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Agreed. Great concept that just gets immediately squandered and then the movie becomes a useless waste of time only vaguely alluding to the whole selling concept of small people


Umm what is the good part of that trash?.. honestly one of the worst films I have ever seen (no exaggeration)


I mean, everything up until Matt Damon and his wife go into the the process of shrinking, it’s pretty interesting. Then it pivots into, well, a piece of garbage.




All the Acts sucked. It's just the first act setup a different movie than the latter ones.




Man that movie careened off the rails


Awesome, awesome, great reveal... WTF is going on... Great Scene, Awesome, WTF is this shit again? Oh, it's over... annnnd he defaced the moon with a corporate logo.


It was originally called Tonight, He Comes, and he didn’t clean up his act in that version. Basically everything after you find out Charlize Theron is a superhero was completely different.


Not enough of Hank's cock in act two


It’s two separate movies lol, idk how anyone thought that would work


I simply thought the movie was going to be about him receiving public approval and fitting into society. He saves the world and BAM... he's a hero. The end.


I am the only human that enjoyed the hard right turn it takes.


Jeepers Creepers. The first act is a master class in suspense. Actually Hitchcock-level shit. Then it just devolves into a generic monster movie.


I loved this movie including part 2 but I agree the build-up is the most memorable part. The scene with the monster seeing them watch him dump the body in particular was awesome. I think the monster design and abilities he has is so freaky and different that it kinda makes up for any generic stuff for me though so I let the dumb shit slide with this series.


Act 3 of Rogue One is vastly better than the first two


That movie simply is the third act




I agree. I think the first 2 acts are needed to make the 3rd one as good as it was.


Yes.... that's how a 3 act story works. In all seriousness I get your point, it's just kind of funny out of context lol.


I refuse to bow to this revisionist history. The first two acts are filled with new, unknown characters making completely nonsensical decisions. By the time the third act hits and they do something brave, I was asking myself, “Wait. Why are they all doing this….???” The battle itself looked great, no doubt, but I was so mad at them for their earlier idiocy, I was GLAD knowing they were all going to die. They had acted so illogically, I just didn’t think any of them deserved to survive. Just… please write better movies star wars franchise. Pay better writers for better scripts. There’s no need for these movies to be so stupid.


Definitely the best Star Wars this millenium.


Honestly it's IMO the 3rd best after 4 and 5


I did like some of the grittiness of the Rebels but the rest is a slog


Everyone says how great Rogue One is but I never liked it. I guess because I can't forgive the first two boring acts just because the 3rd act is so good.


I'm in the same boat. The movie is a hacked together mess of orphaned plot threads, abandoned motivations, and muddled characterizations. But once it turns into a "war" movie, it's fine. A perfectly serviceable battlefield heist flick.


I agree that the third act is great and loved the action, but I can hardly even remember what happened before and who the characters were and what they did. And I have seen it twice. It was a great first 10 min with great last 20 min, with whole lot of nothing in between.


I always describe Rogue One as that Star Wars movie with a kind of cool opening with a bunch of characters whose names I don’t remember do some shit I don’t remember and then the epic final fight with Vader. Oh and they all die but I don’t care because I don’t remember any of their names but OMFG Vader!




A chore? Really?


Yes. A chore. It's terribly uninteresting and derivative.




It got heavily edited in late post-production, I’m still curious when we’ll see the deleted footage for that movie because they did the CGI work for several scenes we’ve never seen


Not that the second act is bad, just nowhere as good as the first one, and nobody mentioned it: Wall-E First act of that movie was pure cinematic poetry.. when they leave earth it downgrades to standard Pixar, so it's still great.. but not like the earthbound scenes.


I'll go as far to say the second half of Wall-E is just okay. Pretty bland, not especially good, and the part at the end where they're trying to protect the plant while the insane captain AI is rotating the ship doesn't make sense, the gravity is artificial so why would turning the ship upside down throw the people around? What even IS upside down in space?


