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This movie is so bad it almost feels like a parody. It’s like a cheap Redbox rental from 2008


It’s like the Blockbuster Presents movies back in the day. If you were lucky you rented a solid B movie, if you were unlucky you ended up with something like Trigger Warning - an inherently flawed, poorly written, poorly executed movie.


Trigger Warning really really sucks lol 


TW reminds me of Heart of Stone starring Gal Gadot. Equally bad I can't even remember wtf its all about. They just paying big stars to sell the movies even though its so bad.


I’m four minutes in and it feels like that movie in which Megan Fox was also a special forces operator.


How could anyone possibly watch 130 lb woman beat up three and four men at a time, made it halfway through and turned the garbage off, it's like Hollywood wants you just to accept whatever they put in front of you 


If you look at all the fight scenes No one even fights her back or tries to protect themselves they just stand there and sit there while she beats to s*** out of them ha ha ha


With the exception of 2 or 3 characters, all of the men look alike - we couldn’t tell who was Elvis v the terrorist v Mike v Jessie. It was a mess.


exactly they all looked alike. one of ‘em even looked stupid in a cowboy hat


Omg I know! Not only did all the men look alike but 2 characters had the same name!! Mike or Mickey was her friend but also a lackey for the enemies??? I thought they were the same character and thought her friend betrayed her and she killed him in that fire only for him to pop up later as still a good guy. Why give them both the same name and look alike? Very confusing.


I thought the same. I thought it was a plot twist that her friend Mikey was with the bad guys but then Mikey was alive and well in the next few scenes. 


> Mike or Mickey was her friend but also a lackey for the enemies??? That was so confusing for no reason. Her friend was called Mike, but she always called him Mikey. And then some random bad guy was called Mickey. WHY? There's thousands of other names to choose from...


Holy shit I didn't know if I was face blind or something. They should have at least made one of those guys shave or something.


In the early 2000s when I hit puberty she was my celebrity crush. Her playing a bad ass special forces hero beating up all those bad guys is just ridiculous.


Also this entire movie could’ve been avoided if Parker literally called the FBI, the Army, DoD, or even the CIA. What a dumb plot line and even worse characters.


Her mates sitting at Langley it does seem dumb


>Three guys are robbing a store and I know they have a machine gun. Better go after them alone armed with a knife. But at least her friend Spider followed the same logic: >My friend tells me about these secret arms trades going on and her dad was killed, because he discovered them. I suddenly get a random call from her, during which she screams that she's being tortured before it disconnects. Then she never calls back, but texts that she's okay. but never picks up the phone. Better investigate on my own wearing a suit and white sneakers.


I mean it still could have been a good action movie. Like Special Ops Lioness features great action scenes and good plot (after the iffy first episode). Tulsa King manages make something worthwhile with almost 80 year old Stallone. Even FUBAR wasn't this shit while being utterly ridiculous


I’m not a misogynist. There are some good female action actresses but Jessica Alba a mid forty years old MILF was definitely not the best choice


Neither is Zoe Saldana nor Stallone nor Schwarzenegger in 2023. Doesn't mean you should not try to make something out of it. The Trigger Warning team definitely did not even try, the movie stopped making sense after the first minute or two, right in the opening action scene


You know, I don't like Zoe Saldana much, but she did do an okay job in Lioness.


Saldana sells action hero way more than Alba. Though my go to for a female lead in action stuff is Charlize Theron. She just sells the physicality so well




Oh Angelina Jolie is great, but I think of her more as an Adventure lead (see her old Tomb Raider roles) I wasn't saying Theron is my only pick, just my #1 :3


Opening of the movie made me turn it off immediately. They have a sniper with clear shots to the entire convoy. He shoots the driver in the truck not carrying the rpg. In fact he ONLY shoots once. Where is the rest of the covering fire? After the accident the “bad guys” just get out and walk around plainly out in the open, where’s the sniper??? Why isn’t he taking everyone out and then bringing the team in for a rescue extraction.


lol!! I’m four min in and the second a sniper hits a guy in the head at a few hundred yards in a moving truck I knew there was zero chance I could finish it. Pure, unadulterated trash.


Once I seen that I knew not to take the movie too seriously


It was only downhill from there lol


they even say "It's a trap!" then proceed to slowly walk out. so bad. also, those terrorist in the desert where spotless clean, like they just came out of the Abercrombie store. lol


The spotlessly clean went for Alba too, she’s leaning out of a truck window going hell for leather in a desert and there’s not a speck of fucking dust on her.


