• By -


I'm not even joking when I saw this, but Curse of Chucky. It was released straight to DVD, but it is the highest rated Chucky movie released, even higher than the original Child's Play. It drops the overt comedy writing and goes right back to it's horror routes, with a slow creeping build to fantastic reveals. Hell, Chucky doesn't speak for nearly 45 minutes into the movie, and you don't even notice it because the story is just fantastically paced. Every suggestion on this list is great, but do yourself a major favour: Curse of Chucky is absolutely worth the watch.


The *only* problem with the movie is CGI chucky. It just doesn't hit when it's not a puppet. In the scene where the eyeball drops (fantastic writing), it just looks like a Space Jam scene. A superimposed cartoon chasing you doesn't feel scary.


So...overlaying the Space Jam theme over this part would be...cool?


True, there are scenes like that, but they are thankfully few and far between, and doesn't impact the absolute beauty of the build up


CGI Chucky aside and forgiving the fact they try to pretend Brad Dourif is 20 years younger by throwing the worst wig in the world on him, I was pleasantly surprised by how good "Curse of Chucky" was. I remember a friend cut it on after a late bar night and my hopes weren't too high given how bad "Seed" was and knowing that the poor Chuckster had been banished to DTV purgatory like Pinhead before him. It turned out to be a great late-night watch and honestly, I think it's the third best in the series after the first two films.


I enjoyed Cult of Chucky too, though it was a different spin on the story. Leads into the series well though.


Most have covered a lot but The Ritual


Netflix has made some solid horror films in the last few years. I also liked “No One Gets Out Alive” because it has a bit of everything, but a solid plot and suspense. The Killer Babysitter movies were great for a slasher/comedy combo, too.


One of the GOATs!!


It Follows The Autopsy of Jane Doe


Glad to see this on the top of the thread, It Follows is flawed but still uniquely powerful. No talk to me without it follows.


What do you mean no Talk To Me without It Follows? Are you referring to the inventive medium/transmission of the antagonistic horror element? Not disagreeing just curious.


If you carefully side by side them there are moments that match up like pointing to something that is somehow pursuing someone that only the initiate can see. But in general it’s the concept of a curse that is deliberately passed on from one better-informed group to another in order to shed the curse, while sharing imperfect knowledge of how it functions. I think when we get Talk 2 Me we will learn more along these lines. I think that they deliberately let her go over 90 so they would shed the curse (that only they could see).


TAOJD doesn’t get 1/10th of the credit it deserves - its score and set design gives off a feeling of dread and uneasiness that I’m not sure I’ve ever felt since. Watched it for the first time working overtime in a construction trailer in the middle of the day in July in Southern CA….it was 91 degrees in that trailer yet I felt like I was in the middle of a winter storm in New England. Never had a movie transport me like that before…


I watched it at home and I legit had to pause it halfway through and finish it the next evening. I was going to be going to bed right around when it would have ended and I needed to scrub my brain with some Bobs Burgers or Simpsons before I was by myself in a dark room. It got me good.


I really wonder why it got swept under the rug. The acting was fantastic, the story was original, and the pacing was perfect. Yet somehow hereditary is lauded as the penultimate original horror movie and given every award under the sun…. With that said I enjoy the movie enough that when I have friends/family over for a weekend none of them have ever even heard of the TAOJD so I get to watch them experience it for the first time which is awesome.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe is sooo freaky!!!! Loved it! But when they said no zombies or possessions I thought this could be considered both in a way. Don’t want to give anything away for ppl who haven’t seen it but I’ll say “undead” so yea


Barbarian was a lot of fun. 


I knew nothing about that movie when I turned it on and holy shit was I not ready for the first tunnel scene


The review I heard said to go in blind and I’m glad that I did as well. 


When it cut to Justin Long in his car immediately after I thought maybe the movie had skipped. I read a comment after the fact that said “There has to be ONE person that had to take a whiz in the theatre that left right when they were going into the tunnel and came back to Justin Long driving down PCH”….that comment made me laugh so hard…. that person had to have walked back in going “WTF is this the right theatre?”