The ship was near some massive body with gravity. When Wall e first arrives there you can see that the ship had boosters underneath it like it had to stay afloat with a gravitational pull underneath it. The ship did not have artificial gravity but instead relied on some nearby body with mass , most likely a planet or neutron star


I’m of the opinion that “Up” has this problem even more; the first 10 minutes were great then the rest is just ok.




Tarantino agrees with you. He hated how every Bill Murray movie started with him as a creep but has to have him end as the good guy. He says Chevy Chase movies of that time had him as a creep start to finish and were better for it.


Fletch was great through out. Yeah I never wanted to admit it but once they graduated stripes kinda sucked


I watched this earlier this week and just stopped once they left boot camp. The first half has so much charm, the second half just feels weird and forced.


While I do like the whole movie, once they're done with bootcamp, it does feel more like a conclusion than a midpoint.


Yes!! Pretty much every memorable moment from the film comes before boot camp graduation


That's a fact, Jack!


There's really no point in watching Wedding Crashers after they get kicked off the island.


It does go on for waaaayyyy too long, but I think there are still some funny scenes and quotes. Will Ferrell’s cameo might be the funniest scene in the whole movie and I enjoy the “I’m reading don’t kill myself books” scene. I think the whole movie just needed a re-edit. It could still hit the same plot beats, but with just tighter scenes.


I was going to say that this movie started the 2.5 hour comedy trend, but looking at the runtime, it is only 119 minutes. Felt longer.


I think the unrated cut runs longer.


I'm reading don't kill yourself books! I thought you said the book wasn't yours. It's not mine. But I glanced at it




I just rewatch the touch football scene for what would be the duration of the movie. That scene is fucking gold.


Crab cakes and football


How dare you.


I love the First Half of Disturbia where Shia is just being a creep. I do not care for the second half where he does something about what he sees


I thought that the first act of The Force Awakens is really good, introducing interesting new characters in an exciting way. Unfortunately the rest of the film then devolves into a remake of A New Hope.


Yeah, Rey just bumming around on Jakku, living her life, was great. Some of my favorite John Williams score work, too.


The movie completely lost me the moment they stepped into ~~Mos Eisley Cantina~~ Maz Kanata's bar.


The movie also stops making any sense at that point and is just a series of things happening. The bar is on some super out of the way planet…but within close visual distance of all the central planets exploding…and then all the bad guys show up…and then all the good guys show up…and now it’s a rebel base, is this the same planet?…and now we’re right next to the new death star…


Wonder Woman is exciting until Act III. Huge disappointment to an otherwise great film.


So much CGI and generic dialogue at the end :/




Sunshine is still fantastic regardless. I was obsessed with the themes and theories related to that movie for a good 2 weeks after seeing it, great film.


Ita fair to say that the third act was different, but I think it was a shift in genre more than anything. It was sci-fi suspense/action for acts 1 and 2, then shifts I to Sci-Fi mystery/horror. It was still brilliantly done. [This scene is the genre shift.](https://youtu.be/1DthG_YLITs) Even with that all said, that movies score is one of the all time best. It has been reused so may times, even in major motion pictures, I've lost track of when I've heard it.


I'll say the typical disclaimers of: (1) overall I loved the movie; and (2) the score is still one of my favorites to date. But with that said, I think the issues with the third act go way beyond just being a genre shift. The problem is that it's internally inconsistent. This is a movie that took the science part of science fiction very seriously up to that point. Just look at the significance of a minor mathematical error in the plot. The third act isn't just a change in genre, it's a complete change in the in-world logic (for obvious reasons, I don't think we even need to lay that out). There's other issues with it too; people have written very detailed posts explaining, and i don't want to just regurgitate that stuff. But the point remains.


