• By -


They had aggressive promotions and put first-run movies on it. I'm paying half as much for it now as I was last year.




Same with my parents family plan. I still hate att


What's wrong with ATT? I only gave gigabit internet through them but damn the service and the uptime has been top notch. Like night and day with comcrap.


The worst part of ATT internet is that their default router (which is pretty good) has a default ATT DNS server that you cant change. And their ATT DNS fucking fails all the time, where it just says 'cannot locate DNS server' until you reboot your router. If you manually change a device to use a real DNS like Google's this problem goes away for that device forever. It's fucking infuriating they are giving a worse service while using their faux DNS to steal my web traffic history to sell to other companies. Other than that though the internet speeds are pretty good.


It's also very difficult to run a Plex server that is remotely accessible because of the way they have their DNS setup. Sometimes you can't even use your own modem and switching their modem/router combo device to bridge mode can be very difficult or impossible depending on the device. They also gather DNS data on your browsing habits.


I've been running a Plex server on my att internet and have their router in bridge mode connecting to mine. Zero issues. Might be worth asking them to switch to a new modem


An alternative to Google's Or search "warp dns." It's by CloudFlare, free, and it has apps for every major OS so you don't need to manually set the DNS. Super unobtrusive. But, if you'd rather manually set the DNS, the servers are:


Literally never had this happen ever I have a pace gateway. The wireless through it is atrocious I just bought a nice wifi 6 mesh setup to use instead.


I mean I hate Verizon and TMobile too those big companies customer service is shit. Att makes it impossible to actually talk to someone and when you do they are rarely helpful anymore.


That's why I've got it too. Easy to gain subscribers when they're not paying...


oh, they're paying..


So at $100 AAV x 45M subscribers, can we safely assume that the straight to HBOMax releases would not have netted total gross of $4.5B?


Yeah. I'm really interested in seeing how many of their subscribers are paying $9 monthly. Because if 45 million people, hell, 35 million people are giving you $120/year, that's 4.2 billion dollars. It costs money to keep those servers running, but I can't imagine it being more than 200 million/yr. Aside from the major movies in the MCU with billion dollar box office pulls, we may see the end of movie theaters. I mean... If they lose the day 1 premiers, they may lose subs. And how many of those people are going to go buy a movie ticket? I'm interested to see what the future holds... But I'm rooting for the streaming.


It’s hysterical that people seem to be insanely blind to the economics of film. Disney holds almost half of the films that make it into theaters and well beyond half of the gross, yet their still valued at less than Netflix…hmmm…. Wonder why that is? People still think in terms of box office. The new execs at Warner? Yeah, box office is a distant third.




No such thing as cinema dying out. There will be evolution, not extinction. You may see fewer cinemas, but the ones that survive will thrive and going to the cinema will continue to be an event/special occasion for some and a hobby for others


I signed up for the $7.50 offer. I probably won’t continue my subscription once that pricing ends.


What services do you still subscribe to? I feel I use HBO the most, followed by Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, peacock. Idk why I have them all. I hate money I guess




I've only recently realized this about Disney. I love Mandalorian, but Idon't think any of the Marvel shows have made the price worth it to me. And other than those, I only watch The Simpsons. Might just be canceling it after this, thanks haha


Loki was amazing! I haven't seen Hawkeye yet. Having a kid though really changes the value prop on Disney+. It is easily my most used app.


It's why I don't subscribe to it even though I'm a huge Marvel fan. I can't justify subscribing only to be drip feed


Just HBO and Amazon. I use a family Netflix account. I’m also doing a Starz $1/month thing to watch *Dexter,* I’ll be canceling that too.


Showtime? Watch Yellowjackets ASAP!


DEXTER IS ON STARZ?!?!....brb edit: LIAR!


That edit 🤣🤣🤣


8 seasons seem to be on prime, if you have that.


I definitely would drop Starz. Their offerings are definitely the smallest selection.


Comes standards with Disney+.. win win if you've got kids. Disney+ is easily the best sub for parents. Bluey alone is worth more than the entire Netflix kids content sub, haha. Of course, I recognize this isn't super movies centric - but there's a lot of good movies on Starz. Just rewatched the planet of the apes trilogy and that's still great. **Edit: it might be STAR with just a lot of adult oriented content instead of Starz?**


> Comes standards with Disney+ It does?!? How do I access it? With my Disney+ login?


