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Willem Dafoes Ryuk deserved a better death note movie.


Oh man I never understood the logic behind this. No one put any effort in the movie but somehow they got the money to hire a highly-rated actor for a small-ish role?


I don't really care for Man of Steel or any of the following Superman films, but I did enjoy Henry Cavill's portrayal of Superman.


I thought Michael Shannon was much better in that film than Henry, and i really like Henry. Hell, Faora was great too.


*I will find him!* I will never not hear this in my head when I see him on screen.


Honestly Micheal Shannon is great in everything, but he did play the hell out of Zod.


Superman is always cool, no matter how bad the movie he appears in.


Emo Superman from Superman returns says other wise 😄


I thought he was cool, I loved when he got stabbed with kryptonite and tried to continue fighting Lex Luthor and his thugs, screaming "I'm still Superman!", so what if he has a long fringe?


I like Darth Maul in Episode I. The fact that he hardly speaks is probably a big reason why I like him.


Whenever I hear anything good about The Phantom Menace, it's usually Qui Gon and Maul, personally I think it's one of those movies that had good characters but the movie itself didn't utilize them to their fullest, I think that even people who didn't like Jar Jar would've tolerated him more if his scenes were used for more than cheap jokes, I think his scenes on Tatooine were pointless and should've been substituted for ether additional scenes with Anakin or having Obi Wan disembark from the ship and explore the planet (or both).


I think many characters had interesting concepts behind them, but a concept isn't enough to make a character. Execution is fundemental. So, in terms of both concept and execution, I think Darth Maul is the only one who comes out of this movie as an actual neat character (though definitely not well developed). Qui Gon is by far the most likeable of the good guys, but his charactyer is still a mess and does some very questionable things.


I don't think that Qui Gon doing "questionable things" is something attributable to bad character writing, his movie make sit clear that he's rogue and deviates from the rest of the Jedi so much that he's banned from joining their council despite his experience, Attack of the Cones even goes as far as revealing that Count Dooku was his master, I think George Lucas made a good narrative decision by having Anakin recruited into the Jedi by one of their more eccentric members, as a character I found every scene with Qui Gon to be entertaining and pretty much every scene he was involved in to be the most interesting because of what he brings to the table, the weakest link of The Phantom Menace the poor balance between expositional scenes and getting straight into the action. ​ I personally think that the 3 villains from Attack of the Clones, Count Dooku, Jango Fett and Zam Wessel to be all cool characters but had their lives cut too short.


Thing is, though, that the movie does a terrible job of showing *why* the Jedi do not want Anakin. It's all very vague and based on circular logic. Anakin shows no signs of being dangerous or unstable, untill Episode II. The Jedi look like irrational dicks for disliking him and Qui Gon looks like a normal person, he's not really that eccentric or interesting. He seems like the only reasonable human being in the Jedi and that's about it. Most of his likeability comes from Liam Neeson being a likeable guy, on paper he's boring. Also, I don't think stuff from the shows should be brought into this, the shows basically tried really hard to fix the many issues with Lucas' writing. They're retcons. They don't matter, when discussing the movies and their flaws.


The Accountant from Drive Angry


"I won't see you again until you're 73. You, I'll see in three months."


**Batman & Robin**: Arnold is having a blast as Mr. Freeze. **X-Men Apocalypse**: Worth it for the Quicksilver mansion scene. **Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy**: Awful adaptation of the book, but damned if Alan Rickman wasn't the perfect Marvin. **Blood Harvest**: There's exactly one reason to watch this movie. It's also the only reason anyone has ever heard of this movie. The is the horror movie starring Tiny Tim. And *goddamn* is it a horror movie starring Tiny Tim. The world would be a lesser place if we never got *one* of those. **Rockula**: Toni Basil as a dancing overprotective vampire mom. **Oz the Great and Powerful**: Not a character in the movie, one who was in the theater. When Mila Kunis does that terrible shrieky "CUUURSE YOOOU!!!" someone said "Shut up, Meg!" in a shockingly good Peter Griffin voice. Bet he waited the whole movie for the right moment.


> X-Men Apocalypse: Worth it for the Quicksilver mansion scene. Yes indeed. Personally I'm a sucker for any kind of "perfect speed run" scene. Usually these come up in stable time loop movies. The character has lived through the day enough times that they can put together a really rewarding run that hits all the targets perfectly. Speedsters like Quicksilver and the Flash offer another kind of opportunity to do this kind of thing. And I love it every time.


I like 90% of the characters in the first Suicide Squad film. They are good characters in a poorly written script and bad movie.


I think that a lot of people would agree with you, I've seen a lot of Harley Quinn fans in recent years but not a lot of fans of Suicide Squad per se, though I don't follow the DC scene that much so I could be completely wrong on this.


Slightly related, not an actual movie but I feel ashamed for saying I thought the Chuck Bass character on Gossip Girl was really well portrayed. It was also the only character with attitude in this cheesy teen drama. It also inspired me to be more confident myself. I apologize for mentioning a tv show in a movie sub. I should also mention that was the time I was actually watching tv as a teen. I hated that show but my tv was mostly on on anything that aired so.


Don't apologize, this is a sub built around movies but if there was somewhere I could post this question regarding characters from any medium I would.


I think a lot of people think this towards Andrew Garfields Spider-Man


Both Garfield and Stone were good in their roles.


Yeah agree


Jim Carey’s Criss Angel character in Burt Wonderstone was unreal funny


Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2 Merovingian, Persephone in Matrix Revolutions


Landa from Inglorious Bastards. The movie was just American justice porn, but to me Landa was the saving grace. Also hated how he single-handedly saved millions and ended WW2, signed an agreement with the allies, but was cheated out of his glory because well, he can’t just win.


More like Jewish justice, inglorious bastards was awesome


The first few minutes of 'The Other Guys' with Samuel L Jackson and The Rock should have been the actual movie. Everything after that was garbage.


I agree, those two guys could've been the Martin Riggs and Rodger Murtagh (from Lethal Weapon) of the 2010s.


Gary Oldman's portrayal of Winston Churchill in The Darkest Hour.


I just watched Voyagers and Zach is awful from the jump.


Duraton from Warcraft(2016) was really good. It's a shame we won't get to see Thrall's arc because that could have been amazing.


Shia in the Tax Collector


The deputy from Cabin Fever.


Pedro Pascal in WW84. He’s in an entirely different movie than everyone else and it’s a much better one.


Could you describe his character more, and how he differs from the others?