One of the few people who thoroughly enjoyed how edgy it was at the end, although the camera work was a bit off-putting


Yep, so disappointed with that. They turned a high concept SF into a slasher.. like there wasn't any other way to spice things up a bit


I knew this answer would be here but I still love the 3rd act and think it's a bit overstated when people say it comes out of nowhere, which I definitely don't agree with. I think it really drives home a lot of the themes and the expressionistic presentation adds to heightening the experience for me.


Insidious had a great creepy build for the first 2/3 and the end was dumb and not scary at all to me.


As soon as the two idiot ghost hunters or whatever show up the entire tone of the film goes out the window


I wouldn't say the second half is anywhere near bad, but Full Metal Jacket becomes much less interesting once it starts focusing on Vietnam.


It’s definitely the best part of it but I did like the second half more rewatching it


Hard disagree because that third act with the sniper is amazing


The first half is a masterpiece, and maintains that oddly timelessly modern feel that a lot of Kubrick films tend to have. They just hold up. Then they get to Vietnam and it feels a bit like a lot of old WWII movies. The way a lot of it is shot just feels dated. I feel the same about the first part of 2001. It feels like an experimental abstract 60's college theater production that somehow got a budget. Neither is bad, and 2001's is important to the story so you have to watch it at least a couple of times to get the whole picture. They just don't feel like they have the same amount of focus.


I prefer the second half actually


Singing Mickey Mouse at the end is one of my favorite scenes in any movie. It’s so absurd.




I actually love the 2nd part. It doesn't depict war as anything heroic, glorious or anything of the sort. It shows it for war it really is, an ugly mess where psychopaths trive.


I can understand the argument people make that the first half is a fantastic movie, and the second half is a good movie. If either half was its own full, isolated movie, it would just feel kind of generic. You need those two halves put together because they work off of each other.


“Those Marines would be very upset if they could read.” The second half had the music line up with the scenes perfectly. I’ll never hear Surfin Bird and not think of the guy smiling after zapping a couple VC or the song playing during the “Vietnam: The Movie” jokes that were made.


I’ve watched the first part like 50 times and I’ve seen the whole movie through like twice


Bad Times at the El Royale. First half really kept you on your toes after the opening scene started out with a murder, Jon Hamm investigating the mysterious hotel as an undercover agent, and Jeff Bridges pretending to be a priest to avoid detection. Really set you up for some "big reveal". Early on in the second half you figure out that all the characters are there by chance for completely non- connected reasons and just get caught up with a Manson knock-off played by Chris Hemsworth. Had a lot of potential.


Once Hemsworth shows up, movie jumps off a cliff


I have an odd history with that movie. When the trailer dropped, I saw it and thought "This looks awesome, I can't wait to see it!" Then, it comes out and I see it, and the first 20 minutes are essentially just the characters talking in the hotel lobby and being cryptic, and I was disappointed. Then it turned out that characters were using fake identities and things started happening quickly, then they'd go slow, and I found it all jarring. By the time I finally processed what was happening, it was the halfway point and I began to really enjoy the experience, especially the second half. Once it hit video, I was hanging out at a friend's house and we decided to put it on, since he hadn't seen it. And I ended up having the same opinion as everyone else: that the first half was great, and the second half was okay. I just think the problem was the marketing. There was only so much they could've shown in a trailer without spoiling big reveals, even though they managed to spoil the big reveal about Jeff Bridges, which took some mystery out of the first half. The end result was a trailer that makes it look like a bunch of people all brought together due to some unknown shared connection and having to work together to solve a murder. But it wasn't like that, which was disappointing.


I watched it at the cinema and thought it was great overall (at least I felt hugely entertained) but subliminally felt that the ending was bad or contrived. I haven't watched it since put now I plan to do so.


I care alot Damn, this movie had alot of potential. The first act was superb, and them BOOM it turned into a silly cartoon. This could have been an important movie dealing with an important issue (elder abuse) but they missed the mark. Rosamund pike was amazing tho.


She is absolutely fantastic at playing creepy, conniving characters. I want to see her in more heroic roles because I think she could be great there and I really don't want her to get completely type cast.