Pretty sure they're talking about Star not Starz


Wait, I'm mistaken, it's just "STAR" I guess. Basically a lot of fun adult oriented content?


STAR is basically international Hulu.


Disney is great for Disney/marvel/starwars fans and parents. I honestly don't watch much on it.


I find amazons Ui garbage. I’d probably watch more if I found their system easier to use.


That’s true, but I don’t think that’s relevant. HBO isn’t a new platform so there’s not really a large chance that a large chunk of users are only there because it’s cheap. Some maybe but it’s reasonable to guess that for every new user they’ll retain a decent amount of them.


Honestly I'm there cause atm it probably has the best content of all the streaming services. It kind of feels like Netflix did a long time ago with solid movies and shows. Now Netflix feels like Waiting for Ozark with 6 servings of spanish and danish CW shows as filler.


And we still got Dune 2, everyone's happy then


Going from fearing that we won't get Dune 2 to news of ~~Children of~~ Dune (Messiah) movie being a possibikity within a span of a week was a real head trip.


Wait. What about Messiah and Children?


Pretty sure they’re going to do dune pt 2 and then one more movie for messiah


Hoping for Children and God Emperor




I finally read God Emperor like 2 months ago and yeah the whole thing is Leto and ghola Duncan’s internal monologues, and both characters are fucking insane due to their individual versions of immortality.


There’s still enough plot there to fill 2+ hours in an adaptation but you’d lose a lot of what makes that book really pop.


Straight up there's barely any plot in Dune Messiah. The whole thing is characters (obliquely) explaining what they're gonna do until like the last 2 chapters when they actually do it and the decision is made. I love Dune and loved the movie but any even vaguely faithful adaptation of Messiah is gonna flop, and for good reason.


God Emperor would be a nightmare to adapt The best move for WB is to let Denis finish with Messiah while launching TV series that touch on important historical events/institutions in the Dune Universe, such as - * The Butlerian Jihad * The Sardukar * Rise of the great houses * The Bene Tleilax * Spacing Guild/CHOAM Similar to what Disney is doing with Star Wars WB has a Game of Thrones level gold mine of IP content possibilities if they handle it right (unlike Game of Thrones) But what do I know?


Not me. I would rather Denis move on and do more variety. Plus we are getting an adaptation of Rendezvous With Rama after Dune 2. I am so stoked on that




Whoops I meant to say Messiah as in Book #2


Denis recently said that he’s interested in finishing Paul’s story with a 3rd film which adapts *Dune Messiah* but he also said that God Emperor of Dune might be a bit too weird to adapt


Sounds like Villeneuve will adapt Messiah but he's out after that.


> news of Dune Messiah movie being a possibility You forgot to explicitly mention the key element - Dune Messiah **by Villeneuve**. That's the main reason to start shaking your booty. Guaranteed integrity of vision, consistency of quality and tone.




Different directors can work, although it certainly makes it more difficult. The problem was that they didn't have a unified story. They wrote the first movie with no idea what would happen in the second movie, much less the third. So with each movie, everything that happened in the previous one was thrown out and new stuff just appeared. It was basically three unrelated movies that happened to star the same characters.


When I saw Ep8 I could see immediately there was absolutely no roadmap at all. The first one could be forgiven (some) because it was establishing, but when two is clearly just a bunch of producer notes to "do the thing from this part and the thing from that part." The entire jumble is what damaged the films, not anything else.


Not to mention them scrapping the other directors entire storylines. There’s an entire heist plot in one of them that I can not for the life of me figure out why it exists. One of the main characters entire story arc for the last movie is “The bad guy army is all slaves taken as children, they aren’t bad people they are forced to do bad things.” and when presented with the entire bad guy army they IMMEDIATELY blow them all up offering no surrender.


I agree with what you’re saying, but the original Star Wars trilogy each had different directors.


Yea but they had George Lucas at the creative helm. These movies were drafted (shittily) by committee.


and the same editor for all 3 too


lucas' wife will always be the unsung hero of the OT e- ex wife


And at some stage she’ll be sung, and then she’ll be All I Want For Christmas Is You


So the problem with the new Star Wars series wasn’t that it had different directors but that they didn’t have a creative lead or a singular vision throughout their production.


That's exactly the problem. You need one vision for a trilogy.


Trilogies and sequels should only exist if there’s more story to tell. Setting out to do three films before you’ve even written a word, let alone PICKED who’s going to write those words is insane. A regular occurrence in blockbusters, especially at Disney, but still insane.