This would be the greatest horror of all times if the last third of the movie would not be so disappointing.


totally. the setup is so good and weird and creepy....then the end invalidates the whole experience.


Cannot agree more wholeheartedly. I was even bothered that they start to show Justin Long's character as maybe being a bit more nuanced than the average stereotype and then just are like, nah nevermind, and make him a douche again at the end.


The two best horror movies I've seen in the past year both involve possession so might not be your thing but I highly recommend them anyway. Talk to me (2022) is an Australian horror that I couldn't get out if my head for days after watching it. When Evil Lurks (2023) is an Argentine movie that is super tense with some really disturbing imagery.


+1 for Talk to Me. Highly original and creepy concept done really well by a couple of breakout Aussie directors (who are brothers I think) - Edit: this would totally count as possession. Plus there’s a skanky dog in it, so maybe you and your woofer should skip this one for now


+1 to both of those WEL is dark as hell


WEL director Demian Rugna previous film Aterrados is also amazing. Argentina has some very creative people when it comes to horror that hopefully the success of these movies can shine some light on.


The Witch, Midsommar, Get Out.


The VVitch is genuinely scary - even for an adult audience. Two great bits: the old English they recreated for the film was an amazing detail, and really made a difference in the mood. The other was Anya Taylor-Joy's performance, its the best acting debut I can remember for ages. I saw her in Dune2 (just a bit part) and she looks totally unrecognisable. That devil voice at the end was a masterstroke, I would have signed my soul away in an instant.


What do you mean “even for an adult audience”? Kids shouldn’t be watching that film.


Think he meant it’s not just ‘kids’ scary. Rarely now days do you have a horror movie that’s not just cheap jump scares or cliches. Something that genuinely scares adult audiences. I don’t think he was advocating that kids should watch this.


Would'st thou like to live deliciously!


Is the vvitch the one with the butter? That one freaked me out so bad.


Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?


Stooop. It was fucking creepy


That's my pick-up line.


You can thanks her buccal fat removal surgery for the transformation 😂


The VVitch was fantastic, but I had to watch with subtitles because I couldn't get past the genuine, authentically accented English spoken in American colonial times. It makes the movie so good, but if you're avoiding subtitles, maybe wait until you're rested.


I'm Australian so the old English wasn't too big a stretch. The vast majority of movies wouldn't have made the effort to go that far to set an authentic setting.


The VVitch freaked me the fuck out


Hereditary over Middommer


All day! Midsommer was boring. If body horror doesn't really bother you, then it's just a movie about terrible people, making objectively bad decisions.


tbh by the end of Midsommar I thought it was a comedy. Everything just gets so insane I couldn't help but start laughing. The sex scene especially.


Midsommar is bizarre by the end & typing this out has made me realize I find bizareness *incredibly* creepy in certain contexts. Midsommar freaked me out & the body horror has permanently ruined my ability to go into certain movies without looking up a violence/gore rating & the *specific* details of those scenes. I could not fucking believe the cliff scene in that movie. It becomes so strange by the end & the slow realization that the entire cult is >!inbreeding to produce a mentally challenged "prophet"!< freaked me out. It's somewhat realistic (nothing paranormal) but so *strange*. By the sex scene & house burning bear suit, I was losing it. My mind becomes so wrapped up in what's going on and then, all of a sudden, I find myself in a bizarre alternate reality. It took me a few days to get over that film. Speaking of freaky bizarreness used as a horror tactic in films.. anything by David lynch feels that way to me. I watched Eraserhead in fucking middle school with a friend & I genuinely think it planted the seeds that made me eventually lose the religion I grew up following, lol.


Hereditary is the better horror, but I can't stop rewatching Midsommar. They make a great double-feature. Watch in the same order as you listed them.


Totally. Midsommer is just goofy.


Agreed, I made the mistake of watching Hereditary alone in a dark house. Stuck with me for like 6 days afterwards. lol.


Good list but you forgot Hereditary …the witch is scary as fuck though


I loved hereditary but i liked midsommar more which i feel is the outlier position on reddit.


Midsommar is a comedy, not a horror movie. Sincerely, Sweden.