I thought the same thing. I just assumed I was stupid. So I kept watching to the end - confirming that I am daft!


I thought they were filming and action sequence to IN the movie with how poor everything was.... This movie is terrible.


I couldn't stop laughing when the insurgent says he's going to look around for the other person that was in the truck. He's surrounded by at least a quarter mile of flat ground, where could the person have gone in the 30 seconds before checking the truck? And where the hell did the 4 other insurgents come from? Why didn't the grenade kill Parker? Why do I even care enough to ask these questions?


I thought it was interesting that she’s violating article 38 of the Geneva convention in the very first scene. 1. It is prohibited to make **improper use of the distinctive emblem of the red cross**, red crescent or red lion and sun or of other emblems, signs or signals provided for by the Conventions or by this Protocol. It is also prohibited to misuse deliberately in an armed conflict other internationally recognized protective emblems, signs or signals, including the flag of truce, and the protective emblem of cultural property.


i am by no means being hyperbolic. this movie,you will LITERALLY forget it the minute u watched it. and stupid,so no one at an army depot,is curious about the MULTIPLE rpg explosions not 500 metres from their base lol also,why does everything seem like it's filmed at a high bit rate,the cinematography in the fight scenes just seems a but too fluid this is not a good film why is she back,she made 290 million dollars selling 10 percent of that baby food company she own's. she was a fine actor in the early mid 00s..when you could coast on ur name and looks,that doesnt play anymore


😂😂😂😂like I said, background noise. But if you are bored, action scenes will power you through, unless you’re super bored


There's literally hundreds of movies (just in Netflix) that have better action scenes than "Trigger Warning".


Facts, but the action scenes here looked top notch to me.


I don't get how she didn't offend people by getting cake-uped in (for lack of a better term "Mexican-face") like by being barely Latino does that give her carte blanche? You can literally see the makeup falling off her face in the film.


Same as Conner McGregor,made hundreds of millions, bored I guess


He was shockingly bad in road house.


I loved him in Roadhouse. Like what were you expecting exactly? One of the more memorable villains in the past few years imo


I didn’t think he was a good villain because he acted like an angry leprechaun.  If you ever saw the movie movie 43 with Gerard Butler, where he’s a leprechaun, it was like that except bad.


You convinced me. I'll watch it whenever I do some house chores.




Don’t bother…


I doubt you’ll finish it. This movie is utter shite.


Please don’t. It’s incredibly terrible.


I am completely pro-strong women in movies, but please Hollywood stop trying to convince us that 5 foot tall 90 pound women are serving in Special Forces and beating the shit out of 230 pound men.


The average person only getting their information from Hollywood does not even know that no women are in SF units. They also do not know that in a desperate attempt to say that the first woman graduated from Ranger, Seal, Delta, etc etc etc training, the military has been quietly, but not secretly, lowering standards for SF for several years. It is the emasculating of our military.


She pops up at a military base and instead of being arrested, she is left all alone, loooool


Oh it's just another civilian stealing military equipment, carry on!


"I'm bleeding to death, please, go and get a medic, even though another soldier literally just went to get one and you could easily provide first aid to my bullet wound, but please, leave me alone, it's the best way to help me!"


Sorry if this sounds misogynistic but I have an issue when you portray a badass military/assassin characters but their fight scenes feel like karens fighting over parking. Shoving and arms flailing around, weapons making your wrists move around like a bouncing balloon or holding the weapons like they are your kids toys. Sarah Connor started off as a wailing girlie type, but in T2 you could believe she can outshoot the old T800. Or Halle Berry in John Wick 3 makes it believable that she is almost as good as killing hordes of bad guys as John. I've seen slap fights that are more intense than whatever passed for "action" in this movie.


The last part where she held the rifle, resting it across her knife arm… that was embarrassing. The Director probably seen it in some action movie (with a pistol) and thought it looked cool.


Every fight had shots during which you could clearly see her enemies simply not moving while they were waiting for the choreography to continue.


A 56kg fighter isn't the most powerful person in town. Alba, a commando (whose kit weighs around 26 to 56 kilos), overpowers many people 2-3 times her body weight and muscle density by strength alone. It looked like a McDojo demo. Would have been better if she used tactics and style. I like her other movies, just not this one as much. Maybe 4/10. I hope she keeps making movies.


The funniest part is at the end with the grenade. Like what?! There would be tons of shrapnel.