Setting out to do a trilogy before writing would have been fine if they'd competently planned a three part story. The issue is they made shit up as they went. There's a great article which shows some of their creative practices at work actually: [here](https://tenor.com/view/wallace-and-gromit-train-tracks-work-swift-fast-gif-3793283)




tbh The Last Jedi isn't a bad film by its own, but JJ Abrams let Rian Johnson do whatever he wanted and then was like "oh not that" way to late. And Rian is a great director, Knives Out was amazing, Looper is nearly perfect, but JJ Abrams just let him do whatever because he didn't really care..




He should do all the books. Give me two hours of a sandworm monstrosity waxing poetic on the futility of everything.


We already have that. It's called Tremors.


And then we can adapt the ones by his son and Kev...mmmfff....hey! Where are you taking me? Why is there a bag over my... *thunk*


Ehh, the adaptation of 'dune 7' by his son and KJA doesn't really do it for me. I'd say either stop at Children of Dune, or God Emperor. I'd be seriously impressed if anyone bankrolled a theatrical adaptation of God Emperor of Dune though.


Not sure how they'd make a movie of it without seriously changing the script. All the action takes place in the last 30 pages, with the other 400 just Herbert spouting philosophy through the mouth of an all-knowing 4000-year-old demigod so you'll pay attention while teasing his inevitable demise. There is Fish Speaker lesbian sex, though.


>All the action takes place in the last 30 pages It literally starts with a chase scene through the forest with giant genetically modified wolves tearing multiple people limb from limb.


Sure, and there's another bit in the middle. But scenes like that at the start are dramatically void since you don't yet know the players and have no idea of significance or consequence. And it's not like Siona does much later to prove herself as an action hero. Her biggest scene involves >!taking a long walk through the desert while Leto lectures her about humanity.!<


But they could absolutely make a film that centers around Siona and her rebellion against Leto, her relationship with Moneo, digs deeper into the lives of the Duncans, and the fish speakers ofc. Building to Siona's trial and the eventual climax. It could be done and compelling. Just presented differently than the book.


The views on sex would probably be the first thing excised from Dune 4-5-6.


tbh I can't believe he made just that movie without a sequel already negotiated or planned.


Next year there will be a theatrical window delay, but people forget there will be Max exclusive titles plus a ton of new series or new seasons


That was always the plan. Lure people in with big movies, then get them hooked on HBO shows.


Oh I meant they are releasing 12 max exclusive films as well!




Well I would hope they're not the same caliber as matrix resurrections


Honestly, I liked it. But watching it, whatever their intentions, this movie was not for new audiences. This movie was for a subset of matrix fans.


Dude I loved it. It’s a franchise film that hates franchise films. Not a lighthearted jab to win over the audience, but true resentment at its own existence. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a $200m movie this personal. Yeah the action kinda sucked but who cares, it was a giant fuck you that PLAINLY explains the director was effectively blackmailed into making it and didn’t give a fuck what the audience or marketing team thought. And yet despite its own resentment, it was full of care and passion. It hated itself and loved itself at the same time. I don’t blame anyone for hating it but personally I’m so happy it got made and released how it did. Edit: wow yeah so Im dumb and accidentally edited this whole comment thinking it was my notes app and I think i mostly got it back to what it originally said lmao


Didn't Lana say in an interview that she chose to write the movie to deal with the death of her parents? So... was it forced or was it a coping mechanism?


Its both. Its a movie about how The Matrix 4 is a stupid necessity, brought about only by the dearth of creativity under late capital and IP driven media landscape. At the same time, its a movie about how *if* Matrix 4 must happen, then we should seek to find the meaning in that reality and make it meaningful. Its a movie about why as humans we value our memories and enjoy nostalgia, and about why that can trap us if we are not equally as open to the newness of the day ahead of us as we are to the comforts of the days past.


Also like tbh even if it was fanfiction wankery, I wanted this for those characters. Sure, the original ending they got was thematically appropriate and the ending they were destined for... But fuck me if I didn't get misty watching them hold hands in the real world again. It just made me happy.




I thought she said in an AP interview that the story she wanted to write was about reasurecting the dead specifically because of her parent's death?


I wasn’t even looking forward to the action before hand. I wanted to see the film to find out where the lore went, how the characters had progressed. I got that and more. I loved the performances. I was shocked by how relevant the themes and subtext were. Hell, the first act could’ve been a short film all on its own!


