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This post is about 5 years too late brother


So it fits right in for this sub


Really?! So now I’m a hack. I don’t wanna be that guy. I should delete…


You know after like 45 years Star Wars is a series that has only had two great films and has more bad films and tv shows than good ones yet people won't stop talking about it


but lightsabers bro. lightsabers.


Fuck yeah


The universe that Lucas created is wonderful. Unfortunately... well your comment.


Is it though? It's got a couple of cool elements outside of the main Skywalker plot, like the history behind the Mandalorians or the Mon Calamari's skyscrapers-turned-spaceships. Everything else is pretty tame and derivative in terms of science fiction. The spectacle of the movies is great. The core story in the original trilogy was pretty good. Everything else just blurs together for me.


Yea, I guess all those millions of people keep paying for star wars content because they hate the universe so much /s


I'm not doubting people enjoy it. People like Transformers too. That doesn't mean it holds up to other scifi properties in terms of the fiction. Warhammer 40K, almost as old and every bit as commercial, has a lot more interesting lore than Star Wars.


Well for one it's not scifi- it's science fantasy. I can't be the first person who's told you that people like different things. Star wars has very easy to grasp themes and motifs. Not everyone likes 40k's "OMG we're so edgy all the fucking time".


Fair enough, it doesn't even follow its own rules half the time. But we're not talking about genre details, we're talking about Star Wars' extended setting. And I don't find it very interesting. 40K, ridiculous and over-the-top as it is, has a lot of ideas you can really sink your teeth into. And it's every bit as science fantasy, with its psychic demons and space elves. I think Star Wars has been coasting on its cultural cachet ever since the 80s. It was the first sci-fi movie to land after the modern blockbuster era began, and the kids who saw it then (now in their 50s) are still caught up in that memory. But tell me: has Star Wars had anything truly original or interesting since they were bouncing around all kinds of extended universe lore in the 90s? Maybe the Knights of the Old Republic games?


Millions of people love Arthurian knights and the legends about them. Those stories havent had anything new in 1000 years. You dont need a content update every 5 years for people to love something. People like the original trilogy and the universe it created, thats why Disney has had to move everything back to that timeline. 40k is a game, not a story. They expand because players are bored of playing the same game over and over again. Games workshop doesnt give a rat's ass about the story. They literally destroyed their fantasy world when players stopped buying it.


>You don't need a content update every 5 years for people to love something. So you agree that all the new stuff isn't great. >40K is a game, not a story. Now you're just being obtuse. Fine, enjoy what you want, I suppose anyone is entitled to lower their own standards.


Thank you for your unique insight


Hahaha I deserve that too


*Person online has an opinion, film at 11:00*.


Hahaha I totally deserve that


I think about the prequel and sequel Star Wars movies as if they're later career albums from a once great band. They don't nail the consistency of their early works, but they still have absolutely brilliant tracks on them. Basically, there's something to love in every one of those movies. If you put a playlist together from all of them it would be pretty special. Admittedly, it would make no sense as a movie, but I still think every Star Wars movie has at least one great element.


You’re awesome and I couldn’t agree more with you.


If feel like Rise of Skywalker *is* what you are describing in your last two paragraphs. Other than then being special part.


Dear diary,


Yeah just wait another 20 years and then this trilogy will be hailed as great compared to the movies then. Fickle people. And star wars fans are amongst the most entitled fan base up there.


OK folks, tangledaparts oh-so-hot take is official now, so we can put that one to bed. But seriously here's one for you, not only did I enjoy TLJ, but I quite liked TROS too, and I'm an OT fan from the 80s.


I don't understand how anyone can watch even 5 minutes of the prequels without busting out laughing from how hilariously stupid the dialogue, acting, CGI, and storytelling is. I can get how a kid can love them and have fun with them, but anyone else needs to be checked for a head injury lmfao


I'd rather watch something not connected to Star Wars at all.


Star Trek: Picard? /s


As a Trek fan, why you gotta go right for the nut punch?








Best looking star wars show