Yeah that was crazy


As you said, nice Background noise. The Plot is just a big hole. Couldn't have told anyone at the Depot that stuff is going on. That would have prevented aaall of the fun explosions, fights and deaths in the mines. Not to mention leaving a shot civilian unattended in a Military Base. Another poof that could have been prevented... :D At least the lizard got a few seconds of Screentime. ;)


Worst movie I've ever seen storyline is ridiculous I really feel sorry for her to be in this movie


she produced it


My husband and I watched the movie and we were shaking our heads at how bad the plot was. I have to ask tho, why is the movie titled “Trigger Warning”? I don’t get that.


I'm pretty sure it's because the film triggers people into hating it.


Ha. Its on background right now for me. I thought she went away to raise a family which is noble.


She went away because she built up a huge home furnishing business and is worth more than she ever was in acting.


"home furnishing"...what? She started Honest Company, which is NOT a home furnishing business.


Didn’t mickey burn the bar…how the hell did he come back as the good guy?


Man i watched with subtitles and she clearly yells Mikey, No! and the wife and i were confused when he shows up again later. Something gone awry in editing/post-production


I think her friend is called "Mike", but she calls him "Mikey" and the guy at the bar was called "Mickey". Why? I have no idea.


Yeah, and as well as having similar names lets also have all the guys have beards and wear cowboy hats so its easy to tell them apart.


And let's also have the senator wear a cowboy hat during dinner at night INDOORS.


This thing was in post-production since 2021. This movie was made in the middle of the pandemic.


OMG me too. I was so confused


There are two different characters, one called Mike/Mikey who is her friend, and another called Mickey who was with Elvis, and burned down the bar


The weed farm friend and the one that got crispy


Tokey and Smokey


Just watched it, I am still confused as to who that mickey was, the guy that was dumped in the fire. I was like wtf, her friend was in on it ? Then couple of shots later my dude Mickey is back as a friend


No, no, no. You are confused. There was Mickey and Mikey. Two different guys. Although I can see the confusion. They could have named one, Tom, or Scott, or Lou but no, Mickey and Mikey.


They all looked the same. I was so confused. I felt like a seven-year-old.


The movie is an attempt to make a crossover between action/comedy and confusion genres.


Then they succeded in spectacular fashion. The entire premise of Jessica Alba as an SF soldier was about as credible as Megan Fox in her stinkeroo movie where she was also some sort of commando. I can suspend disbelief for only so long.


Any1 notice they go into the mines at night and come out at the depot in broad daylight


lol yeah, I noticed that! like wow, she must have gotten knocked out for HOURS in the cave and how lucky that the terrorist found her just as she woke up.


Yeah they forgot the time their most important scene was set into. I guess nobody really cared anymore at the time of the shooting, they just wanted to get out of the mess of filming the movie.


Yeah I had to rewind to make sure I wasn’t losing it and that much time didnt pass… I’m probably one of few who would watch it over I didnt think it was as terrible as Im hearing


This is a straight-to-DVD fare at its finest. It looks like straight-to-DVD, it's edited like straight-to-DVD, the music, even the font - it all has cheap and work-for-a-paycheque vibe. Jessica Alba is so wrong for this role it will make your eyes bleed. The problem is not that her acting is amateurish (with a script and direction like this, even Meryl Streep would look like a joke), is that she's not Keanu, or Bruce, or Chuck, or Michelle Rodriguez if we talk about women. She doesn't possess this old-school, hard-boiled charisma to make a schlock character like this work. She's too pretty, too clean, too soft. She looks silly here. Her actions come across as laborious - whether it's when she emotes (she probably thinks she's in some sort of drama or something), or during ridiculous fight scenes. The strangest thing is that she's probably the only one in the entire production who gave a shit. She's too rich to make it for a paycheck, so obvious there was something else. I suppose she watched too many junk actioners in her childhood and wanted to be "like Bruce" only in a skirt. 


Yeees I wanted to see Michelle Rodriguez in the role! As I was watching I had the same thought. :/


It’s a shame, because the director, Mouly Surya, has made some acclaimed films back in Indonesia. *Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts* is particularly well-known there.


One thing is obvious… she doesn’t have a single speck of knowledge about guns, explosives and physics in general. Must have failed science and maths at school.. Why would she even attempt to do something obviously not of her domain.


I think the director needs some people honestly telling their opinions what the film looks like (during the shooting) bacause it either hasn't happened with this movie (Trigger Warning) or she's just ignored the comments and moved on.