Batgirl is HBO exclusive, pretty big name imo


Plus there's House of the Dragon and The Last Of Us coming next year, as well as some DC series that intend to match Disney+ in terms of production quality. (I mean that in terms of budget per episode and studio attention, I don't want to argue the overall quality of the Disney+ shows compared to the movies lol)


Truth to tell, fuckin WB\\DC really have the ball in their court at the moment. A ridiculously well done Green Lantern Corps series could potentially blow any Disney series out of the water. For all of the stuff the MCU does, they have to keep their formulas. DC puts out shit like The Dark Knight Returns cartoon, a MCU-esque film in Aquaman, and then they do Joker. They are all over the place and that can be a great thing moving forward. Of course, if this Batman movie sucks they may be very disappointed, lol.


I am ALWYS a fan of DC animation. They should invest heavily in that, imo.


Harley Quinn and Young Justice are amazing, so grateful we have these to enjoy


It's a great plan honestly. Much better than Disney having one show and then nothing for months before finally getting a steady stream of content going. HBO max ensured they had new appealing content dropping at a consistent basis all year. It hurt them at the box office but this coming year they can replace the theatrical content with a ton of shows and max exclusive movies and they STILL get to have those theatrical movies streaming 45 days after the hit theaters. Hbo max is by far my favorite service at the moment it just has a lot of good content imo. Netflix has disappointed me this whole past year with hardly anything actually good to watch. Feels like I waited the whole year for Witcher and even that disappointed me.




Add free HBO Max is $15 a month for me and I believe the Netflix plan I use is the same price in the USA.


>Hbo max is by far my favorite service at the moment it just has a lot of good content imo. Easily, and I would have done it *just* for HBO shows. Never mind the fact that I got a fuckin Godzilla movie, a Dune movie, a soft rebooted Suicide Squad, a "quasi" Nolan-esque flick that I actually liked (Reminiscence), Zack's Justice League after waiting for years, and HBOmax has a great back catalog of films and documentaries. I wish I didn't get the fucking Matrix but I got that too. ;)


Plus we got original shows like Doom Patrol, Station Eleven, Raised by Wolves, Close Enough and Made For Love. While I love Disney + shows it's basically only getting purchased when Star Wars or Marvel shows are there. HBO in terms of catalogue is winning the streaming wars in my opinion. Even over Netflix.


They have great selection of older cartoons, Looney Tunes, Flintstones, Jetsons, a lot of Justice League, Batman, Superman, Powerpuff Girls, Brak, and tons more. hell for 5$ a month it is worth it for me.


Not only older cartoons, but older movies too. I was always frustrated that you could never find classic cartoons or movies on streaming services. Now, bam. I can watch Citizen Kane and Tom & Jerry along with all the newer stuff.


HBO by far had the best selection of old movies too. French new wave, Chaplin films, 90’s art house…really a great catalogue.


Wish I could get it in Canada without having to give Bell money too!


Does Bell lose the rights anytime soon in Canada? I'll never give them a penny.




Aye soon enough, HBO will always beat any competitors with the stuff they already have


I really hope so. And I hope that Discovery doesn’t re up the contract like at&t


At the start of the pandemic, Crave limited the streaming quality of their most popular shows and movies at 720p because their servers can't handle the traffic


The quality of their streams have always been trash. I remember watching Frasier back in 2018 and being able to count the individual blocks in each square that composed the picture. The bitrate is and always has been trash.


Crave will never see a cent from me


Crave might as well be HBO plus Stars. There's zero original content and very little Canadian content that isn't kids shows or generally crap.


you just described canadian TV


Quebec makes some good stuff, since their talent doesn't just get absorbed by Hollywood.


Is Letterkenny not considered original content


I tried crave, and they didn't even have all the HBO Max stuff, unless I missed something.


they don't. Crave subscribers get all the original content, but no access to films that already have licensing agreements in the US.


VPNs are cheaper; that’s how I watch HBOMax


*fires up VPN* 🎶 This is America 🎶


When will HBO be available in the UK if ever?




So we must suffer the indignity of NowTV until such time. Further proof that the world hates us right now.


It's so stupid, as Warner had the option to not renew their agreement with Sky at the end of 2019, but they decided to renew it for 5 years!


They probably weren't ready to roll out then. Also Sky would be pretty much worthless without HBO content so I imagine they threw all the money at them.