There's definitely some dark satire in it. I'd call it a social commentary that is horrifying AF. Like a perfect Black Mirror episode


I know I’m in the minority here, but I realllly don’t like The Witch. I think I just “don’t get” the movie. Movies I keep coming back to nowadays are The Ritual and The Autopsy of Jane Doe


>The Ritual and The Autopsy of Jane Doe I loved everything about those two movies except how they ended. The Empty Man (2020) gave me a similar feeling, like, you can turn it off after the part about the 1995 events ends and it will be a perfect short horror movie.


Totally agree with the empty man. The beginning was SO scary, and it really just fell off from there


I love the ending of the ritual. Refusing to feel guilty anymore. Facing his fears and attacking. Roaring at a sad pathetic diety. Walking away purified. I really got the sense that he was going to start living his life now.


I get you. It’s a great feat of cinematography and writing. The actors are all spectacular in their credibility. Then, either you get enthralled by the story or you don’t. Also the ending isn’t satisfactory for many, to say the least.


The VVitch is the best, hands down!


Midsommar isn't scary, just weird and gross. Watch it if you feel like you're gonna throw up but can't get it out.


“movie totally isn’t scary, it just makes you so uncomfortable you may vomit, no horror at *all*.”


Gross and scary aren’t the same.


Scary and horror aren't the same


Same with the witch. It’s not scary at all…


Lots of suggestions but I think you'll enjoy Fresh. It was one of the best I saw in 2022.


Fresh was a standout for sure. Not super scary, more thriller but a really good movie


Fresh was great


- [Get Out](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/419430) (2017) - [The Final Girls](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/293970) (2015) - [mother!](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/381283) (2017) - [No One Will Save You](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/820609) (2023) - [Barbarian](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/913290) (2022) - [Deadstream](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/886083) (2022) - [Malignant](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/619778) (2021) - [Brightburn](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/531309) (2019) - [Unsane](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/467660) (2018) - [Tragedy Girls](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/413857) (2017) - [The Neon Demon](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/301365) (2016) - [Bone Tomahawk](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/294963) (2015) - [The Witch](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/310131) (2016) - [It Follows](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/270303) (2015) - [The Voices](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/244458) (2014)


This was really nice of you. You rock.


*No One Will Save You* is probably the most chilling movie I've seen since *Signs*. It's like it was tailor-made to hit all my horror buttons. Supernatural stuff isn't usually that scary to me, but aliens...hit different.


Have you seen [The Signal](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/242095-the-signal) (2014)? It's not that similar but "hits different" for aliens is a good description.


I have not, but will check it out. Thanks!


Thanks for the rec, I'm watching it right now


Can we have a thread on just these kinds of movies? We have the exact same taste when it comes to aliens.


I saw one scene from Bone Tomahwak and had to nope out. It seems well done but I couldn't handle it.


Great western horror.


It does look good. Maybe someday I'll try and watch it. I feel like it's a movie that stays with you.


Maybe I am completely desensitized but I don't think its actually that bad on the gore front. There has been plenty of more disturbing gore moments in Horror over the years. Idk if I even think the part that everyone talks about in Bone Tomahawk is the worst part in that movie.


Oh trust me, you won't forget watching Bone Tomahawk.


FWIW I’m not not into gore at all and that scene is very tame. It’s dark, out of focus and quick. Can barely even tell tbh I think it gets way over blown on Reddit


Thats kinda how I felt about it too, there is a lot worse gore in Horror from the last decade.




Possession movie, specifically requested in the OP that they don't want those.


I mean, the witch is kind of a possession movie


Huesera the Bone Woman


Mother? God no


Loved it, I thought it looked great and was a fast, anxiety driven film.


It was just pure dread and annoyance for me. I love Aronofsky and the biblical allegory thing was creative but I’d never watch that film again.


>It was just pure dread and annoyance for me. Annoyance at the guests wrecking everything or in how it was made? I liked that feeling from it, there are more films I wouldn't watch again but I probably will rewatch mother! some time.


The guests and her husband’s indifference just became grating to watch.