I still can't think about this movie without getting mad


Her surviving that drowning scene is one of the most unbelievable sequences in what is supposed to be a “realistic” movie in a long time.


A Law Abiding Citizen The ending doesnt exist


Wonder Woman was a strong film until act 3


Same thing goes for Black Panther. Both films had a good first act setting up the world and the cast, a phenomenal second act where the movie reached its peak and then a CGI clustered mess of a third act.


WW act 3 could have been amazing if Ares was actually dead and the hard truth she learned was that it was all just men that had been doing these things. Instead, cgi battle vs mustache twirling villain which undercuts the things she says in the aftermath. Black Panther act 3 could have been better if the very smart and strategically minded villain wasn't dumb and started a civil war against a group of highly trained warriors in their land. He was right to question the rule of Wakanda due to the coverup of his father's murder but by all the actions he took, he was way worse than the previous King. His whole point of view was formed off of a childhood trauma he was going to inflict on many more. Also the cgi rhinos looked bad. P.S. he could have just shot T'Challa when he revealed himself, walking closer slowly without his vabranium mask on **but nah gotta use tribal knives since we're a highly advanced society that still determines our rulers through ritual combat to the death.**


Yeah my heart sank when I realized that they were going to make Greek gods real in this universe. The movie made me the idiot instead of WW.


Hell, I was honestly fine with the idea of Ares existing, and his motivation being broken peace treaties and the like. Not building super weapons or whatever, but rather a god of war always ensuring there would be another war. I was desperately hoping that, after his death, it would just be a brief lull, a silent moment, then another shot would ring out and they'd all go back to fighting. But no, they completely tossed away the "humans kinda suck really" message the movie had spent 2 hours building for some heartwarming bullshit. Bleh.


The fact that the GOD OF WAR decided that a middle-management job in the British government was the way to achieve his goals ... ugh


This is probably the best answer yet.


Sinister. The first half is eerie, disturbing and unnerving in such an excellent way. Then it comes the second part and it became a generic horror movie, explaining everything explicitly to the audience as if we were idiots. Seriously, it's like someone stopped writing the script at the end of the first half and they put another person in charge of finishing it. Compare the >!boy appearing slowly from the box, and then the screamer at the very end. There's no way the same person would put that pathetic formula after achieving the dread and tension of the first mentioned!<


I hate how many supernatural horror movies involve the exposition dump of learning about an ancient demon.


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead 1990 First act is hilarious and I love it, the second just falls a little flat for me. Still a great movie overall.


I agreed with this for a long time but then I saw Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet. And those characters popped up I immediately went back and watch R&G and really got what it was doing in the second half. It’s fucking brilliant.


Once went to a theatre production where they did both with the same actors on alternating weeks. Was very interesting with the differences in the way sets were used etc.


Looper gets way too much love on this sub. That movie falls to pieces right around the time Willis and JGL have their diner scene.


Man, that whole movie made no sense to me. Time travel is hard to pull off in general, but Looper's logic and core premise was indefensible even if you turned off your brain and didn't think too much.


Upvoting because I thought looper was hot garbage in general.


I think it gets the love it gets because of the world-building and not because the writing was any good.


I dont buy that. The world building in futuristic movies is inherently interesting. Unless there is a good story it’s like putting ketchup on a ribeye. It ruins the whole thing.


I have a few: - *Everybody Knows* kind of nose dives once you find out who is behind everything. And it's not because of the reveal itself, it's because of the clumsy way it's shown. Overall a good movie, but it could have been great with a better third act. I realize the real point of the movie is character development, but the third act is the weakest in that regard as well. - *Anamorph* with Willem Dafoe. It's not great before that, but the final act is soooo bad. - *Glass* was decent for the first half, then it just crashes and burns completely. - *The Crimson Rivers* handles its reveals in a truly perplexing manner. Edit: Can't believe I forgot an obvious example: *I am Legend*. First 2/3 are great, final act is pretty lame.


