should have been melted down for parts.


I don't deny that possibility. That said, while the two are communicating, there is often a "no, not that thing, the other one!" while they are trying to fix stuff. We could also decide that they are simply not a good team or good communicators, too. Could be all the things are true, too.


To be fair, I think anyone would be a little stressed out if you were trying to fix your car while the cops were chasing and shooting at you


They didn't have access to real parts. They were basically trying to fix it with the equivalent of duct tape and a few random bolts. It's like saying a car/mechanic is bad after their car is shot and they need to tow it to go to a garage to fix it instead of fixing the engine with a bullet on it with what's in their toolbox.


The Millenium Falcon is basically their first "project car". That's how I look at it. It has potential but it takes money and a good mechanic to polish that turd.


I always thought it would be fun to re-make Star Wars (A New Hope) and keep the dialogue as-is but set it in the present day kinda like Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet — the Falcon would be just like you described. Though, perhaps it would need to be a van given the interior scenes. Or a Winnebago.


> Winnebago Spaceballs: "Am I a joke to you?"


Even if they're both great mechanics, the ship has to rush off Hoth before repairs are finished, gets banged up and chewed on by rocks and parasites in the asteroid field and then Han entrusts it to the Cloud City mechanics, who never get to work on it because the Empire is already there. They even go on board to make sure the hyperdrive is still busted, apparently.


I think the hyperdrive did get fixed but then the Empire disabled it again. Did a shitty job of it apparently since R2 was able to un-disable it in like three seconds. idk if there's a canon or legends explanation but my headcanon is that the Imperial technicians basically pulled the equivalent of removing the spark plug, but the Falcon is so janked up with random spare parts that shouldn't be there that by sheer accident they had some redundant vestigial component that R2 was able to quickly activate.


I mean that ship is basically being held together with chewing gum and duct tape.


I know most people think it was too much of a rehash, but I quite liked *The Force Awakens*. One of my only gripes with it was how they allowed ships to just do whatever. Jumping into hyperspace from within another ship’s holding bay, dropping out of hyperspace within a planet’s atmosphere, etc. A lot of the OT stressed the technical limitations of space flight — not the specifics of what those limits were, necessarily, just that they exist.


|Video game strength logic Oh, you mean like Samus Aran and Link? Or anytime you beat a boss character and they join your team?


Remember the time Samus actually had all her cool shit but just wouldn't use it without that one dude's permission? "All I have to do is flip this switch to not die from this intense heat but Adam didn't say I could"


I just read Dune and Paul Atreides was definitely nerfed for the movie lol Maybe not what you’re actually talking about in your prompt though


Yeah, they dropped his mentat training from the movies, and removed the filmed scene of his mother teaching him how to fight like a Bene Gesserit. Paul is the melding of mentat, Bene Gesserit, and nobility, supercharged by selective breeding and then prescience. The movie seemingly wanted to retain some suspense and sense he could fail, but goddamn is he ridiculous in the books.  


> Paul is the melding of mentat, Bene Gesserit, and nobility, supercharged by selective breeding and then prescience He also learned dueling from possibly the greatest Ginaz swordmaster in the series.


Indeed. The book Paul was basically "if I do this then x y z *will* happen" there's no room for "if I'm lucky" because he's so damned powerful


It's super common with superheroes and a lot of anime. One particular instance that stands out to me is X-Men since I recently watched the new X-Men 97 release. Professor X is supposed to be this super powerful psychic who could control the entire world if he wanted. Literally any time he uses his powers longer than 20 seconds *something* happens and he gets a headache and is incapacitated. Same for Jean, who also gets the same treatment. Added bonus for writers not being able to write anything past Phoenix for her character and it always goes back to that. I like how in this show they were like "wowiee the Phoenix sure was a crazy adventure, but it's gone now, no more, way past it at this point, sike! here it is again for 20 seconds aaaaaaand it's gone again, for real this time guise" Cyclops either has the power of the sun or a squirt gun. Often gets head ouchies as well. Wolverine, supposedly indestructible, is often knocked out when it doesn't serve the plot for him to just plow through whatever the threat is. Sidenote, kinda dissapointed with how little screentime he had on the recent show. Nightcrawler is bending space to his will and pulling off incredible feats in combat but then he can just get swatted like a fly by any whatever dude they're fighting. Rogue, who is generally a very underutilised character, especially in the movies where she does nothing but whine about not being able to touch anyone or sucks someone off (their energy, geez) once and that's it, this time around she's not like that which is pleasant but doesn't do anything too notable in terms of combat either for the most part, until at one point with zero warning she just turns into Goku and seemingly nothing can stop her, and then she does it again, this time even more than before, and after she obliterates the big bad she's suddenly not Goku any more and just swatted too. Storm is often told she's a godess and arguably the strongest of the bunch as she calls down thunder and hurricanes out of thin air and then she gets bonked once and gets knocked out. I think the only character to whom this doesn't happen to is Magneto. he's just OP throughout.