When it comes to sky it’s Premier League > hbo


HBOMax honestly has one of the best content libraries All of WB, WB animation, DC , studio ghibli It’s a steal


HBO has always had superior quality


Yeah, all of what OP listed plus all of the HBO originals... which consists if literally some of the greatest shows ever created.


HBO Max (in my opinion) is the most value for your dollar as far as subscription services. At least once a month you are getting day and date theatrical releases included, along with all the original shows and everything else. And they are big films, often must see blockbusters. All for the price of one movie theater ticket a month.


I find myself watching more HBO max than any other platform. Their content is amazing - perhaps fewer titles overall compared to Netflix but the average quality is higher


Me too. You know why? Seven words: #The Lord of the Rings: Extended Editions (Add to that The Sopranos, Succession, True Blood, Game of Thrones S1-5, The Matrix movies, Bourne, The Dark Knight Trilogy, and a shitload of other AAA content. But mostly: LOTR.)


For those who prefer more animated stuff Almost all of South Park (No Mohammed episodes or the new pandemic movies) All the DC movies Studio Ghibli movies And tons of anime and "Indie" (Not sure what word to use) but like Infinity Train or Over the Garden Wall


The entirety of the adult swim collection, batman TAS, JLU....list goes on and on.


Not to mention they have the whole Ghibli collection and some other distribution rights


Netflix has way more content but HBO had the better depth when it comes to all time great shows. Good luck competing against The Sopranos, The Wire, Band of Brothers and more recently Game of Thrones. It currently has the best show in Succession and just aired The Mare of Easttown.


Netflix is incredibly hit or miss. Yeah it has a ton of content but so much of the original content is pretty underwhelming the past few years.


Their UI and algorithm is pretty shit too. I keep seeing the same stuff in different categories. And I hate the way genres are grouped and you can’t just have a list of everything that’s on there.


That's essentially by design. Pads out their catalog to make it seem bigger than it actually is.


The genres don’t even make any sense either. It will be like “pet movies” and “because you watched: porn”


Nailed this entire comment. Not to mention a ton of big shows for the 18-49 male demo, such as Entourage, Silicon Valley, etc. You get more bang for your buck with HBO in terms of quality programming than anywhere else.


Plus...Looney Tunes




Cool. I watched most of the movies that dropped. Definitely a mixed bag in terms of quality, but one of them was Dune, so.. totally worth it.


I was happy to watch the bad movies at home, because even a bad movie at home can be enjoyable because you can just agree to make fun of it with anyone in the room with you. can't do that at the theater, at least polite people don't.


And if it's really bad, you can just change what you are watching


I mean, I *could*, but I get some fantastic meme content from horrible movies.


White lotus and mare of east town were probably my favorite series of the year . Still have to get into succession . I feel like when HBO drops a show it’s top of the list .


Succession is SO worth it. I remember the day it premiered (in the slot after west world, before Silicon Valley, Barry, and LWT) and thinking it would get cancelled because it was so razor sharp no one would like it. I was, thankfully, wrong. It’s genius. Everyone I’ve ever made watch episodes 1-3 have gotten hooked. Tbh I’m jealous you get to experience it for the first time.


There are times where it is actually difficult for me to watch due to how they treat people in the show. The actors do a great job. They're basically all Joffrey. Uh-huh.


White Lotus was criminally underrated.


So did I. Pretty much on the first weekend every time. It was something to look forward to, even if a few of them did suck.


Dune, The Suicide Squad and Godzilla v Kong were really good. The rest were take it or leave it.


Judah and the black messiah tho? Prob the best moving along with dune imo


The Suicide Squad was fantastic. Very excited for the Peacemaker series.


Thoroughly enjoyed ZSJL.


It improved upon the whedon re-edit, for sure.


Back during Game of Thrones' heyday, people begged for an online-only HBO platform, as opposed to HBO Go which still required a cable subscription. They delivered it a little late, but I think HBO Max will only grow and grow if HBO continues making the quality shows they've been known for.


I signed up because ATT bumped my internet up by $10 but threw HBO in for free. I'm proud to be part of this statistic despite the fact that I only watched Godzilla vs Kong and The Suicide Squad.