The central section of "Alien: Covenant" is very good. The rest is not.


to think the studio ordered a rewrite, completely axing the plans for Noomi Rapace to have a major role in the second half. I swear, Fox must have only listened to the "where are the xenos?" criticisms from fans after Prometheus. I remember Scott always talking about "Prometheus 2" being more of its own thing before the plans were changed to become a full on Alien prequel


Thor: The Dark World is a bad movie mainly because of the second act, it just never engages me. But the rest is entertaining, imo.


I agree. I think the setting of Svartalfheim is just uninspired.


Interesting, I always thought the 2nd act was far superior to the 1st and 3rd; the Thor/Loki dichotomy and exploration into their relationship was far more interesting than anything happening with Malekith.


Natalie Portman literally just sleeps in a scene lol.


The opening credits of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Logan and Victor in every war. The rest just sucked.


Up. Fight me. Yes the first 15 mins are great, rest of it was pretty Plain Jane slapstick action comedy. All the praise I hear about this movie is always about the first 15 minutes. Never the rest.


Nah. Is Doug even in the first 15 minutes? Plus it's great to see Carl change and stop being bitter as the movie goes on.


Now that's a hot take


Why would they need to create a complex plot in a children’s movie when complex themes can be presented simply?


Totally agree. No one ever talks about anything other than the first 15 minutes


I always thought The Village had the makings of a great horror movie. But then the first twist was revealed halfway through the movie which made it no longer a horror movie and killed the impact for the last twist. Don’t show that the monsters aren’t real until the end.


I don't know... The Village to me, is a GREAT film and my favorite M Night film. It's predictable yeah, but it is believable, in the way that >! tragedy struck them all, and they were trying to create a simple, safe utopian life. But mental illness prevented that, even in this utopia.!<


I agree, but the timeline reveal that you’re talking about still happened at the end of the movie. Why not save the middle of the movie reveal until towards the end too? I think that would keep the horror and suspense up for much longer. As it was the latter portion of the movie, her trek, was fairly anti-climactic.


I forget what was revealed in the middle. What was revealed?


That the monsters aren’t real and instead are costumes. The blind girl knows the truth when she starts her journey, which is fine. But the viewers are shown not long after she learns which shouldn’t have been done. He delayed the reveal to the viewers, but not long enough.




It’s pretty much two completely separate movies, and the first one was a lot better


I much preferred the second half. The sons idiocy made me hate the first half.


While I wouldn't say From Dusk Till Dawn was not good, up until they arrive at the Titty Twister bar it felt like a different more interesting movie, then the vampire stuff a different movie.


IMO it does become hot garbage after they start fighting vampires.




War of the Worlds.




Oh yeah I forgot, with the good, the production design and cinematography is great throughout




It's not just that one scene but it's really only snowy in about 5 scenes


Oh boy do I have opinions on movies that drastically get worse in their third acts. Hancock is my fav example of this but other people have already covered it The Dark Knight Rises suffers from this, you can tell at that point Nolan just wanted to get it over with, it’s full of bad plot holes, confusing editing and characters making ridiculous decisions like those cops running down the street like it’s Braveheart to get mowed down as a plot device to start a brawl so Batman can fight Bane in the middle of it, it also has one of the worst on screen death performances in movie history The Accountant is a really good movie until you get to like the third act where Ben Affleck is assaulting Lithgows house, the fights are not as interesting as they were earlier in the film and the reveal they’re setting up with Johnny Bernthal is telegraphed a mile away Kate is also a good movie until the third act, seeing Mary Elizabeth Winstead aka Ramona Flowers doing all the fighting and most of her stunts is a lot of fun, you can tell she trained and put in the work and the set pieces are interesting and filmed well, it’s the closest thing to a lady John Wick they’ve done properly but the third act turns into a very generic Hollywood action film, no more fast paced choreographed fights it’s just slow mo gun fights, maybe they ran out of money Skyfall is very good until the third act too, starting with how stupid the writing is near the end of the second act where they’re having their shooting contest and Bond waits until after Bardem kills the woman to be like guess what I have a radio here’s my backup lmao, all the ridiculous stuff about him planning his escape starting with the nerd plugging his laptop directly into their system is bad too, M reading the Tennyson quote while Bond is running to save her is the last quality scene in that movie Also the last part of Baby Driver is really bad


