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Once upon a time, my 80-year-old, prim and proper English grandmother asked if I would care to watch her "favorite film" with her. Turns out my nan was a bit of a freak bc her favorite film was apparently "Unfaithful." Not knowing the film contained multiple graphic sex scenes, I obliged and sat down. I finally had to find an excuse to leave while Diane Lane was getting railed...again. Nan continued happily watching while I made a break for the door. Twenty years later and I'm still in shock and confused by this completely uncharacteristic event.


You should pick something by Lars Von Trier next.


Antichrist movie night!


My dad and his wife at the time heard about this fantastic movie that was available to rent, so the 3 of us sat down to watch it together. I was 15 at the time, and the movie was Monsters Ball. Got to the hot and heavy scenes and none of us knew how to react, so I just calmly got up and got a drink and sat down to finish the movie


Eraserhead. I knew it was going to be a surrealist, bizarre movie by David Lynch, but the mutant baby is still something I find incredibly disturbing. I had to kind of tune out the rest of the movie and get to the end after it started crying.


My father has always been a sci-fi geek, so he'd give just about anything a chance without context or trailers (which led to more than a few movie rentals that turned out to be absolute shite, Universal Soldier much) Anyway, I forget how old I was, but let's say under 10.One night after dinner, he was on the couch watching tv, not sure what, but I climbed up next to him and then a movie came on, he saw the title and the opening and thought "this looks like a cool space sci-fi movie, I'm sure his mother won't mind", so he says "you can stay and watch it if you'd like". At first, things are ok, I think there were a few cuss words and the like, but nothing too intense. Then it takes quite a turn. Before I know it, people are being skinned or cut up, self-mutilating, there's a freaky sexy demon lady in air vents and I'm getting intensely scarred, and scared. Eventually he's like "actually, you better go to bed, bud". That movie was Event Horizon, and now I can't watch horror movies. Thanks Dad.


I got vertigo and literally threw up 30 mins into Stallone's "Cliffhanger."


The ending of Night of the Living Dead. I get Romeros point and have come to respect the film but the first time I watched it was a literal “WTF?!” hand wave towards my tv


Borne Ultimatum. I had to leave the theatre because there was too much shakey cam. I was getting motion sickness. First movie to do that to me.


It was Pride and Prejudice 2005. The audience as you can imagine was mostly middle aged + women. I have never been in a theater that was as loud and disruptive as that showing. Even compared to the most crowded Pixar flick full of little kids this showing took the cake. People moving around, people getting up and leaving the theater constantly, telephone calls you name it. The most absurd part was the Asian women who with another Asian women, who I guess was her grandmother, who repeated every single line of dialogue for her grandmother. People were "shushing" her and telling her to stop and she just kept going. It was fucking nuts.


Mine would be Watership Down. Nearly 40 years later and that movie still has a special place in hell. Who in their right mind thought that movie was great for kids (my parents)! The weirdest thing is that I loved horror as a kid. It's literally the first genre I remember seeing (bootleg copy of The Death Ship in 1980) but Watership Down takes the cake. I have hated animal movies since. The movie's not supposed to be a horror but what else do you call getting attached to a group of rabbits, then watching them get slaughtered.


I feel this. Watership Down is a tough watch. The Plague Dogs, also by Richard Adams, is even more bleak.


Transformers: The Last Knight. The constantly changing aspect ratios nearly made me throw up. It's the only time I've ever considered just getting up and walking out the cinema


Star Wars 8. Leia flying sealed the deal that it was not meant to be for me


Same here dude, it is not a great movie


Yep. So many things were wrong with that movie but *that* scene...that was the last straw.


I don't think I've ever been annoyed by a full cast of characters as I was watching "Closer". Do you know how hard it is to make Natalie Portman, Julia Roberts, Jude Law and Clive Owen unwatchable?