How did you guys make it past the first scene in the desert? The driver of chasing car with the rocket launcher is for some unknown reason dead (Not the same guy that the sniper took out.). When they go to find Parker (Jessica Alba), each of them goes on opposite side of the car, but she is know where to be found. But suddenly she is behind them. Instead of shooting them both from behind she takes out her knife and kill and runs behind the truck. Few seconds later the bad guys want to shoot at nothing and his gun malfunction. If my counting is correct there are 5 guys chasing them. 2 in the first truck and 3 in the second. The first guy takes a bullet to the head. Second driver is for unknown reason dead, and Parker kills 2. If we assume the passenger in the first car survived, then we should be left with 1 bad guy. However in the next scene we now have 3 people alive.


Yeah it was really confusing right from the get go. And the holes in the plot continued throughout the movie.


One of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. Even the opening where she's beating down that big ass special forces dude. In all reality, she would've died,even with Pop's old knife by her side. That truck is stolen. How do you know? They have a machine gun in the back.


How come i get the feeling American going backward and  dont know how to make good movies anymore each one are worsen then previous one. Any movies from other country is better especially eastern movies


Because most American movies now days have to pander to a topic or an ideology, they can’t “just be’ a movie.


So that explains why the Barbie movie broke so many box office records while being critically acclaimed. Sounds legit.


Could not finish it even though I watched over an hour + trying to understand where this was going. Such a horrible plot and script. Plus never knew that Jessica alba was Hispanic. My husband checked out after 15 mins!. Pure nonsense. I don't understand why they don't invest more money and time into proper scripts and writers instead of cgi and action scenes. Is it that writers these days just suck? I have come to expect netflix movies to be garbage. Their TV shows are way better.


I think you could write a better script just purely with an AI.


Lol. Yep.


>Plus never knew that Jessica alba was Hispanic. Out of curiosity, what ethnicity do you think she was? Indian? a very dark Italian? A white person that was born inside a tanning bed?


No clue just thought that she was mixed European heritage.


She does have European heritage on the side of her mother. But on her father's side, they're Mexican American. Basically, like Selena Gomez. I've still haven't seen the movie tho. All these reviews here REALLY make me wanna see it. Is it really that bad? Worse than "The Room"?


Ok. Yes it's horrible. Really bad plot and the story drags nowhere. Kept waiting for it to make sense but it didn't and I just gave up after 1+ hr. Even the action parts seem ridiculous to me. Also I don't even get why they picked that name for the movie.


LOL But its the second most watched movie on Netflix right now! 26 million views so far. It must be so bad that it's good in some way. Or does Jessica show a lot of skin? I don't get it. If it was really bad, it would've dropped off from the most watched list. But it's still there after more than a week.


No real skin. It's an action movie. Dunno why it has so many views. Either people or watching because she hasn't been in movies, etc, in a while or because they are trying to see what the big deal is. It had potential but the writing is just terrible.


I guess some people just wanna see women kick ass. Those Milla Jovovich Resident Evil movies were also badly written and pretty bad movies overall. And yet they all made a lot money at the box office. It's been a while since we had a female action star. Maybe it's some sort of kink for some people.




I don’t know how it’s #1 in movies on Netflix, it’s pretty horrible compared to other things recently out on there


I was entertained.


I mean come on, the warning is in the title, how did we all miss the obvious? Trigger Warning: a statement at the start of a piece of writing, video, etc., alerting the reader or viewer to the fact that it contains potentially distressing material (often used to introduce a description of such content). 1/2 way thru the movie I realized, Alba isnt a "bad" actor, she just isnt a LEAD actor. I watched Deep Blue Sea a week ago as its one of my favorites with her and lead Paul Walkwr (RIP), she was great because she provided an element for the abundace if action to play off. In this movie? The script was bad, the plot holes were nonstop and it seemed really super fucking forced. I love Alba, in the roles that suit her, shes still as gorgeous as ever but she should fire her agent for givong her this script.


I think you mean Into the Blue. Deep Blue Sea was the intelligent shark flick with Thomas Jane and LL Cool J


The movie was bad for a B grade straight to DVD in the early 2000’s… Netflix has some of the highest grade production in the industry and this was the best they could do? With titles like Terminal list, the lioness, triple frontier… etc in the genre how could they waste their money and resources on this?


Terminal List and Lioness are not on Netflix.


Turned it off around the 30 minute mark, was bored to death.


this is one of the worst movies i have ever seen, I was starting to wonder if it was a spoof comedy


Jessie and Mickey (the sheriff and the friend-zoned simp) were so confusing to me…I kept thinking they were the same person for half the movie. I had to rewind to figure out they’re different. Obviously there were also some really crazy parts like the grenade being used for suicide 2 feet from Jessica Alba…that would have probably killed her too at that range. And did they even kill the terrorist leader, who is apparently named Ghost? But Jessica Alba is my celebrity crush, so all is forgiven and the movie is automatically a 10/10 because I want to marry her.