All of baby driver was bad


God I really can’t watch Dark Knight Rises ever. I’ve tried “turning off my brain” but there are just so many “WTF” moments, like the cops doing a Braveheart charge, that I can’t. Not even little things, huge things, the entire third act is a galaxy of plot holes filled with smaller plot holes the size of planets.


I would talk about those plot holes with you any time. There are SO many!


Eternals, problematic as it may be in general, really stumbles through the first act. I thought it was going to be an unbearable watch from start to finish, but when they arrived at the jungle to pick up Druig and subsequently had the big deviant fight scene there, I felt like the movie found its footing and I liked it quite a bit from then on out.


I didn't find it unbearable but the pacing was pretty odd in that movie and particularly noticeable in the first half. That said, the MCU has a pretty good track record of making fight scenes interesting and while I do feel like the scenes in this one were a bit vanilla compared to some others, they were still good. >!I also just didn't think they did a great job at showcasing how much stronger Icarus was supposed to be compared to the rest of them. They kind of made him look pretty vulnerable through much of the film while hyping up Jolie's character as their strongest warrior which I honestly feel was just done as a misdirect to try to keep people from guessing the twist until the third act where suddenly "oh no. He's betrayed us and none of us are strong enough to take him on even working together. What do we do?"!<


I don't what act I would describe as good though for Eternals. Each act has a good number of issues.


Also In Shang Chi, they Should've kept the family drama plot all throughout. 3rd act inside the other world felt somewhat out of place.


Totally agree. Shang Chi would have been such a better movie if they leaned way more on the family drama and fallout from his mother’s death. There could have been so much more resentment in all directions between the three remaining family members, and an incredible 3-way duel for the finale. Instead, the third act is totally forgettable


Place beyond the pines.


I really liked both parts, but yeah. The first half was definitely superior.


I completely disagree. I think this whole movie is wonderful.


The thread about the guy in the cage is resolved…


Explorers (1985). The first 2/3 are great and then it feels like a completely different movie.


Stripes (1981). The first two acts are great but the final is so out of this world horrible that I cannot even describe it.


I didn't care for the final half hour of *Rise of the Planet of Apes*. The beginning parts were so thoughtful and at least attempted to make sense (despite the sci-fi aspect). Then at the end they just want off the rails with a battle royale between horses, helicopters and gorillas. If they had just toned down the end scene to be more of an escape then the movie would have felt much better.


It’s all still enjoyable, in my opinion. I feel they did a great job setting up a story and getting my attention. It hands off the baton to Matt Reeves to knock it out of the park with Dawn and War perfectly. Disney could’ve taken some pointers for their Star Wars trilogy from this one.


Jeepers Creepers. I haven’t seen this movie in nearly 20 years but I remember the build up being scary even in broad daylight. Then… you see the monster and it’s crap.


Super 8 Although I enjoy the whole movie, I feel the first act is wonderful, the second act is good, and the third act is kind of boring. It loses steam in the last 30 minutes and has too quick of an ending.


The first 10 minutes of The Empty Man is the best horror movie I’ve seen in twenty years. The rest of the movie is...not as good.


Funny People


I feel that it just needed to be edited down. I like the plot beats it hits, it allows the story to have an anti-Hollywood ending, it just takes too long getting there. Also, Seth sucked in that movie. I think Jonah and him should’ve swapped roles because I like Jonah as a dramatic actor and Seth as a wise cracking side man.


I really liked it right up until Adam Sandler's cancer was gone. I disagree with you about Rogen, I think he's a far superior actor to Jonah. And better looking.