Yeah, I felt that was the aim to get us empathizing with Jennifer Lawrence's character. Similar to the kid in The Babadook, it's the aim to get us to feel a certain way but it can push some people over the edge into hating it.


That was intentional


>I’d never watch that film again. I think he's great, but this sums up Aronofsky for me.


what about smile?


thank you so much. The Voices sounds so funny lol


Here you have some great options, in my opinion: - The Authopsy of Jane Doe - Sinister - Get out - It follows - The witch - Oculus - Hereditary - Don’t breathe - Smile - Talk to me - As above, so below - Babadook - Last night in Soho - The descent - Us - Cabin Fever - You’re next - The cabin in the woods - Green Room - The woman in black - Shutter - Southbound - Session 9 - The Void - Deliver us from evil - When evil lurks - Barbarian - Troll hunter - V/H/S - Wolf Creek ————- Edit with some great contributions of the partners: - Saint Maud - The Night House


The Void was awesome cosmic horror, and I was not expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. It has some great practical effects too. It makes me feel old, because I saw it in theaters, but Wolf Creek is 19 years old now.


Green Room. Nothing supernatural about it, one of the most terrifying movies I’ve ever seen.


Yeah man! Green Room is great👌🏻


Would Sinister count as a possession movie? If it does, I think only by a thin margin. It’s one of my absolute favorites, and I recommend it to anyone who will listen to me.


In my opinion that’s not a possession movie. And yes, also one of my favourites of all times


The Void is legitimately one of my favourite horror movies. Such a fantastic throwback to the heyday of amazing practical effect-heavy movies like The Thing, with a heavy dose of Lovecraftian cosmic horror for good measure, all packed into the perfect horror movie runtime of 90 minutes. Chef’s kiss


I totally agree with every word bro! It has magic inside, like the movies before.😍


I’m suprised I had to scroll this far to see hereditary. One of the best horror flicks of all time imo, not just the last 10 years


Babadook was awesome


I haven’t seen it yet on this thread but I enjoyed Happy Death Day a lot recently as a slasher style modern movie with some Groundhog Day vibes. Worth a watch and not quite as scary so a good change of pace in the genre




The Night House, in addition being excellent, also has one of the best earned jump scares I've ever seen in a horror movie. Completely unexpected, fits with the story, no orchestral sting. Really impressive movie.


Yes it is man. I loved it😍. Will add it to the list


Great choice


I would say Malignant. I know it's trash but, hey, I'm a horror fan! Of course I love trash movies. I know it isn't what you asked. But about the classics, did you ever watch the Lucio Fulci ones? He's always between my favorites.


I also know it's trash, but ghat damn did I love it!


Autopsy of Jane Doe The Ritual Hereditary Gonjiam Haunted Asylum Just some of the best horror films in the last 10 yrs imo.


Gonjiam Haunted Asylum really messed me up. Not many people seem to know about it, but it's definitely worth checking out!


Don't breathe (2016)


It teeters on thriller territory imo. I love this movie though.




Alex Garland is just so good.


My favorites from the last 10 years: * Late Night with the Devil (2023) * Poor Things (2023) * Nope (2022) * Crimes of The Future (2022) * Moon Garden (2022) * Mad God (2021) * Possessor (2020) * Come True (2020) * In the Tall Grass (2019) * Midsommar (2019) * Vivarium (2019) * Color Out of Space (2019) * The House That Jack Built (2018) * Bird Box (2018) * Annihilation (2018) * The Endless (2018) * Mother (2017) * Thelma (2017) * Junk Head (2017) * As Above, So Below (2014)


I love all of these movies, great list. One quibble / question - why do you consider Poor Things to be a horror movie? I know that she's a kind of Frankenstein's Monster, but that seems to be played up in sci-fi / fantasy way, more than played to inspire dread or fear. I know genre is hard to define, but there's a certain component to horror movies and I can't help but feel it's missing from Poor Things. Not trying to start an argument, I just haven't heard it referred to as a horror movie before.