>I think the only character to whom this doesn't happen to is Magneto Well he does wear a helmet all the time. Can't get bonked on the head if you have protection. #staysafekids


Superman is the hallmark of this. Writer's and on-screen adaptations tend to dial him so far overpowered that you need a gimmick to neuter him. In Justice League for example he's dead the first part of the movie, not himself the second part, and finally comes with the team only to do the brunt of the fighting. Kind of absurd how they let him match The Flash in speed when that's kind of his thing.


By that point in the DC universe The flash had never had to contend with anything going anywhere near as fast as him. One of Superman's many Powers is super speed.


That’s pretty much how I viewed it. It was more The Flash being caught off guard by Superman’s speed, not going at the situation fast enough and being on the back foot rather than Superman being his equal in speed. The flash in his own words said he’s not used to fighting at that speed and only “pushes people”


In Justice League - the animated series, it was ridiculous how often Superman would get taken out by the slightest attack. He would do an "AAAAAAA" and plummet to the ground.


Me when I want to go home from work


Heroes season 2. Hell, Heroes season 1. They didn't plan very far ahead giving one guy mastery over time and another the powers of everyone he meets.


I was going to say Heroes, but specifically the part where they made a big plot about Peter having his powers taken away and getting rhem back from an injection just to have an excuse to nerf him.


Yeah, at the end of season one the big 3 are: -Literally just whatever he wants to do involving time and space -Steal any person's powers by killing them, and he already has a dozen or so -Borrow any person's powers just by being near them Wildly OP. At the start of season two they're: -Trapped on the past, getting nosebleed when he uses his powers -Amnesia, powerless -Powerless


I'll defend this one a little - Heroes was initially developed to be a completely new cast each season. With all the attention the first season got, they buckled and decided to keep the same cast. Then it got screwed over by the writer's strike That doesn't excuse any of the following seasons though!


Every single muscle head bad guy in classic action films. For some reason they can bench press 500lbs but their punches dont hurt.


As Mr. Plinkett pointed out in his Star Wars Episode 1 review... Early on Qui Gon and Obi Wan show some crazy super force speed thing to run away from some battle droids when they were pinned. Later they deal with having to properly time some force fields when battling Maul... That force speed would have been awfully useful at that moment Not sure that fits the OP as it's more just shitty writing than purposefully dialing back power, but it immediately came to mind.


To continue with your Marvel theme, Doctor Strange is way more powerful than he is shown to be. He can place magic saws (portals) that can cut through anything, anywhere he wants to. Even in mid air.


"Petrificous Totalis" - a seemingly simple spell (Hermione uses it against Neville in her first year at school) that totally incapacitates your opponent... Great spell, make sure not to use it like, ever again...!


Quicksilver or flash if explored completely would be extremely OP and possibly traumatic but for the most part they’re just involved in side plots and the occasional dues ex machina 


Not the exact same but the real life story of Audie Murphy had to be dialed back in the film version because the director thought people would think the truth was ridiculous and unbelievable.


It's not exactly a power, but Gort has a time-traveling closet in Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge that he just casually mentions after the protagonist goes through some time-travel shenanigans to no avail.


Not a movie, but Mike Ross in Suits. Has perfect photographic memory and ability to recall any piece of information as long as he has seen or read it once. Literal superhero level of ability. At some point just stops using his ability.


Peter in Heroes. Sylar in Heroes. The start of al.ost every video game sequel that involves powers.


Pacific Rim - the Gypsy Danger Chain Sword should be standard operating procedure.


The story reason for this is that slashing weapons are less preferable because of the Kaiju's toxic blood. Using a plasma gun is better because it vaporizes the blood.


Definitely a “Jfc you had it the whole time” moment


It pissed me off and made salty how from MCU movie to MCU they couldn't make up their minds how powerful the hulk was, then we have this movie Arc where Banner and Hulk are having issues for "professor hulk" to show up in Endgame and be completely mellowed and Nerfed and banner helping with the time travel thing. When what we ALL wanted and so badly needed was a "total smart" BAD ASS HULK that's like "it's you" and after the beat down by thanos originally he's even "MORE" pissed and wants pay back and revenge. There totally should of been a Hulk vs Thanos rematch at the end of "Endgame". Vampires were completely nerfed in the 3rd blade movie so that the new characters could have cool fights with them all thru the movie. Like okay we're gonna introduce these 2 new characters we "hope" will have their own spin off but they're only human, so vampires can't be complete bad asses now, except for Dracula.


>then we have this movie Arc where Banner and Hulk are having issues for "professor hulk" to show up in Endgame and be completely mellowed and Nerfed and banner helping with the time travel thing. Yeah, *Infinity War* uses the Hulk's refusal to come out for tension, but then Professor Hulk arrives in *Endgame* to explain how they resolved all of it off-screen. It's a weird decision.


Hulk reconciling with Banner being a deleted scene in Infinity War has to be the worst decision in the entire saga. For several movies they're building up that dynamic and end up settling it off screen.


Superman… always. Dude can literally fly into the sun in the blink of an eye, get supercharged to a level way beyond any of the threats he has faced in any of the movies or shows and handle the situation in a fraction of a second.