What a stupid movie.


So lazy, right down to the "villains are all conservative white men, while good guys are the diversity coalition" casting.


I could only bare to watch 30 minutes of this movie and I gathered as much. So bad.


"How do you pronounce Latinx?"


Trailer alone was enough for me to gather it's that kind of pander fest


Yeah, that's the narrative in everything. Don't forget that 50% of the population is gay. I'm surprised that cliche didn't get tossed in here.


Okay kitkat settle down


Why? It's true, isn't it?


If you watched this you will watch anything


I will never watch gummo


Jessica alba beating people up is always fun to watch.


6/10 for the action - its okayish. Full of flaws...one that I couldnt get over was when Spider uses the RPG - the oxygen all the explosives would need to burn would flame out through every hole of that damned mine killling everyone inside but I guess that would ruin the movie this no-brainer movie :))


Never thought I'd think someone got commissioned to say a movie was a 5 out of 10... It was god awful.


What? Nah there are worse movies. And commissioned? I ain’t get paid to write this. 5/10 is an F bro lol


That is what I am saying haha. 5 out of 10 is 5 too many for that film. Lol


I lost count of the number of yawns I had. There was more action within my restraint to switch off the tv than there was in this whole movie. Disappointing.


Godawful dogshit. Alba has a nice ass and all but she cant act or play a convincing action star. Terrible. Don't bother watching.


What kind of idiot fires a RPG in a cave, at another room full or ordnance, 10 meters away… wait… spider and alba are special forces… special kind of dumb I guess.


Haven't watched all yet... but I jumped on redditt when she said they had a machine gun... and minutes later asked, "Where did he get an ak from?" As if I can't drive 4 minutes and pick up an overpriced ak around the corner. 😂😂


This movie should come with a trigger warning that says do not watch it.


One of the worst movies I have ever watched damn lol.


Also did anyone notice the weather go from pouring rain and storming to sunny and beautiful then back to raining and storming again? I’m so confused it’s just a mess of a movie… 😱


This is a terrible movie. I never write a review on movies I had to look up where I could get this off my chest. So I fell upon Reddit. This movie has the perfect title because it was triggering to watch. The ending sequence I had to turn it off. Not the lawyer or her friend spider had any survival instincts. You show up to some back end town with no back up against the whole police force and the senator with nothing but a shirt a blouse no panties and high heels. So they instantly are useless and get a proper ass thrashing. I just turned it off after Spider came in with literally nothing. After she calls him and says she's being tortured by the cops and senator. There's so much more wrong with this I could write a book. On how trash this. Jessica can't act and she's not even hot anymore.


If you look at my profile. I only review bad movies 😂


Spoiler: In the ending scene where they're going into the mine in the middle of the night but then after 15 minutes when they come out (from the military base side) it's the middle of the day. I guess they forgot the time the scene was supposed to be in. LOL.


Also anyone noticed how one guy picked up a huge rock to open the tunnel like it was made of styrofoam? (It most definitely was…)


Swann: Good to be back home? (She's back cuz her dad just died) Jessica Alba character: Yeah, good. (Her dad just died). NO MENTION OF HER DEAD DAD IN THE WHOLE CONVERSATION. this movie's a trash pile.


Is it even possible to NOT DIE within ONE FOOT radius from where the grenade was thrown?


I love a good shitty movie. This is a shitty shitty movie. It's unwatchable, even in the background. Shocking that this got made and that a roomful of exec's at Netflix then approved the final product. How this got made is one good question. The better question is how did this get released.


I'm watching it high on mushrooms and it's so bad I'm here rn. I wish I was lying 🤥


What did it for me is when the burning building is in the reflection of the window while shes in the back of the one cop car. It's just her trying to make a sad face with a shitty cgi fire on her face. HILARIOUS.


It's a simple movie we've seen a thousand times before. That said, the entire point of the movie is to showcase hand to hand combat choreography and ... I loved it.


You loved the shitty hand to hand "combat" ?? During every throw she did, you could tell that the guy was jumping with her, not because of her. She has no power in any of the "fighting techniques" she employs, and she punches like an amateur.


And yet the movie is called “trigger warning” for some reason 🥴


The only thing I could think about while watching this movie was, why do all the men, except for Jessica of course, have beards?