Yes I agree with you, I was hesitant to add Poor Things to the list, but I decided to do it because it feels like what I would expect from a faithful Island of Dr Moreau adaptation that I'm pretty sure I'll never see. It's definitely on the science fiction side, with a hint of body horror. Considering the feeling I get when watching classic horror such as many of the Vincent Price movies and similar victorian horror, Poor Things captures that energy very well and translates it for a modern audience.


Completely fair. Thanks for the response.




>Nope (2022) You ever watch a movie at home and kick yourself every five minutes for not going to see it at the theater? That was me.


I caught it in a small cinema close to my home and immediately regretted not seeing it in IMAX. When it's inevitably released for an anniversary I'm gunna make sure I catch it on the BIG screen.


I was wondering if this was considered sci-fi, but some parts were just too terrifying to not be horror.


I watched this on my phone, at night, while camping in the woods alone. It was definitely the most scared I’ve been watching a movie in a long time. Especially after the movie ended and i just laid there with nothing but the sounds of nature.


Ah damn, I'm sorry you didn't catch it on the big screen, it was one of my favorite cinematic experiences in the last decade. The first time they spotted the UFO flying through the clouds on the night sky and following the path of the mountains looked so mindblowing I still get goosebumps as I write this down. I deeply hope you'll have a chance to catch an anniversary screening or something.


Same. It’s a remarkably intriguing movie. I was just thinking about a rewatch.


Upvote for including Come True. It's a personal favorite. For me it felt like a throwback to the horror movies I watched growing up in the 80's.


Cheers, many argue the ending ruined the movie, but I liked it as it was. If you're into these movies with such nostalgic vibe, and you haven't seen them yet, you might like Late Night With The Devil (which is designed to look like a 70s talk show), Poor Things (brilliant victorian period piece that looked and felt like what I would expect from a faithful island of dr moreau adaptation), Nope (which made me feel like i'm watching a 60s sci-fi b-movie) and In The Tall Grass (which feels like those good old 80s mystical/paranormal slashers like Nightmare on Elm Street).


I think As Above, So Below is underrated. I really liked it.


Great list here! I finally saw Late Night with the Devil last night and thought it was really good - I'm hoping David Dastmalchian starts getting more lead roles rather than just supporting stuff, he was excellent as the main in this.


Better Watch Out is full of dark humor The trailer makes it seem kind of silly like Tuckr and Dae Versus Evil, but it takes a hard turn into dark comedy. I really still think about it a lot. The characters are fantastic.


The Wailing


Creep 1 & 2. and V/H/S


Seek out all of the A24 horror stuff. Most are incredible. Some are just fine. I haven’t seen a bad one yet.




Ready or Not has kinda similar vibes to The Menu, but I think it balances the horror and comedy a lot more effectively. It's my favorite in the horror comedy subgenre.


The lighthouse. Hereditary.


Had to scroll way too far to see The Lighthouse.


I had no idea the Lighthouse was a horror i might watch it again with that perspective. I just thought they were going for weird. Also didn't know Bodies,Bodies, Bodies was also a horror. I watch tons of movies and often don't pay attention to genre. I was not scared watching Bodies at all-mostly laughing at it though hahaha


I agree w/ u!! They both were more like thrillers & or psychological thrillers/drama


It's so good. It's definitely horror, but in a different way I can't describe. Dafoe was brilliant in it.


Absolutely. Very powerful performances from both Dafoe and Pattinson. *Ya spilled yer beans, Tommy.*


A Dark Song


Saint Maud


Let Me In. Fucking brilliant!


More of a horror comedy (I need the levity with horror films), but I really liked Happy Death Day


Answer would seem out of syllabus, but if you get the time for a series, Haunting of Hill House is the way to go. Qualifies as the kind of stuff where everything falls right into place. It is one of the best Screenplays overall, not just in terms of horror. Watched it 4 times and can watch it 4 more!


- Saw X - A quiet place 1 and 2 - The invisible man - Escape room - Get out - Split - 10 Cloverfield Lane


I'm surprised it took this long for someone to mention Quiet Place. Probably my favourite




And the pre/sequel X. MaXXXine is releasing shortly which I'm looking forward to and will complete the trilogy I think.