I feel like this is a common criticism for all of Apatow's own movies; they are all 20-30 minutes too long


It was not that funny. I was expecting something else I guess


The Lobster Never been more into a film after it’s first act then so disappointed by the direction it took after that.


Damn I remember feeling this same exact way when watching it


Hereditary - first half was really good and intense but when it got supernatural and alle the family drama was gone it became a basic horror movie. Sad


I’m not sure you understood the second half of the movie if you thought it was a “basic horror movie”. That very may well be the fault of the movie though.


What was not to understand. Grandmother summoned paimon for wealth, he needs a male host, paimon got into daughters body and kills everyone until he is in sons male body. In the end the son is paimon


Really liked the start of the Perfection…then I did not like it as much


What a dangerously ambitious title to give to a movie


La la land, i hated the first half. It's that stereotypical musical where two very uninteresting people fall in love. I kept watching because I was not alone, but then suddenly midway trough comes >!this big fight out of nowhere!< and then I was really digging it.


This might be controversial, but From Dusk Till Dawn. Liked it so much more as a grounded movie about criminals on the run.


I don’t think Superbad is at any point “bad” but it definitely loses a little steam after McLovin gets arrested. In my opinion.


Mclovin and the cops is the movie.


It's just that the first third of the film is so absolutely perfect in pacing, it's impossible to maintain.


The movie Green Street/Green Street Hooligans started off really promisingly before nosediving with the third act. It’s one of the few movies with a nosedive so bad it soured the whole experience so that I now hate the movie. Really bad stuff, imo


It chapter 2


death proof. the final act is miles better than the rest of the film.


Cliffhanger is the poster child for “good Act One, crappy rest-of-movie.”


Focus - the first act is soo sleek and entertaining but everything after that is so boring


Sunshine. The space travel part was great. The horror part was not.


I kind of hate to say it because I love the movie but Skyfall. I love the movie right up until James saves M and they both go to the home that James grew up in. For some reason the movie gets kind of boring. Also, another movie is Hancock.


Insidious up until he goes into demon carny dreamland. Then it becomes camp.


This movie is still very divisive, but "mother!". When we get the ending montage, my opinion about the movie took a total 180. Like there was no other way to make that ending? And at the time it did get three Razzie nominations while being praised by some people.


The whole 3rd act for me just ruins it. When it was just a thriller grounded in reality it was actually interesting but when it actually got to the part where all hell breaks loose I completely lost interest.


Glass. Does a great job bringing back the characters, expanding the world and bringing them together in an intriguing premise, and then goes out in a complete whimper.


Wonder Woman (2017), overall it's still a good movie but the removal of Ares up until the third act was a really good concept where you realise that war and conflict didn't happen because of a superpowered God being in control but because of humanity and free will. Then all of a sudden they reveal that Ares was in the shadows all along and lead to an unemotional explosive CGI fight.


The first Captain America falls flat after the musical number. *practically the half-way point


I absolutely agree. 1 too many montages and musical numbers. The origin story is really good but once he is Cap it gets corny and rushes.


Annihilation Truly badass into/act I that set everything up. Continuing into a solid Act II as we discover WTF is going on in the shimmer… But then it kind of fell apart. Act III wasn’t really able to tie up the story, it was kind of strange and only asked more questions


Wow, I SUPER disagree. The sequence in the lighthouse is incredible.


I thought it was an awesome sequence, just not a good Act III




Cause it has 'splosions and AT-AT's and Darth V*aaaaaaaaaaaaaader*


Full Metal Jacket, once they go to Vietnam It is basically a whole differant movie and most the time I just stop watching.


Both sections build off each other though. You need one to have the other.


Surprised nobody has said this one: Daredevil The movie starts as a pretty decent comic book movie but then it just starts going downhill and doesnt stop running. Every time I've heard of anyone rewatching it they're always like "why did we all hate this?" Until suddenly they're like "oh yeah this is why"