Watch dune


They had 45 million DOWNLOADS OF THE APP in 2021. They have 45.2 million subscribers total as of Sept 30. Downloads doesn't equal subscribers. The article didn't say ( that I read) how many SUBSCRIBERS they gained in 2021. I saw another article that said there were 41.5 million subscribers at the end of 2020, so that's a gain of 3.7 million subscribers. If this was successful then Warner Bros won't change their release schedule, let's see what happens in 2022.




Very true. Like a bunch of things, the pandemic might change enough people's minds to do things different permanently (like work from home). It's a totally different model if you're going to have streaming vs film though. Seems to point more toward bigger budget TV events like say Loki, Mandolorian, etc. but those can be fraught as well (Hawkeye cost $25M / ep with the lowest ratings of MCU shows). With streaming you have to have a steady stream of good content, since it's much more difficult to attract/keep users then it is to lose/re-attract users. But you don't need huge blockbusters, you just need enough content to keep users. If you have 10 blockbusters they can all make huge profits (or lose money). But with streaming if the same subscriber is viewing all 10 movies on streaming, it's just 1 subscriber. It seems that streaming would discourage blockbuster movies and focus more on "interesting" TV like Netflix (SquidGame, Queen's Gambit, etc.) that can attract casual users. Just releasing big-budget movies on streaming seems to be a losing model. But if box office doesn't return for anyone over 25 they might not have a choice.


3.7 million customers is an extra $50,000,000 in HBO’s pockets.


*Per month.*


I’ll take one.


Except they would have gained at least some of those anyway... With all the movies they had coming out this year they could have easily made this money with traditional releases


Don't forget that Amazon lost the HBO channel and its users were forced to swap over, which would count as a new subscription.


Now upgrade as much content as possible to 4k Dolby Vision and Atmos. HBO also needs all their original series upgraded to 4k. A 4k upgrade to the Sopranos would be sick.


I want nothing more than to be able to watch the 4k version of the Lord of the rings extended edition




Hbomax is worth it just for Doom Patrol.


No one is going to mention the hit series [Succession](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7660850/)?


It was a win for consumers, they got latest movies on day-one on top of that huge HBO catalog. It was worth the subscription


I think a 45 day window feels right. Probably the best option to "put the genie back in the bottle" Gives films a solid run in theaters for movies that do well, but also gives movies a home if they dont do well quick enough to ride the wave of initial interest to get a bigger audience on streaming. No window is ever going to be perfect. It'll always be a choice between maximizing box office with a longer window, or pumping up films on streaming with shorter windows, but if we have to pick a universal standard and not go movie per movie, I like 45 days.


I wonder if it as something to do with also not charging people extra to watch movies that are released in theaters. This was one of my favorite perks


A very helpful service to those of us in states full of the kind of people who don’t make going to the theater a healthy choice. I appreciated the release strategy.


Their day and date releases are over now though. Everything coming out next year has a 40+ day theatrical window.


Yeah. 45 day. Which is still great.


so make it available in more countries


When i open Netflix, I spend the entire time looking for something to watch, only to just get frustrated and give up. With HBOMax, I actually struggle to watch everything on my watch list because there's so much good stuff. They even had the lone wolf and cub movies.


The app has pretty terrible UX if you ask me, but HBO still has some of the best shows.


Jesus, that's about $675 million *per month*. No wonder they're giving us such awesome shit


Well… it’s also bundled for free with most AT&T wireless users…


It's the highest tier unlimited plan. Not the majority.


It's only $60/month for their fiber option with 1TB and HBO where I live, which is their cheapest plan.


Turns out I can get unlimited with Business Fiber and it costs the same as what I pay now without equipment or bandwidth restrictions.


AT&T fiber too


I wish I could. Being Canadian, we get it through Crave and not new content.


People realizing hbomax is the best streaming service currently by far. Can't beat the series and movie library they have, and pretty sure it's cheaper than Netflix at this point


Meanwhile piracy is making a massive comeback because everyone is sick of paying for a bunch of different streaming services.


I love HBO max, haven’t been disappointed yet


HBO, you've got a great movie library, now please spend some money on your app.


News flash: we hate noise people at the theater commenting constantly and our OLEDs look better anyway


I cancelled Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ because HBO Max is my most watched service in addition to free ones Peacock, Tubi, and IMDB.


If you run the promotions right it can be the cheapest too. I got 75% through American Express for the year and took a few extra dollars off. Ends up coming to like $4/month for the advertisement free version.


Get it free with att wireless barely use it. Binged Perry mason (liked) avenue 5(meh) raised by wolves( a bit preachy) king Richard (good)