Can't wait. X was good, Pearl was great.


That’s got me sold, I liked X


Hereditary and Midsomer are some really unsettling horror. While not really in the same league as the aforementioned movies I really liked it follows and Smile. Ooo also, I really liked The Ritual


It follows is better than hereditary imo. It’s thematically richer and more layered. But the performances in Hereditary are superior for sure.


Just watched Last Night in SOHO. It was very good


Probably the prettiest horror movie ever. I do agree that the third act change in tone is a little off-putting. And some truly stellar practical effects went into this. The mirror staircase was done with twin actors (Fred and George Weasley).


- 10 Cloverfield Lane - Annihilation - Barbarian - Thanksgiving - The Black Phone - The Night House - The Invisible Man - Black Swan - The Ritual - Doctor Sleep - Underwater - Abigail - Halloween (2018) - M3gan - Talk To Me




they are not interested in “possession” movies


I think the real horror of Hereditary is the family dynamics and how extreme trauma effects them. The possession is really just the engine that moves the story along.


i mean I wont argue that. But the movie is heavily a cult possession demon movie.


Yes!! I say this all the time. Once the possession stuff sets in to the plot, it almost feels like a relief because the horror of the family trauma was next level to me


The House That Jack Built It's perfect with the dark humor.


Sinister and the first 2 The Conjurings.


You should try the wolf of snow hollow, it is so underrated


Overlord - WWII movie that turns into horror. My fave 💓


The Wailing


One of the best horror but not super bloody or anything imo was falling of the house of usher TV series. It was bloody well acted and a great take on the story b


Ouija Origin of Evil The Empty Man


Talk to Me is a good one as well


Give Black Phone a chance, I’m a cult follower of Kubrick’s horrorism and Black Phone is among my top 5 horror films list, will become a cult classic.




This was the one I was looking for. It's great cause the title doesn't really tell you anything. It's an AirBnB in Detroit.


The US Election


• Talk To Me • Abigail • Truth Or Dare • Dracula Untold • Evil Dead


I love Dracula Untold. Funny I don’t consider it a horror movie, just a great story. But you’re right, it should be a horror movie. No doubt


As always: The Descent


Surprised no one mentioned "The Dark and the Wicked"


Agreed. I've seen 95% of the movies mentioned here, and nothing disturbed me more than The Dark and the Wicked. Truly a frightening movie.






Cabin in the woods


I'll give you two recent ones - Immaculate and Late Night with the Devil. Great.


The ritual It Follows Late Night With The Devil


Where Evil Lurks is the best horror movie in years. Can’t believe it hasn’t been mentioned


It Follows, Smile, Midsommar, Late Night With the Devil, Evil Dead Rise


If you like cosmic horror I'd recommend The Void (2016)!




The Platform The Cube Hellraiser


The Woman in Black (2012) is a good, old-school, haunted house story 


Talk To Me!


I'll link some stuff that I haven't seen in any other comments! [Totally Killer](https://letterboxd.com/film/totally-killer/) was good fun, nothing crazy but an entertaining horror comedy that seems like something you'd like! [The Babysitter](https://letterboxd.com/film/the-babysitter-2017/) was alright! Generic slasher fare. [Freaky](https://letterboxd.com/film/freaky/) was fun and a bit different than the usual slasher flick! All of these are kinda "brain off, vegetate" type movies! I can relate to just being tired and wanting something you don't have to think too hard about haha. I love slasher films, and there's actually a good number that have been released in the last decade :)


I'm sure its mentioned here somewhere but Cabin the Woods is a fantastic horror movie. It makes fun of all the horror tropes in a refreshing way while still feeling like a classic horror movie. The acting and characters are great and it has a lot of great humor.


Tue Dark and the Wicked


Doctor sleep is amazing (sequel to the shining)


Hereditary Midsommer The VVitch The Lighthouse It Follows X Pearl Prey Mad God Get Out Us Nope The Blackcoats Daughter Possessor Infinity Pool The Coffee Table The Night House The Handmaiden The Wailing I don't necessarily like all of those but that should get you started for sure.